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 * Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 2.1, dated February 1999.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the latest version of the GNU Lesser General
 * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program (LICENSE.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
package org.jamwiki.parser.jflex;

import java.util.Stack;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.jamwiki.Environment;
import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserOutput;
import org.jamwiki.parser.ParserInput;
import org.jamwiki.utils.WikiLogger;

 * Abstract class that is extended by the JFlex lexers.  This class primarily
 * contains utility methods useful during parsing.
public abstract class JFlexLexer {

    private static final WikiLogger logger = WikiLogger.getLogger(JFlexLexer.class.getName());

    /** Member variable used to keep track of the state history for the lexer. */
    protected Stack<Integer> states = new Stack<Integer>();
    /** Parser configuration information. */
    protected ParserInput parserInput = null;
    /** Parser parsing results. */
    protected ParserOutput parserOutput = null;
    /** Parser mode, which provides input to the parser about what steps to take. */
    protected int mode = JFlexParser.MODE_POSTPROCESS;
    /** Stack of currently parsed tag content. */
    private Stack<JFlexTagItem> tagStack = new Stack<JFlexTagItem>();

    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_HTML_LINK = 1;
    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_INCLUDE_ONLY = 2;
    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_JAVASCRIPT = 3;
    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_NO_INCLUDE = 4;
    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_TEMPLATE = 5;
    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_WIKI_BOLD_ITALIC = 6;
    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_WIKI_HEADING = 7;
    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_WIKI_LINK = 8;
    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_WIKI_REFERENCE = 9;
    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_WIKI_REFERENCES = 10;
    protected static final int TAG_TYPE_WIKI_SIGNATURE = 11;
    private static final HtmlLinkTag TAG_HTML_LINK = new HtmlLinkTag();
    private static final IncludeOnlyTag TAG_INCLUDE_ONLY = new IncludeOnlyTag();
    private static final JavascriptTag TAG_JAVASCRIPT = new JavascriptTag();
    private static final NoIncludeTag TAG_NO_INCLUDE = new NoIncludeTag();
    private static final TemplateTag TAG_TEMPLATE = new TemplateTag();
    private static final WikiBoldItalicTag TAG_WIKI_BOLD_ITALIC = new WikiBoldItalicTag();
    private static final WikiHeadingTag TAG_WIKI_HEADING = new WikiHeadingTag();
    private static final WikiLinkTag TAG_WIKI_LINK = new WikiLinkTag();
    private static final WikiReferenceTag TAG_WIKI_REFERENCE = new WikiReferenceTag();
    private static final WikiReferencesTag TAG_WIKI_REFERENCES = new WikiReferencesTag();
    private static final WikiSignatureTag TAG_WIKI_SIGNATURE = new WikiSignatureTag();

     * Utility method used to indicate whether HTML tags are allowed in wiki syntax
     * or not.
    protected boolean allowHTML() {
        return Environment.getBooleanValue(Environment.PROP_PARSER_ALLOW_HTML);

     * Utility method used to indicate whether templates are allowed in wiki syntax
     * or not.
    protected boolean allowTemplates() {
        return Environment.getBooleanValue(Environment.PROP_PARSER_ALLOW_TEMPLATES);

     * Append content to the current tag in the tag stack.
    protected void append(String content) {

     * Begin a new parser state and store the old state onto the stack.
     * @param state The new parsing state that is being entered.
    protected void beginState(int state) {
        // store current state
        // switch to new state

     * End processing of a parser state and switch to the previous parser state.
    protected void endState() {
        // revert to previous state
        if (states.empty()) {
            logger.warning("Attempt to call endState for an empty stack with text: " + yytext());
        int next = states.pop();

     * Return the current lexer mode (defined in the lexer specification file).
    protected int getMode() {
        return this.mode;

     * This method is used to retrieve information used about parser configuration settings.
     * @return Parser configuration information.
    public ParserInput getParserInput() {
        return this.parserInput;

     * This method is used to set the ParserOutput field, which is used to retrieve
     * parsed information from the parser.
     * @return Parsed information generated by the parser
    public ParserOutput getParserOutput() {
        return this.parserOutput;

    protected Stack<JFlexTagItem> getTagStack() {
        return this.tagStack;

