Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright 2009-2016 David Hadka
 * This file is part of the MOEA Framework.
 * The MOEA Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * The MOEA Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with the MOEA Framework.  If not, see <>.
package org.moeaframework.analysis.plot;

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.BoxAndWhiskerToolTipGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardXYToolTipGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.XYToolTipGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.BoxAndWhiskerRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.CategoryItemRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.StackedXYAreaRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYAreaRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYDotRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer;
import org.moeaframework.Analyzer;
import org.moeaframework.Analyzer.AnalyzerResults;
import org.moeaframework.analysis.collector.Accumulator;
import org.moeaframework.analysis.diagnostics.PaintHelper;
import org.moeaframework.core.FrameworkException;
import org.moeaframework.core.Population;
import org.moeaframework.core.Solution;

 * Provides simple 2D plotting capabilities.  This is intended to allow the
 * rapid creation of 2D plots, supporting:
 * <ol>
 *   <li>scatter plots of bi-objective populations,</li>
 *   <li>line plots of runtime dynamics (via an {@link Accumulator},</li>
 *   <li>box-and-whisker plots of performance statistics (via an {@link Analyzer}), and</li>
 *   <li>other plots of basic data types (e.g., line, scatter, area, stacked).</li>
 * </ol>
 * It is possible to combine datasets by calling more than one {@code add}
 * method, but you can not mix different plot types (e.g., XY plots versus
 * categorical plots).  Thus, box-and-whisker plots can not be overlaid on a
 * line plot.
 * <p>
 * In general, one should first generate the plot artifacts by calling
 * {@code line}, {@code scatter}, {@code area}, {@code stacked}, or any of the
 * {@code add} methods.  Artifacts can be customized by immediately calling
 * one of the {@code with*} methods after generating the artifact (the
 * customization is only applied to the last artifact).  Lastly, call the
 * {@code set*} methods to customize the overall appearance of the chart.
 * Call {@code show} to display the chart in a window or {@code save} to
 * create an image file.  For example:
 * <pre>
 *       new Plot()
 *            .scatter("Point", new double[] { 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 }, new double[] { 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 })
 *               .withPaint(Color.BLACK)
 *            .line("Line", new double[] { 0.0, 2.0 }, new double[] { 3.0, 5.0 })
 *               .withSize(5)
 *            .setXLabel("X")
 *            .setYLabel("Y")
 *            .setTitle("Example")
 *            .show();
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * This class is not intended to be a fully featured plotting library.  To
 * generate more sophisticated plots or customize their appearance, one must
 * instead use JFreeChart, JZY3D, or another Java plotting library.
 * <p>
 * Generated plots can be saved to PNG or JPEG files.  If JFreeSVG is available
 * on the classpath, SVG files can be generated.  JFreeSVG can be obtained from
public class Plot {

     * The internal JFreeChart instance.
    private JFreeChart chart;

     * Maps labels to their assigned color.
    private PaintHelper paintHelper;

     * The index of the current dataset.
    private int currentDataset;

     * Creates a new, empty plot.
    public Plot() {
        paintHelper = new PaintHelper();
        currentDataset = -1;

     * If the chart has not yet been initialized, creates a chart for XY data.
     * If the chart is already initialized, checks if the chart is for XY data.
     * @throws FrameworkException if the chart does not support XY data
    private void createXYPlot() {
        if (chart == null) {
            NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis("");
            NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis("");

            XYPlot plot = new XYPlot();

            XYToolTipGenerator toolTipGenerator = new StandardXYToolTipGenerator();

            XYItemRenderer renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(false, true);

            chart = new JFreeChart("", JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, true);
        } else if (!(chart.getPlot() instanceof XYPlot)) {
            throw new FrameworkException("Can not combine XY plot and categorial plot");

     * If the chart has not yet been initialized, creates a chart for
     * categorical data.  If the chart is already initialized, checks if the
     * chart is for categorical data.
     * @throws FrameworkException if the chart does not support categorical data
    private void createCategoryPlot() {
        if (chart == null) {
            CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis("");

            NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis("Value");

            final BoxAndWhiskerRenderer renderer = new BoxAndWhiskerRenderer();
            renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new BoxAndWhiskerToolTipGenerator());

            final CategoryPlot plot = new CategoryPlot();

            chart = new JFreeChart("", JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, true);
        } else if (!(chart.getPlot() instanceof CategoryPlot)) {
            throw new FrameworkException("Can not combine XY plot and categorial plot");

