Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.jolokia.client;

 * Copyright 2009-2013 Roland Huss
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.*;

import org.apache.http.*;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException;
import org.jolokia.client.exception.*;
import org.jolokia.client.request.*;
import org.json.simple.*;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;

 * Client class for accessing the j4p agent
 * @author roland
 * @since Apr 24, 2010
public class J4pClient extends J4pClientBuilderFactory {

    // Http client used for connecting the j4p Agent
    private HttpClient httpClient;

    // Creating and parsing HTTP-Requests and Responses
    private J4pRequestHandler requestHandler;

    // Extractor used for creating J4pResponses
    private J4pResponseExtractor responseExtractor;

     * Construct a new client for a given server url
     * @param pJ4pServerUrl the agent URL for how to contact the server.
    public J4pClient(String pJ4pServerUrl) {
        this(pJ4pServerUrl, null);

     * Constructor for a given agent URl and a given HttpClient
     * @param pJ4pServerUrl the agent URL for how to contact the server.
     * @param pHttpClient HTTP client to use for the connecting to the agent
    public J4pClient(String pJ4pServerUrl, HttpClient pHttpClient) {
        this(pJ4pServerUrl, pHttpClient, null);

     * Constructor using a given Agent URL, HttpClient and a proxy target config. If the HttpClient is null,
     * a default client is used. If no target config is given, a plain request is performed
     * @param pJ4pServerUrl the agent URL for how to contact the server.
     * @param pHttpClient HTTP client to use for the connecting to the agent
     * @param pTargetConfig optional target
    public J4pClient(String pJ4pServerUrl, HttpClient pHttpClient, J4pTargetConfig pTargetConfig) {
        this(pJ4pServerUrl, pHttpClient, pTargetConfig, ValidatingResponseExtractor.DEFAULT);

     * Constructor using a given Agent URL, HttpClient and a proxy target config. If the HttpClient is null,
     * a default client is used. If no target config is given, a plain request is performed
     * @param pJ4pServerUrl the agent URL for how to contact the server.
     * @param pHttpClient HTTP client to use for the connecting to the agent
     * @param pTargetConfig optional target
     * @param pExtractor response extractor to use
    public J4pClient(String pJ4pServerUrl, HttpClient pHttpClient, J4pTargetConfig pTargetConfig,
            J4pResponseExtractor pExtractor) {
        requestHandler = new J4pRequestHandler(pJ4pServerUrl, pTargetConfig);
        responseExtractor = pExtractor;
        // Using the default as defined in the client builder
        if (pHttpClient != null) {
            httpClient = pHttpClient;
        } else {
            J4pClientBuilder builder = new J4pClientBuilder();
            httpClient = builder.createHttpClient();

    // =============================================================================================

     * Execute a single J4pRequest returning a single response.
     * The HTTP Method used is determined automatically.
     * @param pRequest request to execute
     * @param <RESP> response type
     * @param <REQ> request type
     * @return the response as returned by the server
    public <RESP extends J4pResponse<REQ>, REQ extends J4pRequest> RESP execute(REQ pRequest) throws J4pException {
        // type spec is required to keep OpenJDK 1.6 happy (other JVM dont have a problem
        // with infering the type is missing here)
        return this.<RESP, REQ>execute(pRequest, null, null);

     * Execute a single J4pRequest returning a single response.
     * The HTTP Method used is determined automatically.
     * @param pRequest request to execute
     * @param pProcessingOptions optional map of processing options
     * @param <RESP> response type
     * @param <REQ> request type
     * @return the response as returned by the server
     * @throws when the execution fails
     * @throws org.json.simple.parser.ParseException if parsing of the JSON answer fails
    public <RESP extends J4pResponse<REQ>, REQ extends J4pRequest> RESP execute(REQ pRequest,
            Map<J4pQueryParameter, String> pProcessingOptions) throws J4pException {
        return this.<RESP, REQ>execute(pRequest, null, pProcessingOptions);

     * Execute a single J4pRequest which returns a single response.
     * @param pRequest request to execute
     * @param pMethod method to use which should be either "GET" or "POST"
     * @param <RESP> response type
     * @param <REQ> request type
     * @return response object
     * @throws J4pException if something's wrong (e.g. connection failed or read timeout)
    public <RESP extends J4pResponse<REQ>, REQ extends J4pRequest> RESP execute(REQ pRequest, String pMethod)
            throws J4pException {
        return this.<RESP, REQ>execute(pRequest, pMethod, null);

