Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of the Paxle project.
 * Visit for more information.
 * Copyright 2007-2010 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the terms of the Common Public License 1.0 ("CPL 1.0").
 * Any use, reproduction or distribution of this program constitutes the recipient's acceptance of this agreement.
 * The full license text is available under
 * or in the file LICENSE.txt in the root directory of the Paxle distribution.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this software is distributed
 * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

package org.paxle.core.norm.impl;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.paxle.core.doc.ICommand;
import org.paxle.core.doc.IParserDocument;
import org.paxle.core.doc.LinkInfo;
import org.paxle.core.filter.IFilter;
import org.paxle.core.filter.IFilterContext;
import org.paxle.core.norm.IReferenceNormalizer;

public class ReferenceNormalizer implements IReferenceNormalizer, IFilter<ICommand> {

    private static final class QueryEntry implements Comparable<QueryEntry> {

        public final String key;
        public final String val;

        public QueryEntry(final String key, final String val) {
            this.key = key;
            this.val = val;

        public int compareTo(QueryEntry o) {
            return key.compareTo(o.key);

    public static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");

    public static final Hashtable<String, Integer> DEFAULT_PORTS = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
    static {
        // HTTP(S) is not part of the global url-stream-handlers
        DEFAULT_PORTS.put("http", Integer.valueOf(80));
        DEFAULT_PORTS.put("https", Integer.valueOf(443));

    private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ReferenceNormalizer.class);
    private final boolean sortQuery;
    private final boolean appendSlash;
    private final boolean includePort;

    public ReferenceNormalizer() {
        this(false, false, false);

     * Creates a new normalization filter for references.
     * @param sortQuery whether to sort the query parameters lexicographically by their respective keys
     * @param appendSlash whether a slash should be appended to the path if the last path element does not contain a dot
     * @param includePort whether the port-number should be included by default
     * @see <a href="">On URL Normalization</a>
    public ReferenceNormalizer(final boolean sortQuery, final boolean appendSlash, final boolean includePort) {
        this.sortQuery = sortQuery;
        this.appendSlash = appendSlash;
        this.includePort = includePort;

    public int getDefaultPort(String protocol) {
        final Integer port = DEFAULT_PORTS.get(protocol);
        return (port == null) ? -1 : port.intValue();

    public URI normalizeReference(String reference) {
        return normalizeReference(reference, UTF8);

    public URI normalizeReference(String reference, Charset charset) {
        try {
            // temporary "solution" until I've found a way to escape characters in different charsets than UTF-8
            URI uri;
            // uri = new URI(reference);
            uri = parseBaseUrlString(reference, charset);
            uri = uri.normalize(); // resolve backpaths
            return uri;
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            logger.warn(String.format("Error normalizing reference: %s", e.getMessage()));
            return null;

    private static final Pattern PORT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d{1,5}");

     * This method takes an URL as input and returns it in a normalized form. There should be no change in the functionality of the URL.
     * @param location the unnormalized URL
     * @param charset the {@link Charset} of the document this link was extracted from. It is needed to transform URL-encoded entities
     *        to Java's Unicode representation. If <code>null</code> is passed, the default charset will be used
     * @return the normalized URL consisting of protocol, username/password if given, hostname, port if it is not the default port for
     *         its protocol, the path and all given query arguments. The fragment part is omitted. It also performs Punycode- and
     *         URL-decoding.
     * @author Roland Ramthun, Franz Brau&szlig;e
     * @throws MalformedURLException if the given URL-String could not be parsed due to inconsistency with the URI-standard
     * FIXME doesn't handle unescaped characters in other charsets than UTF-8 correctly
    public URI parseBaseUrlString(final String url, final Charset charset) throws URISyntaxException {
         * What happens here?
         * Every URL has to end with a slash, if it only consists of a scheme and authority.
         * This slash is a part of the path. Even a simple URL like "" is a mapping on a directory on the server.
         * As directories have to end with a slash, there _must_ be a slash if there is no path given ending with a filename.
         * In the next step we will remove default ports from the URL.
         * Then we convert the protocol identifier and the (sub-) domain to lowercase.
         * Case is not important for these parts, for the path it is.
         * Then we resolve backpaths in the path.
         * Later the resulting normalized URL is assembled, along this way possible fragments are removed, as they are simply not added

        // init
        String protocol = null;
        String username = null;
        String password = null;
        String host = null;
        int port = -1;
        String path = "/";
        String query = null;
        // String fragment = null;

