Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2009 in partnership with
 * the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC,
 * at the University of Southern California and the UnitedStates Geological
 * Survey (USGS;
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.opensha.commons.geo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import static org.opensha.commons.geo.LocationUtils.TOLERANCE;


import org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.BorderType;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.GriddedRegion;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.Location;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.LocationList;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.LocationUtils;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.Region;

public class GriddedRegionTest {

    // octagonal region - mercator and great circle variants
    // provided for comparison. See KML output from main()
    static GriddedRegion octRegionML;
    static GriddedRegion octRegionGC;

    static int octRegionNodeCountML = 683;
    static int octRegionNodeCountGC = 689;

    public static void setUp() {
        LocationList ll = createOctLocList();
        octRegionML = new GriddedRegion(ll, null, 0.5, GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);
        octRegionGC = new GriddedRegion(ll, BorderType.GREAT_CIRCLE, 0.5, GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);


    private static LocationList createOctLocList() {
        LocationList ll = new LocationList();
        ll.add(new Location(25, -115));
        ll.add(new Location(25, -110));
        ll.add(new Location(30, -105));
        ll.add(new Location(35, -105));
        ll.add(new Location(40, -110));
        ll.add(new Location(40, -115));
        ll.add(new Location(35, -120));
        ll.add(new Location(30, -120));
        return ll;

    // Only minimal tests are required for GriddedRegion. All constructors
    // call super() so the bulk of constructor argument error checking is
    // handled by RegionTest. Only private method initGrid() nees to be tested.

    public final void testGriddedRegionLocationLocationDoubleLocation() {
        Location l1 = new Location(10, 10);
        Location l2 = new Location(10.1, 10.1);
        Location l3 = new Location(15, 15);
        GriddedRegion gr;

        // test spacing range
        try {
            gr = new GriddedRegion(l1, l3, -3, null);
            fail("Spacing less than 0 not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        try {
            gr = new GriddedRegion(l1, l3, 0, null);
            fail("Spacing of 0 not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        try {
            gr = new GriddedRegion(l1, l3, 6, null);
            fail("Spacing greater than 5 not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

        // test anchor setting by examining nodes
        // TODO the values are currently inset 
        gr = new GriddedRegion(l2, l3, 1, null);
        Location loc = gr.locationForIndex(0);
        assertTrue(loc.getLatitude() == 10.1);
        assertTrue(loc.getLongitude() == 10.1);
        gr = new GriddedRegion(l2, l3, 1, GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);
        loc = gr.locationForIndex(0);
        assertTrue(loc.getLatitude() % 1 == 0);
        assertTrue(loc.getLongitude() % 1 == 0);
        gr = new GriddedRegion(l2, l3, 1, new Location(0.65, 0.65));
        loc = gr.locationForIndex(0);
        assertTrue(loc.getLatitude() == 10.65);
        assertTrue(loc.getLongitude() == 10.65);

        // test that there are nodes on east and north borders
        gr = new GriddedRegion(l1, l3, 1, GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);
        assertTrue(LocationUtils.areSimilar(gr.locationForIndex(33), new Location(15, 13)));
        assertTrue(LocationUtils.areSimilar(gr.locationForIndex(23), new Location(13, 15)));

    public final void testGriddedRegionLocationListBorderTypeDoubleLocation() {

        assertTrue("Covered by Region tests and first constructor", true);

        // test serialization
        try {
            // write it
            File objPersist = new File("test_serilaize.obj");
            ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(objPersist));
            // read it
            ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(objPersist));
            GriddedRegion gr_in = (GriddedRegion) in.readObject();

        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            fail("Serialization Failed: " + ioe.getMessage());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            fail("Deserialization Failed: " + cnfe.getMessage());


    public final void testGriddedRegionLocationDoubleDoubleLocation() {
        assertTrue("Covered by Region tests and first constructor", true);

    public final void testGriddedRegionLocationListDoubleDoubleLocation() {
        assertTrue("Covered by Region tests and first constructor", true);

    public final void testGriddedRegionRegionDoubleLocation() {
        assertTrue("Covered by Region tests and first constructor", true);

    public final void testGetSpacing() {
        assertTrue(octRegionML.getSpacing() == 0.5);

    public final void testGetNodeCount() {
        assertTrue(octRegionML.getNodeCount() == octRegionNodeCountML);
        assertTrue(octRegionGC.getNodeCount() == octRegionNodeCountGC);
        Location l1 = new Location(10, 10);
        Location l2 = new Location(15, 15);
        GriddedRegion gr = new GriddedRegion(l1, l2, 1, GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);
        assertTrue(gr.getNodeCount() == 36);

    public final void testIsEmpty() {
        Location l1 = new Location(0.2, 0.2);
        Location l2 = new Location(0.3, 0.3);
        GriddedRegion gr = new GriddedRegion(l1, l2, 1, GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);

    public final void testEqualsRegion() {
        LocationList grLL = createOctLocList();
        GriddedRegion gr1 = new GriddedRegion(grLL, null, 0.5, GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);

