Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.fsimporter.chooser.LocationDialog 
 *  Copyright (C) 2006-2013 University of Dundee & Open Microscopy Environment.
 *  All rights reserved.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.fsimporter.chooser;

import info.clearthought.layout.TableLayout;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.fsimporter.IconManager;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.fsimporter.ImporterAgent;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.fsimporter.util.ObjectToCreate;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.fsimporter.view.ImportLocationDetails;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.fsimporter.view.Importer;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.ComboBoxToolTipRenderer;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.EditorUtil;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.ViewerSorter;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.browser.DataNode;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.browser.TreeImageDisplay;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.ui.EditorDialog;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.ui.JComboBoxImageObject;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.util.ui.JComboBoxImageRenderer;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.env.LookupNames;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.Selectable;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.SelectableComboBoxModel;
import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.UIUtilities;


import pojos.DataObject;
import pojos.DatasetData;
import pojos.ExperimenterData;
import pojos.GroupData;
import pojos.PermissionData;
import pojos.ProjectData;
import pojos.ScreenData;

 * Provides the user with the options to select the location to import data.
 * @author Jean-Marie Burel &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a
 *         href=""></a>
 * @author Donald MacDonald &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a
 *         href=""
 *         ></a>
 * @author Scott Littlewood &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a
 *         href=""
 *         ></a>
 * @version 3.0 <small> (<b>Internal version:</b> $Revision: $Date: $) </small>
 * @since 3.0-Beta4
class LocationDialog extends JDialog
        implements ActionListener, PropertyChangeListener, ChangeListener, ItemListener {

    /** Default GAP value for UI components */
    private static final int UI_GAP = 5;

    /** Template for a table layout with a GAP on all 4 sides */
    private static final double[][] TABLE_GAP = new double[][] { { UI_GAP, TableLayout.FILL, UI_GAP },
            { UI_GAP, TableLayout.FILL, UI_GAP } };

    /** Helper setting for TableLayout.PREFERRED*/
    private static final double[] TABLE_PREF = { TableLayout.PREFERRED };

    /** Table template for 2 settings of Preferred width / height */
    private static final double[] TABLE_PREF_PREF = { TableLayout.PREFERRED, TableLayout.PREFERRED };

    /** Table template for 3 settings of Preferred width / height */
    private static final double[] TABLE_PREF_PREF_PREF = { TableLayout.PREFERRED, TableLayout.PREFERRED,
            TableLayout.PREFERRED };

    /** Table template for expandable middle column / row */
    private static final double[] TABLE_PREF_FILL_PREF = { TableLayout.PREFERRED, TableLayout.FILL,
            TableLayout.PREFERRED };

    // other constants   
    /** Minimum width of the dialog in pixels */
    private static final int MIN_WIDTH = 640;

    /** The preferred size of the selection box.*/
    private static final Dimension SELECTION_BOX_SIZE = new Dimension(200, 130);

    // String constants

    /** The title of the dialog. */
    private static String TEXT_TITLE = "Import Location - Select where to import your data.";

    /** Text for import as a user */
    private static final String TEXT_IMPORT_AS = "Import For";

    /** Text for projects */
    private static final String TEXT_PROJECTS = "Projects";

    /** Text for screens */
    private static final String TEXT_SCREENS = "Screens";

    /** Text for Screens tab */
    private static final String TOOLTIP_SCREENS_TAB = "Import settings for Screens";

    /** Text for Projects tab */
    private static final String TOOLTIP_PROJECTS_TAB = "Import settings for Projects";

    /** Text for a project. */
    private static final String TEXT_PROJECT = "Project";

    /** Text for a dataset. */
    private static final String TEXT_DATASET = "Dataset";

    /** Text for a screen. */
    private static final String TEXT_SCREEN = "Screen";

    /** Text for a group. */
    private static final String TEXT_GROUP = "Group";

    /** Tooltip text for New Screen button */
    private static final String TOOLTIP_NEW_SCREEN = "Create a new Screen.";

    /** Tooltip text for New Dataset button */
    private static final String TOOLTIP_NEW_DATASET = "Create a new Dataset.";

    /** Tooltip text for New Project button */
    private static final String TOOLTIP_NEW_PROJECT = "Create a new Project.";

    /** Tooltip for Reload button */
    private static final String TEXT_REFRESH = "Refresh";

    /** Tooltip for Reload button */
    private static final String TOOLTIP_REFRESH = "Reload the Groups, Projects, Datasets and/or Screens.";

    /** Text for New buttons */
    private static final String TEXT_NEW = "New...";

    /** Text for Close button */
    private static final String TEXT_CLOSE = "Close";

    /** Tooltip text for Close button */
    private static final String TOOLTIP_CLOSE_DIALOGUE = "Close the dialog and do not add the files to the queue.";

    /** Text for Add button */
    private static final String TEXT_QUEUE_ITEMS = "Add to the Queue";

    /** Tooltip text for Add button */
    private static final String TOOLTIP_QUEUE_ITEMS = "Add the files to the queue.";

    // Icon constants
    /** Reference to the <code>Group Private</code> icon. */
    private static final Icon GROUP_PRIVATE_ICON;

    /** Reference to the <code>Group RWR---</code> icon. */
    private static final Icon GROUP_READ_ONLY_ICON;

    /** Reference to the <code>Group RWRA--</code> icon. */
    private static final Icon GROUP_READ_LINK_ICON;

