Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* ===========================================================
 * JFreeChart : a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform
 * ===========================================================
 * (C) Copyright 2000-2004, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
 * Project Info:
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
 * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
 * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
 * in the United States and other countries.]
 * -------------------
 * -------------------
 * (C) Copyright 2000-2004, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.
 * Original Author:  David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited);
 * Contributor(s):   Andrzej Porebski;
 *                   Matthew Wright;
 *                   Serge V. Grachov;
 *                   Bill Kelemen;
 *                   Achilleus Mantzios;
 *                   Bryan Scott;
 * $Id:,v 1.10 2004/04/26 19:40:15 taqua Exp $
 * Changes (from 22-Jun-2001)
 * --------------------------
 * 22-Jun-2001 : Modified to use new title code (DG);
 * 23-Jun-2001 : Added null data source chart (DG);
 * 24-Aug-2001 : Fixed DOS encoding problem (DG);
 * 15-Oct-2001 : Data source classes moved to* (DG);
 * 19-Oct-2001 : Implemented new ChartFactory class (DG);
 * 22-Oct-2001 : Added panes for stacked bar charts and a scatter plot (DG);
 *               Renamed --> etc. (DG);
 * 31-Oct-2001 : Added some negative values to the sample CategoryDataset (DG);
 *               Added 3D-effect bar plots by Serge V. Grachov (DG);
 * 07-Nov-2001 : Separated the JCommon Class Library classes, JFreeChart now
 *               requires jcommon.jar (DG);
 *               New flag in ChartFactory to control whether or not a legend is
 *               added to the chart (DG);
 * 15-Nov-2001 : Changed TimeSeriesDataset to TimeSeriesCollection (DG);
 * 17-Nov-2001 : For pie chart, changed dataset from CategoryDataset to PieDataset (DG);
 * 26-Nov-2001 : Moved property editing, saving and printing to the JFreeChartPanel class (DG);
 * 05-Dec-2001 : Added combined charts contributed by Bill Kelemen (DG);
 * 10-Dec-2001 : Updated exchange rate demo data, and included a demo chart that shows multiple
 *               time series together on one chart.  Removed some redundant code (DG);
 * 12-Dec-2001 : Added Candlestick chart (DG);
 * 23-Jan-2002 : Added a test chart for single series bar charts (DG);
 * 06-Feb-2002 : Added sample wind plot (DG);
 * 15-Mar-2002 : Now using ResourceBundle to fetch strings and other items displayed to the
 *               user.  This will allow for localisation (DG);
 * 09-Apr-2002 : Changed horizontal bar chart to use integer tick units (DG);
 * 19-Apr-2002 : Renamed JRefineryUtilities-->RefineryUtilities (DG);
 * 11-Jun-2002 : Changed createHorizontalStackedBarChart()
 *               --> createStackedHorizontalBarChart() for consistency (DG);
 * 25-Jun-2002 : Removed redundant code (DG);
 * 02-Jul-2002 : Added Gantt chart demo, based on GanttDemo (BRS)
 * 02-Jul-2002 : Added support for usage (null, All, Swing) in resource (BRS).
 * 27-Jul-2002 : Made Resourceclass string public (BRS).
 * 27-Jul-2002 : Move chart creation methods to JFreeChartDemoBase class to allow sharing
 *               with servlet.  Servlet cannot share this class as a number of headless
 *               exceptions are generated. (BRS).
 * 10-Oct-2002 : Fixed errors reported by Checkstyle (DG);

package org.jfree.chart.demo;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;

import org.jfree.chart.ChartFrame;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.layout.LCBLayout;
import org.jfree.ui.RefineryUtilities;
import org.jfree.ui.about.AboutFrame;

 * The main frame in the chart demonstration application.
public class JFreeChartDemo extends JFrame implements ActionListener, WindowListener {

    /** Exit action command. */
    public static final String EXIT_COMMAND = "EXIT";

    /** About action command. */
    public static final String ABOUT_COMMAND = "ABOUT";

