Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This library is part of OpenCms -
 * the Open Source Content Management System
 * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG (
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * For further information about Alkacon Software, please see the
 * company website:
 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
 * project website:
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

package org.opencms.gwt;

import org.opencms.db.CmsResourceState;
import org.opencms.file.CmsObject;
import org.opencms.file.CmsPropertyDefinition;
import org.opencms.file.CmsResource;
import org.opencms.file.CmsResourceFilter;
import org.opencms.file.CmsUser;
import org.opencms.file.CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException;
import org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeFolder;
import org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypePlain;
import org.opencms.flex.CmsFlexController;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsBroadcastMessage;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsCategoryTreeEntry;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsContextMenuEntryBean;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsCoreData;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsCoreData.AdeContext;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsCoreData.UserInfo;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsLockInfo;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsResourceCategoryInfo;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsReturnLinkInfo;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsUserSettingsBean;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsValidationQuery;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsValidationResult;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsWorkplaceLinkMode;
import org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService;
import org.opencms.i18n.CmsEncoder;
import org.opencms.i18n.CmsMessages;
import org.opencms.lock.CmsLock;
import org.opencms.main.CmsBroadcast;
import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
import org.opencms.main.CmsIllegalArgumentException;
import org.opencms.main.CmsLog;
import org.opencms.main.CmsSessionInfo;
import org.opencms.main.OpenCms;
import org.opencms.module.CmsModule;
import org.opencms.relations.CmsCategory;
import org.opencms.relations.CmsCategoryService;
import org.opencms.ui.CmsVaadinUtils;
import org.opencms.ui.apps.CmsFileExplorerConfiguration;
import org.opencms.ui.dialogs.CmsEmbeddedDialogsUI;
import org.opencms.util.CmsFileUtil;
import org.opencms.util.CmsStringUtil;
import org.opencms.util.CmsUUID;
import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace;
import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplaceLoginHandler;
import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplaceManager;
import org.opencms.workplace.explorer.CmsExplorerContextMenu;
import org.opencms.workplace.explorer.CmsExplorerContextMenuItem;
import org.opencms.workplace.explorer.CmsExplorerTypeSettings;
import org.opencms.workplace.explorer.CmsResourceUtil;
import org.opencms.xml.containerpage.CmsADESessionCache;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.apache.commons.collections.Buffer;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

 * Provides general core services.<p>
 * @since 8.0.0
 * @see org.opencms.gwt.CmsCoreService
 * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService
 * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreServiceAsync
public class CmsCoreService extends CmsGwtService implements I_CmsCoreService {

    /** The editor back-link URI. */
    private static final String EDITOR_BACKLINK_URI = "/system/modules/org.opencms.gwt/editor-backlink.html";

    /** The xml-content editor URI. */
    private static final String EDITOR_URI = "/system/workplace/editors/editor.jsp";

    /** The log instance for this class. */
    private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsCoreService.class);

    /** Serialization uid. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5915848952948986278L;

     * Builds the tree structure for the given categories.<p>
     * @param cms the current cms context
     * @param categories the categories
     * @return the tree root element
    public static List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> buildCategoryTree(CmsObject cms, List<CmsCategory> categories) {

        List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> result = new ArrayList<CmsCategoryTreeEntry>();
        for (CmsCategory category : categories) {
            CmsCategoryTreeEntry current = new CmsCategoryTreeEntry(category);
            String parentPath = CmsResource.getParentFolder(current.getPath());
            CmsCategoryTreeEntry parent = null;
            parent = findCategory(result, parentPath);
            if (parent != null) {
            } else {
        return result;

     * Helper method for getting the category beans for the given site path.<p>
     * @param cms the CMS context to use
     * @param sitePath the site path
     * @return the list of category beans
     * @throws CmsException if something goes wrong
    public static List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> getCategoriesForSitePathStatic(CmsObject cms, String sitePath)
            throws CmsException {

        return getCategoriesForSitePathStatic(cms, sitePath, null);

     * Helper method for getting the category beans for the given site path.<p>
     * @param cms the CMS context to use
     * @param sitePath the site path
     * @param localCategoryRepositoryPath the categories for this repository are added separately
     * @return the list of category beans
     * @throws CmsException if something goes wrong
    public static List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> getCategoriesForSitePathStatic(CmsObject cms, String sitePath,
            String localCategoryRepositoryPath) throws CmsException {