    /** Reference to the <code>Group RWRW--</code> icon. */
    private static final Icon GROUP_READ_WRITE_ICON;

    /** Reference to the <code>Group</code> icon. */
    private static final Icon GROUP_PUBLIC_READ_ICON;

    /** Reference to the <code>Group</code> icon. */
    private static final Icon GROUP_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE_ICON;

    static {
        IconManager icons = IconManager.getInstance();
        GROUP_PRIVATE_ICON = icons.getIcon(IconManager.PRIVATE_GROUP);
        GROUP_READ_ONLY_ICON = icons.getIcon(IconManager.READ_GROUP);
        GROUP_READ_LINK_ICON = icons.getIcon(IconManager.READ_LINK_GROUP);
        GROUP_READ_WRITE_ICON = icons.getIcon(IconManager.READ_WRITE_GROUP);
        GROUP_PUBLIC_READ_ICON = icons.getIcon(IconManager.PUBLIC_GROUP);
        GROUP_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE_ICON = icons.getIcon(IconManager.PUBLIC_GROUP);

    // Command constants
    /** Action id indicating to create a new project. */
    private static final int CMD_CREATE_PROJECT = 1;

    /** Action id indicating to create a new dataset. */
    private static final int CMD_CREATE_DATASET = 2;

    /** Action id indicating to create a new screen. */
    private static final int CMD_CREATE_SCREEN = 3;

    /** User has chosen to force a refresh of the containers */
    private static final int CMD_REFRESH_DISPLAY = 4;

    /** User has selected to add the files. */
    final static int CMD_ADD = 5;

    /** User has selected to cancel. */
    final static int CMD_CLOSE = 6;

    /** Action button command Id chosen by the user. */
    private int userSelectedActionCommandId;

    // UI Components
    /** The Project panel tab. */
    private JPanel projectPanel;

    /** The Screen panel tab. */
    private JPanel screenPanel;

    /** Component indicating to add to the queue. */
    private JButton addButton;

    /** Component indicating to close the dialog. */
    private JButton closeButton;

    /** Component used to select the import group. */
    private JComboBox groupsBox;

    /** Component used to select the import user. */
    private JComboBox usersBox;

    /** Component used to select the default project. */
    private JComboBox projectsBox;

    /** Component used to select the default dataset. */
    private JComboBox datasetsBox;

    /** Component used to select the default screen. */
    private JComboBox screensBox;

    /** Button to create a new project. */
    private JButton newProjectButton;

    /** Button to create a new dataset. */
    private JButton newDatasetButton;

    /** Button to create a new screen. */
    private JButton newScreenButton;

    /** Button used to refresh the groups/projects/datasets & screens */
    private JButton refreshButton;

    /** Tab pane used to hose the Project/Screen selection UI component. */
    private JTabbedPane tabbedPane;

    // Operational variables & constants
    /** Constant value for no data type */
    private static final int NO_DATA_TYPE = -1;

    /** Sorts the objects from the display. */
    private ViewerSorter sorter;

    /** A reference to the selected target for import data. */
    private TreeImageDisplay container;

    /** The id of the import data type (Screen/Project) */
    private int dataType = NO_DATA_TYPE;

    /** Internal list of available groups. */
    private Collection<GroupData> groups;

    /** The current possible import location nodes. */
    private Collection<TreeImageDisplay> objects;

    /** The list of currently available Projects */
    private List<DataNode> projects = new ArrayList<DataNode>();

    /** The list of currently available Screens */
    private List<DataNode> screens = new ArrayList<DataNode>();

    /** The projects -> dataset map of currently available Datasets */
    private Map<DataNode, List<DataNode>> datasets = new Hashtable<DataNode, List<DataNode>>();

    /** The currently selected Project */
    private DataNode currentProject;

    /** The currently selected Dataset */
    private DataNode currentDataset;

    /** The currently selected Screen */
    private DataNode currentScreen;

    /** Reference to the model.*/
    private Importer model;

     * Creates a new instance.
     * @param parent The parent of the dialog.
     * @param selectedContainer The container selected by the user.
     * @param objects The screens / projects to be shown.
     * @param model Reference to the model.
     * @param currentGroupId The id of the current user group.
     * @param userId The user to select when importing as.
    LocationDialog(JFrame parent, TreeImageDisplay selectedContainer, int importDataType,
            Collection<TreeImageDisplay> objects, Importer model, long currentGroupId) {
        this.container = selectedContainer;
        this.dataType = importDataType;
        this.objects = objects;
        this.groups = model.getAvailableGroups();
        this.model = model;

        populateUIWithDisplayData(findWithId(groups, currentGroupId), model.getImportFor());

     * Populates the various components.
     * @param selectedGroup The selected group.
     * @param userID The id of the selected user.
    private void populateUIWithDisplayData(GroupData selectedGroup, long userID) {
        populateGroupBox(sort(groups), selectedGroup, userID);

     * Returns the loaded experimenter corresponding to the specified user.
     * if the user is not loaded. Returns <code>null</code> if no user 
     * can be found.
     * @param owner The experimenter to handle.
     * @return see above.
    private ExperimenterData getExperimenter(ExperimenterData owner) {
        if (owner == null)
            return null;
        if (owner.isLoaded())
            return owner;
        List l = (List) ImporterAgent.getRegistry().lookup(LookupNames.USERS_DETAILS);
        if (l == null)
            return null;
        Iterator i = l.iterator();
        ExperimenterData exp;
        long id = owner.getId();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            exp = (ExperimenterData);
            if (exp.getId() == id)
                return exp;
        return null;

