Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2009 in partnership with
 * the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC,
 * at the University of Southern California and the UnitedStates Geological
 * Survey (USGS;
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.opensha.commons.geo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import static org.opensha.commons.geo.LocationUtils.TOLERANCE;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.BorderType;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.GriddedRegion;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.Location;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.LocationList;
import org.opensha.commons.geo.Region;

public class RegionTest {

    // TODO need to test immutability of border

    // Notes:
    // ===============================================================
    // Don't need to test Dateline-spanning and pole-wrapping cases as
    // they've been declared as unsupported in docs.
    // The 'region creation' parts of the constructor tests were built by 
    // creating a kml output file to visually verify correct border creation.
    // The vertices were then culled from the KML file and are stored in 
    // static arrays at the end of this file as.
    // ===============================================================

    // octagonal region
    static Region octRegion;
    static LocationList octRegionList;
    // small rect region (regionLocLoc)
    static Region smRectRegion1;
    // small rect region (regionLocLoc)
    static Region smRectRegion2;
    // small rect region (regionLocLoc)
    static Region smRectRegion3;
    // large rect region (regionLocList)
    static Region lgRectRegion;
    // large rect region (regionLocListBorderType)
    static Region lgRectMercRegion;
    // large rect region (regionLocListBorderType)
    static Region lgRectGCRegion;
    // buffered region (regionLocListDouble)
    static Region buffRegion;
    // circular region (regionLocDouble)
    static Region circRegion;
    // small circular region
    static Region smCircRegion;
    // cicle-lgRect intersect
    static Region circLgRectIntersect;
    // cicle-lgRect union
    static Region circLgRectUnion;
    // smRect-lgRect intersect
    static Region smRectLgRectIntersect;
    // smRect-lgRect union
    static Region smRectLgRectUnion;
    // circle-smRect intersect
    static Region circSmRectIntersect;
    // circle-smRect union
    static Region circSmRectUnion;
    // interior region (smRectRegion3 added to lgRectRegion)
    static Region interiorRegion;
    // multi interior region
    static Region multiInteriorRegion;

    public static void setUp() {
        octRegionList = new LocationList();
        octRegionList.add(new Location(25, -115));
        octRegionList.add(new Location(25, -110));
        octRegionList.add(new Location(30, -105));
        octRegionList.add(new Location(35, -105));
        octRegionList.add(new Location(40, -110));
        octRegionList.add(new Location(40, -115));
        octRegionList.add(new Location(35, -120));
        octRegionList.add(new Location(30, -120));
        octRegion = new Region(octRegionList, null);

        Location a = new Location(39, -117);
        Location b = new Location(41, -113);
        smRectRegion1 = new Region(a, b);

        // offset from smRectRegion1; for testing interior overlap
        a = new Location(40, -116);
        b = new Location(42, -112);
        smRectRegion2 = new Region(a, b);

        LocationList ll = new LocationList();
        ll.add(new Location(40, -116));
        ll.add(new Location(40, -112));
        ll.add(new Location(42, -112));
        ll.add(new Location(42, -116));
        smRectRegion3 = new Region(ll, BorderType.MERCATOR_LINEAR);

        a = new Location(35, -125);
        b = new Location(45, -105);
        lgRectRegion = new Region(a, b);

        ll = new LocationList();
        ll.add(new Location(35, -125));
        ll.add(new Location(35, -105));
        ll.add(new Location(45, -105));
        ll.add(new Location(45, -125));
        lgRectMercRegion = new Region(ll, BorderType.MERCATOR_LINEAR);
        lgRectGCRegion = new Region(ll, BorderType.GREAT_CIRCLE);

        Location center = new Location(35, -125);
        circRegion = new Region(center, 400);
        Location smCenter = new Location(43, -110);
        smCircRegion = new Region(smCenter, 100);

        ll = new LocationList();
        ll.add(new Location(35, -125));
        ll.add(new Location(42, -119));
        ll.add(new Location(40, -113));
        ll.add(new Location(45, -105));
        buffRegion = new Region(ll, 100);

        // unions and intersections
        circLgRectIntersect = Region.intersect(lgRectMercRegion, circRegion);
        circLgRectUnion = Region.union(lgRectMercRegion, circRegion);
        smRectLgRectIntersect = Region.intersect(lgRectMercRegion, smRectRegion1);
        smRectLgRectUnion = Region.union(lgRectMercRegion, smRectRegion1);
        circSmRectIntersect = Region.intersect(circRegion, smRectRegion1);
        circSmRectUnion = Region.intersect(circRegion, smRectRegion1);