        List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> result;
        CmsCategoryService catService = CmsCategoryService.getInstance();
        List<CmsCategory> categories;
        // get the categories
        if (null == localCategoryRepositoryPath) {
            categories = catService.readCategories(cms, "", true, sitePath);
            result = buildCategoryTree(cms, categories);
        } else {
            List<String> repositories = catService.getCategoryRepositories(cms, sitePath);
            categories = catService.readCategoriesForRepositories(cms, "", true, repositories);
            result = buildCategoryTree(cms, categories);
            categories = catService.readCategoriesForRepositories(cms, "", true,
            List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> localCategories = buildCategoryTree(cms, categories);

        return result;

     * Returns the context menu entries for the given URI.<p>
     * @param cms the cms context
     * @param structureId the currently requested structure id
     * @param context the ade context (sitemap or containerpage)
     * @return the context menu entries
    public static List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean> getContextMenuEntries(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId,
            AdeContext context) {

        List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean> result = Collections.<CmsContextMenuEntryBean>emptyList();
        try {
            if (context != null) {
                cms.getRequestContext().setAttribute(I_CmsMenuItemRule.ATTR_CONTEXT_INFO, context.toString());
            CmsResourceUtil[] resUtil = new CmsResourceUtil[1];
            resUtil[0] = new CmsResourceUtil(cms, cms.readResource(structureId, CmsResourceFilter.ALL));
            CmsResource resource = resUtil[0].getResource();
            if (hasViewPermissions(cms, resource)) {
                String fallbackType = resource.isFolder() ? CmsResourceTypeFolder.getStaticTypeName()
                        : CmsResourceTypePlain.getStaticTypeName();
                String[] lookupTypes = { resUtil[0].getResourceTypeName(), fallbackType };

                for (String currentType : lookupTypes) {
                    // the explorer type settings
                    CmsExplorerTypeSettings settings = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager()
                    // only if the user has access to this resource type
                    if ((settings != null)) {
                        // get the context menu configuration for the given selection mode
                        CmsExplorerContextMenu contextMenu = settings.getContextMenu();
                        // transform the context menu into beans
                        List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean> allEntries = transformToMenuEntries(cms,
                                contextMenu.getAllEntries(), resUtil);
                        // filter the result
                        result = filterEntries(allEntries);
                        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
        } catch (CmsException e) {
            // ignore, the user probably has not enough permissions to read the resource
            LOG.debug(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
        return result;

     * Returns the file explorer link prefix. Append resource site path for complete link.<p>
     * @param cms the cms context
     * @param siteRoot the site root
     * @return the file explorer link prefix
    public static String getFileExplorerLink(CmsObject cms, String siteRoot) {

        return CmsVaadinUtils.getWorkplaceLink() + "#!" + CmsFileExplorerConfiguration.APP_ID + "/"
                + cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentProject().getUuid() + "!!" + siteRoot + "!!";

     * Returns the workplace link.<p>
     * @param cms the cms context
     * @param structureId the structure id of the current resource
     * @return the workplace link
    public static String getVaadinWorkplaceLink(CmsObject cms, CmsUUID structureId) {

        String resourceRootFolder = null;

        if (structureId != null) {
            try {
                resourceRootFolder = CmsResource.getFolderPath(cms.readResource(structureId).getRootPath());
            } catch (CmsException e) {
                LOG.debug("Error reading resource for workplace link.", e);
        if (resourceRootFolder == null) {
            resourceRootFolder = cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot();
        return getVaadinWorkplaceLink(cms, resourceRootFolder);


     * Returns the workplace link.<p>
     * @param cms the cms context
     * @param resourceRootFolder the resource folder root path
     * @return the workplace link
    public static String getVaadinWorkplaceLink(CmsObject cms, String resourceRootFolder) {

        CmsSite site = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteForRootPath(resourceRootFolder);
        String siteRoot = site != null ? site.getSiteRoot()
                : OpenCms.getSiteManager().startsWithShared(resourceRootFolder)
                        ? OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSharedFolder()
                        : "";
        String link = getFileExplorerLink(cms, siteRoot)
                + cms.getRequestContext().removeSiteRoot(resourceRootFolder);
        return link;

     * Internal helper method for getting a validation service.<p>
     * @param name the class name of the validation service
     * @return the validation service
     * @throws CmsException if something goes wrong
    public static I_CmsValidationService getValidationService(String name) throws CmsException {

        try {
            Class<?> cls = Class.forName(name, false, I_CmsValidationService.class.getClassLoader());
            if (!I_CmsValidationService.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
                throw new CmsIllegalArgumentException(
                        Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_VALIDATOR_INCORRECT_TYPE_1, name));
            return (I_CmsValidationService) cls.newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CmsException(Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_VALIDATOR_INSTANTIATION_FAILED_1, name),
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new CmsException(Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_VALIDATOR_INSTANTIATION_FAILED_1, name),
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new CmsException(Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_VALIDATOR_INSTANTIATION_FAILED_1, name),

