Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Kontalk XMPP Tigase extension
 * Copyright (C) 2017 Kontalk Devteam <>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package org.kontalk.xmppserver;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPException;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKey;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.auth.KontalkAuth;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.pgp.PGPUserID;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.pgp.PGPUtils;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.presence.JDBCPresenceRepository;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.probe.ProbeInfo;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.probe.ProbeListener;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.probe.ProbeManager;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.registration.PhoneNumberVerificationProvider;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.registration.RegistrationRequest;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.registration.VerificationRepository;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.util.Utils;
import org.kontalk.xmppserver.x509.X509Utils;
import tigase.annotations.TODO;
import tigase.auth.mechanisms.SaslEXTERNAL;
import tigase.conf.ConfigurationException;
import tigase.db.NonAuthUserRepository;
import tigase.db.TigaseDBException;
import tigase.db.UserExistsException;
import tigase.db.UserNotFoundException;
import tigase.form.Field;
import tigase.form.Form;
import tigase.server.Iq;
import tigase.server.Packet;
import tigase.server.Presence;
import tigase.server.XMPPServer;
import tigase.server.xmppsession.SessionManager;
import tigase.server.xmppsession.SessionManagerHandler;
import tigase.stats.StatisticsList;
import tigase.util.Base64;
import tigase.util.TigaseStringprepException;
import tigase.xml.Element;
import tigase.xmpp.*;
import tigase.xmpp.impl.PresenceSubscription;
import tigase.xmpp.impl.roster.RosterAbstract;
import tigase.xmpp.impl.roster.RosterFlat;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * jabber:iq:register plugin for Kontalk.
 * Inspired by the jabber:iq:register Tigase plugin.
 * @author Daniele Ricci
@TODO(note = "Support for multiple virtual hosts; Expire private key tokens")
public class KontalkIqRegister extends XMPPProcessor implements XMPPProcessorIfc, ProbeListener {

    private static final String[][] ELEMENTS = { Iq.IQ_QUERY_PATH };
    public static final String ID = "kontalk:jabber:iq:register";

    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(KontalkIqRegister.class.getName());
    private static final String[] XMLNSS = { "jabber:iq:register" };

    // form XPath and xmlns
    private static final String IQ_FORM_ELEM_NAME = "x";
    private static final String IQ_FORM_XMLNS = "jabber:x:data";
    private static final String IQ_FORM_KONTALK_CODE_XMLNS = "";
    private static final String IQ_FORM_KONTALK_PRIVATEKEY_XMLNS = "";

    // account management
    private static final String IQ_ACCOUNT_ELEM_NAME = "account";
    private static final String IQ_ACCOUNT_XMLNS = "";
    private static final String IQ_ACCOUNT_PRIVATEKEY_ELEM_NAME = "privatekey";
    private static final String IQ_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_ELEM_NAME = "token";

    // form fields
    private static final String FORM_FIELD_PHONE = "phone";
    private static final String FORM_FIELD_CODE = "code";
    private static final String FORM_FIELD_PUBLICKEY = "publickey";
    private static final String FORM_FIELD_REVOKED = "revoked";
    private static final String FORM_FIELD_FORCE = "force";
    private static final String FORM_FIELD_FALLBACK = "fallback";
    private static final String FORM_FIELD_PRIVATEKEY = "privatekey";
    /** Form field to request a specific challenge type. */
    private static final String FORM_FIELD_CHALLENGE = "challenge";

    private static final Element[] FEATURES = { new Element("register", new String[] { "xmlns" },
            new String[] { "" }) };
    private static final Element[] DISCO_FEATURES = {
            new Element("feature", new String[] { "var" }, new String[] { "jabber:iq:register" }) };

    private static final String ERROR_INVALID_CODE = "Invalid verification code.";
    private static final String ERROR_MALFORMED_REQUEST = "Please provide either a phone number or a public key and a verification code.";
    private static final String ERROR_INVALID_REVOKED = "Invalid revocation key.";
    private static final String ERROR_INVALID_PUBKEY = "Invalid public key.";
    private static final String ERROR_INVALID_PRIVKEY_TOKEN = "Invalid private key token.";

    private static final String NODE_PRIVATEKEY = "kontalk/privatekey";
    private static final String KEY_PRIVATEKEY_DATA = "keydata";
    private static final String KEY_PRIVATEKEY_JID = "jid";

