Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for



 * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 FlyMine
 * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the
 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  This should
 * be distributed with the code.  See the LICENSE file for more
 * information or

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.collections.keyvalue.MultiKey;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStoreException;
import org.intermine.util.TypeUtil;
import org.intermine.xml.full.Attribute;
import org.intermine.xml.full.Item;
import org.intermine.xml.full.Reference;

 * A processor that loads feature referred to by the modENCODE metadata.  This class is designed
 * to be used by ModEncodeMetaDataProcessor and will be called once for each submission that has
 * metadata.
 * @author Kim Rutherford
public class ModEncodeFeatureProcessor extends SequenceProcessor {
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ModEncodeFeatureProcessor.class);
    private final String dataSetIdentifier;
    private final String title;
    private final String scoreProtocolItemId;
    private final String dataIdsTableName;
    private Set<String> commonFeatureInterMineTypes = new HashSet<String>();
    private static final String SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME = "modmine_subfeatureid_temp";
    private static final String BINDING_SITE_FEATS = "'binding_site', 'protein_binding_site', 'TF_binding_site', 'histone_binding_site'";
    // feature type to query from the feature table
    private static final List<String> FEATURES = Arrays.asList("gene", "mRNA", "transcript", "CDS", "intron",
            "exon", "EST", "five_prime_untranslated_region", "five_prime_UTR", "three_prime_untranslated_region",
            "three_prime_UTR", "origin_of_replication", "binding_site", "protein_binding_site", "TF_binding_site",
            "insulator_binding_site", "transcript_region", "histone_binding_site", "copy_number_variation",
            "natural_transposable_element", "start_codon", "stop_codon", "cDNA", "cDNA_match", "miRNA",
            "three_prime_RACE_clone", "three_prime_RST", "three_prime_UST", "polyA_site", "polyA_signal_sequence",
            "overlapping_EST_set", "exon_region", "SL1_acceptor_site", "SL2_acceptor_site",
            "transcription_end_site", "TSS", "under-replicated-region", "full_transcript", "polypeptide_region",
            "peptide_collection", "chromatin_state");
    // the FB name for the mitochondrial genome
    private static final String MITOCHONDRION = "dmel_mitochondrion_genome";
    // ...
    private static final String CHROMOSOME = "Chromosome";
    // the configuration for this processor, set when getConfig() is called the first time
    private final Map<Integer, MultiKeyMap> config = new HashMap<Integer, MultiKeyMap>();
    private Map<Integer, FeatureData> commonFeaturesMap = new HashMap<Integer, FeatureData>();
    // list of modelled attributes for expression levels
    private static final Set<String> EL_KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(
            Arrays.asList("dcpm", "dcpm_bases", "prediction_status", "read_count", "transcribed")));
    private static final String SUB_3154_TITLE = "MXEMB_N2_RNA_EXPRESSION";
    //    private static final String MODENCODE_SOURCE_NAME = "modENCODE";

     * Create a new ModEncodeFeatureProcessor.
     * @param chadoDBConverter     the parent converter
     * @param dataSetIdentifier    the item identifier of the DataSet,
     *                             i.e. the submissionItemIdentifier
     * @param dataSourceIdentifier the item identifier of the DataSource,
     *                             i.e. the labItemIdentifier
     * @param dataIdsTableName     name of a temporary table containing the data ids for the sub
     * @param title                the title
     * @param scoreProtocolItemId  score protocol item id
    public ModEncodeFeatureProcessor(ChadoDBConverter chadoDBConverter, String dataSetIdentifier,
            String dataSourceIdentifier, String dataIdsTableName, String title, String scoreProtocolItemId) {
        this.dataSetIdentifier = dataSetIdentifier;
        this.title = title;
        this.scoreProtocolItemId = scoreProtocolItemId;
        this.dataIdsTableName = dataIdsTableName;
        for (String chromosomeType : getChromosomeFeatureTypes()) {

     * Get a list of the chado/so types of the LocatedSequenceFeatures we wish to load.  The list
     * will not include chromosome-like features.
     * @return the list of features
    protected List<String> getFeatures() {
        return FEATURES;

     * Get a map of features that are expected to be common between submissions.  This map can be
     * used to initialise this processor for a subsequent run.  The feature types added to this map
     * are governed by the addToFeatureMap method in this class.
     * @return a map of chado feature id to FeatureData objects
    protected Map<Integer, FeatureData> getCommonFeaturesMap() {
        return commonFeaturesMap;

