Source code

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 * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a
 * copy of the License at See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file.

package org.openconcerto.sql.model;

import org.openconcerto.sql.Log;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLSelect.ArchiveMode;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLSyntax.ConstraintType;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLTableEvent.Mode;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.DatabaseGraph;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.Link;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.Link.Rule;
import org.openconcerto.sql.model.graph.TablesMap;
import org.openconcerto.sql.request.UpdateBuilder;
import org.openconcerto.sql.utils.ChangeTable;
import org.openconcerto.sql.utils.SQLCreateMoveableTable;
import org.openconcerto.utils.CollectionUtils;
import org.openconcerto.utils.CompareUtils;
import org.openconcerto.utils.ExceptionUtils;
import org.openconcerto.utils.ListMap;
import org.openconcerto.utils.SetMap;
import org.openconcerto.utils.StringUtils;
import org.openconcerto.utils.Tuple2;
import org.openconcerto.utils.Tuple3;
import org.openconcerto.utils.Value;
import org.openconcerto.utils.change.CollectionChangeEventCreator;
import org.openconcerto.xml.JDOMUtils;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy;

import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler;
import org.jdom2.Element;

 * Une table SQL. Connait ses champs, notamment sa clef primaire et ses clefs externes. Une table
 * peut aussi faire des diagnostic sur son intgrit, ou sur la validit d'une valeur d'un de ses
 * champs. Enfin elle permet d'accder aux lignes qui la composent.
 * @author ILM Informatique 4 mai 2004
 * @see #getField(String)
 * @see #getKey()
 * @see #getForeignKeys()
 * @see #checkIntegrity()
 * @see #checkValidity(String, int)
 * @see #getRow(int)
public final class SQLTable extends SQLIdentifier implements SQLData, TableRef {

     * The {@link DBRoot#setMetadata(String, String) meta data} configuring the policy regarding
     * undefined IDs for a particular root. Can be either :
     * <dl>
     * <dt>inDB</dt>
     * <dd>all undefined IDs must be in {@value #undefTable}. Allow different IDs like "min" but
     * without the performance penalty</dd>
     * <dt>min</dt>
     * <dd>for min("ID")</dd>
     * <dt>nonexistant</dt>
     * <dd>(the default) {@link SQLRow#NONEXISTANT_ID}</dd>
     * <dt><i>any other value</i></dt>
     * <dd>parsed as a number</dd>
     * </dl>
    public static final String UNDEFINED_ID_POLICY = "undefined ID policy";
    public static final String undefTable = SQLSchema.FWK_TABLENAME_PREFIX + "UNDEFINED_IDS";
    // {SQLSchema=>{TableName=>UndefID}}
    private static final Map<SQLSchema, Map<String, Number>> UNDEFINED_IDs = new HashMap<SQLSchema, Map<String, Number>>();

    private static final Map<String, Number> getUndefIDs(final SQLSchema schema) {
        if (!UNDEFINED_IDs.containsKey(schema)) {
            final Map<String, Number> r;
            if (schema.contains(undefTable)) {
                final SQLBase b = schema.getBase();
                final SQLTable undefT = schema.getTable(undefTable);
                final SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect().addSelectStar(undefT);
                r = (Map<String, Number>) b.getDataSource().execute(sel.asString(), new ResultSetHandler() {
                    public Object handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
                        final Map<String, Number> res = new HashMap<String, Number>();
                        while ( {
                            res.put(rs.getString("TABLENAME"), (Number) rs.getObject("UNDEFINED_ID"));
                        return res;
                // be called early, since it's more likely that some transaction will create table,
                // set its undefined ID, then use it in requests, than some other transaction
                // needing the undefined ID. TODO The real fix is one tree per transaction.
                undefT.addTableModifiedListener(new ListenerAndConfig(new SQLTableModifiedListener() {
                    public void tableModified(SQLTableEvent evt) {
                        synchronized (UNDEFINED_IDs) {
                }, false));
            } else {
                r = Collections.emptyMap();
            UNDEFINED_IDs.put(schema, r);
        return UNDEFINED_IDs.get(schema);

    static final void removeUndefID(SQLSchema s) {
        synchronized (UNDEFINED_IDs) {

    static final Tuple2<Boolean, Number> getUndefID(SQLSchema b, String tableName) {
        synchronized (UNDEFINED_IDs) {
            final Map<String, Number> map = getUndefIDs(b);
            return Tuple2.create(map.containsKey(tableName), map.get(tableName));

    private static final SQLCreateMoveableTable getCreateUndefTable(SQLSyntax syntax) {
        final SQLCreateMoveableTable createTable = new SQLCreateMoveableTable(syntax, undefTable);
        createTable.addVarCharColumn("TABLENAME", 250);
        createTable.addColumn("UNDEFINED_ID", syntax.getIDType());
        return createTable;

    private static final SQLTable getUndefTable(SQLSchema schema, boolean create) throws SQLException {
        final SQLTable undefT = schema.getTable(undefTable);
        if (undefT != null || !create) {
            return undefT;
        } else {
            return schema.fetchTable(undefTable);

    public static final void setUndefID(SQLSchema schema, String tableName, Integer value) throws SQLException {
        setUndefIDs(schema, Collections.singletonMap(tableName, value));

    // return modified count
    public static final int setUndefIDs(SQLSchema schema, Map<String, ? extends Number> values)
            throws SQLException {
        synchronized (UNDEFINED_IDs) {
            final SQLTable undefT = getUndefTable(schema, true);
            final SQLType undefType = undefT.getField("UNDEFINED_ID").getType();
            final List<List<String>> toInsert = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
            final List<List<String>> toUpdate = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
            final Map<String, Number> currentValues = getUndefIDs(schema);
            final SQLBase b = schema.getBase();
            final SQLSystem system = b.getServer().getSQLSystem();
            for (final Entry<String, ? extends Number> e : values.entrySet()) {
                final String tableName = e.getKey();
                final Number undefValue = e.getValue();
                final List<List<String>> l;
                if (!currentValues.containsKey(tableName)) {
                    l = toInsert;
                } else if (CompareUtils.equals(currentValues.get(tableName), undefValue)) {
                    l = null;
                } else {
                    l = toUpdate;
                if (l != null) {
                    final String undefSQL;
                    if (undefValue == null && system == SQLSystem.POSTGRESQL)
                        // column "UNDEFINED_ID" is of type integer but expression is of type text
                        undefSQL = "cast( NULL as " + undefType.getTypeName() + ")";
                        undefSQL = undefType.toString(undefValue);
                    l.add(Arrays.asList(b.quoteString(tableName), undefSQL));
            final SQLSyntax syntax = system.getSyntax();
            if (toInsert.size() > 0) {
                // INSERT
                        "(\"TABLENAME\", \"UNDEFINED_ID\") " + syntax.getValues(toInsert, 2));
            if (toUpdate.size() > 0) {
                // UPDATE
                // h2 doesn't support multi-table UPDATE
                if (system == SQLSystem.H2) {
                    final StringBuilder updates = new StringBuilder();
                    for (final List<String> l : toUpdate) {
                        final UpdateBuilder update = new UpdateBuilder(undefT).set("UNDEFINED_ID", l.get(1));
                                Where.createRaw(undefT.getField("TABLENAME").getFieldRef() + " = " + l.get(0)));
                } else {
                    final UpdateBuilder update = new UpdateBuilder(undefT);
                    final String constantTableAlias = "newUndef";
                            syntax.getConstantTable(toUpdate, constantTableAlias, Arrays.asList("t", "v")), null);
                    update.setWhere(Where.createRaw(undefT.getField("TABLENAME").getFieldRef() + " = "
                            + new SQLName(constantTableAlias, "t").quote()));
                    update.set("UNDEFINED_ID", new SQLName(constantTableAlias, "v").quote());
            final int res = toInsert.size() + toUpdate.size();
            if (res > 0) {
            return res;

    static private boolean AFTER_TX_DEFAULT = true;

    static public void setDefaultAfterTransaction(final boolean val) {
        AFTER_TX_DEFAULT = val;

