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/* Copyright 2002-2015 CS Systmes d'Information
 * Licensed to CS Systmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.orekit.forces.maneuvers;

import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.apache.commons.math3.ode.nonstiff.AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.ode.nonstiff.DormandPrince853Integrator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.orekit.Utils;
import org.orekit.attitudes.AttitudeProvider;
import org.orekit.attitudes.LofOffset;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;
import org.orekit.frames.Frame;
import org.orekit.frames.FramesFactory;
import org.orekit.frames.LOFType;
import org.orekit.orbits.CircularOrbit;
import org.orekit.orbits.KeplerianOrbit;
import org.orekit.orbits.Orbit;
import org.orekit.orbits.OrbitType;
import org.orekit.orbits.PositionAngle;
import org.orekit.propagation.BoundedPropagator;
import org.orekit.propagation.SpacecraftState;
import org.orekit.propagation.numerical.NumericalPropagator;
import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate;
import org.orekit.time.DateComponents;
import org.orekit.time.TimeComponents;
import org.orekit.time.TimeScalesFactory;
import org.orekit.utils.Constants;
import org.orekit.utils.PVCoordinates;

public class SmallManeuverAnalyticalModelTest {

    public void testLowEarthOrbit1() throws OrekitException {

        Orbit leo = new CircularOrbit(
                7200000.0, -1.0e-5, 2.0e-4, FastMath.toRadians(98.0), FastMath.toRadians(123.456), 0.0,
                PositionAngle.MEAN, FramesFactory.getEME2000(), new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(2004, 01, 01),
                        new TimeComponents(23, 30, 00.000), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()),
        double mass = 5600.0;
        AbsoluteDate t0 = leo.getDate().shiftedBy(1000.0);
        Vector3D dV = new Vector3D(-0.01, 0.02, 0.03);
        double f = 20.0;
        double isp = 315.0;
        BoundedPropagator withoutManeuver = getEphemeris(leo, mass, t0, Vector3D.ZERO, f, isp);
        BoundedPropagator withManeuver = getEphemeris(leo, mass, t0, dV, f, isp);
        SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel model = new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0), dV,
        Assert.assertEquals(t0, model.getDate());

        for (AbsoluteDate t = withoutManeuver.getMinDate(); t.compareTo(withoutManeuver.getMaxDate()) < 0; t = t
                .shiftedBy(60.0)) {
            PVCoordinates pvWithout = withoutManeuver.getPVCoordinates(t, leo.getFrame());
            PVCoordinates pvWith = withManeuver.getPVCoordinates(t, leo.getFrame());
            PVCoordinates pvModel = model.apply(withoutManeuver.propagate(t)).getPVCoordinates(leo.getFrame());
            double nominalDeltaP = new PVCoordinates(pvWith, pvWithout).getPosition().getNorm();
            double modelError = new PVCoordinates(pvWith, pvModel).getPosition().getNorm();
            if (t.compareTo(t0) < 0) {
                // before maneuver, all positions should be equal
                Assert.assertEquals(0, nominalDeltaP, 1.0e-10);
                Assert.assertEquals(0, modelError, 1.0e-10);
            } else {
                // after maneuver, model error should be less than 0.8m,
                // despite nominal deltaP exceeds 1 kilometer after less than 3 orbits
                if (t.durationFrom(t0) > 0.1 * leo.getKeplerianPeriod()) {
                    Assert.assertTrue(modelError < 0.009 * nominalDeltaP);
                Assert.assertTrue(modelError < 0.8);


    public void testLowEarthOrbit2() throws OrekitException {

        Orbit leo = new CircularOrbit(
                7200000.0, -1.0e-5, 2.0e-4, FastMath.toRadians(98.0), FastMath.toRadians(123.456), 0.0,
                PositionAngle.MEAN, FramesFactory.getEME2000(), new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(2004, 01, 01),
                        new TimeComponents(23, 30, 00.000), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()),
        double mass = 5600.0;
        AbsoluteDate t0 = leo.getDate().shiftedBy(1000.0);
        Vector3D dV = new Vector3D(-0.01, 0.02, 0.03);
        double f = 20.0;
        double isp = 315.0;
        BoundedPropagator withoutManeuver = getEphemeris(leo, mass, t0, Vector3D.ZERO, f, isp);
        BoundedPropagator withManeuver = getEphemeris(leo, mass, t0, dV, f, isp);
        SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel model = new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0), dV,
        Assert.assertEquals(t0, model.getDate());

