Source code

Java tutorial


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 * (c) Copyright 2013 WibiData, Inc.
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;


import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Type;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericDatumReader;

import org.kiji.annotations.ApiAudience;
import org.kiji.schema.DecodedCell;
import org.kiji.schema.EntityId;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiCell;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiColumnName;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiDataRequest;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiDataRequestBuilder.ColumnsDef;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiRowData;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiSchemaTable;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiTable;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiTableReader;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiTableWriter;
import org.kiji.schema.avro.SchemaType;
import org.kiji.schema.layout.CellSpec;
import org.kiji.schema.layout.KijiTableLayout;
import org.kiji.schema.layout.KijiTableLayout.LocalityGroupLayout.FamilyLayout;
import org.kiji.schema.layout.KijiTableLayout.LocalityGroupLayout.FamilyLayout.ColumnLayout;
import org.kiji.schema.layout.SchemaClassNotFoundException;
import org.kiji.schema.util.ResourceUtils;

 * Utility methods used for reading and writing REST row model objects to/from Kiji.
public final class RowResourceUtil {

    private static final ObjectMapper BASIC_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
    private static final String COUNTER_INCREMENT_KEY = "incr";

     * Blank constructor.
    private RowResourceUtil() {

     * Retrieves the Min..Max timestamp given the user specified time range. Min and Max represent
     * long-type time in milliseconds since the UNIX Epoch. e.g. '123..1234', '0..', or '..1234'.
     * (Default=0..)
     * @param timeRange is the user supplied timerange.
     * @return A long 2-tuple containing the min and max timestamps (in ms since UNIX Epoch)
    public static long[] getTimestamps(String timeRange) {

        long[] lReturn = new long[] { 0, Long.MAX_VALUE };
        final Pattern timestampPattern = Pattern.compile("([0-9]*)\\.\\.([0-9]*)");
        final Matcher timestampMatcher = timestampPattern.matcher(timeRange);

        if (timestampMatcher.matches()) {
            final String leftEndpoint =;
            lReturn[0] = ("".equals(leftEndpoint)) ? 0 : Long.parseLong(leftEndpoint);

            final String rightEndpoint =;
            lReturn[1] = ("".equals(rightEndpoint)) ? Long.MAX_VALUE : Long.parseLong(rightEndpoint);
        return lReturn;

     * Returns a list of fully qualified KijiColumnNames to return to the client.
     * @param tableLayout is the layout of the table from which the row is being fetched.
     * @param columnsDef is the columns definition object being modified to be passed down to the
     *        KijiTableReader.
     * @param requestedColumns the list of user requested columns to display.
     * @return the list of KijiColumns that will ultimately be displayed. Since this method validates
     *         the list of incoming columns, it's not necessarily the case that what was specified in
     *         the requestedColumns string correspond exactly to the list of outgoing columns. In some
     *         cases it could be less (in case of an invalid column/qualifier) or more in case of
     *         specifying only the family but no qualifiers.
    public static List<KijiColumnName> addColumnDefs(KijiTableLayout tableLayout, ColumnsDef columnsDef,
            String requestedColumns) {

        List<KijiColumnName> returnCols = Lists.newArrayList();
        Collection<KijiColumnName> requestedColumnList = null;
        // Check for whether or not *all* columns were requested
        if (requestedColumns == null || requestedColumns.trim().equals("*")) {
            requestedColumnList = tableLayout.getColumnNames();
        } else {
            requestedColumnList = Lists.newArrayList();
            String[] requestedColumnArray = requestedColumns.split(",");
            for (String s : requestedColumnArray) {
                requestedColumnList.add(new KijiColumnName(s));

        Map<String, FamilyLayout> colMap = tableLayout.getFamilyMap();
        // Loop over the columns requested and validate that they exist and/or
        // expand qualifiers
        // in case only family names were specified (in the case of group type
        // families).
        for (KijiColumnName kijiColumn : requestedColumnList) {
            FamilyLayout layout = colMap.get(kijiColumn.getFamily());
            if (null != layout) {
                if (layout.isMapType()) {
                } else {
                    Map<String, ColumnLayout> groupColMap = layout.getColumnMap();
                    if (kijiColumn.isFullyQualified()) {
                        ColumnLayout groupColLayout = groupColMap.get(kijiColumn.getQualifier());
                        if (null != groupColLayout) {
                    } else {
                        for (ColumnLayout c : groupColMap.values()) {
                            KijiColumnName fullyQualifiedGroupCol = new KijiColumnName(kijiColumn.getFamily(),

        if (returnCols.isEmpty()) {
            throw new WebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException("No columns selected!"),

        return returnCols;

