Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


// Copyright 2015 Pants project contributors (see
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).


import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;


 * A utility than can create or update jar archives with special handling of duplicate entries.
public class JarBuilder implements Closeable {

     * Indicates a problem encountered when building up a jar's contents for writing out.
    public static class JarBuilderException extends IOException {
        public JarBuilderException(String message) {

        public JarBuilderException(String message, Throwable cause) {
            super(message, cause);

     * Indicates a problem writing out a jar.
    public static class JarCreationException extends JarBuilderException {
        public JarCreationException(String message) {

     * Indicates a problem indexing a pre-existing jar that will be added or updated to the target
     * jar.
    public static class IndexingException extends JarBuilderException {
        public IndexingException(File jarPath, Throwable t) {
            super("Problem indexing jar at " + jarPath + ": " + t.getMessage(), t);

     * Indicates a duplicate jar entry is being rejected.
    public static class DuplicateEntryException extends RuntimeException {
        private final ReadableEntry entry;

        DuplicateEntryException(ReadableEntry entry) {
            super("Detected a duplicate entry for " + entry.getJarPath());
            this.entry = entry;

         * Returns the duplicate path.
        public String getPath() {
            return entry.getJarPath();

         * Returns the contents of the duplicate entry.
        public ByteSource getSource() {
            return entry.contents;

     * Identifies an action to take when duplicate jar entries are encountered.
    public enum DuplicateAction {

         * This action skips the duplicate entry keeping the original entry.

         * This action replaces the original entry with the duplicate entry.

         * This action appends the content of the duplicate entry to the original entry.
         * Treats the resources are binary files.

         * Same as CONCAT, but treats these entries as newline delimited text files. Appends a newline
         * to the end of the file if needed in order to separate file entries.

         * This action throws a {@link DuplicateEntryException}.

     * Encapsulates a policy for treatment of duplicate jar entries.
    public static class DuplicatePolicy implements Predicate<CharSequence> {

         * Creates a policy that applies to entries based on a path match.
         * @param regex A regular expression to match entry paths against.
         * @param action The action to apply to duplicate entries with path matching {@code regex}.
         * @return The path matching policy.
        public static DuplicatePolicy pathMatches(String regex, DuplicateAction action) {
            return new DuplicatePolicy(Predicates.containsPattern(regex), action);

        private final Predicate<CharSequence> selector;
        private final DuplicateAction action;

         * Creates a policy that will be applied to duplicate entries matching the given
         * {@code selector}.
         * @param selector A predicate that selects entries this policy has jurisdiction over.
         * @param action The action to apply to entries selected by this policy.
        public DuplicatePolicy(Predicate<CharSequence> selector, DuplicateAction action) {
            this.selector = Preconditions.checkNotNull(selector);
            this.action = Preconditions.checkNotNull(action);

         * Returns the action that should be applied when a duplicate entry falls under this policy's
         * jurisdiction.
        public DuplicateAction getAction() {
            return action;

        public boolean apply(CharSequence jarPath) {
            return selector.apply(jarPath);

        public String toString() {
            return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("action", action).add("selector", selector).toString();

     * Handles duplicate jar entries by selecting an appropriate action based on the entry path.
    public static class DuplicateHandler {

         * Creates a handler that always applies the given {@code action}.
         * @param action The action to perform on all duplicate entries encountered.
        public static DuplicateHandler always(DuplicateAction action) {
            return new DuplicateHandler(action,
                    ImmutableList.of(new DuplicatePolicy(Predicates.<CharSequence>alwaysTrue(), action)));

         * Creates a handler that merges well-known mergeable resources and otherwise skips duplicates.
         * <p>
         * Merged resources include META-INF/services/ files.
         * </p>
        public static DuplicateHandler skipDuplicatesConcatWellKnownMetadata() {
            DuplicatePolicy concatServices = DuplicatePolicy.pathMatches("^META-INF/services/",
            ImmutableList<DuplicatePolicy> policies = ImmutableList.of(concatServices);
            return new DuplicateHandler(DuplicateAction.SKIP, policies);

        private final DuplicateAction defaultAction;
        private final Iterable<DuplicatePolicy> policies;

