Source code

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 * OpenSpotLight - Open Source IT Governance Platform
 * or third-party contributors as indicated by the @author tags or express
 * copyright attribution statements applied by the authors.  All third-party
 * contributions are distributed under license by CARAVELATECH CONSULTORIA E
 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
 * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * See the GNU Lesser General Public License  for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this distribution; if not, write to:
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
 * Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * OpenSpotLight - Plataforma de Governana de TI de Cdigo Aberto
 * Direitos Autorais Reservados (c) 2009, CARAVELATECH CONSULTORIA E TECNOLOGIA
 * EM INFORMATICA LTDA ou como contribuidores terceiros indicados pela etiqueta
 * @author ou por expressa atribuio de direito autoral declarada e atribuda pelo autor.
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 * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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package org.openspotlight.graph.internal;

import static;
import static;
import static org.openspotlight.common.Pair.newPair;
import static org.openspotlight.common.util.Conversion.convert;
import static org.openspotlight.common.util.Exceptions.logAndReturn;
import static org.openspotlight.common.util.Sha1.getNumericSha1Signature;

import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
import org.openspotlight.common.Pair;
import org.openspotlight.common.Pair.PairEqualsMode;
import org.openspotlight.common.exception.SLRuntimeException;
import org.openspotlight.common.util.Conversion;
import org.openspotlight.common.util.Equals;
import org.openspotlight.common.util.Exceptions;
import org.openspotlight.common.util.HashCodes;
import org.openspotlight.common.util.Reflection;
import org.openspotlight.common.util.SerializationUtil;
import org.openspotlight.common.util.Strings;
import org.openspotlight.graph.Context;
import org.openspotlight.graph.Element;
import org.openspotlight.graph.Link;
import org.openspotlight.graph.LinkDirection;
import org.openspotlight.graph.Node;
import org.openspotlight.graph.PropertyContainer;
import org.openspotlight.graph.TreeLineReference;
import org.openspotlight.graph.TreeLineReference.ArtifactLineReference;
import org.openspotlight.graph.TreeLineReference.SimpleLineReference;
import org.openspotlight.graph.annotation.DefineHierarchy;
import org.openspotlight.graph.annotation.InitialWeight;
import org.openspotlight.graph.annotation.IsMetaType;
import org.openspotlight.graph.annotation.LinkAutoBidirectional;
import org.openspotlight.graph.annotation.TransientProperty;


public class NodeAndLinkSupport {

    private static class LinkImpl extends Link
            implements PropertyContainerMetadata<StorageLink>, PropertyContainerLineReferenceData {

        private static final int SOURCE = 0;

        private static final int TARGET = 1;

        private WeakReference<StorageLink> cachedEntry;

        private int count;

        private LinkDirection linkDirection = LinkDirection.UNIDIRECTIONAL;

        private final Class<? extends Link> linkType;

        private final PropertyContainerImpl propertyContainerImpl;

        private final Node[] sides = new Node[2];

        public LinkImpl(final String id, final String linkName, final Class<? extends Link> linkType,
                final Map<String, Class<? extends Serializable>> propertyTypes,
                final Map<String, Serializable> propertyValues, final int initialWeigthValue, final int weightValue,
                final Node source, final Node target, final LinkDirection linkDirection) {
            propertyContainerImpl = new PropertyContainerImpl(id, linkType.getName(), propertyTypes, propertyValues,
                    initialWeigthValue, weightValue, source.getContextId());
            sides[SOURCE] = source;
            sides[TARGET] = target;
            this.linkType = linkType;
            this.linkDirection = linkDirection;


        public int compareTo(final Link o) {
            return getId().compareTo(o.getId());

        public void createLineReference(final int beginLine, final int endLine, final int beginColumn,
                final int endColumn, final String statement, final String artifactId) {
            propertyContainerImpl.createLineReference(beginLine, endLine, beginColumn, endColumn, statement,

        public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
            if (!(obj instanceof Link)) {
                return false;
            final Link that = (Link) obj;
            return getId().equals(that.getId());

        public StorageLink getCached() {
            return cachedEntry != null ? cachedEntry.get() : null;

        public Iterable<ArtifactLineReference> getCachedLineReference(final String artifactId) {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getCachedLineReference(artifactId);

        public String getContextId() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getContextId();

