Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * @(#)   
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2010
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * @Author Tony Huang, Mike Zhou
 * @Version 1.0
 * @Date 09/15/2010
 *   Revision History
 *   ================

package org.interpss.opf.dc.impl;

 * This a helper class for creating matrix/vector info from the wrapped OpfNetwork object
 * to feed into the QuafProgCalculator for DC-OPF calculation

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;

import com.interpss.common.util.IpssLogger;
import com.interpss.opf.dclf.DclfOpfBranch;
import com.interpss.opf.dclf.DclfOpfBus;
import com.interpss.opf.dclf.DclfOpfGenBus;
import com.interpss.opf.dclf.DclfOpfNetwork;

public class EqIneqMatrixBuilder {
    public final static double DEFAULT_BIJ = 10000;
    // 10000=1/0.0001 ,namely set the line Xij minimum to be 0.0001;

    private DclfOpfNetwork opfNet = null;

    public EqIneqMatrixBuilder(DclfOpfNetwork opfNet) {
        this.opfNet = opfNet;

     * Form bus index, bus sortNumber field is used for bus index. This
     * method has to be called at the first before calling any method of
     * this help class
    private void formBusIndexTable() {
        int cnt = 0;
        for (Bus b : opfNet.getBusList()) {

    // cost matrix composed by coefficient 2*bi*(baseMVA^2)   
    public Array2DRowRealMatrix formU() {
        int numOfGen = opfNet.getNoOfGen();
        double baseMVA = opfNet.getBaseKva() / 1000.0;
        Array2DRowRealMatrix U = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfGen, numOfGen);
        int genIndex = 0;
        try {
            for (Bus b : opfNet.getBusList()) {
                if (opfNet.isOpfGenBus(b)) {
                    U.setEntry(genIndex, genIndex, (opfNet.toOpfGenBus(b)).getCoeffB() * baseMVA * baseMVA * 2);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return U;

    // angel difference weight matrix   
    private Array2DRowRealMatrix formAngleDiffWeightMatrix() {
        int numOfBus = opfNet.getNoActiveBus();
        Array2DRowRealMatrix angleDiffWeight = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfBus, numOfBus);

        for (Bus busi : opfNet.getBusList()) {
            //double ADWij = 0;
            //double ADWii = 0;
            int i = busi.getSortNumber();
            for (Branch bra : busi.getFromBranchList()) {
                Bus busj = bra.getToBus();
                int j = busj.getSortNumber();
                double ADWij = -1;
                angleDiffWeight.setEntry(i, j, ADWij);
                angleDiffWeight.setEntry(j, i, ADWij);

            angleDiffWeight.setEntry(i, i, busi.getBranchList().size());
        return (Array2DRowRealMatrix) angleDiffWeight.scalarMultiply(2 * opfNet.getAnglePenaltyFactor());

    // reduced angle difference weight matrix
    private Array2DRowRealMatrix formReducedADWMatrix() {
        Array2DRowRealMatrix angleDiffWeight = formAngleDiffWeightMatrix();
        try {
            int[] selectedRows = this.getNonSwingBusRows();
            return (Array2DRowRealMatrix) angleDiffWeight.getSubMatrix(selectedRows, selectedRows);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    // G={U 0;0 Wrr}
    public Array2DRowRealMatrix formG() {
        RealMatrix U_matrix = formU();
        RealMatrix Wrr_matrix = formReducedADWMatrix();
        int gcnt = U_matrix.getRowDimension() + Wrr_matrix.getRowDimension();
        Array2DRowRealMatrix G = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(gcnt, gcnt);
        G.setSubMatrix(U_matrix.getData(), 0, 0);
        G.setSubMatrix(Wrr_matrix.getData(), U_matrix.getRowDimension(), U_matrix.getColumnDimension());
        return G;

    public ArrayRealVector formA() {
        int numOfGen = opfNet.getNoOfGen(), numOfBus = opfNet.getNoActiveBus();
        ArrayRealVector A = new ArrayRealVector(numOfGen + numOfBus - 1);
        A.setSubVector(0, getGenCoeffAVector());
        return A;

    private ArrayRealVector getGenCoeffAVector() {
        int numOfGen = opfNet.getNoOfGen();
        double baseMVA = opfNet.getBaseKva() / 1000.0;
        ArrayRealVector genFixCostVector = new ArrayRealVector(numOfGen);
        int i = 0;
        // get the constraint data from network file ;
        for (Bus bus : opfNet.getBusList()) {
            if (opfNet.isOpfGenBus(bus)) {
                DclfOpfGenBus genOPF = opfNet.toOpfGenBus(bus);
                genFixCostVector.setEntry(i, genOPF.getCoeffA() * baseMVA);
        return genFixCostVector;

    public Array2DRowRealMatrix formCeq() {
        int numOfBus = opfNet.getNoActiveBus();
        int numOfGen = opfNet.getNoOfGen();