     * Execute a single J4pRequest which returns a single response.
     * @param pRequest request to execute
     * @param pMethod method to use which should be either "GET" or "POST"
     * @param pProcessingOptions optional map of processing options
     * @param <RESP> response type
     * @param <REQ> request type
     * @return response object
     * @throws J4pException if something's wrong (e.g. connection failed or read timeout)
    public <RESP extends J4pResponse<REQ>, REQ extends J4pRequest> RESP execute(REQ pRequest, String pMethod,
            Map<J4pQueryParameter, String> pProcessingOptions) throws J4pException {
        return this.<RESP, REQ>execute(pRequest, pMethod, pProcessingOptions, responseExtractor);

     * Execute a single J4pRequest which returns a single response.
     * @param pRequest request to execute
     * @param pMethod method to use which should be either "GET" or "POST"
     * @param pProcessingOptions optional map of processing options
     * @param pExtractor extractor for actually creating the response
     * @param <RESP> response type
     * @param <REQ> request type
     * @return response object
     * @throws J4pException if something's wrong (e.g. connection failed or read timeout)
    public <RESP extends J4pResponse<REQ>, REQ extends J4pRequest> RESP execute(REQ pRequest, String pMethod,
            Map<J4pQueryParameter, String> pProcessingOptions, J4pResponseExtractor pExtractor)
            throws J4pException {

        try {
            HttpResponse response = httpClient
                    .execute(requestHandler.getHttpRequest(pRequest, pMethod, pProcessingOptions));
            JSONAware jsonResponse = extractJsonResponse(pRequest, response);
            if (!(jsonResponse instanceof JSONObject)) {
                throw new J4pException("Invalid JSON answer for a single request (expected a map but got a "
                        + jsonResponse.getClass() + ")");
            return pExtractor.extract(pRequest, (JSONObject) jsonResponse);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw mapException(e);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw mapException(e);

     * Execute multiple requests at once. All given request will result in a single HTTP request where it gets
     * dispatched on the agent side. The results are given back in the same order as the arguments provided.
     * @param pRequests requests to execute
     * @param <RESP> response type
     * @param <REQ> request type
     * @return list of responses, one response for each request
     * @throws J4pException when an communication error occurs
    public <RESP extends J4pResponse<REQ>, REQ extends J4pRequest> List<RESP> execute(List<REQ> pRequests)
            throws J4pException {
        return this.<RESP, REQ>execute(pRequests, null);

     * Execute multiple requests at once. All given request will result in a single HTTP request where it gets
     * dispatched on the agent side. The results are given back in the same order as the arguments provided.
     * @param pRequests requests to execute
     * @param pProcessingOptions processing options to use
     * @param <RESP> response type
     * @param <REQ> request type
     * @return list of responses, one response for each request
     * @throws J4pException when an communication error occurs
    public <RESP extends J4pResponse<REQ>, REQ extends J4pRequest> List<RESP> execute(List<REQ> pRequests,
            Map<J4pQueryParameter, String> pProcessingOptions) throws J4pException {
        return execute(pRequests, pProcessingOptions, responseExtractor);

     * Execute multiple requests at once. All given request will result in a single HTTP request where it gets
     * dispatched on the agent side. The results are given back in the same order as the arguments provided.
     * @param pRequests requests to execute
     * @param pProcessingOptions processing options to use
     * @param pResponseExtractor use this for custom extraction handling
     * @param <RESP> response type
     * @param <REQ> request type
     * @return list of responses, one response for each request
     * @throws J4pException when an communication error occurs
    public <RESP extends J4pResponse<REQ>, REQ extends J4pRequest> List<RESP> execute(List<REQ> pRequests,
            Map<J4pQueryParameter, String> pProcessingOptions, J4pResponseExtractor pResponseExtractor)
            throws J4pException {
        try {
            HttpResponse response = httpClient
                    .execute(requestHandler.getHttpRequest(pRequests, pProcessingOptions));
            JSONAware jsonResponse = extractJsonResponse(null, response);


            return this.<RESP, REQ>extractResponses(jsonResponse, pRequests, pResponseExtractor);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw mapException(e);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw mapException(e);