        // should pass for name change
        gr1.setName("Renamed Gridded Region");

        // test different anchors
        GriddedRegion gr2 = new GriddedRegion(grLL, null, 0.5, new Location(0.1, 0.1));

        // test different grid spacing
        GriddedRegion gr3 = new GriddedRegion(grLL, null, 1.0, GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);

        // test different areas
        grLL.add(new Location(25, -120));
        gr1 = new GriddedRegion(grLL, null, 0.5, GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);

    public final void testEquals() {
        // test absolute identical
        assertEquals(octRegionGC, octRegionGC);
        // test wrong object type
        assertTrue(!octRegionGC.equals(new Object()));

        LocationList grLL = createOctLocList();
        GriddedRegion gr1 = new GriddedRegion(grLL, null, 0.5, GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);
        // should be equal
        assertEquals(gr1, octRegionML);
        // should fail for name change
        gr1.setName("Name Changed");

    public final void testHashCode() {
        assertEquals(octRegionML.hashCode(), octRegionML.hashCode());
        assertTrue(octRegionML.hashCode() != octRegionGC.hashCode());
        GriddedRegion octCopy = new GriddedRegion(octRegionML, octRegionML.getSpacing(), GriddedRegion.ANCHOR_0_0);
        assertEquals(octCopy.hashCode(), octRegionML.hashCode());

        // change name
        octCopy.setName("Name Changed");
        assertTrue(octCopy.hashCode() != octRegionML.hashCode());

    public final void testClone() {
        GriddedRegion octRegion2 = octRegionGC.clone();
        assertEquals(octRegion2, octRegionGC);
        // test gridded with interior
        GriddedRegion interiorGR = new GriddedRegion(RegionTest.interiorRegion, 1, null);
        GriddedRegion interiorGRclone = interiorGR.clone();
        assertEquals(interiorGRclone, interiorGR);

    public final void testSubRegion() {
        GriddedRegion gr1 = new GriddedRegion(RegionTest.circRegion, 0.5, null);

        // test no overlap returns null
        GriddedRegion gr3 = gr1.subRegion(RegionTest.smRectRegion1);
        assertTrue(gr3 == null);

        // test an intersection that yields an ampty region
        Location l1 = new Location(27.2, -112.2);
        Location l2 = new Location(27.3, -112.1);
        Region r1 = new Region(l1, l2);
        GriddedRegion gr5 = octRegionML.subRegion(r1);

        // test sub region that shoul dhave one node -- the center of octRegion
        Location l3 = new Location(32.4, -112.6);
        Location l4 = new Location(32.6, -112.4);
        Region r2 = new Region(l3, l4);
        GriddedRegion gr6 = octRegionML.subRegion(r2);
        assertTrue(gr6.indexForLocation(new Location(32.5, -112.5)) == 0);

    public final void testSetInterior() {
        Location l1 = new Location(0, 0);
        Location l2 = new Location(5, 5);
        GriddedRegion gr = new GriddedRegion(l1, l2, 0.1, null);
        try {
            fail("Unsupported Operation not caught");
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {

    public final void testIterator() {
        int i = 0;
        for (Location loc : octRegionML) {
            i += 1;
        assertTrue(i == octRegionNodeCountML);
        i = 0;
        for (Location loc : octRegionGC) {
            i += 1;
        assertTrue(i == octRegionNodeCountGC);

    public final void testGetNodeList() {
        assertTrue(octRegionML.getNodeList().size() == octRegionNodeCountML);
        assertTrue(octRegionGC.getNodeList().size() == octRegionNodeCountGC);

    public final void testLocationForIndex() {
        Location l1 = new Location(10, 10);
        Location l2 = new Location(15, 15);
        GriddedRegion gr1 = new GriddedRegion(l1, l2, 1, null);
        Location loc0 = gr1.locationForIndex(0);
        loc0 = gr1.locationForIndex(35);

        l1 = new Location(10.1, 10.1);
        l2 = new Location(15, 15);
        GriddedRegion gr2 = new GriddedRegion(l1, l2, 1, null);
        loc0 = gr2.locationForIndex(0);
        assertTrue(loc0.equals(new Location(10.1, 10.1)));
        loc0 = gr2.locationForIndex(24);
        assertTrue(loc0.equals(new Location(14.1, 14.1)));

    public final void testIndexForLocation() {
        Location l1 = new Location(10, 10);
        Location l2 = new Location(15, 15);
        Location l3 = new Location(10.9, 10.9);
        Location l4 = new Location(11, 11);
        GriddedRegion gr = new GriddedRegion(l1, l2, 1, null);
        Location result = gr.locationForIndex(gr.indexForLocation(l3));

    public final void testGetMinGridLat() {
        assertTrue(MathUtils.equals(octRegionML.getMinGridLat(), 25.0, TOLERANCE));