        public int getCount() {
            return count;

        public String getId() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getId();

        public final int getInitialWeightValue() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getInitialWeightValue();

        public LinkDirection getDirection() {
            return linkDirection;

        public Class<? extends Link> getType() {
            return linkType;

        public Map<String, Map<String, Set<SimpleLineReference>>> getNewLineReferenceData() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getNewLineReferenceData();

        public Node getOtherSide(final Node node) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            if (node.equals(sides[SOURCE])) {
                return sides[TARGET];
            if (node.equals(sides[TARGET])) {
                return sides[SOURCE];
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        public Set<Pair<String, Serializable>> getProperties() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getProperties();

        public PropertyContainerImpl getPropertyContainerImpl() {
            return propertyContainerImpl;

        public Iterable<String> getPropertyKeys() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getPropertyKeys();

        public <V extends Serializable> V getPropertyValue(final String key) {
            return propertyContainerImpl.<V>getPropertyValue(key);

        public <V extends Serializable> V getPropertyValue(final String key, final V defaultValue) {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getPropertyValue(key, defaultValue);

        public String getPropertyValueAsString(final String key) {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getPropertyValueAsString(key);

        public Node[] getSides() {
            return new Node[] { sides[SOURCE], sides[TARGET] };

        public Node getSource() {
            return sides[SOURCE];

        public Node getTarget() {
            return sides[TARGET];

        public String getTypeName() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getTypeName();

        public final int getWeightValue() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getWeightValue();

        public int hashCode() {
            return getId().hashCode();

        public boolean hasProperty(final String key) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return propertyContainerImpl.hasProperty(key);

        public boolean isBidirectional() {
            return linkDirection.equals(LinkDirection.BIDIRECTIONAL);

        public boolean isDirty() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.isDirty();

        public void removeProperty(final String key) {

        //        public void resetDirtyFlag() {
        //            propertyContainerImpl.resetDirtyFlag();
        //        }

        public void setCached(final StorageLink entry) {
            cachedEntry = new WeakReference<StorageLink>(entry);


        public void setCachedLineReference(final String artifactId,
                final Iterable<ArtifactLineReference> newLineReference) {
            propertyContainerImpl.setCachedLineReference(artifactId, newLineReference);

        public void setCount(final int value) {
            count = value;


        public <V extends Serializable> void setProperty(final String key, final V value)
                throws IllegalArgumentException {
            propertyContainerImpl.setProperty(key, value);

        public String toString() {
            return "<" +, 3) + "> Link[" + getId() + "]";


    private static class NodeImpl extends Node
            implements PropertyContainerMetadata<StorageNode>, PropertyContainerLineReferenceData {

        private WeakReference<StorageNode> cachedEntry;

        private String caption;

        private final String contextId;

        private volatile int hashCode = 0;

        private final String name;

        private final BigInteger numericType;

        private final String parentId;

        private final PropertyContainerImpl propertyContainerImpl;

        private NodeImpl(final String name, final Class<? extends Node> type, final String id,
                final Map<String, Class<? extends Serializable>> propertyTypes,
                final Map<String, Serializable> propertyValues, final String parentId, final String contextId,
                final int weightValue) {
            propertyContainerImpl = new PropertyContainerImpl(id, type.getName(), propertyTypes, propertyValues,
                    findInitialWeight(type), weightValue, contextId);
   = name;
            numericType = findNumericType(type);
            this.parentId = parentId;
            this.contextId = contextId;

        public int compareTo(final Node o) {
            return getId().compareTo(o.getId());

        public void createLineReference(final int beginLine, final int endLine, final int beginColumn,
                final int endColumn, final String statement, final String artifactId) {
            propertyContainerImpl.createLineReference(beginLine, endLine, beginColumn, endColumn, statement,

        public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
            if (!(obj instanceof Node)) {
                return false;
            final Node slnode = (Node) obj;

            final boolean result = getId().equals(slnode.getId())
                    && Equals.eachEquality(getParentId(), slnode.getParentId())
                    && Equals.eachEquality(getContextId(), slnode.getContextId());
            return result;

        public StorageNode getCached() {
            return cachedEntry != null ? cachedEntry.get() : null;

        public Iterable<ArtifactLineReference> getCachedLineReference(final String artifactId) {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getCachedLineReference(artifactId);

        public String getCaption() {
            return caption;

        public String getContextId() {
            return contextId;

        public String getId() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getId();

        public final int getInitialWeightValue() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getInitialWeightValue();

