Source code

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 * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo  Public  License
 * Version  1.1  (the  "License"),  being   the  Mozilla   Public  License
 * Version 1.1  with a permitted attribution clause; you may not  use this
 * file except in compliance with the License. You  may  obtain  a copy of
 * the License at
 * Software distributed under the License  is  distributed  on  an "AS IS"
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific  language  governing  rights  and  limitations
 * under the License.
 * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU
 * All portions are Copyright (C) 2012 Openbravo SLU
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):  ______________________________________.

package org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt.actionHandler;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException;
import org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt.dao.AdvPaymentMngtDao;
import org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt.process.FIN_PaymentMonitorProcess;
import org.openbravo.base.secureApp.VariablesSecureApp;
import org.openbravo.client.application.ApplicationConstants;
import org.openbravo.client.application.process.BaseProcessActionHandler;
import org.openbravo.client.kernel.KernelUtils;
import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext;
import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBCriteria;
import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal;
import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.Utility;
import org.openbravo.model.common.invoice.Invoice;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_Payment;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentDetail;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentMethod;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentSchedule;
import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail;
import org.openbravo.service.db.DalConnectionProvider;
import org.openbravo.service.json.JsonToDataConverter;

public class ModifyPaymentPlanActionHandler extends BaseProcessActionHandler {

    private final AdvPaymentMngtDao dao = new AdvPaymentMngtDao();
    private static final Logger log4j = Logger.getLogger(ModifyPaymentPlanActionHandler.class);

     * Receives the modified payment plan for a given invoice
    protected JSONObject doExecute(Map<String, Object> parameters, String content) {
        JSONObject jsonRequest = null;
        try {
            jsonRequest = new JSONObject(content);
            String strInvoiceId = jsonRequest.getString("inpcInvoiceId");
            if (strInvoiceId == null || strInvoiceId.isEmpty() || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(strInvoiceId)) {
                strInvoiceId = jsonRequest.getString("C_Invoice_ID");
            Invoice invoice = OBDal.getInstance().get(Invoice.class, strInvoiceId);
            JSONArray gridRows = jsonRequest.getJSONArray(ApplicationConstants.ALL_ROWS_PARAM);
            List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> databaseRows = new ArrayList<FIN_PaymentSchedule>();
            databaseRows = getDatabaseRows(invoice);

            // TODO:Review if we should allow this option
            // if (paidAnyAmount(invoice)) {
            // return addMessage(jsonRequest, "@APRM_AlreadyPaidInvoice@", "error");
            // }

            String errorMsg = validateGridAmounts(gridRows, invoice);
            if (errorMsg != null) {
                return addMessage(jsonRequest, errorMsg, "error");
            if (!validateInvoiceAmounts(invoice)) {
                return addMessage(jsonRequest, "@APRM_ExistingPlanIsNotCorrect@", "error");

            List<JSONObject> lToCreate = getNewRows(gridRows);
            List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lToRemove = getRemovedRows(databaseRows, gridRows);
            List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lToModify = getModifiedRows(databaseRows, gridRows, lToCreate, lToRemove);
            HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> orders = getOrders(lToRemove, lToModify);
            HashMap<FIN_PaymentDetail, BigDecimal> canceledPSDs = getCanceledPSDs(lToRemove, lToModify);

            removeRows(lToRemove, invoice);
            List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> createdPSs = createRows(lToCreate, invoice);
            createdPSs = modifyRows(lToModify, gridRows, invoice, createdPSs);
            createPSDetails(createdPSs, orders);
            assignCanceled(invoice, canceledPSDs);

            if (!ordersSumsZero(orders, invoice.getFINPaymentScheduleList().get(0))) {
                return addMessage(jsonRequest, "@APRM_AmountNotFullyAllocated@", "error");

            if (!validateInvoiceAmounts(invoice)) {
                return addMessage(jsonRequest, "@APRM_AmountMismatch@", "error");
            // As a final step, Payment Monitor information for this invoice is updated.
            return addMessage(jsonRequest, "@Success@", "success");
        } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
            log4j.error("Exception! " + e);
            String constraint = e.getConstraintName();
            constraint = constraint.substring(constraint.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, constraint.length());
            try {
                return addMessage(jsonRequest, "@" + constraint + "@", "error");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                log4j.error("Exception! " + ex);
                return jsonRequest;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log4j.error("Exception! " + e);
            try {
                return addMessage(jsonRequest, "@ProcessRunError@", "error");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                log4j.error("Exception! " + ex);
                return jsonRequest;

