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 * Copyright 2010-2015 JetBrains s.r.o.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.smartcasts;

import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.KotlinBuiltIns;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.TypeUtils;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.typeUtil.TypeUtilsKt;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import static org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.smartcasts.Nullability.NOT_NULL;

/* package */ class DelegatingDataFlowInfo implements DataFlowInfo {
    private static final ImmutableMap<DataFlowValue, Nullability> EMPTY_NULLABILITY_INFO = ImmutableMap.of();
    private static final SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> EMPTY_TYPE_INFO = newTypeInfo();

    private final DataFlowInfo parent;

    private final ImmutableMap<DataFlowValue, Nullability> nullabilityInfo;

    // Also immutable
    private final SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> typeInfo;

     * Value for which type info was cleared or reassigned at this point
     * so parent type info should not be in use
    private final DataFlowValue valueWithGivenTypeInfo;

    /* package */ DelegatingDataFlowInfo(@Nullable DataFlowInfo parent,
            @NotNull ImmutableMap<DataFlowValue, Nullability> nullabilityInfo,
            @NotNull SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> typeInfo) {
        this(parent, nullabilityInfo, typeInfo, null);

    /* package */ DelegatingDataFlowInfo(@Nullable DataFlowInfo parent,
            @NotNull ImmutableMap<DataFlowValue, Nullability> nullabilityInfo,
            @NotNull SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> typeInfo,
            @Nullable DataFlowValue valueWithGivenTypeInfo) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.nullabilityInfo = nullabilityInfo;
        this.typeInfo = typeInfo;
        this.valueWithGivenTypeInfo = valueWithGivenTypeInfo;

    public Map<DataFlowValue, Nullability> getCompleteNullabilityInfo() {
        Map<DataFlowValue, Nullability> result = Maps.newHashMap();
        DelegatingDataFlowInfo info = this;
        while (info != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<DataFlowValue, Nullability> entry : info.nullabilityInfo.entrySet()) {
                DataFlowValue key = entry.getKey();
                Nullability value = entry.getValue();
                if (!result.containsKey(key)) {
                    result.put(key, value);
            info = (DelegatingDataFlowInfo) info.parent;
        return result;

    public SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> getCompleteTypeInfo() {
        SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> result = newTypeInfo();
        Set<DataFlowValue> withGivenTypeInfo = new HashSet<DataFlowValue>();
        DelegatingDataFlowInfo info = this;
        while (info != null) {
            for (DataFlowValue key : info.typeInfo.keySet()) {
                if (!withGivenTypeInfo.contains(key)) {
                    result.putAll(key, info.typeInfo.get(key));
            if (info.valueWithGivenTypeInfo != null) {
            info = (DelegatingDataFlowInfo) info.parent;
        return result;

    public Nullability getNullability(@NotNull DataFlowValue key) {
        return getNullability(key, false);

    public Nullability getPredictableNullability(@NotNull DataFlowValue key) {
        return getNullability(key, true);

    private Nullability getNullability(@NotNull DataFlowValue key, boolean predictableOnly) {
        if (predictableOnly && !key.isPredictable())
            return key.getImmanentNullability();
        Nullability nullability = nullabilityInfo.get(key);
        return nullability != null ? nullability
                : parent != null ? parent.getNullability(key) : key.getImmanentNullability();

    private boolean putNullability(@NotNull Map<DataFlowValue, Nullability> map, @NotNull DataFlowValue value,
            @NotNull Nullability nullability) {
        map.put(value, nullability);
        return nullability != getNullability(value);

    public Set<KotlinType> getPossibleTypes(@NotNull DataFlowValue key) {
        KotlinType originalType = key.getType();
        Set<KotlinType> types = collectTypesFromMeAndParents(key);
        if (getNullability(key).canBeNull()) {
            return types;

        Set<KotlinType> enrichedTypes = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(types.size() + 1);
        if (originalType.isMarkedNullable()) {
        for (KotlinType type : types) {

        return enrichedTypes;