    static public final class ListenerAndConfig {

        private final SQLTableModifiedListener l;
        private final boolean afterTx;

        public ListenerAndConfig(SQLTableModifiedListener l, boolean afterTx) {
            if (l == null)
                throw new NullPointerException("Null listener");
            this.l = l;
            this.afterTx = afterTx;

        public final SQLTableModifiedListener getListener() {
            return this.l;

        public final boolean callOnlyAfterTx() {
            return this.afterTx;

        public int hashCode() {
            final int prime = 31;
            int result = 1;
            result = prime * result + (this.afterTx ? 1231 : 1237);
            result = prime * result + this.l.hashCode();
            return result;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj)
                return true;
            if (obj == null)
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                return false;
            final ListenerAndConfig other = (ListenerAndConfig) obj;
            return this.afterTx == other.afterTx && this.l.equals(other.l);

    private String version;
    private final CopyOnWriteMap<String, SQLField> fields;
    private final Set<SQLField> primaryKeys;
    // the vast majority of our code use getKey(), so cache it for performance
    private SQLField primaryKey;
    // true if there's at most 1 primary key
    private boolean primaryKeyOK;
    private Set<SQLField> keys;
    private final Map<String, Trigger> triggers;
    // null means it couldn't be retrieved
    private Set<Constraint> constraints;
    // always immutable so that fire can iterate safely ; to modify it, simply copy it before
    // (adding listeners is a lot less common than firing events)
    private List<ListenerAndConfig> tableModifiedListeners;
    private final ListMap<TransactionPoint, FireState> transactions;
    private final TransactionListener txListener;
    private final Object listenersMutex = new String("tableModifiedListeners mutex");
    // the id that foreign keys pointing to this, can use instead of NULL
    // a null value meaning not yet known
    private Integer undefinedID;

    private String comment;
    private String type;

    // empty table
    SQLTable(SQLSchema schema, String name) {
        super(schema, name);
        this.tableModifiedListeners = Collections.emptyList();
        this.transactions = new ListMap<TransactionPoint, FireState>();
        this.txListener = new TransactionListener() {
            public void transactionEnded(TransactionPoint point) {
                fireFromTransaction(point, point.getCommitted());
        // needed for getOrderedFields()
        this.fields = new CopyOnWriteMap<String, SQLField>() {
            public Map<String, SQLField> copy(Map<? extends String, ? extends SQLField> src) {
                return new LinkedHashMap<String, SQLField>(src);
        assert isOrdered(this.fields);
        // order matters (eg for indexes)
        this.primaryKeys = new LinkedHashSet<SQLField>();
        this.primaryKey = null;
        this.primaryKeyOK = true;
        this.keys = null;
        this.triggers = new HashMap<String, Trigger>();
        // by default non-null, ie ok, only set to null on error
        this.constraints = new HashSet<Constraint>();
        // not known
        this.undefinedID = null;
        assert !this.undefinedIDKnown();

    // *** setter

    synchronized void clearNonPersistent() {
        // non-null, see ctor
        this.constraints = new HashSet<Constraint>();

    // * from XML

    void loadFields(Element xml) {
        synchronized (this) {
            this.version = SQLSchema.getVersion(xml);

        final LinkedHashMap<String, SQLField> newFields = new LinkedHashMap<String, SQLField>();
        for (final Element elementField : xml.getChildren("field")) {
            final SQLField f = SQLField.create(this, elementField);
            newFields.put(f.getName(), f);

        final Element primary = xml.getChild("primary");
        final List<String> newPrimaryKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (final Element elementField : primary.getChildren("field")) {
            final String fieldName = elementField.getAttributeValue("name");

        synchronized (getTreeMutex()) {
            synchronized (this) {
                this.setState(newFields, newPrimaryKeys, null);

                final Element triggersElem = xml.getChild("triggers");
                if (triggersElem != null)
                    for (final Element triggerElem : triggersElem.getChildren()) {
                        this.addTrigger(Trigger.fromXML(this, triggerElem));

                final Element constraintsElem = xml.getChild("constraints");
                if (constraintsElem == null)
                    this.addConstraint((Constraint) null);
                    for (final Element elem : constraintsElem.getChildren()) {
                        this.addConstraint(Constraint.fromXML(this, elem));

                final Element commentElem = xml.getChild("comment");
                if (commentElem != null)

    synchronized private void addTrigger(final Trigger t) {
        this.triggers.put(t.getName(), t);

    synchronized private void addConstraint(final Constraint c) {
        if (c == null) {
            this.constraints = null;
        } else {
            if (this.constraints == null)
                this.constraints = new HashSet<Constraint>();

    // * from JDBC

    public void fetchFields() throws SQLException {

     * Fetch fields from the passed args.
     * @param metaData the metadata.
     * @param rs the resultSet of a getColumns(), the cursor must be on a row.
     * @param version the version of the schema.
     * @return whether the <code>rs</code> has more row.
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the current row of <code>rs</code> doesn't describe this.
    boolean fetchFields(DatabaseMetaData metaData, ResultSet rs, String version) throws SQLException {
        if (!this.isUs(rs))
            throw new IllegalStateException("rs current row does not describe " + this);

        synchronized (getTreeMutex()) {
            synchronized (this) {
                this.version = version;

                // we need to match the database ordering of fields
                final LinkedHashMap<String, SQLField> newFields = new LinkedHashMap<String, SQLField>();
                // fields
                boolean hasNext = true;
                while (hasNext && this.isUs(rs)) {
                    final SQLField f = SQLField.create(this, rs);
                    newFields.put(f.getName(), f);
                    hasNext =;

                final List<String> newPrimaryKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
                final ResultSet pkRS = metaData.getPrimaryKeys(this.getBase().getMDName(),
                        this.getSchema().getName(), this.getName());
                while ( {

                this.setState(newFields, newPrimaryKeys, null);

                return hasNext;

    void emptyFields() {
        this.setState(new LinkedHashMap<String, SQLField>(), Collections.<String>emptyList(), null);

    private boolean isUs(final ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        final String n = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME");
        final String s = rs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM");
        return n.equals(this.getName()) && CompareUtils.equals(s, this.getSchema().getName());

    void addTrigger(Map<String, Object> m) {
        this.addTrigger(new Trigger(this, m));

    void addConstraint(Map<String, Object> m) {
        this.addConstraint(m == null ? null : new Constraint(this, m));

    // must be called in setState() after fields have been set (for isRowable())
    private int fetchUndefID() {
        final int res;
        final SQLField pk;
        synchronized (this) {
            pk = isRowable() ? this.getKey() : null;
        if (pk != null) {
            final Tuple2<Boolean, Number> currentValue = getUndefID(this.getSchema(), this.getName());
            if (!currentValue.get0()) {
                // no row
                res = this.findMinID(pk);
            } else {
                // a row
                final Number id = currentValue.get1();
                res = id == null ? SQLRow.NONEXISTANT_ID : id.intValue();
        } else
            res = SQLRow.NONEXISTANT_ID;
        return res;

    // no undef id found
    private int findMinID(SQLField pk) {
        final String debugUndef = "fwk_sql.debug.undefined_id";
        if (System.getProperty(debugUndef) != null)
            Log.get().warning("The system property '" + debugUndef + "' is deprecated, use the '"
                    + UNDEFINED_ID_POLICY + "' metadata");

        final String policy = getSchema().getFwkMetadata(UNDEFINED_ID_POLICY);
        if (Boolean.getBoolean(debugUndef) || "min".equals(policy)) {
            final SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect(true).addSelect(pk, "min");
            final Number undef = (Number) this.getBase().getDataSource().executeScalar(sel.asString());
            if (undef == null) {
                // empty table
                throw new IllegalStateException(this + " is empty, can not infer UNDEFINED_ID");
            } else {
                final String update = "INSERT into " + new SQLName(this.getDBRoot().getName(), undefTable)
                        + " VALUES('" + this.getName() + "', " + undef + ");";
                Log.get().config("the first row (which should be the undefined):\n" + update);
                return undef.intValue();
        } else if ("inDB".equals(policy)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Not in " + new SQLName(this.getDBRoot().getName(), undefTable) + " : " + this.getName());
        } else if (policy != null && !"nonexistant".equals(policy)) {
            final int res = Integer.parseInt(policy);
            if (res < SQLRow.MIN_VALID_ID)
                throw new IllegalStateException("ID is not valid : " + res);
            return res;
        } else {
            // by default assume NULL is used
            return SQLRow.NONEXISTANT_ID;

