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 * Copyright: (c) 2004-2010 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and 
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package org.lexevs.dao.database.service;

import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBException;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBParameterException;
import org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Exceptions.LBRevisionException;
import org.LexGrid.commonTypes.Versionable;
import org.LexGrid.versions.EntryState;
import org.LexGrid.versions.types.ChangeType;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.lexevs.dao.database.access.codingscheme.CodingSchemeDao;
import org.lexevs.dao.database.access.versions.VersionsDao;
import org.lexevs.dao.database.access.versions.VersionsDao.EntryStateType;
import org.lexevs.dao.database.service.version.VersionableEventAuthoringService;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.lexevs.dao.database.service.RevisableAbstractDatabaseService.CodingSchemeUriVersionBasedEntryId;

 * The Class RevisableAbstractDatabaseService.
 * @author <a href="">Kevin Peterson</a>
public abstract class RevisableAbstractDatabaseService<T extends Versionable, I extends CodingSchemeUriVersionBasedEntryId>
        extends AbstractDatabaseService {

     * The Class ParentUidReferencingId.
    public static class ParentUidReferencingId extends CodingSchemeUriVersionBasedEntryId {

        /** The parent uid. */
        private String parentUid;

         * Instantiates a new parent uid referencing id.
         * @param codingSchemeUri the coding scheme uri
         * @param codingSchemeVersion the coding scheme version
         * @param parentUid the parent uid
        public ParentUidReferencingId(String codingSchemeUri, String codingSchemeVersion, String parentUid) {
            super(codingSchemeUri, codingSchemeVersion);
            this.parentUid = parentUid;

         * Gets the parent uid.
         * @return the parent uid
        public String getParentUid() {
            return parentUid;

         * Sets the parent uid.
         * @param parentUid the new parent uid
        public void setParentUid(String parentUid) {
            this.parentUid = parentUid;

     * The Class CodingSchemeUriVersionBasedEntryId.
     * @author <a href="">Kevin Peterson</a>
    public static class CodingSchemeUriVersionBasedEntryId {

        /** The coding scheme uri. */
        String codingSchemeUri;

        /** The coding scheme version. */
        String codingSchemeVersion;

         * Instantiates a new coding scheme uri version based entry id.
         * @param codingSchemeUri the coding scheme uri
         * @param codingSchemeVersion the coding scheme version
        public CodingSchemeUriVersionBasedEntryId(String codingSchemeUri, String codingSchemeVersion) {
            this.codingSchemeUri = codingSchemeUri;
            this.codingSchemeVersion = codingSchemeVersion;

         * Gets the coding scheme uri.
         * @return the coding scheme uri
        public String getCodingSchemeUri() {
            return codingSchemeUri;

         * Sets the coding scheme uri.
         * @param codingSchemeUri the new coding scheme uri
        public void setCodingSchemeUri(String codingSchemeUri) {
            this.codingSchemeUri = codingSchemeUri;

         * Gets the coding scheme version.
         * @return the coding scheme version
        public String getCodingSchemeVersion() {
            return codingSchemeVersion;

         * Sets the coding scheme version.
         * @param codingSchemeVersion the new coding scheme version
        public void setCodingSchemeVersion(String codingSchemeVersion) {
            this.codingSchemeVersion = codingSchemeVersion;

     * Resolve current entry state uid.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entryUid the entry uid
     * @param type the type
     * @return the string
    protected String resolveCurrentEntryStateUid(I id, String entryUid, EntryStateType type) {
        String codingSchemeUri = id.getCodingSchemeUri();
        String version = id.getCodingSchemeVersion();

        CodingSchemeDao codingSchemeDao = this.getDaoManager().getCodingSchemeDao(codingSchemeUri, version);

        codingSchemeDao.getCodingSchemeUIdByUriAndVersion(codingSchemeUri, version);

