Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for



import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;

import org.jfree.chart.plot.DrawingSupplier;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer;

 * <p>
 * This internal class tries to avoid a problem with
 * {@link org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer}.
 * {@link org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer
 * XYLineAndShapeRenderer} iterates over the lines in a data set. It paints
 * them only if they are within the clip bounds of the drawing window. Only
 * when it paints them, it will use methods such as
 * {@link org.jfree.chart.plot.DefaultDrawingSupplier#getNextPaint()
 * getNextPaint} of the {@link org.jfree.chart.plot.DefaultDrawingSupplier
 * DefaultDrawingSupplier}. This, in turn, may lead to lines being painted
 * with the wrong color if the lines before them are outside of the limits
 * of the figure&hellip;
 * </p>
 * <h2>JFreeChart Fa&#xe7;ade of Chart API</h2>
 * <p>
 * <a href="">JFreeChart</a>&nbsp;[<a
 * href="#cite_GM2000J" style="font-weight:bold">1</a>] is an open source
 * (<a href="">LGPL</a>-licensed) Java
 * software package for drawing charts and diagrams. With the classes in
 * package {@link
 * jfree}, we provide a wrapper of our
 * {@link chart
 * API} around the JFreeChart code. Since our chart API is grounded on
 * Java's {@link java.awt.Graphics2D Graphics2D} and only provides a few
 * simple methods, this implementation hides most of the complexity of
 * JFreeChart and provides simple chart-drawing capabilities that can be
 * used especially in conjunction with the
 * {@link org.logisticPlanning.utils.document.spec.Document document API}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * JFreeChart seems to be a bit too powerful for our purposes. On the
 * surface, it looked easy to use but has a few minor quirks that need to
 * be fixed with special code in order to seamelessly work in our
 * environment, mostly related to the use and order of colors. Therefore,
 * our {@link package}
 * contains some package-private classes. These have been developed for
 * {@code JFreeChart 1.0.13} in conjunction with {@code JCommon 1.0.16}. If
 * you use our wrapper together with different versions of this software,
 * please be particularly careful about the colors in which the
 * {@link line
 * charts} are displayed.
 * </p>
 * <h2>References</h2>
 * <ol>
 * <li><div><span id="cite_GM2000J" /><a
 * href="">David Gilbert</a> and&nbsp;<a
 * href="">Thomas Morgner</a>:
 * <span style
 * ="font-style:italic;font-family:cursive;">&ldquo;JFreeChart,&
 * rdquo;</span> (Software), November&nbsp;27, 2000, Harpenden,
 * Hertfordshire, England, UK: Object Refinery Limited. <div>links: [<a
 * href="">1</a>] and&nbsp;[<a
 * href="">2</a>]</div></div></li>
 * </ol>
 @author <em><a href="">Thomas Weise</a></em>,
 *         Email:&nbsp;<a
 *         href=""></a>
final class _JFCXYLineAndShapeRenderer extends XYLineAndShapeRenderer implements DrawingSupplier {
    /** the serial version uid */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    /** the number of lines in the background */
    int m_backgroundCount;

    // /** the outline stroke index */
    // private int m_outlineStrokeIndex;

    /** the stroke index */
    private int m_strokeIndex;

    /** the color index */
    private int m_paintIndex;

    // /** the outline paint index */
    // private int m_outlinePaintIndex;
    // /** the fill paint index */
    // private int m_fillPaintIndex;

    /** the palette to use */
    private final ChartPalette m_palette;

     * create
     * @param palette
     *          the palette
    _JFCXYLineAndShapeRenderer(final ChartPalette palette) {
        this.m_backgroundCount = 0;
        this.m_palette = palette;

     * Get the paint for the given item
     * @param row
     *          the row (series)
     * @param column
     *          the column
     * @return the paint
    public final Paint getItemPaint(final int row, final int column) {
        return this.lookupSeriesPaint(row);

     * Get the series paint for the given series
     * @param series
     *          the series
     * @return the paint
    public final Paint getSeriesPaint(final int series) {
        return this.lookupSeriesPaint(series);

     * lookup the series paint for the given series
     * @param series
     *          the series
     * @return the paint
    public final Paint lookupSeriesPaint(final int series) {
        if (series < this.m_backgroundCount) {
            return this.m_palette.getBackgroundDataColor(series);
        return this.m_palette.getForegroundDataColor(series - this.m_backgroundCount);

     * Get the stroke for the given item
     * @param row
     *          the row (series)
     * @param column
     *          the column
     * @return the stroke
    public final Stroke getItemStroke(final int row, final int column) {
        return this.lookupSeriesStroke(row);

     * Get the series stroke for the given series
     * @param series
     *          the series
     * @return the stroke
    public final Stroke getSeriesStroke(final int series) {
        return this.lookupSeriesStroke(series);

     * lookup the series stroke for the given series
     * @param series
     *          the series
     * @return the stroke
    public final Stroke lookupSeriesStroke(final int series) {
        if (series < this.m_backgroundCount) {
            return this.m_palette.getBackgroundDataStroke(series);
        return this.m_palette.getForegroundDataStroke(series - this.m_backgroundCount);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Stroke getNextStroke() {
        return this.lookupSeriesStroke(this.m_strokeIndex++);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Stroke getNextOutlineStroke() {
        return null;// this.lookupSeriesStroke(this.m_outlineStrokeIndex++);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Paint getNextPaint() {
        return this.lookupSeriesPaint(this.m_paintIndex++);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final Paint getNextOutlinePaint() {
        return null;// this.lookupSeriesPaint(this.m_outlinePaintIndex++);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public Paint getNextFillPaint() {
        return null;// this.lookupSeriesPaint(this.m_fillPaintIndex++);

     * Returns always {@code null}
     * @return {@code null}
    public Shape getNextShape() {
        return null;

     * Returns always {@code this}
     * @return {@code this}
    public DrawingSupplier getDrawingSupplier() {
        return this;

     * Returns always {@code false}
     * @return {@code false}
    public final boolean getItemShapeVisible(final int series, final int item) {
        return false;