Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2008, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.                 *
 *                                                                      *
 * Licensed under the New BSD License (the "License"); you may not use  *
 * this file except in compliance with the License.  Unless required    *
 * by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed      *
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT        *
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.     *
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and  *
 * limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file.        *

package org.mondemand;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.mondemand.transport.LWESTransport;
import org.mondemand.util.ClassUtils;


 * This is the main entry point to MonDemand.  Users can create client objects and use them to
 * log messages and statistics.
 * @author Michael Lum
public class Client {
     * CONSTANTS                    *
    private final static String FILE_LINE_DELIMITER = ":";
    private final static int CALLER_DEPTH = 3;
    private final static int MAX_MESSAGES = 10;
    private static final String TRACE_KEY = "mondemand.trace_id";
    private static final String OWNER_KEY = "mondemand.owner";
    private static final String MESSAGE_KEY = "mondemand.message";
    private static final String CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/mondemand/mondemand.conf";
    private static final int EMIT_INTERVAL = 60; // 60 seconds
    private static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_EMIT = false; // auto emit disabled by default
    private static final boolean DEFAULT_CLEAR_STAT = false; // clear stats after flush by auto emit

    private static final Pattern keyPattern = Pattern.compile("[\\w\\.-]+"); // valid values for key: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - .

     * CLASS ATTRIBUTES             *
    private ErrorHandler errorHandler = new DefaultErrorHandler();
    private String programId = null;
    private int immediateSendLevel = Level.CRIT;
    private int noSendLevel = Level.ALL;
    private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Context> contexts = null;
    private ConcurrentHashMap<String, LogMessage> messages = null;
    private ConcurrentHashMap<String, StatsMessage> stats = null;
    private ConcurrentHashMap<String, SamplesMessage> samples = null;
    private ConcurrentHashMap<ContextList, AtomicLongMap<String>> contextStats = null;
    private ConcurrentHashMap<EventType, List<Transport>> transports = null;
    private ClientStatEmitter autoStatEmitter = null;
    private Thread emitterThread = null;
    private Integer maxNumMetrics = null;

    // key is the examined key, value specifies if the key is valid or not
    static private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean> examinedKeys = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>();


     * object to auto emit the stats and logs
    public class ClientStatEmitter implements Runnable {
        private final Client client; // client to emit stats for
        private final int intervalMS; // emit interval in milli seconds
        private final boolean clearStats; // if the stats should be cleared after flush
        private volatile boolean stop = false; // if the emitter should stop

         * constructor
         * @param client - the client to emit stats for
         * @param interval - emission interval in seconds
         * @param clearStats - whether or not stats should be cleared after emit
        ClientStatEmitter(Client client, int interval, boolean clearStats) {
            this.client = client;
            this.intervalMS = interval * 1000;
            this.clearStats = clearStats;

         * make the auto-emit thread stop
        public void stop() {
            stop = true;

         * the run method for the emitter thread. it would sleep for interval and
         * then emit the stats, and keep doing the same until it is interrupted to
         * stop
        public void run() {
            while (!stop) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // if we are interrupted, it will check for the stop flag
            // final flush

     * The constructor creates a Client object that is ready to use.
     * @param programId a string identifying the program that is calling MonDemand
     * @param autoStatEmit specifies if auto stat emit is enabled
     * @param clearStatAfterEmit specifies if stats should be cleared after each auto emit
     * @param statEmitInterval - auto stat emit interval, ignored if auto
     *        emission is disabled
    public Client(String programId, boolean autoStatEmit, boolean clearStatAfterEmit, int statEmitInterval) {
        /* set the default error handler */
        this.errorHandler = new DefaultErrorHandler();

        /* if the program ID is not specified, try to get it from the stack */
        if (programId == null) {
            this.programId = ClassUtils.getMainClass();
        } else {
            this.programId = programId;

