Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.jolokia.http;

import java.util.*;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import org.jolokia.backend.BackendManager;
import org.jolokia.config.*;
import org.jolokia.discovery.AgentDetails;
import org.jolokia.discovery.DiscoveryMulticastResponder;
import org.jolokia.restrictor.*;
import org.jolokia.util.*;
import org.json.simple.JSONAware;

 * Copyright 2009-2013 Roland Huss
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Agent servlet which connects to a local JMX MBeanServer for
 * JMX operations.
 * <p>
 * It uses a REST based approach which translates a GET Url into a
 * request. See the <a href="">reference documentation</a>
 * for a detailed description of this servlet's features.
 * </p>
 * @author
 * @since Apr 18, 2009
public class AgentServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 42L;

    // POST- and GET- HttpRequestHandler
    private ServletRequestHandler httpGetHandler, httpPostHandler;

    // Backend dispatcher
    private BackendManager backendManager;

    // Used for logging
    private LogHandler logHandler;

    // Request handler for parsing request parameters and building up a response
    private HttpRequestHandler requestHandler;

    // Restrictor to use as given in the constructor
    private Restrictor restrictor;

    // Mime type used for returning the answer
    private String configMimeType;

    // Listen for discovery request (if switched on)
    private DiscoveryMulticastResponder discoveryMulticastResponder;

    // whether to allow reverse DNS lookup for checking the remote host
    private boolean allowDnsReverseLookup;

     * No argument constructor, used e.g. by an servlet
     * descriptor when creating the servlet out of web.xml
    public AgentServlet() {

     * Constructor taking a restrictor to use
     * @param pRestrictor restrictor to use or <code>null</code> if the restrictor
     *        should be created in the default way ({@link RestrictorFactory#createRestrictor(Configuration,LogHandler)})
    public AgentServlet(Restrictor pRestrictor) {
        restrictor = pRestrictor;

     * Get the installed log handler
     * @return loghandler used for logging.
    protected LogHandler getLogHandler() {
        return logHandler;

     * Initialize the backend systems, the log handler and the restrictor. A subclass can tune
     * this step by overriding {@link RestrictorFactory#createRestrictor(Configuration,LogHandler)} and {@link #createLogHandler(ServletConfig, boolean)}
     * @param pServletConfig servlet configuration
    public void init(ServletConfig pServletConfig) throws ServletException {

        Configuration config = initConfig(pServletConfig);

        // Create a log handler early in the lifecycle, but not too early
        String logHandlerClass = config.get(ConfigKey.LOGHANDLER_CLASS);
        logHandler = logHandlerClass != null ? (LogHandler) ClassUtil.newInstance(logHandlerClass)
                : createLogHandler(pServletConfig, Boolean.valueOf(config.get(ConfigKey.DEBUG)));

        // Different HTTP request handlers
        httpGetHandler = newGetHttpRequestHandler();
        httpPostHandler = newPostHttpRequestHandler();

        if (restrictor == null) {
            restrictor = RestrictorFactory.createRestrictor(config, logHandler);
        } else {
  "Using custom access restriction provided by " + restrictor);
        configMimeType = config.get(ConfigKey.MIME_TYPE);
        backendManager = new BackendManager(config, logHandler, restrictor);
        requestHandler = new HttpRequestHandler(config, backendManager, logHandler);
        allowDnsReverseLookup = config.getAsBoolean(ConfigKey.ALLOW_DNS_REVERSE_LOOKUP);


    private void initDiscoveryMulticast(Configuration pConfig) {
        String url = findAgentUrl(pConfig);
        if (url != null || listenForDiscoveryMcRequests(pConfig)) {
            try {
                discoveryMulticastResponder = new DiscoveryMulticastResponder(backendManager, restrictor,
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logHandler.error("Cannot start discovery multicast handler: " + e, e);

    // Try to find an URL for system props or config
    private String findAgentUrl(Configuration pConfig) {
        // System property has precedence
        String url = System.getProperty("jolokia." + ConfigKey.DISCOVERY_AGENT_URL.getKeyValue());
        if (url == null) {
            url = System.getenv("JOLOKIA_DISCOVERY_AGENT_URL");
            if (url == null) {
                url = pConfig.get(ConfigKey.DISCOVERY_AGENT_URL);
        return NetworkUtil.replaceExpression(url);

    // For war agent needs to be switched on
    private boolean listenForDiscoveryMcRequests(Configuration pConfig) {
        // Check for system props, system env and agent config
        boolean sysProp = System.getProperty("jolokia." + ConfigKey.DISCOVERY_ENABLED.getKeyValue()) != null;
        boolean env = System.getenv("JOLOKIA_DISCOVERY") != null;
        boolean config = pConfig.getAsBoolean(ConfigKey.DISCOVERY_ENABLED);
        return sysProp || env || config;

     * Create a log handler using this servlet's logging facility for logging. This method can be overridden
     * to provide a custom log handler. This method is called before {@link RestrictorFactory#createRestrictor(Configuration,LogHandler)} so the log handler
     * can already be used when building up the restrictor.
     * @return a default log handler
     * @param pServletConfig servlet config from where to get information to build up the log handler
     * @param pDebug whether to print out  debug information.
    protected LogHandler createLogHandler(ServletConfig pServletConfig, final boolean pDebug) {
        return new LogHandler() {
            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public void debug(String message) {
                if (pDebug) {

