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 * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.kuali.rice.core.api.criteria.QueryByCriteria;
import org.kuali.rice.core.api.membership.MemberType;
import org.kuali.rice.core.util.jaxb.NameAndNamespacePair;

import javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import static org.kuali.rice.core.api.criteria.PredicateFactory.equal;

 * Helper class containing static methods for aiding in parsing role XML.
 * <p>All non-private methods are package-private so that only the KIM-parsing-related code can make use of them. (TODO: Is that necessary?)
 * <p>TODO: Should this be converted into a service instead?
 * @author Kuali Rice Team (
public final class RoleXmlUtil {
    // Do not allow outside code to instantiate this class.
    private RoleXmlUtil() {

     * Performs the necessary validation on the new role, then saves it.
     * @param newRole The role to persist.
     * @return The ID of the persisted role.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if newRole is null.
     * @throws UnmarshalException if newRole contains invalid data.
    static String validateAndPersistNewRole(RoleXmlDTO newRole) throws UnmarshalException {
        if (newRole == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot persist a null role");

        // Validate the role and (if applicable) retrieve the ID from an existing matching role.

        Role.Builder builder = Role.Builder.create();

        //save the role
        Role role = KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService().createRole(;

        // Set a flag on the role to indicate that it has now been persisted so that the unmarshalling process will not save this role more than once.

        return role.getId();

     * Performs the necessary validation on the new role member, then saves it.
     * @param newRoleMember The role member to save.
     * @return The ID of the persisted role member.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if newRoleMember is null.
     * @throws UnmarshalException if newRoleMember contains invalid data.
    static String validateAndPersistNewRoleMember(RoleMemberXmlDTO newRoleMember) throws UnmarshalException {

        if (newRoleMember == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot persist a null role member");

        // Validate role ID and role name/namespace.

        // Validate member type, member ID, and member name/namespace.

        // Validate the from/to dates, if defined.
        if (newRoleMember.getActiveFromDate() != null && newRoleMember.getActiveToDate() != null
                && newRoleMember.getActiveFromDate().compareTo(newRoleMember.getActiveToDate()) > 0) {
            throw new UnmarshalException(
                    "Cannot create a role member whose activeFromDate occurs after its activeToDate");

        // Define defaults as needed.
        if (newRoleMember.getQualifications() == null) {
            newRoleMember.setQualifications(new HashMap<String, String>());

        RoleMember.Builder builder = RoleMember.Builder.create(newRoleMember.getRoleId(),
                newRoleMember.getRoleIdAsMember(), newRoleMember.getMemberId(), newRoleMember.getMemberType(),
                newRoleMember.getActiveFromDate() == null ? null
                        : new DateTime(newRoleMember.getActiveFromDate().getMillis()),
                newRoleMember.getActiveToDate() == null ? null
                        : new DateTime(newRoleMember.getActiveToDate().getMillis()),
                newRoleMember.getQualifications(), newRoleMember.getMemberName(),

        // Save the role member.
        RoleMemberContract newMember = KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService().createRoleMember(;

        return newMember.getId();

     * Performs the necessary validation on the role permission, then saves it.
     * @param newRolePermission The role permission to save.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if newRolePermission is null
     * @throws UnmarshalException if newRolePermission contains invalid data.
    static void validateAndPersistNewRolePermission(RolePermissionXmlDTO newRolePermission)
            throws UnmarshalException {
        if (newRolePermission == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("newRolePermission cannot be null");

        // Validate the role permission, and prepare its role ID if necessary.

        // Save the role permission.

     * Removes any role members for a given role whose IDs are not listed in a given role member ID set.
     * @param roleId The ID of the role containing the role members.
     * @param existingRoleMemberIds The IDs of the role members that should not be removed.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if roleId is blank or refers to a non-existent role, or if existingRoleMemberIds is null.
    static void removeRoleMembers(String roleId, Set<String> existingRoleMemberIds) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(roleId)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("roleId cannot be blank");
        } else if (existingRoleMemberIds == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("existingRoleMemberIds cannot be null");
        RoleService roleUpdateService = KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService();
        RoleContract role = KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService().getRole(roleId);
        if (role == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove role members for role with ID \"" + roleId
                    + "\" because that role does not exist");