     * Initialise SequenceProcessor with features that have already been processed and put the same
     * features data into a commonFeaturesMap that tracks features (e.g. Chromosomes) that appear
     * in multiple submissions but should only be processed once.
     * @param initialMap map of chado feature id to FeatureData objects
    protected void initialiseCommonFeatures(Map<Integer, FeatureData> initialMap) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected String getExtraFeatureConstraint() {
        return "( = 'chromosome' OR = 'chromosome_arm') AND "
                + " feature_id IN ( SELECT featureloc.srcfeature_id " + " FROM featureloc, "
                + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE featureloc.feature_id = " + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME
                + ".feature_id) " + " OR feature_id IN ( SELECT feature_id " + " FROM "
                + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME + " ) ";

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected void extraProcessing(Connection connection, Map<Integer, FeatureData> featureDataMap)
            throws ObjectStoreException, SQLException {
        // TODO: check if there is already a method to get all the match types
        // (and merge the methods)
        // also: add match to query and do everything here
        // process indirect locations via match features and featureloc feature<->match<->feature
        ResultSet matchLocRes = getMatchLocResultSet(connection);
        processLocationTable(connection, matchLocRes);
        List<String> types = getMatchTypes(connection);
        Iterator<String> t = types.iterator();
        while (t.hasNext()) {
            String featType =;
            if ("cDNA_match".equalsIgnoreCase(featType)) {
            ResultSet matchTypeLocRes = getMatchLocResultSet(connection, featType);
            processLocationTable(connection, matchTypeLocRes);
        // adding scores
        // do experimental features (expression levels)
        // adding sources (result files) for binding sites

     * Make a Location between a SequenceFeature and a Chromosome.
     * @param start the start position
     * @param end the end position
     * @param strand the strand
     * @param srcFeatureData the FeatureData for the src feature (the Chromosome)
     * @param featureData the FeatureData for the SequenceFeature
     * @param taxonId the taxon id to use when finding the Chromosome for the Location
     * @param featureId the chado feature id, key to our commonFeaturesMap
     * @return the new Location object
     * @throws ObjectStoreException if there is a problem while storing
    protected Item makeLocation(int start, int end, int strand, FeatureData srcFeatureData, FeatureData featureData,
            int taxonId, int featureId) throws ObjectStoreException {
        // if a common feature, do it only once..
        if (commonFeaturesMap.containsKey(featureId)) {
            return null;
        Item location = getChadoDBConverter().makeLocation(srcFeatureData.getItemIdentifier(),
                featureData.getItemIdentifier(), start, end, strand, taxonId);
        return location;

     * Method to set the source for gene
     * for modencode datasources it will add the title
     * @param fdat the FeatureData object
     * @param dataSourceName the data source
     * @throws ObjectStoreException the exception
    //    protected void setGeneSource(Integer imObjectId, String dataSourceName)
    //        throws ObjectStoreException {
    //        String source = dataSourceName + "-" + title;
    //        setAttribute(imObjectId, "source", source);
    //    }
    protected void setGeneSource(FeatureData fdat, String dataSourceName) throws ObjectStoreException {
        String source = dataSourceName + "-" + title;
        Integer imObjectId = fdat.getIntermineObjectId();
        setAttribute(imObjectId, "source", source);
        // special case:
        // we have a gene model, and we differentiate from FB genes
        if ("MB9".equalsIgnoreCase(title)) {
            String id = fdat.getUniqueName();
            fdat.setUniqueName(title.concat("." + id));

     * Override method that adds completed features to featureMap.  Also put features that will
     * appear in multiple submissions in a map made available at the end of processing.
     * @param featureId the chado feature id
     * @param fdat feature information
    protected void addToFeatureMap(Integer featureId, FeatureData fdat) {
        super.addToFeatureMap(featureId, fdat);
        // We know chromosomes will be common between submissions so add them here
        if (commonFeatureInterMineTypes.contains(fdat.getInterMineType())
                && !commonFeaturesMap.containsKey(featureId)) {
            commonFeaturesMap.put(featureId, fdat);

    private List<String> getMatchTypes(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>();
        ResultSet res = getMatchTypesResultSet(connection);
        while ( {
            String type = res.getString("name");
            types.add(type.substring(0, type.indexOf('_')));
        return types;