     * Instantiates a class given its name using its default constructor.<p>
     * Also checks whether the class with the given name is the subclass of another class/interface.<p>
     * @param <T> the type of the interface/class passed as a parameter
     * @param anInterface the interface or class against which the class should be checked
     * @param className the name of the class
     * @return a new instance of the class
     * @throws CmsException if the instantiation fails
    public static <T> T instantiate(Class<T> anInterface, String className) throws CmsException {

        try {
            Class<?> cls = Class.forName(className, false, anInterface.getClassLoader());
            if (!anInterface.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
                // class was found, but does not implement the interface
                throw new CmsIllegalArgumentException(Messages.get()
                        .container(Messages.ERR_INSTANTIATION_INCORRECT_TYPE_2, className, anInterface.getName()));

            // we use another variable so we don't have to put the @SuppressWarnings on the method itself
            Class<T> typedClass = (Class<T>) cls;
            return typedClass.newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CmsException(Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_INSTANTIATION_FAILED_1, className), e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new CmsException(Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_INSTANTIATION_FAILED_1, className), e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new CmsException(Messages.get().container(Messages.ERR_INSTANTIATION_FAILED_1, className), e);

     * Implementation method for getting the link for a given return code.<p>
     * @param cms the CMS context
     * @param returnCode the return code
     * @return the link for the return code
     * @throws CmsException if something goes wrong
    public static CmsReturnLinkInfo internalGetLinkForReturnCode(CmsObject cms, String returnCode)
            throws CmsException {

        if (CmsUUID.isValidUUID(returnCode)) {
            try {
                CmsResource pageRes = cms.readResource(new CmsUUID(returnCode),
                return new CmsReturnLinkInfo(OpenCms.getLinkManager().substituteLink(cms, pageRes),
            } catch (CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException e) {
                LOG.debug(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
                return new CmsReturnLinkInfo(null, CmsReturnLinkInfo.Status.notfound);
        } else {
            int colonIndex = returnCode.indexOf(':');
            if (colonIndex >= 0) {
                String before = returnCode.substring(0, colonIndex);
                String after = returnCode.substring(colonIndex + 1);

                if (CmsUUID.isValidUUID(before) && CmsUUID.isValidUUID(after)) {
                    try {
                        CmsUUID pageId = new CmsUUID(before);
                        CmsUUID detailId = new CmsUUID(after);
                        CmsResource pageRes = cms.readResource(pageId);
                        CmsResource folder = pageRes.isFolder() ? pageRes
                                : cms.readParentFolder(pageRes.getStructureId());
                        String pageLink = OpenCms.getLinkManager().substituteLink(cms, folder);
                        CmsResource detailRes = cms.readResource(detailId);
                        String detailName = cms.getDetailName(detailRes, cms.getRequestContext().getLocale(),
                        String link = CmsFileUtil.removeTrailingSeparator(pageLink) + "/" + detailName;
                        return new CmsReturnLinkInfo(link, CmsReturnLinkInfo.Status.ok);
                    } catch (CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException e) {
                        LOG.debug(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
                        return new CmsReturnLinkInfo(null, CmsReturnLinkInfo.Status.notfound);

            throw new IllegalArgumentException("return code has wrong format");

     * Fetches the core data.<p>
     * @param request the current request
     * @return the core data
    public static CmsCoreData prefetch(HttpServletRequest request) {

        CmsCoreService srv = new CmsCoreService();
        CmsCoreData result = null;
        try {
            result = srv.prefetch();
        } finally {
        return result;

     * Filters the collection of menu entry beans.<p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>removes unnecessary separators</li>
     * <li>filters sub menus also</li>
     * <li>adds visible entries to the result</li>
     * </ul>
     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsContextMenuEntryBean
     * @param allEntries the entries to filter
     * @return the filtered list of menu entries
    private static List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean> filterEntries(List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean> allEntries) {

        // the resulting list
        List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean> result = new ArrayList<CmsContextMenuEntryBean>();
        CmsContextMenuEntryBean lastBean = null;

        // iterate over the list of collected menu entries to do the filtering
        for (CmsContextMenuEntryBean entry : allEntries) {
            if (entry.isVisible()) {
                // only if the entry is enabled
                if (entry.isSeparator()) {
                    if (!result.isEmpty()) {
                        // the entry is a separator and it isn't the first entry in the menu
                        if ((lastBean != null) && !lastBean.isSeparator()) {
                            // and there are no two separators behind each other
                            // add the separator
                } else if ((entry.getSubMenu() != null) && !entry.getSubMenu().isEmpty()) {
                    // the entry has a sub menu, so filter the entries of the sub menu
                    // add the entry with sub menu
                } else {
                    // it's a common entry, so add it
                // store the last entry to check the separator
                lastBean = entry;
        // after the filtering is finished, remove the last separator if it is existent
        if (result.size() > 1) {
            if (result.get(result.size() - 1).isSeparator()) {
                result.remove(result.size() - 1);
        return result;