    /** Default user expire time in seconds. */
    private static final long DEF_EXPIRE_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(30);

    private static final int PRIVATE_KEY_ID_LEN = 40;

    /** Pattern for connectionId resource: */
    // FIXME this is valid only for IPv4
    private static final Pattern PATTERN_CLIENT_ADDRESS = Pattern.compile("^.*_.*_(.*)_.*$");

    /** Number of registration attempts to consider to be throttling. After this, timestamps will be checked. */
    private static final int THROTTLING_ATTEMPTS_THRESHOLD = 3;

    /** Minimum delay for coming out of throttling. This is used after the number of attempts is greater than {@link #THROTTLING_ATTEMPTS_THRESHOLD}. */
    private static final long THROTTLING_MIN_DELAY = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(30);

    private static final RosterFlat rosterUtil = new RosterFlat();
    private static final SessionManagerHandler loginHandler = new SessionManagerHandler() {
        public JID getComponentId() {
            return null;

        public void handleLogin(BareJID userId, XMPPResourceConnection conn) {

        public void handleDomainChange(String domain, XMPPResourceConnection conn) {

        public void handleLogout(BareJID userId, XMPPResourceConnection conn) {

        public void handlePresenceSet(XMPPResourceConnection conn) {

        public void handleResourceBind(XMPPResourceConnection conn) {

        public boolean isLocalDomain(String domain, boolean includeComponents) {
            return false;

    private Map<String, PhoneNumberVerificationProvider> providers;
    // these two are actually references to instances stored in providers map above
    // if default-provider and fallback-provider are not defined in config, the first and second provider will be used
    // as default and fallback (if any)
    private PhoneNumberVerificationProvider defaultProvider;
    private PhoneNumberVerificationProvider fallbackProvider;

    private long statsRegistrationAttempts;
    private long statsRegisteredUsers;
    private long statsInvalidRegistrations;
    private Map<BareJID, RegistrationRequest> requests;

    /** Stores useful data for detecting registration throttling. */
    private static final class LastRegisterRequest {
        /** Number of requests so far. */
        public int attempts;
        /** Timestamp of last request. */
        public long lastTimestamp;

    private Map<String, LastRegisterRequest> throttlingRequests;

    private JDBCPresenceRepository userRepository = new JDBCPresenceRepository();

    public String id() {
        return ID;

    public void init(Map<String, Object> settings) throws TigaseDBException {
        requests = new HashMap<>();
        throttlingRequests = new HashMap<>();

        // registration providers
        providers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        String[] providersList = (String[]) settings.get("providers");
        if (providersList == null || providersList.length == 0)
            throw new TigaseDBException("No providers configured");

        String defaultProviderName = (String) settings.get("default-provider");
        String fallbackProviderName = (String) settings.get("fallback-provider");

        for (String providerStr : providersList) {
            String[] providerDef = providerStr.split("=");
            if (providerDef.length != 2)
                throw new TigaseDBException("Bad provider definition: " + providerStr);

            String providerName = providerDef[0];
            String providerClassName = providerDef[1];

            try {
                Class<? extends PhoneNumberVerificationProvider> providerClass = (Class<? extends PhoneNumberVerificationProvider>) Class
                PhoneNumberVerificationProvider provider = providerClass.newInstance();
                provider.init(getPrefixedSettings(settings, providerName + "-"));
                // init was successful
                providers.put(providerName, provider);

                if (defaultProviderName != null) {
                    // this is the default provider
                    if (defaultProviderName.equals(providerName))
                        defaultProvider = provider;
                } else if (defaultProvider == null) {
                    // no default provider defined, use the first one found
                    defaultProvider = provider;

                if (fallbackProviderName != null) {
                    // this is the fallback provider
                    if (fallbackProviderName.equals(providerName))
                        fallbackProvider = provider;
                } else if (fallbackProvider == null && defaultProvider != null) {
                    // no fallback provider defined and default provider already set
                    // use the second provider found
                    fallbackProvider = provider;
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new TigaseDBException("Provider class not found: " + providerClassName);
            } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new TigaseDBException("Unable to create provider instance for " + providerClassName);
            } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
                throw new TigaseDBException("configuration error", e);

        // user repository for periodical purge of old users
        String uri = (String) settings.get("db-uri");
        userRepository.initRepository(uri, null);