     * Return the match types, used to determine which additional query to run
     * This is a protected method so that it can be overridden for testing
     * @param connection the database connection
     * @return the SQL result set
     * @throws SQLException if a database problem occurs
    protected ResultSet getMatchTypesResultSet(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        String query = "SELECT name from cvterm where name like '%_match' ";"executing: " + query);
        long bT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery(query);
        LOG.debug("QUERY TIME feature match types: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - bT));
        return res;

     * Return the interesting feature (EST, UST, RST, other?) matches
     * from the featureloc and feature tables.
     * feature<->featureloc<->match_feature<->featureloc<->feature
     * This is a protected method so that it can be overridden for testing
     * @param connection the database connection
     * @param featType the type of feature (EST,UST, etc)
     * @return the SQL result set
     * @throws SQLException if a database problem occurs
    protected ResultSet getMatchLocResultSet(Connection connection, String featType) throws SQLException {
        String query = "SELECT -1 AS featureloc_id, feat.feature_id, chrloc.fmin, "
                + " chrloc.srcfeature_id AS srcfeature_id, chrloc.fmax, "
                + " FALSE AS is_fmin_partial, featloc.strand "
                + " FROM feature feat, featureloc featloc, cvterm featcv, feature mf, "
                + " cvterm mfcv, featureloc chrloc, feature chr, cvterm chrcv "
                + " WHERE feat.type_id = featcv.cvterm_id " + " AND = '" + featType + "' "
                + " AND feat.feature_id = featloc.srcfeature_id " + " AND featloc.feature_id = mf.feature_id "
                + " AND mf.feature_id = chrloc.feature_id " + " AND chrloc.srcfeature_id = chr.feature_id "
                + " AND chr.type_id = chrcv.cvterm_id " + " AND = 'chromosome' "
                + " AND mf.type_id = mfcv.cvterm_id " + " AND = '" + featType + "_match' "
                + " AND feat.feature_id IN " + " (select feature_id from " + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME + " ) ";"executing: " + query);
        long bT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery(query);"QUERY TIME feature " + featType + "_match: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - bT));
        return res;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * see FlyBaseProcessor for many more examples of configuration
    protected Map<MultiKey, List<ConfigAction>> getConfig(int taxonId) {
        MultiKeyMap map = config.get(new Integer(taxonId));
        if (map == null) {
            map = new MultiKeyMap();
            config.put(new Integer(taxonId), map);
            //feature configuration example: for features of class "Gene", from "modENCODE",
            //set the Gene.symbol to be the "name" field from the chado feature
            // map.put(new MultiKey("feature", "Gene", MODENCODE_SOURCE_NAME, "name"),
            // Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("symbol")));