     * FInds a category in the given tree.<p>
     * @param tree the the tree to search in
     * @param path the path to search for
     * @return the category with the given path or <code>null</code> if not found
    private static CmsCategoryTreeEntry findCategory(List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> tree, String path) {

        if (path == null) {
            return null;
        // we assume that the category to find is descendant of tree
        List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> children = tree;
        boolean found = true;
        while (found) {
            if (children == null) {
                return null;
            // since the categories are sorted it is faster to go backwards
            found = false;
            for (int i = children.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                CmsCategoryTreeEntry child = children.get(i);
                if (path.equals(child.getPath())) {
                    return child;
                if (path.startsWith(child.getPath())) {
                    children = child.getChildren();
                    found = true;
        return null;

     * Collects the matching rules of all sub items of a parent context menu entry.<p>
     * @param cms the cms context
     * @param item the context menu item to check the sub items for
     * @param itemRules the collected rules for the sub items
     * @param resourceUtil the resources to be checked against the rules
    private static void getSubItemRules(CmsObject cms, CmsExplorerContextMenuItem item,
            List<I_CmsMenuItemRule> itemRules, CmsResourceUtil[] resourceUtil) {

        for (CmsExplorerContextMenuItem subItem : item.getSubItems()) {

            if (subItem.isParentItem()) {
                // this is a parent item, recurse into sub items
                getSubItemRules(cms, subItem, itemRules, resourceUtil);
            } else if (CmsExplorerContextMenuItem.TYPE_ENTRY.equals(subItem.getType())) {
                // this is a standard entry, get the matching rule to add to the list
                String subItemRuleName = subItem.getRule();
                CmsMenuRule subItemRule = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getMenuRule(subItemRuleName);
                if (subItemRule != null) {
                    I_CmsMenuItemRule rule = subItemRule.getMatchingRule(cms, resourceUtil);
                    if (rule != null) {

     * Checks if the current user has view permissions on the given resource.<p>
     * @param cms the current cms context
     * @param resource the resource to check
     * @return <code>true</code> if the current user has view permissions on the given resource
    private static boolean hasViewPermissions(CmsObject cms, CmsResource resource) {

        try {
            return cms.hasPermissions(resource, CmsPermissionSet.ACCESS_VIEW, false, CmsResourceFilter.ALL);
        } catch (CmsException e) {
            LOG.debug(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
            return false;

     * Returns a list of menu entry beans.<p>
     * Takes the given List of explorer context menu items and converts them to context menu entry beans.<p>
     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsContextMenuEntryBean
     * @see org.opencms.workplace.explorer.CmsExplorerContextMenuItem
     * @param cms the cms context
     * @param items the menu items
     * @param resUtil a resource utility array
     * @return a list of menu entries
    private static List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean> transformToMenuEntries(CmsObject cms,
            List<CmsExplorerContextMenuItem> items, CmsResourceUtil[] resUtil) {

        // the resulting list
        List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean> result = new ArrayList<CmsContextMenuEntryBean>();

        // get the workplace manager
        CmsWorkplaceManager wpManager = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager();

        // get the workplace message bundle
        CmsMessages messages = wpManager.getMessages(wpManager.getWorkplaceLocale(cms));

        for (CmsExplorerContextMenuItem item : items) {

            CmsContextMenuEntryBean bean = new CmsContextMenuEntryBean();

            if (!CmsExplorerContextMenuItem.TYPE_SEPARATOR.equals(item.getType())) {
                // this item is no separator (common entry or sub menu entry)

                // set the label to the bean
                if (item.getKey() != null) {

                // get the mode and set the bean
                CmsMenuItemVisibilityMode mode = CmsMenuItemVisibilityMode.VISIBILITY_INVISIBLE;
                String itemRuleName = item.getRule();
                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(itemRuleName)) {
                    CmsMenuRule rule = wpManager.getMenuRule(itemRuleName);
                    if (rule != null) {
                        // get the first matching rule to apply for visibility
                        I_CmsMenuItemRule itemRule = rule.getMatchingRule(cms, resUtil);
                        if (itemRule != null) {
                            if (item.isParentItem()) {
                                // get the rules for the sub items
                                List<I_CmsMenuItemRule> itemRules = new ArrayList<I_CmsMenuItemRule>(
                                getSubItemRules(cms, item, itemRules, resUtil);
                                I_CmsMenuItemRule[] itemRulesArray = new I_CmsMenuItemRule[itemRules.size()];
                                // determine the visibility for the parent item

