Source code

Java tutorial


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 * The contents of this file are subject to the   Compiere License  Version 1.1
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the License
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
 * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is                  Compiere  ERP & CRM  Business Solution
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jorg Janke  and ComPiere, Inc.
 * Portions created by Jorg Janke are Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, parts
 * created by ComPiere are Copyright (C) ComPiere, Inc.;   All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): Openbravo SLU
 * Contributions are Copyright (C) 2014 Openbravo S.L.U.
package org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_forms;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.openbravo.base.secureApp.VariablesSecureApp;
import org.openbravo.costing.CostingStatus;
import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext;
import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal;
import org.openbravo.database.ConnectionProvider;
import org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.SequenceIdData;
import org.openbravo.model.common.currency.Currency;
import org.openbravo.model.common.enterprise.Organization;
import org.openbravo.model.common.plm.Product;
import org.openbravo.model.materialmgmt.transaction.InternalConsumptionLine;

public class DocInternalConsumption extends AcctServer {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private static Logger log4jDocInternalConsumption = Logger.getLogger(DocInternalConsumption.class);

    private String SeqNo = "0";

     * Constructor
     * @param AD_Client_ID
     *          client
    public DocInternalConsumption(String AD_Client_ID, String AD_Org_ID, ConnectionProvider connectionProvider) {
        super(AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, connectionProvider);

    public void loadObjectFieldProvider(ConnectionProvider conn, String AD_Client_ID, String Id)
            throws ServletException {
        setObjectFieldProvider(, AD_Client_ID, Id));

     * Load Document Details
     * @return true if loadDocumentType was set
    public boolean loadDocumentDetails(FieldProvider[] data, ConnectionProvider conn) {
        DocumentType = AcctServer.DOCTYPE_MatInternalConsumption;
        C_Currency_ID = NO_CURRENCY;
        DateDoc = data[0].getField("MovementDate");
        loadDocumentType(); // lines require doc type
        // Contained Objects
        p_lines = loadLines(conn);
        log4jDocInternalConsumption.debug("Lines=" + p_lines.length);
        return true;
    } // loadDocumentDetails

     * Load Internal Consumption Line
     * @return DocLine Array
    private DocLine[] loadLines(ConnectionProvider conn) {
        ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
        DocLineInternalConsumptionData[] data = null;
        try {
            data =, Record_ID);
            for (int i = 0; data != null && i < data.length; i++) {
                String Line_ID = data[i].getField("mInternalConsumptionlineId");
                DocLine_Material docLine = new DocLine_Material(DocumentType, Record_ID, Line_ID);
                docLine.loadAttributes(data[i], this);
                log4jDocInternalConsumption.debug("MovementQty = " + data[i].getField("movementqty"));
                BigDecimal MovementQty = new BigDecimal(data[i].getField("movementqty"));
                docLine.setQty(MovementQty.toPlainString(), conn);
                docLine.m_M_Locator_ID = data[i].getField("mLocatorId");

                // Get related M_Transaction_ID
                InternalConsumptionLine intConsLine = OBDal.getInstance().get(InternalConsumptionLine.class,
                if (intConsLine.getMaterialMgmtMaterialTransactionList().size() > 0) {
                DocInternalConsumptionData[] data1 = null;
                try {
                    data1 = DocInternalConsumptionData.selectWarehouse(conn, docLine.m_M_Locator_ID);
                } catch (ServletException e) {
                if (data1 != null && data1.length > 0)
                    this.M_Warehouse_ID = data1[0].mWarehouseId;
        } catch (ServletException e) {
        } finally {
        // Return Array
        DocLine[] dl = new DocLine[list.size()];
        return dl;
    } // loadLines

     * Get Balance
     * @return Zero (always balanced)
    public BigDecimal getBalance() {
        BigDecimal retValue = ZERO;
        return retValue;
    } // getBalance

     * Create Facts (the accounting logic) for MIC.
     * <pre>
     *  Internal Consumption
     *      CoGS            DR      
     *      Inventory               CR
     * </pre>
     * @param as
     *          account schema
     * @return Fact
    public Fact createFact(AcctSchema as, ConnectionProvider conn, Connection con, VariablesSecureApp vars)
            throws ServletException {
        // Select specific definition
        String strClassname = AcctServerData.selectTemplateDoc(conn, as.m_C_AcctSchema_ID, DocumentType);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(strClassname)) {
            strClassname = AcctServerData.selectTemplate(conn, as.m_C_AcctSchema_ID, AD_Table_ID);
        } else {
            try {
                DocInternalConsumptionTemplate newTemplate = (DocInternalConsumptionTemplate) Class
                return newTemplate.createFact(this, as, conn, con, vars);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log4j.error("Error while creating new instance for DocInternalConsumptionTemplate - " + e);

        C_Currency_ID = as.getC_Currency_ID();
        // create Fact Header
        Fact fact = new Fact(this, as, Fact.POST_Actual);
        String Fact_Acct_Group_ID = SequenceIdData.getUUID();
        // Line pointers
        FactLine dr = null;
        FactLine cr = null;
        log4jDocInternalConsumption.debug("CreateFact - before loop");
        for (int i = 0; i < p_lines.length; i++) {
            DocLine_Material line = (DocLine_Material) p_lines[i];

