Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2005-2010 The Kuali Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DurationFormatUtils;
import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.KraServiceLocator;
import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.BusinessObjectService;
import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.CountryService;

 * Represents a person in KC.
public class KcPerson implements Contactable, BusinessObject {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private String personId;

    private transient IdentityService identityService;
    private KimEntity entity;

    private transient BusinessObjectService boService;
    private KcPersonExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes;

    private transient CountryService countryService;

     * When using this ctor {@link #setPersonId(String)} must be call else this call is in an invalid state.
    public KcPerson() {
        //no-arg ctor so that this BO can be used in rice...
        //initializing to empty objects to help with unit testing
        this.entity = new KimEntityInfo();
        this.extendedAttributes = new KcPersonExtendedAttributes();

     * Creates a KcPerson from a principal id.
     * @param personId the principal id in KIM
     * @return a KcPerson instance
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the personId is empty
    public static KcPerson fromPersonId(final String personId) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(personId)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the principalId is empty");

        KcPerson person = new KcPerson();
        person.personId = personId;

        return person;

     * Creates a KcPerson from an KcPersonExtendedAttributes BO.
     * @param extendedAttributes the KC Person Extended Attributes.
     * @return a KcPerson instance
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the extendedAttributes is null or the extendedAttributes.personId is empty
    public static KcPerson fromExtendedAttributes(final KcPersonExtendedAttributes extendedAttributes) {
        if (extendedAttributes == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the extendedAttributes is null");

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(extendedAttributes.getPersonId())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the extendedAttributes.personId is empty");
        KcPerson person = new KcPerson();
        person.personId = extendedAttributes.getPersonId();
        person.extendedAttributes = extendedAttributes;

        return person;

     * Creates a KcPerson from an KimEntity & principalId.
     * @param entity the KIM entity.
     * @param personId the principal id in KIM.  This is needed b/c a KIM entity can have multiple principal.  This determines
     * which principal this wrapper will refer to.
     * @return a KcPerson instance
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the entity is null, principalId is empty, or if the entity does not contain a principal
     * with the passed in principal id
    public static KcPerson fromEntityAndPersonId(final KimEntity entity, final String personId) {
        if (entity == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the entity is null");

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(personId)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the personId is empty");
        KcPerson person = new KcPerson();

        boolean contains = false;
        for (KimPrincipal principal : entity.getPrincipals()) {
            if (personId.equals(principal.getPrincipalId())) {
                contains = true;

        if (!contains) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "the entity " + entity + " does not have a principal with id " + personId);

        person.personId = personId;
        person.entity = entity;

        return person;

     * Creates a KcPerson from an KimEntity & principalId.
     * @param entity the KIM entity.
     * @param userName the principal's user name in KIM.  This is needed b/c a KIM entity can have multiple principal.  This determines
     * which principal this wrapper will refer to.
     * @return a KcPerson instance
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the entity is null, userName is empty, or if the entity does not contain a principal
     * with the passed in user name
    public static KcPerson fromEntityAndUserName(final KimEntity entity, final String userName) {
        if (entity == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the entity is null");

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the userName is empty");
        KcPerson person = new KcPerson();

        boolean contains = false;
        for (KimPrincipal principal : entity.getPrincipals()) {
            if (userName.equalsIgnoreCase(principal.getPrincipalName())) {
                contains = true;
                person.personId = principal.getPrincipalId();

        if (!contains) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "the entity " + entity + " does not have a principal name " + userName);

        person.entity = entity;

        return person;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void refresh() {

    /** refreshes just the entity object. */
    private void refreshEntity() {
        this.entity = this.getIdentityService().getEntityInfoByPrincipalId(this.personId);

        if (this.entity == null) {
            this.entity = new KimEntityInfo();

    /** refreshes just the extended attributes object. */
    private void refreshExtendedAttributes() {
        this.extendedAttributes = (KcPersonExtendedAttributes) this.getBusinessObjectService().findByPrimaryKey(
                KcPersonExtendedAttributes.class, Collections.singletonMap("personId", this.personId));

        if (this.extendedAttributes == null) {
            this.extendedAttributes = new KcPersonExtendedAttributes();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void prepareForWorkflow() {
        //do nothing