    // * from Java

    void mutateTo(SQLTable table) {
        synchronized (getTreeMutex()) {
            synchronized (this) {
                this.version = table.version;
                this.setState(table.fields, table.getPKsNames(), table.undefinedID);
                for (final Trigger t : table.triggers.values()) {
                    this.addTrigger(new Trigger(this, t));
                if (table.constraints == null) {
                    this.constraints = null;
                } else {
                    for (final Constraint c : table.constraints) {
                        this.constraints.add(new Constraint(this, c));

    // * update attributes

    static private <K, V> boolean isOrdered(Map<K, V> m) {
        if (m instanceof CopyOnWriteMap)
            return isOrdered(((CopyOnWriteMap<K, V>) m).copy(Collections.<K, V>emptyMap()));
        return (m instanceof LinkedHashMap);

    private void setState(Map<String, SQLField> fields, final List<String> primaryKeys, final Integer undef) {
        assert isOrdered(fields);
        // checks new fields' table (don't use ==, see below)
        for (final SQLField newField : fields.values()) {
            if (!newField.getTable().getSQLName().equals(this.getSQLName()))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(newField + " is in table " + newField.getTable().getSQLName()
                        + " not us: " + this.getSQLName());
        synchronized (getTreeMutex()) {
            synchronized (this) {
                final CollectionChangeEventCreator c = this.createChildrenCreator();

                if (!fields.keySet().containsAll(this.getFieldsName())) {
                    for (String removed : CollectionUtils.substract(this.getFieldsName(), fields.keySet())) {

                for (final SQLField newField : fields.values()) {
                    if (getChildrenNames().contains(newField.getName())) {
                        // re-use old instances by refreshing existing ones
                    } else {
                        final SQLField fieldToAdd;
                        // happens when the new structure is loaded in-memory
                        // before the current one is mutated to it
                        // (we already checked the fullname of the table)
                        if (newField.getTable() != this)
                            fieldToAdd = new SQLField(this, newField);
                            fieldToAdd = newField;
                        this.fields.put(newField.getName(), fieldToAdd);

                for (final String pk : primaryKeys)
                this.primaryKey = primaryKeys.size() == 1 ? this.getField(primaryKeys.get(0)) : null;
                this.primaryKeyOK = primaryKeys.size() <= 1;

                // don't fetch the ID now as it could be too early (e.g. we just created the table
                // but haven't inserted the undefined row)
                this.undefinedID = undef;

    // *** getter

    synchronized void setType(String type) {
        this.type = type;

    public synchronized final String getType() {
        return this.type;

    synchronized void setComment(String comm) {
        this.comment = comm;

    public synchronized final String getComment() {
        return this.comment;

    public synchronized final Trigger getTrigger(String name) {
        return this.triggers.get(name);

    public synchronized final Map<String, Trigger> getTriggers() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.triggers);

     * The constraints on this table.
     * @return the constraints or <code>null</code> if they couldn't be retrieved.
    public synchronized final Set<Constraint> getAllConstraints() {
        return this.constraints == null ? null : Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.constraints);

     * The CHECK and UNIQUE constraints on this table. This is useful since types
     * {@link ConstraintType#FOREIGN_KEY FOREIGN_KEY} and {@link ConstraintType#PRIMARY_KEY
     * PRIMARY_KEY} are already available through {@link #getForeignKeys()} and
     * {@link #getPrimaryKeys()} ; type {@link ConstraintType#DEFAULT DEFAULT} through
     * {@link SQLField#getDefaultValue()}.
     * @return the constraints or <code>null</code> if they couldn't be retrieved.
    public synchronized final Set<Constraint> getConstraints() {
        if (this.constraints == null)
            return null;
        final Set<Constraint> res = new HashSet<Constraint>();
        for (final Constraint c : this.constraints) {
            if (c.getType() == ConstraintType.CHECK || c.getType() == ConstraintType.UNIQUE) {
        return res;

     * Returns a specific constraint.
     * @param type type of constraint, e.g. {@link ConstraintType#UNIQUE}.
     * @param cols the fields names, e.g. ["NAME"].
     * @return the matching constraint, <code>null</code> if it cannot be found or if constraints
     *         couldn't be retrieved.
    public synchronized final Constraint getConstraint(ConstraintType type, List<String> cols) {
        if (this.constraints == null)
            return null;
        for (final Constraint c : this.constraints) {
            if (c.getType() == type && c.getCols().equals(cols)) {
                return c;
        return null;

     * Whether rows of this table can be represented as SQLRow.
     * @return <code>true</code> if rows of this table can be represented as SQLRow.
    public synchronized boolean isRowable() {
        return this.getPrimaryKeys().size() == 1
                && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(this.getKey().getType().getJavaType());

    public SQLSchema getSchema() {
        return (SQLSchema) this.getParent();

    public SQLBase getBase() {
        return this.getSchema().getBase();

    synchronized final String getVersion() {
        return this.version;

     * Return the primary key of this table.
     * @return the field which is the key of this table, or <code>null</code> if it doesn't exist.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if there's more than one primary key.
    public synchronized SQLField getKey() {
        if (!this.primaryKeyOK)
            throw new IllegalStateException(this + " has more than 1 primary key: " + this.getPrimaryKeys());
        return this.primaryKey;

     * Return the primary keys of this table.
     * @return the fields (SQLField) which are the keys of this table, can be empty.
    public synchronized Set<SQLField> getPrimaryKeys() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.primaryKeys);

     * Return the foreign keys of this table.
     * @return a Set of SQLField which are foreign keys of this table.
    public Set<SQLField> getForeignKeys() {
        return this.getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().getForeignKeys(this);

    public Set<String> getForeignKeysNames() {
        return DatabaseGraph.getNames(this.getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().getForeignLinks(this));

    public Set<List<SQLField>> getForeignKeysFields() {
        return this.getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().getForeignKeysFields(this);

    public Set<SQLField> getForeignKeys(String foreignTable) {
        return this.getForeignKeys(this.getTable(foreignTable));

    public Set<SQLField> getForeignKeys(SQLTable foreignTable) {
        return this.getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().getForeignFields(this, foreignTable);

    public SQLTable getForeignTable(String foreignField) {
        return this.getField(foreignField).getForeignTable();

    public SQLTable findReferentTable(String tableName) {
        return this.getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().findReferentTable(this, tableName);

     * Renvoie toutes les clefs de cette table. C'est  dire les clefs primaires plus les clefs
     * externes.
     * @return toutes les clefs de cette table, can be empty.
    public synchronized Set<SQLField> getKeys() {
        if (this.keys == null) {
            // getForeignKeys cree un nouveau set a chaque fois, pas besoin de dupliquer
            this.keys = this.getForeignKeys();
        return this.keys;

    public String toString() {
        return "/" + this.getName() + "/";

     * Return the field named <i>fieldName </i> in this table.
     * @param fieldName the name of the field.
     * @return the matching field, never <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field is not in this table.
     * @see #getFieldRaw(String)
    public SQLField getField(String fieldName) {
        SQLField res = this.getFieldRaw(fieldName);
        if (res == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown field " + fieldName + " in " + this.getName()
                    + ". The table " + this.getName() + " contains the followins fields: " + this.getFieldsName());
        return res;

     * Return the field named <i>fieldName</i> in this table.
     * @param fieldName the name of the field.
     * @return the matching field or <code>null</code> if none exists.
    public SQLField getFieldRaw(String fieldName) {
        return this.fields.get(fieldName);