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public Map<String, Map<String, Set<SimpleLineReference>>> getNewLineReferenceData() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getNewLineReferenceData();

        public BigInteger getNumericType() {
            return numericType;

        public String getParentId() {
            return parentId;

        public Set<Pair<String, Serializable>> getProperties() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getProperties();

        public PropertyContainerImpl getPropertyContainerImpl() {
            return propertyContainerImpl;

        public Iterable<String> getPropertyKeys() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getPropertyKeys();

        public <V extends Serializable> V getPropertyValue(final String key) {
            return propertyContainerImpl.<V>getPropertyValue(key);

        public <V extends Serializable> V getPropertyValue(final String key, final V defaultValue) {
            return propertyContainerImpl.<V>getPropertyValue(key, defaultValue);

        public String getPropertyValueAsString(final String key) {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getPropertyValueAsString(key);

        public String getTypeName() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getTypeName();

        public final int getWeightValue() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.getWeightValue();

        public int hashCode() {
            int result = hashCode;
            if (result == 0) {
                result = HashCodes.hashOf(getId(), getParentId(), getContextId());
                hashCode = result;
            return result;

        public boolean hasProperty(final String key) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return propertyContainerImpl.hasProperty(key);

        public boolean isDirty() {
            return propertyContainerImpl.isDirty();

        public void removeProperty(final String key) {

        //        public void resetDirtyFlag() {
        //            propertyContainerImpl.resetDirtyFlag();
        //        }

        public void setCached(final StorageNode entry) {
            cachedEntry = new WeakReference<StorageNode>(entry);


        public void setCachedLineReference(final String artifactId,
                final Iterable<ArtifactLineReference> newLineReference) {
            propertyContainerImpl.setCachedLineReference(artifactId, newLineReference);

        public void setCaption(final String caption) {
            this.caption = caption;

        public <V extends Serializable> void setProperty(final String key, final V value)
                throws IllegalArgumentException {
            propertyContainerImpl.setProperty(key, value);

        public String toString() {
            return getName() + ":" + getId();


    private static class PropertyContainerInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {

        private static enum MethodType {

        private final PropertyContainer internalPropertyContainerImpl;

        public PropertyContainerInterceptor(final PropertyContainer propertyContainerImpl) {
            internalPropertyContainerImpl = propertyContainerImpl;

        private MethodType getMethodType(final String methodName, final Method method) {
            if (method.isAnnotationPresent(TransientProperty.class)) {
                return MethodType.OTHER;
            if (methodName.startsWith("set") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 1
                    && internalPropertyContainerImpl.hasProperty(methodName.substring(3))) {
                return MethodType.SETTER;
            } else if (methodName.startsWith("get") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0
                    && internalPropertyContainerImpl.hasProperty(methodName.substring(3))) {
                return MethodType.GETTER;
            } else if (methodName.startsWith("is") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0
                    && internalPropertyContainerImpl.hasProperty(methodName.substring(2))) {
                return MethodType.GETTER;
            return MethodType.OTHER;

        private Serializable invokeGetter(final String methodName) {

            final String propertyName = methodName.startsWith("get")
                    ? Strings.firstLetterToLowerCase(methodName.substring(3))
                    : Strings.firstLetterToLowerCase(methodName.substring(2));// is
            return internalPropertyContainerImpl.getPropertyValue(propertyName);


        private Object invokeSetter(final Object obj, final String methodName, final Method method,
                final Object[] args, final MethodProxy methodProxy) throws Throwable {
            internalPropertyContainerImpl.setProperty(methodName.substring(3), (Serializable) args[0]);
            return null;

        public Object intercept(final Object obj, final Method method, final Object[] args, final MethodProxy proxy)
                throws Throwable {

            final Class<?> declarringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
            final boolean methodFromSuperClasses = declarringClass.equals(Node.class)
                    || declarringClass.equals(Link.class) || declarringClass.equals(PropertyContainerImpl.class)
                    || declarringClass.isInterface() || declarringClass.equals(Object.class);
            final String methodName = method.getName();
            if (methodFromSuperClasses) {
                return method.invoke(internalPropertyContainerImpl, args);
            } else {
                switch (getMethodType(methodName, method)) {
                case GETTER:
                    return invokeGetter(methodName);
                case SETTER:
                    return invokeSetter(obj, methodName, method, args, proxy);
                return proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args);


    private static interface PropertyContainerLineReferenceData {
        Iterable<ArtifactLineReference> getCachedLineReference(String artifactId);

