Source code

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 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
 * v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
 * obtain one at OpenMRS is also distributed under
 * the terms of the Healthcare Disclaimer located at
 * Copyright (C) OpenMRS Inc. OpenMRS is a registered trademark and the OpenMRS
 * graphic logo is a trademark of OpenMRS Inc.
package org.openmrs.module.radiology.web.controller;

import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.openmrs.Obs;
import org.openmrs.api.ObsService;
import org.openmrs.api.context.Context;
import org.openmrs.module.radiology.RadiologyOrder;
import org.openmrs.module.radiology.RadiologyProperties;
import org.openmrs.module.radiology.RadiologyService;
import org.openmrs.module.radiology.Study;
import org.openmrs.obs.ComplexData;
import org.openmrs.propertyeditor.ObsEditor;
import org.openmrs.validator.ObsValidator;
import org.openmrs.web.WebConstants;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult;
import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.InitBinder;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartHttpServletRequest;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

@RequestMapping(value = "/module/radiology/radiologyObs.form")
public class RadiologyObsFormController {

    Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    private static final String RADIOLOGY_OBS_FORM_PATH = "module/radiology/radiologyObsForm";

    private static final String RADIOLOGY_OBS_FORM_URL = "/module/radiology/radiologyObs.form?";

    RadiologyService radiologyService;

    ObsService obsService;

    RadiologyProperties radiologyProperties;

    void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
        binder.registerCustomEditor(Obs.class, new ObsEditor());

     * Get obs corresponding to given radiologyOrder and obs
     * @param order order for which the obs should be returned
     * @param obs obs which should be returned
     * @return model and view populated with an obs matching the given criteria
     * @should populate model and view with obs for given obs and given valid radiology order
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, params = "obsId")
    protected ModelAndView getObs(@RequestParam(value = "orderId", required = true) RadiologyOrder radiologyOrder,
            @RequestParam(value = "obsId", required = true) Obs obs) {
        return populateModelAndView(radiologyOrder, obs);

     * Populate model and view given radiologyOrder and obs
     * @param radiologyOrder to populate the model and view
     * @param obs to populate the model and view
     * @should populate the model and view for given radiology order with completed study and obs
     * @should populate the model and view for given radiology order without completed study and obs
     * @should populate the model and view for given obs with complex concept
    private ModelAndView populateModelAndView(RadiologyOrder radiologyOrder, Obs obs) {

        ModelAndView result = new ModelAndView(RADIOLOGY_OBS_FORM_PATH);

        List<Obs> previousObs = radiologyService.getObsByOrderId(radiologyOrder.getOrderId());
        result.addObject("obs", obs);
        result.addObject("previousObs", previousObs);

        Study study = radiologyOrder.getStudy();
        result.addObject("studyUID", study.isCompleted() ? study.getStudyInstanceUid() : null);
        result.addObject("dicomViewerUrl", getDicomViewerUrl(study));

        if (obs.getId() != null && obs.getConcept() != null && obs.getConcept().isComplex()) {
            Obs complexObsAsHtmlView = obsService.getComplexObs(obs.getId(), WebConstants.HTML_VIEW);
            result.addObject("htmlView", complexObsAsHtmlView.getComplexData().getData());

            Obs complexObsAsHyperlinkView = obsService.getComplexObs(obs.getId(), WebConstants.HYPERLINK_VIEW);
            result.addObject("hyperlinkView", complexObsAsHyperlinkView.getComplexData().getData());

        return result;

     * Get dicom viewer URL for given study
     * @param study study for the dicom viewer url
     * @should return dicom viewer url given completed study
     * @should return null given non completed study
    private String getDicomViewerUrl(Study study) {
        return study.isCompleted()
                ? radiologyProperties.getDicomViewerUrl() + "studyUID=" + study.getStudyInstanceUid()
                : null;

     * Get new obs corresponding to given radiologyOrder
     * @param radiologyOrder radiology order for which the obs should be returned
     * @return model and view populated with a new obs
     * @should populate model and view with new obs given a valid radiology order
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    protected ModelAndView getNewObs(
            @RequestParam(value = "orderId", required = true) RadiologyOrder radiologyOrder) {
        Obs obs = new Obs();
        return populateModelAndView(radiologyOrder, obs);

