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 * Copyright @ 2015 Atlassian Pty Ltd
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.*;


import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.*;
import org.jitsi.videobridge.stats.*;
import org.json.simple.*;

 * Implements (utility) functions to serialize instances of
 * {@link ColibriConferenceIQ} and related classes into JSON instances.
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
final class JSONSerializer {
     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>candidateList</tt> property of
     * <tt>IceUdpTransportPacketExtension</tt>.
    static final String CANDIDATE_LIST = CandidatePacketExtension.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>channelBundles</tt> property of <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ</tt>.
    static final String CHANNEL_BUNDLES = ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelBundle.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>channels</tt> property of <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ.Content</tt>.
    static final String CHANNELS = ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>contents</tt> property of <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ</tt>.
    static final String CONTENTS = ColibriConferenceIQ.Content.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the array of
     * <tt>DtlsFingerprintPacketExtension</tt> child extensions of
     * <tt>IceUdpTransportPacketExtension</tt>.
    static final String FINGERPRINTS = DtlsFingerprintPacketExtension.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>parameters</tt> property of <tt>PayloadTypePacketExtension</tt>.
    static final String PARAMETERS = ParameterPacketExtension.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>payloadTypes</tt> property of <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel</tt>.
    static final String PAYLOAD_TYPES = PayloadTypePacketExtension.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>sctpConnections</tt> property of
     * <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ.Content</tt>.
    static final String SCTP_CONNECTIONS = ColibriConferenceIQ.SctpConnection.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>sourceGroups</tt> property of <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel</tt>.
    static final String SOURCE_GROUPS = SourceGroupPacketExtension.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>sources</tt> property of <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel</tt>.
    static final String SOURCES = SourcePacketExtension.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>ssrcs</tt> property of <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel</tt>.
    static final String SSRCS = ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel.SSRC_ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifics the value of the
     * <tt>rtp-hdrexts</tt> property of <tt>ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel</tt>.
    static final String RTP_HEADER_EXTS = RTPHdrExtPacketExtension.ELEMENT_NAME + "s";

     * The name of the JSON pair which specifies the value of the
     * <tt>namespace</tt> property of <tt>IceUdpTransportPacketExtension</tt>.
    static final String XMLNS = "xmlns";

     * Serializes the attribute values of an <tt>AbstractPacketExtension</tt>
     * into values of a <tt>JSONObject</tt>.
     * @param abstractPacketExtension the <tt>AbstractPacketExtension</tt> whose
     * attribute values are to be serialized into values of <tt>jsonObject</tt>
     * @param jsonObject the <tt>JSONObject</tt> into which the attribute values
     * of <tt>abstractPacketExtension</tt> are to be serialized
    public static void serializeAbstractPacketExtensionAttributes(AbstractPacketExtension abstractPacketExtension,
            JSONObject jsonObject) {
        for (String name : abstractPacketExtension.getAttributeNames()) {
            Object value = abstractPacketExtension.getAttribute(name);

             * The JSON.simple library that is in use at the time of this
             * writing will fail to encode Enum values as JSON strings so
             * convert the Enum value to a Java String. 
            if (value instanceof Enum)
                value = value.toString();

            jsonObject.put(name, value);

    public static JSONObject serializeCandidate(CandidatePacketExtension candidate) {
        JSONObject candidateJSONObject;

        if (candidate == null) {
            candidateJSONObject = null;
        } else {
            candidateJSONObject = new JSONObject();
            // attributes
            serializeAbstractPacketExtensionAttributes(candidate, candidateJSONObject);
        return candidateJSONObject;

    public static JSONArray serializeCandidates(Collection<CandidatePacketExtension> candidates) {
        JSONArray candidatesJSONArray;

        if (candidates == null) {
            candidatesJSONArray = null;
        } else {
            candidatesJSONArray = new JSONArray();
            for (CandidatePacketExtension candidate : candidates)
        return candidatesJSONArray;

    public static JSONObject serializeChannel(ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel channel) {
        JSONObject jsonObject;

        if (channel == null) {
            jsonObject = null;
        } else {
            MediaDirection direction = channel.getDirection();
            Integer lastN = channel.getLastN();
            List<PayloadTypePacketExtension> payloadTypes = channel.getPayloadTypes();
            Integer receivingSimulcastStream = channel.getReceivingSimulcastLayer();
            RTPLevelRelayType rtpLevelRelayType = channel.getRTPLevelRelayType();
            List<SourcePacketExtension> sources = channel.getSources();
            List<SourceGroupPacketExtension> sourceGroups = channel.getSourceGroups();
            int[] ssrcs = channel.getSSRCs();
            SimulcastMode simulcastMode = channel.getSimulcastMode();