        /* setup internal data structures */
        contexts = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Context>();
        messages = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LogMessage>();
        stats = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, StatsMessage>();
        samples = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SamplesMessage>();
        transports = new ConcurrentHashMap<EventType, List<Transport>>();
        contextStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<ContextList, AtomicLongMap<String>>();

        // initialize transports with empty lists
        for (EventType eventType : EventType.values()) {
            transports.put(eventType, new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Transport>());

        // create and start the emitter thread
        if (autoStatEmit) {
            // make sure interval is greater than 1, otherwise use the default
            statEmitInterval = statEmitInterval <= 0 ? EMIT_INTERVAL : statEmitInterval;
            autoStatEmitter = new ClientStatEmitter(this, statEmitInterval, clearStatAfterEmit);
            emitterThread = new Thread(autoStatEmitter);

     * The constructor creates a Client object that is ready to use, uses default
     * interval of 60 seconds for auto-emit if autoStatEmit is set.
     * @param programId a string identifying the program that is calling MonDemand
     * @param autoStatEmit specifies if auto stat emit is enabled
     * @param clearStatAfterEmit specifies if stats should be cleared after each auto emit
    public Client(String programId, boolean autoStatEmit, boolean clearStatAfterEmit) {
        this(programId, autoStatEmit, clearStatAfterEmit, EMIT_INTERVAL);

     * The constructor creates a Client object that is ready to use, uses default
     * interval of 60 seconds for auto-emit if autoStatEmit is set.
     * @param programId a string identifying the program that is calling MonDemand
     * @param autoStatEmit specifies if auto stat emit is enabled
    public Client(String programId, boolean autoStatEmit) {
        this(programId, autoStatEmit, DEFAULT_CLEAR_STAT, EMIT_INTERVAL);

     * The constructor creates a Client object that is ready to use. the auto-stat
     * emit for the client created with this constructor is turned off.
     * @param programId a string identifying the program that is calling MonDemand
    public Client(String programId) {

     * The constructor creates a Client object that is ready to use.
     * @param programId a string identifying the program that is calling Mondemand
     * @param host a string identifying the host (i.e. InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()) where the program is running.
     * @throws MondemandException
    public Client(String programId, String host) throws MondemandException {
        addContext("host", host);

     * Called when the client is destroyed.  Ensures that everything is cleaned up properly.
    public void finalize() {
        // try to flush all logs, stats and samples

        // stop the auto-emit thread
        if (emitterThread != null) {
            try {
                autoStatEmitter = null;
                emitterThread = null;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // ignore the exception for join

        // clear all the data

        // shutdown all the transports
        Set<Transport> seenTransports = new HashSet<Transport>();

        for (List<Transport> transportList : transports.values()) {
            for (Transport t : transportList) {
                if (!seenTransports.contains(t)) {

                    try {
                    } catch (TransportException e) {


     * @return the programId
    public String getProgramId() {
        return programId;

     * @param programId the programId to set
    public void setProgramId(String programId) {
        this.programId = programId;

     * @return the immediateSendLevel
    public int getImmediateSendLevel() {
        return immediateSendLevel;

     * @param immediateSendLevel the immediateSendLevel to set
    public void setImmediateSendLevel(int immediateSendLevel) {
        this.immediateSendLevel = immediateSendLevel;

     * @return the noSendLevel
    public int getNoSendLevel() {
        return noSendLevel;

     * @param noSendLevel the noSendLevel to set
    public void setNoSendLevel(int noSendLevel) {
        this.noSendLevel = noSendLevel;

     * @return the errorHandler
    public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler() {
        return errorHandler;

     * Sets a custom error handler.  Cowardly refuses to set it to null.
     * @param errorHandler the errorHandler to set
    public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
        if (errorHandler != null) {
            this.errorHandler = errorHandler;

     * @param maxNumMetrics the maximum number of metrics to send in stats messages
    public void setMaxNumMetrics(Integer maxNumMetrics) {
        this.maxNumMetrics = maxNumMetrics;

     * PUBLIC API METHODS           *

     * Adds contextual data to the client.
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void addContext(String key, String value) throws MondemandException {

