Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


//PROJECT:       Micro-Manager 
//SUBSYSTEM:     ASIdiSPIM plugin
// AUTHOR:       Nico Stuurman, Jon Daniels
// COPYRIGHT:    University of California, San Francisco, & ASI, 2013
// LICENSE:      This file is distributed under the BSD license.
//               License text is included with the source distribution.
//               This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//               but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty

package org.micromanager.asidispim;

import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.AcquisitionModes;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.CameraModes;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.Cameras;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.Devices;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.MultichannelModes;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.MyStrings;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.Positions;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.Prefs;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.Properties;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.AcquisitionSettings;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.ChannelSpec;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.Joystick.Directions;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.DevicesListenerInterface;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.ListeningJPanel;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.MyDialogUtils;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.MyNumberUtils;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.PanelUtils;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.SliceTiming;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.StagePositionUpdater;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.ControllerUtils;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.AutofocusUtils;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.MovementDetector;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.Utils.MovementDetector.Method;
import org.micromanager.asidispim.api.ASIdiSPIMException;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFormattedTextField;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JSpinner;
import javax.swing.JToggleButton;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatter;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;

import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout;

import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;


import com.swtdesigner.SwingResourceManager;

import mmcorej.CMMCore;
import mmcorej.StrVector;
import mmcorej.TaggedImage;

import org.micromanager.api.MultiStagePosition;
import org.micromanager.api.StagePosition;
import org.micromanager.api.PositionList;
import org.micromanager.api.ScriptInterface;
import org.micromanager.api.ImageCache;
import org.micromanager.api.MMTags;
import org.micromanager.MMStudio;
import org.micromanager.acquisition.ComponentTitledBorder;
import org.micromanager.acquisition.DefaultTaggedImageSink;
import org.micromanager.acquisition.MMAcquisition;
import org.micromanager.acquisition.TaggedImageQueue;
import org.micromanager.acquisition.TaggedImageStorageDiskDefault;
import org.micromanager.acquisition.TaggedImageStorageMultipageTiff;
import org.micromanager.imagedisplay.VirtualAcquisitionDisplay;
import org.micromanager.utils.ImageUtils;
import org.micromanager.utils.NumberUtils;
import org.micromanager.utils.FileDialogs;
import org.micromanager.utils.MDUtils;
import org.micromanager.utils.MMFrame;
import org.micromanager.utils.MMScriptException;
import org.micromanager.utils.ReportingUtils;

import ij.IJ;

import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;

 * @author nico
 * @author Jon
public class AcquisitionPanel extends ListeningJPanel implements DevicesListenerInterface {

    private final Devices devices_;
    private final Properties props_;
    private final Cameras cameras_;
    private final Prefs prefs_;
    private final ControllerUtils controller_;
    private final AutofocusUtils autofocus_;
    private final Positions positions_;
    private final CMMCore core_;
    private final ScriptInterface gui_;
    private final JCheckBox advancedSliceTimingCB_;
    private final JSpinner numSlices_;
    private final JComboBox numSides_;
    private final JComboBox firstSide_;
    private final JSpinner numScansPerSlice_;
    private final JSpinner lineScanDuration_;
    private final JSpinner delayScan_;
    private final JSpinner delayLaser_;
    private final JSpinner delayCamera_;
    private final JSpinner durationCamera_; // NB: not the same as camera exposure
    private final JSpinner exposureCamera_; // NB: only used in advanced timing mode
    private final JCheckBox alternateBeamScanCB_;
    private final JSpinner durationLaser_;
    private final JSpinner delaySide_;
    private final JLabel actualSlicePeriodLabel_;
    private final JLabel actualVolumeDurationLabel_;
    private final JLabel actualTimeLapseDurationLabel_;
    private final JSpinner numTimepoints_;
    private final JSpinner acquisitionInterval_;
    private final JToggleButton buttonStart_;
    private final JButton buttonTestAcq_;
    private final JPanel volPanel_;
    private final JPanel sliceAdvancedPanel_;
    private final JPanel timepointPanel_;
    private final JPanel savePanel_;
    private final JPanel durationPanel_;
    private final JFormattedTextField rootField_;
    private final JFormattedTextField prefixField_;
    private final JLabel acquisitionStatusLabel_;
    private int numTimePointsDone_;
    private final AtomicBoolean cancelAcquisition_ = new AtomicBoolean(false); // true if we should stop acquisition
    private final AtomicBoolean acquisitionRequested_ = new AtomicBoolean(false); // true if acquisition has been requested to start or is underway
    private final AtomicBoolean acquisitionRunning_ = new AtomicBoolean(false); // true if the acquisition is actually underway
    private final StagePositionUpdater posUpdater_;
    private final JSpinner stepSize_;
    private final JLabel desiredSlicePeriodLabel_;
    private final JSpinner desiredSlicePeriod_;
    private final JLabel desiredLightExposureLabel_;
    private final JSpinner desiredLightExposure_;
    private final JCheckBox minSlicePeriodCB_;
    private final JCheckBox separateTimePointsCB_;
    private final JCheckBox saveCB_;
    private final JComboBox spimMode_;
    private final JCheckBox navigationJoysticksCB_;
    private final JCheckBox usePositionsCB_;
    private final JSpinner positionDelay_;
    private final JCheckBox useTimepointsCB_;
    private final JCheckBox useAutofocusCB_;
    private final JCheckBox useMovementCorrectionCB_;
    private final JPanel leftColumnPanel_;
    private final JPanel centerColumnPanel_;
    private final JPanel rightColumnPanel_;
    private final MMFrame sliceFrameAdvanced_;
    private SliceTiming sliceTiming_;
    private final MultiChannelSubPanel multiChannelPanel_;
    private final Color[] colors = { Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE, Color.MAGENTA, Color.PINK, Color.CYAN,
            Color.YELLOW, Color.ORANGE };
    private String lastAcquisitionPath_;
    private String lastAcquisitionName_;
    private MMAcquisition acq_;
    private String[] channelNames_;
    private int nrRepeats_; // how many separate acquisitions to perform
    private boolean resetXaxisSpeed_;
    private final AcquisitionPanel acquisitionPanel_;
    private final JComponent[] simpleTimingComponents_;
    private final JPanel slicePanel_;
    private final JPanel slicePanelContainer_;
    private final JPanel lightSheetPanel_;
    private final JPanel normalPanel_;
    double zStepUm_; // hold onto local copy so we don't have to keep querying
    double xPositionUm_; // hold onto local copy so we don't have to keep querying
    double yPositionUm_; // hold onto local copy so we don't have to keep querying
    double zPositionUm_; // hold onto local copy so we don't have to keep querying
    private final JButton gridButton_;
    private final MMFrame gridFrame_;
    private final JPanel gridPanel_;
    private final JPanel gridXPanel_;
    private final JCheckBox useXGridCB_;
    private final JFormattedTextField gridXStartField_;
    private final JFormattedTextField gridXStopField_;
    private final JFormattedTextField gridXDeltaField_;
    private final JLabel gridXCount_;
    private final JPanel gridYPanel_;
    private final JCheckBox useYGridCB_;
    private final JFormattedTextField gridYStartField_;
    private final JFormattedTextField gridYStopField_;
    private final JFormattedTextField gridYDeltaField_;
    private final JLabel gridYCount_;
    private final JPanel gridZPanel_;
    private final JCheckBox useZGridCB_;
    private final JFormattedTextField gridZStartField_;
    private final JFormattedTextField gridZStopField_;
    private final JFormattedTextField gridZDeltaField_;
    private final JLabel gridZCount_;
    private final JPanel gridSettingsPanel_;
    private final JCheckBox clearYZGridCB_;
    private final JButton computeGridButton_;

    private static final int XYSTAGETIMEOUT = 20000;

    public AcquisitionPanel(ScriptInterface gui, Devices devices, Properties props, Cameras cameras, Prefs prefs,
            StagePositionUpdater posUpdater, Positions positions, ControllerUtils controller,
            AutofocusUtils autofocus) {
                new MigLayout("", "[center]0[center]0[center]", "0[top]0"));
        gui_ = gui;
        devices_ = devices;
        props_ = props;
        cameras_ = cameras;
        prefs_ = prefs;
        posUpdater_ = posUpdater;
        positions_ = positions;
        controller_ = controller;
        autofocus_ = autofocus;
        core_ = gui_.getMMCore();
        numTimePointsDone_ = 0;
        sliceTiming_ = new SliceTiming();
        lastAcquisitionPath_ = "";
        lastAcquisitionName_ = "";
        acq_ = null;
        channelNames_ = null;
        resetXaxisSpeed_ = true;
        acquisitionPanel_ = this;

        PanelUtils pu = new PanelUtils(prefs_, props_, devices_);

        // added to spinner controls where we should re-calculate the displayed
        // slice period, volume duration, and time lapse duration
        ChangeListener recalculateTimingDisplayCL = new ChangeListener() {
            public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
                if (advancedSliceTimingCB_.isSelected()) {
                    // need to update sliceTiming_ from property values
                    sliceTiming_ = getTimingFromAdvancedSettings();

        // added to combobox controls where we should re-calculate the displayed
        // slice period, volume duration, and time lapse duration
        ActionListener recalculateTimingDisplayAL = new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        // start volume sub-panel

        volPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "4[]8[]"));

        volPanel_.setBorder(PanelUtils.makeTitledBorder("Volume Settings"));

        if (!ASIdiSPIM.oSPIM) {
        } else {
            props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_NUM_SIDES, "1");
        volPanel_.add(new JLabel("Number of sides:"));
        String[] str12 = { "1", "2" };
        numSides_ = pu.makeDropDownBox(str12, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_NUM_SIDES, str12[1]);
        if (!ASIdiSPIM.oSPIM) {
        } else {
        volPanel_.add(numSides_, "wrap");

        volPanel_.add(new JLabel("First side:"));
        String[] ab = { Devices.Sides.A.toString(), Devices.Sides.B.toString() };
        if (!ASIdiSPIM.oSPIM) {
        } else {
            props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_FIRST_SIDE, Devices.Sides.A.toString());
        firstSide_ = pu.makeDropDownBox(ab, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_FIRST_SIDE,
        if (!ASIdiSPIM.oSPIM) {
        } else {
        volPanel_.add(firstSide_, "wrap");

        volPanel_.add(new JLabel("Delay before side [ms]:"));
        // used to read/write directly to galvo/micro-mirror firmware, but want different stage scan behavior
        delaySide_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0, 10000, 0.25, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_DELAY_BEFORE_SIDE, 50);
        pu.addListenerLast(delaySide_, recalculateTimingDisplayCL);
        volPanel_.add(delaySide_, "wrap");

        volPanel_.add(new JLabel("Slices per side:"));
        numSlices_ = pu.makeSpinnerInteger(1, 65000, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_NUM_SLICES, 20);
        pu.addListenerLast(numSlices_, recalculateTimingDisplayCL);
        volPanel_.add(numSlices_, "wrap");

        volPanel_.add(new JLabel("Slice step size [\u00B5m]:"));
        stepSize_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0, 100, 0.1, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_SLICE_STEP_SIZE,
        pu.addListenerLast(stepSize_, recalculateTimingDisplayCL); // needed only for stage scanning b/c acceleration time related to speed
        volPanel_.add(stepSize_, "wrap");

        // end volume sub-panel

        // start slice timing controls, have 2 options with advanced timing checkbox shared
        slicePanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "0[]0[]"));

        slicePanel_.setBorder(PanelUtils.makeTitledBorder("Slice Settings"));

        // start light sheet controls
        lightSheetPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "4[]8"));

        lightSheetPanel_.add(new JLabel("Scan reset time [ms]:"));
        JSpinner lsScanReset = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(1, 100, 0.25, // practical lower limit of 1ms
                Devices.Keys.PLUGIN, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_LS_SCAN_RESET, 3);
        pu.addListenerLast(lsScanReset, recalculateTimingDisplayCL);
        lightSheetPanel_.add(lsScanReset, "wrap");

        lightSheetPanel_.add(new JLabel("Scan settle time [ms]:"));
        JSpinner lsScanSettle = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0.25, 100, 0.25, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_LS_SCAN_SETTLE, 1);
        pu.addListenerLast(lsScanSettle, recalculateTimingDisplayCL);
        lightSheetPanel_.add(lsScanSettle, "wrap");

        lightSheetPanel_.add(new JLabel("Shutter width [\u00B5m]:"));
        JSpinner lsShutterWidth = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0.1, 100, 1, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_LS_SHUTTER_WIDTH, 5);
        pu.addListenerLast(lsShutterWidth, recalculateTimingDisplayCL);

        //      lightSheetPanel_.add(new JLabel("1 / (shutter speed):"));
        //      JSpinner lsShutterSpeed = pu.makeSpinnerInteger(1, 10,
        //            Devices.Keys.PLUGIN, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_LS_SHUTTER_SPEED, 1);
        //      lightSheetPanel_.add(lsShutterSpeed, "wrap");

        // end light sheet controls

        // start "normal" (not light sheet) controls

        normalPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "4[]8"));

        // out of order so we can reference it
        desiredSlicePeriod_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(1, 1000, 0.25, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_DESIRED_SLICE_PERIOD, 30);

        minSlicePeriodCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Minimize slice period", Properties.Keys.PREFS_MINIMIZE_SLICE_PERIOD,
                panelName_, false);
        minSlicePeriodCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                boolean doMin = minSlicePeriodCB_.isSelected();
        normalPanel_.add(minSlicePeriodCB_, "span 2, wrap");

        // special field that is enabled/disabled depending on whether advanced timing is enabled
        desiredSlicePeriodLabel_ = new JLabel("Slice period [ms]:");
        normalPanel_.add(desiredSlicePeriod_, "wrap");

        // special field that is enabled/disabled depending on whether advanced timing is enabled
        desiredLightExposureLabel_ = new JLabel("Sample exposure [ms]:");
        desiredLightExposure_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(1.0, 1000, 0.25, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_DESIRED_EXPOSURE, 8.5);

        // end normal simple slice timing controls

        slicePanelContainer_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "0[center]0", "0[]0"));
                getSPIMCameraMode() == CameraModes.Keys.LIGHT_SHEET ? lightSheetPanel_ : normalPanel_, "growx");
        slicePanel_.add(slicePanelContainer_, "span 2, center, wrap");

        // special checkbox to use the advanced timing settings
        // action handler added below after defining components it enables/disables
        advancedSliceTimingCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Use advanced timing settings",
                Properties.Keys.PREFS_ADVANCED_SLICE_TIMING, panelName_, false);
        slicePanel_.add(advancedSliceTimingCB_, "span 2, left");

        // end slice sub-panel

        // start advanced slice timing frame
        // visibility of this frame is controlled from advancedTiming checkbox
        // this frame is separate from main plugin window

        sliceFrameAdvanced_ = new MMFrame();
        sliceFrameAdvanced_.setTitle("Advanced timing");
        sliceFrameAdvanced_.loadPosition(100, 100);

        sliceAdvancedPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "[]8[]"));

        class SliceFrameAdapter extends WindowAdapter {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

        sliceFrameAdvanced_.addWindowListener(new SliceFrameAdapter());

        JLabel scanDelayLabel = new JLabel("Delay before scan [ms]:");
        delayScan_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0, 10000, 0.25,
                new Devices.Keys[] { Devices.Keys.GALVOA, Devices.Keys.GALVOB }, Properties.Keys.SPIM_DELAY_SCAN,
        sliceAdvancedPanel_.add(delayScan_, "wrap");

        JLabel lineScanLabel = new JLabel("Lines scans per slice:");
        numScansPerSlice_ = pu.makeSpinnerInteger(1, 1000,
                new Devices.Keys[] { Devices.Keys.GALVOA, Devices.Keys.GALVOB },
                Properties.Keys.SPIM_NUM_SCANSPERSLICE, 1);
        sliceAdvancedPanel_.add(numScansPerSlice_, "wrap");

        JLabel lineScanPeriodLabel = new JLabel("Line scan duration [ms]:");
        lineScanDuration_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(1, 10000, 0.25,
                new Devices.Keys[] { Devices.Keys.GALVOA, Devices.Keys.GALVOB }, Properties.Keys.SPIM_DURATION_SCAN,
        sliceAdvancedPanel_.add(lineScanDuration_, "wrap");

        JLabel delayLaserLabel = new JLabel("Delay before laser [ms]:");
        delayLaser_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0, 10000, 0.25,
                new Devices.Keys[] { Devices.Keys.GALVOA, Devices.Keys.GALVOB }, Properties.Keys.SPIM_DELAY_LASER,
        sliceAdvancedPanel_.add(delayLaser_, "wrap");

        JLabel durationLabel = new JLabel("Laser trig duration [ms]:");
        durationLaser_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0, 10000, 0.25,
                new Devices.Keys[] { Devices.Keys.GALVOA, Devices.Keys.GALVOB },
                Properties.Keys.SPIM_DURATION_LASER, 1);
        sliceAdvancedPanel_.add(durationLaser_, "span 2, wrap");

        JLabel delayLabel = new JLabel("Delay before camera [ms]:");
        delayCamera_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0, 10000, 0.25,
                new Devices.Keys[] { Devices.Keys.GALVOA, Devices.Keys.GALVOB }, Properties.Keys.SPIM_DELAY_CAMERA,
        sliceAdvancedPanel_.add(delayCamera_, "wrap");

