Source code

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 * Copyright 2002-2005 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.jdbcluster.privilege;

import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jdbcluster.JDBClusterUtil;
import org.jdbcluster.clustertype.ClusterTypeFactory;
import org.jdbcluster.domain.DomainChecker;
import org.jdbcluster.domain.DomainCheckerImpl;
import org.jdbcluster.domain.DomainPrivilegeList;
import org.jdbcluster.exception.ConfigurationException;
import org.jdbcluster.metapersistence.annotation.Domain;
import org.jdbcluster.metapersistence.annotation.DomainDependancy;
import org.jdbcluster.metapersistence.annotation.PrivilegesCluster;
import org.jdbcluster.metapersistence.annotation.PrivilegesDomain;
import org.jdbcluster.metapersistence.annotation.PrivilegesMethod;
import org.jdbcluster.metapersistence.annotation.PrivilegesParameter;
import org.jdbcluster.metapersistence.annotation.PrivilegesService;
import org.jdbcluster.metapersistence.cluster.Cluster;
import org.jdbcluster.service.PrivilegedService;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl;
import org.springframework.beans.NullValueInNestedPathException;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * Main Class for handling privileges
 * @author FaKod
public class PrivilegeCheckerImpl extends PrivilegeBase implements PrivilegeChecker {

    /** Logger available to subclasses */
    protected final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());

     * always reused instance of springs internal bean wrapper class for Cluster
     * stuff
    private static ThreadLocal<BeanWrapperImpl> clusterBeanWrapperThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<BeanWrapperImpl>();

     * always reused instance of springs internal bean wrapper class for Service
     * stuff
    private static ThreadLocal<BeanWrapperImpl> serviceBeanWrapperThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<BeanWrapperImpl>();

     * maps: Class -> Method -> HashSet of privileges
    private static HashMap<Class<?>, HashMap<Method, HashSet<String>>> privilegesCluster = new HashMap<Class<?>, HashMap<Method, HashSet<String>>>();

     * maps: Class -> Service Method -> HashSet of privileges
    private static HashMap<Class<?>, HashMap<Method, HashSet<String>>> privilegesService = new HashMap<Class<?>, HashMap<Method, HashSet<String>>>();

     * C-Tor to use Factory method
    private PrivilegeCheckerImpl() {

     * public intance getter
     * @return PrivilegeChecker
    public static PrivilegeChecker getInstance() {
        return new PrivilegeCheckerImpl();

     * @return Cluster Bean Wrapper instance per thread
    private BeanWrapperImpl getBeanWrapper() {
        BeanWrapperImpl bwi = clusterBeanWrapperThreadLocal.get();
        if (bwi == null) {
            bwi = new BeanWrapperImpl(true);
        return bwi;

     * @return Service Bean Wrapper instance per thread
    private BeanWrapperImpl getServiceBeanWrapper() {
        BeanWrapperImpl bwi = serviceBeanWrapperThreadLocal.get();
        if (bwi == null) {
            bwi = new BeanWrapperImpl(true);
        return bwi;

     * intersects required static privileges for cluster new against given
     * privileges
     * @param clusterType defines the Cluster to check
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean checkClusterNew(IUser user, String clusterType) {

        Assert.hasLength(clusterType, "clusterType may not be null or \"\"");

        Class<? extends Cluster> clazz = ClusterTypeFactory.newInstance(clusterType).getClusterClass();

        // if Cluster is no PrivilegedCluster creation is always possible
        if (!PrivilegedCluster.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))
            return true;

        Class<? extends PrivilegedCluster> clusterClass = clazz.asSubclass(PrivilegedCluster.class);
        Set<String> requiredPrivileges = calcStaticClusterPrivileges(clusterClass);
        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, requiredPrivileges);

     * should do an intersection between the user privileges and the privileges
     * given through requiredPrivileges
     * @param requiredPrivileges the required privileges
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean userPrivilegeIntersect(IUser user, Set<String> requiredPrivileges) {
        return getUserPrivilege().userPrivilegeIntersect(user, requiredPrivileges);

