Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/*----------------    FILE HEADER KALYPSO ------------------------------------------
 *  This file is part of kalypso.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 by:
 *  Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH)
 *  Institute of River and coastal engineering
 *  Denickestrae 22
 *  21073 Hamburg, Germany
 *  and
 *  Bjoernsen Consulting Engineers (BCE)
 *  Maria Trost 3
 *  56070 Koblenz, Germany
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  Contact:
 *  E-Mail:
 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.kalypso.kalypsosimulationmodel.core.Assert;
import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Curve;
import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Exception;
import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Object;
import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Point;
import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Position;
import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.geometry.GeometryFactory;

 * This class is a geometry builder for a line.
 * @author Patrice Congo
public class LinePointCollector {
     * Stores the count of points which this geometry must have. If it is 0, there is no rule.
    private int m_maxPoints;

    private final List<MutableGMPoint> m_points = new ArrayList<>();

    private String m_crs;

    private boolean m_isSelected = false;

    private final int highlightDeltaX = 1;

    private int m_selection = -1;

     * The constructor.
     * @param cnt_points
     *          If >0 the the geometry will be finished, if the count of points is reached. If 0 no rule regarding the
     *          count of the points will apply.
     * @param targetCrs
     *          The target coordinate system.
    public LinePointCollector(final int maxCount, final String targetCrs) {
        m_maxPoints = 0;

        if (maxCount >= 0)
            m_maxPoints = maxCount;

        m_crs = targetCrs;

    public GM_Object addPoint(GM_Point p) {
        if (!(p instanceof MutableGMPoint))
            p = new MutableGMPoint(p);

        m_points.add((MutableGMPoint) p);

        if (m_points.size() == m_maxPoints)
            return finish();
            return null;

    public GM_Object finish() {
        final int size = m_points.size();

        if (size == 0) {
            // to avoid empty lines
            return null;

        if (((m_points.size() == m_maxPoints) && m_maxPoints != 0) || (m_maxPoints == 0))
            return getLastPoint();

        System.out.println("Max count not reached"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return null;

    public void paint(final Graphics g, final GeoTransform projection, final GM_Point currentPoint,
            final int pointRectSize) {
        // IMPORTANT: we remeber GM_Points (not Point's) and retransform them for painting
        // because the projection depends on the current map-extent, so this builder
        // is stable in regard to zoom in/out
        if (!m_points.isEmpty()) {
            if (m_isSelected) {
                final int[][] points = getPointArrays(projection, null);
                final int[][] polygonPoints = toPolygonPoints(points, highlightDeltaX);

                g.drawPolygon(polygonPoints[0], polygonPoints[1], polygonPoints[0].length);
                g.fillPolygon(polygonPoints[0], polygonPoints[1], polygonPoints[0].length);

                drawHandles(g, points[0], points[1], pointRectSize, m_selection);
            } else {
                // draw a line
                final int[][] points = getPointArrays(projection, currentPoint);
                final int[] arrayX = points[0];
                final int[] arrayY = points[1];

                /* Paint a linestring. */
                g.drawPolyline(arrayX, arrayY, arrayX.length);

                drawHandles(g, arrayX, arrayY, pointRectSize, m_selection);

    private static final int[][] toPolygonPoints(final int[][] originalPoint, final int deltaY) {
        if (originalPoint == null) {
            Assert.throwIAEOnNull(originalPoint, null);

        final int SIZE = originalPoint[0].length;
        if (SIZE == 0) {
            return new int[][] {};
        } else {
            final int[][] polyPoints = new int[2][SIZE + SIZE];

            for (int i = 0, opposite = SIZE + SIZE - 1; i < SIZE; i++, opposite--) {
                polyPoints[0][i] = originalPoint[0][i];
                polyPoints[1][i] = originalPoint[1][i] + deltaY;

                polyPoints[0][opposite] = originalPoint[0][i];
                polyPoints[1][opposite] = originalPoint[1][i] - deltaY;
            return polyPoints;

    private int[][] getPointArrays(final GeoTransform projection, final GM_Point currentPoint) {
        final List<Integer> xArray = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<Integer> yArray = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < m_points.size(); i++) {
            final GM_Point point = m_points.get(i);

            final int x = (int) projection.getDestX(point.getX());
            final int y = (int) projection.getDestY(point.getY());

            xArray.add(new Integer(x));
            yArray.add(new Integer(y));

        if (currentPoint != null) {
            final int x = (int) projection.getDestX(currentPoint.getX());
            final int y = (int) projection.getDestY(currentPoint.getY());

            xArray.add(new Integer(x));
            yArray.add(new Integer(y));

        final int[] xs = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(xArray.toArray(new Integer[xArray.size()]));
        final int[] ys = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(yArray.toArray(new Integer[yArray.size()]));

        return new int[][] { xs, ys };

    private static final void drawHandles(final Graphics g, final int[] x, final int[] y, final int pointRectWidth,
            final int selection) {
        final Color oldColor = g.getColor();
        // int sizeOuter = 4;
        final int halfRectWidth = pointRectWidth / 2;

        if (selection < 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
                g.drawRect(x[i] - halfRectWidth, y[i] - halfRectWidth, pointRectWidth, pointRectWidth);
        } else {
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < selection; i++) {
                g.drawRect(x[i] - halfRectWidth, y[i] - halfRectWidth, pointRectWidth, pointRectWidth);
            // is is now selection
            g.drawOval(x[i] - pointRectWidth, y[i] - pointRectWidth, pointRectWidth + pointRectWidth,
                    pointRectWidth + pointRectWidth);
            for (; i < y.length; i++) {
                g.drawRect(x[i] - halfRectWidth, y[i] - halfRectWidth, pointRectWidth, pointRectWidth);