        JLabel cameraLabel = new JLabel("Camera trig duration [ms]:");
        durationCamera_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0, 1000, 0.25,
                new Devices.Keys[] { Devices.Keys.GALVOA, Devices.Keys.GALVOB },
                Properties.Keys.SPIM_DURATION_CAMERA, 0);
        sliceAdvancedPanel_.add(durationCamera_, "wrap");

        JLabel exposureLabel = new JLabel("Camera exposure [ms]:");
        exposureCamera_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0, 1000, 0.25, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_ADVANCED_CAMERA_EXPOSURE, 10f);
        sliceAdvancedPanel_.add(exposureCamera_, "wrap");

        alternateBeamScanCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Alternate scan direction",
                Properties.Keys.PREFS_SCAN_OPPOSITE_DIRECTIONS, panelName_, false);
        sliceAdvancedPanel_.add(alternateBeamScanCB_, "center, span 2, wrap");

        simpleTimingComponents_ = new JComponent[] { desiredLightExposure_, minSlicePeriodCB_,
                desiredSlicePeriodLabel_, desiredLightExposureLabel_ };
        final JComponent[] advancedTimingComponents = { delayScan_, numScansPerSlice_, lineScanDuration_,
                delayLaser_, durationLaser_, delayCamera_, durationCamera_, exposureCamera_, alternateBeamScanCB_ };
        PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(advancedTimingComponents, advancedSliceTimingCB_.isSelected());
        PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(simpleTimingComponents_, !advancedSliceTimingCB_.isSelected());

        // this action listener takes care of enabling/disabling inputs
        // of the advanced slice timing window
        // we call this to get GUI looking right
        ItemListener sliceTimingDisableGUIInputs = new ItemListener() {
            public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
                boolean enabled = advancedSliceTimingCB_.isSelected();
                // set other components in this advanced timing frame
                PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(advancedTimingComponents, enabled);
                // also control some components in main volume settings sub-panel
                PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(simpleTimingComponents_, !enabled);
                desiredSlicePeriod_.setEnabled(!enabled && !minSlicePeriodCB_.isSelected());
                desiredSlicePeriodLabel_.setEnabled(!enabled && !minSlicePeriodCB_.isSelected());


        // this action listener shows/hides the advanced timing frame
        ActionListener showAdvancedTimingFrame = new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                boolean enabled = advancedSliceTimingCB_.isSelected();
                if (enabled) {


        // end slice Frame

        // start repeat (time lapse) sub-panel

        timepointPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "[]8[]"));

        useTimepointsCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Time points", Properties.Keys.PREFS_USE_TIMEPOINTS, panelName_, false);
        useTimepointsCB_.setToolTipText("Perform a time-lapse acquisition");
        ComponentTitledBorder componentBorder = new ComponentTitledBorder(useTimepointsCB_, timepointPanel_,

        ChangeListener recalculateTimeLapseDisplay = new ChangeListener() {
            public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {


        timepointPanel_.add(new JLabel("Number:"));
        numTimepoints_ = pu.makeSpinnerInteger(1, 100000, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_NUM_ACQUISITIONS, 1);
        numTimepoints_.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
            public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) {
                // update nrRepeats_ variable so the acquisition can be extended or shortened
                //   as long as we have separate timepoints
                if (acquisitionRunning_.get() && getSavingSeparateFile()) {
                    nrRepeats_ = getNumTimepoints();
        timepointPanel_.add(numTimepoints_, "wrap");

        timepointPanel_.add(new JLabel("Interval [s]:"));
        acquisitionInterval_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0.1, 32000, 0.1, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_ACQUISITION_INTERVAL, 60);
        timepointPanel_.add(acquisitionInterval_, "wrap");

        // enable/disable panel elements depending on checkbox state
        useTimepointsCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(timepointPanel_, useTimepointsCB_.isSelected());
        PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(timepointPanel_, useTimepointsCB_.isSelected()); // initialize

        // end repeat sub-panel

        // start savePanel

        // TODO for now these settings aren't part of acquisition settings
        // TODO consider whether that should be changed

        final int textFieldWidth = 16;
        savePanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]8[left]", "[]4[]"));
        savePanel_.setBorder(PanelUtils.makeTitledBorder("Data Saving Settings"));

        separateTimePointsCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Separate viewer / file for each time point",
                Properties.Keys.PREFS_SEPARATE_VIEWERS_FOR_TIMEPOINTS, panelName_, false);

        saveCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Save while acquiring", Properties.Keys.PREFS_SAVE_WHILE_ACQUIRING, panelName_,

        // make sure that when separate viewer is enabled then saving gets enabled too
        separateTimePointsCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                if (separateTimePointsCB_.isSelected() && !saveCB_.isSelected()) {
                    saveCB_.doClick(); // setSelected() won't work because need to call its listener
        savePanel_.add(separateTimePointsCB_, "span 3, left, wrap");
        savePanel_.add(saveCB_, "skip 1, span 2, center, wrap");

        JLabel dirRootLabel = new JLabel("Directory root:");

        DefaultFormatter formatter = new DefaultFormatter();
        rootField_ = new JFormattedTextField(formatter);
        rootField_.setText(prefs_.getString(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_DIRECTORY_ROOT, ""));
        rootField_.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
            // will respond to commitEdit() as well as GUI edit on commit
            public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
                prefs_.putString(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_DIRECTORY_ROOT, rootField_.getText());
        savePanel_.add(rootField_, "span 2");

        JButton browseRootButton = new JButton();
        browseRootButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
                prefs_.putString(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_DIRECTORY_ROOT, rootField_.getText());
        browseRootButton.setMargin(new Insets(2, 5, 2, 5));
        savePanel_.add(browseRootButton, "wrap");

        JLabel namePrefixLabel = new JLabel();
        namePrefixLabel.setText("Name prefix:");

        prefixField_ = new JFormattedTextField(formatter);
        prefixField_.setText(prefs_.getString(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_NAME_PREFIX, "acq"));
        prefixField_.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
            public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
                prefs_.putString(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_NAME_PREFIX, prefixField_.getText());
        savePanel_.add(prefixField_, "span 2, wrap");

        // since we use the name field even for acquisitions in RAM, 
        // we only need to gray out the directory-related components
        final JComponent[] saveComponents = { browseRootButton, rootField_, dirRootLabel };
        PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(saveComponents, saveCB_.isSelected());

        saveCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(saveComponents, saveCB_.isSelected());

        // end save panel

        // start duration report panel

        durationPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]6[left, 40%!]", "[]5[]"));
        durationPanel_.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(125, 0)); // fix width so it doesn't constantly change depending on text

        durationPanel_.add(new JLabel("Slice:"));
        actualSlicePeriodLabel_ = new JLabel();
        durationPanel_.add(actualSlicePeriodLabel_, "wrap");

        durationPanel_.add(new JLabel("Volume:"));
        actualVolumeDurationLabel_ = new JLabel();
        durationPanel_.add(actualVolumeDurationLabel_, "wrap");

        durationPanel_.add(new JLabel("Total:"));
        actualTimeLapseDurationLabel_ = new JLabel();
        durationPanel_.add(actualTimeLapseDurationLabel_, "wrap");

        // end duration report panel

        buttonTestAcq_ = new JButton("Test Acquisition");
        buttonTestAcq_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        buttonStart_ = new JToggleButton();
        buttonStart_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                if (isAcquisitionRequested()) {
                } else {
        updateStartButton(); // call once to initialize, isSelected() will be false

        // make the size of the test button match the start button (easier on the eye)
        Dimension sizeStart = buttonStart_.getPreferredSize();
        Dimension sizeTest = buttonTestAcq_.getPreferredSize();
        sizeTest.height = sizeStart.height;

        acquisitionStatusLabel_ = new JLabel("");

        // Channel Panel (separate file for code)
        multiChannelPanel_ = new MultiChannelSubPanel(gui, devices_, props_, prefs_);

        // Position Panel
        final JPanel positionPanel = new JPanel();
        positionPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("flowx, fillx", "[right]10[left][10][]", "[]8[]"));
        usePositionsCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Multiple positions (XY)", Properties.Keys.PREFS_USE_MULTIPOSITION,
                panelName_, false);
        usePositionsCB_.setToolTipText("Acquire datasest at multiple postions");
        componentBorder = new ComponentTitledBorder(usePositionsCB_, positionPanel,


        final JButton editPositionListButton = new JButton("Edit position list...");
        editPositionListButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        gridButton_ = new JButton("XYZ grid...");
        positionPanel.add(gridButton_, "wrap");

        // start XYZ grid frame
        // visibility of this frame is controlled from XYZ grid button
        // this frame is separate from main plugin window

        gridXPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "[]8[]"));

        useXGridCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Slices from stage coordinates", Properties.Keys.PREFS_USE_X_GRID, panelName_,
        componentBorder = new ComponentTitledBorder(useXGridCB_, gridXPanel_,

        // enable/disable panel elements depending on checkbox state
        useXGridCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(gridXPanel_, useXGridCB_.isSelected());

        gridXPanel_.add(new JLabel("X start [um]:"));
        gridXStartField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField(panelName_, "Grid_X_Start", -400, 5);
        gridXStartField_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        JButton tmp_but = new JButton("Set");
        tmp_but.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                gridXStartField_.setValue(positions_.getUpdatedPosition(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.X));
        gridXPanel_.add(tmp_but, "wrap");

        gridXPanel_.add(new JLabel("X stop [um]:"));
        gridXStopField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField(panelName_, "Grid_X_Stop", 400, 5);
        gridXStopField_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        tmp_but = new JButton("Set");
        tmp_but.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                gridXStopField_.setValue(positions_.getUpdatedPosition(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.X));
        gridXPanel_.add(tmp_but, "wrap");

        gridXPanel_.add(new JLabel("X delta [um]:"));
        gridXDeltaField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField(panelName_, "Grid_X_Delta", 3, 5);
        gridXDeltaField_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        gridXPanel_.add(gridXDeltaField_, "wrap");
        //      tmp_but = new JButton("Set");
        //      tmp_but.setBackground(;
        //      tmp_but.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        //         @Override
        //         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        //            // TODO figure out spacing, maybe to make reslicing trivial
        //            updateGridXCount();
        //         }
        //      });
        //      gridPanel_.add(tmp_but, "wrap");

        gridXPanel_.add(new JLabel("Slice count:"));
        gridXCount_ = new JLabel("");
        gridXPanel_.add(gridXCount_, "wrap");
        PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(gridXPanel_, useXGridCB_.isSelected()); // initialize

        gridYPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "[]8[]"));

        useYGridCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Grid in Y", Properties.Keys.PREFS_USE_Y_GRID, panelName_, true);
        componentBorder = new ComponentTitledBorder(useYGridCB_, gridYPanel_,

        // enable/disable panel elements depending on checkbox state
        useYGridCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(gridYPanel_, useYGridCB_.isSelected());

        gridYPanel_.add(new JLabel("Y start [um]:"));
        gridYStartField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField(panelName_, "Grid_Y_Start", -1200, 5);
        gridYStartField_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        tmp_but = new JButton("Set");
        tmp_but.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                gridYStartField_.setValue(positions_.getUpdatedPosition(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.Y));
        gridYPanel_.add(tmp_but, "wrap");

        gridYPanel_.add(new JLabel("Y stop [um]:"));
        gridYStopField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField(panelName_, "Grid_Y_Stop", 1200, 5);
        gridYStopField_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        tmp_but = new JButton("Set");
        tmp_but.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                gridYStopField_.setValue(positions_.getUpdatedPosition(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.Y));
        gridYPanel_.add(tmp_but, "wrap");

        gridYPanel_.add(new JLabel("Y delta [um]:"));
        gridYDeltaField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField(panelName_, "Grid_Y_Delta", 700, 5);
        gridYDeltaField_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        tmp_but = new JButton("Set");
        tmp_but.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                Devices.Keys camKey = isFirstSideA() ? Devices.Keys.CAMERAA : Devices.Keys.CAMERAB;
                int height;
                try {
                    height = core_.getROI(devices_.getMMDevice(camKey)).height;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    height = 1;
                float pixelSize = (float) core_.getPixelSizeUm();
                double delta = height * pixelSize;
                double overlap = props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                delta *= (1 - overlap / 100);
                // sanity checks, would be better handled with exceptions or more formal checks
                if (height > 4100 || height < 4 || pixelSize < 1e-6) {
        gridYPanel_.add(tmp_but, "wrap");

        gridYPanel_.add(new JLabel("Y count:"));
        gridYCount_ = new JLabel("");
        gridYPanel_.add(gridYCount_, "wrap");
        PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(gridYPanel_, useYGridCB_.isSelected()); // initialize

        gridZPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "[]8[]"));

        useZGridCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Grid in Z", Properties.Keys.PREFS_USE_Z_GRID, panelName_, true);
        componentBorder = new ComponentTitledBorder(useZGridCB_, gridZPanel_,

        // enable/disable panel elements depending on checkbox state
        useZGridCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(gridZPanel_, useZGridCB_.isSelected());

        gridZPanel_.add(new JLabel("Z start [um]:"));
        gridZStartField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField(panelName_, "Grid_Z_Start", 0, 5);
        gridZStartField_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        tmp_but = new JButton("Set");
        tmp_but.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        gridZPanel_.add(tmp_but, "wrap");

        gridZPanel_.add(new JLabel("Z stop [um]:"));
        gridZStopField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField(panelName_, "Grid_Z_Stop", -800, 5);
        gridZStopField_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        tmp_but = new JButton("Set");
        tmp_but.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        gridZPanel_.add(tmp_but, "wrap");

        gridZPanel_.add(new JLabel("Z delta [um]:"));
        gridZDeltaField_ = pu.makeFloatEntryField(panelName_, "Grid_Z_Delta", 400, 5);
        gridZDeltaField_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
        tmp_but = new JButton("Set");
        tmp_but.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                Devices.Keys camKey = isFirstSideA() ? Devices.Keys.CAMERAA : Devices.Keys.CAMERAB;
                int width;
                try {
                    width = core_.getROI(devices_.getMMDevice(camKey)).width;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    width = 1;
                float pixelSize = (float) core_.getPixelSizeUm();
                // sanity checks, would be better handled with exceptions or more formal checks
                if (width > 4100 || width < 4 || pixelSize < 1e-6) {
                double delta = width * pixelSize / Math.sqrt(2);
                double overlap = props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                delta *= (1 - overlap / 100);
        gridZPanel_.add(tmp_but, "wrap");

        gridZPanel_.add(new JLabel("Z count:"));
        gridZCount_ = new JLabel("");
        gridZPanel_.add(gridZCount_, "wrap");
        PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(gridZPanel_, useZGridCB_.isSelected()); // initialize

        gridSettingsPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "[]8[]"));

        gridSettingsPanel_.setBorder(PanelUtils.makeTitledBorder("Grid settings"));
        gridSettingsPanel_.add(new JLabel("Overlap (Y and Z) [%]:"));
        JSpinner tileOverlapPercent = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0, 100, 1, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_GRID_OVERLAP_PERCENT, 10);
        gridSettingsPanel_.add(tileOverlapPercent, "wrap");
        clearYZGridCB_ = pu.makeCheckBox("Clear position list if YZ unused", Properties.Keys.PREFS_CLEAR_YZ_GRID,
                panelName_, true);
        gridSettingsPanel_.add(clearYZGridCB_, "span 2");

        computeGridButton_ = new JButton("Compute grid");
        computeGridButton_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                final boolean useX = useXGridCB_.isSelected();
                final boolean useY = useYGridCB_.isSelected();
                final boolean useZ = useZGridCB_.isSelected();
                final int numX = useX ? updateGridXCount() : 1;
                final int numY = useY ? updateGridYCount() : 1;
                final int numZ = useZ ? updateGridZCount() : 1;
                double centerX = (((Double) gridXStartField_.getValue()) + ((Double) gridXStopField_.getValue()))
                        / 2;
                double centerY = (((Double) gridYStartField_.getValue()) + ((Double) gridYStopField_.getValue()))
                        / 2;
                double centerZ = (((Double) gridZStartField_.getValue()) + ((Double) gridZStopField_.getValue()))
                        / 2;
                double deltaX = (Double) gridXDeltaField_.getValue();
                double deltaY = (Double) gridYDeltaField_.getValue();
                double deltaZ = (Double) gridZDeltaField_.getValue();
                double startY = centerY - deltaY * (numY - 1) / 2;
                double startZ = centerZ - deltaZ * (numZ - 1) / 2;
                String xy_device = devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE);
                String z_device = devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.UPPERZDRIVE);

                if (useX) {
                    try {
                        setVolumeSliceStepSize(Math.abs(deltaX) / Math.sqrt(2));
                        if (!useY && !useZ) {
                            // move to X center if we aren't generating position list with it
                            positions_.setPosition(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.X, centerX);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        // not sure what to do in case of error so ignore
                } else {
                    // use current X value as center; this was original behavior
                    centerX = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.X);