        // Remove any role members whose IDs are not in the set.
        List<RoleMember> roleMembers = KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService()
                .findRoleMembers(QueryByCriteria.Builder.fromPredicates(equal("roleId", roleId))).getResults();
        if (roleMembers != null && !roleMembers.isEmpty()) {
            for (RoleMemberContract roleMember : roleMembers) {
                if (!existingRoleMemberIds.contains(roleMember.getId())) {
                    // If the role member needs to be removed, use the member type code to determine which removal method to call.
                    MemberType memberType = roleMember.getType();
                    if (MemberType.PRINCIPAL.equals(memberType)) {
                        roleUpdateService.removePrincipalFromRole(roleMember.getMemberId(), role.getNamespaceCode(),
                                role.getName(), (roleMember.getAttributes() != null) ? roleMember.getAttributes()
                                        : new HashMap<String, String>());
                    } else if (MemberType.GROUP.equals(memberType)) {
                        roleUpdateService.removeGroupFromRole(roleMember.getMemberId(), role.getNamespaceCode(),
                                role.getName(), (roleMember.getAttributes() != null) ? roleMember.getAttributes()
                                        : new HashMap<String, String>());
                    } else if (MemberType.ROLE.equals(memberType)) {
                        roleUpdateService.removeRoleFromRole(roleMember.getMemberId(), role.getNamespaceCode(),
                                role.getName(), (roleMember.getAttributes() != null) ? roleMember.getAttributes()
                                        : new HashMap<String, String>());

     * Validates a new role's name, namespace, KIM type, and description, and sets the role's ID if the name and namespace match an existing role.
    private static void validateAndPrepareRole(RoleXmlDTO newRole) throws UnmarshalException {
        // Ensure that the role name, role namespace, KIM type, and description have all been specified.
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRole.getRoleName()) || StringUtils.isBlank(newRole.getNamespaceCode())) {
            throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create or override a role with a blank name or a blank namespace");
        } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRole.getKimTypeId())) {
            throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create or override a role without specikfying a KIM type");
        } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRole.getRoleDescription())) {
            throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create or override a role with a blank description");

        // Attempt to find an existing matching role, and assign its ID to the validated role if it exists.
        String matchingId = KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService()
                .getRoleIdByNamespaceCodeAndName(newRole.getNamespaceCode(), newRole.getRoleName());
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(matchingId)) {

     * Validates a new role member's role ID, role name, and role namespace.
    private static void validateRoleIdAndRoleNameForMember(RoleMemberXmlDTO newRoleMember)
            throws UnmarshalException {
        // If the "roleMember" tag was not a descendant of a "role" tag, derive and validate its role information accordingly.
        if (newRoleMember instanceof RoleMemberXmlDTO.OutsideOfRole) {
            RoleMemberXmlDTO.OutsideOfRole standaloneMember = (RoleMemberXmlDTO.OutsideOfRole) newRoleMember;
            if (standaloneMember.getRoleNameAndNamespace() != null) {
                // If a name + namespace combo is given, verify that the combo maps to an existing role.
                String existingId = KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService().getRoleIdByNamespaceCodeAndName(
                        standaloneMember.getRoleNamespaceCode(), standaloneMember.getRoleName());
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(existingId)) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create role member for role with name \""
                            + standaloneMember.getRoleName() + "\" and namespace \""
                            + standaloneMember.getRoleNamespaceCode() + "\" because such a role does not exist");

                // If the role member defines its own role ID, verify that it's the same as the one from the existing role; otherwise, assign the member's role ID.
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(standaloneMember.getRoleId())) {
                } else if (!standaloneMember.getRoleId().equals(existingId)) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create role member for role with ID \""
                            + standaloneMember.getRoleId() + "\", name \"" + standaloneMember.getRoleName()
                            + "\", and namespace \"" + standaloneMember.getRoleNamespaceCode()
                            + "\" because the existing role with the same name and namespace has an ID of \""
                            + existingId + "\" instead");
            } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(standaloneMember.getRoleId())) {
                throw new UnmarshalException(
                        "Cannot create role member without providing the role ID or role name + namespace that the member belongs to");
            } else if (KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService().getRole(standaloneMember.getRoleId()) == null) {
                throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create role member for the role with ID \""
                        + standaloneMember.getRoleId() + "\" because that role does not exist");

        // Ensure that a role ID was explicitly defined or was derived from a name + namespace combo.
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRoleMember.getRoleId())) {
            throw new UnmarshalException(
                    "Cannot create role member without providing the role ID or role name + namespace that the member belongs to");

     * Validates a new role member's member type, member ID, member name, and (if applicable) member namespace code.
    private static void validateMemberIdentity(RoleMemberXmlDTO newRoleMember) throws UnmarshalException {
        // Ensure that sufficient and non-conflicting membership info has been set. (The getMemberTypeCode() method performs such validation.)
        MemberType memberType = newRoleMember.getMemberType();
        if (memberType == null) {
            throw new UnmarshalException(
                    "Cannot create a role member with no member principal/group/role identification information specified");