        String codingSchemeUid = codingSchemeDao.getCodingSchemeUIdByUriAndVersion(codingSchemeUri, version);

        String entryStateUid = getCurrentEntryStateUid(id, entryUid);

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(entryStateUid) || !entryStateExists(id, entryStateUid)) {
            EntryState entryState = new EntryState();


            String containingRevision = codingSchemeDao.getRevisionWhenNew(codingSchemeUid);


            if (StringUtils.isBlank(entryStateUid)) {
                return this.getDaoManager().getVersionsDao(codingSchemeUri, version)
                        .insertEntryState(codingSchemeUid, entryUid, type, null, entryState);
            } else {
                this.getDaoManager().getVersionsDao(codingSchemeUri, version).insertEntryState(codingSchemeUid,
                        entryStateUid, entryUid, type, null, entryState);

                return entryStateUid;
        } else {
            return entryStateUid;

     * The Interface ChangeDatabaseStateTemplate.
     * @author <a href="">Kevin Peterson</a>
    private interface ChangeDatabaseStateTemplate<I extends CodingSchemeUriVersionBasedEntryId, T extends Versionable> {

         * Do change.
         * @param id the id
         * @param entryUid the entry uid
         * @param revisedEntry the revised entry
         * @param type the type
         * @return the string
        String doChange(I id, String entryUid, T revisedEntry, EntryStateType type);

     * Make change.
     * @param id the id
     * @param revisedEntry the revised entry
     * @param type the type
     * @param template the template
     * @throws LBException the LB exception
    protected void makeChange(I id, T revisedEntry, EntryStateType type, ChangeDatabaseStateTemplate<I, T> template)
            throws LBException {

        Assert.noNullElements(new Object[] { id, revisedEntry, type, template });

        String codingSchemeUri = id.getCodingSchemeUri();
        String version = id.getCodingSchemeVersion();

        CodingSchemeDao codingSchemeDao = getDaoManager().getCodingSchemeDao(codingSchemeUri, version);

        VersionsDao versionsDao = getDaoManager().getVersionsDao(codingSchemeUri, version);

        String codingSchemeUId = codingSchemeDao.getCodingSchemeUIdByUriAndVersion(codingSchemeUri, version);

        String entryUId = getEntryUid(id, revisedEntry);
        Assert.notNull(entryUId, "The 'getEntryUid' method failed to produce the current Entry's Uid.");

        T currentEntry = getCurrentEntry(id, entryUId);
        Assert.notNull(currentEntry, "The 'getCurrentEntry' method failed to produce the current Entry.");

        String currentEntryStateUid = this.resolveCurrentEntryStateUid(id, entryUId, type);

        if (!this.isChangeTypeDependent(currentEntry) || this.isChangeTypeRemove(revisedEntry)) {
            this.insertIntoHistory(id, currentEntry, entryUId);

        if (this.isChangeTypeRemove(revisedEntry)) {
            currentEntryStateUid = null;

        String entryStateUId = template.doChange(id, entryUId, revisedEntry, type);

        /* register entrystate details for the entry.*/
        if (!this.isChangeTypeDependent(revisedEntry)) {
            versionsDao.insertEntryState(codingSchemeUId, entryStateUId, entryUId, type, currentEntryStateUid,

        /* apply dependent changes for the entry.*/
        this.doInsertDependentChanges(id, revisedEntry);

     * Insert versionable changes.
     * @param id the id
     * @param revisedEntry the revised entry
     * @param type the type
     * @throws LBException the LB exception
    protected void insertVersionableChanges(I id, T revisedEntry, EntryStateType type) throws LBException {

        this.makeChange(id, revisedEntry, type, new ChangeDatabaseStateTemplate<I, T>() {

            public String doChange(I id, String entryUid, T revisedEntry, EntryStateType type) {
                return updateEntryVersionableAttributes(id, entryUid, revisedEntry);

     * The Interface UpdateTemplate.
     * @author <a href="">Kevin Peterson</a>
    public static interface UpdateTemplate {