                // if we aren't using one axis, use the current position instead of GUI position
                if (useY && !useZ) {
                    startZ = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(Devices.Keys.UPPERZDRIVE);
                if (useZ && !useY) {
                    startY = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.Y);

                if (!useY && !useZ && !clearYZGridCB_.isSelected()) {

                PositionList pl;
                try {
                    pl = gui_.getPositionList();
                } catch (MMScriptException e) {
                    pl = new PositionList();
                boolean isPositionListEmpty = pl.getNumberOfPositions() == 0;
                if (!isPositionListEmpty) {
                    boolean overwrite = MyDialogUtils.getConfirmDialogResult(
                            "Do you really want to overwrite the existing position list?",
                    if (!overwrite) {
                        return; // nothing to do
                pl = new PositionList();
                if (useY || useZ) {
                    for (int iZ = 0; iZ < numZ; ++iZ) {
                        for (int iY = 0; iY < numY; ++iY) {
                            MultiStagePosition msp = new MultiStagePosition();
                            StagePosition s = new StagePosition();
                            s.stageName = xy_device;
                            s.numAxes = 2;
                            s.x = centerX;
                            s.y = startY + iY * deltaY;
                            StagePosition s2 = new StagePosition();
                            s2.stageName = z_device;
                            s2.x = startZ + iZ * deltaZ;
                            msp.setLabel("Pos_" + iZ + "_" + iY);
                try {
                } catch (MMScriptException ex) {
                    MyDialogUtils.showError(ex, "Couldn't overwrite position list with generated YZ grid");

        gridFrame_ = new MMFrame();
        gridFrame_.setTitle("XYZ Grid");
        gridFrame_.loadPosition(100, 100);

        gridPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[right]10[center]", "[]8[]"));

        class GridFrameAdapter extends WindowAdapter {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

        gridFrame_.addWindowListener(new GridFrameAdapter());

        gridButton_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        gridPanel_.add(gridZPanel_, "wrap");
        gridPanel_.add(gridXPanel_, "spany 2");
        gridPanel_.add(gridSettingsPanel_, "growx, wrap");
        gridPanel_.add(computeGridButton_, "growx, growy");

        // end YZ grid frame

        positionPanel.add(new JLabel("Post-move delay [ms]:"));
        positionDelay_ = pu.makeSpinnerFloat(0.0, 10000.0, 100.0, Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_POSITION_DELAY, 0.0);
        positionPanel.add(positionDelay_, "wrap");

        // enable/disable panel elements depending on checkbox state
        usePositionsCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(positionPanel, usePositionsCB_.isSelected());
                gridButton_.setEnabled(true); // leave this always enabled
        PanelUtils.componentsSetEnabled(positionPanel, usePositionsCB_.isSelected()); // initialize
        gridButton_.setEnabled(true); // leave this always enabled

        // end of Position panel

        // checkbox to use navigation joystick settings or not
        // an "orphan" UI element
        navigationJoysticksCB_ = new JCheckBox("Use Navigation joystick settings");
                .setSelected(prefs_.getBoolean(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_USE_NAVIGATION_JOYSTICKS, false));
        navigationJoysticksCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                prefs_.putBoolean(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_USE_NAVIGATION_JOYSTICKS,

        // checkbox to signal that autofocus should be used during acquisition
        // another orphan UI element
        useAutofocusCB_ = new JCheckBox("Autofocus periodically");
                .setSelected(prefs_.getBoolean(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_ACQUSITION_USE_AUTOFOCUS, false));
        useAutofocusCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                prefs_.putBoolean(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_ACQUSITION_USE_AUTOFOCUS,

        // checkbox to signal that movement should be corrected during acquisition
        // Yet another orphan UI element
        useMovementCorrectionCB_ = new JCheckBox("Motion correction");
                prefs_.getBoolean(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_ACQUSITION_USE_MOVEMENT_CORRECTION, false));
        useMovementCorrectionCB_.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                prefs_.putBoolean(panelName_, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_ACQUSITION_USE_MOVEMENT_CORRECTION,

        // set up tabbed panels for GUI
        // make 3 columns as own JPanels to get vertical space right
        // in each column without dependencies on other columns

        leftColumnPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[]", "[]6[]10[]10[]"));

        leftColumnPanel_.add(durationPanel_, "split 2");
        leftColumnPanel_.add(timepointPanel_, "wrap, growx");
        leftColumnPanel_.add(savePanel_, "wrap");
        leftColumnPanel_.add(new JLabel("Acquisition mode: "), "split 2, right");
        AcquisitionModes acqModes = new AcquisitionModes(devices_, prefs_);
        spimMode_ = acqModes.getComboBox();
        leftColumnPanel_.add(spimMode_, "left, wrap");
        leftColumnPanel_.add(buttonStart_, "split 3, left");
        leftColumnPanel_.add(new JLabel("    "));
        leftColumnPanel_.add(buttonTestAcq_, "wrap");
        leftColumnPanel_.add(new JLabel("Status:"), "split 2, left");

        centerColumnPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[]", "[]"));

        centerColumnPanel_.add(positionPanel, "growx, wrap");
        centerColumnPanel_.add(multiChannelPanel_, "wrap");
        centerColumnPanel_.add(navigationJoysticksCB_, "wrap");
        centerColumnPanel_.add(useAutofocusCB_, "split 2");

        rightColumnPanel_ = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[center]0", "[]0[]"));

        rightColumnPanel_.add(volPanel_, "growx, wrap");
        rightColumnPanel_.add(slicePanel_, "growx");

        // add the column panels to the main panel

        // properly initialize the advanced slice timing

        // included is calculating slice timing

        // update local variables
        zStepUm_ = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(stepSize_);

    }//end constructor

    private int updateGridXCount() {
        double range = ((Double) gridXStartField_.getValue()) - ((Double) gridXStopField_.getValue());
        double delta = ((Double) gridXDeltaField_.getValue());
        if (Math.signum(range) != Math.signum(delta)) {
            delta *= -1;
        Integer count = (Integer) ((int) Math.ceil(range / delta)) + 1;
        return count;

    private int updateGridYCount() {
        double range = ((Double) gridYStartField_.getValue()) - ((Double) gridYStopField_.getValue());
        double delta = ((Double) gridYDeltaField_.getValue());
        if (Math.signum(range) != Math.signum(delta)) {
            delta *= -1;
        Integer count = (Integer) ((int) Math.ceil(range / delta)) + 1;
        return count;

    private int updateGridZCount() {
        double range = ((Double) gridZStartField_.getValue()) - ((Double) gridZStopField_.getValue());
        double delta = ((Double) gridZDeltaField_.getValue());
        if (Math.signum(range) != Math.signum(delta)) {
            delta *= -1;
        Integer count = (Integer) ((int) Math.ceil(range / delta)) + 1;
        return count;

    private void updateJoysticks() {
        if (ASIdiSPIM.getFrame() != null) {

    public final void updateDurationLabels() {

    private void updateCalibrationOffset(final Devices.Sides side, final AutofocusUtils.FocusResult score) {
        if (score.focusSuccess_) {
            double maxDelta = props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
            if (Math.abs(score.offsetDelta_) <= maxDelta) {
            } else {
                ReportingUtils.logMessage("autofocus successful for side " + side
                        + " but offset change too much to automatically update");

    public SliceTiming getSliceTiming() {
        return sliceTiming_;

     * Sets the acquisition name prefix programmatically.
     * Added so that name prefix can be changed from a script.
     * @param acqName
    public void setAcquisitionNamePrefix(String acqName) {

    private void updateStartButton() {
        boolean started = isAcquisitionRequested();
        buttonStart_.setText(started ? "Stop Acquisition!" : "Start Acquisition!");
        buttonStart_.setBackground(started ? :;
                started ? SwingResourceManager.getIcon(MMStudio.class, "/org/micromanager/icons/cancel.png")
                        : SwingResourceManager.getIcon(MMStudio.class, "/org/micromanager/icons/arrow_right.png"));

     * @return CameraModes.Keys value from Camera panel
     * (edge, overlap, pseudo-overlap, light sheet) 
    private CameraModes.Keys getSPIMCameraMode() {
        CameraModes.Keys val;
        try {
            val = ASIdiSPIM.getFrame().getSPIMCameraMode();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            val = CameraModes.getKeyFromPrefCode(
                    prefs_.getInt(MyStrings.PanelNames.SETTINGS.toString(), Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_CAMERA_MODE, 1)); // default is edge
        return val;

     * convenience method to avoid having to regenerate acquisition settings
    private int getNumTimepoints() {
        if (useTimepointsCB_.isSelected()) {
            return (Integer) numTimepoints_.getValue();
        } else {
            return 1;

     * convenience method to avoid having to regenerate acquisition settings
     * public for API use
     * @return Number of Sides
    public int getNumSides() {
        if (numSides_.getSelectedIndex() == 1) {
            return 2;
        } else {
            return 1;

     * convenience method to avoid having to regenerate acquisition settings
     * public for API use
     * @return true if the first side is side A
    public boolean isFirstSideA() {
        return ((String) firstSide_.getSelectedItem()).equals("A");

     * convenience method to avoid having to regenerate acquisition settings.
     * public for API use
     * @return Time between starts of acquisition when doing a time-lapse acquisition 
    public double getTimepointInterval() {
        return PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(acquisitionInterval_);

     * Gathers all current acquisition settings into dedicated POD object
     * @return
    public AcquisitionSettings getCurrentAcquisitionSettings() {
        AcquisitionSettings acqSettings = new AcquisitionSettings();
        acqSettings.spimMode = getAcquisitionMode();
        acqSettings.isStageScanning = (acqSettings.spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.STAGE_SCAN
                || acqSettings.spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.STAGE_SCAN_INTERLEAVED
                || acqSettings.spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.STAGE_SCAN_UNIDIRECTIONAL);
        acqSettings.useTimepoints = useTimepointsCB_.isSelected();
        acqSettings.numTimepoints = getNumTimepoints();
        acqSettings.timepointInterval = getTimepointInterval();
        acqSettings.useMultiPositions = usePositionsCB_.isSelected();
        acqSettings.useChannels = multiChannelPanel_.isMultiChannel();
        acqSettings.channelMode = multiChannelPanel_.getChannelMode();
        acqSettings.numChannels = multiChannelPanel_.getNumChannels();
        acqSettings.channels = multiChannelPanel_.getUsedChannels();
        acqSettings.channelGroup = multiChannelPanel_.getChannelGroup();
        acqSettings.useAutofocus = useAutofocusCB_.isSelected();
        acqSettings.useMovementCorrection = useMovementCorrectionCB_.isSelected();
        acqSettings.acquireBothCamerasSimultaneously = prefs_.getBoolean(MyStrings.PanelNames.SETTINGS.toString(),
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_ACQUIRE_BOTH_CAMERAS_SIMULT, false);
        acqSettings.numSides = getNumSides();
        acqSettings.firstSideIsA = isFirstSideA();
        acqSettings.delayBeforeSide = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(delaySide_);
        acqSettings.numSlices = (Integer) numSlices_.getValue();
        acqSettings.stepSizeUm = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(stepSize_);
        acqSettings.minimizeSlicePeriod = minSlicePeriodCB_.isSelected();
        acqSettings.desiredSlicePeriod = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(desiredSlicePeriod_);
        acqSettings.desiredLightExposure = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(desiredLightExposure_);
        acqSettings.centerAtCurrentZ = false;
        acqSettings.sliceTiming = sliceTiming_;
        acqSettings.cameraMode = getSPIMCameraMode();
        acqSettings.hardwareTimepoints = false; //  when running acquisition we check this and set to true if needed
        acqSettings.separateTimepoints = getSavingSeparateFile();
        return acqSettings;

     * gets the correct value for the slice timing's sliceDuration field
     * based on other values of slice timing
     * @param s
     * @return
    private float getSliceDuration(final SliceTiming s) {
        // slice duration is the max out of the scan time, laser time, and camera time
        return Math.max(Math.max(s.scanDelay + (s.scanPeriod * s.scanNum), // scan time
                s.laserDelay + s.laserDuration // laser time
        ), s.cameraDelay + s.cameraDuration // camera time

     * gets the slice timing from advanced settings
     * (normally these advanced settings are read-only and we populate them
     * ourselves depending on the user's requests and our algorithm below) 
     * @return
    private SliceTiming getTimingFromAdvancedSettings() {
        SliceTiming s = new SliceTiming();
        s.scanDelay = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(delayScan_);
        s.scanNum = (Integer) numScansPerSlice_.getValue();
        s.scanPeriod = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(lineScanDuration_);
        s.laserDelay = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(delayLaser_);
        s.laserDuration = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(durationLaser_);
        s.cameraDelay = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(delayCamera_);
        s.cameraDuration = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(durationCamera_);
        s.cameraExposure = PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(exposureCamera_);
        s.sliceDuration = getSliceDuration(s);
        return s;

     * @param showWarnings true to warn user about needing to change slice period
     * @return
    private SliceTiming getTimingFromPeriodAndLightExposure(boolean showWarnings) {
        // uses algorithm Jon worked out in Octave code; each slice period goes like this:
        // 1. camera readout time (none if in overlap mode, 0.25ms in pseudo-overlap)
        // 2. any extra delay time
        // 3. camera reset time
        // 4. start scan 0.25ms before camera global exposure and shifted up in time to account for delay introduced by Bessel filter
        // 5. turn on laser as soon as camera global exposure, leave laser on for desired light exposure time
        // 7. end camera exposure in final 0.25ms, post-filter scan waveform also ends now
        final float scanLaserBufferTime = MyNumberUtils.roundToQuarterMs(0.25f); // below assumed to be multiple of 0.25ms
        final Color foregroundColorOK = Color.BLACK;
        final Color foregroundColorError = Color.RED;
        final Component elementToColor = desiredSlicePeriod_.getEditor().getComponent(0);

        SliceTiming s = new SliceTiming();
        final float cameraResetTime = computeCameraResetTime(); // recalculate for safety, 0 for light sheet
        final float cameraReadoutTime = computeCameraReadoutTime(); // recalculate for safety, 0 for overlap

        // can we use acquisition settings directly? because they may be in flux
        final AcquisitionSettings acqSettings = getCurrentAcquisitionSettings();

        final float cameraReadout_max = MyNumberUtils.ceilToQuarterMs(cameraReadoutTime);
        final float cameraReset_max = MyNumberUtils.ceilToQuarterMs(cameraResetTime);

        // we will wait cameraReadout_max before triggering camera, then wait another cameraReset_max for global exposure
        // this will also be in 0.25ms increment
        final float globalExposureDelay_max = cameraReadout_max + cameraReset_max;

        final float laserDuration = MyNumberUtils.roundToQuarterMs(acqSettings.desiredLightExposure);
        final float scanDuration = laserDuration + 2 * scanLaserBufferTime;
        // scan will be longer than laser by 0.25ms at both start and end

        // account for delay in scan position due to Bessel filter by starting the scan slightly earlier
        // than we otherwise would (Bessel filter selected b/c stretches out pulse without any ripples)
        // delay to start is (empirically) 0.07ms + 0.25/(freq in kHz)
        // delay to midpoint is empirically 0.38/(freq in kHz)
        // group delay for 5th-order bessel filter ~0.39/freq from theory and ~0.4/freq from IC datasheet 
        final float scanFilterFreq = Math.max(
                props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.GALVOA, Properties.Keys.SCANNER_FILTER_X),
                props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.GALVOB, Properties.Keys.SCANNER_FILTER_X));
        float scanDelayFilter = 0;
        if (scanFilterFreq != 0) {
            scanDelayFilter = MyNumberUtils.roundToQuarterMs(0.39f / scanFilterFreq);

        // If the PLogic card is used, account for 0.25ms delay it introduces to
        // the camera and laser trigger signals => subtract 0.25ms from the scanner delay
        // (start scanner 0.25ms later than it would be otherwise)
        // this time-shift opposes the Bessel filter delay
        // scanDelayFilter won't be negative unless scanFilterFreq is more than 3kHz which shouldn't happen
        if (devices_.isValidMMDevice(Devices.Keys.PLOGIC)) {
            scanDelayFilter -= 0.25f;

        s.scanDelay = globalExposureDelay_max - scanLaserBufferTime // start scan 0.25ms before camera's global exposure
                - scanDelayFilter; // start galvo moving early due to card's Bessel filter and delay of TTL signals via PLC
        s.scanNum = 1;
        s.scanPeriod = scanDuration;
        s.laserDelay = globalExposureDelay_max; // turn on laser as soon as camera's global exposure is reached
        s.laserDuration = laserDuration;
        s.cameraDelay = cameraReadout_max; // camera must readout last frame before triggering again

        final Devices.Keys camKey = isFirstSideA() ? Devices.Keys.CAMERAA : Devices.Keys.CAMERAB;
        final Devices.Libraries camLibrary = devices_.getMMDeviceLibrary(camKey);