     * Swaps the data view that is currently active.
     * @param dataType The id of the data type (Screen/Project)
    private void displayViewFor(int dataType) {
        switch (dataType) {
        case Importer.PROJECT_TYPE:
        case Importer.SCREEN_TYPE:

     * Scans the DataObjects provided and returns the Object with matching id.
     * <null> if not found
     * @param dataObjects The list of DataObjects.
     * @param id The id of the object to find.
     * @return The DataObject in the list with matching id, <null> if not found.
    private <T extends DataObject> T findWithId(Collection<T> dataObjects, long id) {

        for (T dataObject : dataObjects) {
            if (dataObject.getId() == id)
                return dataObject;
        return null;

     * Scans the DataNodes provided and returns the Object with matching id.
     * <null> if not found
     * @param dataObjects The list of DataObjects.
     * @param id The id of the object to find.
     * @return The DataObject in the list with matching id, <null> if not found.
    private DataNode findDataNodeById(Collection<DataNode> nodes, long id) {
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(nodes))
            return null;

        for (DataNode node : nodes) {
            if (getIdOf(node) == id)
                return node;
        return null;

     * Initializes the UI components of the dialog.
    private void initUIComponents() {
        sorter = new ViewerSorter();

        // main components
        groupsBox = new JComboBox();

        usersBox = new JComboBox();
        //Currently only for the administrator otherwise to do show the option

        refreshButton = new JButton(TEXT_REFRESH);
        refreshButton.setActionCommand("" + CMD_REFRESH_DISPLAY);

        projectsBox = new JComboBox();

        datasetsBox = new JComboBox();

        screensBox = new JComboBox();

        // main location panel buttons
        newProjectButton = new JButton(TEXT_NEW);
        newProjectButton.setActionCommand("" + CMD_CREATE_PROJECT);

        newDatasetButton = new JButton(TEXT_NEW);
        newDatasetButton.setActionCommand("" + CMD_CREATE_DATASET);

        newScreenButton = new JButton(TEXT_NEW);
        newScreenButton.setActionCommand("" + CMD_CREATE_SCREEN);

        // main action buttons
        addButton = new JButton(TEXT_QUEUE_ITEMS);
        addButton.setActionCommand("" + CMD_ADD);

        closeButton = new JButton(TEXT_CLOSE);
        closeButton.setActionCommand("" + CMD_CLOSE);


     * Builds a JPanel holding the main action buttons
     * @return The JPanel holding the lower main action buttons.
    private JPanel buildLowerButtonPanel() {
        TableLayout buttonLayout = createTableLayout(TABLE_PREF_FILL_PREF, TABLE_PREF);
        JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(buttonLayout);
        buttonPanel.add(closeButton, "0, 0, l, c");
        buttonPanel.add(refreshButton, "1, 0, l, c");
        buttonPanel.add(addButton, "2, 0, r, c");
        JPanel buttonWrapper = wrapInPaddedPanel(buttonPanel, UI_GAP, 0, 0, 0);
        Border border = BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(1, 0, 0, 0, Color.BLACK);
        return buttonWrapper;

     * Builds a TabbedPane holding the Screen / Project import sections
     * @return The tab panel for Screen / Project selection
    private JPanel buildDataTypeTabbedPane() {
        IconManager icons = IconManager.getInstance();

        Icon projectIcon = icons.getIcon(IconManager.PROJECT);
        projectPanel = buildProjectSelectionPanel();

        Icon screenIcon = icons.getIcon(IconManager.SCREEN);
        screenPanel = buildScreenSelectionPanel();

        tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
        tabbedPane.addTab(TEXT_PROJECTS, projectIcon, projectPanel, TOOLTIP_PROJECTS_TAB);

        tabbedPane.addTab(TEXT_SCREENS, screenIcon, screenPanel, TOOLTIP_SCREENS_TAB);


        return wrapInGapPanel(tabbedPane);

     * Builds a JPanel holding the group selection section.
     * @return JPanel holding the group selection UI elements
    private JPanel buildGroupSelectionPanel() {
        TableLayout groupLayout = createTableLayout(TABLE_PREF_PREF_PREF, TABLE_PREF_PREF);
        final JPanel groupPanel = new JPanel(groupLayout);

        String c1 = "0, 0, r, c";
        String c2 = "1, 0";
        if (groups.size() > 1) {
            groupPanel.add(UIUtilities.setTextFont(TEXT_GROUP), "0, 0, r, c");
            groupPanel.add(groupsBox, "1, 0");
            c1 = "0, 1, r, c";
            c2 = "1, 1";
        if (usersBox.isVisible()) {
            groupPanel.add(UIUtilities.setTextFont(TEXT_IMPORT_AS), c1);
            groupPanel.add(usersBox, c2);

        return groupPanel;

     * Builds a JPanel holding the project selection section.
     * @return JPanel holding the project selection UI elements
    private JPanel buildProjectSelectionPanel() {
        TableLayout projectLayout = createTableLayout(TABLE_PREF_FILL_PREF, TABLE_PREF_PREF_PREF);

