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 * Version: 1.0
 * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenVPMS License Version
 * 1.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * Copyright 2014 (C) OpenVPMS Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openvpms.archetype.rules.act.FinancialActStatus;
import org.openvpms.archetype.rules.customer.CustomerArchetypes;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import static;

 * Tests the {@link CustomerBalanceGenerator} class.
 * @author Tim Anderson
@ContextConfiguration(locations = "/application-context.xml", inheritLocations = false)
public class CustomerBalanceGeneratorTestCase extends AbstractCustomerAccountTest {

     * The account rules.
    private CustomerAccountRules rules;

     * Verifies that an <em>act.customerAccountChargesInvoice</em> is
     * offset by an <em>act.customerAccountPayment</em> for the same amount.
    public void testGenerateBalanceForChargesInvoiceAndPayment() {
        Money amount = new Money(100);
        List<FinancialAct> invoice = createChargesInvoice(amount);
        List<FinancialAct> payment = Arrays.asList(createPayment(amount));
        checkCalculateBalanceForSameAmount(invoice, payment);

     * Verifies that an <em>act.customerAccountChargesCounter</em> is
     * offset by an <em>act.customerAccountPayment</em> for the same amount.
    public void testGetBalanceForChargesCounterAndPayment() {
        Money amount = new Money(100);
        List<FinancialAct> counter = createChargesCounter(amount);
        List<FinancialAct> payment = Arrays.asList(createPayment(amount));
        checkCalculateBalanceForSameAmount(counter, payment);

     * Verifies that an <em>act.customerAccountChargesInvoice</em> is
     * offset by an <em>act.customerAccountChargesCredit</em> for the same
     * amount.
    public void testGetBalanceForChargesInvoiceAndCredit() {
        Money amount = new Money(100);
        List<FinancialAct> invoice = createChargesInvoice(amount);
        List<FinancialAct> credit = createChargesCredit(amount);
        checkCalculateBalanceForSameAmount(invoice, credit);

     * Verifies that an <em>act.customerAccountRefund</em> is offset by an
     * <em>act.customerAccountPayment</em> for the same amount.
    public void testGetBalanceForRefundAndPayment() {
        Money amount = new Money(100);
        List<FinancialAct> refund = Arrays.asList(createRefund(amount));
        List<FinancialAct> payment = Arrays.asList(createCreditAdjust(amount));
        checkCalculateBalanceForSameAmount(refund, payment);

     * Verifies that an <em>act.customerAccountDebitAdjust</em> is offset by an
     * <em>act.customerAccountCreditAdjust</em> for the same amount.
    public void testGetBalanceForDebitAndCreditAdjust() {
        Money amount = new Money(100);
        List<FinancialAct> debit = Arrays.asList(createDebitAdjust(amount));
        List<FinancialAct> credit = Arrays.asList(createCreditAdjust(amount));
        checkCalculateBalanceForSameAmount(debit, credit);

     * Verifies that an <em>act.customerAccountInitialBalance</em> is offset by
     * an <em>act.customerAccountBadDebt</em> for the same amount.
    public void testGetBalanceForInitialBalanceAndBadDebt() {
        Money amount = new Money(100);
        List<FinancialAct> debit = Arrays.asList(createInitialBalance(amount));
        List<FinancialAct> credit = Arrays.asList(createBadDebt(amount));
        checkCalculateBalanceForSameAmount(debit, credit);

     * Verifies that an <em>participation.customerAccountBalance</tt> is
     * added for acts that don't have <tt>POSTED</tt> status.
    public void testAddParticipationForNonPostedActs() {
        List<FinancialAct> invoice1 = createChargesInvoice(new Money(100));
        checkAddParticipationForNonPostedAct(invoice1, FinancialActStatus.IN_PROGRESS);
        List<FinancialAct> invoice2 = createChargesInvoice(new Money(100));
        checkAddParticipationForNonPostedAct(invoice2, FinancialActStatus.ON_HOLD);
        List<FinancialAct> invoice3 = createChargesInvoice(new Money(100));
        checkAddParticipationForNonPostedAct(invoice3, FinancialActStatus.COMPLETED);

