Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2013 Villu Ruusmann
 * This file is part of JPMML-Evaluator
 * JPMML-Evaluator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * JPMML-Evaluator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with JPMML-Evaluator.  If not, see <>.
package org.jpmml.evaluator;

import org.dmg.pmml.DataType;
import org.dmg.pmml.OpType;
import org.joda.time.Days;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime;
import org.joda.time.LocalTime;
import org.joda.time.Seconds;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeParser;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeParserBucket;
import org.jpmml.manager.UnsupportedFeatureException;

public class TypeUtil {

    private TypeUtil() {

    static public boolean equals(DataType dataType, Object left, Object right) {
        return (cast(dataType, left)).equals(cast(dataType, right));

    @SuppressWarnings(value = { "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    static public int compare(DataType dataType, Object left, Object right) {
        return ((Comparable) cast(dataType, left)).compareTo(cast(dataType, right));

    static public Object parseOrCast(DataType dataType, Object value) {

        if (value instanceof String) {
            String string = (String) value;

            return parse(dataType, string);

        return cast(dataType, value);

     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the String representation of the value cannot be parsed to the requested representation.
    static public Object parse(DataType dataType, String value) {

        switch (dataType) {
        case STRING:
            return value;
        case INTEGER:
            return parseInteger(value);
        case FLOAT:
            return parseFloat(value);
        case DOUBLE:
            return parseDouble(value);
        case BOOLEAN:
            return parseBoolean(value);
        case DATE:
            return parseDate(value);
        case TIME:
            return parseTime(value);
        case DATE_TIME:
            return parseDateTime(value);
        case DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1960:
            return new DaysSinceDate(YEAR_1960, parseDate(value));
        case DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1970:
            return new DaysSinceDate(YEAR_1970, parseDate(value));
        case DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1980:
            return new DaysSinceDate(YEAR_1980, parseDate(value));
        case TIME_SECONDS:
            return new SecondsSinceMidnight(parseSeconds(value));
        case DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1960:
            return new SecondsSinceDate(YEAR_1960, parseDateTime(value));
        case DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1970:
            return new SecondsSinceDate(YEAR_1970, parseDateTime(value));
        case DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1980:
            return new SecondsSinceDate(YEAR_1980, parseDateTime(value));
            throw new UnsupportedFeatureException();

    static private Integer parseInteger(String value) {

        try {
            long result = Long.parseLong(value);

            return toInt(result);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfeInteger) {

            try {
                double result = Double.parseDouble(value);

                if (DoubleMath.isMathematicalInteger(result)) {
                    return toInt((long) result);
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfeDouble) {
                // Ignored

            throw nfeInteger;

    static private Float parseFloat(String value) {
        return Float.valueOf(value);

    static private Double parseDouble(String value) {
        return Double.valueOf(value);

    static private Boolean parseBoolean(String value) {

        if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
        } else

        if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
            return Boolean.FALSE;

        try {
            return (Boolean) cast(DataType.BOOLEAN, parseDouble(value));
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            // Ignored
        } catch (TypeCheckException tce) {
            // Ignored

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(value);

    static private LocalDate parseDate(String value) {
        return LocalDate.parse(value);

    static private LocalTime parseTime(String value) {
        return LocalTime.parse(value);

    static private LocalDateTime parseDateTime(String value) {
        return LocalDateTime.parse(value);

    @SuppressWarnings(value = { "deprecation" })
    static private Seconds parseSeconds(String value) {
        DateTimeFormatter format = SecondsSinceMidnight.getFormat();

        DateTimeParser parser = format.getParser();

        DateTimeParserBucket bucket = new DateTimeParserBucket(0, null, null);

        int result = parser.parseInto(bucket, value, 0);
        if (result >= 0 && result >= value.length()) {
            long millis = bucket.computeMillis(true);

            return Seconds.seconds((int) (millis / 1000L));

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(value);

    static public String format(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof String) {
            return (String) value;
        } // End if

        if (value != null) {
            return String.valueOf(value);

        throw new EvaluationException();

     * @return The data type of the value.
    static public DataType getDataType(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof String) {
            return DataType.STRING;
        } else

        if (value instanceof Integer) {
            return DataType.INTEGER;
        } else

        if (value instanceof Float) {
            return DataType.FLOAT;
        } else

        if (value instanceof Double) {
            return DataType.DOUBLE;
        } else

        if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            return DataType.BOOLEAN;
        } else

        if (value instanceof LocalDate) {
            return DataType.DATE;
        } else

        if (value instanceof LocalTime) {
            return DataType.TIME;
        } else

        if (value instanceof LocalDateTime) {
            return DataType.DATE_TIME;
        } else

        if (value instanceof DaysSinceDate) {
            DaysSinceDate period = (DaysSinceDate) value;

            return getDaysDataType(period.getEpoch());
        } else

        if (value instanceof SecondsSinceMidnight) {
            return DataType.TIME_SECONDS;
        } else

        if (value instanceof SecondsSinceDate) {
            SecondsSinceDate period = (SecondsSinceDate) value;

            return getSecondsDataType(period.getEpoch());

        throw new EvaluationException();