         * A convenience constructor equivalent to calling:
         * {@code DuplicateHandler(defaultAction, Arrays.asList(policies))}
        public DuplicateHandler(DuplicateAction defaultAction, DuplicatePolicy... policies) {
            this(defaultAction, ImmutableList.copyOf(policies));

         * Creates a handler that applies the 1st matching policy when a duplicate entry is encountered,
         * falling back to the given {@code defaultAction} if no policy applies.
         * @param defaultAction The default action to apply when no policy matches.
         * @param policies The policies to apply in preference order.
        public DuplicateHandler(DuplicateAction defaultAction, Iterable<DuplicatePolicy> policies) {
            this.defaultAction = Preconditions.checkNotNull(defaultAction);
            this.policies = ImmutableList.copyOf(policies);

        DuplicateAction actionFor(String jarPath) {
            for (DuplicatePolicy policy : policies) {
                if (policy.apply(jarPath)) {
                    return policy.getAction();
            return defaultAction;

     * Identifies a source for jar entries.
    public interface Source {

         * Returns a name for this source.
        String name();

         * Identifies a member of this source.
        String identify(String name);

    private abstract static class FileSource implements Source {
        protected final File source;

        protected FileSource(File source) {
            this.source = source;

        public String name() {
            return source.getPath();

    private abstract static class JarSource extends FileSource {
        protected JarSource(File source) {

     * Joins the path components together with the JAR_PATH_JOINER char.
     * Sanitation is performed to ensure that no consecutive JAR_PATH_JOINER chars appear in the
     * output string.
     * @param path List of jar path components.
     * @return The path string.
    static String joinJarPath(Iterable<String> path) {
        return JAR_PATH_JOINER.join(path).replaceAll("/{2,}", "/");

    private static Source jarSource(File jar) {
        return new JarSource(jar) {
            public String identify(String name) {
                return String.format("%s!%s", source.getPath(), name);

            public String toString() {
                return String.format("JarSource{jar=%s}", source.getPath());

    private static Source fileSource(final File file) {
        return new FileSource(new File("/")) {
            public String identify(String name) {
                if (!file.getPath().equals(name)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot identify any entry name save for " + file.getPath());
                return file.getPath();

            public String toString() {
                return String.format("FileSource{file=%s}", file.getPath());

    private static Source directorySource(File directory) {
        return new FileSource(directory) {
            public String identify(String name) {
                return new File(source, name).getPath();

            public String toString() {
                return String.format("FileSource{directory=%s}", source.getPath());

    private static Source memorySource() {
        return new Source() {
            public String name() {
                return "<memory>";

            public String identify(String name) {
                return "<memory>!" + name;

            public String toString() {
                return String.format("MemorySource{@%s}", Integer.toHexString(hashCode()));

     * Input stream that always insures that a non-empty stream ends with a newline.
    private static class NewlineAppendingInputStream extends InputStream {
        private InputStream underlyingStream;
        private int lastByteRead = -1;
        private boolean atEOS = false;

        public NewlineAppendingInputStream(InputStream stream) {
            this.underlyingStream = stream;

        public int read() throws IOException {
            if (atEOS) {
                return -1;

            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte == -1) {

                atEOS = true;
                if (lastByteRead == -1 || lastByteRead == '\n') {
                    return -1;
                return '\n';
            lastByteRead = nextByte;
            return nextByte;

    private static final class NamedTextByteSource extends NamedByteSource {
        private NamedTextByteSource(NamedByteSource source) {
            super(source.source,, source.inputSupplier);

        public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
            return new NewlineAppendingInputStream(inputSupplier.openStream());

    private static class NamedByteSource extends ByteSource {
        static NamedByteSource create(Source source, String name, ByteSource inputSupplier) {
            return new NamedByteSource(source, name, inputSupplier);

        protected final Source source;
        protected final String name;
        protected final ByteSource inputSupplier;

        private NamedByteSource(Source source, String name, ByteSource inputSupplier) {
            this.source = source;
   = name;
            this.inputSupplier = inputSupplier;

        public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
            return inputSupplier.openStream();