            // TODO: check possible conflicts with our sql matching
            // map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "ESTMatch", "evidence_for_feature", "Intron"),
            //        Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("intron")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "ThreePrimeUTR", "adjacent_to", "CDS"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("CDS")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "PolyASite", "derives_from", "ThreePrimeRACEClone"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("threePrimeRACEClone")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "ThreePrimeRST", "derives_from", "ThreePrimeRACEClone"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("threePrimeRACEClone")));
            // evidence_for_feature
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "OverlappingESTSet", "evidence_for_feature", "TranscriptRegion"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "ExperimentalFeature", "evidence_for_feature", "Transcript"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "ExperimentalFeature", "evidence_for_feature", "Exon"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "ExperimentalFeature", "evidence_for_feature", "Intron"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "ExperimentalFeature", "evidence_for_feature", "ExonRegion"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "Intron", "evidence_for_feature", "PolypeptideRegion"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            // partial_evidence_for_feature
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "OverlappingESTSet", "partial_evidence_for_feature", "MRNA"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "TranscriptRegion", "partial_evidence_for_feature", "MRNA"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            // complete_evidence_for_feature
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "ThreePrimeUST", "complete_evidence_for_feature", "ThreePrimeUTR"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "OverlappingESTSet", "complete_evidence_for_feature", "Intron"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "OverlappingESTSet", "complete_evidence_for_feature", "PolyASite"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "OverlappingESTSet", "complete_evidence_for_feature",
                    "SL1AcceptorSite"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "OverlappingESTSet", "complete_evidence_for_feature",
                    "SL2AcceptorSite"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "OverlappingESTSet", "complete_evidence_for_feature",
                    "TranscriptionEndSite"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "OverlappingESTSet", "complete_evidence_for_feature", "TSS"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            // full_evidence_for_feature
            //          map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "OverlappingESTSet",
            //                  "full_evidence_for_feature", "Gene"),
            //                  Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "OverlappingESTSet", "full_evidence_for_feature", "MRNA"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("relationship", "TranscriptRegion", "full_evidence_for_feature", "MRNA"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("supportedFeatures")));
            // additional properties
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "CDS", "status"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("status")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "CDS", "wormpep"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("wormpep")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "MRNA", "cds"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("CDS")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "MRNA", "wormpep"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("wormpep")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "PolyASite", "external_evidence"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("externalEvidence")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "ThreePrimeRST", "genbank_acc"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("GenBankAcc")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "ThreePrimeRST", "ncbi_dbest"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("NCBIdbEST")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "ThreePrimeUTR", "external_evidence"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("externalEvidence")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "BindingSite", "qvalue"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("qvalue")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "Exon", "acceptor"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("acceptor")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "Exon", "connected_to_wormbase_transcript"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("connectedToWormbaseTranscript")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "Exon", "donor"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("donor")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "Exon", "overlapping_wormbase_transcript"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("overlappingWormbaseTranscript")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "Exon", "polyA"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("polyA")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "Exon", "tes"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("tes")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "Exon", "tsl"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("tsl")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "Exon", "tss"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("tss")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "OverlappingESTSet", "fdr"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("fdr")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "OverlappingESTSet", "fp"), Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("fp")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "OverlappingESTSet", "overlap"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("overlap")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "OverlappingESTSet", "reads"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("reads")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "OverlappingESTSet", "strands_confirmed"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("strandsConfirmed")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "OverlappingESTSet", "trimT"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("trimT")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "Transcript", "transcribed"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("transcribed")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "TranscriptRegion", "marginal_fpr"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("marginalFpr")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "TranscriptRegion", "marginal_sensitivity"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("marginalSensitivity")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "TranscriptRegion", "mean_intensity"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("meanIntensity")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "TranscriptRegion", "rank_score"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("rankScore")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "SequenceFeature", "prediction_status"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("predictionStatus")));
            map.put(new MultiKey("prop", "SequenceFeature", "note"),
                    Arrays.asList(new SetFieldConfigAction("note")));
        return map;

     * copied from FlyBaseProcessor
     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected Item makeFeature(Integer featureId, String chadoFeatureType, String interMineType, String name,
            String uniqueName, int seqlen, int taxonId) {
        String realInterMineType = interMineType;
        if ("chromosome_arm".equals(chadoFeatureType) || "ultra_scaffold".equals(chadoFeatureType)) {
            realInterMineType = "Chromosome";
            if (uniqueName.startsWith("chr")) {
                // this is to fix some data problem with sub 146 in modmine
                // where there are duplicated chromosome_arm features, with
                // and without a 'chr' prefix (e.g. 3R and chr3R)
                // The chr ones are not the location for any other feature.
                // So we skip them.
                return null;
        if (title.equalsIgnoreCase(SUB_3154_TITLE) && "gene".equals(chadoFeatureType)) {
            realInterMineType = "Transcript";
        if (uniqueName.contains("depleted")) {
            realInterMineType = "DepletedRegion";
        return getChadoDBConverter().createItem(realInterMineType);

     * Create a temporary table of all feature_ids for a given submission.
     * @param connection the connection
     * @throws SQLException if there is a database problem
    protected void createSubFeatureIdTempTable(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        String query = " CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME + " AS SELECT df.feature_id "
                + " FROM data_feature df, " + dataIdsTableName + " d" + " WHERE df.data_id = d.data_id";
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();"executing: " + query);
        long bT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        stmt.execute(query);"TIME feature creating TEMP table: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - bT));
        String idIndexQuery = "CREATE INDEX " + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME + "_feature_index ON "
                + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME + "(feature_id)";"executing: " + idIndexQuery);
        long bT1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        stmt.execute(idIndexQuery);"TIME feature creating INDEX: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - bT1));
        String analyze = "ANALYZE " + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME;"executing: " + analyze);
        long bT2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        LOG.debug("TIME feature analyzing: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - bT2));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected void earlyExtraProcessing(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        // to limit the process to the current submission