        JPanel projectPanel = new JPanel(projectLayout);

        projectPanel.add(UIUtilities.setTextFont(TEXT_PROJECT), "0, 0, r, c");
        projectPanel.add(projectsBox, "1, 0");
        projectPanel.add(newProjectButton, "2, 0, c, c");

        projectPanel.add(UIUtilities.setTextFont(TEXT_DATASET), "0, 1, r, c");
        projectPanel.add(datasetsBox, "1, 1");
        projectPanel.add(newDatasetButton, "2, 1, c, c");

        return wrapInGapPanel(projectPanel);

     * Builds a JPanel holding the screen selection section.
     * @return JPanel holding the screen selection UI elements
    private JPanel buildScreenSelectionPanel() {
        TableLayout screenLayout = createTableLayout(TABLE_PREF_FILL_PREF, TABLE_PREF);

        JPanel screenPanel = new JPanel(screenLayout);

        screenPanel.add(UIUtilities.setTextFont(TEXT_SCREEN), "0, 0, r, c");
        screenPanel.add(screensBox, "1, 0");
        screenPanel.add(newScreenButton, "2, 0, c, c");

        return wrapInGapPanel(screenPanel);

     * Builds the toolbar when the importer is the entry point.
     * @param availableGroups The available group.
     * @param selectedGroup The selected group.
     * @param userID The selected user.
     * @return See above.
    private void populateGroupBox(Collection<GroupData> availableGroups, GroupData selectedGroup, long userID) {
        JComboBoxImageObject selectedGroupItem = null;
        JComboBoxImageObject item;
        List<String> tooltips = new ArrayList<String>(availableGroups.size());
        List<String> lines;
        for (GroupData group : availableGroups) {
            item = new JComboBoxImageObject(group, getGroupIcon(group));
            lines = new ArrayList<String>();
            if (selectedGroup != null && selectedGroup.getId() == group.getId())
                selectedGroupItem = item;

        if (selectedGroupItem != null) {
            displayUsers(usersBox, selectedGroup, this, userID);
        JComboBoxImageRenderer renderer = new JComboBoxImageRenderer();


     * Determines if the logged in user is allowed to import data for the user
     * in to the selected group. Returns true if the logged in user is the user,
     * is a system administrator or is an owner of the group.
     * @param user The user to import data for.
     * @param selectedGroup The group to import data in to.
     * @return See above.
    private boolean canImportForUserInGroup(ExperimenterData user, GroupData selectedGroup) {
        ExperimenterData loggedInUser = ImporterAgent.getUserDetails();
        if (user.getId() == loggedInUser.getId())
            return true;
        if (selectedGroup.getPermissions().getPermissionsLevel() == GroupData.PERMISSIONS_PRIVATE)
            return false;
        boolean isGroupOwner = false;
        Set<ExperimenterData> leaders = (Set<ExperimenterData>) selectedGroup.getLeaders();
        for (ExperimenterData leader : leaders) {
            if (leader.getId() == loggedInUser.getId())
                isGroupOwner = true;
        return ImporterAgent.isAdministrator() || isGroupOwner;

     * Returns the icon associated to the group.
     * @param group  The group to handle.
     * @return See above.
    private Icon getGroupIcon(GroupData group) {
        switch (group.getPermissions().getPermissionsLevel()) {
        case GroupData.PERMISSIONS_PRIVATE:
            return GROUP_PRIVATE_ICON;
        case GroupData.PERMISSIONS_GROUP_READ:
            return GROUP_READ_ONLY_ICON;
            return GROUP_READ_LINK_ICON;
            return GROUP_READ_WRITE_ICON;
        case GroupData.PERMISSIONS_PUBLIC_READ:
            return GROUP_PUBLIC_READ_ICON;
            return GROUP_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE_ICON;
        return null;

     * Builds and lays out the UI.
    private void layoutUI() {
        BorderLayout layout = new BorderLayout();

        JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(layout);
        mainPanel.add(buildGroupSelectionPanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
        mainPanel.add(buildDataTypeTabbedPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
        mainPanel.add(buildLowerButtonPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        TableLayout containerLayout = createTableLayout(TABLE_GAP);
        Container contentPane = this.getContentPane();
        contentPane.add(mainPanel, "1, 1");

        // resize the window to minimum size

     * Resizes the window and sets the minimum size to the 
     * size required by all components.
    private void setMinimumSize() {
        int minHeight = this.getHeight();

        Dimension minSize = new Dimension(MIN_WIDTH, minHeight);

     * Creates a TableLayout based on the design passed in
     * with a HGap and VGap set to UI_GAP.
     * @param design the column / row template
     * @return A table layout with the design & spacing applied
    private TableLayout createTableLayout(double[][] design) {
        TableLayout tableLayout = new TableLayout(design);
        return tableLayout;

     * Creates a TableLayout based on the design passed in
     * with a HGap and VGap set to UI_GAP
     * @param columns the column template to use for the table design
     * @param rows the row template to use for the table design
     * @return A table layout with the design & spacing applied
    private TableLayout createTableLayout(double[] columns, double[] rows) {
        double[][] design = new double[][] { columns, rows };
        return createTableLayout(design);

     * Wraps the container in a JPanel with a bordered TableLayout
     * with a border of UI_GAP
     * @param container the container to wrap
     * @return The JPanel wrapping the container
    private <T extends Container> JPanel wrapInGapPanel(T container) {
        TableLayout paddedLayout = createTableLayout(TABLE_GAP);
        JPanel gapPanel = new JPanel(paddedLayout);
        gapPanel.add(container, "1, 1");
        return gapPanel;