        // interior
        interiorRegion = new Region(lgRectRegion);


    public final void testRegionLocationLocation() {

        // initialization tests
        Location L1 = new Location(32, 112);
        Location L2 = new Location(32, 118);
        Location L3 = new Location(34, 118);
        try {
            Region r = new Region(L1, L2);
            fail("Same lat values not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        try {
            Region r = new Region(L2, L3);
            fail("Same lon values not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        try {
            L1 = null;
            L2 = null;
            Region r = new Region(L1, L2);
            fail("Null argument not caught");
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

        // region creation tests
        LocationList ll1 = smRectRegion1.getBorder();
        LocationList ll2 = createLocList(regionLocLocDat);

        // test that addition of additional N and E offset for insidedness
        // testing is not applied to borders at 90N and 180E
        Location L4 = new Location(80, 170);
        Location L5 = new Location(90, 170);
        Location L6 = new Location(90, 180);
        Location L7 = new Location(80, 180);
        Region r1 = new Region(L4, L6);
        LocationList locList1 = new LocationList();
        Region r2 = new Region(locList1, BorderType.MERCATOR_LINEAR);

        // and is applied to other borders
        Location L8 = new Location(80, 170);
        Location L9 = new Location(89, 170);
        Location L10 = new Location(89, 179);
        Location L11 = new Location(80, 179);
        Region r3 = new Region(L8, L10);
        LocationList locList2 = new LocationList();
        Region r4 = new Region(locList2, BorderType.MERCATOR_LINEAR);

        // test serialization
        try {
            // write it
            File objPersist = new File("test_serilaize.obj");
            ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(objPersist));
            // read it
            ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(objPersist));
            Region r_in = (Region) in.readObject();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            fail("Serialization Failed: " + ioe.getMessage());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            fail("Deserialization Failed: " + cnfe.getMessage());

    public final void testRegionLocationListBorderType() {
        // null args
        LocationList ll = new LocationList();
        try {
            ll = null;
            Region r = new Region(ll, BorderType.MERCATOR_LINEAR);
            fail("Null argument not caught");
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

        // too short location list
        ll = new LocationList();
        ll.add(new Location(35, -125));
        ll.add(new Location(35, -75));
        try {
            Region r = new Region(ll, null);
            fail("Location list too short  not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {

        // check that start point repeated at end of list is removed
        ll.add(new Location(45, -75));
        ll.add(new Location(35, -125));
        Region rectRegionStartRepeat = new Region(ll, null);
        assertTrue("Repeated start point not clipped", rectRegionStartRepeat.getBorder().size() == 3);

        // no-area location list
        ll = new LocationList();
        ll.add(new Location(35, -125));
        ll.add(new Location(35, -124));
        ll.add(new Location(35, -123));
        try {
            Region r = new Region(ll, null);
            fail("Empty Region not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {

        // non-singular location list
        ll = new LocationList();
        ll.add(new Location(35, -125));
        ll.add(new Location(35, -124));
        ll.add(new Location(36, -125));
        ll.add(new Location(36, -124));
        try {
            Region r = new Region(ll, null);
            fail("Non-singular Region not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {

        // region creation test
        LocationList ll1 = lgRectMercRegion.getBorder();
        LocationList ll2 = createLocList(regionLocListMercatorDat);

        ll1 = lgRectGCRegion.getBorder();
        ll2 = createLocList(regionLocListGreatCircleDat);

    public final void testRegionLocationDouble() {
        Location L1 = new Location(0, 0, 0);
        try {
            L1 = null;
            Region gr = new Region(L1, 50);
            fail("Null argument not caught");
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        try {
            L1 = new Location(0, 0, 0);
            Region gr = new Region(L1, 1001);
            fail("Radius too high not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        try {
            L1 = new Location(0, 0, 0);
            Region gr = new Region(L1, 0);
            fail("Radius too low not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {

        // region creation test
        LocationList ll1 = circRegion.getBorder();
        LocationList ll2 = createLocList(regionCircularDat);

    public final void testRegionLocationListDouble() {
        LocationList ll = new LocationList();
        try {
            Region gr = new Region(ll, 50);
            fail("Empty location list not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        ll.add(new Location(0, 0, 0));
        try {
            Region gr = new Region(ll, 501);
            fail("Buffer too high not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        try {
            Region gr = new Region(ll, 0);
            fail("Buffer too low not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        ll = null;
        try {
            Region gr = new Region(ll, 50);
            fail("Null argument not caught");
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