        // figure out desired time for camera to be exposing (including reset time)
        // because both camera trigger and laser on occur on 0.25ms intervals (i.e. we may not
        //    trigger the laser until 0.24ms after global exposure) use cameraReset_max
        // special adjustment for Photometrics cameras that possibly has extra clear time which is counted in reset time
        //    but not in the camera exposure time
        final float actualCameraResetTime = (camLibrary == Devices.Libraries.PVCAM
                && props_.getPropValueString(camKey, Properties.Keys.PVCAM_CHIPNAME)
                                ? (float) props_.getPropValueInteger(camKey, Properties.Keys.PVCAM_READOUT_TIME)
                                        / 1e6f
                                : cameraResetTime; // everything but Photometrics Prime 95B
        final float cameraExposure = MyNumberUtils.ceilToQuarterMs(actualCameraResetTime) + laserDuration;

        switch (acqSettings.cameraMode) {
        case EDGE:
            s.cameraDuration = 1; // doesn't really matter, 1ms should be plenty fast yet easy to see for debugging
            s.cameraExposure = cameraExposure + 0.1f; // add 0.1ms as safety margin, may require adding an additional 0.25ms to slice
            // slight delay between trigger and actual exposure start
            //   is included in exposure time for Hamamatsu and negligible for Andor and PCO cameras
            // ensure not to miss triggers by not being done with readout in time for next trigger, add 0.25ms if needed
            if (getSliceDuration(s) < (s.cameraExposure + cameraReadoutTime)) {
                        "Added 0.25ms in edge-trigger mode to make sure camera exposure long enough without dropping frames");
                s.cameraDelay += 0.25f;
                s.laserDelay += 0.25f;
                s.scanDelay += 0.25f;
        case LEVEL: // AKA "bulb mode", TTL rising starts exposure, TTL falling ends it
            s.cameraDuration = MyNumberUtils.ceilToQuarterMs(cameraExposure);
            s.cameraExposure = 1; // doesn't really matter, controlled by TTL
        case OVERLAP: // only Hamamatsu or Andor
            s.cameraDuration = 1; // doesn't really matter, 1ms should be plenty fast yet easy to see for debugging
            s.cameraExposure = 1; // doesn't really matter, controlled by interval between triggers
        case PSEUDO_OVERLAP: // PCO or Photometrics, enforce 0.25ms between end exposure and start of next exposure by triggering camera 0.25ms into the slice
            s.cameraDuration = 1; // doesn't really matter, 1ms should be plenty fast yet easy to see for debugging
            if (null != camLibrary) {
                switch (camLibrary) {
                case PCOCAM:
                    s.cameraExposure = getSliceDuration(s) - s.cameraDelay; // s.cameraDelay should be 0.25ms for PCO
                case PVCAM:
                    s.cameraExposure = cameraExposure;
                    MyDialogUtils.showError("Unknown camera library for pseudo-overlap calculations");
            if (s.cameraDelay < 0.24f) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Camera delay should be at least 0.25ms for pseudo-overlap mode.");
        case LIGHT_SHEET:
            // each slice period goes like this:
            // 1. scan reset time (use to add any extra settling time to the start of each slice)
            // 2. start scan, wait scan settle time
            // 3. trigger camera/laser when scan settle time elapses
            // 4. scan for total of exposure time plus readout time (total time some row is exposing) plus settle time plus extra 0.25ms to prevent artifacts
            // 5. laser turns on 0.25ms before camera trigger and stays on until exposure is ending
            // TODO revisit this after further experimentation
            s.cameraDuration = 1; // only need to trigger camera
            final float shutterWidth = props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
            final int shutterSpeed = 1; // props_.getPropValueInteger(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN, Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_LS_SHUTTER_SPEED);
            float pixelSize = (float) core_.getPixelSizeUm();
            if (pixelSize < 1e-6) { // can't compare equality directly with floating point values so call < 1e-9 is zero or negative
                pixelSize = 0.1625f; // default to pixel size of 40x with sCMOS = 6.5um/40
            final double rowReadoutTime = getRowReadoutTime();
            s.cameraExposure = (float) (rowReadoutTime * shutterWidth / pixelSize * shutterSpeed);
            final float totalExposure_max = MyNumberUtils
                    .ceilToQuarterMs(cameraReadoutTime + s.cameraExposure + 0.05f); // 50-300us extra cushion time
            final float scanSettle = props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
            final float scanReset = props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
            s.scanDelay = scanReset - scanDelayFilter;
            s.scanPeriod = scanSettle + totalExposure_max + scanLaserBufferTime;
            s.cameraDelay = scanReset + scanSettle;
            s.laserDelay = s.cameraDelay - scanLaserBufferTime; // trigger laser just before camera to make sure it's on already
            s.laserDuration = totalExposure_max + scanLaserBufferTime; // laser will turn off as exposure is ending
        case INTERNAL:
            if (showWarnings) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Invalid camera mode");
            s.valid = false;

        // fix corner case of negative calculated scanDelay
        if (s.scanDelay < 0) {
            s.cameraDelay -= s.scanDelay;
            s.laserDelay -= s.scanDelay;
            s.scanDelay = 0; // same as (-= s.scanDelay)

        // if a specific slice period was requested, add corresponding delay to scan/laser/camera
        if (!acqSettings.minimizeSlicePeriod) {
            float globalDelay = acqSettings.desiredSlicePeriod - getSliceDuration(s); // both should be in 0.25ms increments // TODO fix;
            if (acqSettings.cameraMode == CameraModes.Keys.LIGHT_SHEET) {
                globalDelay = 0;
            if (globalDelay < 0) {
                globalDelay = 0;
                if (showWarnings) { // only true when user has specified period that is unattainable
                    MyDialogUtils.showError("Increasing slice period to meet laser exposure constraint\n"
                            + "(time required for camera readout; readout time depends on ROI).");
            s.scanDelay += globalDelay;
            s.cameraDelay += globalDelay;
            s.laserDelay += globalDelay;

        //      // Add 0.25ms to globalDelay if it is 0 and we are on overlap mode and scan has been shifted forward
        //      // basically the last 0.25ms of scan time that would have determined the slice period isn't
        //      //   there any more because the scan time is moved up  => add in the 0.25ms at the start of the slice
        //      // in edge or level trigger mode the camera trig falling edge marks the end of the slice period
        //      // not sure if PCO pseudo-overlap needs this, probably not because adding 0.25ms overhead in that case
        //      if (MyNumberUtils.floatsEqual(cameraReadout_max, 0f)  // true iff overlap being used
        //            && (scanDelayFilter > 0.01f)) {
        //         globalDelay += 0.25f;
        //      }

        // fix corner case of (exposure time + readout time) being greater than the slice duration
        // most of the time the slice duration is already larger
        float globalDelay = MyNumberUtils
                .ceilToQuarterMs((s.cameraExposure + cameraReadoutTime) - getSliceDuration(s));
        if (globalDelay > 0) {
            s.scanDelay += globalDelay;
            s.cameraDelay += globalDelay;
            s.laserDelay += globalDelay;

        // update the slice duration based on our new values
        s.sliceDuration = getSliceDuration(s);

        return s;

     * Re-calculate the controller's timing settings for "easy timing" mode.
     * Changes panel variable sliceTiming_.
     * The controller's properties will be set as needed
     * @param showWarnings will show warning if the user-specified slice period too short
     *                      or if cameras aren't assigned
    private void recalculateSliceTiming(boolean showWarnings) {
        if (!checkCamerasAssigned(showWarnings)) {
        // if user is providing his own slice timing don't change it
        if (advancedSliceTimingCB_.isSelected()) {
        sliceTiming_ = getTimingFromPeriodAndLightExposure(showWarnings);
        PanelUtils.setSpinnerFloatValue(delayScan_, sliceTiming_.scanDelay);
        PanelUtils.setSpinnerFloatValue(lineScanDuration_, sliceTiming_.scanPeriod);
        PanelUtils.setSpinnerFloatValue(delayLaser_, sliceTiming_.laserDelay);
        PanelUtils.setSpinnerFloatValue(durationLaser_, sliceTiming_.laserDuration);
        PanelUtils.setSpinnerFloatValue(delayCamera_, sliceTiming_.cameraDelay);
        PanelUtils.setSpinnerFloatValue(durationCamera_, sliceTiming_.cameraDuration);
        PanelUtils.setSpinnerFloatValue(exposureCamera_, sliceTiming_.cameraExposure);

     * Update the displayed slice period.
    private void updateActualSlicePeriodLabel() {
        actualSlicePeriodLabel_.setText(NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(sliceTiming_.sliceDuration) + " ms");

     * calculate the total ramp time for stage scan in units of milliseconds (includes both acceleration and settling time
     *   given by "delay before side" setting)
     * @param acqSettings
     * @return
    private double getStageRampDuration(AcquisitionSettings acqSettings) {
        final double accelerationX = controller_.computeScanAcceleration(controller_.computeScanSpeed(acqSettings))
                + 1; // extra 1 for rounding up that often happens in controller
                "stage ramp duration is " + (acqSettings.delayBeforeSide + accelerationX) + " milliseconds");
        return acqSettings.delayBeforeSide + accelerationX;

     * calculate the retrace time in stage scan raster mode in units of milliseconds
     * @param acqSettings
     * @return
    private double getStageRetraceDuration(AcquisitionSettings acqSettings) {
        final double retraceSpeed = 0.67f
                * props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_MAX_MOTOR_SPEED); // retrace speed set to 67% of max speed in firmware
        final double speedFactor = ASIdiSPIM.oSPIM ? (2 / Math.sqrt(3.)) : Math.sqrt(2.);
        final double scanDistance = acqSettings.numSlices * acqSettings.stepSizeUm * speedFactor;
        final double accelerationX = controller_.computeScanAcceleration(controller_.computeScanSpeed(acqSettings))
                + 1; // extra 1 for rounding up that often happens in controller
        final double retraceDuration = scanDistance / retraceSpeed + accelerationX * 2;
        ReportingUtils.logDebugMessage("stage retrace duration is " + retraceDuration + " milliseconds");
        return retraceDuration;

     * Compute the volume duration in ms based on controller's timing settings.
     * Includes time for multiple channels.  However, does not include for multiple positions.
     * @param acqSettings Settings for the acquisition
     * @return duration in ms
    public double computeActualVolumeDuration(AcquisitionSettings acqSettings) {
        final MultichannelModes.Keys channelMode = acqSettings.channelMode;
        final int numChannels = acqSettings.numChannels;
        final int numSides = acqSettings.numSides;
        final float delayBeforeSide = acqSettings.delayBeforeSide;
        int numCameraTriggers = acqSettings.numSlices;
        if (acqSettings.cameraMode == CameraModes.Keys.OVERLAP) {
            numCameraTriggers += 1;
        // stackDuration is per-side, per-channel, per-position

        final double stackDuration = numCameraTriggers * acqSettings.sliceTiming.sliceDuration;
        if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
            final double rampDuration = getStageRampDuration(acqSettings);
            final double retraceTime = getStageRetraceDuration(acqSettings);
            // TODO double-check these calculations below, at least they are better than before ;-)
            if (acqSettings.spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.STAGE_SCAN) {
                if (channelMode == MultichannelModes.Keys.SLICE_HW) {
                    return retraceTime + (numSides * ((rampDuration * 2) + (stackDuration * numChannels)));
                } else { // "normal" stage scan with volume channel switching
                    if (numSides == 1) {
                        // single-view so will retrace at beginning of each channel
                        return ((rampDuration * 2) + stackDuration + retraceTime) * numChannels;
                    } else {
                        // will only retrace at very start/end
                        return retraceTime + (numSides * ((rampDuration * 2) + stackDuration) * numChannels);
            } else if (acqSettings.spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.STAGE_SCAN_UNIDIRECTIONAL) {
                if (channelMode == MultichannelModes.Keys.SLICE_HW) {
                    return ((rampDuration * 2) + (stackDuration * numChannels) + retraceTime) * numSides;
                } else { // "normal" stage scan with volume channel switching
                    return ((rampDuration * 2) + stackDuration + retraceTime) * numChannels * numSides;
            } else { // interleaved mode => one-way pass collecting both sides
                if (channelMode == MultichannelModes.Keys.SLICE_HW) {
                    // single pass with all sides and channels
                    return retraceTime + (rampDuration * 2 + stackDuration * numSides * numChannels);
                } else { // one-way pass collecting both sides, then rewind for next channel
                    return ((rampDuration * 2) + (stackDuration * numSides) + retraceTime) * numChannels;
        } else { // piezo scan
            double channelSwitchDelay = 0;
            if (channelMode == MultichannelModes.Keys.VOLUME) {
                channelSwitchDelay = 500; // estimate channel switching overhead time as 0.5s
                // actual value will be hardware-dependent
            if (channelMode == MultichannelModes.Keys.SLICE_HW) {
                return numSides * (delayBeforeSide + stackDuration * numChannels); // channelSwitchDelay = 0
            } else {
                return numSides * numChannels * (delayBeforeSide + stackDuration)
                        + (numChannels - 1) * channelSwitchDelay;

     * Compute the timepoint duration in ms.  Only difference from computeActualVolumeDuration()
     * is that it also takes into account the multiple positions, if any.
     * @return duration in ms
    private double computeTimepointDuration() {
        AcquisitionSettings acqSettings = getCurrentAcquisitionSettings();
        final double volumeDuration = computeActualVolumeDuration(acqSettings);
        if (acqSettings.useMultiPositions) {
            try {
                // use 1.5 seconds motor move between positions
                // (could be wildly off but was estimated using actual system
                // and then slightly padded to be conservative to avoid errors
                // where positions aren't completed in time for next position)
                // could estimate the actual time by analyzing the position's relative locations
                //   and using the motor speed and acceleration time
                return gui_.getPositionList().getNumberOfPositions()
                        * (volumeDuration + 1500 + PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(positionDelay_));
            } catch (MMScriptException ex) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError(ex, "Error getting position list for multiple XY positions");
        return volumeDuration;

     * Compute the volume duration in ms based on controller's timing settings.
     * Includes time for multiple channels.
     * @return duration in ms
    private double computeActualVolumeDuration() {
        return computeActualVolumeDuration(getCurrentAcquisitionSettings());

     * Update the displayed volume duration.
    private void updateActualVolumeDurationLabel() {
        double duration = computeActualVolumeDuration();
        if (duration > 1000) {
            actualVolumeDurationLabel_.setText(NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(duration / 1000d) + " s"); // round to ms
        } else {
                    .setText(NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(Math.round(10 * duration) / 10d) + " ms"); // round to tenth of ms

     * Compute the time lapse duration
     * @return duration in s
    private double computeActualTimeLapseDuration() {
        double duration = (getNumTimepoints() - 1) * getTimepointInterval() + computeTimepointDuration() / 1000;
        return duration;

     * Update the displayed time lapse duration.
    private void updateActualTimeLapseDurationLabel() {
        String s = "";
        double duration = computeActualTimeLapseDuration();
        if (duration < 60) { // less than 1 min
            s += NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(duration) + " s";
        } else if (duration < 60 * 60) { // between 1 min and 1 hour
            s += NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(Math.floor(duration / 60)) + " min ";
            s += NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(Math.round(duration % 60)) + " s";
        } else { // longer than 1 hour
            s += NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(Math.floor(duration / (60 * 60))) + " hr ";
            s += NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(Math.round((duration % (60 * 60)) / 60)) + " min";

     * Computes the per-row readout time of the SPIM cameras set on Devices panel.
     * Handles single-side operation.
     * Needed for computing camera exposure in light sheet mode
     * @return
    private double getRowReadoutTime() {
        if (getNumSides() > 1) {
            return Math.max(cameras_.getRowReadoutTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA),
        } else {
            if (isFirstSideA()) {
                return cameras_.getRowReadoutTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA);
            } else {
                return cameras_.getRowReadoutTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB);

     * Computes the reset time of the SPIM cameras set on Devices panel.
     * Handles single-side operation.
     * Needed for computing (semi-)optimized slice timing in "easy timing" mode.
     * @return
    private float computeCameraResetTime() {
        CameraModes.Keys camMode = getSPIMCameraMode();
        if (getNumSides() > 1) {
            return Math.max(cameras_.computeCameraResetTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA, camMode),
                    cameras_.computeCameraResetTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB, camMode));
        } else {
            if (isFirstSideA()) {
                return cameras_.computeCameraResetTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA, camMode);
            } else {
                return cameras_.computeCameraResetTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB, camMode);

     * Computes the readout time of the SPIM cameras set on Devices panel.
     * Handles single-side operation.
     * Needed for computing (semi-)optimized slice timing in "easy timing" mode.
     * @return
    private float computeCameraReadoutTime() {
        CameraModes.Keys camMode = getSPIMCameraMode();
        if (getNumSides() > 1) {
            return Math.max(cameras_.computeCameraReadoutTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA, camMode),
                    cameras_.computeCameraReadoutTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB, camMode));
        } else {
            if (isFirstSideA()) {
                return cameras_.computeCameraReadoutTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA, camMode);
            } else {
                return cameras_.computeCameraReadoutTime(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB, camMode);

     * Makes sure that cameras are assigned to the desired sides and display error message
     * if not (e.g. if single-sided with side B first, then only checks camera for side B)
     * @return true if cameras assigned, false if not
    private boolean checkCamerasAssigned(boolean showWarnings) {
        String firstCamera, secondCamera;
        final boolean firstSideA = isFirstSideA();
        if (firstSideA) {
            firstCamera = devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA);
            secondCamera = devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB);
        } else {
            firstCamera = devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB);
            secondCamera = devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA);
        if (firstCamera == null) {
            if (showWarnings) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Please select a valid camera for the first side (Imaging Path "
                        + (firstSideA ? "A" : "B") + ") on the Devices Panel");
            return false;
        if (getNumSides() > 1 && secondCamera == null) {
            if (showWarnings) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Please select a valid camera for the second side (Imaging Path "
                        + (firstSideA ? "B" : "A") + ") on the Devices Panel.");
            return false;
        return true;