     * Wraps the container in a JPanel with a bordered TableLayout
     * with the border width specified
     * @param container
     * @param top The amount of padding on the top of the container
     * @param left The amount of padding on the left of the container
     * @param bottom The amount of padding on the bottom of the container
     * @param right The amount of padding on the right of the container
     * @return The JPanel wrapping the container
    private <T extends Container> JPanel wrapInPaddedPanel(T container, int top, int left, int bottom, int right) {
        double[][] spacedLayout = new double[][] { { left, TableLayout.FILL, right },
                { top, TableLayout.FILL, bottom } };

        TableLayout paddedLayout = createTableLayout(spacedLayout);
        JPanel gapPanel = new JPanel(paddedLayout);
        gapPanel.add(container, "1, 1");
        return gapPanel;

     * Closes the dialog.
    private void close() {

     * Shows the message box and returns the option selected by the user.
     * @return The option selected by the user.
    int centerLocation() {
        return userSelectedActionCommandId;

     * Shows the message box and returns the option selected by the user.
     * @param location The location of the top-left corner of the dialog.
     * @return The option selected by the user.
    int showLocation(Point location) {
        return userSelectedActionCommandId;

     * Sets the option.
     * @see ActionListener#actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
        String actionCommand = ae.getActionCommand();

        try {
            int commandId = Integer.parseInt(actionCommand);

            DataObject newDataObject = null;

            switch (commandId) {
            case CMD_CREATE_PROJECT:
                newDataObject = new ProjectData();
            case CMD_CREATE_DATASET:
                newDataObject = new DatasetData();
            case CMD_CREATE_SCREEN:
                newDataObject = new ScreenData();
            case CMD_ADD:
            case CMD_CLOSE:
                userSelectedActionCommandId = commandId;
            case CMD_REFRESH_DISPLAY:
                firePropertyChange(ImportDialog.REFRESH_LOCATION_PROPERTY, null,
                        new ImportLocationDetails(dataType));

            if (newDataObject != null) {

                EditorDialog editor = new EditorDialog((JFrame) getOwner(), newDataObject, false);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {

     * Switches to display the projects/datasets/screens from the selected
     * group.
    private void switchToSelectedGroup() {
        GroupData selectedNewGroup = getSelectedGroup();
        firePropertyChange(ImportDialog.PROPERTY_GROUP_CHANGED, null, selectedNewGroup);

     * Switches to display the projects/datasets/screens from the selected user.
    private void switchToSelectedUser() {
        //firePropertyChange(ImportDialog.REFRESH_LOCATION_PROPERTY, null,
        //      new ImportLocationDetails(dataType, getSelectedUser().getId()));

     * Returns the import settings chosen but the user.
     * @return The import settings selected by the user.
    protected ImportLocationSettings getImportSettings() {
        GroupData group = getSelectedGroup();
        ExperimenterData user = getSelectedUser();
        switch (dataType) {
        case Importer.PROJECT_TYPE:
            DataNode project = getSelectedItem(projectsBox);
            DataNode dataset = getSelectedItem(datasetsBox);
            return new ProjectImportLocationSettings(group, user, project, dataset);
        case Importer.SCREEN_TYPE:
            DataNode screen = getSelectedItem(screensBox);
            return new ScreenImportLocationSettings(group, user, screen);

        return new NullImportSettings(group, user);

     * Returns the selected user in the users combobox
     * @return see above.
    private ExperimenterData getSelectedUser() {
        return getUser(usersBox.getSelectedIndex());

     * Returns the user corresponding to the specified index.
     * @param index The index of the user.
     * @return see above.
    private ExperimenterData getUser(int index) {
        Selectable<ExperimenterDisplay> selectedItem = (Selectable<ExperimenterDisplay>) usersBox.getItemAt(index);
        if (selectedItem != null)
            return selectedItem.getObject().getData();
        return null;

     * Populates the JComboBox with the items provided adding hover tooltips.
     * @param comboBox The JComboBox to populate
     * @param listItems The items to populate the box with
    private void displayItemsWithTooltips(JComboBox comboBox, List<DataNode> listItems) {
        displayItems(comboBox, listItems, null, null);

     * Populates the JComboBox with the items provided adding hover tooltips
     * and selecting the specified item.
     * @param comboBox The JComboBox to populate
     * @param listItems The items to populate the box with
     * @param selected The item to select in the JComboBox
    private void displayItemsWithTooltips(JComboBox comboBox, List<DataNode> listItems, DataNode selected) {
        displayItems(comboBox, listItems, selected, null);

     * Returns <code>true</code> if the specified user is an administrator,
     * <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @param userID The identifier of the user.
     * @return See above.
    private boolean isAdmin(long userID) {
        Iterator<GroupData> i = groups.iterator();
        GroupData g;
        Set<ExperimenterData> experimenters;
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            g =;
            if (model.isSystemGroup(g.getId(), GroupData.SYSTEM)) {
                experimenters = g.getExperimenters();
                Iterator<ExperimenterData> j = experimenters.iterator();
                while (j.hasNext()) {
                    if ( == userID)
                        return true;
        return false;

     * Populates the JComboBox with the items provided adding hover tooltips,
     * selecting the specified item and attaching the listener.
     * @param comboBox The JComboBox to populate
     * @param listItems The items to populate the box with
     * @param select The item to select in the JComboBox
     * @param itemListener An item listener to add for the JComboBox
    private void displayItems(JComboBox comboBox, List<DataNode> listItems, DataNode select,
            ItemListener itemListener) {
        if (comboBox == null || listItems == null)
        //Only add the item the user can actually select
        if (itemListener != null)