     * Represents an entry to be added to a jar.
    public interface Entry {
         * Returns the source that contains the entry.
        Source getSource();

         * Returns the name of the entry within its source.
        String getName();

         * Returns the path this entry will be added into the jar at.
        String getJarPath();

    private static class ReadableTextEntry extends ReadableEntry {
        static final Function<ReadableEntry, NamedByteSource> GET_CONTENTS = new Function<ReadableEntry, NamedByteSource>() {
            public NamedByteSource apply(ReadableEntry item) {
                return new NamedTextByteSource(item.contents);

        ReadableTextEntry(NamedByteSource contents, String path) {
            super(contents, path);

    private static class ReadableEntry implements Entry {
        static final Function<ReadableEntry, NamedByteSource> GET_CONTENTS = new Function<ReadableEntry, NamedByteSource>() {
            public NamedByteSource apply(ReadableEntry item) {
                return item.contents;

        private final NamedByteSource contents;
        private final String path;

        ReadableEntry(NamedByteSource contents, String path) {
            this.contents = contents;
            this.path = path;

        public Source getSource() {
            return contents.source;

        public String getName() {

        public String getJarPath() {
            return path;

    private static class ReadableJarEntry extends ReadableEntry {
        private final JarEntry jarEntry;

        public ReadableJarEntry(NamedByteSource contents, JarEntry jarEntry) {
            super(contents, jarEntry.getName());
            this.jarEntry = jarEntry;

        public JarEntry getJarEntry() {
            return jarEntry;

     * An interface for those interested in the progress of writing the target jar.
    public interface Listener {
         * A listener that ignores all events.
        Listener NOOP = new Listener() {
            public void onSkip(Optional<? extends Entry> original, Iterable<? extends Entry> skipped) {
                // noop

            public void onReplace(Iterable<? extends Entry> originals, Entry replacement) {
                // noop

            public void onConcat(String name, Iterable<? extends Entry> entries) {
                // noop

            public void onWrite(Entry entry) {
                // noop

         * Called to notify the listener that entries are being skipped.
         * If original is present this indicates it it being retained in preference to the skipped
         * entries.
         * @param original The original entry being retained.
         * @param skipped The new entries being skipped.
        void onSkip(Optional<? extends Entry> original, Iterable<? extends Entry> skipped);

         * Called to notify the listener that original entries are being replaced by a subsequently
         * added entry.
         * @param originals The original entry candidates that will be replaced.
         * @param replacement The entry that overwrites the originals.
        void onReplace(Iterable<? extends Entry> originals, Entry replacement);

         * Called to notify the listener an original entry is being concatenated with one or more
         * subsequently added entries.
         * @param name The name of the entry in question.
         * @param entries The entries that will be concatenated with the original entry.
        void onConcat(String name, Iterable<? extends Entry> entries);

         * Called to notify the listener of a newly written non-duplicate entry.
         * @param entry The entry to be added to the target jar.
        void onWrite(Entry entry);

    private static ByteSource manifestSupplier(final Manifest mf) {
        return new ByteSource() {
            public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
                ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                return new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());

    static Manifest ensureDefaultManifestEntries(Manifest manifest) {
        if (!manifest.getMainAttributes().containsKey(Name.MANIFEST_VERSION)) {
            manifest.getMainAttributes().put(Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0");
        Name createdBy = new Name("Created-By");
        if (!manifest.getMainAttributes().containsKey(createdBy)) {
            manifest.getMainAttributes().put(createdBy, JarBuilder.class.getName());
        return manifest;

    private static Manifest createDefaultManifest() {
        return ensureDefaultManifestEntries(new Manifest());

    private static final ByteSource DEFAULT_MANIFEST = manifestSupplier(createDefaultManifest());

    private interface InputSupplier<T> {
        T getInput() throws IOException;

    private static class JarSupplier implements InputSupplier<JarFile>, Closeable {
        private final Closer closer;
        private final InputSupplier<JarFile> supplier;

