Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2014 European Spallation Source
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cosylab d.d.
 * This file is part of Controls Configuration Database.
 * Controls Configuration Database is free software: you can redistribute it
 * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License,
 * or any newer version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see
package org.openepics.discs.ccdb.gui.ui;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import javax.faces.view.ViewScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;

import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.core.ejb.AuditRecordEJB;
import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.AuditRecord;
import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.ConfigurationEntity;
import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.EntityType;
import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.EntityTypeOperation;
import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.gui.export.ExportTable;
import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.gui.ui.export.ExportSimpleTableDialog;
import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.gui.ui.export.SimpleTableExporter;
import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.core.util.Utility;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

 * @author vuppala
 * @author <a href="">Miha Vitorovi?</a>
@Named(value = "auditManager")
public class AuditManager implements Serializable, SimpleTableExporter {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4650841685917081962L;

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AuditManager.class.getCanonicalName());

    private AuditRecordEJB auditRecordEJB;

    private List<AuditRecord> auditRecordsForEntity;
    private AuditRecord displayRecord;
    private List<AuditRecord> auditRecords;
    private List<AuditRecord> filteredAuditRecords;
    private List<SelectItem> auditOperations;
    private List<SelectItem> entityTypes;
    private String formattedDetails;

    private transient ExportSimpleTableDialog simpleTableExporterDialog;

    private class ExportSimpleAuditTableDialog extends ExportSimpleTableDialog {
        protected String getTableName() {
            return "Log";

        protected String getFileName() {
            return "ccdb_log";

        protected void addHeaderRow(ExportTable exportTable) {
            exportTable.addHeaderRow("Timestamp", "User", "Operation", "Entity name", "Entity type", "Entity ID",

        protected void addData(ExportTable exportTable) {
            final List<AuditRecord> exportData = Utility.isNullOrEmpty(filteredAuditRecords) ? auditRecords
                    : filteredAuditRecords;
            for (final AuditRecord record : exportData) {
                exportTable.addDataRow(record.getLogTime(), record.getUser(), record.getOper().toString(),
                        record.getEntityKey(), record.getEntityType().getLabel(), record.getEntityId(),

        protected String getExcelTemplatePath() {
            // audit log does not have a template
            return null;

        protected int getExcelDataStartRow() {
            // audit log does not have a template
            return 0;

     * Creates a new instance of AuditManager
    public AuditManager() {

     * Java EE post construct life-cycle method.
    public void init() {
        auditRecords = auditRecordEJB.findAllOrdered();
        simpleTableExporterDialog = new ExportSimpleAuditTableDialog();

     * This method is called from xhtml to set the audit record for which the details will be shown in the dialog.
     * The audit record is selected by its database ID.
     * @param id - the database id of the audit log record
    public void chooseDisplayRecord(final Long id) {
        this.displayRecord = auditRecordEJB.findById(id);

     * @return The audit record used in the <i>display details</i> dialog.
    public AuditRecord getDisplayRecord() {
        return displayRecord;

    public void setDisplayRecord(AuditRecord displayRecord) {
        this.displayRecord = displayRecord;

    private String formatEntryDetails(AuditRecord record) {
        try {
            final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            final Object json = mapper.readValue(record.getEntry(), Object.class);
            return mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(json);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, e.getMessage(), e);
            return "";

    /** This method is called from xhtml to prepare the entry details for display in overlay panel. */
    public void handleDetails() {
        formattedDetails = formatEntryDetails(displayRecord);

    /** @return the formattedDetails */
    public String getFormattedDetails() {
        return formattedDetails;

     * @return A pretty printed representation of the selected log entry JSON.
    public String getDisplayRecordEntry() {
        if (displayRecord == null) {
            return "";

        return formatEntryDetails(displayRecord);

     * The method sets the audit log list for the selected entity. This method is called from the table button "i" in
     * the xhtml file.
     * @param selectedEntity - the entity to set the audit log list for.
     * @param entityType - the type of the entity. To set this parameter from xhtml, use a string representation of
     * the enumeration constant.
    public void selectEntityForLog(final ConfigurationEntity selectedEntity, final EntityType entityType) {
        auditRecordsForEntity = auditRecordEJB.findByEntityIdAndType(selectedEntity.getId(), entityType);

     * @return A list of audit log entries for a selected entity to show in the table.
    public List<AuditRecord> getAuditRecordsForEntity() {
        return auditRecordsForEntity;

    /** @return the auditRecords */
    public List<AuditRecord> getAuditRecords() {
        return auditRecords;

     * @return the filteredAuditRecords
    public List<AuditRecord> getFilteredAuditRecords() {
        return filteredAuditRecords;

     * @param filteredAuditRecords the filteredAuditRecords to set
    public void setFilteredAuditRecords(List<AuditRecord> filteredAuditRecords) {
        this.filteredAuditRecords = filteredAuditRecords;

    private void prepareAuditOperations() {
        if (auditOperations == null) {
            Builder<SelectItem> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
            builder.add(new SelectItem("", "Select one"));
            EntityTypeOperation[] ops = new EntityTypeOperation[] { EntityTypeOperation.CREATE,
                    EntityTypeOperation.UPDATE, EntityTypeOperation.DELETE };
            for (EntityTypeOperation operation : ops) {
                builder.add(new SelectItem(operation.toString(), operation.toString()));
            auditOperations =;

    private void prepareEntityTypes() {
        if (entityTypes == null) {
            Builder<SelectItem> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
            builder.add(new SelectItem("", "Select one"));
            builder.add(new SelectItem(EntityType.SLOT.toString(), EntityType.SLOT.getLabel()));
            builder.add(new SelectItem(EntityType.DEVICE.toString(), EntityType.DEVICE.getLabel()));
            builder.add(new SelectItem(EntityType.COMPONENT_TYPE.toString(), EntityType.COMPONENT_TYPE.getLabel()));
            builder.add(new SelectItem(EntityType.PROPERTY.toString(), EntityType.PROPERTY.getLabel()));
            builder.add(new SelectItem(EntityType.DATA_TYPE.toString(), EntityType.DATA_TYPE.getLabel()));
            builder.add(new SelectItem(EntityType.UNIT.toString(), EntityType.UNIT.getLabel()));
            entityTypes =;

    /** @return the list of entity types */
    public List<SelectItem> getEntityTypes() {
        return entityTypes;

    /** @return the list of audit operations */
    public List<SelectItem> getAuditOperations() {
        return auditOperations;

    public ExportSimpleTableDialog getSimpleTableDialog() {
        return simpleTableExporterDialog;