        Map<String, Map<String, Set<SimpleLineReference>>> getNewLineReferenceData();

        void setCachedLineReference(String artifactId, Iterable<ArtifactLineReference> newLineReference);


    public static class PropertyContainerImpl implements Element, PropertyContainerLineReferenceData {

        private final String contextId;

        private final AtomicBoolean dirty;

        private final String id;

        private final int initialWeightValue;
        // ArtifactId,Statement,lineData
        private final Map<String, Map<String, Set<SimpleLineReference>>> lineReferenceNewData = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Set<SimpleLineReference>>>();
        private final Map<String, Class<? extends Serializable>> propertyTypes;
        private final Map<String, Serializable> propertyValues;
        private final Set<String> removedProperties;

        private SoftReference<Map<String, Iterable<ArtifactLineReference>>> treeLineReference;

        private final String typeName;

        private final int weightValue;

        public PropertyContainerImpl(final String id, final String typeName,
                final Map<String, Class<? extends Serializable>> propertyTypes,
                final Map<String, Serializable> propertyValues, final int initialWeigthValue, final int weightValue,
                final String contextId) {
            dirty = new AtomicBoolean();
            this.typeName = typeName;
            initialWeightValue = initialWeigthValue;
            this.weightValue = weightValue;
   = id;
            this.propertyTypes = propertyTypes;
            this.propertyValues = propertyValues;
            removedProperties = newHashSet();
            this.contextId = contextId;

        public void createLineReference(final int beginLine, final int endLine, final int beginColumn,
                final int endColumn, final String statement, final String artifactId) {
            Map<String, Set<SimpleLineReference>> artifactEntry = lineReferenceNewData.get(artifactId);
            if (artifactEntry == null) {
                artifactEntry = new HashMap<String, Set<SimpleLineReference>>();
                lineReferenceNewData.put(artifactId, artifactEntry);
            Set<SimpleLineReference> statementEntry = artifactEntry.get(statement);
            if (statementEntry == null) {
                statementEntry = new HashSet<SimpleLineReference>();
                artifactEntry.put(statement, statementEntry);
                    TreeLineReferenceSupport.createSimpleLineReference(beginLine, endLine, beginColumn, endColumn));

        public Iterable<ArtifactLineReference> getCachedLineReference(final String artifactId) {
            final Map<String, Iterable<ArtifactLineReference>> cache = treeLineReference == null ? null
                    : treeLineReference.get();
            if (cache == null) {
                return null;
            if (artifactId != null) {
                return cache.get(artifactId);
            if (cache.isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            final Builder<ArtifactLineReference> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
            for (final Iterable<ArtifactLineReference> val : cache.values()) {
                for (final ArtifactLineReference r : val) {

        public String getContextId() {
            return contextId;

        public String getId() {
            return id;

        public final int getInitialWeightValue() {
            return initialWeightValue;

        public Map<String, Map<String, Set<SimpleLineReference>>> getNewLineReferenceData() {
            return lineReferenceNewData;

        public Set<Pair<String, Serializable>> getProperties() {
            final ImmutableSet.Builder<Pair<String, Serializable>> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
            for (final Map.Entry<String, ? extends Serializable> entry : propertyValues.entrySet()) {
                builder.add(newPair(entry.getKey(), (Serializable) entry.getValue(), PairEqualsMode.K1));

        public Iterable<String> getPropertyKeys() {
            return ImmutableSet.copyOf(propertyTypes.keySet());

        public <V extends Serializable> V getPropertyValue(final String key) {
            return (V) propertyValues.get(key);

        public <V extends Serializable> V getPropertyValue(final String key, final V defaultValue) {
            final V value = (V) propertyValues.get(key);
            return value == null ? defaultValue : value;

        public String getPropertyValueAsString(final String key) {
            return convert(propertyValues.get(key), String.class);

        public String getTypeName() {
            return typeName;

        public final int getWeightValue() {
            return weightValue;

