Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010-2013 Ning, Inc.
 * Copyright 2014-2017 Groupon, Inc
 * Copyright 2014-2017 The Billing Project, LLC
 * The Billing Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.killbill.billing.util.entity.dao;

import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.killbill.billing.BillingExceptionBase;
import org.killbill.billing.callcontext.InternalCallContext;
import org.killbill.billing.callcontext.InternalTenantContext;
import org.killbill.billing.entity.EntityPersistenceException;
import org.killbill.billing.util.audit.ChangeType;
import org.killbill.billing.util.entity.DefaultPagination;
import org.killbill.billing.util.entity.Entity;
import org.killbill.billing.util.entity.Pagination;
import org.killbill.billing.util.entity.dao.DefaultPaginationSqlDaoHelper.Ordering;
import org.killbill.billing.util.entity.dao.DefaultPaginationSqlDaoHelper.PaginationIteratorBuilder;


public abstract class EntityDaoBase<M extends EntityModelDao<E>, E extends Entity, U extends BillingExceptionBase>
        implements EntityDao<M, E, U> {

    protected final EntitySqlDaoTransactionalJdbiWrapper transactionalSqlDao;
    protected final DefaultPaginationSqlDaoHelper paginationHelper;

    private final Class<? extends EntitySqlDao<M, E>> realSqlDao;
    private final Class<U> targetExceptionClass;

    public EntityDaoBase(final EntitySqlDaoTransactionalJdbiWrapper transactionalSqlDao,
            final Class<? extends EntitySqlDao<M, E>> realSqlDao) {
        this.transactionalSqlDao = transactionalSqlDao;
        this.realSqlDao = realSqlDao;
        this.paginationHelper = new DefaultPaginationSqlDaoHelper(transactionalSqlDao);

        try {
            final Type genericSuperclass = this.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
            targetExceptionClass = (genericSuperclass instanceof ParameterizedType)
                    ? (Class<U>) Class.forName(
                            ((ParameterizedType) genericSuperclass).getActualTypeArguments()[2].getTypeName())
                    : null; // Mock class
        } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public void create(final M entity, final InternalCallContext context) throws U {
        final M refreshedEntity = transactionalSqlDao.execute(false, targetExceptionClass,
                getCreateEntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper(entity, context));
        // Populate the caches only after the transaction has been committed, in case of rollbacks

    public void create(final Iterable<M> entities, final InternalCallContext context) throws U {
        final List<M> refreshedEntities = transactionalSqlDao.execute(false, targetExceptionClass,
                getCreateEntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper(entities, context));
        // Populate the caches only after the transaction has been committed, in case of rollbacks
        for (M refreshedEntity : refreshedEntities) {

    protected EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper<List<M>> getCreateEntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper(
            final Iterable<M> entities, final InternalCallContext context) {

        final List<M> result = new ArrayList<M>();
        return new EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper<List<M>>() {
            public List<M> inTransaction(final EntitySqlDaoWrapperFactory entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory)
                    throws Exception {

                final EntitySqlDao<M, E> transactional = entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory.become(realSqlDao);

                for (M entity : entities) {
                    if (checkEntityAlreadyExists(transactional, entity, context)) {
                        throw generateAlreadyExistsException(entity, context);
                    final M refreshedEntity = createAndRefresh(transactional, entity, context);
                    postBusEventFromTransaction(entity, refreshedEntity, ChangeType.INSERT,
                            entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory, context);
                return result;

    protected EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper<M> getCreateEntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper(final M entity,
            final InternalCallContext context) {
        final EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper<List<M>> entityWrapperList = getCreateEntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper(
                ImmutableList.<M>of(entity), context);
        return new EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper<M>() {
            public M inTransaction(final EntitySqlDaoWrapperFactory entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory) throws Exception {
                final List<M> result = entityWrapperList.inTransaction(entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory);
                return result.isEmpty() ? null : result.get(0);

    protected <F extends EntityModelDao> F createAndRefresh(final EntitySqlDao transactional, final F entity,
            final InternalCallContext context) throws EntityPersistenceException {
        // We have overridden the jDBI return type in EntitySqlDaoWrapperInvocationHandler
        return (F) transactional.create(entity, context);