        // Ensure that a valid member ID was specified, if present.
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(newRoleMember.getMemberId())) {
            if (MemberType.PRINCIPAL.equals(memberType)) {
                // If the member is a principal, ensure that the principal exists.
                if (KimApiServiceLocator.getIdentityService()
                        .getPrincipal(newRoleMember.getPrincipalId()) == null) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create principal role member with principal ID \""
                            + newRoleMember.getPrincipalId() + "\" because such a person does not exist");
            } else if (MemberType.GROUP.equals(memberType)) {
                // If the member is a group, ensure that the group exists.
                if (KimApiServiceLocator.getGroupService().getGroup(newRoleMember.getGroupId()) == null) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create group role member with group ID \""
                            + newRoleMember.getGroupId() + "\" because such a group does not exist");
            } else if (MemberType.ROLE.equals(memberType)) {
                // If the member is another role, ensure that the role exists and that the role is not trying to become a member of itself.
                if (newRoleMember.getRoleId().equals(newRoleMember.getRoleIdAsMember())) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("The role with ID \"" + newRoleMember.getRoleIdAsMember()
                            + "\" cannot be made a member of itself");
                } else if (KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService()
                        .getRole(newRoleMember.getRoleIdAsMember()) == null) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot use role with ID \"" + newRoleMember.getRoleIdAsMember()
                            + "\" as a role member because such a role does not exist");

        // Ensure that a valid member name (and namespace, if applicable) was specified, if present.
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(newRoleMember.getMemberName())) {
            if (MemberType.PRINCIPAL.equals(memberType)) {
                //If the member is a principal, ensure that the principal exists and does not conflict with any existing principal ID information.
                PrincipalContract tempPrincipal = KimApiServiceLocator.getIdentityService()
                if (tempPrincipal == null) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create principal role member with principal name \""
                            + newRoleMember.getPrincipalName() + "\" because such a person does not exist");
                } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRoleMember.getPrincipalId())) {
                    // If no principal ID was given, assign one from the retrieved principal.
                } else if (!newRoleMember.getPrincipalId().equals(tempPrincipal.getPrincipalId())) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create principal role member with principal ID \""
                            + newRoleMember.getPrincipalId() + "\" and principal name \""
                            + newRoleMember.getPrincipalName()
                            + "\" because the principal with that name has an ID of \""
                            + tempPrincipal.getPrincipalId() + "\" instead");
            } else if (MemberType.GROUP.equals(memberType)) {
                // If the member is a group, ensure that the group exists and does not conflict with any existing group ID information.
                NameAndNamespacePair groupNameAndNamespace = newRoleMember.getGroupName();
                GroupContract tempGroup = KimApiServiceLocator.getGroupService().getGroupByNamespaceCodeAndName(
                        groupNameAndNamespace.getNamespaceCode(), groupNameAndNamespace.getName());
                if (tempGroup == null) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot create group role member with namespace \""
                            + groupNameAndNamespace.getNamespaceCode() + "\" and name \""
                            + groupNameAndNamespace.getName() + "\" because such a group does not exist");
                } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRoleMember.getGroupId())) {
                    // If no group ID was given, assign one from the retrieved group.
                } else if (!newRoleMember.getGroupId().equals(tempGroup.getId())) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException(
                            "Cannot create group role member with ID \"" + newRoleMember.getGroupId()
                                    + "\", namespace \"" + groupNameAndNamespace.getNamespaceCode()
                                    + "\", and name \"" + groupNameAndNamespace.getName()
                                    + "\" because the group with that namespace and name has an ID of \""
                                    + tempGroup.getId() + "\" instead");
            } else if (MemberType.ROLE.equals(memberType)) {
                // If the member is another role, ensure that the role exists, does not conflict with any existing role ID information, and is not the member's role.
                NameAndNamespacePair roleNameAndNamespace = newRoleMember.getRoleNameAsMember();
                RoleContract tempRole = KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService().getRoleByNamespaceCodeAndName(
                        roleNameAndNamespace.getNamespaceCode(), roleNameAndNamespace.getName());
                if (tempRole == null) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException(
                            "Cannot use role with namespace \"" + roleNameAndNamespace.getNamespaceCode()
                                    + "\" and name \"" + roleNameAndNamespace.getName()
                                    + "\" as a role member because such a role does not exist");
                } else if (newRoleMember.getRoleId().equals(tempRole.getId())) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("The role with namespace \""
                            + roleNameAndNamespace.getNamespaceCode() + "\" and name \""
                            + roleNameAndNamespace.getName() + "\" cannot be made a member of itself");
                } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRoleMember.getRoleId())) {
                    // If no role ID was given, assign one from the retrieved role.
                } else if (!newRoleMember.getRoleId().equals(tempRole.getId())) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Cannot use role with ID \"" + newRoleMember.getRoleId()
                            + "\", namespace \"" + roleNameAndNamespace.getNamespaceCode() + "\", and name \""
                            + roleNameAndNamespace.getName()
                            + "\" as a role member because the role with that namespace and name has an ID of \""
                            + tempRole.getId() + "\" instead");