     * Void given obs corresponding to given http servlet request, http servlet response, radiologyOrder, obs, voidReason
     * @param request the http servlet request with all parameters
     * @param response the http servlet response
     * @param radiologyOrder the corresponding radiology order
     * @param obs the obs
     * @param voidReason the reason the obs was voided for
     * @return ModelAndView for radiology obs form
     * @should void obs for given request, response, radiologyOrder, obs, and voidReason 
     * @should not void obs with empty voiding reason
     * @should not void obs with voiding reason null
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "voidObs")
    protected ModelAndView voidObs(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            @RequestParam(value = "orderId", required = true) RadiologyOrder radiologyOrder,
            @RequestParam(value = "obsId", required = true) Obs obs,
            @RequestParam(value = "voidReason", required = true) String voidReason) {

        if (voidReason == null || voidReason.isEmpty()) {
            request.getSession().setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_ERROR_ATTR, "Obs.void.reason.empty");
            return populateModelAndView(radiologyOrder, obs);

        obsService.voidObs(obs, voidReason);
        request.getSession().setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, "Obs.voidedSuccessfully");
        return new ModelAndView("redirect:" + RADIOLOGY_OBS_FORM_URL + "orderId=" + radiologyOrder.getId()
                + "&obsId=" + obs.getId());

     * Unvoid given obs corresponding to given http servlet request, http servlet response and obs
     * @param request the http servlet request with all parameters
     * @param response the http servlet response
     * @param obs obs which should be unvoided
     * @return ModelAndView for radiology order list
     * @should unvoid voided obs for given request, response and obs
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "unvoidObs")
    protected ModelAndView unvoidObs(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            @RequestParam(value = "obsId", required = true) Obs obs) {

        request.getSession().setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, "Obs.unvoidedSuccessfully");
        return new ModelAndView("redirect:" + RADIOLOGY_OBS_FORM_URL + "orderId=" + obs.getOrder().getId()
                + "&obsId=" + obs.getId());

     * Save obs corresponding to given http servlet request, http servlet response, editReason, radiologyOrder, obs, obsErrors
     * @param request the http servlet request with all parameters
     * @param response the http servlet response
     * @param editReason reason why the obs was edited
     * @param radiologyOrder radiology order corresponding to the obs
     * @param obs the obs to be changed
     * @param obsErrors the result of the parameter binding
     * @return ModelAndView populated with obs matching the given criteria
     * @should return redirecting model and view for not authenticated user
     * @should return populated model and view for obs
     * @should return populated model and view for invalid obs
     * @should populate model and view with obs for occuring Exception
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "saveObs")
    protected ModelAndView saveObs(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            @RequestParam(value = "editReason", required = false) String editReason,
            @RequestParam(value = "orderId", required = true) RadiologyOrder radiologyOrder,
            @ModelAttribute("obs") Obs obs, BindingResult obsErrors) {

        if (Context.isAuthenticated()) {

            try {
                if (isObsValidToSave(obs, obsErrors, editReason)) {
                    obs = obsService.saveObs(obs, editReason);
                    request.getSession().setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, "Obs.saved");
                } else {
                    return populateModelAndView(radiologyOrder, obs, editReason);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                request.getSession().setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_ERROR_ATTR, e.getMessage());
                return populateModelAndView(radiologyOrder, obs, editReason);
        return new ModelAndView("redirect:" + RADIOLOGY_OBS_FORM_URL + "orderId=" + obs.getOrder().getId()
                + "&obsId=" + obs.getId());