     * @return The least restrictive data type of the data types of two values
    static public DataType getResultDataType(DataType left, DataType right) {

        if ((left).equals(right)) {
            return left;

        // "When the input parameters have multiple dataTypes, the least restrictive dataType will be inherited by default"
        for (int i = 0; i < inheritanceSequence.length; i++) {
            DataType dataType = inheritanceSequence[i];

            if ((dataType).equals(left) || (dataType).equals(right)) {
                return dataType;

        throw new EvaluationException();

    static public OpType getOpType(DataType dataType) {

        switch (dataType) {
        case STRING:
            return OpType.CATEGORICAL;
        case INTEGER:
        case FLOAT:
        case DOUBLE:
            return OpType.CONTINUOUS;
        case BOOLEAN:
            return OpType.CATEGORICAL;
        case DATE:
        case TIME:
        case DATE_TIME:
        case DATE_DAYS_SINCE_0:
        case DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1960:
        case DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1970:
        case DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1980:
        case TIME_SECONDS:
        case DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1960:
        case DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1970:
        case DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1980:
            return OpType.ORDINAL;
            throw new UnsupportedFeatureException();

    static public Object cast(DataType dataType, Object value) {

        switch (dataType) {
        case STRING:
            return toString(value);
        case INTEGER:
            return toInteger(value);
        case FLOAT:
            return toFloat(value);
        case DOUBLE:
            return toDouble(value);
        case BOOLEAN:
            return toBoolean(value);
        case DATE:
            return toDate(value);
        case TIME:
            return toTime(value);
        case DATE_TIME:
            return toDateTime(value);
        case DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1960:
            return toDaysSinceDate(value, YEAR_1960);
        case DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1970:
            return toDaysSinceDate(value, YEAR_1970);
        case DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1980:
            return toDaysSinceDate(value, YEAR_1980);
        case TIME_SECONDS:
            return toSecondsSinceMidnight(value);
        case DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1960:
            return toSecondsSinceDate(value, YEAR_1960);
        case DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1970:
            return toSecondsSinceDate(value, YEAR_1970);
        case DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1980:
            return toSecondsSinceDate(value, YEAR_1980);
            throw new UnsupportedFeatureException();

     * Casts the specified value to String data type.
     * @see DataType#STRING
    static private String toString(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof String) {
            return (String) value;
        } else

        if ((value instanceof Double) || (value instanceof Float) || (value instanceof Long)
                || (value instanceof Integer) || (value instanceof Short) || (value instanceof Byte)) {
            Number number = (Number) value;

            return number.toString();

        throw new TypeCheckException(DataType.STRING, value);

     * Casts the specified value to Integer data type.
     * @see DataType#INTEGER
    static private Integer toInteger(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof Integer) {
            return (Integer) value;
        } else

        if ((value instanceof Double) || (value instanceof Float)) {
            Number number = (Number) value;

            if (DoubleMath.isMathematicalInteger(number.doubleValue())) {
                return toInt(number.longValue());
        } else

        if (value instanceof Long) {
            Long number = (Long) value;

            return toInt(number.longValue());
        } else

        if ((value instanceof Short) || (value instanceof Byte)) {
            Number number = (Number) value;

            return Integer.valueOf(number.intValue());
        } else

        if ((value instanceof DaysSinceDate) || (value instanceof SecondsSinceDate)
                || (value instanceof SecondsSinceMidnight)) {
            Number number = (Number) value;

            return Integer.valueOf(number.intValue());

        throw new TypeCheckException(DataType.INTEGER, value);

    static private int toInt(long value) {

        if (value < Integer.MIN_VALUE || value > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            throw new EvaluationException();

        return (int) value;

     * Casts the specified value to Float data type.
     * @see DataType#FLOAT
    static private Float toFloat(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof Float) {
            return (Float) value;
        } else

        if ((value instanceof Long) || (value instanceof Integer) || (value instanceof Short)
                || (value instanceof Byte)) {
            Number number = (Number) value;

            return Float.valueOf(number.floatValue());
        } else

        if ((value instanceof DaysSinceDate) || (value instanceof SecondsSinceDate)
                || (value instanceof SecondsSinceMidnight)) {
            Number number = (Number) value;

            return Float.valueOf(number.floatValue());

        throw new TypeCheckException(DataType.FLOAT, value);