        // region creation test
        LocationList ll1 = buffRegion.getBorder();
        LocationList ll2 = createLocList(regionBufferDat);

    public final void testRegionRegion() {
        circRegion.setName("Cicle Region");
        Region newCircle = new Region(circRegion);
        assertTrue(newCircle.equals(circRegion)); // just tests areas
        // also test transfer of name and border data
        // test that interior gets transferred
        Region newInterior = new Region(interiorRegion);
        assertTrue(newInterior.equals(interiorRegion)); // just tests areas
        // test that locList interiors match
        List<LocationList> newInteriors = newInterior.getInteriors();
        List<LocationList> interiors = interiorRegion.getInteriors();
        for (int i = 0; i < newInteriors.size(); i++) {

        // null case
        try {
            Region r1 = null;
            Region r2 = new Region(r1);
            fail("Null argument not caught");
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

        // re-test serialization to check region with interior
        try {
            // write it
            File objPersist = new File("test_serilaize.obj");
            ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(objPersist));
            // read it
            ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(objPersist));
            Region r_in = (Region) in.readObject();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            fail("Serialization Failed: " + ioe.getMessage());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            fail("Deserialization Failed: " + cnfe.getMessage());


    public final void testContainsLocation() {

        // insidedness testing is largely unnecessary as we can assume
        // java.awt.Area handles contains correctly. We do want to check
        // that great circle borders are being created correctly and
        // test that here.

        Location containsLoc1 = new Location(35.1, -115); // bottom edge
        Location containsLoc2 = new Location(45.1, -115); // top edge

        // mercator
        // great circle

        // also need to test that the small offset added to 'rectangular'
        // regions leads to inclusion of points that fall on the north and
        // east borders; also check points on the south and west to be safe
        Region rectRegionLocLoc = new Region(new Location(35, -105), new Location(45, -125));
        Location containsEloc = new Location(40, -105);
        Location containsNloc = new Location(45, -115);
        Location containsSloc = new Location(35, -115);
        Location containsWloc = new Location(40, -125);




    public final void testContainsRegion() {

    public final void testIsRectangular() {
        assertTrue("N/A, covered by Area.isRectangular()", true);

    public final void testAddInterior() {
        //exception - null arg
        try {
            fail("Null argument not caught");
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        //exception - supplied has interior (non-singular)
        try {
            fail("Illegal argument not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        //exception - contains: supplied exceeds existing
        try {
            fail("Illegal argument not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        //exception - contains: supplied overlaps existing
        try {
            fail("Illegal argument not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        //exception - supplied overlaps an existing interior
        try {
            fail("Illegal argument not caught");
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

        // test that interiors array remains null after failed add
        assertTrue(octRegion.getInteriors() == null);

        // test that interior area was set by checking insidedness of
        // rectangular interior.
        assertTrue(!interiorRegion.contains(new Location(41, -114)));
        // N edge - should include
        assertTrue(interiorRegion.contains(new Location(42, -114)));
        assertTrue(!interiorRegion.contains(new Location(41.9999, -114)));
        // E edge - should include
        assertTrue(interiorRegion.contains(new Location(41, -112)));
        assertTrue(!interiorRegion.contains(new Location(41, -112.0001)));
        // S edge - should NOT include
        assertTrue(!interiorRegion.contains(new Location(40, -114)));
        assertTrue(interiorRegion.contains(new Location(39.9999, -114)));
        // W edge - should NOT include
        assertTrue(!interiorRegion.contains(new Location(41, -116)));
        assertTrue(interiorRegion.contains(new Location(41, -116.0001)));
        // center of small circle
        assertTrue(!interiorRegion.contains(new Location(43, -110)));
        // check some other points that should still be inside
        assertTrue(interiorRegion.contains(new Location(42, -115)));
        assertTrue(interiorRegion.contains(new Location(40, -112)));
        assertTrue(interiorRegion.contains(new Location(38, -115)));
        assertTrue(interiorRegion.contains(new Location(40, -118)));


    public final void testGetInteriors() {
        assertTrue(octRegion.getInteriors() == null);
        assertTrue(interiorRegion.getInteriors() != null);