        // delete expired users once a day
        long timeout = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1);
        Timer taskTimer = new Timer(ID + " tasks", true);
        taskTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                        log.finest("Purging expired users.");
                    // TODO seconds should be in configuration
                    List<BareJID> users = userRepository.getExpiredUsers(DEF_EXPIRE_SECONDS);
                    for (BareJID user : users) {
                } catch (TigaseDBException e) {
                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "error purging expired users", e);
        }, timeout, timeout);

    private Map<String, Object> getPrefixedSettings(Map<String, Object> settings, String prefix) {
        Map<String, Object> out = new HashMap<>(settings);
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : settings.entrySet()) {
            String key = entry.getKey();
            if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
                out.put(key.substring(prefix.length()), entry.getValue());
        return out;

    private PhoneNumberVerificationProvider getChallengedProvider(String challenge) {
        for (PhoneNumberVerificationProvider provider : providers.values()) {
            if (provider.getChallengeType().equals(challenge))
                return provider;
        return null;

    private PhoneNumberVerificationProvider getSupportedProvider(RegistrationRequest request) {
        for (PhoneNumberVerificationProvider provider : providers.values()) {
            if (provider.supportsRequest(request))
                return provider;
        return null;

    private void removeUser(BareJID jid) throws TigaseDBException {
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            log.log(Level.FINE, "Deleting user {0}", jid);
        try {
            // send unsubscribed to all contacts
        } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
            log.log(Level.WARNING, "unable to unsubscribe from roster of " + jid, e);

    /** Sends an unsubscribed stanza to all user in the given user's roster. */
    private void unsubscribeFromRoster(BareJID jid) throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException {
        // prepare session object for retrieving the roster
        XMPPSession parentSession = new XMPPSession(jid.getLocalpart());
        XMPPResourceConnection session = new XMPPResourceConnection(JID.jidInstanceNS(jid, "internal"),
                userRepository, userRepository, loginHandler);
        SessionManager sessMan = (SessionManager) XMPPServer.getComponent("sess-man");
        try {
            session.authorizeJID(jid, false);
        } catch (TigaseStringprepException e) {
            throw new TigaseDBException("Unable to authorize session", e);

        JID[] buddies = rosterUtil.getBuddies(session, RosterAbstract.FROM_SUBSCRIBED);
        if (buddies != null && buddies.length > 0) {
            // we are not in a processing queue so we need direct access to the SessionManager
            for (JID user : buddies) {
                try {
                    Packet packet = Packet.packetInstance(Presence.ELEM_NAME, jid.toString(),
                            user.getBareJID().toString(), StanzaType.unsubscribed);
                } catch (TigaseStringprepException e) {
                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to create unsubscription packet", e);

    public void process(Packet packet, XMPPResourceConnection session, NonAuthUserRepository repo,
            Queue<Packet> results, Map<String, Object> settings) throws XMPPException {
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            log.finest("Processing packet: " + packet.toString());
        if (session == null) {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                log.finest("Session is null, ignoring");


        BareJID id = session.getDomainAsJID().getBareJID();

        if (packet.getStanzaTo() != null) {
            id = packet.getStanzaTo().getBareJID();
        try {

            if ((packet.getPacketFrom() != null) && packet.getPacketFrom().equals(session.getConnectionId())
                    && (!session.isAuthorized()
                            || (session.isUserId(id) || session.isLocalDomain(id.toString(), false)))) {

                Element request = packet.getElement();

                if (!session.isAuthorized()) {
                    if (!session.getDomain().isRegisterEnabled()) {
                                "Registration is not allowed for this domain.", true));

                StanzaType type = packet.getType();

                switch (type) {
                case set: {
                    // FIXME handle all the cases according to the FORM_TYPE

                    Element query = request.getChild(Iq.QUERY_NAME, XMLNSS[0]);
                    Element formElement = (query != null) ? query.getChild(IQ_FORM_ELEM_NAME, IQ_FORM_XMLNS) : null;
                    if (formElement != null) {
                        Form form = new Form(formElement);

                        // phone number: verification code
                        String phone = form.getAsString(FORM_FIELD_PHONE);
                        if (!session.isAuthorized() && phone != null) {
                            boolean force;
                            try {
                                force = form.getAsBoolean(FORM_FIELD_FORCE);
                            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                                force = false;
                            boolean fallback;
                            try {
                                fallback = form.getAsBoolean(FORM_FIELD_FALLBACK);
                            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                                fallback = false;
                            String challenge;
                            try {
                                challenge = form.getAsString(FORM_FIELD_CHALLENGE);
                            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                                challenge = null;

