Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
 * and is available at

package org.opendaylight.sxp.core;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.core.behavior.Context;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.core.messaging.AttributeList;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.core.messaging.MessageFactory;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.core.service.BindingDispatcher;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.core.service.BindingHandler;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.core.threading.ThreadsWorker;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.database.SxpDatabase;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.exception.connection.ChannelHandlerContextDiscrepancyException;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.exception.connection.ChannelHandlerContextNotFoundException;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.exception.connection.IncompatiblePeerModeException;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.exception.connection.SocketAddressNotRecognizedException;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.exception.message.ErrorMessageException;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.exception.message.attribute.AttributeNotFoundException;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.exception.unknown.UnknownConnectionModeException;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.exception.unknown.UnknownTimerTypeException;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.exception.unknown.UnknownVersionException;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.filtering.SxpBindingFilter;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.inet.NodeIdConv;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.inet.Search;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.time.SxpTimerTask;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.time.TimeConv;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.time.connection.DeleteHoldDownTimerTask;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.time.connection.HoldTimerTask;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.time.connection.KeepAliveTimerTask;
import org.opendaylight.sxp.util.time.connection.ReconcilationTimerTask;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.database.rev160308.SxpBindingFields;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.database.rev160308.sxp.database.fields.binding.database.binding.sources.binding.source.sxp.database.bindings.SxpDatabaseBinding;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.filter.rev150911.FilterSpecific;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.filter.rev150911.FilterType;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.filter.rev150911.FilterUpdatePolicy;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.filter.rev150911.SxpFilterFields;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.node.rev160308.TimerType;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.node.rev160308.capabilities.fields.Capabilities;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.node.rev160308.sxp.connection.fields.ConnectionTimers;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.node.rev160308.sxp.connection.fields.ConnectionTimersBuilder;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.node.rev160308.sxp.connections.fields.connections.Connection;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.node.rev160308.sxp.connections.fields.connections.ConnectionBuilder;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.AttributeType;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.CapabilityType;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.ConnectionMode;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.ConnectionState;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.ErrorCode;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.ErrorSubCode;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.MessageType;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.NodeId;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.Version;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.attributes.fields.attribute.attribute.optional.fields.HoldTimeAttribute;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.attributes.fields.attribute.attribute.optional.fields.SxpNodeIdAttribute;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.sxp.messages.OpenMessage;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.sxp.messages.UpdateMessage;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.sxp.protocol.rev141002.sxp.messages.UpdateMessageLegacy;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * SxpConnection class represent SxpPeer and contains logic for maintaining communication
public class SxpConnection {

     * ChannelHandlerContextType enum specifies role of ChannelHandlerContext
    public enum ChannelHandlerContextType {
        ListenerContext, None, SpeakerContext

    protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SxpConnection.class.getName());

     * Creates SxpConnection using provided values
     * @param owner      SxpNode to be set as owner
     * @param connection Connection that contains settings
     * @param domain     Sxp Domain where Connections contains
     * @return SxpConnection created by specified values
     * @throws UnknownVersionException If version in provided values isn't supported
    public static SxpConnection create(SxpNode owner, Connection connection, String domain)
            throws UnknownVersionException {
        SxpConnection sxpConnection = new SxpConnection(owner, connection, domain);
        return sxpConnection;

    protected ConnectionBuilder connectionBuilder;
    private Context context;

    private final List<ChannelHandlerContext> initCtxs = new ArrayList<>(2);
    private final HashMap<ChannelHandlerContextType, ChannelHandlerContext> ctxs = new HashMap<>(2);
    private final List<CapabilityType> remoteCapabilityTypes = new ArrayList<>();

    protected InetSocketAddress localAddress, remoteAddress;

    private final SxpNode owner;
    protected final String domain;
    private final NodeId connectionId;

    protected HashMap<TimerType, ListenableScheduledFuture<?>> timers = new HashMap<>(5);
    private final Map<FilterType, Map<FilterSpecific, SxpBindingFilter<?, ? extends SxpFilterFields>>> bindingFilterMap = new HashMap<>(

     * @param filterType Type of SxpBindingFilter to look for
     * @return Filter with specified type or null if connection doesnt have one
    public SxpBindingFilter<?, ? extends SxpFilterFields> getFilter(FilterType filterType) {
        synchronized (bindingFilterMap) {
            return SxpBindingFilter.mergeFilters(bindingFilterMap.get(filterType).values());