        Array2DRowRealMatrix genBusAdjacent = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfBus, numOfGen);
        int genCount = 0;
        for (Bus b : opfNet.getBusList()) {
            // set the elements in genBusAdjacent matrix to ONE if there is a
            // generator ;
             * in the case of multi-gen ,all are treated as a union;
             * not suitable for a case with multi-generators connected to one
             * bus;
            if (opfNet.isOpfGenBus(b)) {
                genBusAdjacent.setEntry(b.getSortNumber(), genCount, 1);
        Array2DRowRealMatrix BrTranspose = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) this.getReducedBusAdmittance().transpose();

        Array2DRowRealMatrix CeqTranspose = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfBus, numOfBus + numOfGen - 1);
        CeqTranspose.setSubMatrix(genBusAdjacent.getData(), 0, 0); // Ceq'={genBusAdjacent,BrTranspose}
        CeqTranspose.setSubMatrix(BrTranspose.scalarMultiply(-1).getData(), 0, numOfGen);
        return (Array2DRowRealMatrix) CeqTranspose.transpose();

    public ArrayRealVector formBeq() {
        ArrayRealVector beq = new ArrayRealVector(opfNet.getNoActiveBus());
        for (Bus b : opfNet.getBusList()) {
            DclfOpfBus acbus = (DclfOpfBus) b;
            int busIndex = acbus.getSortNumber();
            if (acbus.isLoad()) {
                beq.setEntry(busIndex, acbus.getLoadP());
        return beq;

    public Array2DRowRealMatrix formCiq() {
        int numOfBranch = opfNet.getNoActiveBranch();
        int numOfBus = opfNet.getNoActiveBus();
        int numOfGen = opfNet.getNoOfGen();

        double bij = DEFAULT_BIJ;

        int braIndex = 0;
        Array2DRowRealMatrix braAdmDiag = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfBranch, numOfBranch);
        Array2DRowRealMatrix braBusAdjacent = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfBranch, numOfBus - 1);
        int swingIndex = this.getSwingBusIndex();
        for (Branch bra : opfNet.getBranchList()) {
            //if (bra.isAclfBranch()) {
            DclfOpfBranch aclfBra = (DclfOpfBranch) bra;
            // create branch admittance matrix
            bij = (aclfBra.getZ().getImaginary() > 0.00001) ? 1 / aclfBra.getZ().getImaginary() : DEFAULT_BIJ; // in case x=0;
            braAdmDiag.setEntry(braIndex, braIndex, bij);

            // create branch-bus connected or adjacent matrix;
            if (!((DclfOpfBus) bra.getFromBus()).isSwing()) {
                int fromBusIndex = bra.getFromBus().getSortNumber();
                fromBusIndex = (fromBusIndex < swingIndex) ? fromBusIndex : fromBusIndex - 1; // insure nonswing bus;
                braBusAdjacent.setEntry(braIndex, fromBusIndex, 1);
            if (!((DclfOpfBus) bra.getToBus()).isSwing()) {
                int toBusIndex = bra.getToBus().getSortNumber();
                toBusIndex = (toBusIndex < swingIndex) ? toBusIndex : toBusIndex - 1;
                braBusAdjacent.setEntry(braIndex, toBusIndex, -1);

        int genIndex = 0;
        Array2DRowRealMatrix eyeGenP = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfGen, numOfGen);
        for (Bus bus : opfNet.getBusList()) {
            if (opfNet.isOpfGenBus(bus)) {
                eyeGenP.setEntry(genIndex, genIndex, 1);
        Array2DRowRealMatrix DAr = braAdmDiag.multiply(braBusAdjacent);
        // Ciq'={Ot,-braAdmDiag*braBusAdjacent;
        //     -Ot,braAdmDiag*braBusAdjacent;
        //      eyeGenP,Op;
        //      -eyeGenP,-Op}

        Array2DRowRealMatrix CiqTranspose = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfBranch * 2 + numOfGen * 2,
                numOfGen + numOfBus - 1);
        CiqTranspose.setSubMatrix(DAr.scalarMultiply(-1).getData(), 0, numOfGen);
        CiqTranspose.setSubMatrix(DAr.getData(), numOfBranch, numOfGen);
        CiqTranspose.setSubMatrix(eyeGenP.getData(), 2 * numOfBranch, 0);
        CiqTranspose.setSubMatrix(eyeGenP.scalarMultiply(-1).getData(), 2 * numOfBranch + numOfGen, 0);
        // Ciq=CiqTranspose'
        return (Array2DRowRealMatrix) CiqTranspose.transpose();

    public ArrayRealVector formBiq() {
        int numOfBranch = opfNet.getNoActiveBranch();
        int numOfGen = opfNet.getNoOfGen();