        Context ctxt = new Context(key, value);

        if (contexts == null) {
            contexts = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Context>();
        if (key != null && value != null) {
            contexts.put(key, ctxt);

     * Removes contextual data from the client.
    public void removeContext(String key) {
        if (contexts != null && key != null) {

     * Fetches contextual data from the client.
    public String getContext(String key) {
        String retval = null;

        if (contexts != null && key != null) {
            Context ctxt = contexts.get(key);
            if (ctxt != null) {
                retval = ctxt.getValue();

        return retval;

     * Retrieves an enumeration of all the contextual data keys
     * @return an enumeration of all keys
    public Enumeration<String> getContextKeys() {
        if (contexts == null) {
            contexts = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Context>();
        return contexts.keys();

     * Clear contextual data from the logger. Contextual data persists between
     * flush() calls and is only removed if you call removeAllContexts().
    public void removeAllContexts() {
        if (contexts != null) {

     * verifies if a key is a valid mondemand key (a-Z A-Z 0-9 _ - .)
     * @param key - the input key
     * @return true if the key consists of valid characters, false if otherwise
     *         or key is empty.
    public static boolean isKeyValid(String key) {
        if (key == null || key.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        // look up the map first to avoid calling matcher when possible
        Boolean valid = examinedKeys.get(key);
        if (valid == null) {
            valid = keyPattern.matcher(key).matches();
            examinedKeys.putIfAbsent(key, valid);
        return valid.booleanValue();

     * adds transports from the default configuration file
     * at "/etc/mondemand/mondemand.conf"
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if config file could not be found
     * @throws IOException if config file could not be read
     * @throws TransportException if there was an error creating the LWESTransport
     * @throws UnknownHostException if a bad host is specified
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if default config file does not exist,
     *        or if there is a problem reading the file, or either port or
     *        address is missing, or if port cannot be converted to number, or if
     *        addresses cannot be converted to valid hosts, or if ttl cannot be
     *        converted to number in valid range, or if sendto cannot be converted
     *        to number in valid range, or if length of port or ttl arrays does
     *        not equal one or length of addr array, or if a transport cannot be
     *        created for addresses/port specified in the file.
     * @throws NumberFormatException if a bad PORT, TTL, or SENDTO is specified
    public void addTransportsFromDefaultConfigFile()
            throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, TransportException, UnknownHostException {

     * adds transports from a configuration file. the format of the file is:
     * MONDEMAND_ADDR="<ip>[,<ip>]?"
     * MONDEMAND_PORT="<port>[,<port>]?"
     * (optional) MONDEMAND_TTL="<ttl>[,<ttl>]?"
     * (optional) MONDEMAND_SENDTO="<sendto>"
     * @param configFileName - configuration file name.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if config file could not be found
     * @throws IOException if config file could not be read
     * @throws TransportException if there was an error creating the LWESTransport
     * @throws UknownHostException if a bad host is specified
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if file does not exist, or if there is a
     *        problem reading the file, or either port or address is missing, or
     *        if port cannot be converted to number, or if addresses cannot be
     *        converted to valid hosts, or if ttl cannot be converted to number in
     *        valid range, or if sendto cannot be converted to number in valid
     *        range, or if length of port or ttl arrays does not equal one or
     *        length of addr array, or if a transport cannot be created for
     *        addresses/port specified in the file.
     * @throws NumberFormatException if a bad PORT, TTL, or SENDTO is specified
    public void addTransportsFromConfigFile(String configFileName)
            throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, TransportException, UnknownHostException {
        Properties prop = new Properties();
        InputStream input = null;

        try {
            // load a properties file
            input = new FileInputStream(configFileName);

            // build config defaults first
            Config defaults = ConfigBuilder.buildDefaultConfig(prop);

            // build event-specific configs
            for (EventType eventType : EventType.values()) {
                EventSpecificConfig eventSpecific = ConfigBuilder.buildEventSpecificConfig(prop, eventType,