     * Gets the person id which is the KIM principal id.
     * @return the person id
    public String getPersonId() {
        return this.personId;

     * Sets the person id which is the KIM principal id.
     * @param personId the person id
    public void setPersonId(String personId) {
        this.personId = personId;

     * Gets the value of socialSecurityNumber.
     * @return the value of socialSecurityNumber
    public String getSocialSecurityNumber() {
        return this.getExternalId("SSN");

     * Gets the value of lastName.
     * @return the value of lastName
    public String getLastName() {
        final KimEntityName name = this.entity.getDefaultName();
        if (name == null) {
            return "";

        return name.getLastName() != null ? name.getLastName() : "";

     * Gets the value of firstName.
     * @return the value of firstName
    public String getFirstName() {
        final KimEntityName name = this.entity.getDefaultName();
        if (name == null) {
            return "";

        return name.getFirstName() != null ? name.getFirstName() : "";

     * Gets the value of middleName.
     * @return the value of middleName
    public String getMiddleName() {
        final KimEntityName name = this.entity.getDefaultName();
        if (name == null) {
            return "";

        return name.getMiddleName() != null ? name.getMiddleName() : "";

     * Gets the value of fullName.
     * @return the value of fullName
    public String getFullName() {
        final String middleName = this.getMiddleName() != null ? this.getMiddleName() + " " : "";

        return (this.getFirstName() + " " + middleName + this.getLastName()).trim();

     * Gets the value of priorName.
     * @return the value of priorName
    public String getPriorName() {
        return selectSingleValue(this.entity.getNames(), new Selector<KimEntityName, String>() {
            public String notFoundValue() {
                return "";

            public String select(KimEntityName a) {
                return a.getLastName();

            public boolean shouldSelect(KimEntityName a) {
                return "PRIOR".equals(a.getNameTypeCode()) && a.getLastName() != null;

     * Gets the value of userName.
     * @return the value of userName
    public String getUserName() {
        final String userName = this.getPrincipal().getPrincipalName();

        return userName != null ? userName : "";

     * Gets the value of emailAddress.
     * @return the value of emailAddress
    public String getEmailAddress() {
        return selectSingleValue(this.getEntityType().getEmailAddresses(), new Selector<KimEntityEmail, String>() {
            public String notFoundValue() {
                return "";

            public String select(KimEntityEmail a) {
                return a.getEmailAddress();

            public boolean shouldSelect(KimEntityEmail a) {
                return a.isActive() && a.isDefault() && a.getEmailAddress() != null;

     * Gets the value of dateOfBirth.
     * @return the value of dateOfBirth
    public String getDateOfBirth() {
        final KimEntityBioDemographics bio = this.entity.getBioDemographics();
        if (bio == null) {
            return "";

        return bio.getBirthDate() != null ? this.formatDate(bio.getBirthDate()) : "";

     * Gets the value of age. Will return null if not set.
     * @return the value of age
    public Integer getAge() {
        final KimEntityBioDemographics bio = this.entity.getBioDemographics();
        if (bio == null) {
            return null;

        return bio.getBirthDate() != null ? this.calcAge(bio.getBirthDate()) : null;

     * Gets the value of ageByFiscalYear. Will return null if not set.
     * @return the value of ageByFiscalYear
    public Integer getAgeByFiscalYear() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getAgeByFiscalYear();

     * Gets the value of gender.
     * @return the value of gender
    public String getGender() {
        final KimEntityBioDemographics bio = this.entity.getBioDemographics();
        if (bio == null) {
            return "";

        return bio.getGenderCode() != null ? bio.getGenderCode() : "";

     * Gets the value of race.
     * @return the value of race
    public String getRace() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getRace();

     * Gets the value of educationLevel.
     * @return the value of educationLevel
    public String getEducationLevel() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getEducationLevel();

     * Gets the value of degree.
     * @return the value of degree
    public String getDegree() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getDegree();

     * Gets the value of major.
     * @return the value of major
    public String getMajor() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getMajor();

     * Gets the value of handicapped.
     * @return the value of handicapped
    public Boolean getHandicappedFlag() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getHandicappedFlag();

