Source code

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/* Copyright 2002-2015 CS Systmes d'Information
 * Licensed to CS Systmes d'Information (CS) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.partitioning.Region.Location;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.spherical.twod.S2Point;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.spherical.twod.SphericalPolygonsSet;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision;
import org.orekit.bodies.Ellipse;
import org.orekit.bodies.GeodeticPoint;
import org.orekit.bodies.OneAxisEllipsoid;
import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException;

/** Class creating a mesh for spherical zones tessellation.
 * @author Luc Maisonobe
class Mesh {

    /** Underlying ellipsoid. */
    private final OneAxisEllipsoid ellipsoid;

    /** Zone of interest to tessellate. */
    private final SphericalPolygonsSet zone;

    /** Zone covered by the mesh. */
    private SphericalPolygonsSet coverage;

    /** Aiming used for orienting tiles. */
    private final TileAiming aiming;

    /** Distance between nodes in the along direction. */
    private final double alongGap;

    /** Distance between nodes in the across direction. */
    private final double acrossGap;

    /** Map containing nodes. */
    private final Map<Long, Node> nodes;

    /** Minimum along tile index. */
    private int minAlongIndex;

    /** Maximum along tile index. */
    private int maxAlongIndex;

    /** Minimum across tile index. */
    private int minAcrossIndex;

    /** Maximum across tile index. */
    private int maxAcrossIndex;

    /** Simple constructor.
     * @param ellipsoid underlying ellipsoid
     * @param zone zone of interest to tessellate
     * @param aiming aiming used for orienting tiles
     * @param alongGap distance between nodes in the along direction
     * @param acrossGap distance between nodes in the across direction
     * @param start location of the first node.
     * @exception OrekitException if along direction of first tile cannot be computed
    Mesh(final OneAxisEllipsoid ellipsoid, final SphericalPolygonsSet zone, final TileAiming aiming,
            final double alongGap, final double acrossGap, final S2Point start) throws OrekitException {
        this.ellipsoid = ellipsoid; = zone;
        this.coverage = null;
        this.aiming = aiming;
        this.alongGap = alongGap;
        this.acrossGap = acrossGap;
        this.nodes = new HashMap<Long, Node>();
        this.minAlongIndex = 0;
        this.maxAlongIndex = 0;
        this.minAcrossIndex = 0;
        this.maxAcrossIndex = 0;

        // create an enabled first node at origin
        final Node origin = new Node(start, 0, 0);

        // force the first node to be considered inside
        // It may appear outside if the zone is very thin and
        // BSPTree.checkPoint selects a very close but wrong
        // tree leaf tree for the point. Even in this case,
        // we want the mesh to be properly defined and surround
        // the area



    /** Get the minimum along tile index for enabled nodes.
     * @return minimum along tile index for enabled nodes
    public int getMinAlongIndex() {
        return minAlongIndex;

    /** Get the maximum along tile index for enabled nodes.
     * @return maximum along tile index for enabled nodes
    public int getMaxAlongIndex() {
        return maxAlongIndex;

    /** Get the minimum along tile index for enabled nodes for a specific across index.
     * @param acrossIndex across index to use
     * @return minimum along tile index for enabled nodes for a specific across index
     * or {@link #getMaxAlongIndex() getMaxAlongIndex() + 1} if there
     * are no nodes with the specified acrossIndex.
    public int getMinAlongIndex(final int acrossIndex) {
        for (int alongIndex = minAlongIndex; alongIndex <= maxAlongIndex; ++alongIndex) {
            final Node node = getNode(alongIndex, acrossIndex);
            if (node != null && node.isEnabled()) {
                return alongIndex;
        return maxAlongIndex + 1;

    /** Get the maximum along tile index for enabled nodes for a specific across index.
     * @param acrossIndex across index to use
     * @return maximum along tile index for enabled nodes for a specific across index
     * or {@link #getMinAlongIndex() getMinAlongIndex() - 1} if there
     * are no nodes with the specified acrossIndex.
    public int getMaxAlongIndex(final int acrossIndex) {
        for (int alongIndex = maxAlongIndex; alongIndex >= minAlongIndex; --alongIndex) {
            final Node node = getNode(alongIndex, acrossIndex);
            if (node != null && node.isEnabled()) {
                return alongIndex;
        return minAlongIndex - 1;

    /** Get the minimum across tile index.
     * @return minimum across tile index
    public int getMinAcrossIndex() {
        return minAcrossIndex;

    /** Get the maximum across tile index.
     * @return maximum across tile index
    public int getMaxAcrossIndex() {
        return maxAcrossIndex;