                Properties emitterGroupProps = eventSpecific.toEmitterGroupProperties(eventType);

                // add transport for each event type
                addTransport(eventType, new LWESTransport(emitterGroupProps,;
        } finally {
            if (input != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // ignore this exception

     * Adds a new transport to this client.
     * @param transport the transport object to add
    public void addTransport(Transport transport) {
        for (EventType eventType : EventType.values()) {
            addTransport(eventType, transport);

     * Adds a new event-specific transport to this client.
     * @param eventType the event type for this transport
     * @param transport the transport object to add
    public void addTransport(EventType eventType, Transport transport) {
        if (null == transport) {


     * A check for the log level that is set.
     * @param level the priority level to check
     * @param traceId the TraceId to check for
     * @return true if this level is enabled, false otherwise
    public boolean levelIsEnabled(int level, TraceId traceId) {
        if (traceId == null) {
            return level < this.noSendLevel;
        } else {
            return ((traceId.compareTo(TraceId.NULL_TRACE_ID) != 0) || (level < this.noSendLevel));

     * flushes all logs, stats, and samples to the transports.
    public void flush() {

     * flushes all logs, stats, and samples to the transports.
     * @param resetStats - whether or not stats should be reset after flush
    public void flush(boolean resetStats) {
        if (resetStats) {
            if (stats != null) {
            if (contextStats != null) {

     * Flushes log data to the transports.
    public void flushLogs() {
        if (messages != null) {

     * Increments the default counter by one.
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void increment() throws MondemandException {
        this.increment(StatType.Counter, null, 1);

     * Increments the default counter by value
     * @param value the amount to increment the counter by
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void increment(int value) throws MondemandException {
        this.increment(StatType.Counter, null, value);

     * Increments the specified counter by one.
     * @param key the name of the counter to increment
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void increment(String key) throws MondemandException {
        this.increment(StatType.Counter, key, 1);

     * Increments the specified counter by the value specified.
     * @param key the name of the counter to increment
     * @param value the amount to increment the counter by
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void increment(String key, int value) throws MondemandException {
        this.increment(StatType.Counter, key, value);

     * increment a counter
     * @param type - type of the counter
     * @param key - the name of the counter to increment
     * @param value - the amount to increment the counter by
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void increment(StatType type, String key, int value) throws MondemandException {
        String realKey = key;

        // set the key
        if (realKey == null) {
            // determine the key from the calling class and line number
            realKey = ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH);

        if (!isKeyValid(realKey)) {
            throw new MondemandException("key is invalid: " + realKey);

        // create the HashMap if it doesn't exist
        if (this.stats == null) {
            this.stats = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, StatsMessage>();

        // Note: increment could be lost due to a race condition but no
        //       synchronization is required.
        StatsMessage realValue = this.stats.get(realKey);
        if (realValue == null) {
            // create the counter if doesn't exist
            StatsMessage newValue = new StatsMessage(realKey, type);
            realValue = this.stats.putIfAbsent(realKey, newValue);
            if (realValue == null) {
                realValue = newValue;
        // update the counter

     * Given context&Stats map, increment according to context and key/value
     * @param context context
     * @param keyType key
     * @param value value
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void increment(ContextList context, String keyType, long value) throws MondemandException {
        if (!isKeyValid(keyType)) {
            throw new MondemandException("key is invalid: " + keyType);

        // Note: add could be lost due to a race condition but no
        //       synchronization is required.
        AtomicLongMap<String> stats = contextStats.get(context);
        if (stats == null) {
            AtomicLongMap<String> newStats = AtomicLongMap.create();
            stats = contextStats.putIfAbsent(context, newStats);
            if (stats == null) {
                stats = newStats;
        stats.addAndGet(keyType, value);

     * Increment the count for the map
     * @param context : context
     * @param keyType : KeyType: blank, advertiser_revenue, etc
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void increment(ContextList context, String keyType) throws MondemandException {
        increment(context, keyType, 1);