     * Initialize the parser settings.  This functionality should be done
     * from the constructor, but since JFlex generates code it is not possible
     * to modify the constructor parameters.
     * @param parserInput The ParserInput object containing parser parameters
     *  required for successful parsing.
     * @param parserOutput The current parsed document.  When parsing is done
     *  in multiple stages that output values are also built in stages.
     * @param mode The parser mode to use when parsing.  Mode affects what
     *  type of parsing actions are taken when processing raw text.
    public final void init(ParserInput parserInput, ParserOutput parserOutput, int mode) {
        this.parserInput = parserInput;
        this.parserOutput = parserOutput;
        this.mode = mode;
        this.tagStack.push(new JFlexTagItem(JFlexTagItem.ROOT_TAG));

    protected String parse(int type, String raw, Object... args) {
        JFlexParserTag jflexParserTag = null;
        switch (type) {
        case TAG_TYPE_HTML_LINK:
            jflexParserTag = TAG_HTML_LINK;
            jflexParserTag = TAG_INCLUDE_ONLY;
            jflexParserTag = TAG_JAVASCRIPT;
        case TAG_TYPE_NO_INCLUDE:
            jflexParserTag = TAG_NO_INCLUDE;
        case TAG_TYPE_TEMPLATE:
            jflexParserTag = TAG_TEMPLATE;
            jflexParserTag = TAG_WIKI_BOLD_ITALIC;
            jflexParserTag = TAG_WIKI_HEADING;
        case TAG_TYPE_WIKI_LINK:
            jflexParserTag = TAG_WIKI_LINK;
            jflexParserTag = TAG_WIKI_REFERENCE;
            jflexParserTag = TAG_WIKI_REFERENCES;
            jflexParserTag = TAG_WIKI_SIGNATURE;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tag type: " + type);
        return jflexParserTag.parse(this, raw, args);

     * Peek at the current tag from the lexer stack and see if it matches
     * the given tag type.
    protected JFlexTagItem peekTag() {
        return this.tagStack.peek();

     * Pop the most recent HTML tag from the lexer stack.
    protected JFlexTagItem popTag(String tagType) {
        if (this.tagStack.size() <= 1) {
                    "popTag called on an empty tag stack or on the root stack element.  Please report this error on, and provide the wiki syntax for the topic being parsed.");
        // verify that the tag being closed is the tag that is currently open.  if not
        // there are two options - first is that the user entered unbalanced HTML such
        // as "<u><strong>text</u></strong>" and it should be re-balanced, and second
        // is that this is just a random close tag such as "<div>text</div></div>" and
        // it should be escaped without modifying the tag stack.
        if (!this.peekTag().getTagType().equals(tagType)) {
            // check to see if a close tag override was previously set, which happens
            // from the inner tag of unbalanced HTML.  Example: "<u><strong>text</u></strong>"
            // would set a close tag override when the "</u>" is parsed to indicate that
            // the "</strong>" should actually be parsed as a "</u>".
            if (StringUtils.equals(this.peekTag().getTagType(), this.peekTag().getCloseTagOverride())) {
                return this.popTag(this.peekTag().getCloseTagOverride());
            // check to see if the parent tag matches the current close tag.  if so then
            // this is unbalanced HTML of the form "<u><strong>text</u></strong>" and
            // it should be parsed as "<u><strong>text</strong></u>".
            JFlexTagItem parent = null;
            if (this.tagStack.size() > 2) {
                parent = this.tagStack.get(this.tagStack.size() - 2);
            if (parent != null && parent.getTagType().equals(tagType)) {
                return this.popTag(this.peekTag().getTagType());
            // if the above checks fail then this is an attempt to pop a tag that is not
            // currently open, so append the escaped close tag to the current tag
            // content without modifying the tag stack.
            JFlexTagItem currentTag = this.tagStack.peek();
            currentTag.getTagContent().append("&lt;/" + tagType + "&gt;");
            return null;
        JFlexTagItem currentTag = this.tagStack.peek();
        if (this.tagStack.size() > 1) {
            // only pop if not the root tag
            currentTag = this.tagStack.pop();
        JFlexTagItem previousTag = this.tagStack.peek();
        if (!JFlexParserUtil.isInlineTag(currentTag.getTagType()) || currentTag.getTagType().equals("pre")) {
            // if the current tag is not an inline tag, make sure it is on its own lines
            String trimmedContent = StringUtils.stripEnd(previousTag.getTagContent().toString(), null);
            previousTag.getTagContent().replace(0, previousTag.getTagContent().length(), trimmedContent);
        } else {
        return currentTag;