                            Packet response = registerPhone(session, packet, phone, force, fallback, challenge,
                            if (response != null)

                        // verification code: key submission
                        String code = form.getAsString(FORM_FIELD_CODE);
                        // get public key block from client certificate
                        byte[] publicKeyData = getPublicKey(session);

                        if (!session.isAuthorized()) {

                            // load public key
                            PGPPublicKey key = loadPublicKey(publicKeyData);
                            // verify user id
                            BareJID jid = verifyPublicKey(session, key);

                            if (verifyCode(session, jid, code)) {
                                byte[] signedKey = signPublicKey(session, publicKeyData);

                                Packet response = register(session, packet, jid, key.getFingerprint(), signedKey);
                            } else {
                                // invalid verification code
                                        ERROR_INVALID_CODE, true));

                            // clear throttling
                            clearThrottling(jid, session.getConnectionId());


                        if (session.isAuthorized()) {
                            // private key storage
                            String privateKey = form.getAsString(FORM_FIELD_PRIVATEKEY);
                            if (privateKey != null) {
                                Packet response = storePrivateKey(session, repo, packet, privateKey);
                            } else {
                                // public key + revoked key: key rollover or upgrade from legacy
                                String oldFingerprint;
                                try {
                                    oldFingerprint = KontalkAuth.getUserFingerprint(session);
                                } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
                                    oldFingerprint = null;
                                    log.log(Level.INFO, "user not found: {0}", session);

                                if (oldFingerprint != null) {
                                    // do not use public key from certificate
                                    publicKeyData = null;

                                    // user already has a key, check if revoked key fingerprint matches
                                    String publicKey = form.getAsString(FORM_FIELD_PUBLICKEY);
                                    String revoked = form.getAsString(FORM_FIELD_REVOKED);
                                    if (publicKey != null && revoked != null) {
                                        publicKeyData = Base64.decode(publicKey);
                                        byte[] revokedData = Base64.decode(revoked);
                                        KontalkKeyring keyring = getKeyring(session);
                                        if (!keyring.revoked(revokedData, oldFingerprint)) {
                                            // invalid revocation key
                                            log.log(Level.INFO, "Invalid revocation key for user {0}",
                                                    ERROR_INVALID_REVOKED, false));

                                // user has no key or revocation key was fine, accept the new key
                                if (publicKeyData != null) {
                                    rolloverContinue(session, publicKeyData, packet, results);

                    // bad request
                            Authorization.BAD_REQUEST.getResponseMessage(packet, ERROR_MALFORMED_REQUEST, true));

                case get: {
                    Element query = request.getChild(Iq.QUERY_NAME, XMLNSS[0]);
                    Element account = query.getChild(IQ_ACCOUNT_ELEM_NAME, IQ_ACCOUNT_XMLNS);
                    if (account != null) {
                        String token = account.getChildCData(new String[] { IQ_ACCOUNT_ELEM_NAME,

                        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(token)) {
                            Packet response = retrievePrivateKey(session, repo, packet, token);

                    // instructions form
                    results.offer(Authorization.BAD_REQUEST.getResponseMessage(packet, "Message type is incorrect",

            } else {
                if (session.isUserId(id)) {

                    // It might be a registration request from transport for
                    // example...
                    Packet pack_res = packet.copyElementOnly();

                } else {
        } catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
                    "You are not authorized to change registration settings.\n" + e.getMessage(), true));
        } catch (TigaseDBException e) {
            log.warning("Database problem: " + e);
                    "Database access problem, please contact administrator.", true));
        // generated from PGP
        catch (IOException e) {
            log.warning("Unknown error: " + e);
                    "Internal PGP error. Please contact administrator.", true));
        } catch (PGPException e) {
            log.warning("PGP problem: " + e);
            results.offer(Authorization.BAD_REQUEST.getResponseMessage(packet, ERROR_INVALID_PUBKEY, true));

    private Packet buildInstructionsForm(Packet packet) {
        Element query = new Element("query", new String[] { "xmlns" }, XMLNSS);
        Form form = new Form("form", null, null);

