Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a * copy of the License at See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file. */ package org.openconcerto.sql.model; import org.openconcerto.utils.CollectionUtils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.collections.functors.InstanceofPredicate; /** * Une clause WHERE dans une requete SQL. Une clause peut tre facilement combine avec d'autre, * exemple : prenomPasVide.and(pasIndfini).and(age_sup_3.or(assez_grand)). * * @author ILM Informatique 27 sept. 2004 */ public class Where { static public final Where FALSE = Where.createRaw("1=0"); static public final Where TRUE = Where.createRaw("1=1"); static public final String NULL_IS_DATA_EQ = new String("==="); static public final String NULL_IS_DATA_NEQ = new String("IS DISTINCT FROM"); private static abstract class Combiner { public final Where combine(Where w1, Where w2) { if (w1 == null) return w2; else return this.combineNotNull(w1, w2); } protected abstract Where combineNotNull(Where w1, Where w2); } private static Combiner AndCombiner = new Combiner() { protected Where combineNotNull(Where where1, Where where2) { return where1.and(where2); } }; private static Combiner OrCombiner = new Combiner() { protected Where combineNotNull(Where where1, Where where2) { return where1.or(where2); } }; static private Where combine(Collection<Where> wheres, Combiner c) { Where res = null; for (final Where w : wheres) { res = c.combine(res, w); } return res; } static public Where and(Collection<Where> wheres) { return combine(wheres, AndCombiner); } static public Where and(final SQLTable t, final Map<String, ?> fields) { final List<Where> res = new ArrayList<Where>(fields.size()); for (final Entry<String, ?> e : fields.entrySet()) { res.add(new Where(t.getField(e.getKey()), "=", e.getValue())); } return and(res); } static public Where or(Collection<Where> wheres) { return combine(wheres, OrCombiner); } /** * Permet de faire un ET entre 2 where. * * @param where1 le 1er, peut tre <code>null</code>. * @param where2 le 2me, peut tre <code>null</code>. * @return le ET, peut tre <code>null</code>. */ static public Where and(Where where1, Where where2) { return AndCombiner.combine(where1, where2); } static public Where isNull(FieldRef ref) { return new Where(ref, "is", (Object) null); } static public Where isNotNull(FieldRef ref) { return new Where(ref, "is not", (Object) null); } static public Where createRaw(String clause, FieldRef... refs) { return createRaw(clause, Arrays.asList(refs)); } static public Where createRaw(String clause, Collection<? extends FieldRef> refs) { if (clause == null) return null; return new Where(clause, refs); } /** * To create complex Where not possible with constructors. * * @param pattern a pattern to be passed to {@link SQLSelect#quote(String, Object...)}, eg * "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM %n) = 3007". * @param params the params to be passed to <code>quote()</code>, eg [|MISSION.DATE_DBT|]. * @return a new Where with the result from <code>quote()</code> as its clause, and all * <code>FieldRef</code> in params as its fields, eg {EXTRACT(YEAR FROM "DATE_DBT") = * 3007 , |MISSION.DATE_DBT|}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static public Where quote(String pattern, Object... params) { return new Where(SQLSelect.quote(pattern, params), org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils .select(Arrays.asList(params), new InstanceofPredicate(FieldRef.class))); } static private final String comparison(FieldRef ref, String op, String y) { if (op == NULL_IS_DATA_EQ || op == NULL_IS_DATA_NEQ) { return ref.getField().getServer().getSQLSystem().getSyntax().getNullIsDataComparison(ref.getFieldRef(), op == NULL_IS_DATA_EQ, y); } else { return ref.getFieldRef() + " " + op + " " + y; } } static private final String getInClause(FieldRef field1, final boolean in, final String inParens) { final String op = in ? " in (" : " not in ("; return field1.getFieldRef() + op + inParens + ")"; } private final List<FieldRef> fields; private String clause; { this.fields = new ArrayList<FieldRef>(); this.clause = ""; } public Where(FieldRef field1, String op, FieldRef field2) { this.fields.add(field1); this.fields.add(field2); this.clause = comparison(field1, op, field2.getFieldRef()); } public Where(FieldRef field1, String op, int scalar) { this(field1, op, (Integer) scalar); } /** * Construct a