        List<String> tooltips = new ArrayList<String>(listItems.size());
        List<String> lines;
        ExperimenterData exp;
        SelectableComboBoxModel model = new SelectableComboBoxModel();
        Selectable<DataNode> selected = null;

        GroupData group = getSelectedGroup();
        ExperimenterData user = getSelectedUser();
        long userID = -1;
        if (user != null)
            userID = user.getId();
        ExperimenterData loggedIn = ImporterAgent.getUserDetails();
        boolean isAdmin = ImporterAgent.isAdministrator();
        long loggedInID = loggedIn.getId();
        boolean userIsAdmin = isAdmin(userID);
        for (DataNode node : listItems) {
            exp = getExperimenter(node.getOwner());
            lines = new ArrayList<String>();
            if (exp != null) {
                lines.add("<b>Owner: </b>" + EditorUtil.formatExperimenter(exp));

            boolean selectable = true;
            if (!node.isDefaultNode()) {
                selectable = canLink(node.getDataObject(), userID, group, loggedInID, isAdmin, userIsAdmin);

            Selectable<DataNode> comboBoxItem = new Selectable<DataNode>(node, selectable);
            if (select != null && node.getDataObject().getId() == select.getDataObject().getId())
                selected = comboBoxItem;


        ComboBoxToolTipRenderer renderer = createComboboxRenderer();

        if (selected != null)

        if (itemListener != null)

     * Returns <code>true</code> if the user currently selected
     * can link data to the selected object, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @param node The node to handle.
     * @param userID The id of the selected user.
     * @param group The selected group.
     * @param loggedUserID the if of the user currently logged in.
     * @param isAdmin Returns <code>true</code> if the logged in user is an
     *                administrator, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @param userIsAdmin Returns <code>true</code> if the selected user is an
      *                administrator, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @return See above.
    private boolean canLink(DataObject node, long userID, GroupData group, long loggedUserID, boolean isAdmin,
            boolean userIsAdmin) {
        //data owner
        if (node.getOwner().getId() == userID)
            return true;
        if (!node.canLink())
            return false; //handle private group case.
        PermissionData permissions = group.getPermissions();
        if (permissions.getPermissionsLevel() == GroupData.PERMISSIONS_PRIVATE)
            return false;
        if (permissions.isGroupWrite() || userIsAdmin)
            return true;
        //read-only group and higher
        //is the selected user a group owner.
        Set leaders = group.getLeaders();
        if (leaders != null) {
            Iterator i = leaders.iterator();
            ExperimenterData exp;
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                exp = (ExperimenterData);
                if (exp.getId() == userID)
                    return true;
        if (userID != loggedUserID)
            return false;
        return isAdmin;

     * Creates the renderer depending on the selected user.
     * @return See above.
    private ComboBoxToolTipRenderer createComboboxRenderer() {
        ExperimenterData exp = getSelectedUser();
        long id = -1;
        if (exp != null)
            id = exp.getId();
        return new ComboBoxToolTipRenderer(id);

     * Populates the JComboBox with the user details provided, 
     * selecting the logged in user and attaching the item listener.
     * @param comboBox The JComboBox to populate
     * @param group The group being displayed
     * @param itemListener An item listener to add for the JComboBox
     * @param userID The id of the user.
    private void displayUsers(JComboBox comboBox, GroupData group, ItemListener itemListener, long userID) {

        if (comboBox == null || group == null)

        if (itemListener != null)

        DefaultComboBoxModel model = new SelectableComboBoxModel();
        Selectable<ExperimenterDisplay> selected = null;

        List<ExperimenterData> members = sort(group.getExperimenters());
        boolean canImportAs;
        Selectable<ExperimenterDisplay> item;
        List<String> tooltips = new ArrayList<String>(members.size());
        List<String> lines;
        for (ExperimenterData user : members) {
            canImportAs = canImportForUserInGroup(user, group);
            item = new Selectable<ExperimenterDisplay>(new ExperimenterDisplay(user), canImportAs);
            if (user.getId() == userID)
                selected = item;
            lines = new ArrayList<String>();
        ComboBoxToolTipRenderer renderer = createComboboxRenderer();

        if (selected != null)

        if (itemListener != null)

     * Creates a project.
     * @param newProject The project to create.
    protected void createProject(DataObject newProject) {
        if (newProject == null)

        DataNode newProjectNode = new DataNode(newProject);
        DataNode newDefaultDatasetNode = new DataNode(DataNode.createDefaultDataset(), newProjectNode);

        List<DataNode> newDatasets = new ArrayList<DataNode>();

        projects = sort(projects);
        datasets.put(newProjectNode, newDatasets);

        displayItems(projectsBox, projects, newProjectNode, this);
        displayItemsWithTooltips(datasetsBox, newDatasets);


     * Creates the dataset.
     * @param dataset The dataset to create.
    protected void createDataset(DatasetData dataset) {
        if (dataset == null)

        DataNode selectedProject = getSelectedItem(projectsBox);
        DataNode newDatasetNode = new DataNode(dataset, selectedProject);