     * used for updateAcquisitionStatus() calls 
    private static enum AcquisitionStatus {

    private void updateAcquisitionStatus(AcquisitionStatus phase) {
        updateAcquisitionStatus(phase, 0);

    private void updateAcquisitionStatus(AcquisitionStatus phase, int secsToNextAcquisition) {
        String text = "";
        switch (phase) {
        case NONE:
            text = "No acquisition in progress.";
        case ACQUIRING:
            text = "Acquiring time point " + NumberUtils.intToDisplayString(numTimePointsDone_) + " of "
                    + NumberUtils.intToDisplayString(getNumTimepoints());
            // TODO make sure the number of timepoints can't change during an acquisition
            // (or maybe we make a hidden feature where the acquisition can be terminated by changing)
        case WAITING:
            text = "Next timepoint (" + NumberUtils.intToDisplayString(numTimePointsDone_ + 1) + " of "
                    + NumberUtils.intToDisplayString(getNumTimepoints()) + ") in "
                    + NumberUtils.intToDisplayString(secsToNextAcquisition) + " s.";
        case DONE:
            text = "Acquisition finished with " + NumberUtils.intToDisplayString(numTimePointsDone_)
                    + " time points.";

    private boolean requiresPiezos(AcquisitionModes.Keys mode) {
        switch (mode) {
        case STAGE_SCAN:
        case NONE:
        case SLICE_SCAN_ONLY:
        case NO_SCAN:
            return false;
        case PIEZO_SCAN_ONLY:
        case PIEZO_SLICE_SCAN:
            return true;
            MyDialogUtils.showError("Unspecified acquisition mode " + mode.toString());
            return true;

     * runs a test acquisition with the following features:
     *   - not saved to disk
     *   - window can be closed without prompting to save
     *   - timepoints disabled
     *   - autofocus disabled
     * @param side Devices.Sides.NONE to run as specified in acquisition tab,
     *   Devices.Side.A or B to run only that side
    public void runTestAcquisition(final Devices.Sides side) {
        Runnable runTestThread = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                ReportingUtils.logDebugMessage("User requested start of test diSPIM acquisition with side "
                        + side.toString() + " selected.");
                boolean success = runAcquisitionPrivate(true, side);
                if (!success) {
                    ReportingUtils.logError("Fatal error running test diSPIM acquisition.");
                // deskew automatically if we were supposed to
                AcquisitionModes.Keys spimMode = getAcquisitionMode();
                if (spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.STAGE_SCAN
                        || spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.STAGE_SCAN_INTERLEAVED
                        || spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.STAGE_SCAN_UNIDIRECTIONAL) {
                    if (prefs_.getBoolean(MyStrings.PanelNames.DATAANALYSIS.toString(),
                            Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_DESKEW_AUTO_TEST, false)) {

        (new Thread(runTestThread, "Run Test")).start();


     * Implementation of acquisition that orchestrates image
     * acquisition itself rather than using the acquisition engine.
     * This methods is public so that the ScriptInterface can call it
     * Please do not access this yourself directly, instead use the API, e.g.
     *   import org.micromanager.asidispim.api.*;
     *   ASIdiSPIMInterface diSPIM = new ASIdiSPIMImplementation();
     *   diSPIM.runAcquisition();
    public void runAcquisition() {
        class acqThread extends Thread {
            acqThread(String threadName) {

            public void run() {
                ReportingUtils.logDebugMessage("User requested start of diSPIM acquisition.");
                if (isAcquisitionRequested()) { // don't allow acquisition to be requested again, just return
                    ReportingUtils.logError("another acquisition already running");
                boolean success = runAcquisitionPrivate(false, Devices.Sides.NONE);
                if (!success) {
                    ReportingUtils.logError("Fatal error running diSPIM acquisition.");
        acqThread acqt = new acqThread("diSPIM Acquisition");

    private Color getChannelColor(int channelIndex) {
        return (colors[channelIndex % colors.length]);

     * Actually runs the acquisition; does the dirty work of setting
     * up the controller, the circular buffer, starting the cameras,
     * grabbing the images and putting them into the acquisition, etc.
     * @param testAcq true if running test acquisition only (see runTestAcquisition() javadoc)
     * @param testAcqSide only applies to test acquisition, passthrough from runTestAcquisition() 
     * @return true if ran without any fatal errors.
    private boolean runAcquisitionPrivate(boolean testAcq, Devices.Sides testAcqSide) {

        // sanity check, shouldn't call this unless we aren't running an acquisition
        if (gui_.isAcquisitionRunning()) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError("An acquisition is already running");
            return false;

        if (ASIdiSPIM.getFrame().getHardwareInUse()) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError("Hardware is being used by something else (maybe autofocus?)");
            return false;

        boolean liveModeOriginally = gui_.isLiveModeOn();
        if (liveModeOriginally) {

        // make sure slice timings are up to date
        // do this automatically; we used to prompt user if they were out of date
        // do this before getting snapshot of sliceTiming_ in acqSettings

        if (!sliceTiming_.valid) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError("Error in calculating the slice timing; is the camera mode set correctly?");
            return false;

        AcquisitionSettings acqSettingsOrig = getCurrentAcquisitionSettings();

        if (acqSettingsOrig.cameraMode == CameraModes.Keys.LIGHT_SHEET && core_.getPixelSizeUm() < 1e-6) { // can't compare equality directly with floating point values so call < 1e-9 is zero or negative
            ReportingUtils.showError("Need to configure pixel size in Micro-Manager to use light sheet mode.");
            return false;

        // if a test acquisition then only run single timpoint, no autofocus
        // allow multi-positions for test acquisition for now, though perhaps this is not desirable
        if (testAcq) {
            acqSettingsOrig.useTimepoints = false;
            acqSettingsOrig.numTimepoints = 1;
            acqSettingsOrig.useAutofocus = false;
            acqSettingsOrig.separateTimepoints = false;

            // if called from the setup panels then the side will be specified
            //   so we can do an appropriate single-sided acquisition
            // if called from the acquisition panel then NONE will be specified
            //   and run according to existing settings
            if (testAcqSide != Devices.Sides.NONE) {
                acqSettingsOrig.numSides = 1;
                acqSettingsOrig.firstSideIsA = (testAcqSide == Devices.Sides.A);

            // work around limitation of not being able to use PLogic per-volume switching with single side
            // => do per-volume switching instead (only difference should be extra time to switch)
            if (acqSettingsOrig.useChannels && acqSettingsOrig.channelMode == MultichannelModes.Keys.VOLUME_HW
                    && acqSettingsOrig.numSides < 2) {
                acqSettingsOrig.channelMode = MultichannelModes.Keys.VOLUME;


        double volumeDuration = computeActualVolumeDuration(acqSettingsOrig);
        double timepointDuration = computeTimepointDuration();
        long timepointIntervalMs = Math.round(acqSettingsOrig.timepointInterval * 1000);

        // use hardware timing if < 1 second between timepoints
        // experimentally need ~0.5 sec to set up acquisition, this gives a bit of cushion
        // cannot do this in getCurrentAcquisitionSettings because of mutually recursive
        // call with computeActualVolumeDuration()
        if (acqSettingsOrig.numTimepoints > 1 && timepointIntervalMs < (timepointDuration + 750)
                && !acqSettingsOrig.isStageScanning) {
            acqSettingsOrig.hardwareTimepoints = true;

        if (acqSettingsOrig.useMultiPositions) {
            if (acqSettingsOrig.hardwareTimepoints
                    || ((acqSettingsOrig.numTimepoints > 1) && (timepointIntervalMs < timepointDuration * 1.2))) {
                // change to not hardwareTimepoints and warn user
                // but allow acquisition to continue
                acqSettingsOrig.hardwareTimepoints = false;
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Timepoint interval may not be sufficient "
                        + "depending on actual time required to change positions. " + "Proceed at your own risk.");

        // now acqSettings should be read-only
        final AcquisitionSettings acqSettings = acqSettingsOrig;

        // generate string for log file
        Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
        final String acqSettingsJSON = gson.toJson(acqSettings);

        // get MM device names for first/second cameras to acquire
        String firstCamera, secondCamera;
        Devices.Keys firstCameraKey, secondCameraKey;
        boolean firstSideA = acqSettings.firstSideIsA;
        if (firstSideA) {
            firstCamera = devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA);
            firstCameraKey = Devices.Keys.CAMERAA;
            secondCamera = devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB);
            secondCameraKey = Devices.Keys.CAMERAB;
        } else {
            firstCamera = devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB);
            firstCameraKey = Devices.Keys.CAMERAB;
            secondCamera = devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA);
            secondCameraKey = Devices.Keys.CAMERAA;

        boolean sideActiveA, sideActiveB;
        final boolean twoSided = acqSettings.numSides > 1;
        if (twoSided) {
            sideActiveA = true;
            sideActiveB = true;
        } else {
            secondCamera = null;
            if (firstSideA) {
                sideActiveA = true;
                sideActiveB = false;
            } else {
                sideActiveA = false;
                sideActiveB = true;

        final boolean acqBothCameras = acqSettings.acquireBothCamerasSimultaneously;
        boolean camActiveA = sideActiveA || acqBothCameras;
        boolean camActiveB = sideActiveB || acqBothCameras;

        if (camActiveA) {
            if (!devices_.isValidMMDevice(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA)) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Using side A but no camera specified for that side.");
                return false;
            Devices.Keys camKey = Devices.Keys.CAMERAA;
            Devices.Libraries camLib = devices_.getMMDeviceLibrary(camKey);
            if (!CameraModes.getValidModeKeys(camLib).contains(getSPIMCameraMode())) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Camera trigger mode set to " + getSPIMCameraMode().toString()
                        + " but camera A doesn't support it.");
                return false;
            // Hamamatsu only supports light sheet mode with USB cameras.  Tt seems due to static architecture of getValidModeKeys
            //   there is no good way to tell earlier that light sheet mode isn't supported.  I don't like this but don't see another option.
            if (camLib == Devices.Libraries.HAMCAM && props_.getPropValueString(camKey, Properties.Keys.CAMERA_BUS)
                    .equals(Properties.Values.USB3)) {
                if (getSPIMCameraMode() == CameraModes.Keys.LIGHT_SHEET) {
                    MyDialogUtils.showError("Hamamatsu only supports light sheet mode with CameraLink readout.");
                    return false;

        if (sideActiveA) {
            if (!devices_.isValidMMDevice(Devices.Keys.GALVOA)) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Using side A but no scanner specified for that side.");
                return false;
            if (requiresPiezos(acqSettings.spimMode) && !devices_.isValidMMDevice(Devices.Keys.PIEZOA)) {
                        "Using side A and acquisition mode requires piezos but no piezo specified for that side.");
                return false;

        if (camActiveB) {
            if (!devices_.isValidMMDevice(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB)) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Using side B but no camera specified for that side.");
                return false;
            if (!CameraModes.getValidModeKeys(devices_.getMMDeviceLibrary(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB))
                    .contains(getSPIMCameraMode())) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Camera trigger mode set to " + getSPIMCameraMode().toString()
                        + " but camera B doesn't support it.");
                return false;

        if (sideActiveB) {
            if (!devices_.isValidMMDevice(Devices.Keys.GALVOB)) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Using side B but no scanner specified for that side.");
                return false;
            if (requiresPiezos(acqSettings.spimMode) && !devices_.isValidMMDevice(Devices.Keys.PIEZOB)) {
                        "Using side B and acquisition mode requires piezos but no piezo specified for that side.");
                return false;

        boolean usingDemoCam = (devices_.getMMDeviceLibrary(Devices.Keys.CAMERAA).equals(Devices.Libraries.DEMOCAM)
                && camActiveA)
                || (devices_.getMMDeviceLibrary(Devices.Keys.CAMERAB).equals(Devices.Libraries.DEMOCAM)
                        && camActiveB);

        // set up channels
        int nrChannelsSoftware = acqSettings.numChannels; // how many times we trigger the controller per stack
        int nrSlicesSoftware = acqSettings.numSlices;
        String originalChannelConfig = "";
        boolean changeChannelPerVolumeSoftware = false;
        if (acqSettings.useChannels) {
            if (acqSettings.numChannels < 1) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("\"Channels\" is checked, but no channels are selected");
                return false;
            // get current channel so that we can restore it, then set channel appropriately
            originalChannelConfig = multiChannelPanel_.getCurrentConfig();
            switch (acqSettings.channelMode) {
            case VOLUME:
                changeChannelPerVolumeSoftware = true;
            case VOLUME_HW:
            case SLICE_HW:
                if (acqSettings.numChannels == 1) { // only 1 channel selected so don't have to really use hardware switching
                } else { // we have at least 2 channels
                    boolean success = controller_.setupHardwareChannelSwitching(acqSettings);
                    if (!success) {
                        MyDialogUtils.showError("Couldn't set up slice hardware channel switching.");
                        return false;
                    nrChannelsSoftware = 1;
                    nrSlicesSoftware = acqSettings.numSlices * acqSettings.numChannels;
                        .showError("Unsupported multichannel mode \"" + acqSettings.channelMode.toString() + "\"");
                return false;
        if (twoSided && acqBothCameras) {
            nrSlicesSoftware *= 2;

        if (acqSettings.hardwareTimepoints) {
            // in hardwareTimepoints case we trigger controller once for all timepoints => need to
            //   adjust number of frames we expect back from the camera during MM's SequenceAcquisition
            if (acqSettings.cameraMode == CameraModes.Keys.OVERLAP) {
                // For overlap mode we are send one extra trigger per channel per side for volume-switching (both PLogic and not)
                // This holds for all multi-channel modes, just the order in which the extra trigger comes varies
                // Very last trigger won't ever return a frame so subtract 1.
                nrSlicesSoftware = ((acqSettings.numSlices + 1) * acqSettings.numChannels
                        * acqSettings.numTimepoints);
                if (twoSided && acqBothCameras) {
                    nrSlicesSoftware *= 2;
                nrSlicesSoftware -= 1;
            } else {
                // we get back one image per trigger for all trigger modes other than OVERLAP
                //   and we have already computed how many images that is (nrSlicesSoftware)
                nrSlicesSoftware *= acqSettings.numTimepoints;
                if (twoSided && acqBothCameras) {
                    nrSlicesSoftware *= 2;

        // set up XY positions
        int nrPositions = 1;
        PositionList positionList = new PositionList();
        if (acqSettings.useMultiPositions) {
            try {
                positionList = gui_.getPositionList();
                nrPositions = positionList.getNumberOfPositions();
            } catch (MMScriptException ex) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError(ex, "Error getting position list for multiple XY positions");
            if (nrPositions < 1) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("\"Positions\" is checked, but no positions are in position list");
                return false;

        // make sure we have cameras selected
        if (!checkCamerasAssigned(true)) {
            return false;

        final float cameraReadoutTime = computeCameraReadoutTime();
        final double exposureTime = acqSettings.sliceTiming.cameraExposure;

        final boolean save = saveCB_.isSelected() && !testAcq;
        final String rootDir = rootField_.getText();

        // make sure we have a valid directory to save in
        final File dir = new File(rootDir);
        if (save) {
            try {
                if (!dir.exists()) {
                    if (!dir.mkdir()) {
                        throw new Exception();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Could not create directory for saving acquisition data.");
                return false;

        if (acqSettings.separateTimepoints) {
            // because separate timepoints closes windows when done, force the user to save data to disk to avoid confusion
            if (!save) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("For separate timepoints, \"Save while acquiring\" must be enabled.");
                return false;
            // for separate timepoints, make sure the directory is empty to make sure naming pattern is "clean"
            // this is an arbitrary choice to avoid confusion later on when looking at file names
            if (dir.list().length > 0) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("For separate timepoints the saving directory must be empty.");
                return false;

        int nrFrames; // how many Micro-manager "frames" = time points to take
        if (acqSettings.separateTimepoints) {
            nrFrames = 1;
            nrRepeats_ = acqSettings.numTimepoints;
        } else {
            nrFrames = acqSettings.numTimepoints;
            nrRepeats_ = 1;

        AcquisitionModes.Keys spimMode = acqSettings.spimMode;

        boolean autoShutter = core_.getAutoShutter();
        boolean shutterOpen = false; // will read later
        String originalCamera = core_.getCameraDevice();

        // more sanity checks
        // TODO move these checks earlier, before we set up channels and XY positions

        // make sure stage scan is supported if selected
        if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
            if (!devices_.isTigerDevice(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE)
                    || !props_.hasProperty(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_NUMLINES)) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Must have stage with scan-enabled firmware for stage scanning.");
                return false;
            if (acqSettings.spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.STAGE_SCAN_INTERLEAVED && acqSettings.numSides < 2) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Interleaved mode requires two sides.");
                return false;

        double sliceDuration = acqSettings.sliceTiming.sliceDuration;
        if (exposureTime + cameraReadoutTime > sliceDuration) {
            // should only only possible to mess this up using advanced timing settings
            // or if there are errors in our own calculations
            MyDialogUtils.showError("Exposure time of " + exposureTime
                    + " is longer than time needed for a line scan with" + " readout time of " + cameraReadoutTime
                    + "\n" + "This will result in dropped frames. " + "Please change input");
            return false;