                                mode = itemRule.getVisibility(cms, resUtil, itemRules.toArray(itemRulesArray));
                            } else {
                                if (itemRule instanceof A_CmsMenuItemRule) {
                                    mode = ((A_CmsMenuItemRule) itemRule).getVisibility(cms, resUtil, item);
                                } else {
                                    mode = itemRule.getVisibility(cms, resUtil);

                // set the visibility to the bean

                // set the activate info to the bean
                if (item.isParentItem()) {
                    // parent entries that have visible sub entries are always active
                } else {
                    // common entries can be activated or de-activated
                    if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(mode.getMessageKey())) {

                // get the JSP-URI and set it to the bean
                String jspPath = item.getUri();
                if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(jspPath)) {
                    if (item.getUri().startsWith("/")) {
                        jspPath = OpenCms.getLinkManager().substituteLink(cms, item.getUri());
                    } else {
                        jspPath = OpenCms.getLinkManager().substituteLink(cms,
                                CmsWorkplace.PATH_WORKPLACE + item.getUri());

                String params = item.getParams();

                if (params != null) {
                    params = CmsVfsService.prepareFileNameForEditor(cms, resUtil[0].getResource(), params);
                    bean.setParams(CmsStringUtil.splitAsMap(params, "|", "="));


                // get the name of the item and set it to the bean

            if (item.isParentItem()) {
                // this item has a sub menu
                bean.setSubMenu(transformToMenuEntries(cms, item.getSubItems(), resUtil));

            if (CmsExplorerContextMenuItem.TYPE_SEPARATOR.equals(item.getType())) {
                // this item is a separator

        return result;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#changePassword(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
    public String changePassword(String oldPassword, String newPassword, String newPasswordConfirm)
            throws CmsRpcException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        CmsPasswordInfo passwordBean = new CmsPasswordInfo(cms);
        Locale wpLocale = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getWorkplaceLocale(cms);
        try {
            return null;
        } catch (CmsSecurityException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
            return e.getMessageContainer().key(wpLocale);
        } catch (CmsIllegalArgumentException e) {
            LOG.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
            return e.getMessageContainer().key(wpLocale);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null; // will never be executed

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#createUUID()
    public CmsUUID createUUID() {

        return new CmsUUID();

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#getBroadcast()
    public List<CmsBroadcastMessage> getBroadcast() {

        OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().checkWorkplaceRequest(getRequest(), getCmsObject());
        CmsSessionInfo sessionInfo = OpenCms.getSessionManager().getSessionInfo(getRequest().getSession());
        if (sessionInfo == null) {
            return null;
        String sessionId = sessionInfo.getSessionId().toString();
        Buffer messageQueue = OpenCms.getSessionManager().getBroadcastQueue(sessionId);
        if (!messageQueue.isEmpty()) {
            CmsMessages messages = org.opencms.workplace.Messages.get()
            List<CmsBroadcastMessage> result = new ArrayList<CmsBroadcastMessage>();
            // the user has pending messages, display them all
            while (!messageQueue.isEmpty()) {
                CmsBroadcast broadcastMessage = (CmsBroadcast) messageQueue.remove();
                CmsBroadcastMessage message = new CmsBroadcastMessage(
                        broadcastMessage.getUser() != null ? broadcastMessage.getUser().getName()
                                : messages.key(org.opencms.workplace.Messages.GUI_LABEL_BROADCAST_FROM_SYSTEM_0),
                        messages.getDateTime(broadcastMessage.getSendTime()), broadcastMessage.getMessage());
            return result;
        // no message pending, return null
        return null;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#getCategories(java.lang.String, boolean, java.util.List)
    public List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> getCategories(String fromPath, boolean includeSubCats, List<String> refPaths)
            throws CmsRpcException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        CmsCategoryService catService = CmsCategoryService.getInstance();

        List<String> repositories = new ArrayList<String>();
        if ((refPaths != null) && !refPaths.isEmpty()) {
            for (String refPath : refPaths) {
                repositories.addAll(catService.getCategoryRepositories(getCmsObject(), refPath));
        } else {

        List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> result = null;
        try {
            // get the categories
            List<CmsCategory> categories = catService.readCategoriesForRepositories(cms, fromPath, includeSubCats,
            result = buildCategoryTree(cms, categories);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        return result;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#getCategoriesForSitePath(java.lang.String)
    public List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> getCategoriesForSitePath(String sitePath) throws CmsRpcException {