            jsonObject = serializeChannelCommon(channel);
            // direction
            if (direction != null) {
                 * The JSON.simple library that is in use at the time of this
                 * writing will fail to encode Enum values as JSON strings so
                 * convert the Enum value to a Java String. 
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel.DIRECTION_ATTR_NAME, direction.toString());
            // lastN
            if (lastN != null) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel.LAST_N_ATTR_NAME, lastN);
            // simulcastMode
            if (simulcastMode != null) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel.SIMULCAST_MODE_ATTR_NAME, simulcastMode.getText());
            // receiving simulcast layer
            if (lastN != null) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel.RECEIVING_SIMULCAST_LAYER, receivingSimulcastStream);
            // payloadTypes
            if ((payloadTypes != null) && !payloadTypes.isEmpty()) {
                jsonObject.put(PAYLOAD_TYPES, serializePayloadTypes(payloadTypes));
            // rtpLevelRelayType
            if (rtpLevelRelayType != null) {
                 * The JSON.simple library that is in use at the time of this
                 * writing will fail to encode Enum values as JSON strings so
                 * convert the Enum value to a Java String. 
            // sources
            if ((sources != null) && !sources.isEmpty())
                jsonObject.put(SOURCES, serializeSources(sources));
            // source groups
            if ((sourceGroups != null) && !sourceGroups.isEmpty()) {
                jsonObject.put(SOURCE_GROUPS, serializeSourceGroups(sourceGroups));
            // ssrcs
            if ((ssrcs != null) && (ssrcs.length > 0))
                jsonObject.put(SSRCS, serializeSSRCs(ssrcs));
        return jsonObject;

    public static JSONObject serializeChannelBundle(ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelBundle channelBundle) {
        JSONObject jsonObject;

        if (channelBundle == null) {
            jsonObject = null;
        } else {
            String id = channelBundle.getId();
            IceUdpTransportPacketExtension transport = channelBundle.getTransport();

            jsonObject = new JSONObject();
            // id
            if (id != null) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelBundle.ID_ATTR_NAME, id);
            // transport
            if (transport != null) {
                jsonObject.put(transport.getElementName(), serializeTransport(transport));
        return jsonObject;

    public static JSONArray serializeChannelBundles(Collection<ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelBundle> channelBundles) {
        JSONArray jsonArray;

        if (channelBundles == null) {
            jsonArray = null;
        } else {
            jsonArray = new JSONArray();
            for (ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelBundle channelBundle : channelBundles) {
        return jsonArray;

    public static JSONObject serializeChannelCommon(ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelCommon channelCommon) {
        JSONObject jsonObject;

        if (channelCommon == null) {
            jsonObject = null;
        } else {
            String id = channelCommon.getID();
            String channelBundleId = channelCommon.getChannelBundleId();
            String endpoint = channelCommon.getEndpoint();
            int expire = channelCommon.getExpire();
            Boolean initiator = channelCommon.isInitiator();
            IceUdpTransportPacketExtension transport = channelCommon.getTransport();

            jsonObject = new JSONObject();
            // id
            if (id != null) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel.ID_ATTR_NAME, id);
            // channelBundleId
            if (channelBundleId != null) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelCommon.CHANNEL_BUNDLE_ID_ATTR_NAME, channelBundleId);
            // endpoint
            if (endpoint != null) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelCommon.ENDPOINT_ATTR_NAME, endpoint);
            // expire
            if (expire >= 0) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelCommon.EXPIRE_ATTR_NAME, expire);
            // initiator
            if (initiator != null) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelCommon.INITIATOR_ATTR_NAME, initiator);
            // transport
            if (transport != null) {
                jsonObject.put(transport.getElementName(), serializeTransport(transport));
        return jsonObject;

    public static JSONArray serializeChannels(Collection<ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel> collection) {
        JSONArray jsonArray;

        if (collection == null) {
            jsonArray = null;
        } else {
            jsonArray = new JSONArray();
            for (ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel element : collection)
        return jsonArray;

    public static JSONObject serializeConference(ColibriConferenceIQ conference) {
        JSONObject jsonObject;

        if (conference == null) {
            jsonObject = null;
        } else {
            String id = conference.getID();
            List<ColibriConferenceIQ.Content> contents = conference.getContents();
            List<ColibriConferenceIQ.ChannelBundle> channelBundles = conference.getChannelBundles();
            ColibriConferenceIQ.Recording recording = conference.getRecording();
            boolean isGracefulShutdown = conference.isGracefulShutdown();

            jsonObject = new JSONObject();
            // id
            if (id != null)
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.ID_ATTR_NAME, id);
            // contents
            if ((contents != null) && !contents.isEmpty())
                jsonObject.put(CONTENTS, serializeContents(contents));
            // channelBundles
            if ((channelBundles != null) && !channelBundles.isEmpty()) {
                jsonObject.put(CHANNEL_BUNDLES, serializeChannelBundles(channelBundles));
            // recording
            if (recording != null) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.Recording.ELEMENT_NAME, serializeRecording(recording));
            // shutdown
            if (isGracefulShutdown) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.GracefulShutdown.ELEMENT_NAME, "true");
        return jsonObject;