     * Save obs corresponding to given http servlet request, http servlet response, editReason, radiologyOrder, obs, obsErrors
     * @param request the http servlet request with all parameters
     * @param response the http servlet response
     * @param editReason reason why the obs was edited
     * @param radiologyOrder radiology order corresponding to the obs
     * @param obs the obs to be changed
     * @param obsErrors the result of the parameter binding
     * @return ModelAndView populated with obs matching the given criteria
     * @should return redirecting model and view for not authenticated user
     * @should return populated model and view for complex obs
     * @should return populated model and view for invalid complex obs
     * @should populate model and view with obs for occuring Exception
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "saveComplexObs")
    protected ModelAndView saveComplexObs(MultipartHttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            @RequestParam(value = "editReason", required = false) String editReason,
            @RequestParam(value = "orderId", required = true) RadiologyOrder radiologyOrder,
            @ModelAttribute("obs") Obs obs, BindingResult obsErrors) {

        if (Context.isAuthenticated()) {
            try {
                InputStream complexDataInputStream = openInputStreamForComplexDataFile(
                obs = populateObsWithComplexData(request.getFile("complexDataFile"), obs, complexDataInputStream);
                if (isObsValidToSave(obs, obsErrors, editReason)) {
                    obs = obsService.saveObs(obs, editReason);
                    request.getSession().setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, "Obs.saved");
                } else {
                    return populateModelAndView(radiologyOrder, obs, editReason);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                request.getSession().setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_ERROR_ATTR, e.getMessage());
                return populateModelAndView(radiologyOrder, obs, editReason);
        return new ModelAndView("redirect:" + RADIOLOGY_OBS_FORM_URL + "orderId=" + obs.getOrder().getId()
                + "&obsId=" + obs.getId());

     * Open input stream for complex data file
     * @param complexDataFile the complex data file
     * @return input stream for complex data file
     * @throws IOException if stream could not be opened
     * @should open input stream for complex data file
     * @should throw exception if input stream could not be opened
    private InputStream openInputStreamForComplexDataFile(MultipartFile complexDataFile) throws IOException {
        if (complexDataFile == null) {
            throw new IOException("error.general");
        return complexDataFile.getInputStream();

     * Populate complex obs with complex data
     * @param complexDataFile the obs should be populated with
     * @param obs to be populated
     * @param InputStream of the file
     * @return saved complex obs with complex data
     * @throws IOException
     * @should populate new obs with new complex data
     * @should populate obs with new complex data
     * @should throw exception for new obs with empty file
    private Obs populateObsWithComplexData(MultipartFile complexDataFile, Obs obs,
            InputStream complexDataInputStream) throws IOException {

        boolean isComplexDataFileNotNullAndNotEmpty = complexDataFile != null && !complexDataFile.isEmpty();
        if (isComplexDataFileNotNullAndNotEmpty) {
            obs.setComplexData(new ComplexData(complexDataFile.getOriginalFilename(), complexDataInputStream));
            return obs;
        } else if (obs.getId() != null) {
            obs.setComplexData(obsService.getComplexObs(obs.getId(), null).getComplexData());
            return obs;
        } else {
            throw new IOException("Obs.invalidImage");

     * Check if Obs is Valid
     * @param obs to be validated
     * @param obsErrors the result of the parameter binding
     * @param editReason reason why the obs was edited
     * @return true if obs is valid
     * @should return true if obs is valid
     * @should return false if edit reason is empty and obs id not null
     * @should return false if edit reason is null and obs id not null
     * @should return false if validation of the obs validator fails
    private boolean isObsValidToSave(Obs obs, BindingResult obsErrors, String editReason) {
        if (obs.getObsId() != null && (editReason == null || editReason.isEmpty())) {
            obsErrors.reject("editReason", "Obs.edit.reason.empty");
            return false;

        new ObsValidator().validate(obs, obsErrors);
        if (obsErrors.hasErrors()) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Populate model and view given radiologyOrder, obs and editReason
     * @param radiologyOrder to populate the model and view
     * @param obs to populate the model and view
     * @param reason, why the obs was edited
     * @should populate model and view with edit reason
    private ModelAndView populateModelAndView(RadiologyOrder radiologyOrder, Obs obs, String editReason) {

        ModelAndView result = populateModelAndView(radiologyOrder, obs);
        return editReason == null ? result.addObject("editReason", "") : result.addObject("editReason", editReason);