     * Defines how to setup flags after filter of specific type is set in SxpConnection
     * @param filterType Type of SxpBindingFilter that was set
    private void updateFlagsForDatabase(final FilterType filterType, boolean filterRemoved) {
        if (!isStateOn(ChannelHandlerContextType.SpeakerContext)
                || filterType.equals(FilterType.Outbound) && !isModeSpeaker()
                || (filterType.equals(FilterType.Inbound) || filterType.equals(FilterType.InboundDiscarding))
                        && !isModeListener()) {
        final SxpDomain sxpDomain = owner.getDomain(getDomainName());
        if (filterType.equals(FilterType.Outbound)) {
            //Sends PurgeAll, All bindings in this order
                    () -> getOwner().getSvcBindingDispatcher().propagateUpdate(null,
                            sxpDomain.getMasterDatabase().getBindings(), Collections.singletonList(this)));
        } else if (filterRemoved && filterType.equals(FilterType.Inbound)) {
            //Adds all Bindings learned from peer to MasterDB and sends it to All Listeners
            owner.getWorker().executeTaskInSequence(() -> {
                synchronized (sxpDomain) {
                    List<SxpDatabaseBinding> bindingsAdd = sxpDomain.getSxpDatabase().getBindings(getId());
                    if (getFilter(filterType) != null) {
                        bindingsAdd.removeIf(b -> !getFilter(filterType).test(b));
                return null;
            }, ThreadsWorker.WorkerType.INBOUND, this);
        } else if (!filterRemoved) {
            //Filters out Bindings from SXP database, removes it from Master and send update to all Listeners
            owner.getWorker().executeTaskInSequence(() -> {
                Map<NodeId, SxpBindingFilter> filterMap = SxpDatabase.getInboundFilters(getOwner(),
                synchronized (sxpDomain) {
                    List<SxpDatabaseBinding> bindingsDelete = SxpDatabase.filterDatabase(sxpDomain.getSxpDatabase(),
                            getId(), getFilter(filterType));

                    if (filterType.equals(FilterType.InboundDiscarding)) {
                        sxpDomain.getSxpDatabase().deleteBindings(getId(), bindingsDelete);
                                            sxpDomain.getSxpDatabase(), filterMap)),
                    getOwner().getDomain(getDomainName()).pushToSharedSxpDatabases(getId(), getFilter(filterType),
                            bindingsDelete, Collections.emptyList());
                return null;
            }, ThreadsWorker.WorkerType.INBOUND, this);

     * Puts SxpBindingFilter into SxpConnection and sets appropriate flags
     * @param filter SxpBindingFilter to be set
    public void putFilter(SxpBindingFilter<?, ? extends SxpFilterFields> filter) {
        if (filter != null) {
            synchronized (bindingFilterMap) {
                LOG.debug("{} put filter {}", this, filter.getSxpFilter());
                FilterType filterType = Preconditions.checkNotNull(filter.getSxpFilter()).getFilterType();
                        .put(Preconditions.checkNotNull(filter.getSxpFilter().getFilterSpecific()), filter);
                if (FilterUpdatePolicy.AutoUpdate.equals(filter.getSxpFilter().getFilterPolicy())) {
                    updateFlagsForDatabase(filterType, false);

     * @param filterType Type of SxpBindingFilter for which looks for its PeerGroup
     * @return PeerGroup name associated with filter of specified type
    public String getGroupName(FilterType filterType) {
        synchronized (bindingFilterMap) {
            SxpBindingFilter filter = getFilter(filterType);
            return filter != null ? filter.getIdentifier() : null;

     * Removed SxpBindingFilter from SxpConnection and reset appropriate flags
     * if no subtype is specified remove all of specified type
     * @param filterType Type of SxpBindingFilter to be removed
     * @param specific   SubType of SxpBindingFilter to be removed
     * @return Removed SxpBindingFilters
    public List<SxpBindingFilter<?, ? extends SxpFilterFields>> removeFilter(FilterType filterType,
            FilterSpecific specific) {
        List<SxpBindingFilter<?, ? extends SxpFilterFields>> filters = new ArrayList<>();
        synchronized (bindingFilterMap) {
            if (specific == null) {
            } else {
            if (!filters.isEmpty() &&
                    .allMatch(f -> FilterUpdatePolicy.AutoUpdate.equals(f.getSxpFilter().getFilterPolicy()))) {
                updateFlagsForDatabase(filterType, true);
        return filters;

     * Default constructor that creates SxpConnection using provided values
     * @param owner      SxpNode to be set as owner
     * @param connection Connection that contains settings
     * @throws UnknownVersionException If version in provided values isn't supported
    protected SxpConnection(SxpNode owner, Connection connection, String domain) throws UnknownVersionException {
        this.owner = Preconditions.checkNotNull(owner);
        this.domain = Preconditions.checkNotNull(domain);
        this.connectionBuilder = new ConnectionBuilder(Preconditions.checkNotNull(connection));
        if (connectionBuilder.getState() == null) {
        this.remoteAddress = new InetSocketAddress(Search.getAddress(connectionBuilder.getPeerAddress()),
                connectionBuilder.getTcpPort() != null ? connectionBuilder.getTcpPort().getValue()
                        : Configuration.getConstants().getPort());
        this.connectionId = new NodeId(connectionBuilder.getPeerAddress().getIpv4Address());
        for (FilterType filterType : FilterType.values()) {
            bindingFilterMap.put(filterType, new HashMap<>());
        if (!Objects.nonNull(connectionBuilder.getVersion())) {
        this.context = new Context(owner, connectionBuilder.getVersion());