     * Gets the value of handicapType.
     * @return the value of handicapType
    public String getHandicapType() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getHandicapType();

     * Gets the value of veteran.
     * @return the value of veteran
    public Boolean getVeteranFlag() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getVeteranFlag();

     * Gets the value of veteranType.
     * @return the value of veteranType
    public String getVeteranType() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getVeteranType();

     * Gets the value of visaCode.
     * @return the value of visaCode
    public String getVisaCode() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getVisaCode();

     * Gets the value of visaType.
     * @return the value of visaType
    public String getVisaType() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getVisaType();

     * Gets the value of visaRenewalDate.
     * @return the value of visaRenewalDate
    public String getVisaRenewalDate() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getVisaRenewalDate() != null
                ? this.formatDate(this.extendedAttributes.getVisaRenewalDate())
                : null;

     * Gets the value of hasVisa.
     * @return the value of hasVisa
    public Boolean getHasVisa() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getHasVisa();

     * Gets the value of officeLocation.
     * @return the value of officeLocation
    public String getOfficeLocation() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getOfficeLocation();

     * Gets the value of officePhone.
     * @return the value of officePhone
    public String getOfficePhone() {
        //office phone is migrated as WRK type default
        return this.getPhoneNumber("WRK", true);

     * Gets the value of secondaryOfficeLocation.
     * @return the value of secondaryOfficeLocation
    public String getSecondaryOfficeLocation() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getSecondaryOfficeLocation();

     * Gets the value of secondaryOfficePhone.
     * @return the value of secondaryOfficePhone
    public String getSecondaryOfficePhone() {
        //2nd office phone is migrated as WRK type non-default
        return this.getPhoneNumber("WRK", false);

     * Gets the value of school.
     * @return the value of school
    public String getSchool() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getSchool();

     * Gets the value of yearGraduated.
     * @return the value of yearGraduated
    public String getYearGraduated() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getYearGraduated();

     * Gets the value of directoryDepartment.
     * @return the value of directoryDepartment
    public String getDirectoryDepartment() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getDirectoryDepartment();

     * Gets the value of saluation.
     * @return the value of saluation
    public String getSaluation() {
        final KimEntityName name = this.entity.getDefaultName();
        if (name == null) {
            return "";

        return name.getTitle() != null ? name.getTitle() : "";

     * Gets the value of countryOfCitizenship.
     * @return the value of countryOfCitizenship
    public String getCountryOfCitizenship() {
        return selectSingleValue(this.entity.getCitizenships(), new Selector<KimEntityCitizenship, String>() {
            public String notFoundValue() {
                return "";

            public String select(KimEntityCitizenship a) {
                return convert2DigitCountryCodeTo3Digit(a.getCountryCode());

            public boolean shouldSelect(KimEntityCitizenship a) {
                return a.getCountryCode() != null;

     * Gets the value of primaryTitle.
     * @return the value of primaryTitle
    public String getPrimaryTitle() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getPrimaryTitle();

     * Gets the value of directoryTitle.
     * @return the value of directoryTitle
    public String getDirectoryTitle() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getDirectoryTitle();

     * Gets the value of faculty.
     * @return the value of faculty
    public Boolean getFacultyFlag() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(this.hasAffiliation("FCLTY"));

     * Gets the value of graduateStudentStaff.
     * @return the value of graduateStudentStaff
    public Boolean getGraduateStudentStaffFlag() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(this.hasAffiliation("GRD_STDNT_STAFF"));

     * Gets the value of researchStaff.
     * @return the value of researchStaff
    public Boolean getResearchStaffFlag() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(this.hasAffiliation("RSRCH_STAFF"));

     * Gets the value of serviceStaff.
     * @return the value of serviceStaff
    public Boolean getServiceStaffFlag() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(this.hasAffiliation("SRVC_STAFF"));

     * Gets the value of supportStaff.
     * @return the value of supportStaff
    public Boolean getSupportStaffFlag() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(this.hasAffiliation("SUPPRT_STAFF"));