    @Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
    public final void testInteriorBorderListImmutable() {
        interiorRegion.getInteriors().add(new LocationList());

    @Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
    public final void testInteriorBordersImmutable() {
        interiorRegion.getInteriors().get(0).add(new Location(0, 0));

    public final void testGetBorder() {
        // test border is correct

    @Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
    public final void testGetBorderIsImmutable() {
        // test border is immutable
        octRegion.getBorder().add(new Location(0, 0));

    public final void testEqualsRegion() {
        // compare two differently constructed gridded regions
        // need to take into account offset for rectangular region
        Location l1 = new Location(0, 0);
        Location l2 = new Location(0, 5.000000000001);
        Location l3 = new Location(5.000000000001, 5.000000000001);
        Location l4 = new Location(5.000000000001, 0);
        Location l5 = new Location(5, 5);
        Location anchor = new Location(0.6, 0.6);
        LocationList ll = new LocationList();
        GriddedRegion gr1 = new GriddedRegion(l1, l5, 0.1, anchor);
        GriddedRegion gr2 = new GriddedRegion(ll, null, 0.1, anchor);

        Region interiorRegion2 = new Region(lgRectRegion);
        // should pass for name change
        interiorRegion2.setName("Name Changed");

    public final void testEquals() {
        Region interiorRegion2 = new Region(lgRectRegion);
        assertEquals(interiorRegion2, interiorRegion);
        assertEquals(interiorRegion2, interiorRegion2);
        // should fail for name change 
        interiorRegion2.setName("Name Changed");

        assertTrue(!smRectRegion3.equals(new Object()));

    public final void testHashCode() {
        Region interiorRegion2 = new Region(lgRectRegion);
        assertEquals(interiorRegion2.hashCode(), interiorRegion.hashCode());
        // change name
        interiorRegion2.setName("Name Changed");
        assertTrue(interiorRegion2.hashCode() != interiorRegion.hashCode());
        // try reverse order locations
        Location l1 = new Location(0, 0);
        Location l2 = new Location(0, 10);
        Location l3 = new Location(10, 10);
        Location l4 = new Location(10, 0);
        LocationList ll1 = new LocationList();
        LocationList ll2 = new LocationList();
        Region r1 = new Region(ll1, null);
        Region r2 = new Region(ll2, null);
        assertEquals(r1.hashCode(), r2.hashCode());

    public final void testClone() {
        Region interiorRegion2 = interiorRegion.clone();
        assertEquals(interiorRegion2, interiorRegion);
        Region octRegion2 = octRegion.clone();
        assertEquals(octRegion2, octRegion);

    public final void testGetMinLat() {
        assertTrue(MathUtils.equals(25, octRegion.getMinLat(), TOLERANCE));

    public final void testGetMaxLat() {
        assertTrue(MathUtils.equals(40, octRegion.getMaxLat(), TOLERANCE));

    public final void testGetMinLon() {
        assertTrue(MathUtils.equals(-120, octRegion.getMinLon(), TOLERANCE));

    public final void testGetMaxLon() {
        assertTrue(MathUtils.equals(-105, octRegion.getMaxLon(), TOLERANCE));

    public final void testDistanceToLocation() {
        fail("Not yet implemented");

    public final void testGetName() {
        assertTrue(octRegion.getName().equals("Unnamed Region"));

    public final void testSetName() {
        octRegion.setName("Oct Region");
        assertTrue(octRegion.getName().equals("Oct Region"));
        octRegion.setName("Unnamed Region");
        assertTrue(octRegion.getName().equals("Unnamed Region"));

    public final void testToString() {
        // test that string rep of circle is correct
                .equals("Region\n" + "\tMinimum Lat: 31.402717641688902\n" + "\tMinimum Lon: -129.3886473053924\n"
                        + "\tMaximum Lat: 38.59728235831109\n" + "\tMaximum Lon: -120.61135269460763"));

    public final void testGetGlobalRegion() {
        Region global = Region.getGlobalRegion();
        assertEquals(180, global.getMaxLon(), 0);
        assertEquals(-180, global.getMinLon(), 0);
        assertEquals(90, global.getMaxLat(), 0);
        assertEquals(-90, global.getMinLat(), 0);

    public final void testIntersect() {
        try {
            Region.intersect(null, interiorRegion);
            fail("Null argument not caught");
        } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            Region.intersect(interiorRegion, null);
            fail("Illegal argument not caught");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        LocationList ll1, ll2;
        // partial overlap
        ll1 = circLgRectIntersect.getBorder();
        ll2 = createLocList(regionCircRectIntersectDat);
        // full overlap - this could be tested by matching a statically 
        // defined region using getRegionOutline(), however, Area operations
        // have a tendency to change the winding direction of border in which
        // case LocatonList.compareTo(LocationList) will fail, even though
        // the borders polygons are the same
        ll1 = smRectLgRectIntersect.getBorder();
        ll2 = createLocList(regionSmRectLgRectIntersectDat);