     * removes all points in this {@link LineGeometryBuilder}
    void clear() {

    void reset(final String crs) {
        m_isSelected = false;
        m_crs = crs;

    void removeLastPoint(final boolean doDelFirstPoint) {
        final int index = m_points.size() - 1;

        if (index > 0) {
        } else if (index == 0) {
            if (doDelFirstPoint) {

     * Conevniance methode to get a new builder with the same required number of point and coordinate reference system
     * @param return a new builder
    public LinePointCollector getNewBuilder() {
        return new LinePointCollector(m_maxPoints, m_crs);

     * Returns the last point in this {@link LineGeometryBuilder}
     * @return the last point included in this {@link LineGeometryBuilder}
    public GM_Point getLastPoint() {
        final int size = m_points.size();
        if (size > 0) {
            return m_points.get(size - 1);
        } else {
            return null;

     * To get the first point included in this geometry builder
     * @return the first point in this geometry builder
    public GM_Point getFirstPoint() {
        final int size = m_points.size();

        if (size > 0) {
            return m_points.get(0);
        } else {
            return null;

     * To set the number of points the this line geometry is required to have to be considered finished
     * @param cntPoints
     *          the new required number of points
    public void setCntPoints(final int cntPoints) {
        m_maxPoints = cntPoints;
        final int SIZE = m_points.size();

        if (SIZE > cntPoints && cntPoints != 0) {
            // trim the size to cnt_points if the array
            // already contain more than cntPoints elements

            for (int i = SIZE - 1; i >= cntPoints; i--) {
                System.out.println("Removing extra points:" + i); //$NON-NLS-1$

    public int getPointCnt() {
        return m_maxPoints;
        //    return m_points.size();

     * Return the number of points already in this {@link LineGeometryBuilder}
     * @return the number of points allready included in the line geometry
    public int getCurrentPointCnt() {
        return m_points.size();

     * Return the remaining number of point to add to this {@link LineGeometryBuilder} to reach the expected number of
     * points
     * @return the actual of number of point remaining for completion or {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} if the required number
     *         of point was set to a zero or negativ integer
    public int getRemainingPointCnt() {
        if (m_maxPoints <= 0)
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        return m_maxPoints - m_points.size();

    public void replaceLastPoint(final GM_Point point) {
        final int index = m_points.size() - 1;
        if (index > 0) {
            // m_points.set( index, point );
        } else {
            if (point instanceof MutableGMPoint) {
                m_points.add((MutableGMPoint) point);
            } else {
                m_points.add(new MutableGMPoint(point));

    public void changeSelected(final GM_Point point) {
        if (m_selection >= 0) {
            // m_points.set( selection, point );

        } else {
            System.out.println("selection=" + m_selection); //$NON-NLS-1$


    public GM_Point getSelectedPoint() {
        if (m_selection >= 0) {
            return m_points.get(m_selection);
        } else {
            return null;


    public GM_Point getPointAt(final int index) {
        return m_points.get(index);

    public void clearSelection() {
        m_selection = -1;

    public int selectPoint(final GM_Point lowerCorner, final double squareWidth) {
        if (!m_isSelected) {
            m_selection = -1;
            return -1;

        final double halfWidth = squareWidth / 2;
        final double lowX = lowerCorner.getX() - halfWidth;
        final double lowY = lowerCorner.getY() - halfWidth;

        final double upperX = lowX + squareWidth;
        final double upperY = lowY + squareWidth;

        final double distance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        int nextSel = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < m_points.size(); i++) {
            final GM_Point curPoint = m_points.get(i);
            final double curCoordX = curPoint.getX();
            if (lowX <= curCoordX && upperX >= curCoordX) {
                final double curCoordY = curPoint.getY();

                if (lowY <= curCoordY && upperY >= curCoordY) {
                    if (distance > curPoint.distance(lowerCorner)) {
                        nextSel = i;


        m_selection = nextSel;
        return m_selection;

     * Mark the {@link LineGeometryBuilder} as selected
     * @param isSelected
     *          -- a boolean expressing the selection state of the {@link LineGeometryBuilder}
    public void setSelected(final boolean isSelected) {
        m_isSelected = isSelected;
        if (!isSelected) {
            m_selection = -1;

    // TODO move this method to the grid colector
    public double getHandleWidthAsWorldDistance(final IMapPanel mapPanel, final int pointRectSize) {
        if (m_points.size() > 0)
            return MapUtilities.calculateWorldDistance(mapPanel, m_points.get(0), pointRectSize);
            return 0;

    public boolean isSelected() {
        return m_isSelected;

    public void paintLine(final Graphics g, final GeoTransform projection, final double width, final Color color) {
        try {
            final GM_Curve curve = getAsCurve();

            final LineSymbolizer symb = new LineSymbolizer_Impl();
            final Stroke stroke = new Stroke_Impl(new HashMap<String, CssParameter>(), null, null);


            final DisplayElement de = DisplayElementFactory.buildLineStringDisplayElement(null, curve, symb);
            de.paint(g, projection, new NullProgressMonitor());
        } catch (final Exception e1) {

    public GM_Curve getAsCurve() throws GM_Exception {
        final GM_Position[] positions = new GM_Position[m_points.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++)
            positions[i] = m_points.get(i).getPosition();

        return GeometryFactory.createGM_Curve(positions, m_crs);