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Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2013 Open mHealth
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.openmhealth.reference.domain;

import name.jenkins.paul.john.concordia.schema.ObjectSchema;
import name.jenkins.paul.john.concordia.validator.ValidationController;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openmhealth.reference.concordia.OmhValidationController;
import org.openmhealth.reference.exception.OmhException;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.BooleanNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;

 * <p>
 * Responsible for testing everything about the {@link Schema} class.
 * </p>
 * @author John Jenkins
public class SchemaTest {
     * A valid ID to use for testing.
    public static final String ID = "omh:abc_123";
     * A valid version to use for testing.
    public static final long VERSION = 1;
     * A valid schema to use for testing.
    public static final JsonNode SCHEMA;
    static {
        // Build the schema as an object type with no fields.
        ObjectNode schemaRoot = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
        schemaRoot.put(name.jenkins.paul.john.concordia.schema.Schema.JSON_KEY_TYPE, ObjectSchema.TYPE_ID);
        schemaRoot.put(ObjectSchema.JSON_KEY_FIELDS, new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance));
        // Save the schema.
        SCHEMA = schemaRoot;
     * A mirror of The Open mHealth validation controller to use for testing. 
    public static final ValidationController CONTROLLER = OmhValidationController.VALIDATION_CONTROLLER;
     * The owner username to use for testing.
    public static final String OWNER = "Test.User";
     * The {@link MetaData} to use for testing.
    public static final MetaData META_DATA;
    static {
        MetaData.Builder builder = new MetaData.Builder();
        builder.setTimestamp(new DateTime(0, DateTimeZone.UTC));
        META_DATA =;
     * The data that conforms to the {@link #SCHEMA} to use for testing.
    public static final JsonNode DATA = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);

     * Test that an exception is thrown when the ID is null.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testSchemaIdNull() {
        new Schema(null, VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);

     * Test that an exception is thrown when the ID is an empty string.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testSchemaIdEmpty() {
        new Schema("", VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);

     * Test that an exception is thrown when the ID is only whitespace.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testSchemaIdWhitespace() {
        new Schema("\t", VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);

     * Test that an exception is thrown when the schema is null.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testSchemaSchemaNull() {
        new Schema(ID, VERSION, null, CONTROLLER);

     * Test that an exception is thrown when the schema is not a valid schema.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testSchemaSchemaInvalid() {
        new Schema(ID, VERSION, BooleanNode.TRUE, CONTROLLER);

     * Test that an exception is thrown when the controller is null.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testSchemaControllerNull() {
        new Schema(ID, VERSION, SCHEMA, null);

     * Test that a {@link Schema} object can be created when the parameters are
     * valid.
    public void testSchema() {
        new Schema(ID, VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);

     * Test that the given ID is the same as the one stored in the object.
    public void testGetId() {
        Schema schema = new Schema(ID, VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);
        Assert.assertEquals(ID, schema.getId());

     * Test that the given version is the same as the one stored in the object.
    public void testGetVersion() {
        Schema schema = new Schema(ID, VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);
        Assert.assertEquals(VERSION, schema.getVersion());

     * Test that validating data with a null owner throws an exception.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testValidateDataOwnerNull() {
        Schema schema = new Schema(ID, VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);
        schema.validateData(null, META_DATA, DATA);

     * Test that validating data when the meta-data is null is valid.
    public void testValidateDataMetaDataNull() {
        Schema schema = new Schema(ID, VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);
        schema.validateData(OWNER, null, DATA);

     * Test that validating data when the data is null throws an exception.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testValidateDataDataNull() {
        Schema schema = new Schema(ID, VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);
        schema.validateData(OWNER, META_DATA, null);

     * Test that validating data when the data is invalid throws an exception.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testValidateDataDataInvalid() {
        Schema schema = new Schema(ID, VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);
        schema.validateData(OWNER, META_DATA, BooleanNode.TRUE);

     * Test that validating valid data does not throw an exception.
    public void testValidateData() {
        Schema schema = new Schema(ID, VERSION, SCHEMA, CONTROLLER);
        schema.validateData(OWNER, META_DATA, DATA);

     * Test that null is not a valid ID.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testValidateIdNull() {

     * Test that an empty string is not a valid ID.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testValidateIdEmpty() {

     * Test that whitespace is not a valid ID.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testValidateIdWhitespace() {

     * Test that a valid ID is valid.
    public void testValidateId() {

     * Test that a negative number is not a valid version.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testValidateVersionNegative() {

     * Test that zero is not a valid version.
    @Test(expected = OmhException.class)
    public void testValidateVersionZero() {

     * Test that a positive number is not a valid version.
    public void testValidateVersionPositive() {

     * Test that a valid version is a valid version.
    public void testValidateVersion() {