        // no overlap
        assertTrue(circSmRectIntersect == null);

    public final void testUnion() {
        try {
            Region.union(null, interiorRegion);
            fail("Null argument not caught");
        } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            Region.union(interiorRegion, null);
            fail("Illegal argument not caught");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        LocationList ll1, ll2;
        // partial overlap
        ll1 = circLgRectUnion.getBorder();
        ll2 = createLocList(regionCircRectUnionDat);
        // full overlap - this could be tested by matching a statically 
        // defined region using getRegionOutline(), however, Area operations
        // have a tendency to change the winding direction of border in which
        // case LocatonList.compareTo(LocationList) will fail, even though
        // the borders polygons are the same
        ll1 = smRectLgRectUnion.getBorder();
        ll2 = createLocList(regionSmRectLgRectUnionDat);
        // no overlap
        assertTrue(circSmRectUnion == null);

    // utility method to create LocationList from data arrays
    private static LocationList createLocList(double[] data) {
        LocationList locList = new LocationList();
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += 3) {
            Location loc = new Location(data[i + 1], data[i], data[i + 2]);
        return locList;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        //      Location smCenter = new Location(43, -110);
        //      smCircRegion = new Region(smCenter, 100);
        //      System.out.println(smCircRegion.getBorder().size());


        //LocationList ll = octRegion.getBorder();
        // The code below was used to create KML files for visual verification
        // of regions. The border vertices were then culled from the KML and 
        // are stored in arrays (below) for use in this test class

        //      // RECT
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(smRectRegion1, "RegionLocLoc", Color.ORANGE);
        //      // LOCATION LIST border - mercator and great circle
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(lgRectMercRegion, "RegionLocListMercator", Color.ORANGE);
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(lgRectGCRegion, "RegionLocListGreatCircle", Color.ORANGE);
        //      // CIRCLE
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(circRegion, "RegionLocDouble", Color.ORANGE);
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(smCircRegion, "RegionLocDoubleSm", Color.ORANGE);
        //      // BUFFER
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(buffRegion,"RegionLocListDouble",Color.ORANGE);
        //      // CIRCLE-RECT INTERSECT and UNION
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(circLgRectIntersect,"RegionCircleRectIntersect",Color.ORANGE);
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(circLgRectUnion,"RegionCircleRectUnion",Color.ORANGE);
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(smRectLgRectIntersect,"RegionSmRectLgRectIntersect",Color.ORANGE); 
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(smRectLgRectUnion,"RegionSmRectLgRectUnion",Color.ORANGE);
        //      // INTERIOR REGION
        //      RegionUtils.regionToKML(interiorRegion,"RegionInterior",Color.ORANGE);

    /* debugging utility method to read Area coordinates */
    private static void readArea(Area area) {
        PathIterator pi = area.getPathIterator(null);
        double[] vertex = new double[6];
        while (!pi.isDone()) {
            System.out.println("AreaCoord: " + vertex[1] + " " + vertex[0]);

    // note: always strip the last set of coordinates; they are required to
    // close kml polygons but not needed internally for the region
    // class to define a border shape
    private static double[] regionLocLocDat = new double[] { -117.0, 39.0, 0.0, -112.999999999999, 39.0, 0.0,
            -112.999999999999, 41.000000000001, 0.0, -117.0, 41.000000000001, 0.0 };

    private static double[] regionLocListMercatorDat = new double[] { -125.00000000000001, 35.0, 0.0,
            -105.00000000000001, 35.0, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 45.0, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 45.0, 0.0 };