     * Return all the fields in this table.
     * @return a Set of the fields.
    public Set<SQLField> getFields() {
        return new HashSet<SQLField>(this.fields.values());

    static public enum VirtualFields {
        ORDER {
            public Set<SQLField> getFields(SQLTable t) {
                final SQLField orderField = t.getOrderField();
                return orderField == null ? Collections.<SQLField>emptySet() : Collections.singleton(orderField);
        ARCHIVE {
            Set<SQLField> getFields(SQLTable t) {
                final SQLField f = t.getArchiveField();
                return f == null ? Collections.<SQLField>emptySet() : Collections.singleton(f);
        METADATA {
            Set<SQLField> getFields(SQLTable t) {
                final Set<SQLField> res = new HashSet<SQLField>(4);
                return res;
        PRIMARY_KEY {
            Set<SQLField> getFields(SQLTable t) {
                return t.getPrimaryKeys();
        FOREIGN_KEYS {
            public Set<SQLField> getFields(SQLTable t) {
                return t.getForeignKeys();

        abstract Set<SQLField> getFields(final SQLTable t);

    public final Set<SQLField> getFields(final VirtualFields vf) {
        return vf.getFields(this);

    public final Set<SQLField> getFields(final Set<VirtualFields> vf) {
        final Set<SQLField> res = new HashSet<SQLField>();
        for (final VirtualFields v : vf) {
        return res;

    public final Set<String> getFieldsNames(final Set<VirtualFields> vf) {
        final Set<String> res = new HashSet<String>();
        for (final VirtualFields v : vf) {
            for (final SQLField f : this.getFields(v)) {
        return res;

    public final Set<SQLField> getFieldsExcluding(final Set<VirtualFields> vf) {
        final Set<SQLField> res = getFields();
        for (final VirtualFields v : vf) {
        return res;

     * Retourne les champs du contenu de cette table. C'est  dire ni la clef primaire, ni les
     * champs d'archive et d'ordre.
     * @return les champs du contenu de cette table.
    public Set<SQLField> getContentFields() {
        return this.getContentFields(false);

    public synchronized Set<SQLField> getContentFields(final boolean includeMetadata) {
        final Set<SQLField> res = this.getFields();
        if (!includeMetadata) {
        return res;

     * Retourne les champs du contenu local de cette table. C'est  dire uniquement les champs du
     * contenu qui ne sont pas des clefs externes.
     * @return les champs du contenu local de cette table.
     * @see #getContentFields()
    public synchronized Set<SQLField> getLocalContentFields() {
        Set<SQLField> res = this.getContentFields();
        return res;

     * Return the names of all the fields.
     * @return the names of all the fields.
    public Set<String> getFieldsName() {
        return this.fields.keySet();

     * Return all the fields in this table. The order is the same across reboot.
     * @return a List of the fields.
    public List<SQLField> getOrderedFields() {
        return new ArrayList<SQLField>(this.fields.values());

    public Map<String, SQLField> getChildrenMap() {
        return this.fields.getImmutable();

    public final SQLTable getTable(String name) {
        return this.getDesc(name, SQLTable.class);

     * Retourne le nombre total de lignes contenues dans cette table.
     * @return le nombre de lignes de cette table.
    public int getRowCount() {
        return this.getRowCount(true);

    public int getRowCount(final boolean includeUndefined) {
        return this.getRowCount(includeUndefined, ArchiveMode.BOTH);

    public int getRowCount(final boolean includeUndefined, final ArchiveMode archiveMode) {
        final SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect(true).addSelectFunctionStar("count").addFrom(this);
        final Number count = (Number) this.getBase().getDataSource().execute(sel.asString(),
                new IResultSetHandler(SQLDataSource.SCALAR_HANDLER, false));
        return count.intValue();

     * The maximum value of the order field.
     * @return the maximum value of the order field, or -1 if this table is empty.
    public BigDecimal getMaxOrder() {
        return this.getMaxOrder(true);

    public BigDecimal getMaxOrder(Boolean useCache) {
        final SQLField orderField = this.getOrderField();
        if (orderField == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(this + " is not ordered");
        final SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect(true).addSelect(orderField, "max");
        try {
            final BigDecimal maxOrder = (BigDecimal) this.getBase().getDataSource().execute(sel.asString(),
                    new IResultSetHandler(SQLDataSource.SCALAR_HANDLER, useCache));
            return maxOrder == null ? BigDecimal.ONE.negate() : maxOrder;
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    orderField.getSQLName() + " must be " + SQLSyntax.get(this).getOrderDefinition(), e);

     * Retourne la ligne correspondant  l'ID pass.
     * @param ID l'identifiant de la ligne  retourner.
     * @return une ligne existant dans la base sinon <code>null</code>.
     * @see #getValidRow(int)
    public SQLRow getRow(int ID) {
        SQLRow row = this.getUncheckedRow(ID);
        return row.exists() ? row : null;

     * Retourne une la ligne demande sans faire aucune vrification.
     * @param ID l'identifiant de la ligne  retourner.
     * @return la ligne demande, jamais <code>null</code>.
    private SQLRow getUncheckedRow(int ID) {
        return new SQLRow(this, ID);

     * Retourne la ligne valide correspondant  l'ID pass.
     * @param ID l'identifiant de la ligne  retourner.
     * @return une ligne existante et non archive dans la base sinon <code>null</code>.
     * @see SQLRow#isValid()
    public SQLRow getValidRow(int ID) {
        SQLRow row = this.getRow(ID);
        return row.isValid() ? row : null;

     * Vrifie la validit de cet ID. C'est  dire qu'il existe une ligne non archive avec cet ID,
     * dans cette table.
     * @param ID l'identifiant.
     * @return <code>null</code> si l'ID est valide, sinon une SQLRow qui est soit inexistante, soit
     *         archive.
    public SQLRow checkValidity(int ID) {
        SQLRow row = this.getUncheckedRow(ID);
        // l'inverse de getValidRow()
        return row.isValid() ? null : row;

     * Vrifie cette table est intgre. C'est  dire que toutes ses clefs externes pointent sur des
     * lignes existantes et non effaces. Cette mthode retourne une liste constitue de triplet :
     * SQLRow (la ligne incohrente), SQLField (le champ incohrent), SQLRow (la ligne invalide de
     * la table trangre).
     * @return a list of inconsistencies or <code>null</code> if this table is not rowable.
    public List<Tuple3<SQLRow, SQLField, SQLRow>> checkIntegrity() {
        final SQLField pk;
        final Set<SQLField> fks;
        synchronized (this) {
            if (!this.isRowable())
                return null;
            pk = this.getKey();
            fks = this.getForeignKeys();

        final List<Tuple3<SQLRow, SQLField, SQLRow>> inconsistencies = new ArrayList<Tuple3<SQLRow, SQLField, SQLRow>>();
        // si on a pas de relation externe, c'est OK
        if (!fks.isEmpty()) {
            final SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect();
            // on ne vrifie pas les lignes archives mais l'indfinie oui.
            this.getBase().getDataSource().execute(sel.asString(), new ResultSetHandler() {
                public Object handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
                    while ( {
                        for (final SQLField fk : fks) {
                            final SQLRow pb = SQLTable.this.checkValidity(fk.getName(),
                            if (pb != null) {
                                final SQLRow row = SQLTable.this.getRow(rs.getInt(pk.getFullName()));
                                inconsistencies.add(Tuple3.create(row, fk, pb));
                    // on s'en sert pas
                    return null;

        return inconsistencies;

     * Vrifie que l'on peut affecter <code>foreignID</code> au champ <code>foreignKey</code> de
     * cette table. C'est  dire vrifie que la table sur laquelle pointe <code>foreignKey</code>
     * contient bien une ligne d'ID <code>foreignID</code> et de plus qu'elle n'a pas t archive.
     * @param foreignKey le nom du champ.
     * @param foreignID l'ID que l'on souhaite tester.
     * @return une SQLRow dcrivant l'incohrence ou <code>null</code> sinon.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException si le champ pass n'est pas une clef trangre.
     * @see #checkValidity(int)
    public SQLRow checkValidity(String foreignKey, int foreignID) {
        final SQLField fk = this.getField(foreignKey);
        final SQLTable foreignTable = this.getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().getForeignTable(fk);
        if (foreignTable == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible de tester '" + foreignKey + "' avec " + foreignID
                    + " dans " + this + ". Ce n'est pas une clef trangre.");
        return foreignTable.checkValidity(foreignID);

    public SQLRow checkValidity(String foreignKey, Number foreignID) {
        // NULL is valid
        if (foreignID == null)
            return null;
            return this.checkValidity(foreignKey, foreignID.intValue());

    public boolean isOrdered() {
        return this.getOrderField() != null;

    public SQLField getOrderField() {
        return this.getFieldRaw(orderField);

