Source code

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 * Copyright 2016 Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC)
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

package org.indigo.cdmi.backend.radosgw;

import org.indigo.cdmi.BackendCapability;
import org.indigo.cdmi.CdmiObjectStatus;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Implementation of GatewayResponseTranslator interface which translated responses achieved from
 * {@link LifeModeBackendGateway}.
 * @author Gracjan Jankowski (
public class JsonResponseTranlator implements GatewayResponseTranslator {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonResponseTranlator.class);

    private static final String JSON_KEY_NAME = "name";
    private static final String JSON_KEY_TYPE = "type";
    private static final String JSON_KEY_METADATA = "metadata";
    private static final String JSON_KEY_ALLOWED_PROFILES = "allowed_profiles";

    private static final String URI_CAPABILITIES_DISCRIMINANT = "cdmi_capabilities";

    private static final String CDMI_OBJECT_TYPE_CONTAINER = "container";
    private static final String CDMI_OBJECT_TYPE_DATAOBJECT = "dataobject";

     * Maps QoS profile name to associated URI. 
     * @param profileName Name of profile
     * @param cdmObjectType Type of CDMI object (container or dataobject).
    private String profileToUri(String profileName, String cdmObjectType) {

        return "/" + URI_CAPABILITIES_DISCRIMINANT + "/" + cdmObjectType + "/" + profileName;


     * Maps names of profiles from prifilesNames JSON array to comma separated sequence of 
     * associated URIs.
     * @param profilesNames JSON array of profiles' names
    private String profilesToUris(JSONArray profilesNames, String cdmiObjectType) {

        StringBuffer rv = new StringBuffer();

        log.debug("In profilesToURIs(): {}", profilesNames);

        for (int index = 0; index < profilesNames.length(); index++) {

            String profileName = profilesNames.getString(index);
            log.debug("Processed profile name: {}", profileName);
            String capabilityUri = profileToUri(profileName, cdmiObjectType);
            if (index > 0) {
                rv.append(", ");

        } // for()

        return rv.toString();

    } // profilesToURIs()

     * Retrieves object type from passed JSON object. 
     * The assumption is that profileInfo represents QoS profile in JSON format. 
     * @param profileInfo QoS profile description as JSON object (in JSONObject format).
     * @return String which represents object type of derived from profileInfo 
     *     (object type is container or dataobject).
    private String retriveObjectTypeAsString(JSONObject profileInfo) {

        String typeAsString = profileInfo.getString(JSON_KEY_TYPE);
        return typeAsString;


     * Basing on passed profileInfo, creates object of type BackendCapability.
     * @param profileInfo Profile described in JSOSObject.
     * @return Object of BackendCapability derived from passed profileInfo.
    private BackendCapability createBackedCapability(JSONObject profileInfo) {

         * determine value of name parameter to be used with BackendCapability 
        String profileName = profileInfo.getString(JSON_KEY_NAME);

         * determine value of type attribute to be used with BackendCapability
        BackendCapability.CapabilityType type = null;
        String typeAsString = profileInfo.getString(JSON_KEY_TYPE);
        switch (typeAsString) {
            type = BackendCapability.CapabilityType.CONTAINER;
            type = BackendCapability.CapabilityType.DATAOBJECT;
            throw new RuntimeException("Unknown capability type");

         * create new instance of BackendCapability 
         * (it is empty for now, the metadata and capabilities properties have to be created, 
         * populated and passed to the BackendCapability object)
        final BackendCapability returnBackendCapability = new BackendCapability(profileName, type);

         * create capabilities object (to be populated and injected into returned BackendCapability)
        Map<String, Object> capabilities = new HashMap<>();

         * Add always present capabilities
        capabilities.put("cdmi_capabilities_templates", "true");
        capabilities.put("cdmi_capabilities_exact_inherit", "true");

         * create metadata object (to be populated and injected into returned BackendCapability)
        Map<String, Object> metadata = new HashMap<>();

         * iterate through metadata in profileInfo and populate capabilities and 
         * metadata in BackendCapability object
        JSONObject metadataObj = profileInfo.getJSONObject(JSON_KEY_METADATA);

        log.debug("Processing metadata array from profile returned by BackendGateway");

        Iterator<?> keys = metadataObj.keys();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {

             * get key name for current item in metadata array
            String key = (String);