     * Call this function to clear all data flow information about
     * the given data flow value.
     * @param value
    public DataFlowInfo clearValueInfo(@NotNull DataFlowValue value) {
        Map<DataFlowValue, Nullability> builder = Maps.newHashMap();
        putNullability(builder, value, Nullability.UNKNOWN);
        return new DelegatingDataFlowInfo(this, ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder), EMPTY_TYPE_INFO, value);

    public DataFlowInfo assign(@NotNull DataFlowValue a, @NotNull DataFlowValue b) {
        Map<DataFlowValue, Nullability> nullability = Maps.newHashMap();
        Nullability nullabilityOfB = getNullability(b);
        putNullability(nullability, a, nullabilityOfB);

        SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> newTypeInfo = newTypeInfo();
        Set<KotlinType> typesForB = getPossibleTypes(b);
        // Own type of B must be recorded separately, e.g. for a constant
        // But if its type is the same as A or it's null, there is no reason to do it
        // because usually null type or own type are not saved in this set
        if (nullabilityOfB.canBeNonNull() && !a.getType().equals(b.getType())) {
        newTypeInfo.putAll(a, typesForB);

        return new DelegatingDataFlowInfo(this, ImmutableMap.copyOf(nullability),
                newTypeInfo.isEmpty() ? EMPTY_TYPE_INFO : newTypeInfo, a);

    public DataFlowInfo equate(@NotNull DataFlowValue a, @NotNull DataFlowValue b) {
        Map<DataFlowValue, Nullability> builder = Maps.newHashMap();
        Nullability nullabilityOfA = getNullability(a);
        Nullability nullabilityOfB = getNullability(b);

        boolean changed = false;
        changed |= putNullability(builder, a, nullabilityOfA.refine(nullabilityOfB));
        changed |= putNullability(builder, b, nullabilityOfB.refine(nullabilityOfA));

        SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> newTypeInfo = newTypeInfo();
        newTypeInfo.putAll(a, collectTypesFromMeAndParents(b));
        newTypeInfo.putAll(b, collectTypesFromMeAndParents(a));
        if (!a.getType().equals(b.getType())) {
            // To avoid recording base types of own type
            if (!TypeUtilsKt.isSubtypeOf(a.getType(), b.getType())) {
                newTypeInfo.put(a, b.getType());
            if (!TypeUtilsKt.isSubtypeOf(b.getType(), a.getType())) {
                newTypeInfo.put(b, a.getType());
        changed |= !newTypeInfo.isEmpty();

        return !changed ? this
                : new DelegatingDataFlowInfo(this, ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder),
                        newTypeInfo.isEmpty() ? EMPTY_TYPE_INFO : newTypeInfo);

    private Set<KotlinType> collectTypesFromMeAndParents(@NotNull DataFlowValue value) {
        Set<KotlinType> types = new LinkedHashSet<KotlinType>();

        DataFlowInfo current = this;
        while (current != null) {
            if (current instanceof DelegatingDataFlowInfo) {
                DelegatingDataFlowInfo delegatingInfo = (DelegatingDataFlowInfo) current;
                if (value.equals(delegatingInfo.valueWithGivenTypeInfo)) {
                    current = null;
                } else {
                    current = delegatingInfo.parent;
            } else {

        return types;

    public DataFlowInfo disequate(@NotNull DataFlowValue a, @NotNull DataFlowValue b) {
        Map<DataFlowValue, Nullability> builder = Maps.newHashMap();
        Nullability nullabilityOfA = getNullability(a);
        Nullability nullabilityOfB = getNullability(b);

        boolean changed = false;
        changed |= putNullability(builder, a, nullabilityOfA.refine(nullabilityOfB.invert()));
        changed |= putNullability(builder, b, nullabilityOfB.refine(nullabilityOfA.invert()));
        return changed ? new DelegatingDataFlowInfo(this, ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder), EMPTY_TYPE_INFO) : this;