        JarSupplier(final File file) {
            closer = Closer.create();
            supplier = new InputSupplier<JarFile>() {
                public JarFile getInput() throws IOException {
                    try {
                        // Do not verify signed.
                        return JarFileUtil.openJarFile(closer, file, false);
                    } catch (ZipException zex) {
                        // JarFile is not very verbose and doesn't tell the user which file it was
                        // so we will create a new Exception instead
                        ZipException e = new ZipException("error in opening zip file " + file);
                        throw e;

        public JarFile getInput() throws IOException {
            return supplier.getInput();

        public void close() throws IOException {

    private static final Splitter JAR_PATH_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('/');
    private static final Joiner JAR_PATH_JOINER = Joiner.on('/');

     * Implementations should add jar entries to the given {@code Multimap} index when executed.
    private interface EntryIndexer {
        void execute(Multimap<String, ReadableEntry> entries) throws JarBuilderException;

    private final File target;
    private final Listener listener;
    private final Closer closer = Closer.create();
    private final List<EntryIndexer> additions = Lists.newLinkedList();

    private ByteSource manifest;

     * Creates a JarBuilder that will write scheduled jar additions to {@code target} upon
     * {@link #write}.
     * <p>
     * If the {@code target} exists an attempt will be made to over-write it and if it does not
     * exist a then a new jar will be created at its path.
     * @param target The target jar file to write.
    public JarBuilder(File target) {
        this(target, Listener.NOOP);

     * Creates a JarBuilder that will write scheduled jar additions to {@code target} upon
     * {@link #write}.
     * <p>
     * If the {@code target} does not exist a new jar will be created at its path.
     * @param target The target jar file to write.
    public JarBuilder(File target, Listener listener) { = Preconditions.checkNotNull(target);
        this.listener = Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener);

    public void close() throws IOException {

     * Schedules addition of the given {@code contents} to the entry at {@code jarPath}. In addition,
     * individual parent directory entries will be created when this builder is
     * {@link #write written} in he spirit of {@code mkdir -p}.
     * @param contents The contents of the entry to add.
     * @param jarPath The path of the entry to add.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public JarBuilder add(final ByteSource contents, final String jarPath) {

        additions.add(new EntryIndexer() {
            public void execute(Multimap<String, ReadableEntry> entries) {
                add(entries, NamedByteSource.create(memorySource(), jarPath, contents), jarPath);
        return this;

    private static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable String value) {
        return value == null || value.trim().isEmpty();

     * Schedules recursive addition of all files contained within {@code directory} to the resulting
     * jar.  The path of each file relative to {@code directory} will be used for the corresponding
     * jar entry path.  If a {@code jarPath} is present then all subtree entries will be prefixed
     * with it.
     * @param directory An existing directory to add to the jar.
     * @param jarPath An optional base path to graft the {@code directory} onto.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public JarBuilder addDirectory(final File directory, final Optional<String> jarPath) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(directory.isDirectory(), "Expected a directory, given a file: %s", directory);
        Preconditions.checkArgument(!jarPath.isPresent() || !isEmpty(jarPath.get()));

        additions.add(new EntryIndexer() {
            public void execute(Multimap<String, ReadableEntry> entries) throws JarBuilderException {

                Source directorySource = directorySource(directory);
                Iterable<String> jarBasePath = jarPath.isPresent() ? JAR_PATH_SPLITTER.split(jarPath.get())
                        : ImmutableList.<String>of();

                Iterable<File> files = Files.fileTreeTraverser().preOrderTraversal(directory)

                for (File child : files) {
                    Iterable<String> relpathComponents = relpathComponents(child, directory);
                    Iterable<String> path = Iterables.concat(jarBasePath, relpathComponents);
                    String entryPath = joinJarPath(relpathComponents);
                    if (!JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME.equals(entryPath)) {
                        NamedByteSource contents = NamedByteSource.create(directorySource, entryPath,
                        add(entries, contents, joinJarPath(path));
        return this;