        form.addField(Field.fieldHidden("FORM_TYPE", XMLNSS[0]));
        Field phone = Field.fieldTextSingle("phone", null, "Phone number");

        form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("force", null, "Force registration"));
        form.addField(Field.fieldBoolean("fallback", null, "Fallback"));
        form.addField(Field.fieldListSingle("challenge", null, "Challenge type",
                new String[] { "Verification code", "Missed call", "Caller ID", },
                new String[] { PhoneNumberVerificationProvider.CHALLENGE_PIN,
                        PhoneNumberVerificationProvider.CHALLENGE_CALLER_ID, }));


        return packet.okResult(query, 0);

    private byte[] getPublicKey(XMPPResourceConnection session) throws PGPException, IOException {
        Certificate peerCert = (Certificate) session.getSessionData(SaslEXTERNAL.PEER_CERTIFICATE_KEY);
        if (peerCert instanceof X509Certificate) {
            return X509Utils.getMatchingPublicKey((X509Certificate) peerCert);

        throw new PGPException("client certificate not found");

    private Packet registerPhone(XMPPResourceConnection session, Packet packet, String phoneInput, boolean force,
            boolean fallback, String challenge, Queue<Packet> results)
            throws PacketErrorTypeException, TigaseDBException, NoConnectionIdException {
        String phone;
        try {
            phone = formatPhoneNumber(phoneInput);
        } catch (NumberParseException e) {
            // bad number
            log.log(Level.INFO, "Invalid phone number: {0}", phoneInput);
            return Authorization.BAD_REQUEST.getResponseMessage(packet, "Bad phone number.", true);

        log.log(Level.FINEST, "Registering phone number: {0}", phone);

        BareJID jid = KontalkAuth.toBareJID(phone, session.getDomainAsJID().getDomain());

        if (!force) {
            // probe user in the network
            RegistrationInfo regInfo = new RegistrationInfo();
            regInfo.packet = packet;
            regInfo.jid = jid;
   = phone;
            regInfo.connectionId = session.getConnectionId();
            regInfo.fallback = fallback;
            regInfo.challenge = challenge;

            String probeId = ProbeManager.getInstance().probe(jid, this, regInfo, results);
            if (probeId == null) {
                if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    log.log(Level.FINE, "user found locally: {0}", jid);

                // notify the user immediately
                return errorUserExists(packet);
            } else {
                if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
                    log.log(Level.FINER, "probe sent for {0} with id {1}",
                            new String[] { jid.toString(), probeId });

                // do nothing and wait for the probe result
                return null;
        } else {
            return startVerification(session.getDomainAsJID().getDomain(), packet, session.getConnectionId(), jid,
                    phone, fallback, challenge);

    private Packet startVerification(String domain, Packet packet, JID connectionId, BareJID jid, String phone,
            boolean fallback, String challenge) throws TigaseDBException, PacketErrorTypeException {
        PhoneNumberVerificationProvider provider = null;
        if (challenge != null) {
            // client request a specific challenge
            provider = getChallengedProvider(challenge);
        if (provider == null) {
            // no provider with request challenge or no challenge requested
            // fall back to default or fallback if requested
            provider = fallback && fallbackProvider != null ? fallbackProvider : defaultProvider;

        return startVerification(domain, packet, connectionId, jid, phone, provider);

    private Packet startVerification(String domain, Packet packet, JID connectionId, BareJID jid, String phone,
            PhoneNumberVerificationProvider provider) throws TigaseDBException, PacketErrorTypeException {
        try {
            if (isThrottlingPhone(jid) || isThrottlingClient(connectionId)) {
                throw new VerificationRepository.AlreadyRegisteredException();

            String senderId = null;
            RegistrationRequest request = provider.startVerification(domain, phone);
            if (request != null) {
                requests.put(jid, request);
                senderId = request.getSenderId();
            } else {
            if (senderId == null)
                senderId = provider.getSenderId();