        List<CmsCategoryTreeEntry> result = null;
        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        try {
            result = getCategoriesForSitePathStatic(cms, sitePath);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        return result;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#getCategoryInfo(org.opencms.util.CmsUUID)
    public CmsResourceCategoryInfo getCategoryInfo(CmsUUID structureId) throws CmsRpcException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        CmsCategoryService catService = CmsCategoryService.getInstance();
        try {
            CmsResource resource = cms.readResource(structureId, CmsResourceFilter.ignoreExpirationOffline(cms));
            List<CmsCategory> categories = catService.readResourceCategories(cms, resource);
            List<String> currentCategories = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (CmsCategory category : categories) {
            return new CmsResourceCategoryInfo(structureId, CmsVfsService.getPageInfoWithLock(cms, resource),
                    getCategories(null, true, Collections.singletonList(cms.getSitePath(resource))));
        } catch (CmsException e) {
        return null;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#getContextMenuEntries(org.opencms.util.CmsUUID, org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsCoreData.AdeContext)
    public List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean> getContextMenuEntries(CmsUUID structureId, AdeContext context)
            throws CmsRpcException {

        List<CmsContextMenuEntryBean> result = null;
        try {
            result = getContextMenuEntries(getCmsObject(), structureId, context);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        return result;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#getLinkForReturnCode(java.lang.String)
    public CmsReturnLinkInfo getLinkForReturnCode(String returnCode) throws CmsRpcException {

        try {
            return internalGetLinkForReturnCode(getCmsObject(), returnCode);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return null;


     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#getResourceState(org.opencms.util.CmsUUID)
    public CmsResourceState getResourceState(CmsUUID structureId) throws CmsRpcException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        CmsResourceState result = null;
        try {
            try {
                CmsResource res = cms.readResource(structureId);
                result = res.getState();
            } catch (CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException e) {
                LOG.debug(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
                result = CmsResourceState.STATE_DELETED;
        } catch (CmsException e) {
        return result;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#getUniqueFileName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
    public String getUniqueFileName(String parentFolder, String baseName) {

        return OpenCms.getResourceManager().getNameGenerator().getUniqueFileName(getCmsObject(), parentFolder,

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#getUserInfo()
    public UserInfo getUserInfo() {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        CmsRoleManager roleManager = OpenCms.getRoleManager();
        boolean isAdmin = roleManager.hasRole(cms, CmsRole.ADMINISTRATOR);
        boolean isDeveloper = roleManager.hasRole(cms, CmsRole.DEVELOPER);
        boolean isCategoryManager = roleManager.hasRole(cms, CmsRole.CATEGORY_EDITOR);
        boolean isWorkplaceUser = roleManager.hasRole(cms, CmsRole.WORKPLACE_USER);
        UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo(cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentUser().getName(),
                isAdmin, isDeveloper, isCategoryManager, isWorkplaceUser,
        return userInfo;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#getWorkplaceLink(org.opencms.util.CmsUUID, org.opencms.gwt.shared.CmsWorkplaceLinkMode)
    public String getWorkplaceLink(CmsUUID structureId, CmsWorkplaceLinkMode linkMode) throws CmsRpcException {

        String result = null;
        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        try {
            String resourceRootFolder = structureId != null
                    ? CmsResource.getFolderPath(cms.readResource(structureId).getRootPath())
                    : cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot();

            switch (linkMode) {
            case oldWorkplace:
                result = CmsWorkplace.getWorkplaceExplorerLink(cms, resourceRootFolder);
            case newWorkplace:
                result = getVaadinWorkplaceLink(cms, resourceRootFolder);
            case auto:
                boolean newWp = CmsWorkplace.getWorkplaceSettings(cms, getRequest()).getUserSettings()
                result = getWorkplaceLink(structureId,
                        newWp ? CmsWorkplaceLinkMode.newWorkplace : CmsWorkplaceLinkMode.oldWorkplace);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        return result;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#loadUserSettings()
    public CmsUserSettingsBean loadUserSettings() throws CmsRpcException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        CmsClientUserSettingConverter converter = new CmsClientUserSettingConverter(cms, getRequest(),
        try {
            return converter.loadSettings();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#lockIfExists(java.lang.String)
    public String lockIfExists(String sitePath) throws CmsRpcException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        String errorMessage = null;
        try {
            if (cms.existsResource(sitePath, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION)) {

                try {
                    ensureLock(cms.readResource(sitePath, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION));
                } catch (CmsException e) {
                    errorMessage = e.getLocalizedMessage(OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getWorkplaceLocale(cms));