             * get value assigned to the current key, and convert the value to String
             * NOTE: The convention is required because returned value can be for example of array type 
             * or of another JSONObject, it not necessary has to be String, so usage of 
             * metadataObj.getString(key) would be wrong 
            Object valueObj = metadataObj.get(key);

            log.debug("Current metadata key: {}", key);
            log.debug("Current metadata value: {}", valueObj);
            log.debug("Metadata value class/type is: {}", valueObj.getClass());

             * Create key and value to be added to capabilities.
             * Separate variables for key and value objects are introduced deliberately 
             * to note that in future or in case of any special values, an additional 
             * logic / calculation can be required to obtain key and value to be used 
             * with capabilities map 
            String cdmiCapabilityKey = key;
            String cdmiCapabilityValue = "true";

             * add "calculated" key and value to the capabilities map
            capabilities.put(cdmiCapabilityKey, cdmiCapabilityValue);

             * see above comments for capabilities related keys and values
            String cdmiMetadataKey = key;
            Object cdmiMetadataValue = valueObj;

             * add "calculated" key and value to the metadata map
            metadata.put(cdmiMetadataKey, cdmiMetadataValue);

        } // while()

        //capabilities.put("cdmi_capabilities_allowed", "true");

         * process allowed profiles
        try {

            JSONArray allowedProfiles = profileInfo.getJSONArray(JSON_KEY_ALLOWED_PROFILES);
            String profilesUris = profilesToUris(allowedProfiles, retriveObjectTypeAsString(profileInfo));
            log.debug("allowedProfiles: {}", allowedProfiles);
            log.debug("profilesURIs: {}", profilesUris);

            metadata.put("cdmi_capabilities_allowed", profilesUris);

        } catch (JSONException ex) {

            log.debug("No {} key in processed JSON document", JSON_KEY_ALLOWED_PROFILES);

        } // try{}


        return returnBackendCapability;

    } // createBackendCapability()

     * Making use of String in JSON format, creates list of BackedCapability objects 
     * related to each QoS profile described in passed JSON. 
     * @see GatewayResponseTranslator#getBackendCapabilitiesList(String) 
    public List<BackendCapability> getBackendCapabilitiesList(String gatewayResponse) {

        List<BackendCapability> backendCapabilities = new ArrayList<>();

         * check input parameters sanity conditions
        if (gatewayResponse == null) {
            log.error("Argument of name input cannot be null");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("input argument cannot be null");

         * convert response from string to JSONArray representation and from 
         * now on treat this object as data model for further processing
        JSONArray backendProfilesArray = new JSONArray(gatewayResponse);

        log.debug("JSONArray:", backendProfilesArray);

         * iterate over all profiles described by backendProfilesArray, 
         * and for each profile create related BackedndCapability object
        for (int i = 0; i < backendProfilesArray.length(); i++) {

            JSONObject profileAsJsonObj = backendProfilesArray.getJSONObject(i);
            log.debug("JSONObject: {}", profileAsJsonObj);

            BackendCapability backendCapability = createBackedCapability(profileAsJsonObj);
            log.debug("Created BackendCapability: {}", backendCapability);

        } // for()

        return backendCapabilities;

    } // getBackendCapabilitiesList()

     * Basing on passed JSON in String format, creates object of CdmiObjecStatus.
     * (Translates JSON in String format into CdmiObjectStatus)
    public CdmiObjectStatus getCdmiObjectStatus(String gatewayResponse) {

        //log.debug("Translate {} to CdmiObjectStatus", gatewayResponse);

        Map<String, Object> monitoredAttributes = new HashMap<>();

        JSONObject profile = new JSONObject(gatewayResponse);
        //log.debug("profile: {}", profile);

        JSONObject metadataProvided = profile.getJSONObject("metadata_provided");
        //log.debug("metadata_provided: {}", metadataProvided);

        Iterator<?> keys = metadataProvided.keys();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {

             * get key name for current item in metadata array
            String key = (String);
            //log.debug("key: {}", key);

            Object metadataProvidedAsObj = metadataProvided.get(key);
            //String metadataProvidedAsString = metadataProvidedAsObj.toString();

            //monitoredAttributes.put(key, metadataProvidedAsString);
            monitoredAttributes.put(key, metadataProvidedAsObj);


        String profileName = profile.getString("name");
        String type = profile.getString("type");

        String currentCapabilitiesUri = "/cdmi_capabilities/" + type + "/" + profileName;

        return new CdmiObjectStatus(monitoredAttributes, currentCapabilitiesUri, null);

    } // getCdmiObjectStatus()

} // end of JSONResponseTranslator class