     * adds a new sample
     * @param key - the name of the sample to add a new value to
     * @param value - the amount to be added to sample
     * @param trackingTypeValue - bitwise value, specifies what extra stats
     *        (min/max/...) should be kept for a counter
    public void addSample(String key, int value, int trackingTypeValue) throws MondemandException {
        this.addSample(key, value, trackingTypeValue, 0);

     * adds a new sample
     * @param key - the name of the sample to add a new value to
     * @param value - the amount to be added to sample
     * @param trackingTypeValue - bitwise value, specifies what extra stats
     *        (min/max/...) should be kept for a counter
     * @param samplesMaxCount - maximum number of samples to keep, ignored if
     *        less than or equal to 0.
    public void addSample(String key, int value, int trackingTypeValue, int samplesMaxCount)
            throws MondemandException {
        String realKey = key;

        // set the key
        if (realKey == null) {
            // determine the key from the calling class and line number
            realKey = ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH);

        if (!isKeyValid(realKey)) {
            throw new MondemandException("key is invalid: " + realKey);

        // create the HashMap if it doesn't exist
        if (this.samples == null) {
            this.samples = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SamplesMessage>();

        // Note: sample could be lost if we get the SamplesMessage but fail to
        //       add the sample before the SamplesMessage is emitted.
        //       This approach avoids synchronization though.
        SamplesMessage realValue = this.samples.get(realKey);
        if (realValue == null) {
            // create the counter if doesn't exist
            SamplesMessage newValue = new SamplesMessage(realKey, trackingTypeValue, samplesMaxCount);
            realValue = this.samples.putIfAbsent(realKey, newValue);
            if (realValue == null) {
                realValue = newValue;
        // update the counter

     * Decrements the default counter by one.
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void decrement() throws MondemandException {
        this.decrement(StatType.Counter, null, 1);

     * Decrements the default counter by value
     * @param value the amount to decrement the counter by
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void decrement(int value) throws MondemandException {
        this.decrement(StatType.Counter, null, value);

     * Decrements the specified counter by one.
     * @param key the name of the counter to decrement
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void decrement(String key) throws MondemandException {
        this.decrement(StatType.Counter, key, 1);

     * Decrements the specified counter by the value specified.
     * @param key the name of the counter to decrement
     * @param value the amount to decrement the counter by
     * @throws MondemandException
    public void decrement(String key, int value) throws MondemandException {
        this.decrement(StatType.Counter, key, value);

    public void decrement(StatType type, String key, int value) throws MondemandException {
        this.increment(type, key, value * (-1));

     * Sets the counter to the specified val ue.
     * @param key the name of the counter key to set
     * @param value the value to set this counter to
    public void setKey(String key, int value) throws MondemandException {
        this.setKey(StatType.Gauge, key, value);

     * Sets the counter to the specified value.
     * @param key the name of the counter key to set
     * @param value the value to set this counter to
    public void setKey(String key, long value) throws MondemandException {
        this.setKey(StatType.Gauge, key, value);

    public void setKey(StatType type, String key, long value) throws MondemandException {
        String realKey = key;

        if (realKey == null) {
            // determine the key from the calling class and line number
            realKey = ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH);

        if (!isKeyValid(realKey)) {
            throw new MondemandException("key is invalid: " + realKey);

        // create the HashMap if it doesn't exist
        if (this.stats == null) {
            this.stats = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, StatsMessage>();

        // create and set the gauge counter, this will overwrite the counter
        // if it already exists
        StatsMessage realValue = new StatsMessage(realKey, type);
        this.stats.put(realKey, realValue);

     * Logs a message at priority level EMERG
     * @param name the name of the calling class or filename
     * @param line the line number of the calling class or filename
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void emerg(String name, int line, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        log(name, line, Level.EMERG, traceId, message, args);

     * Logs a message a priority level EMERG, determining the calling class and line number
     * on the fly.
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void emerg(TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        emerg(ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH), ClassUtils.getCallingLine(CALLER_DEPTH), traceId, message,