     * @param build Timers to set
    protected void setTimers(ConnectionTimers build) {

     * @param state State to be set
    protected void setState(ConnectionState state) {

     * @param capabilities Capabilities to be set
    protected void setCapabilities(Capabilities capabilities) {

     * @param version Version to be set
    protected void setVersion(Version version) {

     * @param connection Connection to be set
    protected void setConnection(Connection connection) {
        connectionBuilder = new ConnectionBuilder(Preconditions.checkNotNull(connection));

     * Update KeepAlive TimeStamp
    public void setUpdateOrKeepaliveMessageTimestamp() {

     * Sets Id of Peer
     * @param nodeId NodeId to be set
    public void setNodeIdRemote(NodeId nodeId) {

     * Propagate changes learned from network to SxpDatabase
     * @param message UpdateMessage containing changes
    public void processUpdateMessage(UpdateMessage message) {
        if (getNodeIdRemote() == null) {
            LOG.warn(getOwner() + " Unknown message relevant peer node ID");
        owner.getWorker().executeTaskInSequence(() -> {
                    BindingHandler.processMessageAddition(message, getFilter(FilterType.InboundDiscarding)), this);
            return null;
        }, ThreadsWorker.WorkerType.INBOUND, this);

     * Propagate changes learned from network to SxpDatabase
     * @param message UpdateMessage containing changes
    public void processUpdateMessage(UpdateMessageLegacy message) {
        if (getNodeIdRemote() == null) {
            LOG.warn(getOwner() + " Unknown message relevant peer node ID");
        owner.getWorker().executeTaskInSequence(() -> {
                    BindingHandler.processMessageAddition(message, getFilter(FilterType.InboundDiscarding),
            return null;
        }, ThreadsWorker.WorkerType.INBOUND, this);

     * @param deleteBindings Bindings to be deleted
     * @param addBindings    Bindings that will be added
     * @param connections    SxpConnections to which change will be propagated
     * @param <T>            Any type extending SxpBindingFields
    public <T extends SxpBindingFields> void propagateUpdate(List<T> deleteBindings, List<T> addBindings,
            List<SxpConnection> connections) {
        owner.getSvcBindingDispatcher().propagateUpdate(deleteBindings, addBindings, connections);

     * Adds ChannelHandlerContext into init queue
     * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext to be added
    public void addChannelHandlerContext(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
        synchronized (initCtxs) {
            LOG.debug(this + " Add init channel context {}/{}", ctx, initCtxs);

     * Notifies to Delete Bindings with Flag CleanUp learned from this connection
     * and propagate this change to other connections
    public void cleanUpBindings() {
        // Clean-up bindings within reconciliation: If the connection recovers
        // before the delete hold down timer expiration, a reconcile timer is
        // started to clean up old mappings that didnt get informed to be
        // removed because of the loss of connectivity.

     * Close specified ChannelHandlerContext and remove it from connection
     * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext to be closed
    public ChannelHandlerContextType closeChannelHandlerContext(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
        ChannelHandlerContextType type = ChannelHandlerContextType.None;
        synchronized (initCtxs) {
        synchronized (ctxs) {
            for (Map.Entry<ChannelHandlerContextType, ChannelHandlerContext> e : ctxs.entrySet()) {
                if (e.getValue().equals(ctx)) {
                    type = e.getKey();
            if (type != ChannelHandlerContextType.None) {
        return type;

     * Close all init ChannelHandlerContext and mark specified ChannelHandlerContext
     * according to connection mode
     * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext ChannelHandlerContext to be marked
    public void closeChannelHandlerContextComplements(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
        synchronized (initCtxs) {
            for (ChannelHandlerContext _ctx : initCtxs) {

     * Close and remove all ChannelHandlerContext associated with this connection
    public void closeChannelHandlerContexts() {
        synchronized (initCtxs) {
            for (ChannelHandlerContext _ctx : initCtxs) {
        synchronized (ctxs) {
            for (ChannelHandlerContext _ctx : ctxs.values()) {

     * Disable KeepAlive mechanism
     * @param log Log message
    private void disableKeepAliveMechanism(String log) {
        if (isModeListener()) {
        } else if (isModeSpeaker()) {
        }"{} Connection keep-alive mechanism is disabled | {}", toString(), log);

     * Disable KeepAlive mechanism and send Peer error message
     * @param holdTimeMin    Negotiated value
     * @param holdTimeMinAcc Negotiated value
     * @param holdTimeMax    Negotiated value
    private void disableKeepAliveMechanismConnectionTermination(int holdTimeMin, int holdTimeMinAcc,
            int holdTimeMax) throws ErrorMessageException {
        disableKeepAliveMechanism("Unacceptable hold time [min=" + holdTimeMin + " acc=" + holdTimeMinAcc + " max="
                + holdTimeMax + "] | Connection termination");
        throw new ErrorMessageException(ErrorCode.OpenMessageError, ErrorSubCode.UnacceptableHoldTime, null);