     * Once the payment schedules are created, this process creates the payment schedule detail
     * elements, assigning the amounts related to orders
     * @throws Exception
    private void createPSDetails(List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> createdPSs,
            HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> ordersProvided) throws Exception {
        HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> orders = ordersProvided;
        if (!correctAmounts(createdPSs, orders)) {
            throw new Exception();

        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule ps : createdPSs) {
            orders = createPaymentScheduleDetail(ps, orders);

     * Given a list of payment schedule element and a list of amounts associated to orders, creates
     * the payment schedule details for the given payment schedule element
    private HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> createPaymentScheduleDetail(FIN_PaymentSchedule invoicePS,
            HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> ordersProvided) {
        HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> orders = ordersProvided;
        Iterator<FIN_PaymentSchedule> ite = orders.keySet().iterator();
        BigDecimal amount = getPendingPSAmounts(invoicePS);
        List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lOrdersToRemove = new ArrayList<FIN_PaymentSchedule>();
        FIN_PaymentSchedule orderPS = null;
        BigDecimal orderAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        if (orders.containsKey(null)) {
            orderAmount = orders.get(null);
        } else {
        while (amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0 && ite.hasNext()) {
            if (lOrdersToRemove.contains(orderPS) || orderAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
                orderPS =;
                orderAmount = orders.get(orderPS);
            if (amount.abs().compareTo(orderAmount.abs()) >= 0) {
                if (orderAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
                    dao.getNewPaymentScheduleDetail(invoicePS, orderPS, orderAmount, BigDecimal.ZERO, null);
                amount = amount.subtract(orderAmount);
                orderAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            } else {
                if (amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
                    dao.getNewPaymentScheduleDetail(invoicePS, orderPS, amount, BigDecimal.ZERO, null);
                orderAmount = orderAmount.subtract(amount);
                amount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            orders.put(orderPS, orderAmount);

        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule ps : lOrdersToRemove) {
        return orders;

     * Returns true in case the sum of order amounts is equal to the sum of PS amounts
    private boolean correctAmounts(List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> createdPSs,
            HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> ordersProvided) {
        HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> orders = ordersProvided;
        BigDecimal psAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule ps : createdPSs) {
            psAmount = psAmount.add(getPendingPSAmounts(ps));

        BigDecimal ordersAmounts = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        Iterator<FIN_PaymentSchedule> ite = orders.keySet().iterator();
        while (ite.hasNext()) {
            ordersAmounts = ordersAmounts.add(orders.get(;

        if (ordersAmounts.compareTo(psAmount) != 0) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * It could happen that the orders associated to the invoice payment plan do have positive and
     * negative amounts. In this case, the order map will have data, but sum of amounts will be zero.
     * In that case, new payment schedule detail elements are created for these amounts
    private boolean ordersSumsZero(HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> orders, FIN_PaymentSchedule ps) {
        if (orders == null || orders.size() == 0) {
            return true;
        BigDecimal acum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        Iterator<FIN_PaymentSchedule> ite = orders.keySet().iterator();
        while (ite.hasNext()) {
            FIN_PaymentSchedule orderPS =;
            BigDecimal orderAmount = orders.get(orderPS);
            if (orderAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
                acum = acum.add(orderAmount);
                dao.getNewPaymentScheduleDetail(ps, orderPS, orderAmount, BigDecimal.ZERO, null);
        if (acum.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Amounts corresponding to canceled payments are assigned to first payment plan line of the
     * invoice
    private void assignCanceled(Invoice invoice, HashMap<FIN_PaymentDetail, BigDecimal> canceledPSDs) {