        for (AbsoluteDate t = withoutManeuver.getMinDate(); t.compareTo(withoutManeuver.getMaxDate()) < 0; t = t
                .shiftedBy(60.0)) {
            PVCoordinates pvWithout = withoutManeuver.getPVCoordinates(t, leo.getFrame());
            PVCoordinates pvWith = withManeuver.getPVCoordinates(t, leo.getFrame());
            PVCoordinates pvModel = model.apply(withoutManeuver.propagate(t).getOrbit())
            double nominalDeltaP = new PVCoordinates(pvWith, pvWithout).getPosition().getNorm();
            double modelError = new PVCoordinates(pvWith, pvModel).getPosition().getNorm();
            if (t.compareTo(t0) < 0) {
                // before maneuver, all positions should be equal
                Assert.assertEquals(0, nominalDeltaP, 1.0e-10);
                Assert.assertEquals(0, modelError, 1.0e-10);
            } else {
                // after maneuver, model error should be less than 0.8m,
                // despite nominal deltaP exceeds 1 kilometer after less than 3 orbits
                if (t.durationFrom(t0) > 0.1 * leo.getKeplerianPeriod()) {
                    Assert.assertTrue(modelError < 0.009 * nominalDeltaP);
                Assert.assertTrue(modelError < 0.8);


    public void testEccentricOrbit() throws OrekitException {

        Orbit heo = new KeplerianOrbit(90000000.0, 0.92, FastMath.toRadians(98.0), FastMath.toRadians(12.3456),
                FastMath.toRadians(123.456), FastMath.toRadians(1.23456), PositionAngle.MEAN,
                FramesFactory.getEME2000(), new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(2004, 01, 01),
                        new TimeComponents(23, 30, 00.000), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()),
        double mass = 5600.0;
        AbsoluteDate t0 = heo.getDate().shiftedBy(1000.0);
        Vector3D dV = new Vector3D(-0.01, 0.02, 0.03);
        double f = 20.0;
        double isp = 315.0;
        BoundedPropagator withoutManeuver = getEphemeris(heo, mass, t0, Vector3D.ZERO, f, isp);
        BoundedPropagator withManeuver = getEphemeris(heo, mass, t0, dV, f, isp);
        SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel model = new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0), dV,
        Assert.assertEquals(t0, model.getDate());

        for (AbsoluteDate t = withoutManeuver.getMinDate(); t.compareTo(withoutManeuver.getMaxDate()) < 0; t = t
                .shiftedBy(600.0)) {
            PVCoordinates pvWithout = withoutManeuver.getPVCoordinates(t, heo.getFrame());
            PVCoordinates pvWith = withManeuver.getPVCoordinates(t, heo.getFrame());
            PVCoordinates pvModel = model.apply(withoutManeuver.propagate(t)).getPVCoordinates(heo.getFrame());
            double nominalDeltaP = new PVCoordinates(pvWith, pvWithout).getPosition().getNorm();
            double modelError = new PVCoordinates(pvWith, pvModel).getPosition().getNorm();
            if (t.compareTo(t0) < 0) {
                // before maneuver, all positions should be equal
                Assert.assertEquals(0, nominalDeltaP, 1.0e-10);
                Assert.assertEquals(0, modelError, 1.0e-10);
            } else {
                // after maneuver, model error should be less than 1700m,
                // despite nominal deltaP exceeds 300 kilometers at perigee, after 3 orbits
                if (t.durationFrom(t0) > 0.01 * heo.getKeplerianPeriod()) {
                    Assert.assertTrue(modelError < 0.005 * nominalDeltaP);
                Assert.assertTrue(modelError < 1700);


    public void testJacobian() throws OrekitException {

        Frame eme2000 = FramesFactory.getEME2000();
        Orbit leo = new CircularOrbit(
                7200000.0, -1.0e-2, 2.0e-3, FastMath.toRadians(98.0), FastMath.toRadians(123.456), 0.3,
                PositionAngle.MEAN, eme2000, new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(2004, 01, 01),
                        new TimeComponents(23, 30, 00.000), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()),
        double mass = 5600.0;
        AbsoluteDate t0 = leo.getDate().shiftedBy(1000.0);
        Vector3D dV0 = new Vector3D(-0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
        double f = 400.0;
        double isp = 315.0;

        for (OrbitType orbitType : OrbitType.values()) {
            for (PositionAngle positionAngle : PositionAngle.values()) {
                BoundedPropagator withoutManeuver = getEphemeris(orbitType.convertType(leo), mass, t0,
                        Vector3D.ZERO, f, isp);