            } else {
                // check if parent folder may be locked by the current user
                String parentFolder = CmsResource.getParentFolder(sitePath);
                while ((parentFolder != null)
                        && !cms.existsResource(parentFolder, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION)) {
                    parentFolder = CmsResource.getParentFolder(parentFolder);
                if (parentFolder != null) {
                    CmsResource ancestorFolder = cms.readResource(parentFolder,
                    CmsUser user = cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentUser();
                    CmsLock lock = cms.getLock(ancestorFolder);
                    if (!lock.isLockableBy(user)) {
                        errorMessage = "Can not lock parent folder '" + parentFolder + "'.";
                } else {
                    errorMessage = "Can not access any parent folder.";
        } catch (Throwable e) {

        return errorMessage;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#lockTemp(org.opencms.util.CmsUUID)
    public String lockTemp(CmsUUID structureId) throws CmsRpcException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        try {
            try {
            } catch (CmsException e) {
                return e.getLocalizedMessage(OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getWorkplaceLocale(cms));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        return null;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#lockTempAndCheckModification(org.opencms.util.CmsUUID, long)
    public CmsLockInfo lockTempAndCheckModification(CmsUUID structureId, long modification) throws CmsRpcException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        try {
            CmsResource resource = cms.readResource(structureId, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION);
            if (resource.getDateLastModified() != modification) {
                CmsUser user = cms.readUser(resource.getUserLastModified());
                return CmsLockInfo.forChangedResource(user.getFullName());
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        try {
            return getLock(structureId);
        } catch (CmsException e) {
            return CmsLockInfo.forError(e.getLocalizedMessage());

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#ping()
    public void ping() {

        // do nothing

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#prefetch()
    public CmsCoreData prefetch() {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        String navigationUri = cms.getRequestContext().getUri();
        boolean toolbarVisible = CmsADESessionCache.getCache(getRequest(), getCmsObject()).isToolbarVisible();
        boolean isShowHelp = OpenCms.getADEManager().isShowEditorHelp(cms);

        CmsUUID structureId = null;

        try {
            CmsResource requestedResource = cms.readResource(cms.getRequestContext().getUri());
            structureId = requestedResource.getStructureId();
        } catch (CmsException e) {
            // may happen in case of VAADIN UI
            LOG.debug("Could not read resource for URI.", e);
            structureId = CmsUUID.getNullUUID();
        String loginUrl = CmsWorkplaceLoginHandler.LOGIN_FORM;
        try {
            loginUrl = cms.readPropertyObject(cms.getRequestContext().getUri(),
                    CmsPropertyDefinition.PROPERTY_LOGIN_FORM, true).getValue(loginUrl);
        } catch (CmsException e) {
            log(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
        String defaultWorkplaceLink = CmsWorkplace.getWorkplaceExplorerLink(cms,
        Locale wpLocale = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getWorkplaceLocale(cms);
        UserInfo userInfo = getUserInfo();
        String aboutLink = OpenCms.getLinkManager().substituteLink(getCmsObject(),
        CmsCoreData data = new CmsCoreData(EDITOR_URI, EDITOR_BACKLINK_URI, loginUrl,
                getFileExplorerLink(cms, cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot()),
                CmsEmbeddedDialogsUI.getEmbeddedDialogsContextPath(), cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot(),
                cms.getRequestContext().getLocale().toString(), wpLocale.toString(),
                cms.getRequestContext().getUri(), navigationUri, structureId,
                new HashMap<String, String>(OpenCms.getResourceManager().getExtensionMapping()),
                System.currentTimeMillis(), isShowHelp, toolbarVisible, defaultWorkplaceLink, aboutLink, userInfo,
                OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().isKeepAlive(), OpenCms.getADEManager().getParameters(getCmsObject()));
        return data;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#saveUserSettings(java.util.Map, java.util.Set)
    public void saveUserSettings(Map<String, String> userSettings, Set<String> edited) throws CmsRpcException {

        try {
            CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
            CmsClientUserSettingConverter converter = new CmsClientUserSettingConverter(cms, getRequest(),
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#setResourceCategories(org.opencms.util.CmsUUID, java.util.List)
    public void setResourceCategories(CmsUUID structureId, List<String> categories) throws CmsRpcException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        CmsCategoryService catService = CmsCategoryService.getInstance();
        try {
            CmsResource resource = cms.readResource(structureId, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION);
            String sitePath = cms.getSitePath(resource);
            List<CmsCategory> previousCategories = catService.readResourceCategories(cms, resource);
            for (CmsCategory category : previousCategories) {
                if (categories.contains(category.getPath())) {
                } else {
                    catService.removeResourceFromCategory(cms, sitePath, category);
            for (String path : categories) {
                catService.addResourceToCategory(cms, sitePath, path);
        } catch (Throwable t) {

