Source code

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 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
package org.obm.imap.sieve.commands;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.obm.imap.sieve.SieveArg;
import org.obm.imap.sieve.SieveCommand;
import org.obm.imap.sieve.SieveConstants;
import org.obm.imap.sieve.SieveResponse;


public class SieveGetScript extends SieveCommand<String> {

    private String scriptName;

    public SieveGetScript(String scriptName) {
        retVal = null;
        this.scriptName = scriptName;

    protected List<SieveArg> buildCommand() {
        List<SieveArg> args = new ArrayList<SieveArg>(1);
        args.add(new SieveArg(String.format("GETSCRIPT \"%s\"", scriptName).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8), false));
        return args;

    public void responseReceived(List<SieveResponse> rs) {
        if (commandSucceeded(rs)) {
            String data = rs.get(0).getData();
            Iterable<String> splitData = Splitter.on(SieveConstants.SPLIT_EXPR).split(data);
            FluentIterable<String> splitDataNoByteCount = FluentIterable.from(splitData).skip(1);
            FluentIterable<String> splitDataNoByteCountAndNoReturnCode = splitDataNoByteCount
                    .limit(splitDataNoByteCount.size() - 1);
            if (!splitDataNoByteCountAndNoReturnCode.isEmpty()) {
                this.retVal = Joiner.on(SieveConstants.SEP).join(splitDataNoByteCountAndNoReturnCode) + "\r\n";
            } else {
                this.retVal = "";
        } else {
        }"returning a sieve script");