            // enable going to fallback only if we are not already falling back (and we have a fallback provider)
            return packet.okResult(prepareSMSResponseForm(senderId, provider,
                    fallbackProvider != null && provider != fallbackProvider), 0);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // some kind of error
            log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed verify number for: {0} ({1})", new Object[] { jid, e.getMessage() });

            if (fallbackProvider != null && provider != fallbackProvider) {
                // we might try with the fallback provider now
                return startVerification(domain, packet, connectionId, jid, phone, fallbackProvider);
            } else {
                return Authorization.NOT_ACCEPTABLE.getResponseMessage(packet, "Unable to verify number.", true);
        } catch (VerificationRepository.AlreadyRegisteredException e) {
            // throttling registrations
            log.log(Level.INFO, "Throttling registration for: {0}", jid);
            return packet.errorResult("wait", Authorization.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.getErrorCode(),
                    Authorization.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.getCondition(), "Too many attempts.", true);

    /** Returns true if the phone number has been trying to register too many times. */
    private boolean isThrottlingPhone(BareJID jid) {
        return isThrottling(jid.toString());

    private boolean isThrottlingClient(JID connectionId) {
        String host = extractHostFromConnectionId(connectionId);
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(host)) {
            return isThrottling(host);

        return false;

    private boolean isThrottling(String id) {
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        LastRegisterRequest request = throttlingRequests.get(id);
        try {
            if (request != null) {
                if (request.attempts >= THROTTLING_ATTEMPTS_THRESHOLD) {
                    return (now - request.lastTimestamp) < THROTTLING_MIN_DELAY;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else {
                request = new LastRegisterRequest();
                request.attempts = 1;
                throttlingRequests.put(id, request);

                return false;
        } finally {
            request.lastTimestamp = now;

    private void clearThrottling(BareJID jid, JID connectionId) {

        String host = extractHostFromConnectionId(connectionId);
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(host)) {

    private String extractHostFromConnectionId(JID connectionId) {
        String hostInfo = connectionId.getResource();
        if (hostInfo != null) {
            Matcher match = PATTERN_CLIENT_ADDRESS.matcher(hostInfo);
            if (match.matches() && match.groupCount() > 0) {
        return null;

    private Element prepareSMSResponseForm(String from, PhoneNumberVerificationProvider provider,
            boolean canFallback) {
        Element query = new Element("query", new String[] { "xmlns" }, XMLNSS);
        query.addChild(new Element("instructions", provider.getAckInstructions()));
        Form form = new Form("form", null, null);

        form.addField(Field.fieldHidden("FORM_TYPE", XMLNSS[0]));
        form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("from", from, "Sender ID"));
        form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("challenge", provider.getChallengeType(), "Challenge type"));

        if (canFallback)
            form.addField(Field.fieldBoolean("can-fallback", true,
                    "Whether client can fallback to another method or not"));

        String brandImageVector = provider.getBrandImageVector();
        if (brandImageVector != null) {
            form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("brand-image-vector", brandImageVector, "Brand logo (vector)"));

            String brandImageSmall = provider.getBrandImageSmall();
            if (brandImageSmall != null)
                form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("brand-image-small", brandImageSmall, "Brand logo (small)"));

            String brandImageMedium = provider.getBrandImageMedium();
            if (brandImageMedium != null)
                form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("brand-image-medium", brandImageMedium, "Brand logo (medium)"));

            String brandImageLarge = provider.getBrandImageLarge();
            if (brandImageLarge != null)
                form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("brand-image-large", brandImageLarge, "Brand logo (large)"));

            String brandImageHighDef = provider.getBrandImageHighDef();
            if (brandImageHighDef != null)
                form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("brand-image-hd", brandImageHighDef, "Brand logo (HD)"));

            String brandLink = provider.getBrandLink();
            if (brandLink != null) {
                form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("brand-link", brandLink, "Brand link"));

        return query;

    private Packet register(XMPPResourceConnection session, Packet packet, BareJID jid, byte[] fingerprint,
            byte[] publicKey) throws TigaseDBException {
        try {
            // delete old user first if it exists
            // this will delete any personal information of the previous phone number owner
        } catch (TigaseDBException e) {
            // user doesn't exist?
            // don't really care...
        try {
        } catch (UserExistsException e) {
            // user already exists
        KontalkAuth.setUserFingerprint(session, jid, Hex.toHexString(fingerprint).toUpperCase());
        return packet.okResult(prepareRegisteredResponseForm(publicKey), 0);

    private Element prepareRegisteredResponseForm(byte[] publicKey) {
        Element query = new Element("query", new String[] { "xmlns" }, XMLNSS);
        Form form = new Form("form", null, null);

        form.addField(Field.fieldHidden("FORM_TYPE", IQ_FORM_KONTALK_CODE_XMLNS));
        form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("publickey", Base64.encode(publicKey), "Signed public key"));

        return query;

    private void rolloverContinue(XMPPResourceConnection session, byte[] publicKeyData, Packet packet,
            Queue<Packet> results)
            throws IOException, PGPException, TigaseDBException, PacketErrorTypeException, NotAuthorizedException {