     * intersects required privileges against given privileges
     * @param clusterObject
     * @param methodName method name to check
     * @param args of method parameter
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean checkAccess(IUser user, PrivilegedCluster clusterObject, String methodName, Object... args) {

        Assert.notNull(clusterObject, "clusterObject may not be null");
        Assert.hasLength(methodName, "methodName may not be null or \"\"");

        Method calledMethod = getMethod(clusterObject, methodName, args);
        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, clusterObject, calledMethod, args);

     * intersects required privileges against given privileges
     * @param clusterObject cluster object instance
     * @param methodName method name to check
     * @param args array of parameter
     * @param argTypes array of parameter class objects
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean checkAccess(IUser user, PrivilegedCluster clusterObject, String methodName, Object[] args,
            Class[] argTypes) {

        Assert.notNull(clusterObject, "clusterObject may not be null");
        Assert.hasLength(methodName, "methodName may not be null or \"\"");

        Method calledMethod = JDBClusterUtil.getMethod(clusterObject.getClass(), methodName, argTypes);
        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, clusterObject, calledMethod, args);

     * intersects required privileges against given privileges
     * @param clusterObject cluster object instance
     * @param method method name to check
     * @param args array of parameter
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean checkAccess(IUser user, PrivilegedCluster clusterObject, Method method, Object... args) {

        Assert.notNull(clusterObject, "clusterObject may not be null");
        Assert.notNull(method, "method may not be null");

        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, clusterObject, method, args);

     * intersects required privileges against given privileges
     * @param calledMethod the method called
     * @param clusterObject cluster object instance
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean userPrivilegeIntersect(IUser user, PrivilegedCluster clusterObject, Method calledMethod,
            Object... args) {

        Assert.notNull(clusterObject, "clusterObject may not be null");
        Assert.notNull(calledMethod, "calledMethod may not be null");

        HashSet<String> privileges = getStaticPrivilegesCluster(calledMethod, clusterObject);
        privileges.addAll(getDynamicPrivilegesCluster(clusterObject, calledMethod, args));
        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, privileges);

     * intersects required privileges without a method call (new(..)) against
     * given privileges
     * @param clusterObject cluster object instance
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean userPrivilegeIntersect(IUser user, PrivilegedCluster clusterObject) {

        Assert.notNull(clusterObject, "clusterObject may not be null");

        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, calcStaticClusterPrivileges(clusterObject.getClass()));

     * intersects required privileges against given privileges
     * @param serviceObject service object to check
     * @param serviceMethodName method name to check
     * @param args of method parameter
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean checkAccess(IUser user, PrivilegedService serviceObject, String serviceMethodName,
            Object... args) {

        Assert.notNull(serviceObject, "serviceObject may not be null");
        Assert.hasLength(serviceMethodName, "serviceMethodName may not be null or \"\"");

        Method calledMethod = getMethod(serviceObject, serviceMethodName, args);
        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, serviceObject, calledMethod, args);

     * intersects required privileges against given privileges
     * @param serviceObject service object to check
     * @param serviceMethodName method name to check
     * @param args array of parameter
     * @param argTypes array of parameter class objects
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean checkAccess(IUser user, PrivilegedService serviceObject, String serviceMethodName, Object[] args,
            Class[] argTypes) {

        Assert.notNull(serviceObject, "serviceObject may not be null");
        Assert.hasLength(serviceMethodName, "serviceMethodName may not be null or \"\"");

        Method calledMethod = JDBClusterUtil.getMethod(serviceObject.getClass(), serviceMethodName, argTypes);
        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, serviceObject, calledMethod, args);

     * intersects required privileges against given privileges
     * @param serviceObject service object to check
     * @param serviceMethod method name to check
     * @param args array of parameter
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean checkAccess(IUser user, PrivilegedService serviceObject, Method serviceMethod, Object... args) {