            Currency costCurrency = FinancialUtils
                    .getLegalEntityCurrency(OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, line.m_AD_Org_ID));
            if (!CostingStatus.getInstance().isMigrated()) {
                costCurrency = OBDal.getInstance().get(Client.class, AD_Client_ID).getCurrency();
            } else if (line.transaction != null && line.transaction.getCurrency() != null) {
                costCurrency = line.transaction.getCurrency();
            if (CostingStatus.getInstance().isMigrated() && line.transaction != null
                    && !line.transaction.isCostCalculated()) {
                Map<String, String> parameters = getNotCalculatedCostParameters(line.transaction);
                setMessageResult(conn, STATUS_NotCalculatedCost, "error", parameters);
                throw new IllegalStateException();
            String costs = line.getProductCosts(DateAcct, as, conn, con);
            log4jDocInternalConsumption.debug("CreateFact - before DR - Costs: " + costs);
            BigDecimal b_Costs = new BigDecimal(costs);
            String strCosts = b_Costs.toPlainString();
            Account cogsAccount = line.getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_Cogs, as, conn);
            Product product = OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, line.m_M_Product_ID);
            if (cogsAccount == null) {
                org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.accounting.coa.AcctSchema schema = OBDal.getInstance().get(
                        org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.accounting.coa.AcctSchema.class, as.m_C_AcctSchema_ID);
                log4j.error("No Account COGS for product: " + product.getName() + " in accounting schema: "
                        + schema.getName());
            Account assetAccount = line.getAccount(ProductInfo.ACCTTYPE_P_Asset, as, conn);
            if (assetAccount == null) {
                org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.accounting.coa.AcctSchema schema = OBDal.getInstance().get(
                        org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.accounting.coa.AcctSchema.class, as.m_C_AcctSchema_ID);
                log4j.error("No Account Asset for product: " + product.getName() + " in accounting schema: "
                        + schema.getName());
            if (b_Costs.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 && !CostingStatus.getInstance().isMigrated()
                    && DocInOutData.existsCost(conn, DateAcct, line.m_M_Product_ID).equals("0")) {
                Map<String, String> parameters = getInvalidCostParameters(
                        OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, line.m_M_Product_ID).getIdentifier(), DateAcct);
                setMessageResult(conn, STATUS_InvalidCost, "error", parameters);
                throw new IllegalStateException();
            dr = fact.createLine(line, cogsAccount, costCurrency.getId(), strCosts, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID,
                    nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn);
            if (dr != null) {
                dr.setLocationFromLocator(line.m_M_Locator_ID, true, conn); // from
                dr.setLocationFromBPartner(C_BPartner_Location_ID, false, conn); // to
            log4jDocInternalConsumption.debug("CreateFact - before CR");
            cr = fact.createLine(line, assetAccount, costCurrency.getId(), "", strCosts, Fact_Acct_Group_ID,
                    nextSeqNo(SeqNo), DocumentType, conn);
            if (cr != null) {
                cr.setLocationFromLocator(line.m_M_Locator_ID, true, conn); // from
                cr.setLocationFromBPartner(C_BPartner_Location_ID, false, conn); // to
        log4jDocInternalConsumption.debug("CreateFact - after loop");
        SeqNo = "0";
        return fact;
    } // createFact

     * Get Document Confirmation
     * not used
    public boolean getDocumentConfirmation(ConnectionProvider conn, String strRecordId) {
        return true;

     * @return the log4jDocInternalConsumption
    public static Logger getLog4jDocInternalConsumption() {
        return log4jDocInternalConsumption;

     * @param log4jDocInternalConsumption
     *          the log4jDocInternalConsumption to set
    public static void setLog4jDocInternalConsumption(Logger log4jDocInternalConsumption) {
        DocInternalConsumption.log4jDocInternalConsumption = log4jDocInternalConsumption;

     * @return the seqNo
    public String getSeqNo() {
        return SeqNo;

     * @param seqNo
     *          the seqNo to set
    public void setSeqNo(String seqNo) {
        SeqNo = seqNo;

     * @param oldSeqNo
     *          old sequence number
     * @return the next sequence number
    public String nextSeqNo(String oldSeqNo) {
        log4jDocInternalConsumption.debug("DocInternalConsumption - oldSeqNo = " + oldSeqNo);
        BigDecimal seqNo = new BigDecimal(oldSeqNo);
        SeqNo = (seqNo.add(new BigDecimal("10"))).toString();
        log4jDocInternalConsumption.debug("DocInternalConsumption - nextSeqNo = " + SeqNo);
        return SeqNo;

     * @return the serialVersionUID
    public static long getSerialVersionUID() {
        return serialVersionUID;

     * @return the servlet information
    public String getServletInfo() {
        return "Servlet for the internal consumption accounting";