            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public void info(String message) {

            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public void error(String message, Throwable t) {
                log(message, t);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void destroy() {
        if (discoveryMulticastResponder != null) {
            discoveryMulticastResponder = null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        handle(httpGetHandler, req, resp);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        handle(httpPostHandler, req, resp);

     * OPTION requests are treated as CORS preflight requests
     * @param req the original request
     * @param resp the response the answer are written to
     * */
    protected void doOptions(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        Map<String, String> responseHeaders = requestHandler.handleCorsPreflightRequest(req.getHeader("Origin"),
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : responseHeaders.entrySet()) {
            resp.setHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    @SuppressWarnings({ "PMD.AvoidCatchingThrowable", "PMD.AvoidInstanceofChecksInCatchClause" })
    private void handle(ServletRequestHandler pReqHandler, HttpServletRequest pReq, HttpServletResponse pResp)
            throws IOException {
        JSONAware json = null;
        try {
            // Check access policy
            requestHandler.checkAccess(allowDnsReverseLookup ? pReq.getRemoteHost() : null, pReq.getRemoteAddr(),

            // Remember the agent URL upon the first request. Needed for discovery

            // Dispatch for the proper HTTP request method
            json = handleSecurely(pReqHandler, pReq, pResp);
        } catch (Throwable exp) {
            json = requestHandler.handleThrowable(
                    exp instanceof RuntimeMBeanException ? ((RuntimeMBeanException) exp).getTargetException()
                            : exp);
        } finally {
            setCorsHeader(pReq, pResp);

            String callback = pReq.getParameter(ConfigKey.CALLBACK.getKeyValue());
            String answer = json != null ? json.toJSONString()
                    : requestHandler.handleThrowable(new Exception("Internal error while handling an exception"))
            if (callback != null) {
                // Send a JSONP response
                sendResponse(pResp, "text/javascript", callback + "(" + answer + ");");
            } else {
                sendResponse(pResp, getMimeType(pReq), answer);

    private JSONAware handleSecurely(final ServletRequestHandler pReqHandler, final HttpServletRequest pReq,
            final HttpServletResponse pResp) throws IOException, PrivilegedActionException {
        Subject subject = (Subject) pReq.getAttribute(ConfigKey.JAAS_SUBJECT_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (subject != null) {
            return Subject.doAs(subject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<JSONAware>() {
                public JSONAware run() throws IOException {
                    return pReqHandler.handleRequest(pReq, pResp);
        } else {
            return pReqHandler.handleRequest(pReq, pResp);

    private String getOriginOrReferer(HttpServletRequest pReq) {
        String origin = pReq.getHeader("Origin");
        if (origin == null) {
            origin = pReq.getHeader("Referer");
        return origin != null ? origin.replaceAll("[\\n\\r]*", "") : null;

    // Update the agent URL in the agent details if not already done
    private void updateAgentDetailsIfNeeded(HttpServletRequest pReq) {
        // Lookup the Agent URL if needed
        AgentDetails details = backendManager.getAgentDetails();
        if (details.isInitRequired()) {
            synchronized (details) {
                if (details.isInitRequired()) {
                    if (details.isUrlMissing()) {
                        String url = getBaseUrl(NetworkUtil.sanitizeLocalUrl(pReq.getRequestURL().toString()),
                    if (details.isSecuredMissing()) {
                        details.setSecured(pReq.getAuthType() != null);

    private String extractServletPath(HttpServletRequest pReq) {
        return pReq.getRequestURI().substring(0, pReq.getContextPath().length());

    // Strip off everything unneeded
    private String getBaseUrl(String pUrl, String pServletPath) {
        String sUrl;
        try {
            URL url = new URL(pUrl);
            String host = getIpIfPossible(url.getHost());
            sUrl = new URL(url.getProtocol(), host, url.getPort(), pServletPath).toExternalForm();
        } catch (MalformedURLException exp) {
            sUrl = plainReplacement(pUrl, pServletPath);
        return sUrl;

    // Check for an IP, since this seems to be safer to return then a plain name
    private String getIpIfPossible(String pHost) {
        try {
            InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(pHost);
            return address.getHostAddress();
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            return pHost;

    // Fallback used if URL creation didnt work
    private String plainReplacement(String pUrl, String pServletPath) {
        int idx = pUrl.lastIndexOf(pServletPath);
        String url;
        if (idx != -1) {
            url = pUrl.substring(0, idx) + pServletPath;
        } else {
            url = pUrl;
        return url;

    // Set an appropriate CORS header if requested and if allowed
    private void setCorsHeader(HttpServletRequest pReq, HttpServletResponse pResp) {
        String origin = requestHandler.extractCorsOrigin(pReq.getHeader("Origin"));
        if (origin != null) {
            pResp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin);
            pResp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");