    private static double[] regionLocListGreatCircleDat = new double[] { -125.00000000000001, 45.0, 0.0,
            -125.00000000000001, 44.10067941042222, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 43.20135882084444, 0.0,
            -125.00000000000001, 42.30203823126668, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 41.40271764168891, 0.0,
            -125.00000000000001, 40.50339705211114, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 39.604076462533364, 0.0,
            -125.00000000000001, 38.704755872955594, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 37.80543528337782, 0.0,
            -125.00000000000001, 36.906114693800035, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 36.006794104222266, 0.0,
            -125.00000000000001, 35.10747351464449, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 35.0, 0.0, -123.90653798948061,
            35.085592130113874, 0.0, -122.81091097846249, 35.16134907214925, 0.0, -121.71337463033095,
            35.22722479719028, 0.0, -120.61418921803805, 35.28317908424677, 0.0, -119.51361902309098,
            35.329177626029804, 0.0, -118.41193171276342, 35.36519211989672, 0.0, -117.30939769874021,
            35.391200343379346, 0.0, -116.20628948059749, 35.407186213805, 0.0, -115.10288097767602,
            35.41313983161952, 0.0, -113.99944685302863, 35.40905750712752, 0.0, -112.89626183320445,
            35.39494177047309, 0.0, -111.79360002767748, 35.37080136479483, 0.0, -110.69173425173024,
            35.33665122260072, 0.0, -109.59093535656724, 35.292512425518716, 0.0, -108.49147157035662,
            35.23841214768841, 0.0, -107.39360785378389, 35.17438358316468, 0.0, -106.29760527355164,
            35.10046585780575, 0.0, -105.20372039707333, 35.016703926214404, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 35.0, 0.0,
            -105.00000000000001, 35.89932058957777, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 36.79864117915554, 0.0,
            -105.00000000000001, 37.69796176873331, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 38.59728235831109, 0.0,
            -105.00000000000001, 39.496602947888874, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 40.39592353746666, 0.0,
            -105.00000000000001, 41.295244127044434, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 42.19456471662221, 0.0,
            -105.00000000000001, 43.09388530619999, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 43.993205895777756, 0.0,
            -105.00000000000001, 44.892526485355525, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 45.0, 0.0, -106.26441389761406,
            45.104300219326454, 0.0, -107.53314494046661, 45.19460008895267, 0.0, -108.80559338537427,
            45.2708108644386, 0.0, -110.08114498816013, 45.33285709948135, 0.0, -111.35917327714841,
            45.38067699642667, 0.0, -112.63904194133286, 45.414222696425206, 0.0, -113.9201073119681,
            45.433460506037214, 0.0, -115.20172091468531, 45.43837105776023, 0.0, -116.48323206797615,
            45.4289494026752, 0.0, -117.76399050305312, 45.40520503416367, 0.0, -119.04334897970904,
            45.36716184242728, 0.0, -120.3206658728697, 45.31485800032494, 0.0, -121.59530770506407,
            45.24834578181594, 0.0, -122.8666516010072, 45.16769131504565, 0.0, -124.13408764187633,
            45.07297427281596, 0.0 };

    private static double[] regionCircularDat = new double[] { -125.00000000000001, 38.59728235831109, 0.0,
            -124.20187521891582, 38.54006261520573, 0.0, -123.43154813253027, 38.37040942497109, 0.0,
            -122.7154475001905, 38.094238585064794, 0.0, -122.07740014623062, 37.721079794476424, 0.0,
            -121.53764305100701, 37.26361813849858, 0.0, -121.11214447342081, 36.73711711291146, 0.0,
            -120.8122474476649, 36.158772316429776, 0.0, -120.64460556798912, 35.547041982631974, 0.0,
            -120.61135269460763, 34.92099200062621, 0.0, -120.71043709701615, 34.29968203898452, 0.0,
            -120.9360537843138, 33.70160858498978, 0.0, -121.2791210939385, 33.144211965723926, 0.0,
            -121.72776358927327, 32.64344849972986, 0.0, -122.26777877508107, 32.21342575605921, 0.0,
            -122.8830776328335, 31.866097874107226, 0.0, -123.55609762241335, 31.61101823189181, 0.0,
            -124.26819181059294, 31.455147692998462, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 31.402717641688902, 0.0,
            -125.73180818940709, 31.455147692998462, 0.0, -126.44390237758668, 31.61101823189181, 0.0,
            -127.11692236716654, 31.866097874107226, 0.0, -127.73222122491894, 32.21342575605921, 0.0,
            -128.27223641072675, 32.64344849972986, 0.0, -128.72087890606153, 33.144211965723926, 0.0,
            -129.06394621568623, 33.70160858498978, 0.0, -129.28956290298387, 34.29968203898452, 0.0,
            -129.3886473053924, 34.92099200062621, 0.0, -129.35539443201094, 35.547041982631974, 0.0,
            -129.18775255233513, 36.158772316429776, 0.0, -128.88785552657922, 36.73711711291146, 0.0,
            -128.462356948993, 37.26361813849858, 0.0, -127.9225998537694, 37.721079794476424, 0.0,
            -127.28455249980952, 38.094238585064794, 0.0, -126.56845186746975, 38.37040942497109, 0.0,
            -125.7981247810842, 38.54006261520573, 0.0 };