     * @return Gets all supported getCapabilities
    public List<CapabilityType> getCapabilities() {
        if (connectionBuilder.getCapabilities() == null
                || connectionBuilder.getCapabilities().getCapability() == null) {
            return new ArrayList<>();
        return connectionBuilder.getCapabilities().getCapability();

     * @return Gets all supported getCapabilities of Remote Peer
    public List<CapabilityType> getCapabilitiesRemote() {
        synchronized (remoteCapabilityTypes) {
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(remoteCapabilityTypes);

     * Clears and afterwards sets Capabilities of Remote Peer
     * @param capabilityTypeList List of Capabilities that Remote Peer supports
    public void setCapabilitiesRemote(List<CapabilityType> capabilityTypeList) {
        synchronized (remoteCapabilityTypes) {

     * Gets ChannelHandlerContext according to specified type
     * @param channelHandlerContextType Type of ChannelHandlerContext
     * @return ChannelHandlerContext marked with specified type
     * @throws ChannelHandlerContextNotFoundException    If ChannelHandlerContext isn't present
     * @throws ChannelHandlerContextDiscrepancyException If there are more ChannelHandlerContext,
     *                                                   that it used to be
    public ChannelHandlerContext getChannelHandlerContext(ChannelHandlerContextType channelHandlerContextType)
            throws ChannelHandlerContextNotFoundException, ChannelHandlerContextDiscrepancyException {
        synchronized (ctxs) {
            if ((isModeBoth() && ctxs.size() > 2) || (!isModeBoth() && ctxs.size() > 1)) {
                LOG.warn(this + " Registered contexts: " + ctxs);
                throw new ChannelHandlerContextDiscrepancyException();
            ChannelHandlerContext ctx = ctxs.get(channelHandlerContextType);
            if (ctx == null || ctx.isRemoved()) {
                throw new ChannelHandlerContextNotFoundException();
            return ctx;

     * @param channelHandlerContextType Type of ChannelHandlerContext
     * @return If ChannelHandlerContext is actively used
    public boolean hasChannelHandlerContext(ChannelHandlerContextType channelHandlerContextType) {
        synchronized (ctxs) {
            ChannelHandlerContext ctx = ctxs.get(channelHandlerContextType);
            if (ctx == null || ctx.isRemoved()) {
                return false;
            return true;

     * @return Gets Context selecting logic
    public Context getContext() {
        return context;

     * @return Gets destination address
    public InetSocketAddress getDestination() {
        return remoteAddress;

     * @return Gets local address
    public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() {
        return localAddress;

     * @return Gets HoldTime value or zero if disabled
    public int getHoldTime() {
        if (connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers() == null
                || connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getHoldTime() == null) {
            return getOwner().getHoldTime();
        return connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getHoldTime();

     * @return Gets HoldTimeMax value or zero if disabled
    public int getHoldTimeMax() {
        if (connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers() == null
                || connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getHoldTimeMax() == null) {
            return getOwner().getHoldTimeMax();
        return connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getHoldTimeMax();

     * @return Gets HoldTimeMin value or zero if disabled
    public int getHoldTimeMin() {
        if (connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers() == null
                || connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getHoldTimeMin() == null) {
            return getOwner().getHoldTimeMin();
        return connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getHoldTimeMin();

     * @return Gets HoldTimeMinAcceptable value or zero if disabled
    public int getHoldTimeMinAcceptable() {
        if (connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers() == null
                || connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getHoldTimeMinAcceptable() == null) {
            return getOwner().getHoldTimeMinAcceptable();
        return connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getHoldTimeMinAcceptable();

     * @return Gets KeepAlive value or zero if disabled
    public int getKeepaliveTime() {
        if (connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers() == null
                || connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getKeepAliveTime() == null) {
            return getOwner().getKeepAliveTime();
        return connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getKeepAliveTime();

     * @return Gets Mode of connection
    public ConnectionMode getMode() {
        return connectionBuilder.getMode() != null ? connectionBuilder.getMode() : ConnectionMode.None;

     * @return Gets Mode of Peer
    public ConnectionMode getModeRemote() {
        return invertMode(getMode());

     * @param mode Mode that will be logically inverted
     * @return Inverted Mode
    public static ConnectionMode invertMode(ConnectionMode mode) {
        if (ConnectionMode.Listener.equals(mode))
            return ConnectionMode.Speaker;
        else if (ConnectionMode.Speaker.equals(mode))
            return ConnectionMode.Listener;
        return ConnectionMode.Both;

     * @return Gets NodeId of Peer Node
    public NodeId getNodeIdRemote() {
        return connectionBuilder.getNodeId();

     * @return Gets Id of assigned for this connection
    public NodeId getId() {
        return connectionId;

     * @return Gets Node that connections belongs to
    public SxpNode getOwner() {
        return owner;

     * @return Gets NodeId of Node that connection belongs to
    public NodeId getOwnerId() {
        return owner.getNodeId();