     * Schedules addition of the given {@code file}'s contents to the entry at {@code jarPath}. In
     * addition, individual parent directory entries will be created when this builder is
     * {@link #write written} in the spirit of {@code mkdir -p}.
     * @param file An existing file to add to the jar.
     * @param jarPath The path of the entry to add.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public JarBuilder addFile(final File file, final String jarPath) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(!file.isDirectory(), "Expected a file, given a directory: %s", file);

        additions.add(new EntryIndexer() {
            public void execute(Multimap<String, ReadableEntry> entries) throws JarBuilderException {

                if (JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME.equals(jarPath)) {
                    throw new JarBuilderException(
                            "A custom manifest entry should be added via the useCustomManifest methods");
                NamedByteSource contents = NamedByteSource.create(fileSource(file), file.getName(),
                add(entries, contents, jarPath);
        return this;

     * Schedules addition of the given jar's contents to the file at {@code jarPath}. Even if the jar
     * does not contain individual parent directory entries, they will be added for each entry added.
     * @param file The path of the jar to add.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public JarBuilder addJar(final File file) {

        additions.add(new EntryIndexer() {
            public void execute(final Multimap<String, ReadableEntry> entries) throws IndexingException {

                final InputSupplier<JarFile> jarSupplier = closer.register(new JarSupplier(file));
                final Source jarSource = jarSource(file);
                try {
                    enumerateJarEntries(file, new JarEntryVisitor() {
                        public void visit(JarEntry entry) throws IOException {
                            if (!entry.isDirectory() && !JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME.equals(entry.getName())) {
                                NamedByteSource contents = NamedByteSource.create(jarSource, entry.getName(),
                                        entrySupplier(jarSupplier, entry));
                                add(entries, contents, entry);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new IndexingException(file, e);
        return this;

    private static void add(Multimap<String, ReadableEntry> entries, NamedByteSource contents, String jarPath) {

        entries.put(jarPath, new ReadableEntry(contents, jarPath));

    private static void add(Multimap<String, ReadableEntry> entries, NamedByteSource contents, JarEntry jarEntry) {

        entries.put(jarEntry.getName(), new ReadableJarEntry(contents, jarEntry));

     * Registers the given Manifest to be used in the jar written out by {@link #write}.
     * @param customManifest The manifest to use for the built jar.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public JarBuilder useCustomManifest(final Manifest customManifest) {

        manifest = manifestSupplier(customManifest);
        return this;

     * Registers the given Manifest to be used in the jar written out by {@link #write}.
     * @param customManifest The manifest to use for the built jar.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public JarBuilder useCustomManifest(File customManifest) {

        NamedByteSource contents = NamedByteSource.create(fileSource(customManifest), customManifest.getPath(),
        return useCustomManifest(contents);

     * Registers the given Manifest to be used in the jar written out by {@link #write}.
     * @param customManifest The manifest to use for the built jar.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public JarBuilder useCustomManifest(CharSequence customManifest) {

        return useCustomManifest(NamedByteSource.create(memorySource(), JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME,

     * Registers the given Manifest to be used in the jar written out by {@link #write}.
     * @param customManifest The manifest to use for the built jar.
     * @return This builder for chaining.
    public JarBuilder useCustomManifest(final NamedByteSource customManifest) {
        return useCustomManifest(new InputSupplier<Manifest>() {
            public Manifest getInput() throws IOException {
                Manifest mf = new Manifest();
                try {
                    return mf;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new JarCreationException(
                            "Invalid manifest from " + customManifest.source.identify(;

    private JarBuilder useCustomManifest(final InputSupplier<Manifest> manifestSource) {
        manifest = new ByteSource() {
            public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
                return manifestSupplier(manifestSource.getInput()).openStream();
        return this;

     * Creates a jar at the configured target path applying the scheduled additions and skipping any
     * duplicate entries found.  Entries will not be compressed.
     * @return The jar file that was written.
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem writing the jar file.
    public File write() throws IOException {
        return write(false, DuplicateHandler.always(DuplicateAction.SKIP));