        // if we want to do hardware timepoints make sure there's not a problem
        // lots of different situations where hardware timepoints can't be used...
        if (acqSettings.hardwareTimepoints) {
            if (acqSettings.useChannels && acqSettings.channelMode == MultichannelModes.Keys.VOLUME_HW) {
                // both hardware time points and volume channel switching use SPIMNumRepeats property
                // TODO this seems a severe limitation, maybe this could be changed in the future via firmware change
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Cannot use hardware time points (small time point interval)"
                        + " with hardware channel switching volume-by-volume.");
                return false;
            if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
                // stage scanning needs to be triggered for each time point
                        "Cannot use hardware time points (small time point interval)" + " with stage scanning.");
                return false;
            if (acqSettings.separateTimepoints) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Cannot use hardware time points (small time point interval)"
                        + " with separate viewers/file for each time point.");
                return false;
            if (acqSettings.useAutofocus) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Cannot use hardware time points (small time point interval)"
                        + " with autofocus during acquisition.");
                return false;
            if (acqSettings.useMovementCorrection) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Cannot use hardware time points (small time point interval)"
                        + " with movement correction during acquisition.");
                return false;
            if (acqSettings.useChannels && acqSettings.channelMode == MultichannelModes.Keys.VOLUME) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Cannot use hardware time points (small time point interval)"
                        + " with software channels (need to use PLogic channel switching).");
                return false;
            if (spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.NO_SCAN) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Cannot do hardware time points when no scan mode is used."
                        + " Use the number of slices to set the number of images to acquire.");
                return false;

        if (acqSettings.useChannels && acqSettings.channelMode == MultichannelModes.Keys.VOLUME_HW
                && acqSettings.numSides < 2) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError("Cannot do PLogic channel switching of volume when only one"
                    + " side is selected. Pester the developers if you need this.");
            return false;

        // make sure we aren't trying to collect timepoints faster than we can
        if (!acqSettings.useMultiPositions && acqSettings.numTimepoints > 1) {
            if (timepointIntervalMs < volumeDuration) {
                        .showError("Time point interval shorter than" + " the time to collect a single volume.\n");
                return false;

        // Autofocus settings; only used if acqSettings.useAutofocus is true
        boolean autofocusAtT0 = false;
        int autofocusEachNFrames = 10;
        String autofocusChannel = "";
        if (acqSettings.useAutofocus) {
            autofocusAtT0 = prefs_.getBoolean(MyStrings.PanelNames.AUTOFOCUS.toString(),
                    Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_AUTOFOCUS_ACQBEFORESTART, false);
            autofocusEachNFrames = props_.getPropValueInteger(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
            autofocusChannel = props_.getPropValueString(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
            // double-check that selected channel is valid if we are doing multi-channel
            if (acqSettings.useChannels) {
                String channelGroup = props_.getPropValueString(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                StrVector channels = gui_.getMMCore().getAvailableConfigs(channelGroup);
                boolean found = false;
                for (String channel : channels) {
                    if (channel.equals(autofocusChannel)) {
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    MyDialogUtils.showError("Invalid autofocus channel selected on autofocus tab.");
                    return false;

        // Movement Correction settings; only used if acqSettings.useMovementCorrection is true
        int correctMovementEachNFrames = 10;
        String correctMovementChannel = "";
        int cmChannelNumber = -1;
        if (acqSettings.useMovementCorrection) {
            correctMovementEachNFrames = props_.getPropValueInteger(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
            correctMovementChannel = props_.getPropValueString(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
            // double-check that selected channel is valid if we are doing multi-channel
            if (acqSettings.useChannels) {
                String channelGroup = props_.getPropValueString(Devices.Keys.PLUGIN,
                StrVector channels = gui_.getMMCore().getAvailableConfigs(channelGroup);
                boolean found = false;
                for (String channel : channels) {
                    if (channel.equals(correctMovementChannel)) {
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    MyDialogUtils.showError("Invalid movement correction channel selected on autofocus tab.");
                    return false;


        // the circular buffer, which is used by both cameras, can only have one image size setting
        //    => require same image height and width for both cameras if both are used 
        if (twoSided || acqBothCameras) {
            try {
                Rectangle roi_1 = core_.getROI(firstCamera);
                Rectangle roi_2 = core_.getROI(secondCamera);
                if (roi_1.width != roi_2.width || roi_1.height != roi_2.height) {
                            "Two cameras' ROI height and width must be equal because of Micro-Manager's circular buffer");
                    return false;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError(ex, "Problem getting camera ROIs");

        cameras_.setCameraForAcquisition(firstCameraKey, true);
        if (twoSided || acqBothCameras) {
            cameras_.setCameraForAcquisition(secondCameraKey, true);

        // save exposure time, will restore at end of acquisition
        try {
                    (float) core_.getExposure(devices_.getMMDevice(firstCameraKey)));
            if (twoSided || acqBothCameras) {
                        (float) core_.getExposure(devices_.getMMDevice(secondCameraKey)));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError(ex, "could not cache exposure");

        try {
            core_.setExposure(firstCamera, exposureTime);
            if (twoSided || acqBothCameras) {
                core_.setExposure(secondCamera, exposureTime);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError(ex, "could not set exposure");

        // seems to have a problem if the core's camera has been set to some other
        // camera before we start doing things, so set to a SPIM camera
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError(ex, "could not set camera");

        // empty out circular buffer
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError(ex, "Error emptying out the circular buffer");
            return false;

        // stop the serial traffic for position updates during acquisition
        // if we return from this function (including aborting) we need to unpause

        // initialize stage scanning so we can restore state
        Point2D.Double xyPosUm = new Point2D.Double();
        float origXSpeed = 1f; // don't want 0 in case something goes wrong
        float origXAccel = 1f; // don't want 0 in case something goes wrong
        if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
            try {
                xyPosUm = core_.getXYStagePosition(devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE));
                origXSpeed = props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_MOTOR_SPEED);
                origXAccel = props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_MOTOR_ACCEL);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                        "Could not get XY stage position, speed, or acceleration for stage scan initialization");
                return false;

            // if X speed is less than 0.2 mm/s then it probably wasn't restored to correct speed some other time
            // we offer to set it to a more normal speed in that case, until the user declines and we stop asking
            if (origXSpeed < 0.2 && resetXaxisSpeed_) {
                resetXaxisSpeed_ = MyDialogUtils.getConfirmDialogResult(
                        "Max speed of X axis is small, perhaps it was not correctly restored after stage scanning previously.  Do you want to set it to 1 mm/s now?",
                // once the user selects "no" then resetXaxisSpeed_ will be false and stay false until plugin is launched again
                if (resetXaxisSpeed_) {
                    props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_MOTOR_SPEED, 1f);
                    origXSpeed = 1f;

        numTimePointsDone_ = 0;

        // force saving as image stacks, not individual files
        // implementation assumes just two options, either 
        //  TaggedImageStorageDiskDefault.class or TaggedImageStorageMultipageTiff.class
        boolean separateImageFilesOriginally = ImageUtils.getImageStorageClass()

        // Set up controller SPIM parameters (including from Setup panel settings)
        // want to do this, even with demo cameras, so we can test everything else
        if (!controller_.prepareControllerForAquisition(acqSettings)) {
            return false;

        boolean nonfatalError = false;
        long acqButtonStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String acqName = "";
        acq_ = null;

        // do not want to return from within this loop => throw exception instead
        // loop is executed once per acquisition (i.e. once if separate viewers isn't selected
        //   or once per timepoint if separate viewers is selected)
        long repeatStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int acqNum = 0; !cancelAcquisition_.get() && acqNum < nrRepeats_; acqNum++) {
            // handle intervals between (software-timed) repeats
            // only applies when doing separate viewers for each timepoint
            // and have multiple timepoints
            long repeatNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long repeatdelay = repeatStart + acqNum * timepointIntervalMs - repeatNow;
            while (repeatdelay > 0 && !cancelAcquisition_.get()) {
                updateAcquisitionStatus(AcquisitionStatus.WAITING, (int) (repeatdelay / 1000));
                long sleepTime = Math.min(1000, repeatdelay);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                repeatNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
                repeatdelay = repeatStart + acqNum * timepointIntervalMs - repeatNow;

            BlockingQueue<TaggedImage> bq = new LinkedBlockingQueue<TaggedImage>(10);

            // try to close last acquisition viewer if there could be one open (only in single acquisition per timepoint mode)
            if (acqSettings.separateTimepoints && (acq_ != null) && !cancelAcquisition_.get()) {
                try {
                    // following line needed due to some arcane internal reason, otherwise
                    //   call to closeAcquisitionWindow() fails silently. 
                    //   See
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // do nothing if unsuccessful

            if (acqSettings.separateTimepoints) {
                // call to getUniqueAcquisitionName is extra safety net, we have checked that directory is empty before starting
                acqName = gui_.getUniqueAcquisitionName(prefixField_.getText() + "_" + acqNum);
            } else {
                acqName = gui_.getUniqueAcquisitionName(prefixField_.getText());

            long extraStageScanTimeout = 0;
            if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
                // approximately compute the extra time to wait for stack to begin (ramp up time)
                //   by getting the volume duration and subtracting the acquisition duration and then dividing by two
                extraStageScanTimeout = (long) Math.ceil(computeActualVolumeDuration(acqSettings)
                        - (acqSettings.numSlices * acqSettings.numChannels * acqSettings.sliceTiming.sliceDuration))
                        / 2;

            long extraMultiXYTimeout = 0;
            if (acqSettings.useMultiPositions) {
                // give 20 extra seconds to arrive at intended XY position instead of trying to get fancy about computing actual move time
                extraMultiXYTimeout = XYSTAGETIMEOUT;
                // furthermore make sure that the main timeout value is at least 20ms because MM's position list uses this (via MultiStagePosition.goToPosition)
                if (props_.getPropValueInteger(Devices.Keys.CORE,
                        Properties.Keys.CORE_TIMEOUT_MS) < XYSTAGETIMEOUT) {
                    props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.CORE, Properties.Keys.CORE_TIMEOUT_MS, XYSTAGETIMEOUT);

            VirtualAcquisitionDisplay vad = null;
            WindowListener wl_acq = null;
            WindowListener[] wls_orig = null;
            try {
                // check for stop button before each acquisition
                if (cancelAcquisition_.get()) {
                    throw new IllegalMonitorStateException("User stopped the acquisition");

                // flag that we are actually running acquisition now

                ReportingUtils.logMessage("diSPIM plugin starting acquisition " + acqName
                        + " with following settings: " + acqSettingsJSON);

                final int numMMChannels = acqSettings.numSides * acqSettings.numChannels * (acqBothCameras ? 2 : 1);

                if (spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.NO_SCAN && !acqSettings.separateTimepoints) {
                    // swap nrFrames and numSlices
                    gui_.openAcquisition(acqName, rootDir, acqSettings.numSlices, numMMChannels, nrFrames,
                            nrPositions, true, save);
                } else {
                    gui_.openAcquisition(acqName, rootDir, nrFrames, numMMChannels, acqSettings.numSlices,
                            nrPositions, true, save);

                channelNames_ = new String[numMMChannels];

                // generate channel names and colors
                // also builds viewString for MultiViewRegistration metadata
                String viewString = "";
                final String SEPARATOR = "_";
                for (int reflect = 0; reflect < 2; reflect++) {
                    // only run for loop once unless acqBothCameras is true
                    // if acqBothCameras is true then run second time to add "epi" channels
                    if (reflect > 0 && !acqBothCameras) {
                    // set up channels (side A/B is treated as channel too)
                    if (acqSettings.useChannels) {
                        ChannelSpec[] channels = multiChannelPanel_.getUsedChannels();
                        for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) {
                            String chName = "-" + channels[i].config_ + (reflect > 0 ? "-epi" : "");
                            // same algorithm for channel index vs. specified channel and side as in comments of code below
                            //   that figures out the channel where to file each incoming image
                            int channelIndex = i;
                            if (twoSided) {
                                channelIndex *= 2;
                            channelIndex += reflect * numMMChannels / 2;
                            channelNames_[channelIndex] = firstCamera + chName;
                            viewString += NumberUtils.intToDisplayString(0) + SEPARATOR;
                            if (twoSided) {
                                channelNames_[channelIndex + 1] = secondCamera + chName;
                                viewString += NumberUtils.intToDisplayString(90) + SEPARATOR;
                    } else { // single-channel
                        int channelIndex = reflect * numMMChannels / 2;
                        channelNames_[channelIndex] = firstCamera + (reflect > 0 ? "-epi" : "");
                        viewString += NumberUtils.intToDisplayString(0) + SEPARATOR;
                        if (twoSided) {
                            channelNames_[channelIndex + 1] = secondCamera + (reflect > 0 ? "-epi" : "");
                            viewString += NumberUtils.intToDisplayString(90) + SEPARATOR;
                // strip last separator of viewString (for Multiview Reconstruction)
                viewString = viewString.substring(0, viewString.length() - 1);

                // assign channel names and colors
                for (int i = 0; i < numMMChannels; i++) {
                    gui_.setChannelName(acqName, i, channelNames_[i]);
                    gui_.setChannelColor(acqName, i, getChannelColor(i));

                if (acqSettings.useMovementCorrection) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < acqSettings.numChannels; i++) {
                        if (channelNames_[i].equals(firstCamera + "-" + correctMovementChannel)) {
                            cmChannelNumber = i;
                    if (cmChannelNumber == -1) {
                                "The channel selected for movement correction on the auitofocus tab was not found in this acquisition");
                        return false;

                zStepUm_ = acqSettings.isStageScanning ? controller_.getActualStepSizeUm() // computed step size, accounting for quantization of controller
                        : acqSettings.stepSizeUm; // should be same as PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(stepSize_)

                // initialize acquisition
                gui_.initializeAcquisition(acqName, (int) core_.getImageWidth(), (int) core_.getImageHeight(),
                        (int) core_.getBytesPerPixel(), (int) core_.getImageBitDepth());
                gui_.promptToSaveAcquisition(acqName, !testAcq);

                // These metadata have to be added after initialization, 
                // otherwise they will not be shown?!
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "NumberOfSides",
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "FirstSide", acqSettings.firstSideIsA ? "A" : "B");
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "SlicePeriod_ms", actualSlicePeriodLabel_.getText());
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "LaserExposure_ms",
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "VolumeDuration", actualVolumeDurationLabel_.getText());
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "SPIMmode", spimMode.toString());
                // Multi-page TIFF saving code wants this one (cameras are all 16-bits, so not much reason for anything else)
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "PixelType", "GRAY16");
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "UseAutofocus",
                        acqSettings.useAutofocus ? Boolean.TRUE.toString() : Boolean.FALSE.toString());
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "UseMotionCorrection",
                        acqSettings.useMovementCorrection ? Boolean.TRUE.toString() : Boolean.FALSE.toString());
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "HardwareTimepoints",
                        acqSettings.hardwareTimepoints ? Boolean.TRUE.toString() : Boolean.FALSE.toString());
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "SeparateTimepoints",
                        acqSettings.separateTimepoints ? Boolean.TRUE.toString() : Boolean.FALSE.toString());
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "CameraMode", acqSettings.cameraMode.toString());
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "z-step_um", NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(zStepUm_));
                // Properties for use by MultiViewRegistration plugin
                // Format is: x_y_z, set to 1 if we should rotate around this axis.
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "MVRotationAxis", "0_1_0");
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "MVRotations", viewString);
                // save XY and SPIM head position in metadata
                // update positions first at expense of two extra serial transactions
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "Position_X",
                        positions_.getPositionString(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.X));
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "Position_Y",
                        positions_.getPositionString(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.Y));
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "Position_SPIM_Head",
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "SPIMAcqSettings", acqSettingsJSON);
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "SPIMtype", ASIdiSPIM.oSPIM ? "oSPIM" : "diSPIM");
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "AcquisitionName", acqName);
                gui_.setAcquisitionProperty(acqName, "Prefix", acqName);

                // get circular buffer ready
                // do once here but not per-trigger; need to ensure ROI changes registered
                core_.initializeCircularBuffer(); // superset of clearCircularBuffer()

                // TODO: use new acquisition interface that goes through the pipeline
                acq_ = gui_.getAcquisition(acqName);

                // Dive into MM internals since script interface does not support pipelines
                ImageCache imageCache = acq_.getImageCache();
                vad = acq_.getAcquisitionWindow();

                // Start pumping images into the ImageCache
                DefaultTaggedImageSink sink = new DefaultTaggedImageSink(bq, imageCache);

                // remove usual window listener(s) and replace it with our own
                //   that will prompt before closing and cancel acquisition if confirmed
                // this should be considered a hack, it may not work perfectly
                // I have confirmed that there is only one windowListener and it seems to 
                //   also be related to window closing
                // Note that ImageJ's acquisition window is AWT instead of Swing
                wls_orig = vad.getImagePlus().getWindow().getWindowListeners();
                for (WindowListener l : wls_orig) {
                wl_acq = new WindowAdapter() {
                    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) {
                        // if running acquisition only close if user confirms
                        if (acquisitionRunning_.get()) {
                            boolean stop = MyDialogUtils.getConfirmDialogResult(
                                    "Do you really want to abort the acquisition?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
                            if (stop) {

                // patterned after implementation in
                // will be null if not saving to disk
                lastAcquisitionPath_ = acq_.getImageCache().getDiskLocation();
                lastAcquisitionName_ = acqName;

                // only used when motion correction was requested
                MovementDetector[] movementDetectors = new MovementDetector[nrPositions];