     * The number of fractional digits of the order field.
     * @return the number of fractional digits of the order field.
    public final int getOrderDecimalDigits() {
        return this.getOrderField().getType().getDecimalDigits().intValue();

    public final BigDecimal getOrderULP() {
        return BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen(-this.getOrderDecimalDigits());

    public boolean isArchivable() {
        return this.getArchiveField() != null;

    public SQLField getArchiveField() {
        return this.getFieldRaw(archiveField);

    public SQLField getCreationDateField() {
        return this.getFieldRaw("CREATION_DATE");

    public SQLField getCreationUserField() {
        return this.getFieldRaw("ID_USER_COMMON_CREATE");

    public SQLField getModifDateField() {
        return this.getFieldRaw("MODIFICATION_DATE");

    public SQLField getModifUserField() {
        return this.getFieldRaw("ID_USER_COMMON_MODIFY");

     * The id of this table which means empty. Tables that aren't rowable or which use NULL to
     * signify empty have no UNDEFINED_ID.
     * @return the empty id or {@link SQLRow#NONEXISTANT_ID} if this table has no UNDEFINED_ID.
    public final int getUndefinedID() {
        return this.getUndefinedID(false).intValue();

    // if false getUndefinedID() might contact the DB
    synchronized final boolean undefinedIDKnown() {
        return this.undefinedID != null;

     * No longer save the undefined IDs. We mustn't search undefined IDs when loading structure
     * since the undefined rows might not yet be inserted. When getUndefinedID() was called, we used
     * to save the ID alongside the table structure with the new structure version. Which is wrong
     * since we haven't refreshed the table structure. One solution would be to create an undefined
     * ID version : when loading, as with the structure, we now have to check the saved version
     * against the one in the metadata table, but since FWK_UNDEFINED_ID is small and already
     * cached, we might as well simplify and forego the version altogether.

    private final Integer getUndefinedID(final boolean internal) {
        Integer res = null;
        synchronized (this) {
            if (this.undefinedID != null)
                res = this.undefinedID;
        if (res == null) {
            if (!internal && this.getSchema().isFetchAllUndefinedIDs()) {
                // init all undefined, MAYBE one request with UNION ALL
                for (final SQLTable sibling : this.getSchema().getTables()) {
                    Integer siblingRes = sibling.getUndefinedID(true);
                    assert siblingRes != null;
                    if (sibling == this)
                        res = siblingRes;
            } else {
                res = this.fetchUndefID();
                synchronized (this) {
                    this.undefinedID = res;
        assert this.undefinedIDKnown();
        return res;

    public final Number getUndefinedIDNumber() {
        final int res = this.getUndefinedID();
        if (res == SQLRow.NONEXISTANT_ID)
            return null;
            return res;

    // static

    static private final String orderField = "ORDRE";
    static private final String archiveField = "ARCHIVE";

    // /////// ******** OLD CODE ********

     * Gestion des vnements

    public void addTableModifiedListener(SQLTableModifiedListener l) {
        this.addTableModifiedListener(new ListenerAndConfig(l, AFTER_TX_DEFAULT));

    public void addTableModifiedListener(ListenerAndConfig l) {
        this.addTableModifiedListener(l, false);

    public void addPremierTableModifiedListener(ListenerAndConfig l) {
        this.addTableModifiedListener(l, true);

    private void addTableModifiedListener(ListenerAndConfig l, final boolean before) {
        synchronized (this.listenersMutex) {
            final List<ListenerAndConfig> newListeners = new ArrayList<ListenerAndConfig>(
                    this.tableModifiedListeners.size() + 1);
            if (before)
            if (!before)
            this.tableModifiedListeners = Collections.unmodifiableList(newListeners);

    public void removeTableModifiedListener(SQLTableModifiedListener l) {
        this.removeTableModifiedListener(new ListenerAndConfig(l, AFTER_TX_DEFAULT));

    public void removeTableModifiedListener(ListenerAndConfig l) {
        synchronized (this.listenersMutex) {
            final List<ListenerAndConfig> newListeners = new ArrayList<ListenerAndConfig>(
            if (newListeners.remove(l))
                this.tableModifiedListeners = Collections.unmodifiableList(newListeners);

    private static final class BridgeListener implements SQLTableModifiedListener {

        private final SQLTableListener l;

        private BridgeListener(SQLTableListener l) {
            this.l = l;

        public void tableModified(SQLTableEvent evt) {
            final Mode mode = evt.getMode();
            if (mode == Mode.ROW_ADDED)
                this.l.rowAdded(evt.getTable(), evt.getId());
            else if (mode == Mode.ROW_UPDATED)
                this.l.rowModified(evt.getTable(), evt.getId());
            else if (mode == Mode.ROW_DELETED)
                this.l.rowDeleted(evt.getTable(), evt.getId());

        public int hashCode() {
            return this.l.hashCode();

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            return obj instanceof BridgeListener && this.l.equals(((BridgeListener) obj).l);

     * Ajoute un listener sur cette table.
     * @param l the listener.
     * @deprecated use {@link #addTableModifiedListener(SQLTableModifiedListener)}
    public void addTableListener(SQLTableListener l) {
        this.addTableModifiedListener(new BridgeListener(l));

    public void removeTableListener(SQLTableListener l) {
        this.removeTableModifiedListener(new BridgeListener(l));

     * Previent tous les listeners de la table qu'il y a eu une modification ou ajout si modif de
     * d'une ligne particuliere.
     * @param id -1 signifie tout est modifi.
    public void fireTableModified(final int id) {, id);

    public void fireRowAdded(final int id) {, id);

    public void fireRowDeleted(final int id) {, id);

    public void fireTableModified(final int id, Collection<String> fields) { SQLTableEvent(this, id, Mode.ROW_UPDATED, fields));

    private void fire(final Mode mode, final int id) { SQLTableEvent(this, id, mode, null));

    public final void fire(SQLTableEvent evt) {

    // the listeners and the event that was notified to them
    static private class FireState extends Tuple2<List<ListenerAndConfig>, SQLTableEvent> {
        public FireState(final List<ListenerAndConfig> listeners, final SQLTableEvent evt) {
            super(listeners, evt);

        private DispatchingState createDispatchingState(final Boolean callbackAfterTxListeners,
                final boolean oppositeEvt) {
            final List<SQLTableModifiedListener> listeners = new LinkedList<SQLTableModifiedListener>();
            for (final ListenerAndConfig l : get0()) {
                if (callbackAfterTxListeners == null || callbackAfterTxListeners == l.callOnlyAfterTx())
            return new DispatchingState(listeners, oppositeEvt ? get1().opposite() : get1());

    static private class DispatchingState extends Tuple2<Iterator<SQLTableModifiedListener>, SQLTableEvent> {
        public DispatchingState(final List<SQLTableModifiedListener> listeners, final SQLTableEvent evt) {
            super(listeners.iterator(), evt);

    static private final ThreadLocal<LinkedList<DispatchingState>> events = new ThreadLocal<LinkedList<DispatchingState>>() {
        protected LinkedList<DispatchingState> initialValue() {
            return new LinkedList<DispatchingState>();