     * A convenience method to log a message a log level EMERG.
     * @param message
    public void emerg(String message) {
        emerg(null, message, null);

     * Logs a message a priority level ALERT.
     * @param name the name of the calling class or filename
     * @param line the line number of the calling class or filename
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void alert(String name, int line, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        log(name, line, Level.ALERT, traceId, message, args);

     * Logs a message a priority level ALERT, determining the calling class and
     * line number on the fly.
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void alert(TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        alert(ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH), ClassUtils.getCallingLine(CALLER_DEPTH), traceId, message,

     * A convenience method to log a message at priority level ALERT
     * @param message the log message
    public void alert(String message) {
        alert(null, message, null);

     * Logs a message at priority level CRIT
     * @param name the name of the calling class or filename
     * @param line the line number of the calling class or filename
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void crit(String name, int line, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        log(name, line, Level.CRIT, traceId, message, args);

     * Logs a message a priority level CRIT, determining the calling class and
     * line number on the fly.
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void crit(TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        crit(ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH), ClassUtils.getCallingLine(CALLER_DEPTH), traceId, message,

     * A convenience method to log a message at priority level CRIT
     * @param message the log message
    public void crit(String message) {
        crit(null, message, null);

     * Logs a message at priority level ERROR
     * @param name the name of the calling class or filename
     * @param line the line number of the calling class or filename
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void error(String name, int line, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        log(name, line, Level.ERROR, traceId, message, args);

     * Logs a message a priority level ERROR, determining the calling class and
     * line number on the fly.
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void error(TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        error(ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH), ClassUtils.getCallingLine(CALLER_DEPTH), traceId, message,

     * A convenience method to log a message at priority level ERROR
     * @param message the log message
    public void error(String message) {
        error(null, message, null);

     * Logs a message at priority level WARNING
     * @param name the name of the calling class or filename
     * @param line the line number of the calling class or filename
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void warning(String name, int line, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        log(name, line, Level.WARNING, traceId, message, args);

     * Logs a message a priority level WARNING, determining the calling class and
     * line number on the fly.
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void warning(TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        warning(ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH), ClassUtils.getCallingLine(CALLER_DEPTH), traceId, message,

     * A convenience method to log a message at priority level WARNING
     * @param message the log message
    public void warning(String message) {
        warning(null, message, null);

     * Logs a message at priority level NOTICE
     * @param name the name of the calling class or filename
     * @param line the line number of the calling class or filename
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void notice(String name, int line, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        log(name, line, Level.NOTICE, traceId, message, args);

     * Logs a message a priority level NOTICE, determining the calling class and
     * line number on the fly.
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void notice(TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        notice(ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH), ClassUtils.getCallingLine(CALLER_DEPTH), traceId, message,

     * A convenience method to log a message at priority level NOTICE
     * @param message the log message
    public void notice(String message) {
        notice(null, message, null);

     * Logs a message at priority level INFO
     * @param name the name of the calling class or filename
     * @param line the line number of the calling class or filename
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void info(String name, int line, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        log(name, line, Level.INFO, traceId, message, args);

     * Logs a message a priority level INFO, determining the calling class and
     * line number on the fly.
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void info(TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        info(ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH), ClassUtils.getCallingLine(CALLER_DEPTH), traceId, message,

     * A convenience method to log a message at priority level INFO
     * @param message the log message
    public void info(String message) {
        info(null, message, null);

     * Logs a message at priority level DEBUG
     * @param name the name of the calling class or filename
     * @param line the line number of the calling class or filename
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void debug(String name, int line, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        log(name, line, Level.DEBUG, traceId, message, args);

     * Logs a message a priority level DEBUG, determining the calling class and
     * line number on the fly.
     * @param traceId an optional trace ID
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void debug(TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        debug(ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH), ClassUtils.getCallingLine(CALLER_DEPTH), traceId, message,