         * Update.
         * @return the string
        public String update();

     * Update entry.
     * @param id the id
     * @param updatedEntry the updated entry
     * @param type the type
     * @param updateTemplate the update template
     * @throws LBException the LB exception
    protected void updateEntry(I id, T updatedEntry, EntryStateType type, final UpdateTemplate updateTemplate)
            throws LBException {

        this.makeChange(id, updatedEntry, type, new ChangeDatabaseStateTemplate<I, T>() {

            public String doChange(I id, String entryUid, T revisedEntry, EntryStateType type) {
                return updateTemplate.update();

     * Insert dependent changes.
     * @param id the id
     * @param revisedEntry the revised entry
     * @param type the type
     * @throws LBException the LB exception
    protected void insertDependentChanges(I id, T revisedEntry, EntryStateType type) throws LBException {
        this.makeChange(id, revisedEntry, type, new ChangeDatabaseStateTemplate<I, T>() {

            public String doChange(I id, String entryUid, T revisedEntry, EntryStateType type) {
                return null;

     * Resolve entry by revision.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entryUid the entry uid
     * @param revisionId the revision id
     * @return the t
     * @throws LBRevisionException the LB revision exception
    public T resolveEntryByRevision(I id, String entryUid, String revisionId) throws LBRevisionException {

        if (entryUid == null) {
            throw new LBRevisionException("Entry " + entryUid + " doesn't exist in lexEVS. "
                    + "Please check the identifying attributes of this entry. Its possible that the given entry "
                    + "has been REMOVEd from the lexEVS system in the past.");

        String entryLatestRevisionId = this.getLatestRevisionId(id, entryUid);

        if (StringUtils.equals(revisionId, entryLatestRevisionId) || revisionId == null) {
            return this.getCurrentEntry(id, entryUid);
        } else {

            //Check to make sure a Revision with the given Id exists
            if (!this.isValidRevisionId(revisionId)) {
                throw new LBRevisionException("No Revision with Id: " + revisionId + " exists in the system.");

            CodingSchemeDao codingSchemeDao = getDaoManager().getCodingSchemeDao(id.getCodingSchemeUri(),

            VersionsDao versionsDao = getDaoManager().getVersionsDao(id.getCodingSchemeUri(),

            String codingSchemeUId = codingSchemeDao.getCodingSchemeUIdByUriAndVersion(id.getCodingSchemeUri(),

            T entry = this.getHistoryEntryByRevisionId(id, entryUid, revisionId);

            if (entry == null) {
                String adjustedRevisionId = versionsDao
                        .getPreviousRevisionIdFromGivenRevisionIdForEntry(codingSchemeUId, entryUid, revisionId);

                if (StringUtils.equals(adjustedRevisionId, entryLatestRevisionId)) {
                    entry = this.getCurrentEntry(id, entryUid);
                } else {
                    entry = this.getHistoryEntryByRevisionId(id, entryUid, adjustedRevisionId);

                if (entry != null) {
                    entry.setEntryState(versionsDao.getEntryStateByEntryUidAndRevisionId(codingSchemeUId, entryUid,

            if (entry != null) {
                return addDependentAttributesByRevisionId(id, entryUid, entry, revisionId);
            } else {
                return null;

     * Valid revision.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entry the entry
     * @return true, if successful
     * @throws LBException the LB exception
    protected boolean validRevision(I id, T entry) throws LBException {

        String invalid = "Invalid Revision. ";

        if (entry == null)
            throw new LBParameterException(invalid + "Entry is null.");

        EntryState entryState = entry.getEntryState();

        if (entryState == null) {
            throw new LBRevisionException(invalid + "EntryState is null.");

        if (entryState.getContainingRevision() == null) {
            throw new LBRevisionException(invalid + "Revision identifier is null for the versionable object.");