    // allow to maintain the dispatching of events in order when a listener itself fires an event
    static private void fireTableModified(DispatchingState newTuple) {
        final LinkedList<DispatchingState> linkedList = events.get();
        // add new event
        // process all pending events
        DispatchingState currentTuple;
        while ((currentTuple = linkedList.peekFirst()) != null) {
            final Iterator<SQLTableModifiedListener> iter = currentTuple.get0();
            final SQLTableEvent currentEvt = currentTuple.get1();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                final SQLTableModifiedListener l =;
            // not removeFirst() since the item might have been already removed

    private void fireTableModified(final SQLTableEvent evt) {
        final FireState fireState;
        final TransactionPoint point = this.getDBSystemRoot().getDataSource().getTransactionPoint();
        final Boolean callbackAfterTxListeners;
        synchronized (this.listenersMutex) {
            // no need to copy since this.tableModifiedListeners is immutable
            fireState = new FireState(this.tableModifiedListeners, evt);
            if (point == null) {
                // call back every listener
                callbackAfterTxListeners = null;
            } else {
                if (!this.transactions.containsKey(point))
                this.transactions.add(point, fireState);
                callbackAfterTxListeners = false;
        fireTableModified(fireState.createDispatchingState(callbackAfterTxListeners, false));

    // a transaction was committed or aborted, we must either notify listeners that wanted the
    // transaction to commit, or re-notify the listeners that didn't want to wait
    protected void fireFromTransaction(final TransactionPoint point, final boolean committed) {
        final List<FireState> states;
        synchronized (this.listenersMutex) {
            states = this.transactions.remove(point);
        final ListIterator<FireState> iter = CollectionUtils.getListIterator(states, !committed);
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            final FireState state =;
            fireTableModified(state.createDispatchingState(committed, !committed));

    public synchronized String toXML() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16000);
        sb.append("<table name=\"");

        final String schemaName = this.getSchema().getName();
        if (schemaName != null) {
            sb.append(" schema=\"");

        SQLSchema.appendVersionAttr(this.version, sb);

        if (getType() != null) {
            sb.append(" type=\"");


        if (this.getComment() != null) {
        for (SQLField field : this.fields.values()) {
        for (SQLField element : this.primaryKeys) {
        // avoid writing unneeded chars
        if (this.triggers.size() > 0) {
            for (Trigger t : this.triggers.values()) {
        if (this.constraints != null) {
            for (Constraint t : this.constraints) {
        return sb.toString();

    public SQLTableModifiedListener createTableListener(final SQLDataListener l) {
        return new SQLTableModifiedListener() {
            public void tableModified(SQLTableEvent evt) {

    public SQLTable getTable() {
        return this;

    public String getAlias() {
        return getName();

    public String getSQL() {
        return getSQLName().quote();

    public boolean equalsDesc(SQLTable o) {
        return this.equalsDesc(o, true) == null;

     * Compare this table and its descendants. This do not compare undefinedID as it isn't part of
     * the structure per se.
     * @param o the table to compare.
     * @param compareName whether to also compare the name, useful for comparing 2 tables in the
     *        same schema.
     * @return <code>null</code> if attributes and children of this and <code>o</code> are equals,
     *         otherwise a String explaining the differences.
    public String equalsDesc(SQLTable o, boolean compareName) {
        return this.equalsDesc(o, null, compareName);

    // ATTN otherSystem can be null, meaning compare exactly (even if the system of this table and
    // the system of the other table do not support the same features and thus tables cannot be
    // equal)
    // if otherSystem isn't null, then this method is more lenient and return true if the two tables
    // are the closest possible. NOTE that otherSystem is not required to be the system of the other
    // table, it might be something else if the other table was loaded into a system different than
    // the one which created the dump.
    public synchronized String equalsDesc(SQLTable o, SQLSystem otherSystem, boolean compareName) {
        if (o == null)
            return "other table is null";
        final boolean name = !compareName || this.getName().equals(o.getName());
        if (!name)
            return "name unequal : " + this.getName() + " " + o.getName();
        // TODO triggers, but wait for the dumping of functions
        // which mean wait for psql 8.4 pg_get_functiondef()
        // if (this.getServer().getSQLSystem() == o.getServer().getSQLSystem()) {
        // if (!this.getTriggers().equals(o.getTriggers()))
        // return "triggers unequal : " + this.getTriggers() + " " + o.getTriggers();
        // } else {
        // if (!this.getTriggers().keySet().equals(o.getTriggers().keySet()))
        // return "triggers names unequal : " + this.getTriggers() + " " + o.getTriggers();
        // }
        final boolean checkComment = otherSystem == null
                || this.getServer().getSQLSystem().isTablesCommentSupported()
                        && otherSystem.isTablesCommentSupported();
        if (checkComment && !CompareUtils.equals(this.getComment(), o.getComment()))
            return "comment unequal : '" + this.getComment() + "' != '" + o.getComment() + "'";
        return this.equalsChildren(o, otherSystem);

    private synchronized String equalsChildren(SQLTable o, SQLSystem otherSystem) {
        if (!this.getChildrenNames().equals(o.getChildrenNames()))
            return "fields differences: " + this.getChildrenNames() + "\n" + o.getChildrenNames();

        final String noLink = equalsChildrenNoLink(o, otherSystem);
        if (noLink != null)
            return noLink;

        // foreign keys
        final Set<Link> thisLinks = this.getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().getForeignLinks(this);
        final Set<Link> oLinks = o.getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().getForeignLinks(o);
        if (thisLinks.size() != oLinks.size())
            return "different number of foreign keys " + thisLinks + " != " + oLinks;
        for (final Link l : thisLinks) {
            final Link ol = o.getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().getForeignLink(o, l.getCols());
            if (ol == null)
                return "no foreign key for " + l.getLabel();
            final SQLName thisPath = l.getTarget().getContextualSQLName(this);
            final SQLName oPath = ol.getTarget().getContextualSQLName(o);
            if (thisPath.getItemCount() != oPath.getItemCount())
                return "unequal path size : " + thisPath + " != " + oPath;
            if (!thisPath.getName().equals(oPath.getName()))
                return "unequal referenced table name : " + thisPath.getName() + " != " + oPath.getName();
            final SQLSystem thisSystem = this.getServer().getSQLSystem();
            if (!getRule(l.getUpdateRule(), thisSystem, otherSystem)
                    .equals(getRule(ol.getUpdateRule(), thisSystem, otherSystem)))
                return "unequal update rule for " + l + ": " + l.getUpdateRule() + " != " + ol.getUpdateRule();
            if (!getRule(l.getDeleteRule(), thisSystem, otherSystem)
                    .equals(getRule(ol.getDeleteRule(), thisSystem, otherSystem)))
                return "unequal delete rule for " + l + ": " + l.getDeleteRule() + " != " + ol.getDeleteRule();

        final Set<Constraint> thisConstraints;
        final Set<Constraint> otherConstraints;
        try {
            final Tuple2<Set<Constraint>, Set<Index>> thisConstraintsAndIndexes = this.getConstraintsAndIndexes();
            final Tuple2<Set<Constraint>, Set<Index>> otherConstraintsAndIndexes = o.getConstraintsAndIndexes();
            // order irrelevant
            final Set<Index> thisIndexesSet = thisConstraintsAndIndexes.get1();
            final Set<Index> oIndexesSet = otherConstraintsAndIndexes.get1();
            if (!thisIndexesSet.equals(oIndexesSet))
                return "indexes differences: " + thisIndexesSet + "\n" + oIndexesSet;
            thisConstraints = thisConstraintsAndIndexes.get0();
            otherConstraints = otherConstraintsAndIndexes.get0();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // MAYBE fetch indexes with the rest to avoid exn now
            return "couldn't get indexes: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e);
        if (!CompareUtils.equals(thisConstraints, otherConstraints))
            return "constraints unequal : '" + thisConstraints + "' != '" + otherConstraints + "'";

        return null;

    private final Tuple2<Set<Constraint>, Set<Index>> getConstraintsAndIndexes() throws SQLException {
        final Set<Constraint> thisConstraints;
        final Set<Index> thisIndexes;
        if (this.getServer().getSQLSystem() != SQLSystem.MSSQL) {
            thisConstraints = this.getConstraints();
            thisIndexes = new HashSet<Index>(this.getIndexes(true));
        } else {
            thisConstraints = new HashSet<Constraint>(this.getConstraints());
            thisIndexes = new HashSet<Index>();
            for (final Index i : this.getIndexes()) {
                final Value<String> where = i.getMSUniqueWhere();
                if (!where.hasValue()) {
                    // regular index
                } else if (where.getValue() == null) {
                    final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                    map.put("CONSTRAINT_NAME", i.getName());
                    map.put("CONSTRAINT_TYPE", "UNIQUE");
                    map.put("COLUMN_NAMES", i.getCols());
                    map.put("DEFINITION", null);
                    thisConstraints.add(new Constraint(this, map));
                } else {
                    // remove extra IS NOT NULL, but does *not* translate [ARCHIVE]=(0) into
                    // "ARCHIVE" = 0
                    thisIndexes.add(this.createUniqueIndex(i.getName(), i.getCols(), where.getValue()));
        return Tuple2.create(thisConstraints, thisIndexes);

    private final Rule getRule(Rule r, SQLSystem thisSystem, SQLSystem otherSystem) {
        // compare exactly
        if (otherSystem == null)
            return r;
        // see
        if (r == Rule.NO_ACTION && (thisSystem == SQLSystem.H2 || otherSystem == SQLSystem.H2))
            return Rule.RESTRICT;
            return r;