                // Transformation matrices to convert between camera and stage coordinates
                final Vector3D yAxis = new Vector3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
                final Rotation camARotation = new Rotation(yAxis, Math.toRadians(-45));
                final Rotation camBRotation = new Rotation(yAxis, Math.toRadians(45));

                final Vector3D zeroPoint = new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // cache a zero point for efficiency

                // make sure all devices have arrived, e.g. a stage isn't still moving
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    ReportingUtils.logError("error waiting for system");

                // Loop over all the times we trigger the controller's acquisition
                //  (although if multi-channel with volume switching is selected there
                //   is inner loop to trigger once per channel)
                // remember acquisition start time for software-timed timepoints
                // For hardware-timed timepoints we only trigger the controller once
                long acqStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
                for (int trigNum = 0; trigNum < nrFrames; trigNum++) {
                    // handle intervals between (software-timed) time points
                    // when we are within the same acquisition
                    // (if separate viewer is selected then nothing bad happens here
                    // but waiting during interval handled elsewhere)
                    long acqNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    long delay = acqStart + trigNum * timepointIntervalMs - acqNow;
                    while (delay > 0 && !cancelAcquisition_.get()) {
                        updateAcquisitionStatus(AcquisitionStatus.WAITING, (int) (delay / 1000));
                        long sleepTime = Math.min(1000, delay);
                        acqNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        delay = acqStart + trigNum * timepointIntervalMs - acqNow;

                    // check for stop button before each time point
                    if (cancelAcquisition_.get()) {
                        throw new IllegalMonitorStateException("User stopped the acquisition");

                    int timePoint = acqSettings.separateTimepoints ? acqNum : trigNum;

                    // this is where we autofocus if requested
                    if (acqSettings.useAutofocus) {
                        // Note that we will not autofocus as expected when using hardware
                        // timing.  Seems OK, since hardware timing will result in short
                        // acquisition times that do not need autofocus.  We have already
                        // ensured that we aren't doing both
                        if ((autofocusAtT0 && timePoint == 0)
                                || ((timePoint > 0) && (timePoint % autofocusEachNFrames == 0))) {
                            if (acqSettings.useChannels) {
                            if (sideActiveA) {
                                AutofocusUtils.FocusResult score = autofocus_.runFocus(this, Devices.Sides.A, false,
                                        sliceTiming_, false);
                                updateCalibrationOffset(Devices.Sides.A, score);
                            if (sideActiveB) {
                                AutofocusUtils.FocusResult score = autofocus_.runFocus(this, Devices.Sides.B, false,
                                        sliceTiming_, false);
                                updateCalibrationOffset(Devices.Sides.B, score);
                            // Restore settings of the controller
                            if (acqSettings.useChannels
                                    && acqSettings.channelMode != MultichannelModes.Keys.VOLUME) {
                            // make sure circular buffer is cleared


                    // loop over all positions
                    for (int positionNum = 0; positionNum < nrPositions; positionNum++) {
                        if (acqSettings.useMultiPositions) {

                            // make sure user didn't stop things
                            if (cancelAcquisition_.get()) {
                                throw new IllegalMonitorStateException("User stopped the acquisition");

                            // want to move between positions move stage fast, so we 
                            //   will clobber stage scanning setting so need to restore it
                            float scanXSpeed = 1f;
                            float scanXAccel = 1f;
                            if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
                                scanXSpeed = props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE,
                                props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_MOTOR_SPEED,
                                scanXAccel = props_.getPropValueFloat(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE,
                                props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_MOTOR_ACCEL,

                            final MultiStagePosition nextPosition = positionList.getPosition(positionNum);

                            // blocking call; will wait for stages to move
                            MultiStagePosition.goToPosition(nextPosition, core_);

                            // for stage scanning: restore speed and set up scan at new position 
                            // non-multi-position situation is handled in prepareControllerForAquisition instead
                            if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
                                props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_MOTOR_SPEED,
                                props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_MOTOR_ACCEL,
                                StagePosition pos = nextPosition.get(devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE)); // get ideal position from position list, not current position
                                controller_.prepareStageScanForAcquisition(pos.x, pos.y);


                            // wait any extra time the user requests

                        // loop over all the times we trigger the controller
                        // usually just once, but will be the number of channels if we have
                        //  multiple channels and aren't using PLogic to change between them
                        for (int channelNum = 0; channelNum < nrChannelsSoftware; channelNum++) {
                            try {
                                // flag that we are using the cameras/controller

                                // deal with shutter before starting acquisition
                                shutterOpen = core_.getShutterOpen();
                                if (autoShutter) {
                                    if (!shutterOpen) {

                                // start the cameras
                                core_.startSequenceAcquisition(firstCamera, nrSlicesSoftware, 0, true);
                                if (twoSided || acqBothCameras) {
                                    core_.startSequenceAcquisition(secondCamera, nrSlicesSoftware, 0, true);

                                // deal with channel if needed (hardware channel switching doesn't happen here)
                                if (changeChannelPerVolumeSoftware) {

                                // special case: single-sided piezo acquisition risks illumination piezo sleeping
                                // prevent this from happening by sending relative move of 0 like we do in live mode before each trigger
                                // NB: this won't help for hardware-timed timepoints
                                final Devices.Keys piezoIllumKey = firstSideA ? Devices.Keys.PIEZOB
                                        : Devices.Keys.PIEZOA;
                                if (!twoSided && props_.getPropValueInteger(piezoIllumKey,
                                        Properties.Keys.AUTO_SLEEP_DELAY) > 0) {
                                    core_.setRelativePosition(devices_.getMMDevice(piezoIllumKey), 0);

                                // trigger the state machine on the controller
                                // do this even with demo cameras to test everything else
                                boolean success = controller_.triggerControllerStartAcquisition(spimMode,
                                if (!success) {
                                    throw new Exception("Controller triggering not successful");

                                ReportingUtils.logDebugMessage("Starting time point " + (timePoint + 1) + " of "
                                        + nrFrames + " with (software) channel number " + channelNum);

                                // Wait for first image to create ImageWindow, so that we can be sure about image size
                                // Do not actually grab first image here, just make sure it is there
                                long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                long now = start;
                                final long timeout = Math.max(3000,
                                        Math.round(10 * sliceDuration + 2 * acqSettings.delayBeforeSide))
                                        + extraStageScanTimeout + extraMultiXYTimeout;
                                while (core_.getRemainingImageCount() == 0 && (now - start < timeout)
                                        && !cancelAcquisition_.get()) {
                                    now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                if (now - start >= timeout) {
                                    String msg = "Camera did not send first image within a reasonable time.\n";
                                    if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
                                        msg += "Make sure jumpers are correct on XY card and also micro-micromirror card.";
                                    } else {
                                        msg += "Make sure camera trigger cables are connected properly.";
                                    throw new Exception(msg);

                                // grab all the images from the cameras, put them into the acquisition
                                int[] channelImageNr = new int[4 * acqSettings.numChannels]; // keep track of how many frames we have received for each MM "channel"
                                int[] cameraImageNr = new int[2]; // keep track of how many images we have received from the camera
                                int[] tpNumber = new int[2 * acqSettings.numChannels]; // keep track of which timepoint we are on for hardware timepoints
                                int imagesToSkip = 0; // hardware timepoints have to drop spurious images with overlap mode
                                final boolean checkForSkips = acqSettings.hardwareTimepoints
                                        && (acqSettings.cameraMode == CameraModes.Keys.OVERLAP);
                                boolean done = false;
                                long timeout2 = Math.max(1000, Math.round(5 * sliceDuration));
                                if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) { // for stage scanning have to allow extra time for turn-around
                                    timeout2 += (2 * (long) Math.ceil(getStageRampDuration(acqSettings))); // ramp up and then down
                                    timeout2 += 5000; // ample extra time for turn-around (e.g. antibacklash move in Y), interestingly 500ms extra seems insufficient for reasons I don't understand yet so just pad this for now  // TODO figure out why turn-aronud is taking so long
                                    if (acqSettings.spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.STAGE_SCAN_UNIDIRECTIONAL) {
                                        timeout2 += (long) Math.ceil(getStageRetraceDuration(acqSettings)); // in unidirectional case also need to rewind
                                start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                long last = start;
                                try {
                                    while ((core_.getRemainingImageCount() > 0
                                            || core_.isSequenceRunning(firstCamera) || ((twoSided || acqBothCameras)
                                                    && core_.isSequenceRunning(secondCamera)))
                                            && !done) {
                                        now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                        if (core_.getRemainingImageCount() > 0) { // we have an image to grab
                                            TaggedImage timg = core_.popNextTaggedImage();

                                            if (checkForSkips && imagesToSkip != 0) {
                                                continue; // goes to next iteration of this loop without doing anything else

                                            // figure out which channel index this frame belongs to
                                            // "channel index" is channel of MM acquisition
                                            // channel indexes will go from 0 to (numSides * numChannels - 1) for standard (non-reflective) imaging
                                            // if double-sided then second camera gets odd channel indexes (1, 3, etc.)
                                            //    and adjacent pairs will be same color (e.g. 0 and 1 will be from first color, 2 and 3 from second, etc.)
                                            // if acquisition from both cameras (reflective imaging) then
                                            //    second half of channel indices are from opposite (epi) view
                                            // e.g. for 3-color 1-sided (A first) standard (non-reflective) then
                                            //    0 will be A-illum A-cam 1st color
                                            //    2 will be A-illum A-cam 2nd color
                                            //    4 will be A-illum A-cam 3rd color
                                            // e.g. for 3-color 2-sided (A first) standard (non-reflective) then
                                            //    0 will be A-illum A-cam 1st color
                                            //    1 will be B-illum B-cam 1st color
                                            //    2 will be A-illum A-cam 2nd color
                                            //    3 will be B-illum B-cam 2nd color
                                            //    4 will be A-illum A-cam 3rd color
                                            //    5 will be B-illum B-cam 3rd color
                                            // e.g. for 3-color 1-sided (A first) both camera (reflective) then
                                            //    0 will be A-illum A-cam 1st color
                                            //    1 will be A-illum A-cam 2nd color
                                            //    2 will be A-illum A-cam 3rd color
                                            //    3 will be A-illum B-cam 1st color
                                            //    4 will be A-illum B-cam 2nd color
                                            //    5 will be A-illum B-cam 3rd color
                                            // e.g. for 3-color 2-sided (A first) both camera (reflective) then
                                            //    0 will be A-illum A-cam 1st color
                                            //    1 will be B-illum B-cam 1st color
                                            //    2 will be A-illum A-cam 2nd color
                                            //    3 will be B-illum B-cam 2nd color
                                            //    4 will be A-illum A-cam 3rd color
                                            //    5 will be B-illum B-cam 3rd color
                                            //    6 will be A-illum B-cam 1st color
                                            //    7 will be B-illum A-cam 1st color
                                            //    8 will be A-illum B-cam 2nd color
                                            //    9 will be B-illum A-cam 2nd color
                                            //   10 will be A-illum B-cam 3rd color
                                            //   11 will be B-illum A-cam 3rd color
                                            String camera = (String) timg.tags.get("Camera");
                                            int cameraIndex = camera.equals(firstCamera) ? 0 : 1;
                                            int channelIndex_tmp;
                                            switch (acqSettings.channelMode) {
                                            case NONE:
                                            case VOLUME:
                                                channelIndex_tmp = channelNum;
                                            case VOLUME_HW:
                                                channelIndex_tmp = cameraImageNr[cameraIndex]
                                                        / acqSettings.numSlices; // want quotient only
                                            case SLICE_HW:
                                                channelIndex_tmp = cameraImageNr[cameraIndex]
                                                        % acqSettings.numChannels; // want modulo arithmetic
                                                // should never get here
                                                throw new Exception("Undefined channel mode");
                                            if (acqBothCameras) {
                                                if (twoSided) { // 2-sided, both cameras
                                                    channelIndex_tmp = channelIndex_tmp * 2 + cameraIndex;
                                                    // determine whether first or second side by whether we've seen half the images yet
                                                    if (cameraImageNr[cameraIndex] > nrSlicesSoftware / 2) {
                                                        // second illumination side => second half of channels
                                                        channelIndex_tmp += 2 * acqSettings.numChannels;
                                                } else { // 1-sided, both cameras
                                                    channelIndex_tmp += cameraIndex * acqSettings.numChannels;
                                            } else { // normal situation, non-reflective imaging
                                                if (twoSided) {
                                                    channelIndex_tmp *= 2;
                                                channelIndex_tmp += cameraIndex;
                                            final int channelIndex = channelIndex_tmp;

                                            int actualTimePoint = timePoint;
                                            if (acqSettings.hardwareTimepoints) {
                                                actualTimePoint = tpNumber[channelIndex];
                                            if (acqSettings.separateTimepoints) {
                                                // if we are doing separate timepoints then frame is always 0
                                                actualTimePoint = 0;
                                            // note that hardwareTimepoints and separateTimepoints can never both be true

                                            // add image to acquisition
                                            if (spimMode == AcquisitionModes.Keys.NO_SCAN
                                                    && !acqSettings.separateTimepoints) {
                                                // create time series for no scan
                                                addImageToAcquisition(acq_, channelImageNr[channelIndex],
                                                        channelIndex, actualTimePoint, positionNum, now - acqStart,
                                                        timg, bq);
                                            } else { // standard, create Z-stacks
                                                addImageToAcquisition(acq_, actualTimePoint, channelIndex,
                                                        channelImageNr[channelIndex], positionNum, now - acqStart,
                                                        timg, bq);

                                            // update our counters to be ready for next image

                                            // if hardware timepoints then we only send one trigger and
                                            //   manually keep track of which channel/timepoint comes next
                                            if (acqSettings.hardwareTimepoints
                                                    && channelImageNr[channelIndex] >= acqSettings.numSlices) { // only do this if we are done with the slices in this MM channel

                                                // we just finished filling one MM channel with all its slices so go to next timepoint for this channel
                                                channelImageNr[channelIndex] = 0;

                                                // see if we are supposed to skip next image
                                                if (checkForSkips) {
                                                    // one extra image per MM channel, this includes case of only 1 color (either multi-channel disabled or else only 1 channel selected)
                                                    // if we are interleaving by slice then next nrChannel images will be from extra slice position
                                                    // any other configuration we will just drop the next image
                                                    if (acqSettings.useChannels
                                                            && acqSettings.channelMode == MultichannelModes.Keys.SLICE_HW) {
                                                        imagesToSkip = acqSettings.numChannels;
                                                    } else {
                                                        imagesToSkip = 1;

                                                // update acquisition status message for hardware acquisition
                                                //   (for non-hardware acquisition message is updated elsewhere)
                                                //   Arbitrarily choose one possible channel to do this on.
                                                if (channelIndex == 0
                                                        && (numTimePointsDone_ < acqSettings.numTimepoints)) {

                                            last = now; // keep track of last image timestamp

                                        } else { // no image ready yet
                                            done = cancelAcquisition_.get();
                                            if (now - last >= timeout2) {
                                                        .logError("Camera did not send all expected images within"
                                                                + " a reasonable period for timepoint "
                                                                + numTimePointsDone_ + ".  Continuing anyway.");
                                                nonfatalError = true;
                                                done = true;

                                    // update count if we stopped in the middle
                                    if (cancelAcquisition_.get()) {

                                    // if we are using demo camera then add some extra time to let controller finish
                                    // since we got images without waiting for controller to actually send triggers
                                    if (usingDemoCam) {
                                        Thread.sleep(200); // for serial communication overhead
                                        Thread.sleep((long) volumeDuration / nrChannelsSoftware); // estimate the time per channel, not ideal in case of software channel switching
                                        if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
                                            Thread.sleep(1000 + extraStageScanTimeout); // extra 1 second plus ramp time for stage scanning 

                                } catch (InterruptedException iex) {

                                if (acqSettings.hardwareTimepoints) {
                                    break; // only trigger controller once

                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                            } finally {
                                // cleanup at the end of each time we trigger the controller


                                // put shutter back to original state

                                // make sure cameras aren't running anymore
                                if (core_.isSequenceRunning(firstCamera)) {
                                if ((twoSided || acqBothCameras) && core_.isSequenceRunning(secondCamera)) {

                                // make sure SPIM state machine on micromirror and SCAN of XY card are stopped (should normally be but sanity check)
                                if ((acqSettings.numSides > 1) || acqSettings.firstSideIsA) {
                                    props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.GALVOA, Properties.Keys.SPIM_STATE,
                                            Properties.Values.SPIM_IDLE, true);
                                if ((acqSettings.numSides > 1) || !acqSettings.firstSideIsA) {
                                    props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.GALVOB, Properties.Keys.SPIM_STATE,
                                            Properties.Values.SPIM_IDLE, true);
                                if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
                                    props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_STATE,

                        if (acqSettings.useMovementCorrection && (timePoint % correctMovementEachNFrames) == 0) {
                            if (movementDetectors[positionNum] == null) {
                                // Transform from camera space to stage space:
                                Rotation rotation = camBRotation;
                                if (firstSideA) {
                                    rotation = camARotation;
                                movementDetectors[positionNum] = new MovementDetector(prefs_, acq_, cmChannelNumber,
                                        positionNum, rotation);

                            Vector3D movement = movementDetectors[positionNum]