        // extract the protocol
        int urlStart = 0;
        int colonpos = url.indexOf(':', urlStart);
        if (colonpos <= 0)
            throw new URISyntaxException(url, "No protocol specified");
        protocol = url.substring(0, colonpos).toLowerCase();

        int protocolEnd = colonpos + 1;
        int slashAfterHost = url.indexOf('/', protocolEnd);
        if (url.length() > (colonpos + 1) && url.charAt(colonpos + 1) == '/' && url.charAt(colonpos + 2) == '/') {
            protocolEnd = colonpos + 3;

            slashAfterHost = url.indexOf('/', protocolEnd);
            // extract username / password
            final int at = url.indexOf('@', protocolEnd);
            final int hostStart;
            final int credSepColon = url.indexOf(':', protocolEnd); //the colon which separates username and password
            if (at != -1 && at < slashAfterHost) {
                if (credSepColon > (protocolEnd + 1) && credSepColon < at) {
                    username = url.substring(protocolEnd, credSepColon);
                    password = url.substring(credSepColon + 1, at);
                } else {
                    username = url.substring(protocolEnd, at);
                hostStart = at + 1;
            } else {
                hostStart = protocolEnd;

            // extract the hostname
            final int portColon = url.indexOf(':', hostStart);
            final int hostEndTmp = (slashAfterHost == -1) ? url.length() : slashAfterHost;
            final int hostEnd = (portColon > hostStart && portColon < hostEndTmp) ? portColon : hostEndTmp;
            // TODO: de-punycode
            // host = IDN.toUnicode(url.substring(hostStart, hostEnd).toLowerCase());      // de-punycode (sub-)domain(s) - java 1.6 code
            host = url.substring(hostStart, hostEnd).toLowerCase();

            // extract the port
            final int portEnd = (slashAfterHost == -1) ? url.length() : slashAfterHost;
            if (portColon != -1 && portColon < portEnd) {
                final String portNr = url.substring(portColon + 1, portEnd);
                if (!PORT_PATTERN.matcher(portNr).matches())
                    throw new URISyntaxException(url, "Illegal port-number");
                port = Integer.parseInt(portNr);
                if (port < 1 || port > 65535)
                    throw new URISyntaxException(url, "Port-number out of range");

            if (includePort ^ port != -1) {
                final Integer defPort = DEFAULT_PORTS.get(protocol);
                if (includePort) {
                    // no port value in input, try to get it from the default ports for the protocol
                    if (defPort == null)
                        throw new URISyntaxException(url,
                                "no port number given and no default port for protocol '" + protocol + "'");
                    port = defPort.intValue();
                } else {
                    // don't make default port-number for the protocol part of the resulting url
                    if (defPort != null && port == defPort.intValue())
                        port = -1;
        } else if (slashAfterHost == -1) {
            throw new URISyntaxException(url, "No valid protocol identifier given");

        final int hashmark = url.indexOf('#', (slashAfterHost == -1) ? url.length() : slashAfterHost);
        if (slashAfterHost != -1) {
            // extract the path
            final int qmark = url.indexOf('?', slashAfterHost);
            final int pathEnd = (qmark == -1) ? (hashmark == -1) ? url.length() : hashmark : qmark;
            // XXX path = resolveBackpath(urlDecode(url.substring(slashAfterHost, pathEnd), charset));
            path = resolveBackpath(url.substring(slashAfterHost, pathEnd));
            if (appendSlash && qmark == -1 && path.charAt(path.length() - 1) != '/'
                    && path.indexOf('.', path.lastIndexOf('/')) == -1) {
                path += '/';

            // extract the query
            if (qmark != -1) {
                final int queryEnd = (hashmark == -1) ? url.length() : hashmark;
                if (queryEnd > qmark + 1) {
                    final List<QueryEntry> queryList = new ArrayList<QueryEntry>();
                    int paramStart = qmark + 1;
                    do {
                        int paramEnd = url.indexOf('&', paramStart);
                        if (paramEnd == -1 || paramEnd > queryEnd)
                            paramEnd = queryEnd;
                        if (paramEnd > paramStart) {
                            int eq = url.indexOf('=', paramStart);
                            if (eq == -1 || eq > paramEnd)
                                eq = paramEnd;

                            try {
                                String key = url.substring(paramStart, eq);
                                try {
                                    // urlDecode(key.replace('+', ' '), charset);
                                    key = URLDecoder.decode(key,;
                                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                                    // Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern
                                    logger.debug("error URL-decoding query-key '" + key + "': " + e.getMessage());
                                    // treat key as already replaced

                                String val = (eq < paramEnd) ? url.substring(eq + 1, paramEnd) : null;
                                if (val != null)
                                    try {
                                        // urlDecode(val.replace('+', ' '), charset)
                                        val = URLDecoder.decode(val,;
                                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                                        // Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern
                                                "error URL-decoding query-value '" + val + "': " + e.getMessage());
                                        // treat val as already replaced