     * Compare the fields of this table, ignoring foreign constraints.
     * @param o the table to compare.
     * @param otherSystem the system <code>o</code> originates from, can be <code>null</code>.
     * @return <code>null</code> if each fields of this exists in <code>o</code> and is equal to it.
    public synchronized final String equalsChildrenNoLink(SQLTable o, SQLSystem otherSystem) {
        for (final SQLField f : this.getFields()) {
            final SQLField oField = o.getField(f.getName());
            final boolean isPrimary = this.getPrimaryKeys().contains(f);
            if (isPrimary != o.getPrimaryKeys().contains(oField))
                return f + " is a primary not in " + o.getPrimaryKeys();
            final String equalsDesc = f.equalsDesc(oField, otherSystem, !isPrimary);
            if (equalsDesc != null)
                return equalsDesc;
        return null;

    public final SQLCreateMoveableTable getCreateTable() {
        return this.getCreateTable(this.getServer().getSQLSystem());

    public synchronized final SQLCreateMoveableTable getCreateTable(final SQLSystem system) {
        final SQLSyntax syntax = SQLSyntax.get(system);
        final SQLCreateMoveableTable res = new SQLCreateMoveableTable(syntax, this.getDBRoot().getName(),
        for (final SQLField f : this.getOrderedFields()) {
        // primary keys
        // foreign keys
        for (final Link l : this.getDBSystemRoot().getGraph().getForeignLinks(this))
            // don't generate explicit CREATE INDEX for fk, we generate all indexes below
            // (this also avoid creating a fk index that wasn't there)
            res.addForeignConstraint(l, false);
        // constraints
        if (this.constraints != null)
            for (final Constraint added : this.getConstraints()) {
                if (added.getType() == ConstraintType.UNIQUE) {
                    res.addUniqueConstraint(added.getName(), added.getCols());
                } else
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unsupported constraint: " + added);
        // indexes
        try {
            // MS unique constraint are not standard so we're forced to create indexes "where col is
            // not null" in addUniqueConstraint(). Thus when converting to another system we must
            // parse indexes to recreate actual constraints.
            final boolean convertMSIndex = this.getServer().getSQLSystem() == SQLSystem.MSSQL
                    && system != SQLSystem.MSSQL;
            final Set<List<SQLField>> foreignKeysFields = getForeignKeysFields();
            for (final Index i : this.getIndexes(true)) {
                Value<String> msWhere = null;
                if (convertMSIndex && (msWhere = i.getMSUniqueWhere()).hasValue()) {
                    if (msWhere.getValue() != null)
                        Log.get().warning("MS filter might not be valid in " + system + " : " + msWhere.getValue());
                    res.addUniqueConstraint(i.getName(), i.getCols(), msWhere.getValue());
                } else if (!system.autoCreatesFKIndex() || !foreignKeysFields.contains(i.getFields())) {
                    // partial unique index sometimes cannot be handled natively by the DB system
                    if (i.isUnique() && i.getFilter() != null && !system.isIndexFilterConditionSupported())
                        res.addUniqueConstraint(i.getName(), i.getCols(), i.getFilter());
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // MAYBE fetch indexes with the rest to avoid exn now
            throw new IllegalStateException("could not get indexes", e);
        // TODO triggers, but they are system dependent and we would have to parse the SQL
        // definitions to replace the different root/table name in DeferredClause.asString()
        if (this.getComment() != null)
        return res;

    public final List<String> getPKsNames() {
        return this.getPKsNames(new ArrayList<String>());

    public synchronized final <C extends Collection<String>> C getPKsNames(C pks) {
        for (final SQLField f : this.getPrimaryKeys()) {
        return pks;

    public final String[] getPKsNamesArray() {
        return getPKsNames().toArray(new String[0]);

     * Return the indexes mapped by column names. Ie a key will have as value every index that
     * mentions it, and a multi-column index will be in several entries. Note: this is not robust
     * since {@link Index#getCols()} isn't.
     * @return the indexes mapped by column names.
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs.
    public final SetMap<String, Index> getIndexesByField() throws SQLException {
        final List<Index> indexes = this.getIndexes();
        final SetMap<String, Index> res = new SetMap<String, Index>(indexes.size()) {
            public Set<Index> createCollection(Collection<? extends Index> v) {
                final HashSet<Index> res = new HashSet<Index>(4);
                return res;
        for (final Index i : indexes)
            for (final String col : i.getCols())
                res.add(col, i);
        return res;

     * Return the indexes on the passed columns names. Note: this is not robust since
     * {@link Index#getCols()} isn't.
     * @param cols fields names.
     * @return the matching indexes.
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs.
    public final List<Index> getIndexes(final List<String> cols) throws SQLException {
        final List<Index> res = new ArrayList<Index>();
        for (final Index i : this.getIndexes())
            if (i.getCols().equals(cols))
        return res;

     * Return the indexes of this table. Except the primary key as every system generates it
     * automatically.
     * @return the list of indexes.
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs.
    public synchronized final List<Index> getIndexes() throws SQLException {
        return this.getIndexes(false);

    protected synchronized final List<Index> getIndexes(final boolean normalized) throws SQLException {
        // in pg, a unique constraint creates a unique index that is not removeable
        // (except of course if we drop the constraint)
        // in mysql unique constraints and indexes are one and the same thing
        // so we must return them only in one (either getConstraints() or getIndexes())
        // anyway in all systems, a unique constraint or index achieve the same function
        // and so only generates the constraint and not the index
        final Set<List<String>> uniqConstraints;
        if (this.constraints != null) {
            uniqConstraints = new HashSet<List<String>>();
            for (final Constraint c : this.constraints) {
                if (c.getType() == ConstraintType.UNIQUE)
        } else
            uniqConstraints = Collections.emptySet();

        final List<Index> indexes = new ArrayList<Index>();
        Index currentIndex = null;
        for (final Map<String, Object> norm : this.getServer().getSQLSystem().getSyntax().getIndexInfo(this)) {
            final Index index = new Index(norm);
            final short seq = ((Number) norm.get("ORDINAL_POSITION")).shortValue();
            if (seq == 1) {
                if (canAdd(currentIndex, uniqConstraints))
                currentIndex = index;
            } else {
                // continuing a multi-field index
        if (canAdd(currentIndex, uniqConstraints))

        if (normalized) {

        // MAYBE another request to find out index.getMethod() (eg pg.getIndexesReq())
        return indexes;

    private boolean canAdd(final Index currentIndex, final Set<List<String>> uniqConstraints) {
        if (currentIndex == null || currentIndex.isPKIndex())
            return false;

        return !currentIndex.isUnique() || !uniqConstraints.contains(currentIndex.getCols());