        PGPPublicKey key = loadPublicKey(publicKeyData);
        // verify user id
        BareJID jid = verifyPublicKey(session, key);
        if (jid != null) {
            byte[] signedKey = signPublicKey(session, publicKeyData);
            Packet response = register(session, packet, jid, key.getFingerprint(), signedKey);

            // send signed key in response
        } else {
            results.offer(Authorization.FORBIDDEN.getResponseMessage(packet, ERROR_INVALID_PUBKEY, false));

    private Packet storePrivateKey(XMPPResourceConnection session, NonAuthUserRepository repo, Packet packet,
            String privateKeyB64) throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException {
        BareJID domain = session.getDomainAsJID().getBareJID();
        String token = Utils.generateRandomNumericString(PRIVATE_KEY_ID_LEN).toUpperCase();
        repo.putDomainTempData(domain, NODE_PRIVATEKEY + "/" + token, KEY_PRIVATEKEY_DATA, privateKeyB64);
        repo.putDomainTempData(domain, NODE_PRIVATEKEY + "/" + token, KEY_PRIVATEKEY_JID,
        return packet.okResult(preparePrivateKeyStoredResponseForm(token), 0);

    private Element preparePrivateKeyStoredResponseForm(String token) {
        Element query = new Element("query", new String[] { "xmlns" }, XMLNSS);
        Form form = new Form("form", null, null);

        form.addField(Field.fieldHidden("FORM_TYPE", IQ_FORM_KONTALK_PRIVATEKEY_XMLNS));
        form.addField(Field.fieldTextSingle("token", token, "Private key identification token"));

        return query;

    private Packet retrievePrivateKey(XMPPResourceConnection session, NonAuthUserRepository repo, Packet packet,
            String token) throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException, PacketErrorTypeException {

        BareJID domain = session.getDomainAsJID().getBareJID();

        // unique node in domain data formed by "privatekey" + the token
        String privateKeyData = repo.getDomainTempData(domain, NODE_PRIVATEKEY + "/" + token, KEY_PRIVATEKEY_DATA,
        String userId = repo.getDomainTempData(domain, NODE_PRIVATEKEY + "/" + token, KEY_PRIVATEKEY_JID, null);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(privateKeyData) || StringUtils.isEmpty(userId))
            return Authorization.NOT_AUTHORIZED.getResponseMessage(packet, ERROR_INVALID_PRIVKEY_TOKEN, false);

        // load public key from keyring, we'll return it to the client as well
        String fingerprint = KontalkAuth.getUserFingerprint(session, BareJID.bareJIDInstanceNS(userId));
        if (fingerprint == null)
            return Authorization.NOT_AUTHORIZED.getResponseMessage(packet, ERROR_INVALID_PRIVKEY_TOKEN, false);

        String publicKeyData;
        try {
            KontalkKeyring keyring = KontalkKeyring.getInstance(domain.toString());
            byte[] _publicKeyData = keyring.exportKey(fingerprint);
            publicKeyData = Base64.encode(_publicKeyData);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.log(Level.WARNING, "Public key for user not found or not valid: " + userId, e);
            return Authorization.NOT_AUTHORIZED.getResponseMessage(packet, ERROR_INVALID_PRIVKEY_TOKEN, false);

        // this is supposed to be a one-time request
        repo.removeDomainTempData(domain, NODE_PRIVATEKEY + "/" + token, KEY_PRIVATEKEY_DATA);
        repo.removeDomainTempData(domain, NODE_PRIVATEKEY + "/" + token, KEY_PRIVATEKEY_JID);

        return packet.okResult(preparePrivateKeyResponseForm(privateKeyData, publicKeyData), 0);

    private Element preparePrivateKeyResponseForm(String privateKeyData, String publicKeyData) {
        Element query = new Element("query", new String[] { "xmlns" }, XMLNSS);
        Element account = new Element(IQ_ACCOUNT_ELEM_NAME, new String[] { "xmlns" },
                new String[] { IQ_ACCOUNT_XMLNS });
        Element privateKey = new Element(IQ_ACCOUNT_PRIVATEKEY_ELEM_NAME);
        Element privKeyElem = new Element("private");
        Element pubKeyElem = new Element("public");