clause like "field = 'hi'". Note: this method will try to rewrite "= null" and * "<> null" to "is null" and "is not null", treating null as a Java <code>null</code> (ie null * == null) and not as a SQL NULL (NULL != NULL), see PostgreSQL documentation section 9.2. * Comparison Operators. ATTN new Where(f, "=", null) will call * {@link #Where(FieldRef, String, FieldRef)}, you have to cast to Object. * * @param ref a field. * @param op an arbitrary operator. * @param o the object to compare <code>ref</code> to. */ public Where(FieldRef ref, String op, Object o) { this.fields.add(ref); if (o == null) { if (op.trim().equals("=")) op = "is"; else if (op.trim().equals("<>")) op = "is not"; } this.clause = comparison(ref, op, ref.getField().getType().toString(o)); } /** * Cre une clause "field1 in (values)". Some databases won't accept empty values (impossible * where clause), so we return false. * * @param field1 le champs tester. * @param values les valeurs. */ public Where(final FieldRef field1, Collection<?> values) { this(field1, true, values); } /** * Construct a clause like "field1 not in (value, ...)". * * @param field1 le champs tester. * @param in <code>true</code> for "in", <code>false</code> for "not in". * @param values les valeurs. */ public Where(final FieldRef field1, final boolean in, Collection<?> values) { if (values.isEmpty()) { this.clause = in ? FALSE.getClause() : TRUE.getClause(); } else { this.fields.add(field1); this.clause = getInClause(field1, in, CollectionUtils.join(values, ",", new ITransformer<Object, String>() { @Override public String transformChecked(Object input) { return field1.getField().getType().toString(input); } })); } } public Where(final FieldRef field1, final boolean in, SQLSelect subQuery) { this.fields.add(field1); this.clause = getInClause(field1, in, subQuery.asString()); } /** * Cre une clause "field BETWEEN borneInf AND borneSup". * * @param ref le champs tester. * @param borneInf la valeur minimum. * @param borneSup la valeur maximum. */ public Where(FieldRef ref, Object borneInf, Object borneSup) { final SQLField field1 = ref.getField(); this.fields.add(ref); this.clause = ref.getFieldRef() + " BETWEEN " + field1.getType().toString(borneInf) + " AND " + field1.getType().toString(borneSup); } /** * Cre une clause pour que <code>ref</code> soit compris entre <code>bornInf</code> et * <code>bornSup</code>. * * @param ref a field, eg NAME. * @param borneInf the lower bound, eg "DOE". * @param infInclusive <code>true</code> if the lower bound should be included, eg * <code>false</code> if "DOE" shouldn't match. * @param borneSup the upper bound, eg "SMITH". * @param supInclusive <code>true</code> if the upper bound should be included. */ public Where(FieldRef ref, Object borneInf, boolean infInclusive, Object borneSup, boolean supInclusive) { this.fields.add(ref); final String infClause = new Where(ref, infInclusive ? ">=" : ">", borneInf).getClause(); final String supClause = new Where(ref, supInclusive ? "<=" : "<", borneSup).getClause(); this.clause = infClause + " AND " + supClause; } // raw ctor, see static methods private Where(String clause, Collection<? extends FieldRef> refs) { this.fields.addAll(refs); this.clause = clause; } private Where() { /* Pour combine() */ } /** * Clone un Where. * * @param orig l'instance cloner. */ public Where(Where orig) { this(orig.clause, orig.fields); } public Where or(Where w) { return this.combine(w, "OR"); } public Where and(Where w) { return this.combine(w, "AND"); } public Where not() { final Where res = new Where(this); res.clause = "NOT (" + this.clause + ")"; return res; } private Where combine(Where w, String op) { if (w == null) return this; Where res = new Where(); res.fields.addAll(this.fields); res.fields.addAll(w.fields); res.clause = "(" + this.clause + ") " + op + " (" + w.clause + ")"; return res; } /** * La clause. * * @return la clause. */ public String getClause() { return this.clause; } /** * Les champs utiliss dans cette clause. * * @return a list of FieldRef. */ public List<FieldRef> getFields() { return this.fields; } public String toString() { return this.getClause(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Where) { Where o = ((Where) obj); return this.getClause().equals(o.getClause()) && this.getFields().equals(o.getFields()); } else return false; } public int hashCode() { return this.getClause().hashCode() + this.getFields().hashCode(); } }