     * @return Gets password used by connection
    public String getPassword() {
        return connectionBuilder.getPassword() != null && !connectionBuilder.getPassword().isEmpty()
                ? connectionBuilder.getPassword()
                : getOwner().getPassword();

     * @return Gets Reconciliation timer period or zero if disabled
    public int getReconciliationTime() {
        if (connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers() == null
                || connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getReconciliationTime() == null) {
            return 0;
        return connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getReconciliationTime();

     * @return Gets current state of connection
    public ConnectionState getState() {
        return connectionBuilder.getState();

     * @return Domain to which Connection belongs
    public String getDomainName() {
        return domain;

     * Gets SxpConnection specific Timer
     * @param timerType Type of Timer
     * @return TimerType or null if not present
    public ListenableScheduledFuture<?> getTimer(TimerType timerType) {
        return timers.get(timerType);

     * @return Gets KeepAlive timestamp
    public long getTimestampUpdateOrKeepAliveMessage() {
        return TimeConv.toLong(connectionBuilder.getTimestampUpdateOrKeepAliveMessage());

     * @return Gets connection version
    public Version getVersion() {
        return connectionBuilder.getVersion();

     * Initialize timers according to specified mode and timer values
     * @param connectionMode ConnectionMode used for setup
    private void initializeTimers(ConnectionMode connectionMode) {
        if (connectionMode.equals(ConnectionMode.Listener)) {
            if (getHoldTime() > 0) {
                setTimer(TimerType.HoldTimer, getHoldTime());
        if (connectionMode.equals(ConnectionMode.Speaker)) {
            if (getKeepaliveTime() > 0) {
                setTimer(TimerType.KeepAliveTimer, getKeepaliveTime());

     * @return If both ChannelHandlerContext are properly on
    public boolean isBidirectionalBoth() {
        synchronized (ctxs) {
            return ctxs.containsKey(ChannelHandlerContextType.ListenerContext)
                    && !ctxs.get(ChannelHandlerContextType.ListenerContext).isRemoved()
                    && ctxs.containsKey(ChannelHandlerContextType.SpeakerContext)
                    && !ctxs.get(ChannelHandlerContextType.SpeakerContext).isRemoved();

     * @return If connection is in mode Both
    public boolean isModeBoth() {
        return getMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Both);

     * @return If connection is in mode Listener
    public boolean isModeListener() {
        return getMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Listener) || isModeBoth();

     * @return If connection is in mode Speaker
    public boolean isModeSpeaker() {
        return getMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Speaker) || isModeBoth();

     * @return If State is DeleteHoldDown
    public boolean isStateDeleteHoldDown() {
        return getState().equals(ConnectionState.DeleteHoldDown);

     * @return If State is Off or in Both mode connections isn't in bidirectional mode
    public boolean isStateOff() {
        return getState().equals(ConnectionState.Off) || (isModeBoth() && !isBidirectionalBoth());

     * @return If State is On
    public boolean isStateOn() {
        return isModeBoth() ? ConnectionState.On.equals(getState()) && isBidirectionalBoth()
                : ConnectionState.On.equals(getState());

     * Test if specified function of Connection is On
     * @param type Specifies function (Speaker/Listener)
     * @return if functionality is active on Connection
    public boolean isStateOn(ChannelHandlerContextType type) {
        if (isModeBoth() && !type.equals(ChannelHandlerContextType.None)) {
            synchronized (ctxs) {
                return ctxs.containsKey(type) && !ctxs.get(type).isRemoved();
        return isStateOn();

     * @return is State is PendingOn
    public boolean isStatePendingOn() {
        return getState().equals(ConnectionState.PendingOn);

     * @return If connection is version 4
    public boolean isVersion4() {
        return getVersion().equals(Version.Version4);

     * Mark ChannelHandlerContext with specified Role Speaker or Listener,
     * removes ChannelHandlerContext from init queue
     * @param ctx                       ChannelHandlerContext to be marked
     * @param channelHandlerContextType Type of mark
    public synchronized void markChannelHandlerContext(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
            ChannelHandlerContextType channelHandlerContextType) {
        synchronized (initCtxs) {
        synchronized (ctxs) {
            ChannelHandlerContext context = ctxs.put(channelHandlerContextType, ctx);
            if (context != null) {

     * Mark ChannelHandlerContext with Role Speaker or Listener,
     * removes ChannelHandlerContext from init queue
     * Aware that this method is only used for Non Both mode
     * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext to be marked
    public void markChannelHandlerContext(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
        if (isModeBoth()) {
            LOG.warn("{} Cannot automatically mark ChannelHandlerContext {}", this, ctx);
        } else if (isModeListener()) {
            markChannelHandlerContext(ctx, ChannelHandlerContextType.ListenerContext);
        } else if (isModeSpeaker()) {
            markChannelHandlerContext(ctx, ChannelHandlerContextType.SpeakerContext);