     * Reads the KijiRowData retrieved and returns the POJO representing the result sent to the
     * client.
     * @param rowData is the actual row data fetched from Kiji
     * @param tableLayout the layout of the underlying Kiji table itself.
     * @param columnsRequested is the list of columns requested by the client
     * @param schemaTable is the handle to the schema table used to resolve the writer's schema into
     *        the Kiji specific UID.
     * @return The Kiji row data POJO to be sent to the client
     * @throws IOException when trying to request the specs of a column family that doesn't exist.
     *         Although this shouldn't happen as columns are assumed to have been validated before
     *         this method is invoked.
    public static KijiRestRow getKijiRestRow(KijiRowData rowData, KijiTableLayout tableLayout,
            List<KijiColumnName> columnsRequested, KijiSchemaTable schemaTable) throws IOException {
        // The entityId is materialized based on the row key format.
        KijiRestRow returnRow = new KijiRestRow(KijiRestEntityId.create(rowData.getEntityId(), tableLayout));
        Map<String, FamilyLayout> familyLayoutMap = tableLayout.getFamilyMap();

        // Let's sort this to keep the response consistent with what hbase would return.

        for (KijiColumnName col : columnsRequested) {
            FamilyLayout familyInfo = familyLayoutMap.get(col.getFamily());
            CellSpec spec = null;
            try {
                spec = tableLayout.getCellSpec(col);
            } catch (SchemaClassNotFoundException e) {
                // If the user is requesting a column whose class is not on the
                // classpath, then we
                // will get an exception here. Until we migrate to KijiSchema 1.1.0 and
                // use the generic
                // Avro API, we will have to require clients to load the rest server
                // with compiled
                // Avro schemas on the classpath.
                DecodedCell<String> decodedCell = new DecodedCell<String>(null,
                        "Error loading cell: " + e.getMessage());
                String qualifier = "";
                if (col.getQualifier() != null) {
                    qualifier = col.getQualifier();
                // Error condition.
                SchemaOption schemaOption = new SchemaOption(-1);
                returnRow.addCell(new KijiCell<String>(col.getFamily(), qualifier, -1L, decodedCell), schemaOption);
            if (spec.isCounter()) {
                if (col.isFullyQualified()) {
                    KijiCell<Long> counter = rowData.getMostRecentCell(col.getFamily(), col.getQualifier());
                    if (null != counter) {
                        SchemaOption schemaOption = new SchemaOption(
                        returnRow.addCell(counter, schemaOption);
                } else if (familyInfo.isMapType()) {
                    // Only can print all qualifiers on map types
                    for (String key : rowData.getQualifiers(col.getFamily())) {
                        KijiCell<Long> counter = rowData.getMostRecentCell(col.getFamily(), key);
                        if (null != counter) {
                            SchemaOption schemaOption = new SchemaOption(
                            returnRow.addCell(counter, schemaOption);
            } else {

                if (col.isFullyQualified()) {
                    Map<Long, KijiCell<Object>> rowVals = rowData.getCells(col.getFamily(), col.getQualifier());
                    for (Entry<Long, KijiCell<Object>> timestampedCell : rowVals.entrySet()) {
                        KijiCell<Object> kijiCell = timestampedCell.getValue();
                        SchemaOption schemaOption = new SchemaOption(
                        returnRow.addCell(kijiCell, schemaOption);
                } else if (familyInfo.isMapType()) {
                    Map<String, NavigableMap<Long, KijiCell<Object>>> rowVals = rowData.getCells(col.getFamily());

                    for (Entry<String, NavigableMap<Long, KijiCell<Object>>> e : rowVals.entrySet()) {
                        for (KijiCell<Object> timestampedCell : e.getValue().values()) {
                            SchemaOption schemaOption = new SchemaOption(
                            returnRow.addCell(timestampedCell, schemaOption);
        return returnRow;

     * Returns a Kiji row object given the table, entity_id and data request.
     * @param table is the table containing the row.
     * @param eid is the entity id of the row to return.
     * @param request contains information about what to return.
     * @return a Kiji row object conforming to the parameters of the request.
     * @throws IOException if the retrieve fails.
    public static KijiRowData getKijiRowData(KijiTable table, EntityId eid, KijiDataRequest request)
            throws IOException {

        KijiRowData returnRow = null;
        final KijiTableReader reader = table.openTableReader();
        try {
            returnRow = reader.get(eid, request);

        } finally {

        return returnRow;