        // Ensure that a member ID was either explicitly defined or was derived from the member name (and namespace, if applicable).
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRoleMember.getMemberId())) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Cannot create a role member with no member principal/group/role identification information specified");


     * Validates a role permission's role and permission identification information, and assigns its role ID if needed.
    private static void validateAndPrepareRolePermission(RolePermissionXmlDTO newRolePermission)
            throws UnmarshalException {

        // If this is a standalone role permission, derive and validate its role information accordingly.
        if (newRolePermission instanceof RolePermissionXmlDTO.OutsideOfRole) {
            RolePermissionXmlDTO.OutsideOfRole standaloneRolePerm = (RolePermissionXmlDTO.OutsideOfRole) newRolePermission;
            if (standaloneRolePerm.getRoleNameAndNamespace() != null) {
                // If a role name + namespace is given, assign or validate the role ID accordingly.
                String tempRoleId = KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService().getRoleIdByNamespaceCodeAndName(
                        standaloneRolePerm.getRoleNamespaceCode(), standaloneRolePerm.getRoleName());
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(tempRoleId)) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot assign permission to role with namespace \""
                            + standaloneRolePerm.getRoleNamespaceCode() + "\" and name \""
                            + standaloneRolePerm.getRoleName() + "\" because that role does not exist");
                } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(standaloneRolePerm.getRoleId())) {
                    // If no role ID was given, assign one from the retrieved role.
                } else if (!standaloneRolePerm.getRoleId().equals(tempRoleId)) {
                    throw new UnmarshalException(
                            "Cannot assign permission to role with ID \"" + standaloneRolePerm.getRoleId()
                                    + "\", namespace \"" + standaloneRolePerm.getRoleNamespaceCode()
                                    + "\", and name \"" + standaloneRolePerm.getRoleName()
                                    + "\" because the existing role with that name and namespace has an ID of \""
                                    + tempRoleId + "\" instead");
            } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(standaloneRolePerm.getRoleId())) {
                throw new UnmarshalException(
                        "Cannot assign permission to role without providing the role ID or role name + namespace that the permission is assigned to");
            } else if (KimApiServiceLocator.getRoleService().getRole(standaloneRolePerm.getRoleId()) == null) {
                throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot assign permission to role with ID \""
                        + standaloneRolePerm.getRoleId() + "\" because that role does not exist");

        // Ensure that a role ID was explicitly defined or was derived from a name + namespace combo.
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRolePermission.getRoleId())) {
            throw new UnmarshalException(
                    "Cannot assign permission to role without providing the role ID or role name + namespace that the permission is assigned to");

        // If the permission is being identified by name and namespace, derive or validate its permission ID accordingly.
        if (newRolePermission.getPermissionNameAndNamespace() != null) {
            PermissionContract permission = KimApiServiceLocator.getPermissionService()
            if (permission == null) {
                throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot get role assigned to permission with namespace \""
                        + newRolePermission.getPermissionNamespaceCode() + "\" and name \""
                        + newRolePermission.getPermissionName() + "\" because that permission does not exist");
            } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRolePermission.getPermissionId())) {
                // If no permission ID was given, assign one from the retrieved permission.
            } else if (!newRolePermission.getPermissionId().equals(permission.getId())) {
                throw new UnmarshalException(
                        "Cannot get role assigned to permission with ID \"" + newRolePermission.getPermissionId()
                                + "\", namespace \"" + newRolePermission.getPermissionNamespaceCode()
                                + "\", and name \"" + newRolePermission.getPermissionName()
                                + "\" because the existing permission with that name and namespace has an ID of \""
                                + permission.getId() + "\" instead");
        } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(newRolePermission.getPermissionId())) {
            throw new UnmarshalException(
                    "Cannot assign permission to role without specifying the ID or name and namespace of the permission to assign");
        } else if (KimApiServiceLocator.getPermissionService()
                .getPermission(newRolePermission.getPermissionId()) == null) {
            throw new UnmarshalException("Cannot get role assigned to permission with ID \""
                    + newRolePermission.getPermissionId() + "\" because that permission does not exist");