     * Removes all learned Bindings on current connection and shutdown connection
    public void purgeBindings() {
        // Get message relevant peer node ID.
        getOwner().getWorker().addListener(getOwner().getSvcBindingHandler().processPurgeAllMessage(this), () -> {
            try {
            } catch (ChannelHandlerContextNotFoundException | ChannelHandlerContextDiscrepancyException e) {

     * Set behaviour context according to specified version
     * @param version Version to be set
     * @throws UnknownVersionException If Version isn't supported
    public void setBehaviorContexts(Version version) throws UnknownVersionException {
        context = new Context(owner, version);

     * Setup Connection by parsing received OpenMessage
     * @param message OpenMessage containing necessary data
     * @throws UnknownConnectionModeException If connection mode isn't compatible
     * @throws ErrorMessageException          If da in OpenMessage are incorrect
    public void setConnection(OpenMessage message) throws ErrorMessageException, UnknownConnectionModeException {
        if (isModeListener() && message.getSxpMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Speaker)) {
        } else if (isModeSpeaker() && message.getSxpMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Listener)) {
            try {
            } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
                LOG.warn("{} No Capabilities received by remote peer.", this);
        } else {
            throw new UnknownConnectionModeException();
        // Set connection state.

     * Setup Listener mode Connection by parsing received OpenMessage
     * @param message OpenMessage containing necessary data
     * @throws ErrorMessageException If data in OpenMessage are incorrect
    public void setConnectionListenerPart(OpenMessage message) throws ErrorMessageException {
        // Node modes compatibility.
        if (getMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Listener) && !message.getSxpMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Speaker)
                || getMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Speaker)
                        && !message.getSxpMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Listener)) {
            throw new ErrorMessageException(ErrorCode.OpenMessageError,
                    new IncompatiblePeerModeException(getMode(), message.getSxpMode()));
        // Set counter-part NodeID [Purge-All purpose: remove bindings learned
        // from a specific node].
        try {
            SxpNodeIdAttribute attNodeId = (SxpNodeIdAttribute) AttributeList.get(message.getAttribute(),
            if (attNodeId != null) {
        } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
            if (isVersion4()) {
                throw new ErrorMessageException(ErrorCode.OpenMessageError, ErrorSubCode.OptionalAttributeError, e);

        // Keep-alive and hold-time negotiation.
        HoldTimeAttribute attHoldTime;
        try {
            attHoldTime = (HoldTimeAttribute) AttributeList.get(message.getAttribute(), AttributeType.HoldTime);
        } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
            disableKeepAliveMechanism("Hold time attribute not present in received message");

        // Peer parameters.
        int holdTimeMinAcc = attHoldTime.getHoldTimeAttributes().getHoldTimeMinValue();
        // Keep-alive mechanism is not used.
        if (holdTimeMinAcc == 0) {
            disableKeepAliveMechanism("Minimum acceptable hold time value is not used in peer");

        // Local parameters.
        // Per-connection time settings: User (not)defined.
        int holdTimeMin = getHoldTimeMin();
        int holdTimeMax = getHoldTimeMax();
        // Global time settings: Default values have been pulled during node
        // creation TimeSettings.pullDefaults().
        if (holdTimeMin == 0 || holdTimeMax == 0) {
            disableKeepAliveMechanism("Minimum and maximum hold time values are globally disabled");
        // The negotiation succeeds?
        if (message.getType().equals(MessageType.Open)) {
            if (holdTimeMinAcc < holdTimeMin) {
            if (holdTimeMinAcc > holdTimeMax) {
                disableKeepAliveMechanismConnectionTermination(holdTimeMin, holdTimeMinAcc, holdTimeMax);
            } else if (holdTimeMinAcc >= holdTimeMin && holdTimeMinAcc <= holdTimeMax) {
        } else if (message.getType().equals(MessageType.OpenResp)) {
            if (holdTimeMinAcc <= holdTimeMax) {
            } else {
                disableKeepAliveMechanismConnectionTermination(holdTimeMin, holdTimeMinAcc, holdTimeMax);


     * Setup Speaker mode Connection by parsing received OpenMessage
     * @param message OpenMessage containing necessary data
     * @throws ErrorMessageException If data in OpenMessage are incorrect
    public void setConnectionSpeakerPart(OpenMessage message) throws ErrorMessageException {
        // Node modes compatibility.
        if (getMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Listener) && !message.getSxpMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Speaker)
                || getMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Speaker)
                        && !message.getSxpMode().equals(ConnectionMode.Listener)) {
            throw new ErrorMessageException(ErrorCode.OpenMessageError,
                    new IncompatiblePeerModeException(getMode(), message.getSxpMode()));
        // Set counter-part NodeID [Purge-All purpose: remove bindings learned
        // from a specific node].
        try {
            SxpNodeIdAttribute attNodeId = (SxpNodeIdAttribute) AttributeList.get(message.getAttribute(),
            if (attNodeId != null && isVersion4()) {
                throw new ErrorMessageException(ErrorCode.OpenMessageError, ErrorSubCode.OptionalAttributeError,
        } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {

        // Keep-alive and hold-time negotiation.
        HoldTimeAttribute attHoldTime;
        try {
            attHoldTime = (HoldTimeAttribute) AttributeList.get(message.getAttribute(), AttributeType.HoldTime);
        } catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
            disableKeepAliveMechanism("Hold time attribute not present in received message");

        // Peer parameters.
        int holdTimeMin = attHoldTime.getHoldTimeAttributes().getHoldTimeMinValue();
        int holdTimeMax = attHoldTime.getHoldTimeAttributes().getHoldTimeMaxValue();
        // Keep-alive mechanism is not used.
        if (holdTimeMin == 0) {
            disableKeepAliveMechanism("Minimum hold time value set to ZERO ");

        // Local parameters.
        // Per-connection time settings: User (not)defined.
        int holdTimeMinAcc = getHoldTimeMinAcceptable();
        // Globally disabled
        if (holdTimeMinAcc == 0) {
            disableKeepAliveMechanism("Minimum acceptable hold time value is globally disabled");
        // The negotiation succeeds?
        if (message.getType().equals(MessageType.Open)) {
            if (holdTimeMinAcc > holdTimeMax) {
                disableKeepAliveMechanismConnectionTermination(holdTimeMin, holdTimeMinAcc, holdTimeMax);
            } else {
                int holdTimeSelected = Math.max(holdTimeMin, holdTimeMinAcc);
                setKeepaliveTime((int) (1.0 / 3.0 * holdTimeSelected));
        } else if (message.getType().equals(MessageType.OpenResp)) {
            setKeepaliveTime((int) (1.0 / 3.0 * holdTimeMin));


     * Start DeleteHoldDown timer and if Reconciliation timer is started stop it
    public void setDeleteHoldDownTimer() {
        if (connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getDeleteHoldDownTime() == 0)
            return;"{} onChannelInactivation/setDeleteHoldDownTimer", this);
        setTimer(TimerType.DeleteHoldDownTimer, connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getDeleteHoldDownTime());
        ListenableScheduledFuture<?> ctReconciliation = getTimer(TimerType.ReconciliationTimer);
        if (ctReconciliation != null && !ctReconciliation.isDone()
                && connectionBuilder.getConnectionTimers().getReconciliationTime() != 0) {
  "{} Stopping Reconciliation timer cause | Connection DOWN.", this);
            setTimer(TimerType.ReconciliationTimer, null);

     * Sets HoldTimer timer period
     * @param value Time to be set
    public void setHoldTime(int value) {
        ConnectionTimersBuilder connectionTimersBuilder = new ConnectionTimersBuilder(

     * Sets HoldTimeMin used for HoldTime Negotiation
     * @param value Time to be set
    public void setHoldTimeMin(int value) {
        ConnectionTimersBuilder connectionTimersBuilder = new ConnectionTimersBuilder(

     * Sets HoldTimeMinAcceptable used for HoldTime Negotiation
     * @param value Time to be set
    public void setHoldTimeMinAcceptable(int value) {
        ConnectionTimersBuilder connectionTimersBuilder = new ConnectionTimersBuilder(

     * Sets addresses used to communicate
     * @param localAddress SocketAddress of local connection
     * @throws SocketAddressNotRecognizedException If parameters aren't instance of InetSocketAddress
    public void setInetSocketAddresses(SocketAddress localAddress) throws SocketAddressNotRecognizedException {
        if (!(localAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress)) {
            throw new SocketAddressNotRecognizedException(localAddress);
        this.localAddress = (InetSocketAddress) localAddress;

     * Sets KeepAlive timer period
     * @param value Time to be set
    public void setKeepaliveTime(int value) {
        ConnectionTimersBuilder connectionTimersBuilder = new ConnectionTimersBuilder(

     * Sets Reconciliation timer on current connection
    public void setReconciliationTimer() {
        if (getReconciliationTime() > 0) {
            ListenableScheduledFuture<?> ctDeleteHoldDown = getTimer(TimerType.DeleteHoldDownTimer);
            if (ctDeleteHoldDown != null && !ctDeleteHoldDown.isDone()) {
      "{} Stopping Delete Hold Down timer.", this);
                setTimer(TimerType.DeleteHoldDownTimer, null);
  "{} Starting Reconciliation timer.", this);
            setTimer(TimerType.ReconciliationTimer, getReconciliationTime());

     * Set State to DeleteHoldDown and triggers cleanUp of Database
    public void setStateDeleteHoldDown() {

     * Set State to Off resets all flags, stop timers,
     * clear Handling of messages and close ChannelHandlerContexts
    public void setStateOff() {
        getOwner().getWorker().cancelTasksInSequence(true, ThreadsWorker.WorkerType.INBOUND, this);
        getOwner().getWorker().cancelTasksInSequence(true, ThreadsWorker.WorkerType.OUTBOUND, this);

