Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.jfree.chart.renderer.rendererextension;

import java.awt.Paint;

import org.jfree.chart.renderer.AbstractRenderer;

 * A helper class to define simple item rendering strategies.
 * Currently provides only support for paint manipulations based on the selection state of items.
 * @author zinsmaie
public class IRSUtilities {

    private IRSUtilities() {
        //static helper class

    //Reusable cursors for fast access
    private static DatasetCursor cursor;
    private final static XYCursor xyCursor = new XYCursor();
    private final static CategoryCursor categoryCursor = new CategoryCursor();

    //Default methods for PaintIRS handling

     * A helper method that installs a {@link PaintIRS} on the specified renderer.
     * Highlights selected items by rendering them with the specified paint.
     * Works only if the renderer determines the outline paint {@link AbstractRenderer#getItemFillPaint(int, int) per item} 
     * @param renderer renders the dataset and is enhanced with the created IRS
     * @param ext access to the selection state the dataset items
     * @param fillPaint (might be null) defines a highlight color that should be used for the interior of selected items
     * @param itemPaint (might be null) defines a highlight color that should be used for selected items
     * @param outlinePaint (might be null) defines a highlight color that should be used for the outline of selected items
    public static void setSelectedItemPaintIRS(final AbstractRenderer renderer, final DatasetSelectionExtension ext,
            final Paint fillPaint, final Paint itemPaint, final Paint outlinePaint) {

        PaintIRS irs = new DefaultPaintIRS(renderer) {

            /** a generated serial id */
            private static final long serialVersionUID = -7838213904327581272L;

            private transient Paint m_fillPaint = fillPaint;
            private transient Paint m_itemPaint = itemPaint;
            private transient Paint m_outlinePaint = outlinePaint;

            private final Dataset dataset = ext.getDataset();

            public Paint getItemPaint(int row, int column) {
                if (m_itemPaint == null || !isSelected(row, column)) {
                    return super.getItemPaint(row, column);
                } else {
                    return m_itemPaint;

            public Paint getItemOutlinePaint(int row, int column) {
                if (m_outlinePaint == null || !isSelected(row, column)) {
                    return super.getItemPaint(row, column);
                } else {
                    return m_outlinePaint;

            public Paint getItemFillPaint(int row, int column) {
                if (m_fillPaint == null || !isSelected(row, column)) {
                    return super.getItemPaint(row, column);
                } else {
                    return m_fillPaint;

            private boolean isSelected(int row, int column) {
                //note that pie plots aren't based on the abstract renderer
                //=> threat only xy and category

                if (this.dataset instanceof XYDataset) {
                    xyCursor.setPosition(row, column);
                    cursor = xyCursor;
                } else if (this.dataset instanceof CategoryDataset) {
                    CategoryDataset d = (CategoryDataset) dataset;
                    categoryCursor.setPosition(d.getRowKey(row), d.getColumnKey(column));
                    cursor = categoryCursor;
                } else {
                    return false;

                return ext.isSelected(cursor);

             * Provides serialization support.
             * @param stream
             *            the output stream.
             * @throws IOException
             *             if there is an I/O error.
            private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
                SerialUtilities.writePaint(m_outlinePaint, stream);
                SerialUtilities.writePaint(m_fillPaint, stream);
                SerialUtilities.writePaint(m_itemPaint, stream);

             * Provides serialization support.
             * @param stream
             *            the input stream.
             * @throws IOException
             *             if there is an I/O error.
             * @throws ClassNotFoundException
             *             if there is a classpath problem.
            private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
                m_outlinePaint = SerialUtilities.readPaint(stream);
                m_fillPaint = SerialUtilities.readPaint(stream);
                m_itemPaint = SerialUtilities.readPaint(stream);


        //this is where the magic happens

     * A helper method that installs a {@link PaintIRS} on the specified renderer.
     * Highlights selected items by rendering their interior with the specified paint.
     * Works only if the renderer determines the outline paint {@link AbstractRenderer#getItemFillPaint(int, int) per item} 
     * @param renderer renders the dataset and is enhanced with the created IRS
     * @param ext access to the selection state the dataset items
     * @param fillPaint defines a highlight color that should be used for the interior of selected items
    public static void setSelectedItemFillPaint(final AbstractRenderer renderer,
            final DatasetSelectionExtension ext, final Paint fillPaint) {
        setSelectedItemPaintIRS(renderer, ext, fillPaint, null, null);

     * A helper method that installs a {@link PaintIRS} on the specified renderer.
     * Highlights selected items by rendering them with the specified paint.
     * Works only if the renderer determines the item paint {@link AbstractRenderer#getItemPaint(int, int) per item} 
     * @param renderer renders the dataset and is enhanced with the created IRS
     * @param ext access to the selection state the dataset items
     * @param itemPaint defines a highlight color that should be used for selected items
    public static void setSelectedItemPaint(final AbstractRenderer renderer, final DatasetSelectionExtension ext,
            final Paint itemPaint) {
        setSelectedItemPaintIRS(renderer, ext, null, itemPaint, null);

     * A helper method that installs a {@link PaintIRS} on the specified renderer.
     * Highlights selected items by rendering their outline with the defined paint.
     * Works only if the renderer determines the outline paint {@link AbstractRenderer#getItemOutlinePaint(int, int) per item} 
     * @param renderer renders the dataset and is enhanced with the created IRS
     * @param ext access to the selection state the dataset items
     * @param outlinePaint defines a highlight color that should be used for the outline of selected items
    public static void setSelectedItemOutlinePaint(final AbstractRenderer renderer,
            final DatasetSelectionExtension ext, final Paint outlinePaint) {
        setSelectedItemPaintIRS(renderer, ext, null, null, outlinePaint);