    private static double[] regionBufferDat = new double[] { -125.18861603358866, 34.11419576043066, 0.0,
            -125.37167953006093, 34.1543468631209, 0.0, -125.54378623670229, 34.219949531171125, 0.0,
            -125.69982614653524, 34.30906712544795, 0.0, -125.83512469033597, 34.41906194277621, 0.0,
            -125.94557647778464, 34.54666729275529, 0.0, -126.02776858293272, 34.68807794624364, 0.0,
            -126.07908999837065, 34.83905719174881, 0.0, -126.0978235238231, 34.99505824515036, 0.0,
            -126.08321608800617, 35.15135722580647, 0.0, -126.03552342334434, 35.303194352334856, 0.0,
            -125.95602522406752, 35.44591945280394, 0.0, -125.93394390814777, 35.47209227946612, 0.0,
            -125.93394390814774, 35.47209227946612, 0.0, -125.93626501147745, 35.473281291368515, 0.0,
            -120.0574738186964, 42.44153167811818, 0.0, -120.05747381869642, 42.44153167811818, 0.0,
            -120.05545155559999, 42.44484635641829, 0.0, -120.04678764913807, 42.45419821154589, 0.0,
            -119.99008524629348, 42.521408719215664, 0.0, -119.98636572365713, 42.519417878460715, 0.0,
            -119.93552582787424, 42.574294664371656, 0.0, -119.78640240869746, 42.68625321319505, 0.0,
            -119.61260274946349, 42.77721788105355, 0.0, -119.4194956377728, 42.844327362261126, 0.0,
            -119.21312406990106, 42.885462430952025, 0.0, -119.0, 42.899320589577776, 0.0, -118.78687593009894,
            42.885462430952025, 0.0, -118.5805043622272, 42.844327362261126, 0.0, -118.54484436749892,
            42.83193463511023, 0.0, -118.5437957077006, 42.83387863625673, 0.0, -113.18982230862002,
            41.044779607309266, 0.0, -113.18982230862004, 41.044779607309266, 0.0, -105.85659285732784,
            45.665133409109416, 0.0, -105.85659285732783, 45.665133409109416, 0.0, -105.8274780912261,
            45.685956018023866, 0.0, -105.80866131342721, 45.695333022057355, 0.0, -105.8086613134272,
            45.695333022057355, 0.0, -105.78448372828561, 45.71056628295138, 0.0, -105.78223895977906,
            45.708500128529096, 0.0, -105.78223895977904, 45.708500128529096, 0.0, -105.64470542097861,
            45.777037503092096, 0.0, -105.44153198094067, 45.84424276912569, 0.0, -105.22433620499467,
            45.88544059466057, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 45.89932058957776, 0.0, -104.77566379500536,
            45.88544059466057, 0.0, -104.55846801905936, 45.84424276912569, 0.0, -104.3552945790214,
            45.777037503092096, 0.0, -104.17252190877394, 45.685956018023866, 0.0, -104.0158058511157,
            45.573874156612746, 0.0, -103.88989622740132, 45.444311254401825, 0.0, -103.79849582519203,
            45.30130901084315, 0.0, -103.74416514668954, 45.14929587811963, 0.0, -103.72827305078295,
            44.992942664178926, 0.0, -103.75099073605496, 44.837014856347054, 0.0, -103.8113245599498,
            44.68622670225956, 0.0, -103.90718203382836, 44.545101438075974, 0.0, -104.03546491535985,
            44.41784132788408, 0.0, -104.19218349640474, 44.30821045325954, 0.0, -104.23695860624183,
            44.286176255570524, 0.0, -104.23695860624186, 44.286176255570524, 0.0, -104.2348061931071,
            44.28419510789139, 0.0, -112.20785891228773, 39.33893526115657, 0.0, -112.21034058787744,
            39.34097779540197, 0.0, -112.25289953108579, 39.30866947005198, 0.0, -112.41960264025548,
            39.219709485656814, 0.0, -112.60335811496977, 39.154234736432116, 0.0, -112.79873538620447,
            39.11416688762416, 0.0, -113.0, 39.10067941042222, 0.0, -113.20126461379554, 39.11416688762416, 0.0,
            -113.39664188503025, 39.154234736432116, 0.0, -113.50273747334609, 39.19203813820628, 0.0,
            -113.50273747334613, 39.19203813820629, 0.0, -113.50273747334613, 39.19203813820628, 0.0,
            -113.50460369881688, 39.18907869284662, 0.0, -118.55087047853937, 40.8672210378919, 0.0,
            -124.07458343636014, 34.51961347186208, 0.0, -124.07684001933153, 34.520769432468136, 0.0,
            -124.16487530966404, 34.41906194277621, 0.0, -124.30017385346477, 34.30906712544795, 0.0,
            -124.45621376329774, 34.219949531171125, 0.0, -124.6283204699391, 34.1543468631209, 0.0,
            -124.81138396641136, 34.11419576043066, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 34.10067941042223, 0.0 };