     * A convenience method to log a message at priority level DEBUG
     * @param message the log message
    public void debug(String message) {
        debug(null, message, null);

     * Generic logger function.  This method will perform slower than most because it needs to detect
     * the calling class and calling line number.
     * @param level the log level of this message
     * @param traceId an optional traceId
     * @param message the log message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void log(int level, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        log(ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH), ClassUtils.getCallingLine(CALLER_DEPTH), level, traceId,
                message, args);

     * The most generic logger function.
     * @param name the name of this message, usually the filename or calling class
     * @param line the line number calling this message, or other numeric description of the calling class
     * @param level the log level
     * @param traceId an optional traceId
     * @param message the message
     * @param args optional arguments
    public void log(String name, int line, int level, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        logReal(name, line, level, traceId, message, args);

    public boolean traceMessage(String message, Map<String, String> context) {
        if (context.containsKey(TRACE_KEY) && context.containsKey(OWNER_KEY)) {
            return traceMessage(context.get(OWNER_KEY), context.get(TRACE_KEY), message, context);
        } else {
            return false;

    public boolean traceMessage(String owner, String traceId, String message, Map<String, String> context) {
        boolean ret = false;
        try {
            List<Context> contextsList = new ArrayList<Context>(context.size() + 3);
            contextsList.add(new Context(OWNER_KEY, owner));
            contextsList.add(new Context(TRACE_KEY, traceId));
            contextsList.add(new Context(MESSAGE_KEY, message));
            for (Entry<String, String> entry : context.entrySet()) {
                if (OWNER_KEY.equals(entry.getKey()) || TRACE_KEY.equals(entry.getKey())
                        || MESSAGE_KEY.equals(entry.getKey())) {
                    // skip anything set in the context with the arguments
                contextsList.add(new Context(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
            Context[] contexts = contextsList.toArray(new Context[0]);

            for (Transport t : transports.get(EventType.TRACE)) {
                try {
                    t.sendTrace(programId, contexts);
                } catch (TransportException te) {
                    errorHandler.handleError("Error calling Transport.sendTrace()", te);

            ret = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            errorHandler.handleError("Error calling Client.traceMessage()", e);

        return ret;

     * Send a performance trace message.
     * @see <a href="">Performance Monitoring</a>
     * @param id the performance trace id
     * @param callerLabel the label of the caller, used to give a directed graph
     *                    of performance timings
     * @param label an array of service labels, should equal length of start and
     *              end arrays
     * @param start an array of start times
     * @param end an array of end times
     * @param context a map of contextual metadata
    public boolean performanceTraceMessage(String id, String callerLabel, String[] label, long[] start, long[] end,
            Map<String, String> context) {
        boolean ret = false;

        try {
            List<Context> contextList = new ArrayList<Context>();

            for (Entry<String, String> entry : context.entrySet()) {
                contextList.add(new Context(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));

            Context[] contexts = contextList.toArray(new Context[0]);

            for (Transport t : transports.get(EventType.PERF)) {
                try {
                    t.sendPerformanceTrace(id, callerLabel, label, start, end, contexts);
                } catch (TransportException te) {
                    errorHandler.handleError("Error calling Transport.sendPerformanceTrace()", te);

            ret = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            errorHandler.handleError("Error calling Client.performanceTraceMessage()", e);

        return ret;

     * PRIVATE API METHODS          *

    private void logReal(String name, int line, int level, TraceId traceId, String message, Object[] args) {
        String filename = name;
        StringBuffer formattedMsg = new StringBuffer();

        if (message == null) {
        if (level < Level.OFF || level > Level.ALL) {
            errorHandler.handleError("Client.logReal() called by " + name + ":" + line + " with invalid log level: "
                    + Integer.toString(level));

        // initialize if necessary
        if (this.messages == null) {
            this.messages = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LogMessage>();

        // format the message
        if (args != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
                formattedMsg.append(" " + args[i].toString());