    /** Get the number of nodes.
     * @return number of nodes
    public int getNumberOfNodes() {
        return nodes.size();

    /** Get the distance between nodes in the along direction.
     * @return distance between nodes in the along direction
    public double getAlongGap() {
        return alongGap;

    /** Get the distance between nodes in the across direction.
     * @return distance between nodes in the across direction
    public double getAcrossGap() {
        return acrossGap;

    /** Retrieve a node from its indices.
     * @param alongIndex index in the along direction
     * @param acrossIndex index in the across direction
     * @return node or null if no nodes are available at these indices
     * @see #addNode(int, int)
    public Node getNode(final int alongIndex, final int acrossIndex) {
        return nodes.get(key(alongIndex, acrossIndex));

    /** Add a node.
     * <p>
     * This method is similar to {@link #getNode(int, int) getNode} except
     * it creates the node if it doesn't alreay exists. All created nodes
     * have a status set to {@code disabled}.
     * </p>
     * @param alongIndex index in the along direction
     * @param acrossIndex index in the across direction
     * @return node at specified indices, guaranteed to be non-null
     * @exception OrekitException if tile direction cannot be computed
     * @see #getNode(int, int)
    public Node addNode(final int alongIndex, final int acrossIndex) throws OrekitException {

        // create intermediate (disabled) nodes, up to specified indices
        Node node = getExistingAncestor(alongIndex, acrossIndex);
        while (node.getAlongIndex() != alongIndex || node.getAcrossIndex() != acrossIndex) {
            final Direction direction;
            if (node.getAlongIndex() < alongIndex) {
                direction = Direction.PLUS_ALONG;
            } else if (node.getAlongIndex() > alongIndex) {
                direction = Direction.MINUS_ALONG;
            } else if (node.getAcrossIndex() < acrossIndex) {
                direction = Direction.PLUS_ACROSS;
            } else {
                direction = Direction.MINUS_ACROSS;
            final S2Point s2p = node.move(direction.motion(node, alongGap, acrossGap));
            node = new Node(s2p, direction.neighborAlongIndex(node), direction.neighborAcrossIndex(node));

        return node;


    /** Find the closest existing ancestor of a node.
     * <p>
     * The path from origin to any node is first in the along direction,
     * and then in the across direction. Using always the same path pattern
     * ensures consistent distortion of the mesh.
     * </p>
     * @param alongIndex index in the along direction
     * @param acrossIndex index in the across direction
     * @return an existing node in the path from origin to specified indices
    private Node getExistingAncestor(final int alongIndex, final int acrossIndex) {

        // start from the desired node indices
        int l = alongIndex;
        int c = acrossIndex;
        Node node = getNode(l, c);

        // rewind the path backward, up to origin,
        // that is first in the across direction, then in the along direction
        // the loop WILL end as there is at least one node at (0, 0)
        while (node == null) {
            if (c != 0) {
                c += c > 0 ? -1 : +1;
            } else {
                l += l > 0 ? -1 : +1;
            node = getNode(l, c);

        // we have found an existing ancestor
        return node;


    /** Get the nodes that lie inside the interest zone.
     * @return nodes that lie inside the interest zone
    public List<Node> getInsideNodes() {
        final List<Node> insideNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
        for (final Map.Entry<Long, Node> entry : nodes.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().isInside()) {
        return insideNodes;

    /** Find the existing node closest to a location.
     * @param alongIndex index in the along direction
     * @param acrossIndex index in the across direction
     * @return node or null if no node is available at these indices
    public Node getClosestExistingNode(final int alongIndex, final int acrossIndex) {

        // we know at least the first node (at 0, 0) exists, we use its
        // taxicab distance to the desired location as a search limit
        final int maxD = FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(alongIndex), FastMath.abs(acrossIndex));

        // search for an existing point in increasing taxicab distances
        for (int d = 0; d < maxD; ++d) {
            for (int deltaAcross = 0; deltaAcross <= d; ++deltaAcross) {
                final int deltaAlong = d - deltaAcross;
                Node node = getNode(alongIndex - deltaAlong, acrossIndex - deltaAcross);
                if (node != null) {
                    return node;
                if (deltaAcross != 0) {
                    node = getNode(alongIndex - deltaAlong, acrossIndex + deltaAcross);
                    if (node != null) {
                        return node;
                if (deltaAlong != 0) {
                    node = getNode(alongIndex + deltaAlong, acrossIndex - deltaAcross);
                    if (node != null) {
                        return node;
                    if (deltaAcross != 0) {
                        node = getNode(alongIndex + deltaAlong, acrossIndex + deltaAcross);
                        if (node != null) {
                            return node;