                SpacecraftState state0 = withoutManeuver.propagate(t0);
                SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel model = new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(state0, eme2000, dV0, isp);
                Assert.assertEquals(t0, model.getDate());

                Vector3D[] velDirs = new Vector3D[] { Vector3D.PLUS_I, Vector3D.PLUS_J, Vector3D.PLUS_K,
                        Vector3D.ZERO };
                double[] timeDirs = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
                double h = 1.0;
                AbsoluteDate t1 = t0.shiftedBy(20.0);
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {

                    SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel[] models = new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel[] {
                            new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(
                                    withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(-4 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000,
                                    new Vector3D(1, dV0, -4 * h, velDirs[i]), isp),
                            new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(
                                    withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(-3 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000,
                                    new Vector3D(1, dV0, -3 * h, velDirs[i]), isp),
                            new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(
                                    withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(-2 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000,
                                    new Vector3D(1, dV0, -2 * h, velDirs[i]), isp),
                            new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(
                                    withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(-1 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000,
                                    new Vector3D(1, dV0, -1 * h, velDirs[i]), isp),
                            new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(
                                    withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(+1 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000,
                                    new Vector3D(1, dV0, +1 * h, velDirs[i]), isp),
                            new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(
                                    withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(+2 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000,
                                    new Vector3D(1, dV0, +2 * h, velDirs[i]), isp),
                            new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(
                                    withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(+3 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000,
                                    new Vector3D(1, dV0, +3 * h, velDirs[i]), isp),
                            new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(
                                    withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(+4 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000,
                                    new Vector3D(1, dV0, +4 * h, velDirs[i]), isp), };
                    double[][] array = new double[models.length][6];

                    Orbit orbitWithout = withoutManeuver.propagate(t1).getOrbit();

                    // compute reference orbit gradient by finite differences
                    double c = 1.0 / (840 * h);
                    for (int j = 0; j < models.length; ++j) {
                        orbitType.mapOrbitToArray(models[j].apply(orbitWithout), positionAngle, array[j]);
                    double[] orbitGradient = new double[6];
                    for (int k = 0; k < orbitGradient.length; ++k) {
                        double d4 = array[7][k] - array[0][k];
                        double d3 = array[6][k] - array[1][k];
                        double d2 = array[5][k] - array[2][k];
                        double d1 = array[4][k] - array[3][k];
                        orbitGradient[k] = (-3 * d4 + 32 * d3 - 168 * d2 + 672 * d1) * c;

                    // analytical Jacobian to check
                    double[][] jacobian = new double[6][4];
                    model.getJacobian(orbitWithout, positionAngle, jacobian);

                    for (int j = 0; j < orbitGradient.length; ++j) {
                        Assert.assertEquals(orbitGradient[j], jacobian[j][i],
                                7.0e-6 * FastMath.abs(orbitGradient[j]));





    private BoundedPropagator getEphemeris(final Orbit orbit, final double mass, final AbsoluteDate t0,
            final Vector3D dV, final double f, final double isp) throws OrekitException {

        AttitudeProvider law = new LofOffset(orbit.getFrame(), LOFType.LVLH);
        final SpacecraftState initialState = new SpacecraftState(orbit,
                law.getAttitude(orbit, orbit.getDate(), orbit.getFrame()), mass);

        // set up numerical propagator
        final double dP = 1.0;
        double[][] tolerances = NumericalPropagator.tolerances(dP, orbit, orbit.getType());
        AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator integrator = new DormandPrince853Integrator(0.001, 1000, tolerances[0],
        integrator.setInitialStepSize(orbit.getKeplerianPeriod() / 100.0);
        final NumericalPropagator propagator = new NumericalPropagator(integrator);

        if (dV.getNorm() > 1.0e-6) {
            // set up maneuver
            final double vExhaust = Constants.G0_STANDARD_GRAVITY * isp;
            final double dt = -(mass * vExhaust / f) * FastMath.expm1(-dV.getNorm() / vExhaust);
            final ConstantThrustManeuver maneuver = new ConstantThrustManeuver(t0, dt, f, isp, dV.normalize());

        propagator.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(5 * orbit.getKeplerianPeriod()));
        return propagator.getGeneratedEphemeris();


    public void setUp() {