        Assert.notNull(serviceObject, "serviceObject may not be null");
        Assert.notNull(serviceMethod, "serviceMethodName may not be null");

        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, serviceObject, serviceMethod, args);

     * intersects required privileges against given privileges
     * @param calledMethod the method called
     * @param serviceObject service object instance
     * @return true if the privileges are sufficient
    public boolean userPrivilegeIntersect(IUser user, PrivilegedService serviceObject, Method calledMethod,
            Object... args) {

        Assert.notNull(serviceObject, "serviceObject may not be null");
        Assert.notNull(calledMethod, "calledMethod may not be null");

        HashSet<String> privileges = getStaticPrivilegesService(calledMethod, serviceObject);
        privileges.addAll(getServiceMethodParameterPrivileges(calledMethod, args));
        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, privileges);

     * extract method instance from name and parameter type
     * @param object object to check
     * @param methodName the method name
     * @param args the arguments as objects
     * @return Method
    private Method getMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object... args) {
        Class[] paramTypes = new Class[args.length];
        for (int i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            paramTypes[i] = args[i].getClass();
        return JDBClusterUtil.getMethodBestParameterFit(object, methodName, paramTypes);

     * calculates and stores static required privileges
     * @param calledMethod the method called
     * @param clusterObject cluster object instance
     * @return return reqired privileges
    private HashSet<String> getStaticPrivilegesCluster(Method calledMethod, PrivilegedCluster clusterObject) {
        HashMap<Method, HashSet<String>> mp;
        synchronized (privilegesCluster) {
            mp = privilegesCluster.get(clusterObject.getClass());
            if (mp == null) {
                mp = new HashMap<Method, HashSet<String>>();
                privilegesCluster.put(clusterObject.getClass(), mp);
        synchronized (mp) {
            HashSet<String> hs = mp.get(calledMethod);
            if (hs == null) {
                hs = calcClusterPrivileges(calledMethod, clusterObject);
                mp.put(calledMethod, hs);
            return new HashSet<String>(hs);

     * intersects a specific domain value with the needed rights for this value
     * @param domainId configured domain id
     * @param value the value of the domain
     * @return true if the user rights are sufficient
    public boolean userPrivilegeIntersectDomain(IUser user, String domainId, String value) {

        Assert.hasLength(domainId, "domainId may not be null or \"\"");

        DomainChecker dc = DomainCheckerImpl.getInstance();
        DomainPrivilegeList dpl;
        try {
            dpl = (DomainPrivilegeList) dc.getDomainListInstance(domainId);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "[" + domainId
                            + "] must be a privileged domain and needs a implemented DomainPrivilegeList Interface",

        Set<String> neededRights = dpl.getDomainEntryPivilegeList(domainId, value);
        return userPrivilegeIntersect(user, neededRights);

     * calculates instance and parameter specific privileges
     * @param clusterObject cluster object instance
     * @param calledMethod the method called
     * @param args method parameters
     * @return return reqired privileges
    private Set<String> getDynamicPrivilegesCluster(PrivilegedCluster clusterObject, Method calledMethod,
            Object[] args) {
        DomainChecker dc = DomainCheckerImpl.getInstance();
        Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
        PrivilegesCluster pcAnno = clusterObject.getClass().getAnnotation(PrivilegesCluster.class);

        if (pcAnno == null || == 0 ||[0].length() == 0)
            return result;

        if (isGetMethodInRequiredProperty(, calledMethod))
            return result;


        for (String propertyPath : {

            PropertyDescriptor pd = getPropertyDescriptor(propertyPath, getBeanWrapper());