        // at least the first node always exists
        return getNode(0, 0);


    /** Find the existing node closest to a location.
     * @param location reference location in Cartesian coordinates
     * @return node or null if no node is available at these indices
    public Node getClosestExistingNode(final Vector3D location) {
        Node selected = null;
        double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        for (final Map.Entry<Long, Node> entry : nodes.entrySet()) {
            final double distance = Vector3D.distance(location, entry.getValue().getV());
            if (distance < min) {
                selected = entry.getValue();
                min = distance;
        return selected;

    /** Get the oriented list of <em>enabled</em> nodes at mesh boundary, in taxicab geometry.
     * @param simplified if true, don't include intermediate points along almost straight lines
     * @return list of nodes
    public List<Node> getTaxicabBoundary(final boolean simplified) {

        final List<Node> boundary = new ArrayList<Node>();
        if (nodes.size() < 2) {
            boundary.add(getNode(0, 0));
        } else {

            // search for the lower left corner
            Node lowerLeft = null;
            for (int i = minAlongIndex; lowerLeft == null && i <= maxAlongIndex; ++i) {
                for (int j = minAcrossIndex; lowerLeft == null && j <= maxAcrossIndex; ++j) {
                    lowerLeft = getNode(i, j);
                    if (lowerLeft != null && !lowerLeft.isEnabled()) {
                        lowerLeft = null;

            // loop counterclockwise around the mesh
            Direction direction = Direction.MINUS_ACROSS;
            Node node = lowerLeft;
            do {
                Node neighbor = null;
                do {
                    direction =;
                    neighbor = getNode(direction.neighborAlongIndex(node), direction.neighborAcrossIndex(node));
                } while (neighbor == null || !neighbor.isEnabled());
                direction =;
                node = neighbor;
            } while (node != lowerLeft);

        // filter out infinitely thin parts corresponding to spikes
        // joining outliers points to the main mesh
        boolean changed = true;
        while (changed && boundary.size() > 1) {
            changed = false;
            final int n = boundary.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                final int previousIndex = (i + n - 1) % n;
                final int nextIndex = (i + 1) % n;
                if (boundary.get(previousIndex) == boundary.get(nextIndex)) {
                    // the current point is an infinitely thin spike, remove it
                    boundary.remove(FastMath.max(i, nextIndex));
                    boundary.remove(FastMath.min(i, nextIndex));
                    changed = true;

        if (simplified) {
            for (int i = 0; i < boundary.size(); ++i) {
                final int n = boundary.size();
                final Node previous = boundary.get((i + n - 1) % n);
                final int pl = previous.getAlongIndex();
                final int pc = previous.getAcrossIndex();
                final Node current = boundary.get(i);
                final int cl = current.getAlongIndex();
                final int cc = current.getAcrossIndex();
                final Node next = boundary.get((i + 1) % n);
                final int nl = next.getAlongIndex();
                final int nc = next.getAcrossIndex();
                if ((pl == cl && cl == nl) || (pc == cc && cc == nc)) {
                    // the current point is a spurious intermediate in a straight line, remove it

        return boundary;


    /** Get the zone covered by the mesh.
     * @return mesh coverage
    public SphericalPolygonsSet getCoverage() {

        if (coverage == null) {

            // lazy build of mesh coverage
            final List<Mesh.Node> boundary = getTaxicabBoundary(true);
            final S2Point[] vertices = new S2Point[boundary.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; ++i) {
                vertices[i] = boundary.get(i).getS2P();
            coverage = new SphericalPolygonsSet(zone.getTolerance(), vertices);

        // as caller may modify the BSP tree, we must provide a copy of our safe instance
        return (SphericalPolygonsSet) coverage.copySelf();


    /** Store a node.
     * @param node to add
    private void store(final Node node) {

        // the new node invalidates current estimation of the coverage
        coverage = null;

        nodes.put(key(node.alongIndex, node.acrossIndex), node);


    /** Convert along and across indices to map key.
     * @param alongIndex index in the along direction
     * @param acrossIndex index in the across direction
     * @return key map key
    private long key(final int alongIndex, final int acrossIndex) {
        return ((long) alongIndex) << 32 | (((long) acrossIndex) & 0xFFFFl);

    /** Container for mesh nodes. */
    public class Node {

        /** Node position in spherical coordinates. */
        private final S2Point s2p;

        /** Node position in Cartesian coordinates. */
        private final Vector3D v;