        ArrayRealVector bt = formBranchMvaConstraint();
        ArrayRealVector b_Pmax = formGenInequConstraintPmax();
        ArrayRealVector b_Pmin = formGenInequConstraintPmin();

        ArrayRealVector biq = new ArrayRealVector(numOfBranch * 2 + numOfGen * 2);
        biq.setSubVector(0, bt);
        biq.setSubVector(numOfBranch, bt);
        biq.setSubVector(numOfBranch * 2, b_Pmin);
        biq.setSubVector(numOfGen + numOfBranch * 2, b_Pmax);
        return biq;

    // used for creating inequality constraint
    private ArrayRealVector formBranchMvaConstraint() {
        int numOfBranch = opfNet.getNoActiveBranch();
        // bt corresponds to line thermal inequality constraints
        ArrayRealVector bt = new ArrayRealVector(numOfBranch);
        double baseMVA = opfNet.getBaseKva() * 0.001;
        int braIndex = 0;
        // form the bt;
        for (Branch bra : opfNet.getBranchList()) {
            //if (bra.isAclfBranch()) {
            DclfOpfBranch acBranch = (DclfOpfBranch) bra;
            double ratingMva1 = acBranch.getRatingMva1() / baseMVA;
            bt.setEntry(braIndex, -ratingMva1);
        return bt;

    private ArrayRealVector formGenInequConstraintPmax() {
        return formGenInequConstraint(true);

    private ArrayRealVector formGenInequConstraintPmin() {
        return formGenInequConstraint(false);

    private ArrayRealVector formGenInequConstraint(boolean isMax) {
        int numOfGen = opfNet.getNoOfGen();
        // including b_Pmin, b_Pmax;
        ArrayRealVector b_Pmax = new ArrayRealVector(numOfGen); // b_Pmax corresponds to generators' upper active power limit
        int i = 0;
        double baseMVA = opfNet.getBaseKva() * 0.001;
        // get the constraint data from network file ;
        for (Bus bus : opfNet.getBusList()) {
            if (opfNet.isOpfGenBus(bus)) {
                DclfOpfGenBus genOPF = opfNet.toOpfGenBus(bus);
                b_Pmax.setEntry(i, isMax ? -genOPF.getCapacityLimit().getMax() / baseMVA
                        : genOPF.getCapacityLimit().getMin() / baseMVA);

        return b_Pmax;

    private Array2DRowRealMatrix getReducedBusAdmittance() {
        int numOfBus = opfNet.getNoActiveBus();

        // form the reduced bus admittance matrix by omitting the row
        // corresponding to the SWING bus ;
        // here B1 formed by InterPSS itself is under consideration to be reused
        // ;

        Array2DRowRealMatrix tempBusAdm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfBus, numOfBus);

        for (Bus b : opfNet.getBusList()) {
            DclfOpfBus busi = (DclfOpfBus) b;
            int i = busi.getSortNumber();
            double Bii = 0;
            for (Branch bra : busi.getBranchList()) {
                //if (bra.isAclfBranch()) {
                DclfOpfBranch aclfBranch = (DclfOpfBranch) bra;
                Bus busj = bra.getToBus().getId().equals(busi.getId()) ? bra.getFromBus() : bra.getToBus();
                int j = busj.getSortNumber();
                double Bij = 1.0 / aclfBranch.getZ().getImaginary();// aclfBranch.b1ft();
                tempBusAdm.setEntry(i, j, -Bij);
                Bii += Bij;
            tempBusAdm.setEntry(i, i, Bii);

        Array2DRowRealMatrix busAdmReduced = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numOfBus - 1, numOfBus); // reduced bus admittance matrix
        int[] selectedRows = this.getNonSwingBusRows();
        for (int index = 0; index < selectedRows.length; index++) {
            busAdmReduced.setRow(index, tempBusAdm.getRow(selectedRows[index]));
        return busAdmReduced;

    private int[] getNonSwingBusRows() {
        int[] NonSwingBusRows = new int[opfNet.getNoActiveBus() - 1];
        int idx = 0;

        for (int busIndex = 0; busIndex < opfNet.getNoActiveBus(); busIndex++) {
            Bus b = opfNet.getBusList().get(busIndex);
            DclfOpfBus bus = (DclfOpfBus) b;
            if (!bus.isSwing()) {
                // swingSortNum=bus.getSortNumber();
                NonSwingBusRows[idx] = busIndex;
        return NonSwingBusRows;

    private int getSwingBusIndex() {
        // assume there is one swing bus in the system
        for (Bus b : opfNet.getBusList()) {
            if (((DclfOpfBus) b).isSwing()) {
                return b.getSortNumber();
        IpssLogger.getLogger().severe("No swing bus found in the system");
        return 0;