     * Sets the chart title.
     * @param title the title
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot setTitle(String title) {
        return this;

     * Sets the x-axis label.
     * @param label the label for the x-axis
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot setXLabel(String label) {
        if (chart.getPlot() instanceof XYPlot) {
        } else if (chart.getPlot() instanceof CategoryPlot) {

        return this;

     * Sets the y-axis label.
     * @param label the label for the y-axis
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot setYLabel(String label) {
        if (chart.getPlot() instanceof XYPlot) {
        } else if (chart.getPlot() instanceof CategoryPlot) {
        return this;

     * Sets the x and y labels if they haven't already been set.
     * @param xlabel the label for the x-axis
     * @param ylabel the label for the y-axis
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    private Plot setLabelsIfBlank(String xlabel, String ylabel) {
        if (chart.getPlot() instanceof XYPlot) {
            XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();

            if (plot.getDomainAxis().getLabel().isEmpty()) {

            if (plot.getRangeAxis().getLabel().isEmpty()) {
        } else if (chart.getPlot() instanceof CategoryPlot) {
            CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot();

            if (plot.getDomainAxis().getLabel().isEmpty()) {

            if (plot.getRangeAxis().getLabel().isEmpty()) {

        return this;

     * Sets the background paint.
     * @param paint the background paint
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot setBackgroundPaint(Paint paint) {
        if (chart.getPlot() instanceof XYPlot) {
        } else if (chart.getPlot() instanceof CategoryPlot) {

        return this;

     * Sets the grid line paint.
     * @param paint the grid line paint
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot setGridPaint(Paint paint) {
        if (chart.getPlot() instanceof XYPlot) {
        } else if (chart.getPlot() instanceof CategoryPlot) {

        return this;

     * Sets the x-axis limits.
     * @param min the minimum bound for the x-axis
     * @param max the maximum bound for the x-axis
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot setXLim(double min, double max) {
        if (chart.getPlot() instanceof XYPlot) {
            chart.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis().setRange(min, max);

        return this;

     * Sets the y-axis limits.
     * @param min the minimum bound for the y-axis
     * @param max the maximum bound for the y-axis
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot setYLim(double min, double max) {
        if (chart.getPlot() instanceof XYPlot) {
            chart.getXYPlot().getRangeAxis().setRange(min, max);
        } else if (chart.getPlot() instanceof CategoryPlot) {
            chart.getCategoryPlot().getRangeAxis().setRange(min, max);

        return this;

     * Creates a new scatter plot series.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot scatter(String label, double[] x, double[] y) {
        return scatter(label, toList(x), toList(y));

     * Creates a new scatter plot series.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot scatter(String label, List<? extends Number> x, List<? extends Number> y) {
        return scatter(label, x, y, null);

     * Creates a new scatter plot series.  The series is added to the given
     * dataset, or if {@code null} a new dataset is created.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @param dataset the dataset, or {@code null} if a new dataset should be
     *        created
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    private Plot scatter(String label, List<? extends Number> x, List<? extends Number> y,
            XYSeriesCollection dataset) {
        if (dataset == null) {
            dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

        // generate the dataset
        XYSeries series = new XYSeries(label, false, true);

        for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
            series.add(x.get(i), y.get(i));


        // add the dataset to the plot
        XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();
        plot.setDataset(currentDataset, dataset);

        // setup the renderer
        Paint paint = paintHelper.get(dataset.getSeriesKey(0));
        XYDotRenderer renderer = new XYDotRenderer();


        plot.setRenderer(currentDataset, renderer);

        return this;

     * Converts a double array to a list.
     * @param x the double array
     * @return the list of doubles
    private List<Double> toList(double[] x) {
        List<Double> result = new ArrayList<Double>();

        for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {

        return result;

     * Displays the solutions in the given population in a 2D scatter plot.
     * Only two objectives will be displayed.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param population the population
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot add(String label, Population population) {
        Solution solution = population.get(0);

        if (solution.getNumberOfObjectives() == 1) {
            return add(label, population, 0, 0);
        } else {
            return add(label, population, 0, 1);