    public final void testGetMaxGridLat() {
        assertTrue(MathUtils.equals(octRegionML.getMaxGridLat(), 40.0, TOLERANCE));

    public final void testGetMinGridLon() {
        assertTrue(MathUtils.equals(octRegionML.getMinGridLon(), -119.5, TOLERANCE));
        assertTrue(MathUtils.equals(octRegionGC.getMinGridLon(), -119.5, TOLERANCE));

    public final void testGetMaxGridLon() {
        assertTrue(MathUtils.equals(octRegionML.getMaxGridLon(), -105.5, TOLERANCE));
        assertTrue(MathUtils.equals(octRegionGC.getMaxGridLon(), -105.5, TOLERANCE));

    public static void main(String[] args) {


        // TODO clean
        //      Location l1 = new Location(10,10);
        //      Location l2 = new Location(10.1,10.1);
        //      Location l3 = new Location(15,15);
        //      GriddedRegion gr;
        //      // test anchor setting by examining nodes
        //      // TODO the values are currently inset 
        //      gr = new GriddedRegion(l2, l3, 1, null);
        //      System.out.println(gr.getNodeList());
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(
        //            gr,
        //            "GriddedRegionLocLoc", 
        //            Color.ORANGE);

        //      Location loc = gr.locationForIndex(0);
        //      System.out.println(loc.getLatitude());
        //      System.out.println(loc.getLongitude());
        //      //assertTrue(loc.getLatitude() == 11.1);
        //assertTrue(loc.getLongitude() == 11.1);

        //      //OCT Mercator vs GreatCircle
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(
        //            octRegionML,
        //            "GriddedRegionOctML", 
        //            Color.RED);
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(
        //            octRegionGC,
        //            "GriddedRegionOctGC", 
        //            Color.BLUE);
        //      System.out.println(octRegion.getBorder());
        //      // SMALL RECT - includes N and E border nodes due to added offset
        //      GriddedRegion GR = new GriddedRegion(
        //            RegionTest.smRectRegion2, 0.2, null);
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(
        //            GR,
        //            "GriddedRegionLocLoc", 
        //            Color.ORANGE);
        //      // INTERIOR - created with lg loc loc rect and small loc loc rect 2
        //      GriddedRegion interiorGR = new GriddedRegion(
        //            RegionTest.interiorRegion, 1, null);
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(
        //            interiorGR,
        //            "GriddedRegionInterior", 
        //            Color.ORANGE);

        // =================================================================
        // The code below will generate kml files for visual verification that
        // GriddedRegions are being instantiated correctly. These files were
        // the basis of comparison when performing an overhaul of the region
        // package. See below for code to generate gridded regions prior to
        // package modification.
        //      GriddedRegion eggr;
        //      // nocal
        //      eggr = new CaliforniaRegions.RELM_NOCAL_GRIDDED();
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_NoCal_new", Color.ORANGE);
        //      // relm
        //      eggr = new CaliforniaRegions.RELM_GRIDDED();
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_RELM_new", Color.ORANGE);
        //      // relm_testing
        //      eggr = new CaliforniaRegions.RELM_TESTING_GRIDDED();
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_RELM_testing_new", Color.ORANGE);
        //      // socal
        //      eggr = new CaliforniaRegions.RELM_SOCAL_GRIDDED();
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_SoCal_new", Color.ORANGE);
        //      // wg02
        //      eggr = new CaliforniaRegions.WG02_GRIDDED();
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_WG02_new", Color.ORANGE);
        //      // wg07
        //      eggr = new CaliforniaRegions.WG07_GRIDDED();
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_WG07_new", Color.ORANGE);
        //      // relm_collect
        //      eggr = new CaliforniaRegions.RELM_COLLECTION_GRIDDED();
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_RELM_collect_new", Color.ORANGE);

        // =================================================================
        // The code below initializes and outputs kml for the now
        // deprecated/deleted gridded region constructors. To rerun, one can
        // check out svn Revision 5832 or earlier and copy 
        // RegionUtils.regionToKML() and accessory methods to the project.
        // eggr = new EvenlyGriddedNoCalRegion();
        // RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_NoCal_old", Color.BLUE);
        // relm
        // eggr = new EvenlyGriddedRELM_Region();
        // RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_RELM_old", Color.BLUE);
        // relm_testing
        // eggr = new EvenlyGriddedRELM_TestingRegion();
        // RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_RELM_testing_old", Color.BLUE);
        // socal
        // eggr = new EvenlyGriddedSoCalRegion();
        // RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_SoCal_old", Color.BLUE);
        // wg02
        // eggr = new EvenlyGriddedWG02_Region();
        // RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_WG02_old", Color.BLUE);
        // wg07
        // eggr = new EvenlyGriddedWG07_LA_Box_Region();
        // RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_WG07_old", Color.BLUE);
        // relm_collect
        // eggr = new RELM_CollectionRegion();
        // RegionUtils.regionToKML(eggr, "ver_RELM_collect_old", Color.BLUE);