        ChangeType changeType = entryState.getChangeType();
        String entryUid = null;

        try {
            entryUid = this.getEntryUid(id, entry);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //Do nothing.

        if (changeType == ChangeType.NEW) {
            if (entryState.getPrevRevision() != null) {
                throw new LBRevisionException(
                        invalid + "Changes of type NEW are not allowed to have previous revisions.");

            if (entryUid != null) {
                throw new LBRevisionException(invalid + "The entry being added already exist.");
        } else {

            if (entryUid == null) {
                throw new LBRevisionException(invalid + "The entry being revised doesn't exist.");

            String latestRevId = this.getLatestRevisionId(id, entryUid);

            String currentRevision = entryState.getContainingRevision();

            if (entryState.getPrevRevision() == null && latestRevId != null
                    && !latestRevId.equals(currentRevision)) {

            String prevRevision = entryState.getPrevRevision();

            if (latestRevId != null && prevRevision != null && !latestRevId.equals(currentRevision)
                    && !latestRevId.equals(prevRevision)
                    && !latestRevId.startsWith(VersionableEventAuthoringService.LEXGRID_GENERATED_REVISION)) {
                throw new LBRevisionException(invalid
                        + "\n -- Revision source is not in sync with the database revisions. "
                        + "\n -- Previous revision id does not match with the latest revision id of the coding scheme. "
                        + "\n -- Please update the authoring instance with all the revisions and regenerate the source.");

        return true;

     * Adds the dependent attributes by revision id.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entryUid the entry uid
     * @param entry the entry
     * @param revisionId the revision id
     * @return the t
    protected abstract T addDependentAttributesByRevisionId(I id, String entryUid, T entry, String revisionId);

     * Insert into history.
     * @param id the id
     * @param currentEntry the current entry
     * @param entryUId the entry u id
    protected abstract void insertIntoHistory(I id, T currentEntry, String entryUId);

     * Do insert dependent changes.
     * @param id the id
     * @param revisedEntry the revised entry
     * @throws LBException the LB exception
    protected abstract void doInsertDependentChanges(I id, T revisedEntry) throws LBException;

     * Update entity versionable attributes.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entryUId the entry u id
     * @param revisedEntity the revised entity
     * @return the string
    protected abstract String updateEntryVersionableAttributes(I id, String entryUId, T revisedEntity);

     * Gets the current entry.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entryUId the entry u id
     * @return the current entry
    protected abstract T getCurrentEntry(I id, String entryUId);

     * Gets the history entry by revision id.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entryUid the entry uid
     * @param revisionId the revision id
     * @return the history entry by revision id
    protected abstract T getHistoryEntryByRevisionId(I id, String entryUid, String revisionId);

     * Gets the latest revision id.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entryUId the entry u id
     * @return the latest revision id
    protected abstract String getLatestRevisionId(I id, String entryUId);

     * Gets the entry uid.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entry the entry
     * @return the entry uid
    protected abstract String getEntryUid(I id, T entry);

     * Entry state exists.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entryStateUid the entry state uid
     * @return true, if successful
    protected abstract boolean entryStateExists(I id, String entryStateUid);

     * Gets the current entry state uid.
     * @param id the id
     * @param entryUid the entry uid
     * @return the current entry state uid
    protected abstract String getCurrentEntryStateUid(I id, String entryUid);

     * Gets the coding scheme uid.
     * @param id the id
     * @return the coding scheme uid
    protected String getCodingSchemeUid(CodingSchemeUriVersionBasedEntryId id) {
        String uri = id.getCodingSchemeUri();
        String version = id.getCodingSchemeVersion();

        return this.getDaoManager().getCodingSchemeDao(uri, version).getCodingSchemeUIdByUriAndVersion(uri,

    protected boolean isValidRevisionId(String revisionId) {
        String revisionUid = getDaoManager().getRevisionDao().getRevisionUIdById(revisionId);

        return !(revisionUid == null);