     * Creates a jar at the configured target path applying the scheduled additions and skipping any
     * duplicate entries found.
     * @param compress Pass {@code true} to compress all jar entries; otherwise, they will just be
     *     stored.
     * @return The jar file that was written.
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem writing the jar file.
    public File write(boolean compress) throws IOException {
        return write(compress, DuplicateHandler.always(DuplicateAction.SKIP));

     * Creates a jar at the configured target path applying the scheduled additions per the given
     * {@code duplicateHandler}.
     * @param compress Pass {@code true} to compress all jar entries; otherwise, they will just be
     *     stored.
     * @param duplicateHandler A handler for dealing with duplicate entries.
     * @param skipPatterns An optional list of patterns that match entry paths that should be
     *     excluded.
     * @return The jar file that was written.
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem writing the jar file.
     * @throws DuplicateEntryException if the the policy in effect for an entry is
     *     {@link DuplicateAction#THROW} and that entry is a duplicate.
    public File write(boolean compress, DuplicateHandler duplicateHandler, Pattern... skipPatterns)
            throws IOException {

        return write(compress, duplicateHandler, ImmutableList.copyOf(skipPatterns));

    private static final Function<Pattern, Predicate<CharSequence>> AS_PATH_SELECTOR = new Function<Pattern, Predicate<CharSequence>>() {
        public Predicate<CharSequence> apply(Pattern item) {
            return Predicates.contains(item);

     * Creates a jar at the configured target path applying the scheduled additions per the given
     * {@code duplicateHandler}.
     * @param compress Pass {@code true} to compress all jar entries; otherwise, they will just be
     *     stored.
     * @param duplicateHandler A handler for dealing with duplicate entries.
     * @param skipPatterns An optional sequence of patterns that match entry paths that should be
     *     excluded.
     * @return The jar file that was written.
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem writing the jar file.
     * @throws DuplicateEntryException if the the policy in effect for an entry is
     *     {@link DuplicateAction#THROW} and that entry is a duplicate.
    public File write(final boolean compress, DuplicateHandler duplicateHandler, Iterable<Pattern> skipPatterns)
            throws DuplicateEntryException, IOException {

        Predicate<CharSequence> skipPath = Predicates
                .or(Iterables.transform(ImmutableList.copyOf(skipPatterns), AS_PATH_SELECTOR));

        final Iterable<ReadableEntry> entries = getEntries(skipPath, duplicateHandler);

        File tmp = File.createTempFile(target.getName(), ".tmp", target.getParentFile());
        try {
            try {
                JarWriter writer = jarWriter(tmp, compress);
                writer.write(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME, manifest == null ? DEFAULT_MANIFEST : manifest);
                List<ReadableJarEntry> jarEntries = Lists.newArrayList();
                for (ReadableEntry entry : entries) {
                    if (entry instanceof ReadableJarEntry) {
                        jarEntries.add((ReadableJarEntry) entry);
                    } else {
                        writer.write(entry.getJarPath(), entry.contents);
                copyJarFiles(writer, jarEntries);

                // Close all open files, the moveFile below might need to copy instead of just rename.

                // Rename the file (or copy if it can't be renamed)
                Files.move(tmp, target);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw closer.rethrow(e);
            } finally {
        } finally {
        return target;

     * As an optimization, use {@link JarEntryCopier} to copy one jar file to
     * another without decompressing and recompressing.
     * @param writer target to copy JAR file entries to.
     * @param entries entries that came from a jar file
    private void copyJarFiles(JarWriter writer, Iterable<ReadableJarEntry> entries) throws IOException {
        // Walk the entries to bucketize by input jar file names
        Multimap<JarSource, ReadableJarEntry> jarEntries = HashMultimap.create();
        for (ReadableJarEntry entry : entries) {
            Preconditions.checkState(entry.getSource() instanceof JarSource);
            jarEntries.put((JarSource) entry.getSource(), entry);