                                // System.out.println("query arg: " + key + " <-> " + val);
                                queryList.add(new QueryEntry(key, val));
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                        paramStart = paramEnd + 1;
                    } while (paramStart < queryEnd);
                    if (sortQuery)
                    try {
                        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(queryEnd - qmark);
                        for (QueryEntry e : queryList) {
                            sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(e.key, "UTF-8"));
                            final String val = e.val;
                            if (val != null)
                                sb.append('=').append(URLEncoder.encode(val, "UTF-8"));
                        sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
                        query = sb.toString();
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

            // extract the fragment
            if (hashmark != -1)
                // XXX fragment = urlDecode(url.substring(hashmark + 1), charset);
                // fragment = url.substring(hashmark + 1);

        // output
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (host != null) {
            if (username != null) {
                if (password != null)
            if (port != -1)
        if (query != null)

        return new URI(sb.toString());

     * @see IFilter#filter(ICommand, IFilterContext)
    public void filter(ICommand command, IFilterContext filterContext) {
        final IParserDocument pdoc = command.getParserDocument();
        if (pdoc != null) {

     * Normalizes all {@link IParserDocument#getLinks() links} contained in a
     * {@link IParserDocument parser-document}.
     * @param pdoc the {@link IParserDocument parser-document} 
    private void normalizeParserDoc(final IParserDocument pdoc) {
        /* =============================================================
         * Normalize Sub-Documents
         * ============================================================= */
        final Map<String, IParserDocument> subdocMap = pdoc.getSubDocs();
        if (subdocMap != null && subdocMap.size() > 0) {
            for (final IParserDocument subdoc : subdocMap.values()) {

        /* =============================================================
         * Normalize Links
         * ============================================================= */
        final Map<URI, LinkInfo> linkMap = pdoc.getLinks();
        if (linkMap == null || linkMap.size() == 0)

        final Map<URI, LinkInfo> normalizedLinks = new HashMap<URI, LinkInfo>();
        final Charset charset = (pdoc.getCharset() == null) ? UTF8 : pdoc.getCharset(); // UTF-8 is a recommended fallback but not standard yet

        final Iterator<Map.Entry<URI, LinkInfo>> it = linkMap.entrySet().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            final Map.Entry<URI, LinkInfo> entry =;
            final URI locationURI = entry.getKey();
            final String location = locationURI.toASCIIString();

            final URI normalizedURI = this.normalizeReference(location, charset);
            if (normalizedURI == null) {
      "removing malformed reference: " + location);
                // FIXME: shouldn't we call it.remove() here?
            } else if (normalizedURI.equals(locationURI)) {

            this.logger.debug("normalized reference " + location + " to " + normalizedURI);
            normalizedLinks.put(normalizedURI, entry.getValue());

    private static final Pattern PATH_PATTERN = Pattern

     * Resolves backpaths
     * @param path The path of an URL
     * @return The path without backpath directives
    private static String resolveBackpath(String path) {

        if (path == null || path.length() == 0)
            return "/";
        if (path.length() == 0 || path.charAt(0) != '/') {
            path = "/" + path;

        Matcher matcher = PATH_PATTERN.matcher(path);
        while (matcher.find()) {
            path = matcher.replaceAll("");

        return path.equals("") ? "/" : path;

    static String urlDecode(final String str, final Charset charset) throws ParseException {
        int percent = str.indexOf('%');
        if (percent == -1)
            return str;

        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(str.length()); // buffer to build the converted string
        final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8); // buffer for conversion of contiguous %-encoded bytes
        int last = 0;
        final int len = str.length();
        do {
            sb.append(str.substring(last, percent)); // write non-encoded part

            // loop to convert sequence of %-encoded tokens into bytes. Contiguous byte-sequences have to be dealt with
            // in one block before decoding, because - dependant on the charset - more than one byte may be needed to
            // represent a single character. If the conversion to bytes was done sequentially, decoding might fail
            do {
                if (percent + 3 > str.length())
                    throw new ParseException("unexpected end of input", percent + 3);
                final String token = str.substring(percent + 1, percent + 3);
                if (!token.matches("[0-9a-fA-F]{2}"))
                    throw new ParseException("illegal url-encoded token '" + token + "'", percent);

                final int tokenValue = Integer.parseInt(token, 16) & 0xFF;
                percent += 3;
            } while (percent < len && str.charAt(percent) == '%');

            if (baos.size() > 0) {
                final CharBuffer decoded = charset.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray()));
                baos.reset(); // reuse the ByteArrayOutputStream in the next run
                for (int i = 0; i < decoded.length(); i++) {
                    final char c = decoded.charAt(i);
                    switch (c) {
                    case '#':
                    case '%':
                    case '&':
                    case '=':
                    case '?':

            last = percent; // byte after the token
            percent = str.indexOf('%', last); // search for next token, returns -1 if last > len
        } while (percent != -1);
        return sb.append(str.substring(last)).toString();