    public static JSONArray serializeConferences(Collection<ColibriConferenceIQ> conferences) {
        JSONArray conferencesJSONArray;

        if (conferences == null) {
            conferencesJSONArray = null;
        } else {
            conferencesJSONArray = new JSONArray();
            for (ColibriConferenceIQ conference : conferences)
        return conferencesJSONArray;

    public static JSONObject serializeContent(ColibriConferenceIQ.Content content) {
        JSONObject jsonObject;

        if (content == null) {
            jsonObject = null;
        } else {
            String name = content.getName();
            List<ColibriConferenceIQ.Channel> channels = content.getChannels();
            List<ColibriConferenceIQ.SctpConnection> sctpConnections = content.getSctpConnections();

            jsonObject = new JSONObject();
            // name
            if (name != null) {
                jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.Content.NAME_ATTR_NAME, name);
            // channels
            if ((channels != null) && !channels.isEmpty())
                jsonObject.put(CHANNELS, serializeChannels(channels));
            // sctpConnections
            if ((sctpConnections != null) && !sctpConnections.isEmpty()) {
                jsonObject.put(SCTP_CONNECTIONS, serializeSctpConnections(sctpConnections));
        return jsonObject;

    public static JSONArray serializeContents(Collection<ColibriConferenceIQ.Content> contents) {
        JSONArray jsonArray;

        if (contents == null) {
            jsonArray = null;
        } else {
            jsonArray = new JSONArray();
            for (ColibriConferenceIQ.Content content : contents)
        return jsonArray;

    public static JSONObject serializeFingerprint(DtlsFingerprintPacketExtension fingerprint) {
        JSONObject fingerprintJSONObject;

        if (fingerprint == null) {
            fingerprintJSONObject = null;
        } else {
            String theFingerprint = fingerprint.getFingerprint();

            fingerprintJSONObject = new JSONObject();
            // fingerprint
            if (theFingerprint != null) {
                fingerprintJSONObject.put(fingerprint.getElementName(), theFingerprint);
            // attributes
            serializeAbstractPacketExtensionAttributes(fingerprint, fingerprintJSONObject);
        return fingerprintJSONObject;

    public static JSONArray serializeFingerprints(Collection<DtlsFingerprintPacketExtension> fingerprints) {
        JSONArray fingerprintsJSONArray;

        if (fingerprints == null) {
            fingerprintsJSONArray = null;
        } else {
            fingerprintsJSONArray = new JSONArray();
            for (DtlsFingerprintPacketExtension fingerprint : fingerprints)
        return fingerprintsJSONArray;

    public static JSONObject serializeParameters(Collection<ParameterPacketExtension> parameters) {
         * A parameter is a key-value pair and the order of the parameters in a
         * payload-type does not appear to matter so a natural representation of
         * a parameter set is a JSONObject rather than a JSONArray.
        JSONObject parametersJSONObject;

        if (parameters == null) {
            parametersJSONObject = null;
        } else {
            parametersJSONObject = new JSONObject();
            for (ParameterPacketExtension parameter : parameters) {
                String name = parameter.getName();
                String value = parameter.getValue();

                if ((name != null) || (value != null))
                    parametersJSONObject.put(name, value);
        return parametersJSONObject;

    public static JSONObject serializePayloadType(PayloadTypePacketExtension payloadType) {
        JSONObject payloadTypeJSONObject;

        if (payloadType == null) {
            payloadTypeJSONObject = null;
        } else {
            List<ParameterPacketExtension> parameters = payloadType.getParameters();

            payloadTypeJSONObject = new JSONObject();
            // attributes
            serializeAbstractPacketExtensionAttributes(payloadType, payloadTypeJSONObject);
            // parameters
            if ((parameters != null) && !parameters.isEmpty()) {
                payloadTypeJSONObject.put(PARAMETERS, serializeParameters(parameters));
        return payloadTypeJSONObject;

    public static JSONObject serializeRecording(ColibriConferenceIQ.Recording recording) {
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
        jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.Recording.STATE_ATTR_NAME, recording.getState().toString());

        String token = recording.getToken();
        if (token != null) {
            jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.Recording.TOKEN_ATTR_NAME, token);