        List<DataNode> projectDatasets = datasets.get(selectedProject);

        if (projectDatasets == null) {
            projectDatasets = new ArrayList<DataNode>();
            DataNode newDefaultDatasetNode = new DataNode(DataNode.createDefaultDataset(), selectedProject);


        projectDatasets = sort(projectDatasets);

        datasets.put(selectedProject, projectDatasets);

        displayItemsWithTooltips(datasetsBox, projectDatasets, newDatasetNode);


     * Creates a screen.
     * @param newScreenObject The screen to create.
    protected void createScreen(DataObject newScreenObject) {
        if (newScreenObject == null)

        DataNode newScreenNode = new DataNode(newScreenObject);

        screens = sort(screens);

        displayItemsWithTooltips(screensBox, screens, newScreenNode);


     * Populates the datasets box depending on the selected project.
    private void populateDatasetsBox() {
        DataNode project = getSelectedItem(projectsBox);

        displayItemsWithTooltips(datasetsBox, datasets.get(project));

     * Handles property fired by the Editor Dialog.
     * @see PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)
    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
        String name = evt.getPropertyName();

        if (EditorDialog.CREATE_NO_PARENT_PROPERTY.equals(name)) {
            Object ho = evt.getNewValue();
            DataObject child = null, parent = null;
            if (ho instanceof ProjectData || ho instanceof ScreenData) {
                child = (DataObject) ho;
            } else if (ho instanceof DatasetData) {
                child = (DataObject) ho;
                DataNode n = getSelectedItem(projectsBox);
                if (!n.isDefaultNode()) {
                    parent = n.getDataObject();

            GroupData selectedGroup = getSelectedGroup();

            if (child != null) {
                firePropertyChange(ImportDialog.CREATE_OBJECT_PROPERTY, null,
                        new ObjectToCreate(selectedGroup, child, parent, getSelectedUser()));

     * Returns the currently selected group in the Group selection box.
     * @return see above.
    private GroupData getSelectedGroup() {
        JComboBoxImageObject selectedEntry = (JComboBoxImageObject) groupsBox.getSelectedItem();
        return (GroupData) selectedEntry.getData();

     * Converts the treeNodes in to DataNdoes used to hold display data for the
     * location combo boxes.
     * @param treeNodes The nodes to convert for import target options.
    private void convertToDisplayData(Collection<TreeImageDisplay> treeNodes) {

        DataNode defaultProject = new DataNode(DataNode.createDefaultProject());
        List<DataNode> orphanDatasets = new ArrayList<DataNode>();

        List<DataNode> lp = new ArrayList<DataNode>();
        List<DataNode> ls = new ArrayList<DataNode>();
        if (treeNodes != null) {
            for (TreeImageDisplay treeNode : treeNodes) {
                Object userObject = treeNode.getUserObject();

                if (userObject instanceof ProjectData) {
                    DataNode project = new DataNode((ProjectData) userObject);

                    List<DataNode> projectDatasets = new ArrayList<DataNode>();

                    List children = treeNode.getChildrenDisplay();
                    TreeImageDisplay n;
                    for (Object child : children) {
                        n = (TreeImageDisplay) child;
                        projectDatasets.add(new DataNode((DatasetData) n.getUserObject()));
                    List<DataNode> list = new ArrayList<DataNode>();
                    list.add(new DataNode(DataNode.createDefaultDataset()));
                    datasets.put(project, list);

                if (userObject instanceof ScreenData) {
                    DataNode screen = new DataNode((ScreenData) userObject);

                if (userObject instanceof DatasetData) {
                    DataNode dataset = new DataNode((DatasetData) userObject);
        List<DataNode> l = new ArrayList<DataNode>();
        l.add(new DataNode(DataNode.createDefaultDataset()));
        datasets.put(defaultProject, l);


        screens.add(new DataNode(DataNode.createDefaultScreen()));

     * Helper method to sort objects and casts as a List<T>.
     * @param list The list to sort
     * @return The sorted list
    private <T> List<T> sort(Collection<T> list) {
        return (List<T>) sorter.sort(list);

     * Populates the selection boxes with the currently selected data.
    private void populateLocationComboBoxes() {
        DataNode selectedProject = null;
        DataNode selectedDataset = null;
        DataNode selectedScreen = null;

        /* work out what to select, 
         * NOTE: this defaults back to the selected container 
         * on tab switch / refresh
        if (container != null) {
            Object hostObject = container.getUserObject();
            if (hostObject instanceof ProjectData) {
                selectedProject = findDataNode(projects, hostObject, ProjectData.class);

            if (hostObject instanceof DatasetData) {
                Object parentNode = getParentUserObject(container);

                selectedProject = findDataNode(projects, parentNode, ProjectData.class);

                DatasetData datasetData = (DatasetData) hostObject;
                long datasetId = datasetData.getId();
                selectedDataset = findDataNodeById(datasets.get(selectedProject), datasetId);

            if (hostObject instanceof ScreenData) {
                selectedScreen = findDataNode(screens, hostObject, ScreenData.class);
        } else {
            selectedProject = findDataNode(projects, currentProject);
            selectedDataset = findDataNode(datasets.get(selectedProject), currentDataset);
            selectedScreen = findDataNode(screens, currentScreen);

        switch (dataType) {
        case Importer.PROJECT_TYPE:
            displayItems(projectsBox, sortByUser(projects), selectedProject, this);
            displayItemsWithTooltips(datasetsBox, sortByUser(datasets.get(selectedProject)), selectedDataset);
        case Importer.SCREEN_TYPE:
            if (container != null) {
                Object hostObject = container.getUserObject();
                selectedScreen = findDataNode(screens, hostObject, ScreenData.class);

            displayItemsWithTooltips(screensBox, sortByUser(screens), selectedScreen);