     * Displays the solutions in the given population in a 2D scatter plot.
     * The two given objectives will be displayed.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param population the population
     * @param x the objective to plot on the x-axis
     * @param y the objective to plot on the y-axis
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot add(String label, Population population, int x, int y) {
        List<Number> xs = new ArrayList<Number>();
        List<Number> ys = new ArrayList<Number>();

        for (Solution solution : population) {
            if (!solution.violatesConstraints()) {

        scatter(label, xs, ys);
        setLabelsIfBlank("Objective " + (x + 1), "Objective " + (y + 1));

        return this;

     * Displays the runtime data stored in an {@link Accumulator} as one or
     * more line plots.
     * @param accumulator the {@code Accumulator} instance
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot add(Accumulator accumulator) {
        XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

        for (String key : accumulator.keySet()) {
            if (!key.equals("NFE")) {
                add(key, accumulator, key, dataset);

        return this;

     * Displays the runtime data for the given metric as a line plot.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param accumulator the {@code Accumulator} instance
     * @param metric the name of the performance metric to plot
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot add(String label, Accumulator accumulator, String metric) {
        return add(label, accumulator, metric, null);

     * Displays the runtime data for the given metric as a line plot.  The
     * series is added to the given dataset, or if {@code null} a new dataset
     * is created.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param accumulator the {@code Accumulator} instance
     * @param metric the name of the performance metric to plot
     * @param dataset the dataset, or {@code null} if a new dataset should be
     *        created
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    private Plot add(String label, Accumulator accumulator, String metric, XYSeriesCollection dataset) {
        List<Number> xs = new ArrayList<Number>();
        List<Number> ys = new ArrayList<Number>();

        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < accumulator.size("NFE"); i++) {
                xs.add((Number) accumulator.get("NFE", i));
                ys.add((Number) accumulator.get(metric, i));
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            return this;

        line(label, xs, ys, dataset);
        setLabelsIfBlank("NFE", "Value");

        return this;

     * Creates a new line plot series.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot line(String label, double[] x, double[] y) {
        return line(label, toList(x), toList(y));

     * Creates a new line plot series.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot line(String label, List<? extends Number> x, List<? extends Number> y) {
        return line(label, x, y, null);

     * Creates a new line plot series.  The series is added to the given
     * dataset, or if {@code null} a new dataset is created.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @param dataset the dataset, or {@code null} if a new dataset should be
     *        created
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    private Plot line(String label, List<? extends Number> x, List<? extends Number> y,
            XYSeriesCollection dataset) {
        if (dataset == null) {
            dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

        // generate the dataset
        XYSeries series = new XYSeries(label, false, true);

        for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
            series.add(x.get(i), y.get(i));


        // add the dataset to the plot
        XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();
        plot.setDataset(currentDataset, dataset);

        // setup the renderer
        Paint paint = paintHelper.get(dataset.getSeriesKey(0));
        XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false);

        renderer.setBaseStroke(new BasicStroke(3f, 1, 1));

        plot.setRenderer(currentDataset, renderer);

        return this;

     * Creates a new area plot series.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot area(String label, double[] x, double[] y) {
        return area(label, toList(x), toList(y));

     * Creates a new area plot series.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot area(String label, List<? extends Number> x, List<? extends Number> y) {
        return area(label, x, y, null);

     * Creates a new area plot series.  The series is added to the given
     * dataset, or if {@code null} a new dataset is created.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @param dataset the dataset, or {@code null} if a new dataset should be
     *        created
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    private Plot area(String label, List<? extends Number> x, List<? extends Number> y,
            XYSeriesCollection dataset) {
        if (dataset == null) {
            dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

        // generate the dataset
        XYSeries series = new XYSeries(label, false, true);

        for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
            series.add(x.get(i), y.get(i));


        // add the dataset to the plot
        XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();
        plot.setDataset(currentDataset, dataset);

        // setup the renderer
        Paint paint = paintHelper.get(dataset.getSeriesKey(0));
        XYAreaRenderer renderer = new XYAreaRenderer();

        renderer.setBaseStroke(new BasicStroke(3f, 1, 1));

        plot.setRenderer(currentDataset, renderer);

        return this;

     * Creates a new stacked area plot series.  The data will be stacked with
     * any preceding calls to {@code stacked}.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot stacked(String label, double[] x, double[] y) {
        return stacked(label, toList(x), toList(y));