     * Gets the value of otherAcademicGroup.
     * @return the value of otherAcademicGroup
    public Boolean getOtherAcademicGroupFlag() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(this.hasAffiliation("OTH_ACADMC_GRP"));

     * Gets the value of medicalStaff.
     * @return the value of medicalStaff
    public Boolean getMedicalStaffFlag() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(this.hasAffiliation("MED_STAFF"));

     * Gets the value of vacationAccrual.
     * @return the value of vacationAccrual
    public Boolean getVacationAccrualFlag() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getVacationAccrualFlag();

     * Gets the value of onSabbatical.
     * @return the value of onSabbatical
    public Boolean getOnSabbaticalFlag() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getOnSabbaticalFlag();

     * Gets the value of idProvided.
     * @return the value of idProvided
    public String getIdProvided() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getIdProvided();

     * Gets the value of idVerified.
     * @return the value of idVerified
    public String getIdVerified() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getIdVerified();

     * Gets the value of addressLine1.
     * @return the value of addressLine1
    public String getAddressLine1() {
        final KimEntityAddress address = this.getDefaultActiveAddress();
        return address.getLine1() != null ? address.getLine1() : "";

     * Gets the value of addressLine2.
     * @return the value of addressLine2
    public String getAddressLine2() {
        final KimEntityAddress address = this.getDefaultActiveAddress();
        return address.getLine2() != null ? address.getLine2() : "";

     * Gets the value of addressLine3.
     * @return the value of addressLine3
    public String getAddressLine3() {
        final KimEntityAddress address = this.getDefaultActiveAddress();
        return address.getLine3() != null ? address.getLine3() : "";

     * Gets the value of city.
     * @return the value of city
    public String getCity() {
        final KimEntityAddress address = this.getDefaultActiveAddress();
        return address.getCityName() != null ? address.getCityName() : "";

     * Gets the value of county.
     * @return the value of county
    public String getCounty() {
        return this.extendedAttributes.getCounty();

     * Gets the value of state.
     * @return the value of state
    public String getState() {
        final KimEntityAddress address = this.getDefaultActiveAddress();
        return address.getStateCode() != null ? address.getStateCode() : "";

     * Gets the value of postalCode.
     * @return the value of postalCode
    public String getPostalCode() {
        final KimEntityAddress address = this.getDefaultActiveAddress();
        return address.getPostalCode() != null ? address.getPostalCode() : "";

     * Gets the value of countryCode.
     * @return the value of countryCode
    public String getCountryCode() {
        final KimEntityAddress address = this.getDefaultActiveAddress();
        return address.getCountryCode() != null ? this.convert2DigitCountryCodeTo3Digit(address.getCountryCode())
                : "";

     * Gets the value of faxNumber.
     * @return the value of faxNumber
    public String getFaxNumber() {
        return this.getPhoneNumber("FAX");

     * Gets the value of pagerNumber.
     * @return the value of pagerNumber
    public String getPagerNumber() {
        return this.getPhoneNumber("PGR");

     * Gets the value of mobilePhoneNumber.
     * @return the value of mobilePhoneNumber
    public String getMobilePhoneNumber() {
        return this.getPhoneNumber("MBL");

     * Gets the value of eraCommonsUserName.
     * @return the value of eraCommonsUserName
    public String getEraCommonsUserName() {
        return this.getExternalId("ERAC");

     * Gets the active flag.
     * @return the active flag
    public Boolean getActive() {
        return Boolean.valueOf(this.entity.isActive());

     * Gets the password.
     * @return the password
    public String getPassword() {
        return this.getPrincipal().getPassword() != null ? this.getPrincipal().getPassword() : "";

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getIdentifier() {
        return this.getPersonId();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Unit getUnit() {
        final String org = this.getOrganizationIdentifier();

        return org != null ? (Unit) this.getBusinessObjectService().findByPrimaryKey(Unit.class,
                Collections.singletonMap("unitNumber", org)) : null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getPhoneNumber() {
        return this.getOfficePhone();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getContactOrganizationName() {
        return this.getUnit() != null ? this.getUnit().getUnitName() : null;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getOrganizationIdentifier() {
        final KimEntityEmploymentInformation emp = this.entity.getPrimaryEmployment();
        if (emp == null) {
            return "";

        return emp.getPrimaryDepartmentCode() != null ? emp.getPrimaryDepartmentCode() : "";