                            String msg1 = "TimePoint: " + timePoint + ", Detected movement.  X: " + movement.getX()
                                    + ", Y: " + movement.getY() + ", Z: " + movement.getZ();

                            if (!movement.equals(zeroPoint)) {
                                String msg = "ASIdiSPIM motion corrector moving stages: X: " + movement.getX()
                                        + ", Y: " + movement.getY() + ", Z: " + movement.getZ();

                                // if we are using the position list, update the position in the list
                                if (acqSettings.useMultiPositions) {
                                    MultiStagePosition position = positionList.getPosition(positionNum);
                                    StagePosition pos = position.get(devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE));
                                    pos.x += movement.getX();
                                    pos.y += movement.getY();
                                    StagePosition zPos = position
                                    if (zPos != null) {
                                        zPos.x += movement.getZ();
                                } else {
                                    // only a single position, move the stage now
                                            movement.getX(), movement.getY());

                    if (acqSettings.hardwareTimepoints) {
            } catch (IllegalMonitorStateException ex) {
                // do nothing, the acquisition was simply halted during its operation
                // will log error message during finally clause
            } catch (MMScriptException mex) {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
            } finally { // end of this acquisition (could be about to restart if separate viewers)
                try {
                    // restore original window listeners
                    try {
                        for (WindowListener l : wls_orig) {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        // do nothing, window is probably gone

                    if (cancelAcquisition_.get()) {
                        ReportingUtils.logMessage("User stopped the acquisition");

                    // TODO: evaluate closeAcquisition call
                    // at the moment, the Micro-Manager api has a bug that causes 
                    // a closed acquisition not be really closed, causing problems
                    // when the user closes a window of the previous acquisition
                    // changed r14705 (2014-11-24)
                    // gui_.closeAcquisition(acqName);
                    ReportingUtils.logMessage("diSPIM plugin acquisition " + acqName + " took: "
                            + (System.currentTimeMillis() - acqButtonStart) + "ms");

                    //               while(gui_.isAcquisitionRunning()) {
                    //                  Thread.sleep(10);
                    //                  ReportingUtils.logMessage("waiting for acquisition to finish.");
                    //               }

                    // flag that we are done with acquisition

                    // write acquisition settings if requested
                    if (lastAcquisitionPath_ != null && prefs_.getBoolean(MyStrings.PanelNames.SETTINGS.toString(),
                            Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_WRITE_ACQ_SETTINGS_FILE, false)) {
                        String path = "";
                        try {
                            path = lastAcquisitionPath_ + File.separator + "AcqSettings.txt";
                            PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(path);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                                    "Could not save acquisition settings to file as requested to path " + path);

                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // exception while stopping sequence acquisition, not sure what to do...
                    MyDialogUtils.showError(ex, "Problem while finishing acquisition");

        } // for loop over acquisitions

        // cleanup after end of all acquisitions

        // TODO be more careful and always do these if we actually started acquisition, 
        // even if exception happened

        cameras_.setCameraForAcquisition(firstCameraKey, false);
        if (twoSided || acqBothCameras) {
            cameras_.setCameraForAcquisition(secondCameraKey, false);

        // restore exposure times of SPIM cameras
        try {
            core_.setExposure(firstCamera, prefs_.getFloat(MyStrings.PanelNames.SETTINGS.toString(),
                    Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_CAMERA_LIVE_EXPOSURE_FIRST.toString(), 10f));
            if (twoSided || acqBothCameras) {
                core_.setExposure(secondCamera, prefs_.getFloat(MyStrings.PanelNames.SETTINGS.toString(),
                        Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_CAMERA_LIVE_EXPOSURE_SECOND.toString(), 10f));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError("Could not restore exposure after acquisition");

        // reset channel to original if we clobbered it
        if (acqSettings.useChannels) {

        // clean up controller settings after acquisition
        // want to do this, even with demo cameras, so we can test everything else
        // TODO figure out if we really want to return piezos to 0 position (maybe center position,
        //   maybe not at all since we move when we switch to setup tab, something else??)
        controller_.cleanUpControllerAfterAcquisition(acqSettings.numSides, acqSettings.firstSideIsA, true);

        // if we did stage scanning restore its position and speed
        if (acqSettings.isStageScanning) {
            try {
                // make sure stage scanning state machine is stopped, otherwise setting speed/position won't take
                props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_STATE,
                props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_MOTOR_SPEED, origXSpeed);
                props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Properties.Keys.STAGESCAN_MOTOR_ACCEL, origXAccel);
                core_.setXYPosition(devices_.getMMDevice(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE), xyPosUm.x, xyPosUm.y);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Could not restore XY stage position after acquisition");

        if (testAcq && prefs_.getBoolean(MyStrings.PanelNames.SETTINGS.toString(),
                Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_TESTACQ_SAVE, false)) {
            String path = "";
            try {
                path = prefs_.getString(MyStrings.PanelNames.SETTINGS.toString(),
                        Properties.Keys.PLUGIN_TESTACQ_PATH, "");
                IJ.saveAs(acq_.getAcquisitionWindow().getImagePlus(), "raw", path);
                // TODO consider generating a short metadata file to assist in interpretation
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MyDialogUtils.showError("Could not save raw data from test acquisition to path " + path);

        if (separateImageFilesOriginally) {

        // restore camera
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError("Could not restore camera after acquisition");

        if (liveModeOriginally) {

        if (nonfatalError) {
            MyDialogUtils.showError("Missed some images during acquisition, see core log for details");

        return true;

    public void saveSettings() {
        // save controller settings
        props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.PIEZOA, Properties.Keys.SAVE_CARD_SETTINGS, Properties.Values.DO_SSZ,
        props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.PIEZOB, Properties.Keys.SAVE_CARD_SETTINGS, Properties.Values.DO_SSZ,
        props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.GALVOA, Properties.Keys.SAVE_CARD_SETTINGS, Properties.Values.DO_SSZ,
        props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.GALVOB, Properties.Keys.SAVE_CARD_SETTINGS, Properties.Values.DO_SSZ,
        props_.setPropValue(Devices.Keys.PLOGIC, Properties.Keys.SAVE_CARD_SETTINGS, Properties.Values.DO_SSZ,


     * Gets called when this tab gets focus. Refreshes values from properties.
    public void gotSelected() {
        // old joystick associations were cleared when leaving
        //   last tab so only do it if joystick settings need to be applied
        if (navigationJoysticksCB_.isSelected()) {

     * called when tab looses focus.
    public void gotDeSelected() {
        // if we have been using navigation panel's joysticks need to unset them
        if (navigationJoysticksCB_.isSelected()) {
            if (ASIdiSPIM.getFrame() != null) {

    public void devicesChangedAlert() {

     * Gets called when enclosing window closes
    public void windowClosing() {
        if (acquisitionRequested_.get()) {
            while (acquisitionRunning_.get()) {
                // spin wheels until we are done

    public void refreshDisplay() {

    // Used to re-layout portion of window depending when camera mode changes, in
    //   particular light sheet mode needs different set of controls.
    public void cameraModeChange() {
        CameraModes.Keys key = getSPIMCameraMode();
        slicePanelContainer_.add((key == CameraModes.Keys.LIGHT_SHEET) ? lightSheetPanel_ : normalPanel_, "growx");

    private void setRootDirectory(JTextField rootField) {
        File result = FileDialogs.openDir(null, "Please choose a directory root for image data",
        if (result != null) {

     * The basic method for adding images to an existing data set. If the
     * acquisition was not previously initialized, it will attempt to initialize
     * it from the available image data. This version uses a blocking queue and is 
     * much faster than the one currently implemented in the ScriptInterface
     * Eventually, this function should be replaced by the ScriptInterface version
     * of the same.
     * @param acq - MMAcquisition object to use (old way used acquisition name and then
     *  had to call deprecated function on every call, now just pass acquisition object
     * @param frame - frame nr at which to insert the image
     * @param channel - channel at which to insert image
     * @param slice - (z) slice at which to insert image
     * @param position - position at which to insert image
     * @param ms - Time stamp to be added to the image metadata
     * @param taggedImg - image + metadata to be added
     * @param bq - Blocking queue to which the image should be added.  This queue
     * should be hooked up to the ImageCache belonging to this acquisitions
     * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException
     * @throws org.micromanager.utils.MMScriptException
    private void addImageToAcquisition(MMAcquisition acq, int frame, int channel, int slice, int position, long ms,
            TaggedImage taggedImg, BlockingQueue<TaggedImage> bq) throws MMScriptException, InterruptedException {

        // verify position number is allowed 
        if (acq.getPositions() <= position) {
            throw new MMScriptException("The position number must not exceed declared" + " number of positions ("
                    + acq.getPositions() + ")");

        // verify that channel number is allowed 
        if (acq.getChannels() <= channel) {
            throw new MMScriptException("The channel number must not exceed declared" + " number of channels ("
                    + +acq.getChannels() + ")");

        JSONObject tags = taggedImg.tags;

        if (!acq.isInitialized()) {
            throw new MMScriptException("Error in the ASIdiSPIM logic.  Acquisition should have been initialized");

        // create required coordinate tags
        try {
            MDUtils.setFrameIndex(tags, frame);
            tags.put(MMTags.Image.FRAME, frame);
            MDUtils.setChannelIndex(tags, channel);
            MDUtils.setChannelName(tags, channelNames_[channel]);
            MDUtils.setSliceIndex(tags, slice);
            MDUtils.setPositionIndex(tags, position);
            MDUtils.setElapsedTimeMs(tags, ms);
            MDUtils.setImageTime(tags, MDUtils.getCurrentTime());
            MDUtils.setZStepUm(tags, zStepUm_);

            // save cached positions of SPIM head for this stack
            tags.put("SPIM_Position_X", xPositionUm_); // TODO consider computing accurate X position per slice for stage scanning data
            tags.put("SPIM_Position_Y", yPositionUm_);
            tags.put("SPIM_Position_Z", zPositionUm_); // NB this is SPIM head position, not position in stack

            if (!tags.has(MMTags.Summary.SLICES_FIRST) && !tags.has(MMTags.Summary.TIME_FIRST)) {
                // add default setting
                tags.put(MMTags.Summary.SLICES_FIRST, true);
                tags.put(MMTags.Summary.TIME_FIRST, false);

            if (acq.getPositions() > 1) {
                // if no position name is defined we need to insert a default one
                if (tags.has(MMTags.Image.POS_NAME)) {
                    tags.put(MMTags.Image.POS_NAME, "Pos" + position);

            // update frames if necessary
            if (acq.getFrames() <= frame) {
                acq.setProperty(MMTags.Summary.FRAMES, Integer.toString(frame + 1));

        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new MMScriptException(e);


     * Gets position of sample in XYZ, being XY stage and SPIM head. Used to mark metadata with center position
     * that gets updated with multiple positions. 
    private void refreshXYZPositions() {
        xPositionUm_ = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.X); // / will update cache for Y too
        yPositionUm_ = positions_.getCachedPosition(Devices.Keys.XYSTAGE, Directions.Y);
        zPositionUm_ = positions_.getUpdatedPosition(Devices.Keys.UPPERZDRIVE);

    /***************** API  *******************/

     * @return true if an acquisition is currently underway
     *   (e.g. all checks passed, controller set up, MM acquisition object created, etc.)
    public boolean isAcquisitionRunning() {
        return acquisitionRunning_.get();

     * @return true if an acquisition has been requested by user.  Will
     *   also return true if acquisition is running.
    public boolean isAcquisitionRequested() {
        return acquisitionRequested_.get();

     * Stops the acquisition by setting an Atomic boolean indicating that we should
     *   halt.  Does nothing if an acquisition isn't running.
    public void stopAcquisition() {
        if (isAcquisitionRequested()) {

     * @return pathname on filesystem to last completed acquisition
     *   (even if it was stopped pre-maturely).  Null if not saved to disk.
    public String getLastAcquisitionPath() {
        return lastAcquisitionPath_;

    public String getLastAcquisitionName() {
        return lastAcquisitionName_;

    public ij.ImagePlus getLastAcquisitionImagePlus() throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        try {
            return gui_.getAcquisition(lastAcquisitionName_).getAcquisitionWindow().getImagePlus();
        } catch (MMScriptException e) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException(e);

    public String getSavingDirectoryRoot() {
        return rootField_.getText();

    public void setSavingDirectoryRoot(String directory) throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        try {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException(e);

    public String getSavingNamePrefix() {
        return prefixField_.getText();

    public void setSavingNamePrefix(String acqPrefix) throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        try {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException(e);

    public boolean getSavingSeparateFile() {
        return separateTimePointsCB_.isSelected();

    public void setSavingSeparateFile(boolean separate) {

    public boolean getSavingSaveWhileAcquiring() {
        return saveCB_.isSelected();

    public void setSavingSaveWhileAcquiring(boolean save) {

    public org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.AcquisitionModes.Keys getAcquisitionMode() {
        return (org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.AcquisitionModes.Keys) spimMode_.getSelectedItem();

    public void setAcquisitionMode(org.micromanager.asidispim.Data.AcquisitionModes.Keys mode) {

    public boolean getTimepointsEnabled() {
        return useTimepointsCB_.isSelected();

    public void setTimepointsEnabled(boolean enabled) {

    public int getNumberOfTimepoints() {
        return (Integer) numTimepoints_.getValue();

    public void setNumberOfTimepoints(int numTimepoints) throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        if (MyNumberUtils.outsideRange(numTimepoints, 1, 100000)) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException("illegal value for number of time points");

    // getTimepointInterval already existed

    public void setTimepointInterval(double intervalTimepoints) throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        if (MyNumberUtils.outsideRange(intervalTimepoints, 0.1, 32000)) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException("illegal value for time point interval");

    public boolean getMultiplePositionsEnabled() {
        return usePositionsCB_.isSelected();

    public void setMultiplePositionsEnabled(boolean enabled) {

    public double getMultiplePositionsPostMoveDelay() {
        return PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(positionDelay_);

    public void setMultiplePositionsDelay(double delayMs) throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        if (MyNumberUtils.outsideRange(delayMs, 0d, 10000d)) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException("illegal value for post move delay");

    public boolean getChannelsEnabled() {
        return multiChannelPanel_.isMultiChannel();

    public void setChannelsEnabled(boolean enabled) {

    public String[] getAvailableChannelGroups() {
        return multiChannelPanel_.getAvailableGroups();

    public String getChannelGroup() {
        return multiChannelPanel_.getChannelGroup();

    public void setChannelGroup(String channelGroup) {
        String[] availableGroups = getAvailableChannelGroups();
        for (String group : availableGroups) {
            if (group.equals(channelGroup)) {

    public String[] getAvailableChannels() {
        return multiChannelPanel_.getAvailableChannels();

    public boolean getChannelEnabled(String channel) {
        ChannelSpec[] usedChannels = multiChannelPanel_.getUsedChannels();
        for (ChannelSpec spec : usedChannels) {
            if (spec.config_.equals(channel)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public void setChannelEnabled(String channel, boolean enabled) {
        multiChannelPanel_.setChannelEnabled(channel, enabled);

    // getNumSides() already existed

    public void setVolumeNumberOfSides(int numSides) {
        if (numSides == 2) {
        } else {

    public void setFirstSideIsA(boolean firstSideIsA) {
        if (firstSideIsA) {
        } else {

    public double getVolumeDelayBeforeSide() {
        return PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(delaySide_);

    public void setVolumeDelayBeforeSide(double delayMs) throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        if (MyNumberUtils.outsideRange(delayMs, 0d, 10000d)) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException("illegal value for delay before side");

    public int getVolumeSlicesPerVolume() {
        return (Integer) numSlices_.getValue();

    public void setVolumeSlicesPerVolume(int slices) throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        if (MyNumberUtils.outsideRange(slices, 1, 65000)) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException("illegal value for number of slices");

    public double getVolumeSliceStepSize() {
        return PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(stepSize_);

    public void setVolumeSliceStepSize(double stepSizeUm) throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        if (MyNumberUtils.outsideRange(stepSizeUm, 0d, 100d)) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException("illegal value for slice step size");

    public boolean getVolumeMinimizeSlicePeriod() {
        return minSlicePeriodCB_.isSelected();

    public void setVolumeMinimizeSlicePeriod(boolean minimize) {

    public double getVolumeSlicePeriod() {
        return PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(desiredSlicePeriod_);

    public void setVolumeSlicePeriod(double periodMs) throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        if (MyNumberUtils.outsideRange(periodMs, 1d, 1000d)) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException("illegal value for slice period");

    public double getVolumeSampleExposure() {
        return PanelUtils.getSpinnerFloatValue(desiredLightExposure_);

    public void setVolumeSampleExposure(double exposureMs) throws ASIdiSPIMException {
        if (MyNumberUtils.outsideRange(exposureMs, 1.0, 1000.0)) {
            throw new ASIdiSPIMException("illegal value for sample exposure");

    public boolean getAutofocusDuringAcquisition() {
        return useAutofocusCB_.isSelected();

    public void setAutofocusDuringAcquisition(boolean enable) {

    public double getEstimatedSliceDuration() {
        return sliceTiming_.sliceDuration;

    public double getEstimatedVolumeDuration() {
        return computeActualVolumeDuration();

    public double getEstimatedAcquisitionDuration() {
        return computeActualTimeLapseDuration();