        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule ps : invoice.getFINPaymentScheduleList()) {
            Iterator<FIN_PaymentDetail> ite = canceledPSDs.keySet().iterator();
            while (ite.hasNext()) {
                FIN_PaymentDetail pd =;
                BigDecimal amount = canceledPSDs.get(pd);
                FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd = dao.getNewPaymentScheduleDetail(ps, null, amount, BigDecimal.ZERO,

     * Returns the set of payment schedule detail elements for payments that have been canceled
    private HashMap<FIN_PaymentDetail, BigDecimal> getCanceledPSDs(List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lToRemove,
            List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lToModify) {
        HashMap<FIN_PaymentDetail, BigDecimal> mapReturn = new HashMap<FIN_PaymentDetail, BigDecimal>();

        List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lDBRowsToDeleteOrModify = new ArrayList<FIN_PaymentSchedule>(lToRemove);

        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule ps : lDBRowsToDeleteOrModify) {
            for (FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd : ps.getFINPaymentScheduleDetailInvoicePaymentScheduleList()) {
                if (psd.isCanceled()) {
                    FIN_PaymentDetail pd = psd.getPaymentDetails();
                    if (pd != null) {
                        mapReturn.put(pd, psd.getAmount());

        return mapReturn;

     * Modified rows are processed. For each of them, it's PSD and PS lines are deleted, and created
     * again.
     * @throws Exception
    private List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> modifyRows(List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lToModify, JSONArray gridRows,
            Invoice invoice, List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> createdPSs) throws Exception {
        List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lPSsToReturn = createdPSs;
        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule invoicePS : lToModify) {
            // 1) Remove not paid payment schedule detail lines
            OBCriteria<FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail> obcPSD = OBDal.getInstance()
            obcPSD.add(Restrictions.eq(FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail.PROPERTY_INVOICEPAYMENTSCHEDULE, invoicePS));
            for (FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd : obcPSD.list()) {

            // 2) New values are retrieved
            JSONObject modifiedGridRow = getModifiedRow(gridRows, invoicePS.getId());
            if (modifiedGridRow == null) {
                return new ArrayList<FIN_PaymentSchedule>();

            // 3) New row is created
            BigDecimal outstanding = new BigDecimal(modifiedGridRow.getString("outstanding"));
            Date dueDate = getJSDate(modifiedGridRow.getString("dueDate"));
            Date expectedDate = getJSDate(modifiedGridRow.getString("expectedDate"));
            FIN_PaymentMethod pm = OBDal.getInstance().get(FIN_PaymentMethod.class,

        return lPSsToReturn;

     * Given an invoice payment plan line, this function returns the sum of all the amounts pending to
     * confirm (for example, in awaiting execution status) for that payment plan line
    private BigDecimal getPendingPSAmounts(FIN_PaymentSchedule invoicePS) {
        BigDecimal result = invoicePS.getAmount();
        for (FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd : invoicePS.getFINPaymentScheduleDetailInvoicePaymentScheduleList()) {
            if (!psd.isCanceled() && (psd.getPaymentDetails() != null)) {
                result = result.subtract(psd.getAmount());
        return result;

     * Given the grid and an ID returns the grid row with that ID, or null if not found
     * @throws JSONException
    private JSONObject getModifiedRow(JSONArray gridRows, String id) throws JSONException {
        for (int ind = 0; ind < gridRows.length(); ind++) {
            if (gridRows.getJSONObject(ind).getString("id").equals(id)) {
                return gridRows.getJSONObject(ind);
        return null;

     * Given the new elements created by the user in the grid, this function creates the payment plan
     * lines for those lines.
     * @throws Exception
    private List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> createRows(List<JSONObject> lToCreate, Invoice invoice) throws Exception {
        List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lToReturn = new ArrayList<FIN_PaymentSchedule>();
        for (JSONObject jo : lToCreate) {
            BigDecimal outstanding = new BigDecimal(jo.getString("outstanding"));
            FIN_PaymentMethod paymentMethod = OBDal.getInstance().get(FIN_PaymentMethod.class,
            String dueDate = jo.getString("dueDate");
            String expectedDate = jo.getString("expectedDate");
            FIN_PaymentSchedule invoicePS = dao.getNewPaymentSchedule(invoice.getClient(),
                    invoice.getOrganization(), invoice, null, invoice.getCurrency(), getJSDate(dueDate),
                    paymentMethod, outstanding);

        return lToReturn;