    protected boolean checkEntityAlreadyExists(final EntitySqlDao<M, E> transactional, final M entity,
            final InternalCallContext context) {
        return transactional.getRecordId(entity.getId().toString(), context) != null;

    protected void postBusEventFromTransaction(final M entity, final M savedEntity, final ChangeType changeType,
            final EntitySqlDaoWrapperFactory entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory, final InternalCallContext context)
            throws BillingExceptionBase {

    protected abstract U generateAlreadyExistsException(final M entity, final InternalCallContext context);

    protected String getNaturalOrderingColumns() {
        return "record_id";

    public Long getRecordId(final UUID id, final InternalTenantContext context) {
        return transactionalSqlDao.execute(true, new EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper<Long>() {

            public Long inTransaction(final EntitySqlDaoWrapperFactory entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory)
                    throws Exception {
                final EntitySqlDao<M, E> transactional = entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory.become(realSqlDao);
                return transactional.getRecordId(id.toString(), context);

    public M getByRecordId(final Long recordId, final InternalTenantContext context) {
        return transactionalSqlDao.execute(true, new EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper<M>() {

            public M inTransaction(final EntitySqlDaoWrapperFactory entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory) throws Exception {
                final EntitySqlDao<M, E> transactional = entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory.become(realSqlDao);
                return transactional.getByRecordId(recordId, context);

    public M getById(final UUID id, final InternalTenantContext context)
            throws U /* Does not throw anything, but allows class overriding this method to throw */ {
        return transactionalSqlDao.execute(true, new EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper<M>() {

            public M inTransaction(final EntitySqlDaoWrapperFactory entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory) throws Exception {
                final EntitySqlDao<M, E> transactional = entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory.become(realSqlDao);
                return transactional.getById(id.toString(), context);

    public Pagination<M> getAll(final InternalTenantContext context) {
        // We usually always want to wrap our queries in an EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper... except here.
        // Since we want to stream the results out, we don't want to auto-commit when this method returns.
        final EntitySqlDao<M, E> sqlDao = transactionalSqlDao.onDemandForStreamingResults(realSqlDao);

        // Note: we need to perform the count before streaming the results, as the connection
        // will be busy as we stream the results out. This is also why we cannot use
        // SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS / FOUND_ROWS (which may not be faster anyways).
        final Long count = sqlDao.getCount(context);

        final Iterator<M> results = sqlDao.getAll(context);
        return new DefaultPagination<M>(count, results);

    public Pagination<M> get(final Long offset, final Long limit, final InternalTenantContext context) {
        return paginationHelper.getPagination(realSqlDao,
                new PaginationIteratorBuilder<M, E, EntitySqlDao<M, E>>() {
                    public Long getCount(final EntitySqlDao<M, E> sqlDao, final InternalTenantContext context) {
                        // Only need to compute it once, because no search filter has been applied (see DefaultPaginationSqlDaoHelper)
                        return null;

                    public Iterator<M> build(final EntitySqlDao<M, E> sqlDao, final Long offset, final Long limit,
                            final Ordering ordering, final InternalTenantContext context) {
                        return sqlDao.get(offset, limit, getNaturalOrderingColumns(), ordering.toString(), context);
                }, offset, limit, context);

    public Long getCount(final InternalTenantContext context) {
        return transactionalSqlDao.execute(true, new EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper<Long>() {

            public Long inTransaction(final EntitySqlDaoWrapperFactory entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory)
                    throws Exception {
                final EntitySqlDao<M, E> transactional = entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory.become(realSqlDao);
                return transactional.getCount(context);

    public void test(final InternalTenantContext context) {
        transactionalSqlDao.execute(true, new EntitySqlDaoTransactionWrapper<Void>() {

            public Void inTransaction(final EntitySqlDaoWrapperFactory entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory)
                    throws Exception {
                final EntitySqlDao<M, E> transactional = entitySqlDaoWrapperFactory.become(realSqlDao);
                return null;