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected void finishedProcessing(Connection connection, Map<Integer, FeatureData> featureDataMap)
            throws SQLException {
        super.finishedProcessing(connection, featureDataMap);
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();"executing: " + query);

     * Process the identifier and return a "cleaned" version.  Implemented in sub-classes to fix
     * data problem.
     * @param type the InterMine type of the feature that this identifier came from
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @return a cleaned identifier
     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected String fixIdentifier(FeatureData fdat, String identifier) {
        String uniqueName = fdat.getChadoFeatureUniqueName();
        String name = fdat.getChadoFeatureName();
        String type = fdat.getInterMineType();
        if (identifier.equalsIgnoreCase(uniqueName)) {
            if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(CHROMOSOME)) {
                if ("M".equalsIgnoreCase(uniqueName)) {
                    // this is to fix some data problem in modmine
                    // where submissions (e.g. 100) refer to M chromosome instead
                    // of dmel_mitochondrion_genome as in FlyBase
                    uniqueName = MITOCHONDRION;
                    return uniqueName;
            if ("Gene".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                // Piano submissions have Gene: and Transcript:
                // in front of gene and transcript identifiers
                if (uniqueName.startsWith("Gene:")) {
                    return uniqueName.substring(5);
            // Lieb submission 3154, with identifiers like gene1234
            // using the name which seems to be the associated mRNA
            if ("Transcript".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                if (uniqueName.startsWith("gene")) {
                    return name;
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(identifier)) {
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
                String fixedName = uniqueName.substring(uniqueName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
                return fixedName;
            } else {
                return name;
        return identifier;

    private void processPeaksSources(Connection connection) throws SQLException, ObjectStoreException {
        ResultSet res = getPeaksSources(connection);
        while ( {
            Integer featureId = res.getInt("feature_id");
            //            Integer score = res.getInt("data_id");
            String sourceFile = res.getString("value");
            if (featureMap.containsKey(featureId)) {
                FeatureData fData = featureMap.get(featureId);
                Integer storedFeatureId = fData.getIntermineObjectId();
                Attribute sourceFileAttribute = new Attribute("sourceFile", sourceFile);
                getChadoDBConverter().store(sourceFileAttribute, storedFeatureId);
                //if (scoreProtocolItemId != null) {
                //      Reference scoreProtocolRef =
                //       new Reference("scoreProtocol", scoreProtocolItemId);
                //      getChadoDBConverter().store(scoreProtocolRef, storedFeatureId);
                //   }

    private ResultSet getPeaksSources(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        // TODO: better test on which query is better.
        // also: should we rather do 1 big query and put them in a map?
        //        String query =
        //            "SELECT df.feature_id, df.data_id, d.value "
        //            + "FROM data_feature df, feature f, cvterm c, data d "
        //            + "WHERE f.feature_id = df.feature_id "
        //            + "AND c.cvterm_id = f.type_id "
        //            + "AND d.data_id = df.data_id "
        //            + "AND in ( " + BINDING_SITE_FEATS + ") "
        //            + "AND df.feature_id IN "
        //            + "(select feature_id from " + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME + " ) ";
        String query = "SELECT df.feature_id, df.data_id, d.value "
                + "FROM data_feature df, feature f, cvterm c, data d " + ", " + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME
                + " sf " + "WHERE f.feature_id = df.feature_id " + "AND c.cvterm_id = f.type_id "
                + "AND d.data_id = df.data_id " + "AND in ( " + BINDING_SITE_FEATS + ") "
                + "AND df.feature_id = sf.feature_id ";"executing: " + query);
        long bT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery(query);"QUERY TIME feature sources: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - bT));
        return res;