     * Gets the campus code.
     * @return the campus code
    public String getCampusCode() {
        return this.getCampusCode(true);

     * Gets the {@link BusinessObjectService BusinessObjectService}.
     * @return Gets the BusinessObjectService
    BusinessObjectService getBusinessObjectService() {
        if (this.boService == null) {
            this.boService = KraServiceLocator.getService(BusinessObjectService.class);
        return this.boService;

     * Gets the {@link IdentityService IdentityService}.
     * @return Gets the IdentityService
    IdentityService getIdentityService() {
        if (this.identityService == null) {
            this.identityService = KraServiceLocator.getService(IdentityService.class);
        return this.identityService;

     * Gets the {@link CountryService CountryService}.
     * @return Gets the CountryService
    CountryService getCountryService() {
        if (this.countryService == null) {
            this.countryService = KraServiceLocator.getService(CountryService.class);
        return this.countryService;

     * gets the extended attributes BO.  This is only here to make rice DD relationships work.
     * @return the BO
    public KcPersonExtendedAttributes getExtendedAttributes() {
        return this.extendedAttributes;

     * Gets the phone number for a specific type out of the KIM object.  This
     * phone number will not contain country code or extension b/c phone numbers
     * in KC do not have them.  Will return an empty string if unable to find a
     * number for a type.
     * @param type the type
     * @return the phone number (ex: 123-4567)
    private String getPhoneNumber(final String type) {
        return selectSingleValue(this.getEntityType().getPhoneNumbers(), new Selector<KimEntityPhone, String>() {
            public String notFoundValue() {
                return "";

            public String select(KimEntityPhone a) {
                return a.getPhoneNumber();

            public boolean shouldSelect(KimEntityPhone a) {
                return type.equals(a.getPhoneTypeCode()) && a.getPhoneNumber() != null;

     * Gets the phone number for a specific type and matching the default indicator
     * out of the KIM object.  This phone number will not contain country code
     * or extension b/c phone numbers in KC do not have them.  Will return an empty string
     * if unable to find a number for a type/default ind.
     * @param type the type
     * @param whether the number must be default
     * @return the phone number (ex: 123-4567)
    private String getPhoneNumber(final String type, final boolean isDefault) {
        return selectSingleValue(this.getEntityType().getPhoneNumbers(), new Selector<KimEntityPhone, String>() {
            public String notFoundValue() {
                return "";

            public String select(KimEntityPhone a) {
                return a.getPhoneNumber();

            public boolean shouldSelect(KimEntityPhone a) {
                return type.equals(a.getPhoneTypeCode()) && isDefault == a.isDefault()
                        && a.getPhoneNumber() != null;

     * Checks if the KIM entity has an affiliation based on a type code.
     * @param affilTypeCode the affliation type code
     * @return true if the entity has an affiliation
    private boolean hasAffiliation(final String affilTypeCode) {
        return selectSingleValue(this.entity.getAffiliations(), new Selector<KimEntityAffiliation, Boolean>() {
            public Boolean notFoundValue() {
                return Boolean.FALSE;

            public Boolean select(KimEntityAffiliation a) {
                return Boolean.TRUE;

            public boolean shouldSelect(KimEntityAffiliation a) {
                return affilTypeCode.equals(a.getAffiliationTypeCode());

     * Gets the campus code matching the default indicator out of the KIM object.
     * @param isDefault whether the campus code must be default
     * @return the campus code
    private String getCampusCode(final boolean isDefault) {
        return selectSingleValue(this.entity.getAffiliations(), new Selector<KimEntityAffiliation, String>() {
            public String notFoundValue() {
                return "";

            public String select(KimEntityAffiliation a) {
                return a.getCampusCode();

            public boolean shouldSelect(KimEntityAffiliation a) {
                return isDefault == a.isDefault();

     * Formats a date in the format KC expects.
     * @param dte the date to format
     * @return the formatted date
     * @see #standardDateFormat for the format
    private String formatDate(Date dte) {
        assert dte != null : "the date is null";
        return this.getKCDateFormat().format(dte);