     * Verifies that opening and closing balances are updated with correct
     * amounts.
    public void testChangeOpeningAndClosingBalances() {
        Party customer = getCustomer();
        List<FinancialAct> invoice = createChargesInvoice(new Money(10));
        FinancialAct opening1 = createOpeningBalance(customer);
        FinancialAct payment = createPayment(new Money(30));
        FinancialAct closing1 = createClosingBalance(customer);
        FinancialAct opening2 = createOpeningBalance(customer);

        save(opening1, payment, closing1, opening2);

        checkEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, rules.getBalance(customer));

        try {
            fail("Expected getDefinitiveBalance() to fail");
        } catch (CustomerAccountRuleException expected) {
            assertEquals(CustomerAccountRuleException.ErrorCode.InvalidBalance, expected.getErrorCode());

        checkEquals(new BigDecimal(-20), generate(customer));

        checkEquals(new BigDecimal(-20), rules.getBalance(customer));

        opening1 = get(opening1);
        closing1 = get(closing1);
        opening2 = get(opening2);

        checkEquals(new BigDecimal(10), opening1.getTotal());

        checkEquals(new BigDecimal(20), closing1.getTotal());

        checkEquals(new BigDecimal(20), opening2.getTotal());

     * Sets up the test case.
    public void setUp() {
        rules = applicationContext.getBean(CustomerAccountRules.class);

     * Verifies that a debit is offset by a credit of the same amount.
     * @param debits  the debit acts
     * @param credits the credit acts
    private void checkCalculateBalanceForSameAmount(List<FinancialAct> debits, List<FinancialAct> credits) {
        Party customer = getCustomer();

        // initial balance is zero
        checkEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, rules.getBalance(customer));

        // save the debit act, and verify the balance is the same as the debit
        // total

        // definitive balance out of sync with balance until generate invoked
        FinancialAct debit = debits.get(0);
        checkEquals(debit.getTotal(), generate(customer));
        checkEquals(debit.getTotal(), rules.getBalance(customer));

        assertTrue(checkBalance(customer)); // should now be in sync

        // verify an participation.customerAccountBalance has been added to
        // the debit act
        debit = get(debit);
        Participation balanceParticipation1 = getAccountBalanceParticipation(debit);

        // regenerate the balance. This should remove the existing participation
        // and add a new one
        checkEquals(debit.getTotal(), generate(customer));

        // verify the participation has changed
        debit = get(debit);
        Participation balanceParticipation2 = getAccountBalanceParticipation(debit);

        // save the credit act and update the balance. Balance should be zero
        checkEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, generate(customer));
        checkEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, rules.getBalance(customer));

        // verify there is an actRelationship.customerAccountAllocation
        // linking the acts
        debit = get(debit);
        FinancialAct credit = get(credits.get(0));
        ActRelationship debitAlloc = getAccountAllocationRelationship(debit);
        ActRelationship creditAlloc = getAccountAllocationRelationship(credit);
        checkAllocation(debitAlloc, debit, credit, debit.getTotal());
        checkAllocation(creditAlloc, debit, credit, debit.getTotal());

        // Now delete the credit. The balance will not be updated to reflect
        // the deletion.
        checkEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, rules.getBalance(customer));

        // need to regenerate to get the correct balance
        checkEquals(debit.getTotal(), generate(customer));
        checkEquals(debit.getTotal(), debit.getAllocatedAmount());
        debit = get(debit);
        checkEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, debit.getAllocatedAmount());
        checkEquals(debit.getTotal(), rules.getBalance(customer));

        // participation.customerAccountBalance will have been recreated
        Participation balanceParticipation3 = getAccountBalanceParticipation(debit);