        public boolean hasProperty(final String key) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return propertyTypes.containsKey(Strings.firstLetterToLowerCase(key));

        public boolean isDirty() {
            return dirty.get();

        public void markAsDirty() {

        public void removeProperty(String key) {
            key = Strings.firstLetterToLowerCase(key);

        public void resetDirtyFlag() {

        public void setCachedLineReference(final String artifactId,
                final Iterable<ArtifactLineReference> newLineReference) {
            Map<String, Iterable<ArtifactLineReference>> cache = treeLineReference == null ? null
                    : treeLineReference.get();
            if (cache == null) {
                cache = new HashMap<String, Iterable<ArtifactLineReference>>();
                treeLineReference = new SoftReference<Map<String, Iterable<ArtifactLineReference>>>(cache);
            cache.put(artifactId, newLineReference);

        public <V extends Serializable> void setProperty(String key, final V value)
                throws IllegalArgumentException {
            key = Strings.firstLetterToLowerCase(key);
            if (!hasProperty(key)) {
                throw logAndReturn(
                        new IllegalArgumentException("invalid property key " + key + " for type " + getTypeName()));
            final Class<? extends Serializable> propType = propertyTypes.get(key);
            if (value != null) {
                final Class<?> valueType = Reflection.findClassWithoutPrimitives(value.getClass());
                if (!valueType.isAssignableFrom(propType)) {
                    throw logAndReturn(new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "invalid property type " + value.getClass().getName() + " for type " + getTypeName()
                                    + " (should be " + propertyTypes.get(key).getName() + ")"));


            propertyValues.put(key, value);


    public static interface PropertyContainerMetadata<T> {
        public T getCached();

        public PropertyContainerImpl getPropertyContainerImpl();

        public void setCached(T entry);


    private static final String LINEREF_SUFIX = "_lineRef";
    public static final String BIDIRECTIONAL_LINK_IDS = "__bidirectional_link_ids";
    public static final String CAPTION = "__node_caption";

    public static final String CORRECT_CLASS = "__node_concrete_class";

    public static final String LINK_DIRECTION = "__link_direction";

    public static final String NAME = "__node_name";

    public static final String NODE_ID = "__node_weigth_value";

    public static final String NUMERIC_TYPE = "__node_numeric_type";

    public static final String WEIGTH_VALUE = "__node_weigth_value";

    private static void fixTypeData(final StorageSession session, final Class<? extends Node> clazz,
            final StorageNode node) {
        final String numericTypeAsString = node.getPropertyValueAsString(session, NUMERIC_TYPE);
        final BigInteger numericTypeFromTargetNodeType = findNumericType(clazz);
        if (numericTypeAsString != null) {
            final BigInteger numericTypeAsBigInteger = new BigInteger(numericTypeAsString);
            if (numericTypeFromTargetNodeType.compareTo(numericTypeAsBigInteger) > 0) {
                setWeigthAndTypeOnNode(session, node, clazz, numericTypeFromTargetNodeType);
        } else {
            setWeigthAndTypeOnNode(session, node, clazz, numericTypeFromTargetNodeType);

    private static BigInteger numericTypeFromClass(final Class<? extends Node> currentType) {
        return getNumericSha1Signature(currentType.getName());

    private static void setWeigthAndTypeOnNode(final StorageSession session, final StorageNode node,
            final Class<? extends Node> type, final BigInteger weightFromTargetNodeType) {
        node.setIndexedProperty(session, NUMERIC_TYPE, weightFromTargetNodeType.toString());
        node.setIndexedProperty(session, CORRECT_CLASS, type.getName());


    public static <T extends Link> T createLink(final PartitionFactory factory, final StorageSession session,
            final Class<T> clazz, final Node rawOrigin, final Node rawTarget, final LinkDirection direction,
            final boolean createIfDontExists) {
        final Map<String, Class<? extends Serializable>> propertyTypes = newHashMap();
        final Map<String, Serializable> propertyValues = newHashMap();
        final PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(clazz);