        return query;

    private Packet errorUserExists(Packet packet) {
        return packet.errorResult("modify", Authorization.CONFLICT.getErrorCode(),
                Authorization.CONFLICT.getCondition(), "Another user is registered with the same id.", true);

    private String formatPhoneNumber(String phoneInput) throws NumberParseException {
        PhoneNumberUtil util = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
        Phonenumber.PhoneNumber phone = util.parse(phoneInput, null);
        return util.format(phone, PhoneNumberUtil.PhoneNumberFormat.E164);

    private BareJID parseUserID(PGPPublicKey publicKey) throws PGPException {
        PGPUserID uid = PGPUtils.parseUserID(publicKey);
        if (uid == null)
            throw new PGPException("Invalid user id");
        return BareJID.bareJIDInstanceNS(uid.getEmail());

    private PGPPublicKey loadPublicKey(byte[] publicKeyData) throws IOException, PGPException {
        return PGPUtils.getMasterKey(publicKeyData);

    private BareJID verifyPublicKey(XMPPResourceConnection session, PGPPublicKey publicKey)
            throws PGPException, NotAuthorizedException {
        // TODO import key into gpg for advanced verification
        BareJID jid = parseUserID(publicKey);
        if (session.isAuthorized() ? session.getBareJID().equals(jid)
                : session.getDomainAsJID().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(jid.getDomain()))
            return jid;

        throw new PGPException("Invalid email identifier");

    private boolean verifyCode(XMPPResourceConnection session, BareJID jid, String code)
            throws TigaseDBException, IOException {
        RegistrationRequest request = requests.get(jid);
        if (request == null) {
            // request was lost or doesn't exist
            return false;
        PhoneNumberVerificationProvider prov = getSupportedProvider(request);
        return prov != null && prov.endVerification(session, request, code);

    private byte[] signPublicKey(XMPPResourceConnection session, byte[] publicKeyData)
            throws IOException, PGPException {
        KontalkKeyring keyring = getKeyring(session);
        return keyring.signKey(publicKeyData);

    private KontalkKeyring getKeyring(XMPPResourceConnection session) throws IOException, PGPException {
        return KontalkAuth.getKeyring(session);

    public Element[] supDiscoFeatures(XMPPResourceConnection session) {
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) && (session != null)) {
            log.finest("VHostItem: " + session.getDomain());
        if ((session != null) && session.getDomain().isRegisterEnabled()) {
            return DISCO_FEATURES;
        } else {
            return null;

    public String[][] supElementNamePaths() {
        return ELEMENTS;

    public String[] supNamespaces() {
        return XMLNSS;

    public Element[] supStreamFeatures(XMPPResourceConnection session) {
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) && (session != null)) {
            log.finest("VHostItem: " + session.getDomain());
        if ((session != null) && session.getDomain().isRegisterEnabled()) {
            return FEATURES;
        } else {
            return null;

    public void getStatistics(StatisticsList list) {
        list.add(getComponentInfo().getName(), "Registration attempts", statsRegistrationAttempts, Level.INFO);
        list.add(getComponentInfo().getName(), "Registered users", statsRegisteredUsers, Level.INFO);
        list.add(getComponentInfo().getName(), "Invalid registrations", statsInvalidRegistrations, Level.INFO);

    public boolean onProbeResult(ProbeInfo info, Object userData, Queue<Packet> results) {
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            log.finest("probe result: " + info);

        RegistrationInfo regInfo = (RegistrationInfo) userData;
        Set<BareJID> storage = info.getStorage();
        if (storage != null && storage.size() > 0) {
        } else {
            SessionManager sm = (SessionManager) XMPPServer.getComponent("sess-man");
            try {
                Packet result = startVerification(sm.getDefVHostItem().getDomain(), regInfo.packet,
                        regInfo.connectionId, regInfo.jid,, regInfo.fallback, regInfo.challenge);
                if (result != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.log(Level.WARNING, "error starting verification", e);
                // TODO notify client
        return true;

    private static final class RegistrationInfo {
        Packet packet;
        BareJID jid;
        String phone;
        JID connectionId;
        boolean fallback;
        String challenge;