     * Gets type of ChannelHandlerContext in current connection,
     * if ChannelHandlerContext is not used in this connection return None
     * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext  to be tested
     * @return Type of ChannelHandlerContext in this connection
    public ChannelHandlerContextType getContextType(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
        ChannelHandlerContextType type = ChannelHandlerContextType.None;
        synchronized (ctxs) {
            for (Map.Entry<ChannelHandlerContextType, ChannelHandlerContext> e : ctxs.entrySet()) {
                if (e.getValue().equals(ctx)) {
                    type = e.getKey();
        return type;

     * Set State to Off and close ChannelHandlerContext,
     * if Connection is in Both mode disable appropriate
     * functionality based on ChannelHandlerContext type
     * @param ctx ChannelHandlerContext to be closed
    public void setStateOff(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
        ChannelHandlerContextType type = closeChannelHandlerContext(ctx);
        if (ctxs.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            switch (type) {
            case ListenerContext:
                setTimer(TimerType.DeleteHoldDownTimer, 0);
                setTimer(TimerType.ReconciliationTimer, 0);
                setTimer(TimerType.HoldTimer, 0);
                getOwner().getWorker().cancelTasksInSequence(true, ThreadsWorker.WorkerType.INBOUND, this);
            case SpeakerContext:
                setTimer(TimerType.KeepAliveTimer, 0);
                getOwner().getWorker().cancelTasksInSequence(true, ThreadsWorker.WorkerType.OUTBOUND, this);

     * Stops all supported timers till version 4
    private void stopTimers() {
        setTimer(TimerType.DeleteHoldDownTimer, 0);
        setTimer(TimerType.ReconciliationTimer, 0);
        setTimer(TimerType.HoldTimer, 0);
        setTimer(TimerType.KeepAliveTimer, 0);

     * Set State to On and if Connection is mode speaker
     * notifies export of Bindings
    public void setStateOn() {
        if (isModeSpeaker() || isModeBoth()) {
            getOwner().getWorker().executeTaskInSequence(() -> {
                synchronized (getOwner().getDomain(getDomainName())) {
                return null;
            }, ThreadsWorker.WorkerType.OUTBOUND, this);

     * Set State to PendingOn
    public void setStatePendingOn() {

     * Sets SxpConnection specific Timer
     * @param timerType Type of Timer that will be set
     * @param period    Time period to wait till execution in Seconds
     * @return ListenableScheduledFuture callback
     * @throws UnknownTimerTypeException If current TimerType isn't supported
    public synchronized ListenableScheduledFuture<?> setTimer(TimerType timerType, int period)
            throws UnknownTimerTypeException {
        SxpTimerTask timer;
        switch (timerType) {
        case DeleteHoldDownTimer:
            timer = new DeleteHoldDownTimerTask(this, period);
        case HoldTimer:
            timer = new HoldTimerTask(this, period);
        case KeepAliveTimer:
            timer = new KeepAliveTimerTask(this, period);
        case ReconciliationTimer:
            timer = new ReconcilationTimerTask(this, period);
            throw new UnknownTimerTypeException(timerType);
        ListenableScheduledFuture<?> timer_ = getTimer(timerType);
        if (period > 0 && (timer_ == null || !timer_.isCancelled())) {
            return this.setTimer(timerType, owner.getWorker().scheduleTask(timer, period, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        } else {
            return this.setTimer(timerType, null);

     * Sets SxpConnection specific Timer
     * @param timerType Type of Timer that will be set
     * @param timer     Timer logic
     * @return ListenableScheduledFuture callback
    private ListenableScheduledFuture<?> setTimer(TimerType timerType, ListenableScheduledFuture<?> timer) {
        ListenableScheduledFuture<?> t = this.timers.put(timerType, timer);
        if (t != null && !t.isDone()) {
        return timer;

     * Shutdown Connection and send PurgeAll if Speaker mode,
     * or purge learned Bindings if Listener mode
    public synchronized void shutdown() {
        if (isModeListener()) {
            try {
      "{} PURGE bindings ", this);
            } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
                LOG.warn("{} Error PURGE bindings ", this);
        if (isModeSpeaker() && isStateOn(ChannelHandlerContextType.SpeakerContext)) {

    public String toString() {
        String localAddress = this.localAddress != null ? this.localAddress.toString() : "";
        if (localAddress.startsWith("/")) {
            localAddress = localAddress.substring(1);
        String remoteAddress = this.remoteAddress != null ? this.remoteAddress.toString() : "";
        if (remoteAddress.startsWith("/")) {
            remoteAddress = remoteAddress.substring(1);
        String result = owner.toString() + "[" + localAddress + "/" + remoteAddress + "]";

        result += "[" + (getState().equals(ConnectionState.Off) ? "X" : getState().toString().charAt(0)) + "|"
                + getMode().toString().charAt(0) + "v" + getVersion().getIntValue();
        if (getModeRemote() != null) {
            result += "/" + getModeRemote().toString().charAt(0);

        if (getNodeIdRemote() != null) {
            result += " " + NodeIdConv.toString(getNodeIdRemote());
        result += "]";
        return result;