     * Given the set of payment schedule elements to be deleted or modified, this function returns the
     * set of order payment schedule lines associated to any of the given payment schedule elements
    private HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> getOrders(List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lToRemove,
            List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lToModify) {
        HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal> mapReturn = new HashMap<FIN_PaymentSchedule, BigDecimal>();

        List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lDBRowsToDeleteOrModify = new ArrayList<FIN_PaymentSchedule>(lToRemove);

        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule ps : lDBRowsToDeleteOrModify) {
            for (FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd : ps.getFINPaymentScheduleDetailInvoicePaymentScheduleList()) {
                FIN_Payment payment = (psd.getPaymentDetails() == null) ? null
                        : psd.getPaymentDetails().getFinPayment();
                if (!psd.isCanceled() && payment == null) {
                    FIN_PaymentSchedule ops = psd.getOrderPaymentSchedule();
                    BigDecimal amount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                    if (mapReturn.containsKey(ops)) {
                        amount = mapReturn.get(ops);
                    mapReturn.put(ops, amount.add(psd.getAmount()));

        return mapReturn;

     * Removes from database the Payment Schedule elements included in the provided list
    private void removeRows(List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lToRemove, Invoice invoice) {
        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule ps : lToRemove) {
            if (ps.getPaidAmount().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
            } else {
                List<FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail> lPSDs = ps.getFINPaymentScheduleDetailInvoicePaymentScheduleList();
                for (int indPSD = 0; indPSD < lPSDs.size(); indPSD++) {
                    FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd = lPSDs.get(indPSD);
                    if (psd.getPaymentDetails() == null) {

     * Given an invoice, returns the relation of its payment schedule lines that are not fully paid
    private List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> getDatabaseRows(Invoice invoice) {
        List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lQuery, lReturn = new ArrayList<FIN_PaymentSchedule>();
        OBCriteria<FIN_PaymentSchedule> obcPS = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(FIN_PaymentSchedule.class);
        obcPS.add(Restrictions.eq(FIN_PaymentSchedule.PROPERTY_INVOICE, invoice));
        lQuery = obcPS.list();
        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule ps : lQuery) {
            if (ps.getPaidAmount().abs().compareTo(ps.getAmount().abs()) < 0) {
        return lReturn;

     * Returns the set of JSON Objects that corresponds to new lines
     * @throws JSONException
    private List<JSONObject> getNewRows(JSONArray gridRows) throws JSONException {
        List<JSONObject> lResult = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
        for (int ind = 0; ind < gridRows.length(); ind++) {
            if (!gridRows.getJSONObject(ind).has("id")) {
                gridRows.getJSONObject(ind).put("id", "");
            String id = gridRows.getJSONObject(ind).getString("id");
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(id) || id.equals("NEW")) {
        return lResult;

     * Returns the set of IDs corresponding to the rows that where displayed in the grid, and then
     * removed by the user
     * @throws JSONException

    private List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> getRemovedRows(List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> databaseRows, JSONArray gridRows)
            throws JSONException {
        List<String> lAll = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> lExists = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lReturn = new ArrayList<FIN_PaymentSchedule>();

        for (int indDB = 0; indDB < databaseRows.size(); indDB++) {
            String idDB = databaseRows.get(indDB).getId();
        for (int indGrid = 0; indGrid < gridRows.length(); indGrid++) {
            String idGrid = gridRows.getJSONObject(indGrid).getString("id");
            if (idGrid != null && !idGrid.equals("")) {


        for (String id : lAll) {
            lReturn.add(OBDal.getInstance().get(FIN_PaymentSchedule.class, id));

        return lReturn;

     * Returns the set of database rows that where modified, but not deleted
     * @throws JSONException
    private List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> getModifiedRows(List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> databaseRows, JSONArray gridRows,
            List<JSONObject> newRows, List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lToRemove) throws JSONException {

        List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lResult = new ArrayList<FIN_PaymentSchedule>();