            if (pd != null) {
                Field f = getPropertyField(propertyPath, pd);
                String domId = getDomainIdFromField(f);
                DomainPrivilegeList dpl;
                try {
                    dpl = (DomainPrivilegeList) dc.getDomainListInstance(domId);
                } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                    throw new ConfigurationException(
                            "privileged domain [" + domId + "] needs implemented DomainPrivilegeList Interface", e);
                if (!(pd.getReadMethod().equals(calledMethod) || pd.getWriteMethod().equals(calledMethod))) {
                    String value = getPropertyValue(propertyPath, getBeanWrapper());
                    Set<String> setToAdd = dpl.getDomainEntryPivilegeList(domId, value);
                    if (setToAdd != null)
                } else {
                    if (pd.getWriteMethod().equals(calledMethod)) {
                        if ((args.length != 1 || !(args[0] instanceof String)) && args[0] != null)
                            throw new ConfigurationException("privilege checked property [" + propertyPath
                                    + "] needs 1 String argument setter");
                        Set<String> ergList = dpl.getDomainEntryPivilegeList(domId, (String) args[0]);
                        if (ergList != null)
        return result;

     * returns PropertyDescriptor from a given wrapped instance
     * @param propertyPath
     * @return PropertyDescriptor
    private PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(String propertyPath, BeanWrapperImpl beanWrapper) {
        PropertyDescriptor pd = null;
        try {
            pd = beanWrapper.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyPath);
        } catch (NullValueInNestedPathException nve) {
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
      "property [" + propertyPath + "] is not accessable. Skipping Priv test");
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("property [" + propertyPath + "] is not accessable.", e1);
        return pd;

     * calculates parameter specific privileges for service method calls
     * null values for PrivilegeCluster arguments are always allowed!
     * @param calledServiceMethod the method called
     * @param args method parameters
     * @return Set<String>
    private Set<String> getServiceMethodParameterPrivileges(Method calledServiceMethod, Object[] args) {
        Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
        DomainChecker dc = DomainCheckerImpl.getInstance();
        Annotation[][] methodParameterAnnos = calledServiceMethod.getParameterAnnotations();
        if (methodParameterAnnos == null)
            return result;

        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            if (methodParameterAnnos.length > 0) {
                PrivilegesParameter pp = null;
                for (int t = 0; t < methodParameterAnnos[i].length; t++) {
                    Annotation anno = methodParameterAnnos[i][t];
                    if (anno instanceof PrivilegesParameter) {
                        pp = (PrivilegesParameter) anno;
                if (pp != null) {
                    Object arg = args[i];
                    if (arg != null) {
                        if (arg instanceof PrivilegedCluster) {
                            for (String propertyPath : {
                                PropertyDescriptor pd = getPropertyDescriptor(propertyPath,
                                if (pd != null) {
                                    Field f = getPropertyField(propertyPath, pd);
                                    String domId = getDomainIdFromField(f);
                                    DomainPrivilegeList dpl;
                                    try {
                                        dpl = (DomainPrivilegeList) dc.getDomainListInstance(domId);
                                    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                                        throw new ConfigurationException("privileged domain [" + domId
                                                + "] needs implemented DomainPrivilegeList Interface", e);
                                    String value = getPropertyValue(propertyPath, getServiceBeanWrapper());
                                    result.addAll(dpl.getDomainEntryPivilegeList(domId, value));
                        } else
                            throw new ConfigurationException("Argument of method: " + calledServiceMethod.getName()
                                    + " has @" + PrivilegesParameter.class.getName()
                                    + " annotation but is not a instance of " + PrivilegedCluster.class.getName());
        return result;

     * gets Field instance of property path
     * @param propertyPath property path
     * @param propDesc PropertyDescriptor
     * @return Field instance
    private Field getPropertyField(String propertyPath, PropertyDescriptor propDesc) {
        Method propertyReadMethod = propDesc.getReadMethod();
        String mName = propertyReadMethod.getName();
        String pName = mName.substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + mName.substring(4);
        Class clazzContainingProperty = propertyReadMethod.getDeclaringClass();
        Field f = JDBClusterUtil.getField(pName, clazzContainingProperty);
        if (f == null)
            throw new ConfigurationException("property [" + propertyPath + "] does not exist");
        return f;