        StorageLink linkEntry = null;
        Node origin, target;

        if (rawOrigin.compareTo(rawTarget) == 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();

        if (LinkDirection.BIDIRECTIONAL.equals(direction) && rawOrigin.compareTo(rawTarget) < 0) {
            origin = rawTarget;
            target = rawOrigin;
        } else {
            origin = rawOrigin;
            target = rawTarget;
        String linkId = null;
        if (session != null) {
            final StorageNode originAsSTNode = session.getNode(origin.getId());
            final StorageNode targetAsSTNode = session.getNode(target.getId());
            if (originAsSTNode == null && createIfDontExists) {
                throw new IllegalStateException();
            if (originAsSTNode != null) {
                if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(LinkAutoBidirectional.class)
                        && LinkDirection.UNIDIRECTIONAL.equals(direction)) {

                    final StorageLink possibleLink = session.getLink(targetAsSTNode, originAsSTNode,
                    final StorageLink anotherPossibleLink = session.getLink(originAsSTNode, targetAsSTNode,
                    if (possibleLink != null && anotherPossibleLink != null) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException();
                    if (possibleLink != null && possibleLink.getPropertyValueAsString(session, LINK_DIRECTION)
                            .equals( {
                        return createLink(factory, session, clazz, rawOrigin, rawTarget,
                                LinkDirection.BIDIRECTIONAL, createIfDontExists);
                    } else if (anotherPossibleLink != null
                            && anotherPossibleLink.getPropertyValueAsString(session, LINK_DIRECTION)
                                    .equals( {
                        return createLink(factory, session, clazz, rawTarget, rawOrigin,
                                LinkDirection.BIDIRECTIONAL, createIfDontExists);
                    } else if (possibleLink != null) {
                        if (createIfDontExists) {
                        return createLink(factory, session, clazz, rawOrigin, rawTarget,
                                LinkDirection.BIDIRECTIONAL, createIfDontExists);

                    } else if (anotherPossibleLink != null) {
                        if (createIfDontExists) {
                        return createLink(factory, session, clazz, rawOrigin, rawTarget,
                                LinkDirection.BIDIRECTIONAL, createIfDontExists);
                linkEntry = session.getLink(originAsSTNode, targetAsSTNode, clazz.getName());
                if (linkEntry == null) {
                    if (createIfDontExists) {
                        linkEntry = session.addLink(originAsSTNode, targetAsSTNode, clazz.getName());
                    if (linkEntry != null) {
                        if (LinkDirection.BIDIRECTIONAL.equals(direction)) {
                            final InputStream objectAsStream = targetAsSTNode.getPropertyValueAsStream(session,
                            List<String> linkIds;
                            if (objectAsStream != null) {
                                linkIds = SerializationUtil.deserialize(objectAsStream);
                            } else {
                                linkIds = new ArrayList<String>();
                            targetAsSTNode.setSimpleProperty(session, BIDIRECTIONAL_LINK_IDS,
                            targetAsSTNode.setSimpleProperty(session, LINK_DIRECTION,
            linkId = StringKeysSupport.buildLinkKeyAsString(clazz.getName(), origin.getId(), target.getId());

        for (final PropertyDescriptor d : descriptors) {
            if (d.getName().equals("class")) {
                    (Class<? extends Serializable>) Reflection.findClassWithoutPrimitives(d.getPropertyType()));
            final Object rawValue = linkEntry != null ? linkEntry.getPropertyValueAsString(session, d.getName())
                    : null;
            final Serializable value = (Serializable) (rawValue != null
                    ? Conversion.convert(rawValue, d.getPropertyType())
                    : null);
            propertyValues.put(d.getName(), value);
        int weigthValue;
        final Set<String> stNodeProperties = linkEntry != null ? linkEntry.getPropertyNames(session)
                : Collections.<String>emptySet();
        if (stNodeProperties.contains(WEIGTH_VALUE)) {
            weigthValue = Conversion.convert(linkEntry.getPropertyValueAsString(session, WEIGTH_VALUE),
        } else {
            weigthValue = findInitialWeight(clazz);
        final LinkImpl internalLink = new LinkImpl(linkId, clazz.getName(), clazz, propertyTypes, propertyValues,
                findInitialWeight(clazz), weigthValue, origin, target, direction);
        if (linkEntry != null) {
            internalLink.linkDirection = direction;
        final Enhancer e = new Enhancer();
        e.setInterfaces(new Class<?>[] { PropertyContainerMetadata.class });
        e.setCallback(new PropertyContainerInterceptor(internalLink));
        return (T) e.create(new Class[0], new Object[0]);