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#setShowEditorHelp(boolean)
    public void setShowEditorHelp(boolean visible) throws CmsRpcException {

        try {
            OpenCms.getADEManager().setShowEditorHelp(getCmsObject(), visible);
        } catch (Throwable e) {

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#setToolbarVisible(boolean)
    public void setToolbarVisible(boolean visible) throws CmsRpcException {

        try {
            CmsADESessionCache.getCache(getRequest(), getCmsObject()).setToolbarVisible(visible);
        } catch (Throwable e) {

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#unlock(org.opencms.util.CmsUUID)
    public String unlock(CmsUUID structureId) throws CmsRpcException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        try {
            CmsResource resource = cms.readResource(structureId, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION);
        } catch (CmsException e) {
            return e.getLocalizedMessage(OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getWorkplaceLocale(cms));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        return null;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#unlock(java.lang.String)
    public String unlock(String sitePath) throws CmsRpcException {

        try {
            CmsObject cms = OpenCms.initCmsObject(getCmsObject());
            if (cms.existsResource(sitePath, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION)) {
                CmsResource resource = cms.readResource(sitePath, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION);
        } catch (CmsException e) {
            return e.getLocalizedMessage(OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getWorkplaceLocale(getCmsObject()));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        return null;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#validate(java.util.Map)
    public Map<String, CmsValidationResult> validate(Map<String, CmsValidationQuery> validationQueries)
            throws CmsRpcException {

        try {
            Map<String, CmsValidationResult> result = new HashMap<String, CmsValidationResult>();
            for (Map.Entry<String, CmsValidationQuery> queryEntry : validationQueries.entrySet()) {
                String fieldName = queryEntry.getKey();
                CmsValidationQuery query = queryEntry.getValue();
                result.put(fieldName, validate(query.getValidatorId(), query.getValue(), query.getConfig()));
            return result;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        return null;

     * @see org.opencms.gwt.shared.rpc.I_CmsCoreService#validate(java.lang.String, java.util.Map, java.util.Map, java.lang.String)
    public Map<String, CmsValidationResult> validate(String formValidatorClass,
            Map<String, CmsValidationQuery> validationQueries, Map<String, String> values, String config)
            throws CmsRpcException {

        try {
            I_CmsFormValidator formValidator = instantiate(I_CmsFormValidator.class, formValidatorClass);
            return formValidator.validate(getCmsObject(), validationQueries, values, config);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        return null;

     * Collect GWT build ids from the different ADE modules.<p>
     * @return the map of GWT build ids
    protected Map<String, String> getBuildIds() {

        List<CmsModule> modules = OpenCms.getModuleManager().getAllInstalledModules();
        Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (CmsModule module : modules) {
            String buildid = module.getParameter(CmsCoreData.KEY_GWT_BUILDID);
            if (buildid != null) {
                result.put(module.getName(), buildid);
        return result;

     * Helper method for locking a resource which returns some information on whether the locking
     * failed, and why.<p>
     * @param structureId the structure id of the resource
     * @return the locking information
     * @throws CmsException if something went wrong
    protected CmsLockInfo getLock(CmsUUID structureId) throws CmsException {

        CmsResource res = getCmsObject().readResource(structureId, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION);
        return getLock(getCmsObject().getSitePath(res));

     * Helper method for locking a resource which returns some information on whether the locking
     * failed, and why.<p>
     * @param sitepath the site path of the resource to lock
     * @return the locking information
     * @throws CmsException if something went wrong
    protected CmsLockInfo getLock(String sitepath) throws CmsException {

        CmsObject cms = getCmsObject();
        CmsUser user = cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentUser();
        CmsLock lock = cms.getLock(sitepath);
        if (lock.isOwnedBy(user)) {
            return CmsLockInfo.forSuccess();
        if (lock.getUserId().isNullUUID()) {
            return CmsLockInfo.forSuccess();
        CmsUser owner = cms.readUser(lock.getUserId());
        return CmsLockInfo.forLockedResource(owner.getName());

     * Internal helper method for validating a single value.<p>
     * @param validator the class name of the validation service
     * @param value the value to validate
     * @param config the configuration for the validation service
     * @return the result of the validation
     * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
    private CmsValidationResult validate(String validator, String value, String config) throws Exception {

        I_CmsValidationService validationService = getValidationService(validator);
        return validationService.validate(getCmsObject(), value, config);