     * Pop all tags off of the stack and return a string representation.
    protected String popAllTags() {
        // pop the stack down to (but not including) the root tag
        while (this.tagStack.size() > 1) {
            JFlexTagItem currentTag = this.tagStack.peek();
        // now pop the root tag
        JFlexTagItem currentTag = this.tagStack.pop();
        return (this.mode >= JFlexParser.MODE_LAYOUT) ? currentTag.toHtml().trim() : currentTag.toHtml();

     * Push a new HTML tag onto the lexer stack.
    protected void pushTag(String tagType, String tagAttributes) {
        JFlexTagItem tag = new JFlexTagItem(tagType);
        // many HTML tags cannot nest (ie "<li><li></li></li>" is invalid), so if a non-nesting
        // tag is being added and the previous tag is of the same type, close the previous tag
        if (JFlexParserUtil.isNonNestingTag(tagType) && this.peekTag().getTagType().equals(tagType)) {

     * Utility method used when parsing list tags to determine the current
     * list nesting level.
    protected int currentListDepth() {
        int depth = 0;
        int currentPos = this.tagStack.size() - 1;
        while (currentPos >= 0) {
            JFlexTagItem tag = this.tagStack.get(currentPos);
            if (!StringUtils.equals(tag.getTagType(), "li") && !StringUtils.equals(tag.getTagType(), "dd")
                    && !StringUtils.equals(tag.getTagType(), "dt")) {
            // move back in the stack two since each list item has a parent list type
            currentPos -= 2;
        return depth;

    protected String calculateListItemType(char wikiSyntax) {
        if (wikiSyntax == '*' || wikiSyntax == '#') {
            return "li";
        if (wikiSyntax == ';') {
            return "dt";
        if (wikiSyntax == ':') {
            return "dd";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized wiki syntax: " + wikiSyntax);

    protected String calculateListType(char wikiSyntax) {
        if (wikiSyntax == ';' || wikiSyntax == ':') {
            return "dl";
        if (wikiSyntax == '#') {
            return "ol";
        if (wikiSyntax == '*') {
            return "ul";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized wiki syntax: " + wikiSyntax);

    protected void processListStack(String wikiSyntax) {
        int previousDepth = this.currentListDepth();
        int currentDepth = wikiSyntax.length();
        String tagType;
        // if list was previously open to a greater depth, close the old list down to the
        // current depth.
        int tagsToPop = (previousDepth - currentDepth);
        if (tagsToPop > 0) {
            previousDepth -= tagsToPop;
        // now look for differences in the current list stacks.  for example, if
        // the previous list was "::;" and the current list is "###" then there are
        // some lists that must be closed.
        for (int i = 0; i < previousDepth; i++) {
            // get the tagType for the root list ("ul", "dl", etc, NOT "li")
            int tagPos = this.tagStack.size() - ((previousDepth - i) * 2);
            tagType = (this.tagStack.get(tagPos)).getTagType();
            if (tagType.equals(this.calculateListType(wikiSyntax.charAt(i)))) {
            // if the above test did not match, then the stack needs to be popped
            // to this point.
            tagsToPop = (previousDepth - i);
            previousDepth -= tagsToPop;
        if (previousDepth == 0) {
            // if no list is open, open one
            this.pushTag(this.calculateListType(wikiSyntax.charAt(0)), null);
            // add the new list item to the stack
            this.pushTag(this.calculateListItemType(wikiSyntax.charAt(0)), null);
        } else if (previousDepth == currentDepth) {
            // pop the previous list item
            tagType = (this.tagStack.peek()).getTagType();
            // add the new list item to the stack
            this.pushTag(this.calculateListItemType(wikiSyntax.charAt(previousDepth - 1)), null);
        // if the new list has additional elements, push them onto the stack
        int counterStart = (previousDepth > 1) ? previousDepth : 1;
        for (int i = counterStart; i < wikiSyntax.length(); i++) {
            String previousTagType = (this.tagStack.peek()).getTagType();
            // handle a weird corner case.  if a "dt" is open and there are
            // sub-lists, close the dt and open a "dd" for the sub-list
            if (previousTagType.equals("dt")) {
                if (!this.calculateListType(wikiSyntax.charAt(i)).equals("dl")) {
                    this.pushTag("dl", null);
                this.pushTag("dd", null);
            this.pushTag(this.calculateListType(wikiSyntax.charAt(i)), null);
            this.pushTag(this.calculateListItemType(wikiSyntax.charAt(i)), null);