     * Gets an external id based on a type.
     * @param type the type
     * @return the id
    private String getExternalId(String type) {
        final KimEntityExternalIdentifier extId = this.entity.getEntityExternalIdentifier(type);
        return extId != null ? extId.getExternalId() : "";

     * Gets the default & active address.  will never return null
     * @return address
    private KimEntityAddress getDefaultActiveAddress() {
        return selectSingleValue(this.getEntityType().getAddresses(),
                new Selector<KimEntityAddress, KimEntityAddress>() {
                    public KimEntityAddress notFoundValue() {
                        return new KimEntityAddressInfo();

                    public KimEntityAddress select(KimEntityAddress a) {
                        return a;

                    public boolean shouldSelect(KimEntityAddress a) {
                        return a.isActive() && a.isDefault();

     * Gets the entity type that represents a person in KC.  KC only supports a single entity type. will not return null.
     * @return the entity type object
    private KimEntityEntityType getEntityType() {
        final KimEntityEntityType ent = this.entity.getEntityType("PERSON");

        return ent != null ? ent : new KimEntityEntityTypeInfo();

     * Calculates the age based on a date of birth and the current system date.
     * @param dob the date of birth
     * @return the age in days
    private Integer calcAge(Date dob) {
        return Integer.getInteger(DurationFormatUtils.formatPeriod(dob.getTime(), new Date().getTime(), "y"));

     * Converts a 2 digit country code to the three digit code KC uses.
     * @param digit2 the 2 digit code
     * @return the 3 digit code
    private String convert2DigitCountryCodeTo3Digit(String digit2) {
        final Country country = this.getCountryService().getByPrimaryId(digit2);
        return country != null && country.getAlternatePostalCountryCode() != null
                ? country.getAlternatePostalCountryCode()
                : "";

     * DateFormats are not thread safe.  Creating a new instance for use each time.
     * @return a date format
    private DateFormat getKCDateFormat() {
        return new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");

     * Gets the principal which matches the passed in principal id.  This method will never return null.
     * an empty Principal object will be returned in the case where a principal cannot be found.
     * @return the Kim Principal.
    private KimPrincipal getPrincipal() {
        return selectSingleValue(this.entity.getPrincipals(), new Selector<KimPrincipal, KimPrincipal>() {
            public KimPrincipal notFoundValue() {
                return new KimPrincipalInfo();

            public KimPrincipal select(KimPrincipal a) {
                return a;

            public boolean shouldSelect(KimPrincipal a) {
                return personId.equals(a.getPrincipalId());

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer(50);
        retVal.append("org name:'").append(this.getContactOrganizationName()).append("'\n");
        retVal.append("first name:'").append(this.getFirstName()).append("'\n");
        retVal.append("last name:'").append(this.getLastName()).append("'\n");
        retVal.append("full name:'").append(this.getFullName()).append("'\n");
        retVal.append("entity type:'").append(this.getEntityType()).append("'\n");
        return retVal.toString();

    public void setIdentityService(IdentityService identityService) {
        this.identityService = identityService;

    public void setBusinessObjectService(BusinessObjectService boService) {
        this.boService = boService;

     * This method exists to cut down on all the branching, looping, etc. that has to be done for kim
     * in order to handle nulls and other conditions. Essentially all the logic in this method would have
     * had to be duplicated in every getter accessing a collection from kim.
     * @param <A> the input type
     * @param <B> the output type
     * @param values the collection to select from
     * @param selector the selector to use to determine the selected value
     * @return the selected value
    private static <A, B> B selectSingleValue(Collection<? extends A> values, Selector<A, ? extends B> selector) {
        assert selector != null : "selector is null";

        if (values == null) {
            return selector.notFoundValue();

        for (A a : values) {
            if (a == null) {

            if (selector.shouldSelect(a)) {

        return selector.notFoundValue();

     * Used when selecting a value.
    private static interface Selector<A, B> {
        /** should the passed in value be selected from. */
        boolean shouldSelect(A a);

        /** select from A deriving B. */
        B select(A a);

        /** value to use when no values are selected. */
        B notFoundValue();