        /** Normalized along tile direction. */
        private final Vector3D along;

        /** Normalized across tile direction. */
        private final Vector3D across;

        /** Indicator for node location with respect to interest zone. */
        private boolean insideZone;

        /** Index in the along direction. */
        private final int alongIndex;

        /** Index in the across direction. */
        private final int acrossIndex;

        /** Indicator for construction nodes used only as intermediate points (disabled) vs. real nodes (enabled). */
        private boolean enabled;

        /** Create a node.
         * @param s2p position in spherical coordinates (my be null)
         * @param alongIndex index in the along direction
         * @param acrossIndex index in the across direction
         * @exception OrekitException if tile direction cannot be computed
        private Node(final S2Point s2p, final int alongIndex, final int acrossIndex) throws OrekitException {
            final GeodeticPoint gp = new GeodeticPoint(0.5 * FastMath.PI - s2p.getPhi(), s2p.getTheta(), 0.0);
            this.v = ellipsoid.transform(gp);
            this.s2p = s2p;
            this.along = aiming.alongTileDirection(v, gp);
            this.across = Vector3D.crossProduct(v, along).normalize();
            this.insideZone = zone.checkPoint(s2p) != Location.OUTSIDE;
            this.alongIndex = alongIndex;
            this.acrossIndex = acrossIndex;
            this.enabled = false;

        /** Set the enabled property.
        public void setEnabled() {

            // store status
            this.enabled = true;

            // update min/max indices
            minAlongIndex = FastMath.min(minAlongIndex, alongIndex);
            maxAlongIndex = FastMath.max(maxAlongIndex, alongIndex);
            minAcrossIndex = FastMath.min(minAcrossIndex, acrossIndex);
            maxAcrossIndex = FastMath.max(maxAcrossIndex, acrossIndex);


        /** Check if a node is enabled.
         * @return true if the node is enabled
        public boolean isEnabled() {
            return enabled;

        /** Get the node position in spherical coordinates.
         * @return vode position in spherical coordinates
        public S2Point getS2P() {
            return s2p;

        /** Get the node position in Cartesian coordinates.
         * @return vode position in Cartesian coordinates
        public Vector3D getV() {
            return v;

        /** Get the normalized along tile direction.
         * @return normalized along tile direction
        public Vector3D getAlong() {
            return along;

        /** Get the normalized across tile direction.
         * @return normalized across tile direction
        public Vector3D getAcross() {
            return across;

        /** Force the node location to be considered inside interest zone.
        private void forceInside() {
            insideZone = true;

        /** Check if the node location is inside interest zone.
         * @return true if the node location is inside interest zone
        public boolean isInside() {
            return insideZone;

        /** Get the index in the along direction.
         * @return index in the along direction
        public int getAlongIndex() {
            return alongIndex;

        /** Get the index in the across direction.
         * @return index in the across direction
        public int getAcrossIndex() {
            return acrossIndex;

        /** Move to a nearby point along surface.
         * <p>
         * The motion will be approximated, assuming the body surface has constant
         * curvature along the motion direction. The approximation will be accurate
         * for short distances, and error will increase as distance increases.
         * </p>
         * @param motion straight motion, which must be curved back to surface
         * @return arrival point, approximately at specified distance from node
         * @exception OrekitException if points cannot be converted to geodetic coordinates
        public S2Point move(final Vector3D motion) throws OrekitException {

            // safety check for too small motion
            if (motion.getNorm() < Precision.EPSILON * v.getNorm()) {
                return s2p;

            // find elliptic plane section
            final Vector3D normal = Vector3D.crossProduct(v, motion);
            final Ellipse planeSection = ellipsoid.getPlaneSection(v, normal);

            // find the center of curvature (point on the evolute) below start point
            final Vector2D omega2D = planeSection.getCenterOfCurvature(planeSection.toPlane(v));
            final Vector3D omega3D = planeSection.toSpace(omega2D);

            // compute approximated arrival point, assuming constant radius of curvature
            final Vector3D delta = v.subtract(omega3D);
            final double theta = motion.getNorm() / delta.getNorm();
            final Vector3D approximated = new Vector3D(1, omega3D, FastMath.cos(theta), delta,
                    FastMath.sin(theta) / theta, motion);

            // convert to spherical coordinates
            final GeodeticPoint approximatedGP = ellipsoid.transform(approximated, ellipsoid.getBodyFrame(), null);
            return new S2Point(approximatedGP.getLongitude(), 0.5 * FastMath.PI - approximatedGP.getLatitude());