        // Copy the data from each jar input file to the output
        for (JarSource source : jarEntries.keySet()) {
            Closer jarFileCloser = Closer.create();
            try {
                final InputSupplier<JarFile> jarSupplier = jarFileCloser
                        .register(new JarSupplier(new File(;
                JarFile jarFile = jarSupplier.getInput();
                for (ReadableJarEntry readableJarEntry : jarEntries.get(source)) {
                    JarEntry jarEntry = readableJarEntry.getJarEntry();
                    String resource = jarEntry.getName();
                    writer.copy(resource, jarFile, jarEntry);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw jarFileCloser.rethrow(ex);
            } finally {

    private Iterable<ReadableEntry> getEntries(final Predicate<CharSequence> skipPath,
            final DuplicateHandler duplicateHandler) throws JarBuilderException {

        Function<Map.Entry<String, Collection<ReadableEntry>>, Iterable<ReadableEntry>> mergeEntries = new Function<Map.Entry<String, Collection<ReadableEntry>>, Iterable<ReadableEntry>>() {
            public Iterable<ReadableEntry> apply(Map.Entry<String, Collection<ReadableEntry>> item) {
                String jarPath = item.getKey();
                Collection<ReadableEntry> entries = item.getValue();
                return processEntries(skipPath, duplicateHandler, jarPath, entries).asSet();
        return FluentIterable.from(getAdditions().asMap().entrySet()).transformAndConcat(mergeEntries);

    private Optional<ReadableEntry> processEntries(Predicate<CharSequence> skipPath,
            DuplicateHandler duplicateHandler, String jarPath, Collection<ReadableEntry> itemEntries) {

        if (skipPath.apply(jarPath)) {
            listener.onSkip(Optional.<Entry>absent(), itemEntries);
            return Optional.absent();

        if (itemEntries.size() < 2) {
            ReadableEntry entry = Iterables.getOnlyElement(itemEntries);
            return Optional.of(entry);

        DuplicateAction action = duplicateHandler.actionFor(jarPath);
        switch (action) {
        case SKIP: {
            ReadableEntry original = Iterables.get(itemEntries, 0);
            listener.onSkip(Optional.of(original), Iterables.skip(itemEntries, 1));
            return Optional.of(original);

        case REPLACE: {
            ReadableEntry replacement = Iterables.getLast(itemEntries);
            listener.onReplace(Iterables.limit(itemEntries, itemEntries.size() - 1), replacement);
            return Optional.of(replacement);
        case CONCAT: {
            ByteSource concat = ByteSource.concat(Iterables.transform(itemEntries, ReadableEntry.GET_CONTENTS));

            ReadableEntry concatenatedEntry = new ReadableEntry(
                    NamedByteSource.create(memorySource(), jarPath, concat), jarPath);

            listener.onConcat(jarPath, itemEntries);
            return Optional.of(concatenatedEntry);

        case CONCAT_TEXT: {
            ByteSource concat_text = ByteSource
                    .concat(Iterables.transform(itemEntries, ReadableTextEntry.GET_CONTENTS));

            ReadableEntry concatenatedTextEntry = new ReadableEntry(
                    NamedByteSource.create(memorySource(), jarPath, concat_text), jarPath);

            listener.onConcat(jarPath, itemEntries);
            return Optional.of(concatenatedTextEntry);

        case THROW:
            throw new DuplicateEntryException(Iterables.get(itemEntries, 1));

            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized DuplicateAction " + action);

    private Multimap<String, ReadableEntry> getAdditions() throws JarBuilderException {
        final Multimap<String, ReadableEntry> entries = LinkedListMultimap.create();
        if (target.exists() && target.length() > 0) {
            final InputSupplier<JarFile> jarSupplier = closer.register(new JarSupplier(target));
            try {
                enumerateJarEntries(target, new JarEntryVisitor() {
                    public void visit(JarEntry jarEntry) throws IOException {
                        String entryPath = jarEntry.getName();
                        ByteSource contents = entrySupplier(jarSupplier, jarEntry);
                        if (JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME.equals(entryPath)) {
                            if (manifest == null) {
                                manifest = contents;
                        } else if (!jarEntry.isDirectory()) {
                            entries.put(entryPath, new ReadableJarEntry(
                                    NamedByteSource.create(jarSource(target), entryPath, contents), jarEntry));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IndexingException(target, e);
        for (EntryIndexer addition : additions) {
        return entries;

    private interface JarEntryVisitor {
        void visit(JarEntry item) throws IOException;

    private void enumerateJarEntries(File jarFile, JarEntryVisitor visitor) throws IOException {