    private void processFeatureScores(Connection connection) throws SQLException, ObjectStoreException {
        long bT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        ResultSet res = getFeatureScores(connection);
        while ( {
            Integer featureId = res.getInt("feature_id");
            Double score = res.getDouble("score");
            String program = res.getString("program");
            if (title.equalsIgnoreCase(SUB_3154_TITLE)) {
                if (featureMap.containsKey(featureId)) {
                    FeatureData fData = featureMap.get(featureId);
                    program = fData.getChadoFeatureName();
                Item level = createExpressionLevel(featureId, program, score.toString());
            if (featureMap.containsKey(featureId)) {
                FeatureData fData = featureMap.get(featureId);
                Integer storedFeatureId = fData.getIntermineObjectId();
                Attribute scoreAttribute = new Attribute("score", score.toString());
                getChadoDBConverter().store(scoreAttribute, storedFeatureId);
                Attribute scoreTypeAttribute = new Attribute("scoreType", program);
                getChadoDBConverter().store(scoreTypeAttribute, storedFeatureId);
                if (scoreProtocolItemId != null) {
                    Reference scoreProtocolRef = new Reference("scoreProtocol", scoreProtocolItemId);
                    getChadoDBConverter().store(scoreProtocolRef, storedFeatureId);
        res.close();"TIME feature scores: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - bT));

    private ResultSet getFeatureScores(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        String query = "SELECT af.feature_id as feature_id, af.rawscore as score, a.program as program"
                + " FROM analysisfeature af, analysis a " + " WHERE af.analysis_id = a.analysis_id "
                + " AND af.feature_id IN " + " (select feature_id from " + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME + " ) ";"executing: " + query);
        long bT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery(query);"QUERY TIME feature scores: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - bT));
        return res;

    private void processExpressionLevels(Connection connection) throws SQLException, ObjectStoreException {
        ResultSet res = getExpressionLevels(connection);
        Integer previousId = -1;
        Item level = null;
        while ( {
            Integer id = res.getInt("expression_id");
            Integer featureId = res.getInt("feature_id");
            String name = res.getString("uniquename");
            String value = res.getString("value");
            String property = res.getString("property");
            String propValue = res.getString("propvalue");
            LOG.debug("EL: " + id + "|" + previousId + "->" + featureId + ":" + property + "|" + propValue);
            if (!id.equals(previousId)) {
                // if not first store prev level
                if (previousId > 0) {
                level = createExpressionLevel(featureId, name, value);
            // check if dcpm is a decimal number
            if ("dcpm".equalsIgnoreCase(property) && !StringUtils.containsOnly(propValue, ".0123456789")) {
                // in some cases (waterston) the value for dcpm is
                // 'nan' or 'na' or '.na' instead of a decimal number
                previousId = id;
            if (!EL_KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES.contains(property)) {
                LOG.debug("ExpressionLevel for feature_id = " + featureId + " has unknown attribute " + property);
                previousId = id;
            level.setAttribute(getPropName(property), propValue);
            previousId = id;
        if (res.isAfterLast()) {

     * @param featureId
     * @param name
     * @param value
     * @return
    private Item createExpressionLevel(Integer featureId, String name, String value) {
        Item level;
        // create new
        level = getChadoDBConverter().createItem("ExpressionLevel");
        level.setAttribute("name", name);
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
            level.setAttribute("value", value);
        } else {
            LOG.warn("ExpressionLevel found with blank value for uniquename: " + name);
        if (featureMap.containsKey(featureId)) {
            FeatureData fData = featureMap.get(featureId);
            String referenceName = "feature";
            String featureItemId = fData.getItemIdentifier();
            level.setReference(referenceName, featureItemId);
            level.setReference("submission", dataSetIdentifier);
        return level;

    private String getPropName(String property) {
        if ("read_count".equalsIgnoreCase(property)) {
            return "readCount";
        if ("dcpm_bases".equalsIgnoreCase(property)) {
            return "dcpmBases";
        if ("prediction_status".equalsIgnoreCase(property)) {
            return "predictionStatus";
        return property;

    private ResultSet getExpressionLevels(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        String query = "SELECT subject_id as expression_id, f1.uniquename, af.rawscore as value "
                + " , object_id as feature_id, as property, fp.value as propvalue "
                + " FROM feature_relationship, cvterm c1, feature f1, analysisfeature af, "
                + "   featureprop fp, cvterm cp " + " WHERE c1.cvterm_id = f1.type_id "
                + " AND f1.feature_id = subject_id " + " and af.feature_id = f1.feature_id "
                + " and f1.feature_id = fp.feature_id " + " and cp.cvterm_id = fp.type_id "
                + " and 'experimental_feature' " + " AND subject_id IN (select feature_id from "
                + SUBFEATUREID_TEMP_TABLE_NAME + " ) " + " ORDER BY subject_id";"executing: " + query);
        long bT = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
        ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery(query);"QUERY TIME expression levels: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - bT));
        return res;