     * A helper method to perform individual cell puts.
     * @param writer The table writer which will do the putting.
     * @param entityId The entityId of the row to put to.
     * @param jsonValue The json value to put.
     * @param column The column to put the cell to.
     * @param timestamp The timestamp to put the cell at (default is cluster-side UNIX time).
     * @param schema The schema of the cell (default is specified in layout.).
     * @throws IOException When the put fails.
    public static void putCell(final KijiTableWriter writer, final EntityId entityId, final String jsonValue,
            final KijiColumnName column, final long timestamp, final Schema schema) throws IOException {
        // Create the Avro record to write.
        // String types are a bit annoying in that those need double escaping of the quotations
        // which are impractical for clients and don't match the semantics of what GET returns. This
        // is because the JSON decoder requires escaped strings to be properly parsed into JSON.
        Object datum = jsonValue;
        if (schema.getType() != Type.STRING) {
            GenericDatumReader<Object> reader = new GenericDatumReader<Object>(schema);
            datum =, new DecoderFactory().jsonDecoder(schema, jsonValue));
        // Write the put.
        writer.put(entityId, column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier(), timestamp, datum);

     * Util method to write a rest row into Kiji.
     * @param kijiTable is the table to write into.
     * @param entityId is the entity id of the row to write.
     * @param kijiRestRow is the row model to write to Kiji.
     * @param schemaTable is the handle to the schema table used to resolve the KijiRestCell's
     *        writer schema if it was specified as a UID.
     * @throws IOException if there a failure writing the row.
    public static void writeRow(KijiTable kijiTable, EntityId entityId, KijiRestRow kijiRestRow,
            KijiSchemaTable schemaTable) throws IOException {
        final KijiTableWriter writer = kijiTable.openTableWriter();
        // Default global timestamp.
        long globalTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

        try {
            for (Entry<String, NavigableMap<String, List<KijiRestCell>>> familyEntry : kijiRestRow.getCells()
                    .entrySet()) {
                String columnFamily = familyEntry.getKey();
                NavigableMap<String, List<KijiRestCell>> qualifiedCells = familyEntry.getValue();
                for (Entry<String, List<KijiRestCell>> qualifiedCell : qualifiedCells.entrySet()) {
                    final KijiColumnName column = new KijiColumnName(columnFamily, qualifiedCell.getKey());
                    if (!kijiTable.getLayout().exists(column)) {
                        throw new WebApplicationException(
                                new IllegalArgumentException("Specified column does not exist: " + column),

                    for (KijiRestCell restCell : qualifiedCell.getValue()) {
                        final long timestamp;
                        if (null != restCell.getTimestamp()) {
                            timestamp = restCell.getTimestamp();
                        } else {
                            timestamp = globalTimestamp;
                        if (timestamp >= 0) {
                            // Put to either a counter or a regular cell.
                            if (SchemaType.COUNTER == kijiTable.getLayout().getCellSchema(column).getType()) {
                                JsonNode parsedCounterValue = BASIC_MAPPER.valueToTree(restCell.getValue());
                                if (parsedCounterValue.isIntegralNumber()) {
                                    // Write the counter cell.
                                    writer.put(entityId, column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier(), timestamp,
                                } else if (parsedCounterValue.isContainerNode()) {
                                    if (null != parsedCounterValue.get(COUNTER_INCREMENT_KEY)
                                            && parsedCounterValue.get(COUNTER_INCREMENT_KEY).isIntegralNumber()) {
                                        // Counter incrementation does not support timestamp.
                                        if (null != restCell.getTimestamp()) {
                                            throw new WebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException(
                                                    "Counter incrementation does not support "
                                                            + "timestamp. Do not specify timestamp in request."));
                                        // Increment counter cell.
                                        writer.increment(entityId, column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier(),
                                    } else {
                                        throw new WebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException(
                                                "Counter increment could not be parsed " + "as long: "
                                                        + parsedCounterValue
                                                        + ". Provide a json node such as {\"incr\" : 123}."),
                                } else {
                                    // Could not parse parameter to a long.
                                    throw new WebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException(
                                            "Counter value could not be parsed as long: " + parsedCounterValue
                                                    + ". Provide a long value to set the counter."),
                            } else {
                                // Write the cell.
                                String jsonValue = restCell.getValue().toString();
                                // TODO: This is ugly. Converting from Map to JSON to String.
                                if (restCell.getValue() instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
                                    JsonNode node = BASIC_MAPPER.valueToTree(restCell.getValue());
                                    jsonValue = node.toString();
                                Schema actualWriter = restCell.getWriterSchema(schemaTable);
                                if (actualWriter == null) {
                                    throw new IOException("Unrecognized schema " + restCell.getValue());
                                putCell(writer, entityId, jsonValue, column, timestamp, actualWriter);
        } finally {