        // actRelationship.customerAccountAllocation will have been removed

     * Determines if the balance as returned by
     * {@link BalanceCalculator#getBalance} matches that returned by
     * {@link BalanceCalculator#getDefinitiveBalance}.
     * @param customer the customer
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the balances match, otherwise <tt>false</tt>
    private boolean checkBalance(Party customer) {
        BalanceCalculator calc = new BalanceCalculator(getArchetypeService());
        BigDecimal expected = calc.getDefinitiveBalance(customer);
        BigDecimal actual = calc.getBalance(customer);
        return expected.compareTo(actual) == 0;

     * Verifies that an <em>actRelationship.customerAccountAllocation<em>
     * is associated with the correct acts, and has the expected allocated
     * amount.
     * @param relationship the relationship to check
     * @param source       the expected source
     * @param target       the expected target
     * @param allocated    the expected allocated amount
    private void checkAllocation(ActRelationship relationship, FinancialAct source, FinancialAct target,
            BigDecimal allocated) {
        assertEquals(relationship.getSource(), source.getObjectReference());
        assertEquals(relationship.getTarget(), target.getObjectReference());
        IMObjectBean bean = new IMObjectBean(relationship);
        checkEquals(allocated, bean.getBigDecimal("allocatedAmount"));

     * Verifies that an <em>participation.customerAccountBalance</tt> is
     * added for acts that don't have <tt>POSTED</tt> status.
     * @param acts   the act and associated child acts
     * @param status the act status
    private void checkAddParticipationForNonPostedAct(List<FinancialAct> acts, String status) {
        Party customer = getCustomer();

        FinancialAct act = acts.get(0);

        checkEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, generate(customer));
        act = get(act);

        // verify the act hasn't affected the balance
        checkEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, rules.getBalance(customer));

        // verify a participation.customerAccountBalance has been added,
        // linked to the customer
        ActBean bean = new ActBean(act);
        assertEquals(customer, bean.getParticipant(BALANCE_PARTICIPATION));

        // verify that there is no account allocation relationship

        // verify the allocated amount is zero
        checkEquals(BigDecimal.ZERO, act.getAllocatedAmount());

     * Generates the balance for a customer.
     * @param customer the customer
     * @return the balance
    private BigDecimal generate(Party customer) {
        CustomerBalanceGenerator generator = new CustomerBalanceGenerator(customer, getArchetypeService());
        return generator.generate();

     * Helper to get the <em>participation.customerAccountBalance</em>
     * associated with an act.
     * @param act the act
     * @return the participation, or <tt>null</tt>
    private Participation getAccountBalanceParticipation(FinancialAct act) {
        ActBean bean = new ActBean(act);
        return bean.getParticipation(BALANCE_PARTICIPATION);

     * Helper to get the <em>actRelationship.customerAccountAllocation</em>
     * associated with an act.
     * @param act the act
     * @return the relationship, or <tt>null</tt>
    private ActRelationship getAccountAllocationRelationship(FinancialAct act) {
        ActBean bean = new ActBean(act);
        List<ActRelationship> relationships = bean
        return (!relationships.isEmpty()) ? relationships.get(0) : null;

     * Helper to create an opening balance.
     * @param customer the customer
     * @return the opening balance
    private FinancialAct createOpeningBalance(Party customer) {
        FinancialAct act = (FinancialAct) create(CustomerAccountArchetypes.OPENING_BALANCE);
        ActBean bean = new ActBean(act);
        bean.addParticipation(CustomerArchetypes.CUSTOMER_PARTICIPATION, customer);
        return act;

     * Helper to create a closing balance.
     * @param customer the customer
     * @return the closing balance
    private FinancialAct createClosingBalance(Party customer) {
        FinancialAct act = (FinancialAct) create(CustomerAccountArchetypes.CLOSING_BALANCE);
        ActBean bean = new ActBean(act);
        bean.addParticipation(CustomerArchetypes.CUSTOMER_PARTICIPATION, customer);
        return act;