    /** The base demo class. */
    private static final JFreeChartDemoBase DEMO = new JFreeChartDemoBase();

    /** An array of chart commands. */
    private static final String[][] CHART_COMMANDS = JFreeChartDemoBase.CHART_COMMANDS;

    /** Localised resources. */
    private ResourceBundle resources;

    /** Chart frames. */
    private ChartFrame[] frame = new ChartFrame[CHART_COMMANDS.length];

    /** Panels. */
    private JPanel[] panels = null;

    /** The preferred size for the frame. */
    public static final Dimension PREFERRED_SIZE = new Dimension(780, 400);

    /** A frame for displaying information about the application. */
    private AboutFrame aboutFrame;

     * Constructs a demonstration application for the JFreeChart Class Library.
    public JFreeChartDemo() {
        super(JFreeChart.INFO.getName() + " " + JFreeChart.INFO.getVersion() + " Demo");
        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(final WindowEvent e) {
        this.resources = DEMO.getResources();
        // set up the menu
        final JMenuBar menuBar = createMenuBar(this.resources);

        final JPanel content = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());


     * Returns the preferred size for the frame.
     * @return the preferred size.
    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
        return PREFERRED_SIZE;

     * Handles menu selections by passing control to an appropriate method.
     * @param event  the event.
    public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) {

        final String command = event.getActionCommand();
        if (command.equals(EXIT_COMMAND)) {
        } else if (command.equals(ABOUT_COMMAND)) {
        } else {
            /// Loop through available commands to find index to current command.
            int chartnum = -1;
            int i = CHART_COMMANDS.length;
            while (i > 0) {
                if (command.equals(CHART_COMMANDS[i][0])) {
                    chartnum = i;
                    i = 0;

            /// check our index is valid
            if ((chartnum >= 0) && (chartnum < this.frame.length)) {
                /// Check we have not already created chart.
                if (this.frame[chartnum] == null) {
                    // setup the chart.

                    // present it in a frame...
                    String str = this.resources.getString(CHART_COMMANDS[chartnum][2] + ".title");
                    this.frame[chartnum] = new ChartFrame(str, DEMO.getChart(chartnum));
                    this.frame[chartnum].getChartPanel().setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(500, 270));

                    /// Set panel to zoomable if required
                    try {
                        str = this.resources.getString(CHART_COMMANDS[chartnum][2] + ".zoom");
                        if ((str != null) && (str.toLowerCase().equals("true"))) {
                            final ChartPanel panel = this.frame[chartnum].getChartPanel();
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        /// Filter out messages which for charts which do not have zoom
                        /// specified.
                        if (ex.getMessage().indexOf("MissingResourceException") == 0) {


                } else {

     * Exits the application, but only if the user agrees.
    private void attemptExit() {

        final String title = this.resources.getString("dialog.exit.title");
        final String message = this.resources.getString("dialog.exit.message");
        final int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, message, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,
        if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {

     * Displays information about the application.
    private void about() {

        final String title = this.resources.getString("about.title");
        //String versionLabel = this.resources.getString("about.version.label");
        if (this.aboutFrame == null) {
            this.aboutFrame = new AboutFrame(title, JFreeChart.INFO);


     * The starting point for the demonstration application.
     * @param args  ignored.
    public static void main(final String[] args) {

        final JFreeChartDemo f = new JFreeChartDemo();

     * Required for WindowListener interface, but not used by this class.
     * @param e  the event.
    public void windowActivated(final WindowEvent e) {
        // not used

     * Clears the reference to the print preview frames when they are closed.
     * @param e  the event.
    public void windowClosed(final WindowEvent e) {

        if (e.getWindow() == this.aboutFrame) {
            this.aboutFrame = null;


     * Required for WindowListener interface, but not used by this class.
     * @param e  the event.
    public void windowClosing(final WindowEvent e) {
        // ignored