    private static double[] regionCircRectIntersectDat = new double[] { -125.00000000000001, 35.0, 0.0,
            -125.00000000000001, 38.59728235831109, 0.0, -124.20187521891582, 38.54006261520573, 0.0,
            -123.43154813253027, 38.37040942497109, 0.0, -122.7154475001905, 38.094238585064794, 0.0,
            -122.07740014623062, 37.721079794476424, 0.0, -121.53764305100701, 37.26361813849858, 0.0,
            -121.11214447342081, 36.73711711291146, 0.0, -120.8122474476649, 36.158772316429776, 0.0,
            -120.64460556798912, 35.547041982631974, 0.0, -120.61554923334226, 35.0, 0.0 };

    private static double[] regionCircRectUnionDat = new double[] { -125.73180818940709, 31.455147692998462, 0.0,
            -126.44390237758668, 31.61101823189181, 0.0, -127.11692236716654, 31.866097874107226, 0.0,
            -127.73222122491894, 32.21342575605921, 0.0, -128.27223641072675, 32.64344849972986, 0.0,
            -128.72087890606153, 33.144211965723926, 0.0, -129.06394621568623, 33.70160858498978, 0.0,
            -129.28956290298387, 34.29968203898452, 0.0, -129.3886473053924, 34.92099200062621, 0.0,
            -129.35539443201094, 35.547041982631974, 0.0, -129.18775255233513, 36.158772316429776, 0.0,
            -128.88785552657922, 36.73711711291146, 0.0, -128.462356948993, 37.26361813849858, 0.0,
            -127.9225998537694, 37.721079794476424, 0.0, -127.28455249980952, 38.094238585064794, 0.0,
            -126.56845186746975, 38.37040942497109, 0.0, -125.7981247810842, 38.54006261520573, 0.0,
            -125.00000000000001, 38.59728235831109, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 45.0, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 45.0,
            0.0, -105.00000000000001, 35.0, 0.0, -120.61554923334226, 35.0, 0.0, -120.61135269460763,
            34.92099200062621, 0.0, -120.71043709701615, 34.29968203898452, 0.0, -120.9360537843138,
            33.70160858498978, 0.0, -121.2791210939385, 33.144211965723926, 0.0, -121.72776358927327,
            32.64344849972986, 0.0, -122.26777877508107, 32.21342575605921, 0.0, -122.8830776328335,
            31.866097874107226, 0.0, -123.55609762241335, 31.61101823189181, 0.0, -124.26819181059294,
            31.455147692998462, 0.0, -125.00000000000001, 31.402717641688902, 0.0 };

    private static double[] regionSmRectLgRectIntersectDat = new double[] { -117.0, 39.0, 0.0, -117.0,
            41.000000000001, 0.0, -112.999999999999, 41.000000000001, 0.0, -112.999999999999, 39.0, 0.0 };

    private static double[] regionSmRectLgRectUnionDat = new double[] { -125.00000000000001, 35.0, 0.0,
            -125.00000000000001, 45.0, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 45.0, 0.0, -105.00000000000001, 35.0, 0.0 };