     * Creates a new stacked area plot series.  The data will be stacked with
     * any preceding calls to {@code stacked}.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot stacked(String label, List<? extends Number> x, List<? extends Number> y) {
        return stacked(label, x, y, null);

     * Creates a new area plot series.  The data will be stacked with
     * any preceding calls to {@code stacked}.  The series is added to the given
     * dataset, or if {@code null} a new dataset is created.
     * @param label the label for the series
     * @param x the x values
     * @param y the y values
     * @param dataset the dataset, or {@code null} if a new dataset should be
     *        created
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    private Plot stacked(String label, List<? extends Number> x, List<? extends Number> y,
            DefaultTableXYDataset dataset) {
        if (dataset == null) {

            XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();

            if (plot.getDataset(currentDataset) instanceof DefaultTableXYDataset) {
                dataset = (DefaultTableXYDataset) plot.getDataset(currentDataset);
            } else {
                dataset = new DefaultTableXYDataset();

        // generate the dataset
        XYSeries series = new XYSeries(label, true, false);

        for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
            series.add(x.get(i), y.get(i));


        // add the dataset to the plot
        XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();
        plot.setDataset(currentDataset, dataset);

        // setup the renderer
        Paint paint = paintHelper.get(dataset.getSeriesKey(0));
        StackedXYAreaRenderer renderer = new StackedXYAreaRenderer();

        renderer.setBaseStroke(new BasicStroke(3f, 1, 1));

        plot.setRenderer(currentDataset, renderer);

        return this;

     * Displays the statistical results from an {@link Analyzer} as a
     * box-and-whisker plot.
     * @param analyzer the {@code Analyzer} instance
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot add(Analyzer analyzer) {
        return add(analyzer.getAnalysis());

     * Displays the statistical results from an {@link AnalyzerResults} as a
     * box-and-whisker plot.
     * @param result the {@code AnalyzerResults} instance
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot add(AnalyzerResults result) {

        DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset();

        for (String algorithm : result.getAlgorithms()) {
            for (String indicator : result.get(algorithm).getIndicators()) {
                List<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();

                for (double value : result.get(algorithm).get(indicator).getValues()) {

                dataset.add(values, algorithm, indicator);

        CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot();

        return this;

     * Modifies the line thickness or point size in the last dataset.  The
     * size is applied to all series in the dataset.
     * @param size the size
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot withSize(float size) {
        if (chart.getPlot() instanceof XYPlot) {
            XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();
            XYItemRenderer renderer = plot.getRenderer(currentDataset);

            if (renderer instanceof XYDotRenderer) {
                ((XYDotRenderer) renderer).setDotWidth((int) (size * 2));
                ((XYDotRenderer) renderer).setDotHeight((int) (size * 2));
            } else if (renderer.getBaseStroke() instanceof BasicStroke) {
                BasicStroke oldStroke = (BasicStroke) renderer.getBaseStroke();

                BasicStroke newStroke = new BasicStroke(size, oldStroke.getEndCap(), oldStroke.getLineJoin(),
                        oldStroke.getMiterLimit(), oldStroke.getDashArray(), oldStroke.getDashPhase());

            } else {
                renderer.setBaseStroke(new BasicStroke(size, 1, 1));

        return this;

     * Modifies the paint (e.g,. color) of each series in the last dataset.
     * If the dataset contains more series than the number of arguments, the
     * arguments are reused as needed.
     * @param paint one or more paint instances
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
    public Plot withPaint(Paint... paint) {
        if (chart.getPlot() instanceof XYPlot) {
            XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();
            XYDataset dataset = plot.getDataset(currentDataset);
            XYItemRenderer renderer = plot.getRenderer(currentDataset);

            for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getSeriesCount(); i++) {
                Paint p = paint[i % paint.length];

                paintHelper.set(dataset.getSeriesKey(i), p);
                renderer.setSeriesPaint(i, p);

                if (renderer instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) {
                    ((XYLineAndShapeRenderer) renderer).setSeriesFillPaint(i, p);
        } else if (chart.getPlot() instanceof CategoryPlot) {
            CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot();
            CategoryDataset dataset = plot.getDataset();
            CategoryItemRenderer renderer = plot.getRenderer();

            for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getRowCount(); i++) {
                Paint p = paint[i % paint.length];

                paintHelper.set(dataset.getRowKey(i), p);
                renderer.setSeriesPaint(i, p);

        return this;