        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule ps : databaseRows) {
            if (!(lToRemove.contains(ps))) {
                for (int indGrid = 0; indGrid < gridRows.length(); indGrid++) {
                    JSONObject jo = gridRows.getJSONObject(indGrid);
                    if (!(newRows.contains(jo))) {
                        if (ps.getId().equals(jo.getString("id")) && wasModified(ps, jo)) {
        return lResult;

     * Returns true in case the provided Payment Schedule Detail line and JOSN grid line do differ in
     * any value (this means, user modified the original values). If Edit Payment Plan functionality
     * is improved in the future, adding more columns suitable to be modified, this function must take
     * them into account!
     * @throws JSONException
    private boolean wasModified(FIN_PaymentSchedule ps, JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException {
        if (new BigDecimal(jsonObject.getString("outstanding")).compareTo(ps.getOutstandingAmount()) != 0) {
            return true;
        if (!jsonObject.getString("paymentMethod").equals(ps.getFinPaymentmethod().getId())) {
            return true;
        if (!getJSDate(jsonObject.getString("dueDate")).equals(ps.getDueDate())) {
            return true;
        if (!getJSDate(jsonObject.getString("expectedDate")).equals(ps.getExpectedDate())) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Parses the string to a date using the property.
    private static Date getJSDate(String strDate) {
        if (strDate.equals(""))
            return null;
        Field field = OBDal.getInstance().get(Field.class, "B6BB67AE51F31BEBE040A8C091666000");
        Date date = (Date) JsonToDataConverter.convertJsonToPropertyValue(
                KernelUtils.getInstance().getPropertyFromColumn(field.getColumn()), strDate);
        return date;

     * Given a JSONObject to be returned, it adds a message to it
     * @throws JSONException
    private JSONObject addMessage(JSONObject content, String strMessage, String strSeverity) throws JSONException {
        JSONObject outPut = content;
        JSONObject message = new JSONObject();
        message.put("severity", strSeverity);
                Utility.parseTranslation(new DalConnectionProvider(),
                        new VariablesSecureApp(OBContext.getOBContext().getUser().getId(),
                        OBContext.getOBContext().getLanguage().getLanguage(), strMessage));
        outPut.put("message", message);
        return outPut;

     * Given an invoice, checks that payment schedule is correct
     * @throws JSONException
    private boolean validateInvoiceAmounts(Invoice invoice) throws JSONException {
        BigDecimal totalAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        List<FIN_PaymentSchedule> lPS = invoice.getFINPaymentScheduleList();
        for (FIN_PaymentSchedule ps : lPS) {
            totalAmount = totalAmount.add(ps.getAmount());
            BigDecimal psdAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            List<FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail> lPSD = ps.getFINPaymentScheduleDetailInvoicePaymentScheduleList();
            for (FIN_PaymentScheduleDetail psd : lPSD) {
                if (!psd.isCanceled()) {
                    psdAmount = psdAmount.add(psd.getAmount().add(psd.getWriteoffAmount()));
            if (psdAmount.compareTo(ps.getAmount()) != 0) {
                return false;
        return totalAmount.compareTo(invoice.getGrandTotalAmount()) == 0;

     * Given an invoice, checks that all the amounts in the grid are not lower than paid amount or
     * awaiting execution amount
     * @throws JSONException
    private String validateGridAmounts(JSONArray gridRows, Invoice invoice) throws JSONException {
        boolean positive = invoice.getFINPaymentScheduleList().get(0).getAmount().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) >= 0;
        for (int indGrid = 0; indGrid < gridRows.length(); indGrid++) {
            JSONObject jo = gridRows.getJSONObject(indGrid);
            BigDecimal outstanding = new BigDecimal(jo.getString("outstanding"));
            BigDecimal awaitingExecution = new BigDecimal(jo.getString("awaitingExecutionAmount"));
            if (awaitingExecution.abs().compareTo(outstanding.abs()) > 0) {
                return "@APRM_AwaitingExecutionAmountError@";
            if (outstanding.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0
                    && (positive != (outstanding.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0))) {
                return "@APRM_DifferentSignError@";
        return null;