    public static <T extends Node> T createNode(final PartitionFactory factory, final StorageSession session,
            final String contextId, final String parentId, final Class<T> clazz, final String name,
            final boolean needsToVerifyType, final Iterable<Class<? extends Link>> linkTypesForLinkDeletion,
            final Iterable<Class<? extends Link>> linkTypesForLinkedNodeDeletion) {
        final Map<String, Class<? extends Serializable>> propertyTypes = newHashMap();
        final Map<String, Serializable> propertyValues = newHashMap();
        final PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(clazz);
        StorageNode node = null;
        if (contextId == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        final Partition partition = factory.getPartition(contextId);
        NodeKey internalNodeKey;
        final Class<? extends Node> targetNodeType = findTargetClass(clazz);

        if (session != null) {
            internalNodeKey = session.withPartition(partition).createNodeKeyWithType(targetNodeType.getName())
                    .withSimpleKey(NAME, name).andCreate();
            node = session.withPartition(partition).createCriteria().withUniqueKey(internalNodeKey).buildCriteria()
        } else {
            internalNodeKey = new NodeKeyBuilderImpl(targetNodeType.getName(), partition).withSimpleKey(NAME, name)

        for (final PropertyDescriptor d : descriptors) {
            if (d.getName().equals("class")) {
                    (Class<? extends Serializable>) Reflection.findClassWithoutPrimitives(d.getPropertyType()));
            final Object rawValue = node != null ? node.getPropertyValueAsString(session, d.getName()) : null;
            final Serializable value = (Serializable) (rawValue != null
                    ? Conversion.convert(rawValue, d.getPropertyType())
                    : null);
            propertyValues.put(d.getName(), value);
        int weigthValue;
        final Set<String> stNodeProperties = node != null ? node.getPropertyNames(session)
                : Collections.<String>emptySet();
        if (stNodeProperties.contains(WEIGTH_VALUE)) {
            weigthValue = Conversion.convert(node.getPropertyValueAsString(session, WEIGTH_VALUE), Integer.class);
        } else {
            weigthValue = findInitialWeight(clazz);
        Class<? extends Node> savedClass = null;
        if (stNodeProperties.contains(CORRECT_CLASS)) {
            savedClass = Conversion.convert(node.getPropertyValueAsString(session, CORRECT_CLASS), Class.class);
        final BigInteger savedClassNumericType = savedClass != null ? findNumericType(savedClass) : null;
        final BigInteger proposedClassNumericType = findNumericType(clazz);
        final Class<? extends Node> classToUse = savedClassNumericType != null
                && savedClassNumericType.compareTo(proposedClassNumericType) > 0 ? savedClass : clazz;

        final NodeImpl internalNode = new NodeImpl(name, classToUse, internalNodeKey.getKeyAsString(),
                propertyTypes, propertyValues, parentId, contextId, weigthValue);
        if (node != null) {
            internalNode.cachedEntry = new WeakReference<StorageNode>(node);
            if (needsToVerifyType) {
                fixTypeData(session, classToUse, node);
            final String captionAsString = node.getPropertyValueAsString(session, CAPTION);
            if (captionAsString != null) {

        final Enhancer e = new Enhancer();
        e.setInterfaces(new Class<?>[] { PropertyContainerMetadata.class });
        e.setCallback(new PropertyContainerInterceptor(internalNode));
        return (T) e.create(new Class[0], new Object[0]);

    public static int findInitialWeight(final Class<?> clazz) {
        return clazz.getAnnotation(InitialWeight.class).value();

    public static BigInteger findNumericType(final Class<? extends Node> type) {
        Class<?> currentType = type;
        int depth = 0;
        while (currentType != null) {
            if (!Node.class.isAssignableFrom(currentType)) {
                throw logAndReturn(new IllegalStateException(
                        "No SLNode inherited type found with annotation " + DefineHierarchy.class.getSimpleName()));
            if (currentType.isAnnotationPresent(DefineHierarchy.class)) {
                return numericTypeFromClass((Class<? extends Node>) currentType).add(BigInteger.valueOf(depth));
            currentType = currentType.getSuperclass();
        throw logAndReturn(new IllegalStateException("No SLNode inherited type found with annotation "
                + DefineHierarchy.class.getSimpleName() + " for type" + type));