     * Casts the specified value to Double data type.
     * @see DataType#DOUBLE
    static private Double toDouble(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof Double) {
            return (Double) value;
        } else

        if ((value instanceof Float) || (value instanceof Long) || (value instanceof Integer)
                || (value instanceof Short) || (value instanceof Byte)) {
            Number number = (Number) value;

            return Double.valueOf(number.doubleValue());
        } else

        if ((value instanceof DaysSinceDate) || (value instanceof SecondsSinceDate)
                || (value instanceof SecondsSinceMidnight)) {
            Number number = (Number) value;

            return Double.valueOf(number.doubleValue());

        throw new TypeCheckException(DataType.DOUBLE, value);

     * @see DataType#BOOLEAN
    static private Boolean toBoolean(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            return (Boolean) value;
        } else

        if ((value instanceof Double) || (value instanceof Float) || (value instanceof Long)
                || (value instanceof Integer) || (value instanceof Short) || (value instanceof Byte)) {
            Number number = (Number) value;

            if (, number.doubleValue()) == 0) {
                return Boolean.TRUE;
            } else

            if (, number.doubleValue()) == 0) {
                return Boolean.FALSE;

        throw new TypeCheckException(DataType.BOOLEAN, value);

     * @see DataType#DATE
    static private LocalDate toDate(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof LocalDate) {
            return (LocalDate) value;
        } else

        if (value instanceof LocalDateTime) {
            LocalDateTime instant = (LocalDateTime) value;

            return instant.toLocalDate();

        throw new TypeCheckException(DataType.DATE, value);

     * @see DataType#TIME
    static private LocalTime toTime(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof LocalTime) {
            return (LocalTime) value;
        } else

        if (value instanceof LocalDateTime) {
            LocalDateTime instant = (LocalDateTime) value;

            return instant.toLocalTime();

        throw new TypeCheckException(DataType.TIME, value);

     * @see DataType#DATE_TIME
    static private LocalDateTime toDateTime(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof LocalDateTime) {
            return (LocalDateTime) value;

        throw new TypeCheckException(DataType.DATE_TIME, value);

     * @see DataType#DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1960
     * @see DataType#DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1970
     * @see DataType#DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1980
    static private DaysSinceDate toDaysSinceDate(Object value, LocalDate epoch) {

        if (value instanceof DaysSinceDate) {
            DaysSinceDate period = (DaysSinceDate) value;

            if ((period.getEpoch()).equals(epoch)) {
                return period;

            Days difference = Days.daysBetween(epoch, period.getEpoch()).plus(period.getDays());

            return new DaysSinceDate(epoch, difference);

        throw new TypeCheckException(getDaysDataType(epoch), value);

     * @see DataType#TIME_SECONDS
    static private SecondsSinceMidnight toSecondsSinceMidnight(Object value) {

        if (value instanceof SecondsSinceMidnight) {
            return (SecondsSinceMidnight) value;

        throw new TypeCheckException(DataType.TIME_SECONDS, value);

     * @see DataType#DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1960
     * @see DataType#DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1970
     * @see DataType#DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1980
    static private SecondsSinceDate toSecondsSinceDate(Object value, LocalDate epoch) {

        if (value instanceof SecondsSinceDate) {
            SecondsSinceDate period = (SecondsSinceDate) value;

            if ((period.getEpoch()).equals(epoch)) {
                return period;

            Seconds difference = Seconds.secondsBetween(toMidnight(epoch), toMidnight(period.getEpoch()))

            return new SecondsSinceDate(epoch, difference);

        throw new TypeCheckException(getSecondsDataType(epoch), value);

    static public DataType getConstantDataType(String string) {

        try {
            if (string.indexOf('.') > -1) {

                return DataType.FLOAT;
            } else


                return DataType.INTEGER;
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            return DataType.STRING;

    static private DataType getDaysDataType(LocalDate epoch) {

        if ((YEAR_1960).equals(epoch)) {
            return DataType.DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1960;
        } else

        if ((YEAR_1970).equals(epoch)) {
            return DataType.DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1970;
        } else

        if ((YEAR_1980).equals(epoch)) {
            return DataType.DATE_DAYS_SINCE_1980;

        throw new EvaluationException();

    static private DataType getSecondsDataType(LocalDate epoch) {

        if ((YEAR_1960).equals(epoch)) {
            return DataType.DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1960;
        } else

        if ((YEAR_1970).equals(epoch)) {
            return DataType.DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1970;
        } else

        if ((YEAR_1980).equals(epoch)) {
            return DataType.DATE_TIME_SECONDS_SINCE_1980;

        throw new EvaluationException();

    static LocalDateTime toMidnight(LocalDate date) {
        return new LocalDateTime(date.getYear(), date.getMonthOfYear(), date.getDayOfMonth(), 0, 0, 0);

    private static final DataType[] inheritanceSequence = { DataType.STRING, DataType.DOUBLE, DataType.FLOAT,
            DataType.INTEGER };

    private static final LocalDate YEAR_1960 = new LocalDate(1960, 1, 1);
    private static final LocalDate YEAR_1970 = new LocalDate(1970, 1, 1);
    private static final LocalDate YEAR_1980 = new LocalDate(1980, 1, 1);