     * Saves the plot to an image file.  The type of image is determined from
     * the filename extension.  See {@link #save(File, String, int, int)} for
     * a list of supported types.
     * @param filename the filename
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred
    public Plot save(String filename) throws IOException {
        return save(new File(filename));

     * Saves the plot to an image file.  The type of image is determined from
     * the filename extension.  See {@link #save(File, String, int, int)} for
     * a list of supported types.
     * @param file the file
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred
    public Plot save(File file) throws IOException {
        String filename = file.getName();
        String extension = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, filename.length());

        return save(file, extension, 800, 600);

     * Saves the plot to an image file.  The format must be one of {@code png},
     * {@code jpeg}, or {@code svg} (requires JFreeSVG).
     * @param file the file
     * @param format the image format
     * @param width the image width
     * @param height the image height
     * @return a reference to this {@code Plot} instance
     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred
    public Plot save(File file, String format, int width, int height) throws IOException {
        if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("PNG")) {
            ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file, chart, width, height);
        } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("JPG") || format.equalsIgnoreCase("JPEG")) {
            ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(file, chart, width, height);
        } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("SVG")) {
            String svg = generateSVG(width, height);
            BufferedWriter writer = null;

            try {
                writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
                        "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\">\n");
            } finally {
                if (writer != null) {

        return this;

     * Generates a string containing a rendering of the chart in SVG format.
     * This feature is only supported if the JFreeSVG library is included on 
     * the classpath.
     * This is copied from JFreeChart's ChartPanel class (version 1.0.19).
     * @return A string containing an SVG element for the current chart, or 
     *     <code>null</code> if there is a problem with the method invocation
     *     by reflection.
    private String generateSVG(int width, int height) {
        Graphics2D g2 = createSVGGraphics2D(width, height);

        if (g2 == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("JFreeSVG library is not present.");

        // we suppress shadow generation, because SVG is a vector format and
        // the shadow effect is applied via bitmap effects...
        g2.setRenderingHint(new RenderingHints.Key(0) {
            public boolean isCompatibleValue(Object val) {
                return val instanceof Boolean;
        }, true);

        String svg = null;
        Rectangle2D drawArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height);
        chart.draw(g2, drawArea);

        try {
            Method m = g2.getClass().getMethod("getSVGElement");
            svg = (String) m.invoke(g2);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            // null will be returned
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            // null will be returned
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            // null will be returned
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // null will be returned
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            // null will be returned

        return svg;

     * This is copied from JFreeChart's ChartPanel class (version 1.0.19).
    private Graphics2D createSVGGraphics2D(int w, int h) {
        try {
            Class<?> svgGraphics2d = Class.forName("org.jfree.graphics2d.svg.SVGGraphics2D");
            Constructor<?> ctor = svgGraphics2d.getConstructor(int.class, int.class);
            return (Graphics2D) ctor.newInstance(w, h);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            return null;
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
            return null;
        } catch (SecurityException ex) {
            return null;
        } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
            return null;
        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            return null;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            return null;
        } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
            return null;

     * Returns the internal chart.  Allows further modification of the
     * appearance of the chart.
     * @return the internal JFreeChart instance
    public JFreeChart getChart() {
        return chart;

     * Returns the chart embedded in a Swing panel for display.
     * @return a Swing panel for displaying the chart
    public ChartPanel getChartPanel() {
        return new ChartPanel(chart);

     * Displays the chart in a standalone window.
    public JFrame show() {
        return show(800, 600);

     * Displays the chart in a standalone window.
     * @param width the width of the chart
     * @param height the height of the chart
     * @return the window that was created
    public JFrame show(int width, int height) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame();

        frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        frame.getContentPane().add(getChartPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);

        frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));

        frame.setTitle("MOEA Framework Plot");

        return frame;

     * Displays the chart in a blocking JDialog.
    public JDialog showDialog() {
        return showDialog(800, 600);

     * Displays the chart in a blocking JDialog.
     * @param width the width of the chart
     * @param height the height of the chart
     * @return the window that was created
    public JDialog showDialog(int width, int height) {
        JDialog frame = new JDialog();

        frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        frame.getContentPane().add(getChartPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER);

        frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));

        frame.setTitle("MOEA Framework Plot");

        return frame;