     * returns the property value
     * @param propertyPath property path
     * @return property value
    private String getPropertyValue(String propertyPath, BeanWrapperImpl beanWrapper) {
        String value = null;
        try {
            value = (String) beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(propertyPath);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("property [" + propertyPath + "] is not a string property", e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("property [" + propertyPath + "] is not accessable. Skipping Priv test");
        return value;

     * checks wether get method call is part of required properties
     * @param property array of properties
     * @param calledMethod called method
     * @return boolean true if it is a getter and in required properties
    private boolean isGetMethodInRequiredProperty(String[] properties, Method calledMethod) {
        String mName = calledMethod.getName();
        if (mName.startsWith("set"))
            return false;

        String pName = mName.substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + mName.substring(4);
        for (String property : properties) {
            if (property.indexOf(pName) > -1)
                return true;
        return false;

     * calculates and stores static required privileges
     * @param calledServiceMethod the service method called
     * @param serObject service object instance
     * @return reqired privileges
    private HashSet<String> getStaticPrivilegesService(Method calledServiceMethod, PrivilegedService serObject) {
        HashMap<Method, HashSet<String>> mp;
        synchronized (privilegesService) {
            mp = privilegesService.get(serObject.getClass());
            if (mp == null) {
                mp = new HashMap<Method, HashSet<String>>();
                privilegesService.put(serObject.getClass(), mp);

        HashSet<String> hs;
        synchronized (mp) {
            hs = mp.get(calledServiceMethod);
            if (hs == null) {
                hs = calcServicePrivileges(calledServiceMethod, serObject);
                mp.put(calledServiceMethod, hs);
            return new HashSet<String>(hs);

     * calculates static required privileges
     * @param calledMethod the method called
     * @param clusterObject cluster object instance
     * @return return reqired privileges
    private HashSet<String> calcClusterPrivileges(Method calledMethod, PrivilegedCluster clusterObject) {
        HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<String>();
        PrivilegesMethod pmAnno = calledMethod.getAnnotation(PrivilegesMethod.class);


        if (pmAnno != null) {
            for (String s : pmAnno.required()) {
        return hs;

     * calculates static required privileges without method
     * @param clusterObject
     * @return
    private HashSet<String> calcStaticClusterPrivileges(Class<? extends PrivilegedCluster> clusterObject) {
        HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<String>();
        PrivilegesCluster pcAnno = clusterObject.getAnnotation(PrivilegesCluster.class);

        if (pcAnno != null) {
            for (String s : pcAnno.required()) {
        return hs;

     * calculates static required privileges
     * @param calledServiceMethod the service method called
     * @param serObject service instance
     * @return reqired privileges
    private HashSet<String> calcServicePrivileges(Method calledServiceMethod, PrivilegedService serObject) {
        HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<String>();
        PrivilegesMethod pmAnno = calledServiceMethod.getAnnotation(PrivilegesMethod.class);
        PrivilegesService psAnno = serObject.getClass().getAnnotation(PrivilegesService.class);

        if (psAnno != null) {
            for (String s : psAnno.required()) {
        if (pmAnno != null) {
            for (String s : pmAnno.required()) {
        return hs;

     * gets domain id from annotations
     * @see org.jdbcluster.domain.DomainBase there is nearly the same method
     * @param f the field instance
     * @return the domain id
    private String getDomainIdFromField(Field f) {
        if (!f.isAnnotationPresent(PrivilegesDomain.class)) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                    "in @PrivilegesCluster referenced domain needs annotation @PrivilegesDomain. Not found on field: "
                            + f.getName());
        DomainDependancy dd = f.getAnnotation(DomainDependancy.class);
        if (dd != null)
            return dd.domainId();
        Domain d = f.getAnnotation(Domain.class);
        if (d == null)
            throw new ConfigurationException("no annotation @Domain or @DomainDependancy found on: " + f.getName());
        return d.domainId();