        // figure out the name if it is null
        if (filename == null) {
            filename = ClassUtils.getCallingClass(CALLER_DEPTH);

        try {
            if (levelIsEnabled(level, traceId)) {
                String key = filename + FILE_LINE_DELIMITER + Integer.toString(line);
                if (this.messages.containsKey(key)) {
                    // repeated message, increment the repeat counter
                    LogMessage msg = this.messages.get(key);
                    if (msg != null) {
                        msg.setRepeat(msg.getRepeat() + 1);
                        if (msg.getRepeat() % 999 == 0) {

                        this.messages.put(key, msg);
                } else {
                    // new message
                    LogMessage msg = new LogMessage();
                    this.messages.put(key, msg);

                // if the trace ID is set, emit immediately
                if (traceId != null) {
                    if (traceId.compareTo(TraceId.NULL_TRACE_ID) != 0) {

                // if the immediate send level is passed, emit immediately
                if (level <= this.immediateSendLevel) {

                // if the message buffer is full, emit immediately
                if (messages.size() >= MAX_MESSAGES) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            errorHandler.handleError("Error in Client.logReal()", e);

     * Iterates through the transports, calling the sendLogs method for each.
     * Since we cannot assume transports are thread-safe, we make this method synchronized.
    private synchronized void dispatchLogs() {
        if (this.messages == null) {

        try {
            Context[] contexts = this.contexts.values().toArray(new Context[0]);
            LogMessage[] messages = this.messages.values().toArray(new LogMessage[0]);

            for (Transport t : transports.get(EventType.LOG)) {
                try {
                    t.sendLogs(programId, messages, contexts);
                } catch (TransportException te) {
                    errorHandler.handleError("Error calling Transport.sendLogs()", te);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            errorHandler.handleError("Error calling Client.dispatchLogs()", e);

     * Iterates through the transports, calling the send() method for each to send
     * all the stats and samples.
     * Since we cannot assume transports are thread-safe, we make this method synchronized.
    private synchronized void dispatchStatsSamples() {
        if ((this.samples == null || this.samples.isEmpty()) && (this.stats == null || this.stats.isEmpty())) {

        try {
            Context[] contexts = this.contexts.values().toArray(new Context[0]);
            StatsMessage[] statsMsgs = this.stats.values().toArray(new StatsMessage[0]);

            // snapshot samples map for dispatch
            SamplesMessage[] samplesMsgs = this.samples.values().toArray(new SamplesMessage[0]);
            this.samples = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SamplesMessage>(this.samples.size());

            for (Transport t : transports.get(EventType.STATS)) {
                try {
                    t.send(programId, statsMsgs, samplesMsgs, contexts, this.maxNumMetrics);
                } catch (TransportException te) {
                    errorHandler.handleError("Error calling Transport.sendStats()", te);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            errorHandler.handleError("Error calling Client.dispatchStats()", e);

     * emit the events
    private synchronized void dispatchContextStats() {
        if (this.contextStats == null || this.contextStats.isEmpty()) {

        for (Map.Entry<ContextList, AtomicLongMap<String>> entry : contextStats.entrySet()) {
            List<Context> newContexts = new ArrayList<Context>(this.contexts.values());
            List<StatsMessage> statsMsgs = new ArrayList<StatsMessage>();

            for (Map.Entry<String, Long> stat : entry.getValue().asMap().entrySet()) {
                StatsMessage statsMessage = new StatsMessage(stat.getKey(), StatType.Counter);

            Context[] contexts = newContexts.toArray(new Context[0]);

            for (Transport t : transports.get(EventType.STATS)) {
                try {
                    t.send(programId, statsMsgs.toArray(new StatsMessage[0]), null, contexts, this.maxNumMetrics);
                } catch (TransportException te) {
                    errorHandler.handleError("Error calling Transport.sendStats()", te);

    public ConcurrentHashMap<ContextList, AtomicLongMap<String>> getContextStats() {
        return contextStats;

    public ConcurrentHashMap<String, SamplesMessage> getSamples() {
        return samples;