    // =====================================================================================================

    private <REQ extends J4pRequest> JSONAware extractJsonResponse(REQ pRequest, HttpResponse pResponse)
            throws J4pException {
        try {
            return requestHandler.extractJsonResponse(pResponse);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new J4pException("IO-Error while reading the response: " + e, e);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            // It's a parse exception. Now, check whether the HTTResponse is
            // an error and prepare the proper J4pException
            StatusLine statusLine = pResponse.getStatusLine();
            if (HttpStatus.SC_OK != statusLine.getStatusCode()) {
                throw new J4pRemoteException(pRequest, statusLine.getReasonPhrase(), null,
                        statusLine.getStatusCode(), null, null);
            throw new J4pException("Could not parse answer: " + e, e);

    // Extract J4pResponses from a returned bulk JSON answer
    private <R extends J4pResponse<T>, T extends J4pRequest> List<R> extractResponses(JSONAware pJsonResponse,
            List<T> pRequests, J4pResponseExtractor pResponseExtractor) throws J4pException {
        JSONArray responseArray = (JSONArray) pJsonResponse;
        List<R> ret = new ArrayList<R>(responseArray.size());
        J4pRemoteException remoteExceptions[] = new J4pRemoteException[responseArray.size()];
        boolean exceptionFound = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < pRequests.size(); i++) {
            T request = pRequests.get(i);
            Object jsonResp = responseArray.get(i);
            if (!(jsonResp instanceof JSONObject)) {
                throw new J4pException("Response for request Nr. " + i + " is invalid (expected a map but got "
                        + jsonResp.getClass() + ")");
            try {
                ret.add(i, pResponseExtractor.<R, T>extract(request, (JSONObject) jsonResp));
            } catch (J4pRemoteException exp) {
                remoteExceptions[i] = exp;
                exceptionFound = true;
                ret.add(i, null);
        if (exceptionFound) {
            List partialResults = new ArrayList();
            // Merge partial results and exceptions in a single list
            for (int i = 0; i < pRequests.size(); i++) {
                J4pRemoteException exp = remoteExceptions[i];
                if (exp != null) {
                } else {
            throw new J4pBulkRemoteException(partialResults);
        return ret;

    // Map IO-Exceptions accordingly
    private J4pException mapException(Exception pException) throws J4pException {
        if (pException instanceof ConnectException) {
            return new J4pConnectException(
                    "Cannot connect to " + requestHandler.getJ4pServerUrl() + ": " + pException.getMessage(),
                    (ConnectException) pException);
        } else if (pException instanceof ConnectTimeoutException) {
            return new J4pTimeoutException("Read timeout while request " + requestHandler.getJ4pServerUrl() + ": "
                    + pException.getMessage(), (ConnectTimeoutException) pException);
        } else if (pException instanceof IOException) {
            return new J4pException("IO-Error while contacting the server: " + pException, pException);
        } else if (pException instanceof URISyntaxException) {
            URISyntaxException sExp = (URISyntaxException) pException;
            return new J4pException("Invalid URI " + sExp.getInput() + ": " + sExp.getReason(), pException);
        } else {
            return new J4pException("Exception " + pException, pException);

    // Verify the returned JSON answer.
    private void verifyBulkJsonResponse(JSONAware pJsonResponse) throws J4pException {
        if (!(pJsonResponse instanceof JSONArray)) {
            if (pJsonResponse instanceof JSONObject) {
                JSONObject errorObject = (JSONObject) pJsonResponse;

                if (!errorObject.containsKey("status") || (Long) errorObject.get("status") != 200) {
                    throw new J4pRemoteException(null, errorObject);
            throw new J4pException("Invalid JSON answer for a bulk request (expected an array but got a "
                    + pJsonResponse.getClass() + ")");

     * Execute multiple requests at once. All given request will result in a single HTTP request where it gets
     * dispatched on the agent side. The results are given back in the same order as the arguments provided.
     * @param pRequests requests to execute
     * @param <R> response typex
     * @param <T> request type
     * @return list of responses, one response for each request
     * @throws J4pException when an communication error occurs
    public <R extends J4pResponse<T>, T extends J4pRequest> List<R> execute(T... pRequests) throws J4pException {
        return this.<R, T>execute(Arrays.asList(pRequests));

     * Expose the embedded {@link org.apache.http.client.HttpClient} for tuning connection parameters.
     * @return the http client used for HTTP communications
    public HttpClient getHttpClient() {
        return httpClient;

     * Get base URL for Jolokia requests
     * @return the Jolokia URL
    public URI getUri() {
        return requestHandler.getJ4pServerUrl();