    protected void popListTags(int depth) {
        if (depth < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pop a negative number: " + depth);
        String tagType;
        for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
            // pop twice since lists have a list tag and a list item tag ("<ul><li></li></ul>")
            tagType = (this.tagStack.peek()).getTagType();
            tagType = (this.tagStack.peek()).getTagType();

     * Take Wiki text of the form "|" or "| style='foo' |" and convert to
     * and HTML <td> or <th> tag.
     * @param text The text to be parsed.
     * @param tagType The HTML tag type, either "td" or "th".
     * @param markup The Wiki markup for the tag, either "|", "|+" or "!"
    protected void parseTableCell(String text, String tagType, String markup) {
        if (text == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No text specified while parsing table cell");
        text = text.trim();
        String tagAttributes = null;
        int pos = StringUtils.indexOfAnyBut(text, markup);
        if (pos != -1) {
            text = text.substring(pos);
            pos = text.indexOf('|');
            if (pos != -1) {
                text = text.substring(0, pos);
            tagAttributes = JFlexParserUtil.validateHtmlTagAttributes(text.trim());
        this.pushTag(tagType, tagAttributes);

     * Make sure any open table tags that need to be closed are closed.
    protected void processTableStack() {
        String previousTagType = this.peekTag().getTagType();
        if (!previousTagType.equals("caption") && !previousTagType.equals("th") && !previousTagType.equals("td")) {
            // no table cell was open, so nothing to close
        // pop the previous tag

    protected void parseParagraphEnd(String raw) {
        if (this.mode >= JFlexParser.MODE_LAYOUT && this.peekTag().getTagType().equals("p")) {
            // only perform processing if a paragraph is open - tag may have been already been
            // closed explicitly with a "</p>".
        // push back everything except for any opening newline that was matched
        int pushback = raw.length();
        int pos = raw.indexOf('\n');
        if (pos != -1 && pos < raw.length()) {
            pushback = raw.substring(pos + 1).length();

    protected void parseParagraphStart(String raw) {
        int pushback = raw.length();
        if (this.mode >= JFlexParser.MODE_LAYOUT) {
            this.pushTag("p", null);
            int newlineCount = StringUtils.countMatches(raw, "\n");
            if (newlineCount > 0) {
                pushback = StringUtils.stripStart(raw, " \n\r\t").length();
            if (newlineCount == 2) {
                // if the pattern matched two opening newlines then start the paragraph with a <br /> tag
                this.append("<br />\n");

    protected void parseParagraphEmpty(String raw) {
        // push back everything up to the last of the opening newlines that were matched
        yypushback(StringUtils.stripStart(raw, " \n\r\t").length() + 1);
        if (this.mode < JFlexParser.MODE_LAYOUT) {
        int newlineCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < raw.length(); i++) {
            if (raw.charAt(i) != '\n') {
                // only count newlines for paragraph creation
            if (newlineCount % 2 != 0) {
                // two newlines are required to create a paragraph
            this.pushTag("p", null);
            this.append("<br />\n");

     * JFlex internal method used to change the lexer state values.
    public abstract void yybegin(int newState);

     * JFlex internal method used to parse the next token.
    public abstract String yylex() throws Exception;

     * JFlex internal method used to push text back onto the parser stack.
    public abstract void yypushback(int number);

     * JFlex internal method used to retrieve the current lexer state value.
    public abstract int yystate();

     * JFlex internal method used to retrieve the current text matched by the
     * yylex() method.
    public abstract String yytext();