Source code

Java tutorial


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 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
 * v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
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 * the terms of the Healthcare Disclaimer located at
 * Copyright (C) OpenMRS Inc. OpenMRS is a registered trademark and the OpenMRS
 * graphic logo is a trademark of OpenMRS Inc.
package org.openmrs.web.controller.patient;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.collections.FactoryUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils;
import org.openmrs.Patient;
import org.openmrs.PatientIdentifier;
import org.openmrs.PatientIdentifierType;
import org.openmrs.PersonAddress;
import org.openmrs.PersonAttribute;
import org.openmrs.PersonAttributeType;
import org.openmrs.PersonName;
import org.openmrs.Relationship;
import org.openmrs.api.PersonService.ATTR_VIEW_TYPE;
import org.openmrs.api.context.Context;
import org.openmrs.util.LocationUtility;
import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsConstants.PERSON_TYPE;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;

 * The Model Object to be used for the short patient form.
public class ShortPatientModel {

    private Patient patient;

    private List<PatientIdentifier> identifiers;

    private PersonName personName;

    private PersonAddress personAddress;

    private Map<String, Relationship> relationshipsMap;

    private List<PersonAttribute> personAttributes;

    public ShortPatientModel() {


     * Constructor that creates a shortPatientModel object from a given patient object
     * @param patient
    public ShortPatientModel(Patient patient) {
        if (patient != null) {
            this.patient = patient;
            this.personName = patient.getPersonName();
            this.personAddress = patient.getPersonAddress();
            List<PatientIdentifier> activeIdentifiers = patient.getActiveIdentifiers();
            if (activeIdentifiers.isEmpty()) {
                final PatientIdentifierType defaultIdentifierType = getDefaultIdentifierType();
                activeIdentifiers.add(new PatientIdentifier(null, defaultIdentifierType,
                        (LocationUtility.getUserDefaultLocation() != null)
                                ? LocationUtility.getUserDefaultLocation()
                                : LocationUtility.getDefaultLocation()));

            identifiers = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList<PatientIdentifier>(activeIdentifiers),

            List<PersonAttributeType> viewableAttributeTypes = Context.getPersonService()
                    .getPersonAttributeTypes(PERSON_TYPE.PATIENT, ATTR_VIEW_TYPE.VIEWING);

            personAttributes = new ArrayList<PersonAttribute>();
            if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(viewableAttributeTypes)) {
                for (PersonAttributeType personAttributeType : viewableAttributeTypes) {
                    PersonAttribute persistedAttribute = patient.getAttribute(personAttributeType);
                    //This ensures that empty attributes are added for those we want to display 
                    //in the view, but have no values
                    PersonAttribute formAttribute = new PersonAttribute(personAttributeType, null);

                    //send a clone to the form so that we can use the original to track changes in the values
                    if (persistedAttribute != null) {
                        BeanUtils.copyProperties(persistedAttribute, formAttribute);


     * @return the identifiers
    public List<PatientIdentifier> getIdentifiers() {
        return identifiers;

     * @return the default patient identifier type (lexically first required id type)
    private PatientIdentifierType getDefaultIdentifierType() {
        List<PatientIdentifierType> types = Context.getPatientService().getAllPatientIdentifierTypes();
        if (types.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return types.iterator().next();

     * @param identifiers the identifiers to set
    public void setIdentifiers(List<PatientIdentifier> identifiers) {
        this.identifiers = identifiers;

     * @return the personName
    public PersonName getPersonName() {
        return personName;

     * @param personName the personName to set
    public void setPersonName(PersonName personName) {
        this.personName = personName;

     * @return the personAddress
    public PersonAddress getPersonAddress() {
        return personAddress;

     * @param personAddress the personAddress to set
    public void setPersonAddress(PersonAddress personAddress) {
        this.personAddress = personAddress;

     * @return the relationshipsMap
    public Map<String, Relationship> getRelationshipsMap() {
        return relationshipsMap;

     * @param relationshipsMap the relationshipsMap to set
    public void setRelationshipsMap(Map<String, Relationship> relationshipsMap) {
        this.relationshipsMap = relationshipsMap;

     * @return the personAttributes
    public List<PersonAttribute> getPersonAttributes() {
        return personAttributes;

     * @param personAttributes the personAttributes to set
    public void setPersonAttributes(List<PersonAttribute> personAttributes) {
        this.personAttributes = personAttributes;

     * @return the patient
    public Patient getPatient() {
        return patient;

     * @param patient the patient to set
    public void setPatient(Patient patient) {
        this.patient = patient;