    public DataFlowInfo establishSubtyping(@NotNull DataFlowValue value, @NotNull KotlinType type) {
        if (value.getType().equals(type))
            return this;
        if (getPossibleTypes(value).contains(type))
            return this;
        ImmutableMap<DataFlowValue, Nullability> newNullabilityInfo = type.isMarkedNullable()
                ? EMPTY_NULLABILITY_INFO
                : ImmutableMap.of(value, NOT_NULL);
        SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> newTypeInfo = ImmutableSetMultimap.of(value, type);
        return new DelegatingDataFlowInfo(this, newNullabilityInfo, newTypeInfo);

    public DataFlowInfo and(@NotNull DataFlowInfo otherInfo) {
        if (otherInfo == EMPTY)
            return this;
        if (this == EMPTY)
            return otherInfo;
        if (this == otherInfo)
            return this;

        assert otherInfo instanceof DelegatingDataFlowInfo : "Unknown DataFlowInfo type: " + otherInfo;
        DelegatingDataFlowInfo other = (DelegatingDataFlowInfo) otherInfo;

        Map<DataFlowValue, Nullability> nullabilityMapBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (Map.Entry<DataFlowValue, Nullability> entry : other.getCompleteNullabilityInfo().entrySet()) {
            DataFlowValue key = entry.getKey();
            Nullability otherFlags = entry.getValue();
            Nullability thisFlags = getNullability(key);
            Nullability flags = thisFlags.and(otherFlags);
            if (flags != thisFlags) {
                nullabilityMapBuilder.put(key, flags);

        SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> myTypeInfo = getCompleteTypeInfo();
        SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> otherTypeInfo = other.getCompleteTypeInfo();
        if (nullabilityMapBuilder.isEmpty() && containsAll(myTypeInfo, otherTypeInfo)) {
            return this;

        return new DelegatingDataFlowInfo(this, ImmutableMap.copyOf(nullabilityMapBuilder), otherTypeInfo);

    private static boolean containsAll(SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> first,
            SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> second) {
        return first.entries().containsAll(second.entries());

    public DataFlowInfo or(@NotNull DataFlowInfo otherInfo) {
        if (otherInfo == EMPTY)
            return EMPTY;
        if (this == EMPTY)
            return EMPTY;
        if (this == otherInfo)
            return this;

        assert otherInfo instanceof DelegatingDataFlowInfo : "Unknown DataFlowInfo type: " + otherInfo;
        DelegatingDataFlowInfo other = (DelegatingDataFlowInfo) otherInfo;

        Map<DataFlowValue, Nullability> nullabilityMapBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (Map.Entry<DataFlowValue, Nullability> entry : other.getCompleteNullabilityInfo().entrySet()) {
            DataFlowValue key = entry.getKey();
            Nullability otherFlags = entry.getValue();
            Nullability thisFlags = getNullability(key);
            nullabilityMapBuilder.put(key, thisFlags.or(otherFlags));

        SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> myTypeInfo = getCompleteTypeInfo();
        SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> otherTypeInfo = other.getCompleteTypeInfo();
        SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> newTypeInfo = newTypeInfo();

        for (DataFlowValue key : Sets.intersection(myTypeInfo.keySet(), otherTypeInfo.keySet())) {
            Set<KotlinType> thisTypes = myTypeInfo.get(key);
            Set<KotlinType> otherTypes = otherTypeInfo.get(key);
            newTypeInfo.putAll(key, Sets.intersection(thisTypes, otherTypes));

        if (nullabilityMapBuilder.isEmpty() && newTypeInfo.isEmpty()) {
            return EMPTY;

        return new DelegatingDataFlowInfo(null, ImmutableMap.copyOf(nullabilityMapBuilder), newTypeInfo);

    /* package */ static SetMultimap<DataFlowValue, KotlinType> newTypeInfo() {
        return LinkedHashMultimap.create();

    public String toString() {
        if (typeInfo.isEmpty() && nullabilityInfo.isEmpty()) {
            return "EMPTY";
        return "Non-trivial DataFlowInfo";