    // Extract mime type for response (if not JSONP)
    private String getMimeType(HttpServletRequest pReq) {
        String requestMimeType = pReq.getParameter(ConfigKey.MIME_TYPE.getKeyValue());
        if (requestMimeType != null) {
            return requestMimeType;
        return configMimeType;

    private interface ServletRequestHandler {
         * Handle a request and return the answer as a JSON structure
         * @param pReq request arrived
         * @param pResp response to return
         * @return the JSON representation for the answer
         * @throws IOException if handling of an input or output stream failed
        JSONAware handleRequest(HttpServletRequest pReq, HttpServletResponse pResp) throws IOException;

    // factory method for POST request handler
    private ServletRequestHandler newPostHttpRequestHandler() {
        return new ServletRequestHandler() {
            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public JSONAware handleRequest(HttpServletRequest pReq, HttpServletResponse pResp) throws IOException {
                String encoding = pReq.getCharacterEncoding();
                InputStream is = pReq.getInputStream();
                return requestHandler.handlePostRequest(pReq.getRequestURI(), is, encoding, getParameterMap(pReq));

    // factory method for GET request handler
    private ServletRequestHandler newGetHttpRequestHandler() {
        return new ServletRequestHandler() {
            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public JSONAware handleRequest(HttpServletRequest pReq, HttpServletResponse pResp) {
                return requestHandler.handleGetRequest(pReq.getRequestURI(), pReq.getPathInfo(),

    // =======================================================================

    // Get parameter map either directly from an Servlet 2.4 compliant implementation
    // or by looking it up explictely (thanks to codewax for the patch)
    private Map<String, String[]> getParameterMap(HttpServletRequest pReq) {
        try {
            // Servlet 2.4 API
            return pReq.getParameterMap();
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exp) {
            // Thrown by 'pseudo' 2.4 Servlet API implementations which fake a 2.4 API
            // As a service for the parameter map is build up explicitely
            Map<String, String[]> ret = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
            Enumeration params = pReq.getParameterNames();
            while (params.hasMoreElements()) {
                String param = (String) params.nextElement();
                ret.put(param, pReq.getParameterValues(param));
            return ret;

    // Examines servlet config and servlet context for configuration parameters.
    // Configuration from the servlet context overrides servlet parameters defined in web.xml
    Configuration initConfig(ServletConfig pConfig) {
        Configuration config = new Configuration(ConfigKey.AGENT_ID, NetworkUtil.getAgentId(hashCode(), "servlet"));
        // From ServletContext ....
        config.updateGlobalConfiguration(new ServletConfigFacade(pConfig));
        // ... and ServletConfig
        config.updateGlobalConfiguration(new ServletContextFacade(getServletContext()));

        // Set type last and overwrite anything written
        config.updateGlobalConfiguration(Collections.singletonMap(ConfigKey.AGENT_TYPE.getKeyValue(), "servlet"));
        return config;

    private void sendResponse(HttpServletResponse pResp, String pContentType, String pJsonTxt) throws IOException {
        setContentType(pResp, pContentType);
        PrintWriter writer = pResp.getWriter();

    private void setNoCacheHeaders(HttpServletResponse pResp) {
        pResp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
        pResp.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
        // Check for a date header and set it accordingly to the recommendations of
        // RFC-2616 (
        //   "To mark a response as "already expired," an origin server sends an
        //    Expires date that is equal to the Date header value. (See the rules
        //  for expiration calculations in section 13.2.4.)"
        // See also #71

        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        pResp.setDateHeader("Date", now);
        // 1h  in the past since it seems, that some servlet set the date header on their
        // own so that it cannot be guaranteed that these headers are really equals.
        // It happened on Tomcat that Date: was finally set *before* Expires: in the final
        // answers some times which seems to be an implementation peculiarity from Tomcat
        pResp.setDateHeader("Expires", now - 3600000);

    private void setContentType(HttpServletResponse pResp, String pContentType) {
        boolean encodingDone = false;
        try {
            encodingDone = true;
        } catch (NoSuchMethodError error) {
            /* Servlet 2.3 */ } catch (UnsupportedOperationException error) {
            /* Equinox HTTP Service */ }
        if (!encodingDone) {
            // For a Servlet 2.3 container or an Equinox HTTP Service, set the charset by hand
            pResp.setContentType(pContentType + "; charset=utf-8");

    // =======================================================================================
    // Helper classes for extracting configuration from servlet classes

    // Implementation for the ServletConfig
    private static final class ServletConfigFacade implements ConfigExtractor {
        private final ServletConfig config;

        private ServletConfigFacade(ServletConfig pConfig) {
            config = pConfig;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public Enumeration getNames() {
            return config.getInitParameterNames();

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public String getParameter(String pName) {
            return config.getInitParameter(pName);

    // Implementation for ServletContextFacade
    private static final class ServletContextFacade implements ConfigExtractor {
        private final ServletContext servletContext;

        private ServletContextFacade(ServletContext pServletContext) {
            servletContext = pServletContext;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public Enumeration getNames() {
            return servletContext.getInitParameterNames();

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public String getParameter(String pName) {
            return servletContext.getInitParameter(pName);