        String directory = recording.getDirectory();
        if (directory != null) {
            jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.Recording.DIRECTORY_ATTR_NAME, directory);

        return jsonObject;

    public static JSONArray serializePayloadTypes(Collection<PayloadTypePacketExtension> payloadTypes) {
        JSONArray payloadTypesJSONArray;

        if (payloadTypes == null) {
            payloadTypesJSONArray = null;
        } else {
            payloadTypesJSONArray = new JSONArray();
            for (PayloadTypePacketExtension payloadType : payloadTypes)
        return payloadTypesJSONArray;

    public static JSONObject serializeSctpConnection(ColibriConferenceIQ.SctpConnection sctpConnection) {
        JSONObject jsonObject;

        if (sctpConnection == null) {
            jsonObject = null;
        } else {
            int port = sctpConnection.getPort();

            jsonObject = serializeChannelCommon(sctpConnection);
            // port
            jsonObject.put(ColibriConferenceIQ.SctpConnection.PORT_ATTR_NAME, Integer.valueOf(port));
        return jsonObject;

    public static JSONArray serializeSctpConnections(Collection<ColibriConferenceIQ.SctpConnection> collection) {
        JSONArray jsonArray;

        if (collection == null) {
            jsonArray = null;
        } else {
            jsonArray = new JSONArray();
            for (ColibriConferenceIQ.SctpConnection element : collection)
        return jsonArray;

    public static Long serializeSource(SourcePacketExtension source) {
        return (source == null) ? null : Long.valueOf(source.getSSRC());

    private static Object serializeSourceGroup(SourceGroupPacketExtension sourceGroup) {
        if (sourceGroup.getSemantics() != null && sourceGroup.getSemantics().length() != 0
                && sourceGroup.getSources() != null && sourceGroup.getSources().size() != 0) {
            JSONObject sourceGroupJSONObject = new JSONObject();

            // Add semantics

            // Add sources
            JSONArray ssrcsJSONArray = new JSONArray();
            for (SourcePacketExtension source : sourceGroup.getSources())

            sourceGroupJSONObject.put(SOURCES, ssrcsJSONArray);

            return sourceGroupJSONObject;
        } else {
            return null;

    public static JSONArray serializeSourceGroups(Collection<SourceGroupPacketExtension> sourceGroups) {
        JSONArray sourceGroupsJSONArray;

        if (sourceGroups == null || sourceGroups.size() == 0) {
            sourceGroupsJSONArray = null;
        } else {
            sourceGroupsJSONArray = new JSONArray();
            for (SourceGroupPacketExtension sourceGroup : sourceGroups)
        return sourceGroupsJSONArray;

    public static JSONArray serializeSources(Collection<SourcePacketExtension> sources) {
        JSONArray sourcesJSONArray;

        if (sources == null) {
            sourcesJSONArray = null;
        } else {
            sourcesJSONArray = new JSONArray();
            for (SourcePacketExtension source : sources)
        return sourcesJSONArray;

    public static JSONArray serializeSSRCs(int[] ssrcs) {
        JSONArray ssrcsJSONArray;

        if (ssrcs == null) {
            ssrcsJSONArray = null;
        } else {
            ssrcsJSONArray = new JSONArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; i++)
                ssrcsJSONArray.add(Long.valueOf(ssrcs[i] & 0xFFFFFFFFL));
        return ssrcsJSONArray;

    public static JSONObject serializeStatistics(Statistics statistics) {
        JSONObject statisticsJSONObject;

        if (statistics == null)
            statisticsJSONObject = null;
            statisticsJSONObject = new JSONObject(statistics.getStats());
        return statisticsJSONObject;

    public static JSONObject serializeTransport(IceUdpTransportPacketExtension transport) {
        JSONObject jsonObject;

        if (transport == null) {
            jsonObject = null;
        } else {
            String xmlns = transport.getNamespace();
            List<DtlsFingerprintPacketExtension> fingerprints = transport
            List<CandidatePacketExtension> candidateList = transport.getCandidateList();
            RemoteCandidatePacketExtension remoteCandidate = transport.getRemoteCandidate();
            boolean rtcpMux = transport.isRtcpMux();

            jsonObject = new JSONObject();
            // xmlns
            if (xmlns != null)
                jsonObject.put(XMLNS, xmlns);
            // attributes
            serializeAbstractPacketExtensionAttributes(transport, jsonObject);
            // fingerprints
            if ((fingerprints != null) && !fingerprints.isEmpty()) {
                jsonObject.put(FINGERPRINTS, serializeFingerprints(fingerprints));
            // candidateList
            if ((candidateList != null) && !candidateList.isEmpty()) {
                jsonObject.put(CANDIDATE_LIST, serializeCandidates(candidateList));
            // remoteCandidate
            if (remoteCandidate != null) {
                jsonObject.put(remoteCandidate.getElementName(), serializeCandidate(remoteCandidate));
            // rtcpMux
            if (rtcpMux) {
                jsonObject.put(RtcpmuxPacketExtension.ELEMENT_NAME, Boolean.valueOf(rtcpMux));
        return jsonObject;

    /** Prevents the initialization of new <tt>JSONSerializer</tt> instances. */
    private JSONSerializer() {