        Closer jarFileCloser = Closer.create();
        JarFile jar = JarFileUtil.openJarFile(jarFileCloser, jarFile);
        try {
            for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw jarFileCloser.rethrow(e);
        } finally {

    private static final class JarWriter {
        static class EntryFactory {
            private final boolean compress;

            EntryFactory(boolean compress) {
                this.compress = compress;

            JarEntry createEntry(String path, ByteSource contents) throws IOException {

                JarEntry entry = new JarEntry(path);
                entry.setMethod(compress ? JarEntry.DEFLATED : JarEntry.STORED);
                if (!compress) {
                    prepareEntry(entry, contents);
                return entry;

            private void prepareEntry(JarEntry entry, ByteSource contents) throws IOException {

                final CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
                long size = ByteProcessor<Long>() {
                    private long size = 0;

                    public boolean processBytes(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
                        size += len;
                        crc32.update(buf, off, len);
                        return true;

                    public Long getResult() {
                        return size;

        private static final Joiner JAR_PATH_JOINER = Joiner.on('/');

        private final Set<List<String>> directories = Sets.newHashSet();
        private final JarOutputStream out;
        private final EntryFactory entryFactory;

        private JarWriter(JarOutputStream out, boolean compress) {
            this.out = out;
            this.entryFactory = new EntryFactory(compress);

        public void write(String path, ByteSource contents) throws IOException {
            out.putNextEntry(entryFactory.createEntry(path, contents));

        public void copy(String path, JarFile jarIn, JarEntry srcJarEntry) throws IOException {
            JarEntryCopier.copyEntry(out, path, jarIn, srcJarEntry);

        private void ensureParentDir(String path) throws IOException {
            File file = new File(path);
            File parent = file.getParentFile();
            if (parent != null) {
                List<String> components = components(parent);
                List<String> ancestry = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(components.size());
                for (String component : components) {
                    if (!directories.contains(ancestry)) {
                        out.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(joinJarPath(ancestry) + "/"));

    private JarWriter jarWriter(File path, boolean compress) throws IOException {
        // The JAR-writing process seems to be I/O bound. To make writes to disk less frequent,
        // BufferedOutputStream is used. This way, compressed data is stored in a buffer before being
        // flushed to disk.
        // For benchmarking, "./pants binary --no-use-nailgun" command was executed on a large project.
        // The machine was 2013 MPB with SSD. The resulting project JAR is about 500 MB.
        // Without BufferedOutputStream, the jar-tool step took on average about 113 seconds.
        // With BufferedOutputStream and 1MB buffer, the jar-tool step took on average about 80 seconds.
        // The performance gain on this particular project on this particular machine is 30%.
        FileOutputStream fout = closer.register(new FileOutputStream(path));
        BufferedOutputStream bout = closer.register(new BufferedOutputStream(fout, 1024 * 1024));
        final JarOutputStream jar = closer.register(new JarOutputStream(bout));
        closer.register(new Closeable() {
            public void close() throws IOException {
        return new JarWriter(jar, compress);

    private static ByteSource entrySupplier(final InputSupplier<JarFile> jar, final JarEntry entry) {
        return new ByteSource() {
            public InputStream openStream() throws IOException {
                return jar.getInput().getInputStream(entry);

    static Iterable<String> relpathComponents(File fullPath, File relativeTo) {
        List<String> base = components(relativeTo);
        List<String> path = components(fullPath);
        for (Iterator<String> baseIter = base.iterator(), pathIter = path.iterator(); baseIter.hasNext()
                && pathIter.hasNext();) {
            if (! {
            } else {

        if (!base.isEmpty()) {
            path.addAll(0, Collections.nCopies(base.size(), ".."));
        return path;

    private static List<String> components(File file) {
        LinkedList<String> components = Lists.newLinkedList();
        File path = file;
        do {
        } while ((path = path.getParentFile()) != null);
        return components;