     * Required for WindowListener interface, but not used by this class.
     * @param e  the event.
    public void windowDeactivated(final WindowEvent e) {
        // ignored

     * Required for WindowListener interface, but not used by this class.
     * @param e  the event.
    public void windowDeiconified(final WindowEvent e) {
        // ignored

     * Required for WindowListener interface, but not used by this class.
     * @param e  the event.
    public void windowIconified(final WindowEvent e) {
        // ignored

     * Required for WindowListener interface, but not used by this class.
     * @param e  the event.
    public void windowOpened(final WindowEvent e) {
        // ignored

     * Creates a menubar.
     * @param resources  localised resources.
     * @return the menu bar.
    private JMenuBar createMenuBar(final ResourceBundle resources) {

        // create the menus
        final JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();

        String label;
        Character mnemonic;

        // first the file menu
        label = resources.getString("menu.file");
        mnemonic = (Character) resources.getObject("menu.file.mnemonic");
        final JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu(label, true);

        label = resources.getString("menu.file.exit");
        mnemonic = (Character) resources.getObject("menu.file.exit.mnemonic");
        final JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem(label, mnemonic.charValue());

        // then the help menu
        label = resources.getString("");
        mnemonic = (Character) resources.getObject("");
        final JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu(label);

        label = resources.getString("");
        mnemonic = (Character) resources.getObject("");
        final JMenuItem aboutItem = new JMenuItem(label, mnemonic.charValue());

        // finally, glue together the menu and return it

        return menuBar;


     * Creates a tabbed pane containing descriptions of the demo charts.
     * @param resources  localised resources.
     * @return a tabbed pane.
    private JTabbedPane createTabbedPane(final ResourceBundle resources) {

        final Font font = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12);
        final JTabbedPane tabs = new JTabbedPane();

        int tab = 1;
        final Vector titles = new Vector(0);
        final String[] tabTitles;
        String title = null;

        while (tab > 0) {
            try {
                title = resources.getString("tabs." + tab);
                if (title != null) {
                } else {
                    tab = -1;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                tab = -1;

        if (titles.size() == 0) {

        tab = titles.size();
        this.panels = new JPanel[tab];
        tabTitles = new String[tab];

        for (; tab >= 0; --tab) {
            title = titles.get(tab).toString();
            tabTitles[tab] = title;

        for (int i = 0; i < tabTitles.length; ++i) {
            this.panels[i] = new JPanel();
            this.panels[i].setLayout(new LCBLayout(20));
            this.panels[i].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(360, 20));
            this.panels[i].setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 4, 4, 4));
            tabs.add(tabTitles[i], new JScrollPane(this.panels[i]));

        String description;
        final String buttonText = resources.getString("charts.display");
        JButton b1;

        // Load the CHARTS ...
        String usage = null;
        for (int i = 0; i <= CHART_COMMANDS.length - 1; ++i) {
            try {
                usage = resources.getString(CHART_COMMANDS[i][2] + ".usage");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                usage = null;

            if ((usage == null) || usage.equalsIgnoreCase("All") || usage.equalsIgnoreCase("Swing")) {

                title = resources.getString(CHART_COMMANDS[i][2] + ".title");
                description = resources.getString(CHART_COMMANDS[i][2] + ".description");
                try {
                    tab = Integer.parseInt(resources.getString(CHART_COMMANDS[i][2] + ".tab"));
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.err.println("Demo : Error retrieving tab identifier for chart " + CHART_COMMANDS[i][2]);
                    System.err.println("Demo : Error = " + ex.getMessage());
                    tab = 0;
                if ((tab < 0) || (tab >= this.panels.length)) {
                    tab = 0;

                System.out.println("Demo : adding " + CHART_COMMANDS[i][0] + " to panel " + tab);
                this.panels[tab].add(RefineryUtilities.createJLabel(title, font));
                this.panels[tab].add(new DescriptionPanel(new JTextArea(description)));
                b1 = RefineryUtilities.createJButton(buttonText, font);

        return tabs;