     * Sorts the nodes.
     * @param nodes The nodes to sort.
     * @return See above.
    private List<DataNode> sortByUser(List<DataNode> nodes) {
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(nodes))
            return nodes;
        List<DataNode> sorted = new ArrayList<DataNode>();
        ListMultimap<Long, DataNode> map = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        sorted.add(nodes.get(0)); //default node.
        Iterator<DataNode> i = nodes.iterator();
        DataNode node;
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            node =;
            if (!node.isDefaultNode()) {
                map.put(node.getDataObject().getOwner().getId(), node);
        ExperimenterData exp = getSelectedUser();
        List<DataNode> l = map.get(exp.getId());
        if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(l))
        //items are ordered by users.
        long id;
        ExperimenterData user;
        for (int j = 0; j < usersBox.getItemCount(); j++) {
            user = getUser(j);
            if (user != null) {
                id = user.getId();
                if (id != exp.getId())
        return sorted;

     * Searches the list of nodes returning the entry with the same Id as 
     * the find parameter, returns <null> if the list is empty, or the first 
     * item in the list if the find parameter is not found or is null.
     * @param nodes The list of nodes to scan.
     * @param find The node to match Id against.
     * @return The item, <null> if no list, first list item if find is <null>.
    private DataNode findDataNode(List<DataNode> nodes, DataNode find) {
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(nodes))
            return null;

        if (find == null)
            return nodes.get(0);

        for (DataNode node : nodes) {
            if (getIdOf(node) == getIdOf(find))
                return node;
        return nodes.get(0);

     * Helper method to return the UserObject of the parent node.
     * @return see above.
    private Object getParentUserObject(TreeImageDisplay node) {
        if (node.getParentDisplay() == null)
            return null;
        return node.getParentDisplay().getUserObject();

     * Searches a list of DataNodes for an entry with a matching Id and type to 
     * that of the DataObject provided
     * @param list The list of DataNodes to search through.
     * @param find The object to 
     * @param klass The Class<T> description of the type to match against.
     * @return
    private <T extends DataObject> DataNode findDataNode(List<DataNode> list, Object find, Class<T> klass) {
        DataNode selectedItem = null;
        if (find != null && klass.isInstance(find)) {
            T dataObject = klass.cast(find);
            long nodeId = dataObject.getId();
            selectedItem = findDataNodeById(list, nodeId);
        if (selectedItem == null)
            selectedItem = list.get(0);

        return selectedItem;

     * Resets the display to the selection and group specified.
     * @param container The container that is selected
     * @param type The data type identifier (Project / SCreen)
     * @param objects The objects to use.
     * @param currentGroupId The currently active user group.
     * @param userID The id of the user.
    void reset(TreeImageDisplay container, int type, Collection<TreeImageDisplay> objects, long currentGroupId,
            long userID) {
        this.dataType = type;
        this.objects = objects;
        this.container = container;
        populateUIWithDisplayData(findWithId(groups, currentGroupId), userID);

     * Listener for the swapping of Screen / Project tabs
     * @see ChangeListener
    public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
        Object source = evt.getSource();
        if (source == tabbedPane) {
            JTabbedPane tabbedPane = (JTabbedPane) evt.getSource();

            JPanel activePanel = (JPanel) tabbedPane.getSelectedComponent();
            // default to projects
            int newDataType = Importer.PROJECT_TYPE;

            if (activePanel == screenPanel)
                newDataType = Importer.SCREEN_TYPE;

            firePropertyChange(ImportDialog.REFRESH_LOCATION_PROPERTY, null,
                    new ImportLocationDetails(newDataType, getSelectedUser().getId()));

     * Stores the currently selected combobox items for restoration later.
    private void storeCurrentSelections() {
        currentProject = getSelectedItem(projectsBox);
        currentDataset = getSelectedItem(datasetsBox);
        currentScreen = getSelectedItem(screensBox);

     * Returns the selected item in the combo box as a DataNode.
     * @param comboBox see above.
     * @return see above.
    private DataNode getSelectedItem(JComboBox comboBox) {
        Object compareItem = comboBox.getSelectedItem();
        if (compareItem instanceof Selectable<?>) {
            Selectable<?> selectable = (Selectable<?>) compareItem;
            if (!selectable.isSelectable())
                return null;
            Object innerItem = selectable.getObject();
            if (innerItem instanceof DataNode)
                return (DataNode) innerItem;
        return null;

     * Returns the Id of the DataNode.
     * @param node The node to use.
     * @return The id of the node.
    private long getIdOf(DataNode node) {
        if (node == null || node.getDataObject() == null)
            return -1;
        return node.getDataObject().getId();

     * Listener for Group and Project JComboBox selection events
     * @see ItemChangeListener
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie) {
        Object source = ie.getSource();
        if (ie.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
            if (source == groupsBox) {
            } else if (source == usersBox) {
            } else if (source == projectsBox) {
                DataNode node = getSelectedItem(projectsBox);
                if (node.isDefaultProject())

     * Sets the currently selected group
     * @param group The group to set as selected
    void setSelectedGroup(GroupData group) {

     * Enables or disables the user input controls
     * @param isEnabled Whether to enable or disable the controls
    private void setInputsEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