    // MAYBE inline
    protected synchronized final List<Index> getPartialUniqueIndexes() throws SQLException {
        final SQLSystem thisSystem = this.getServer().getSQLSystem();
        final List<Index> indexes = new ArrayList<Index>();
        // parse triggers, TODO remove them from triggers to output in getCreateTable()
        if (thisSystem == SQLSystem.H2) {
            for (final Trigger t : this.triggers.values()) {
                final Matcher matcher = ChangeTable.H2_UNIQUE_TRIGGER_PATTERN.matcher(t.getSQL());
                if (matcher.find()) {
                    final String indexName = ChangeTable.getIndexName(t.getName(), thisSystem);
                    final String[] javaCols = ChangeTable.H2_LIST_PATTERN.split(;
                    final List<String> cols = new ArrayList<String>(javaCols.length);
                    for (final String javaCol : javaCols) {
                    final String where = StringUtils.unDoubleQuote(;
                    indexes.add(createUniqueIndex(indexName, cols, where));
        } else if (thisSystem == SQLSystem.MYSQL) {
            for (final Trigger t : this.triggers.values()) {
                if (t.getAction().contains(ChangeTable.MYSQL_TRIGGER_EXCEPTION)) {
                    final String indexName = ChangeTable.getIndexName(t.getName(), thisSystem);
                    // MySQL needs a pair of triggers
                    final Trigger t2 = indexName == null ? null
                            : this.triggers.get(indexName + ChangeTable.MYSQL_TRIGGER_SUFFIX_2);
                    // and their body must match
                    if (t2 != null && t2.getAction().equals(t.getAction())) {
                        final Matcher matcher = ChangeTable.MYSQL_UNIQUE_TRIGGER_PATTERN.matcher(t.getAction());
                        if (!matcher.find())
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't parse " + t.getAction());
                        // parse table name
                        final SQLName parsedName = SQLName.parse(;
                        if (!this.getName().equals(parsedName.getName()))
                            throw new IllegalStateException(
                                    "Name mismatch : " + this.getSQLName() + " != " + parsedName);

                        final String[] wheres = ChangeTable.MYSQL_WHERE_PATTERN.split(;
                        final String userWhere = wheres[0];

                        final List<String> cols = new ArrayList<String>(wheres.length - 1);
                        for (int i = 1; i < wheres.length; i++) {
                            final Matcher eqMatcher = ChangeTable.MYSQL_WHERE_EQ_PATTERN.matcher(wheres[i].trim());
                            if (!eqMatcher.matches())
                                throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid where clause " + wheres[i]);
                        if (cols.isEmpty())
                            throw new IllegalStateException("No columns in " + Arrays.asList(wheres));
                        indexes.add(createUniqueIndex(indexName, cols, userWhere));
        return indexes;

    public static class SQLIndex {

        private static final Pattern NORMALIZE_SPACES = Pattern.compile("\\s+");

        private final String name;
        // SQL, e.g. : lower("name"), "age"
        private final List<String> attrs;
        private final boolean unique;
        private String method;
        private final String filter;

        public SQLIndex(final String name, final List<String> attributes, final boolean unique,
                final String filter) {
            this(name, attributes, false, unique, filter);

        public SQLIndex(final String name, final List<String> attributes, final boolean quoteAll,
                final boolean unique, final String filter) {
   = name;
            this.attrs = new ArrayList<String>(attributes.size());
            for (final String attr : attributes)
                this.addAttr(quoteAll ? SQLBase.quoteIdentifier(attr) : attr);
            this.unique = unique;
            this.method = null;
            // helps when comparing
            this.filter = filter == null ? null : NORMALIZE_SPACES.matcher(filter.trim()).replaceAll(" ");

        public final String getName() {

        public final boolean isUnique() {
            return this.unique;

         * All attributes forming this index.
         * @return the components of this index, eg ["lower(name)", "age"].
        public final List<String> getAttrs() {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.attrs);

        protected final void addAttr(final String attr) {

        public final void setMethod(String method) {
            this.method = method;

        public final String getMethod() {
            return this.method;

         * Filter for partial index.
         * @return the where clause or <code>null</code>.
        public final String getFilter() {
            return this.filter;

        public String toString() {
            return getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + this.getName() + " unique: " + this.isUnique() + " cols: "
                    + this.getAttrs() + " filter: " + this.getFilter();

        // ATTN don't use name since it is often auto-generated (eg by a UNIQUE field)
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof SQLIndex) {
                final SQLIndex o = (SQLIndex) obj;
                return this.isUnique() == o.isUnique() && this.getAttrs().equals(o.getAttrs())
                        && CompareUtils.equals(this.getFilter(), o.getFilter())
                        && CompareUtils.equals(this.getMethod(), o.getMethod());
            } else {
                return false;

        // ATTN use cols, so use only after cols are done
        public int hashCode() {
            return this.getAttrs().hashCode() + ((Boolean) this.isUnique()).hashCode();

    private final Index createUniqueIndex(final String name, final List<String> cols, final String where) {
        final Index res = new Index(name, cols.get(0), false, where);
        for (int i = 1; i < cols.size(); i++) {
        return res;

    private final String removeParens(String filter) {
        if (filter != null) {
            filter = filter.trim();
            final SQLSystem sys = this.getServer().getSQLSystem();
            // postgreSQL always wrap filter with parens, ATTN we shouldn't remove from
            // "(A) and (B)" but still support "(A = (0))"
            if ((sys == SQLSystem.POSTGRESQL || sys == SQLSystem.MSSQL) && filter.startsWith("(")
                    && filter.endsWith(")")) {
                filter = filter.substring(1, filter.length() - 1);
        return filter;

    public final class Index extends SQLIndex {

        private final List<String> cols;

        Index(final Map<String, Object> row) {
            this((String) row.get("INDEX_NAME"), (String) row.get("COLUMN_NAME"), (Boolean) row.get("NON_UNIQUE"),
                    (String) row.get("FILTER_CONDITION"));

        Index(final String name, String col, Boolean nonUnique, String filter) {
            super(name, Collections.<String>emptyList(), !nonUnique, removeParens(filter));
            this.cols = new ArrayList<String>();

        public final SQLTable getTable() {
            return SQLTable.this;

         * The table columns in this index. Note that due to DB system limitation this list is
         * incomplete (e.g. missing expressions).
         * @return the unquoted columns, e.g. ["age"].
        public final List<String> getCols() {
            return this.cols;

        public final List<SQLField> getFields() {
            final List<SQLField> res = new ArrayList<SQLField>(this.getCols().size());
            for (final String f : this.getCols())
            return res;

         * Adds a column to this multi-field index.
         * @param name the name of the index.
         * @param col the column to add.
         * @param unique whether the index is unique.
         * @throws IllegalStateException if <code>name</code> and <code>unique</code> are not the
         *         same as these.
        private final void add(final Index o) {
            assert o.getAttrs().size() == 1;
            if (!o.getName().equals(this.getName()) || this.isUnique() != o.isUnique())
                throw new IllegalStateException("incoherence");

        // col is either an expression or a column name
        protected void addFromMD(String col) {
            if (getTable().contains(col)) {
                // e.g. age
            } else {
                // e.g. lower("name")

        final boolean isPKIndex() {
            return this.isUnique() && this.getCols().equals(getTable().getPKsNames())
                    && this.getCols().size() == this.getAttrs().size();

        private final Pattern getColPattern(final String col) {
            // e.g. ([NOM] IS NOT NULL AND [PRENOM] IS NOT NULL AND [ARCHIVE]=(0))
            return Pattern.compile("(?i:\\s+AND\\s+)?" + Pattern.quote(new SQLName(col).quoteMS())
                    + "\\s+(?i)IS\\s+NOT\\s+NULL(\\s+AND\\s+)?");

        // in MS SQL we're forced to add IS NOT NULL to get the standard behaviour
        // return none if it's not a unique index, otherwise the value of the where for the partial
        // index (can be null)
        final Value<String> getMSUniqueWhere() {
            assert getServer().getSQLSystem() == SQLSystem.MSSQL;
            if (this.isUnique() && this.getFilter() != null) {
                String filter = this.getFilter().trim();
                // for each column, remove its NOT NULL clause
                for (final String col : getCols()) {
                    final Matcher matcher = this.getColPattern(col).matcher(filter);
                    if (matcher.find()) {
                        filter = matcher.replaceFirst("").trim();
                    } else {
                        return Value.getNone();
                // what is the left is the actual filter
                filter = filter.trim();
                return Value.getSome(filter.isEmpty() ? null : filter);
            return Value.getNone();