    public static Class<? extends Node> findTargetClass(final Class<?> type) {
        Class<?> currentType = type;
        while (currentType != null) {
            if (!Node.class.isAssignableFrom(currentType)) {
                throw logAndReturn(new IllegalStateException(
                        "No SLNode inherited type found with annotation " + DefineHierarchy.class.getSimpleName()));
            if (currentType.isAnnotationPresent(DefineHierarchy.class)) {
                return (Class<? extends Node>) currentType;
            currentType = currentType.getSuperclass();
        throw logAndReturn(new IllegalStateException(
                "No SLNode inherited type found with annotation " + DefineHierarchy.class.getSimpleName()));

    public static TreeLineReference getTreeLineReferences(final StorageSession session,
            final PartitionFactory factory, final Element e, final String artifactId) {
        final PropertyContainerImpl asPropertyContainer = ((PropertyContainerMetadata<?>) e)
        Iterable<ArtifactLineReference> cached = asPropertyContainer.getCachedLineReference(artifactId);
        if (cached == null) {
            final Partition lineRefPartition = factory.getPartition(e.getContextId() + LINEREF_SUFIX);
            final StorageNode lineRefNode = session.withPartition(lineRefPartition).createNewSimpleNode(e.getId());
            final Set<String> artifactIds = artifactId != null ? ImmutableSet.of(artifactId)
                    : lineRefNode.getPropertyNames(session);

            final Map<String, Iterable<ArtifactLineReference>> newCacheData = new HashMap<String, Iterable<ArtifactLineReference>>();
            for (final String currentArtifactId : artifactIds) {
                final InputStream stream = lineRefNode.getPropertyValueAsStream(session, currentArtifactId);
                if (stream != null) {
                    final ArtifactLineReference artifactLineReference = SerializationUtil.deserialize(stream);
                    final ImmutableSet<ArtifactLineReference> set = ImmutableSet.of(artifactLineReference);
                    newCacheData.put(currentArtifactId, set);
                    asPropertyContainer.setCachedLineReference(currentArtifactId, set);
            cached = TreeLineReferenceSupport.copyOf(lineRefNode.getKeyAsString(), cached,
                    asPropertyContainer.lineReferenceNewData, artifactId).getArtifacts();
            asPropertyContainer.setCachedLineReference(artifactId, cached);
        return TreeLineReferenceSupport.createTreeLineReference(e.getId(), cached);

    public static boolean isMetanode(final Class<? extends Node> clazz) {
        return clazz.isAnnotationPresent(IsMetaType.class);

    public static StorageNode retrievePreviousNode(final PartitionFactory factory, final StorageSession session,
            final Context context, final Node node, final boolean needsToVerifyType) {
        try {
            final PropertyContainerMetadata<StorageNode> metadata = (PropertyContainerMetadata<StorageNode>) node;
            StorageNode internalNode = metadata.getCached();
            if (internalNode == null) {
                final Partition partition = factory.getPartition(context.getId());
                internalNode = session.withPartition(partition)
                        .withSimpleKey(NAME, node.getName()).withParent(node.getParentId()).andCreate();
                if (needsToVerifyType) {
                    fixTypeData(session, (Class<? extends Node>) node.getClass().getSuperclass(), internalNode);

            internalNode.setIndexedProperty(session, CAPTION, node.getCaption());
            for (final String propName : node.getPropertyKeys()) {
                final Serializable value = node.getPropertyValue(propName);
                if (!PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(node, propName).getReadMethod()
                        .isAnnotationPresent(TransientProperty.class)) {
                    internalNode.setIndexedProperty(session, propName, Conversion.convert(value, String.class));


            return internalNode;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw Exceptions.logAndReturnNew(e, SLRuntimeException.class);

    public static void writeTreeLineReference(final StorageSession session, final PartitionFactory factory,
            final Element e) {
        final TreeLineReference treeLineReferences = getTreeLineReferences(session, factory, e, null);
        final Partition lineRefPartition = factory.getPartition(e.getContextId() + LINEREF_SUFIX);
        final StorageNode lineRefNode = session.withPartition(lineRefPartition).createNewSimpleNode(e.getId());
        for (final ArtifactLineReference artifactLineReference : treeLineReferences.getArtifacts()) {
            lineRefNode.setSimpleProperty(session, artifactLineReference.getArtifactId(),
