Source code

Java tutorial


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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
* Foundation.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
* program; if not, you can obtain a copy at
* or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2017 Hitachi Vantara..  All rights reserved.

package org.pentaho.plugin.jfreereport.reportcharts;

import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateTickUnit;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberTickUnit;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardXYItemLabelGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle;
import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge;
import org.pentaho.plugin.jfreereport.reportcharts.backport.ExtCategoryTableXYDataset;
import org.pentaho.plugin.jfreereport.reportcharts.backport.ExtTimeTableXYDataset;
import org.pentaho.plugin.jfreereport.reportcharts.backport.FastNumberTickUnit;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.ClassicEngineBoot;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.LegacyUpdateHandler;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.function.Expression;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.util.StringUtils;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.formatting.FastDecimalFormat;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * This class allows you to embed xy charts into JFreeReport XML definitions.
 * @author gmoran
public abstract class XYChartExpression extends AbstractChartExpression implements LegacyUpdateHandler {
    private String titlePositionText;
    private Paint borderPaint;
    private boolean horizontal;
    //  private Paint plotBackgroundPaint;
    private boolean stacked;

    private boolean domainVerticalTickLabels;
    private boolean domainIncludesZero;
    private boolean domainStickyZero;
    private NumberFormat domainTickFormat;
    private String domainTickFormatString;
    private String domainTitle;
    private Font domainTitleFont;
    private Font domainTickFont;
    private double domainMinimum;
    private double domainMaximum;
    private boolean domainAxisAutoRange;

    // used if the chart is using a DateAxis as Domain-Axis
    private Class domainTimePeriod;
    private double domainPeriodCount;

    private String rangeTitle;
    private Font rangeTitleFont;
    private Font rangeTickFont;
    private double rangeMinimum;
    private double rangeMaximum;
    private boolean rangeIncludesZero;
    private boolean rangeStickyZero;
    private boolean rangeAxisAutoRange;

    private NumberFormat rangeTickFormat;
    private String rangeTickFormatString;
    private boolean humanReadableLogarithmicFormat;
    private boolean logarithmicAxis;

    private Class rangeTimePeriod;
    private double rangePeriodCount;

    // private Font legendFont = null;

    protected XYChartExpression() {
        domainPeriodCount = 0;
        titlePositionText = "top";
        borderPaint = Color.BLACK;
        horizontal = false;
        stacked = false;
        domainVerticalTickLabels = false;
        domainIncludesZero = false;
        domainStickyZero = false;
        rangeIncludesZero = true;
        rangeStickyZero = true;
        domainTitle = null;
        domainTitleFont = TextTitle.DEFAULT_FONT;
        domainTickFont = null;
        domainTickFormat = null;
        domainMinimum = 0;
        domainMaximum = 1;
        domainAxisAutoRange = true;
        rangeTitle = null;
        rangeTitleFont = TextTitle.DEFAULT_FONT;
        rangeMinimum = 0;
        rangeMaximum = 1;
        rangeAxisAutoRange = true;

    public boolean isDomainAxisAutoRange() {
        return domainAxisAutoRange;

    public void setDomainAxisAutoRange(final boolean domainAxisAutoRange) {
        this.domainAxisAutoRange = domainAxisAutoRange;

    public boolean isRangeAxisAutoRange() {
        return rangeAxisAutoRange;

    public void setRangeAxisAutoRange(final boolean rangeAxisAutoRange) {
        this.rangeAxisAutoRange = rangeAxisAutoRange;

    public Class getDomainTimePeriod() {
        return domainTimePeriod;

    public void setDomainTimePeriod(final Class domainTimePeriod) {
        this.domainTimePeriod = domainTimePeriod;

    public Class getRangeTimePeriod() {
        return rangeTimePeriod;

    public void setRangeTimePeriod(final Class rangeTimePeriod) {
        this.rangeTimePeriod = rangeTimePeriod;

    public boolean isHumanReadableLogarithmicFormat() {
        return humanReadableLogarithmicFormat;

    public void setHumanReadableLogarithmicFormat(final boolean humanReadableLogarithmicFormat) {
        this.humanReadableLogarithmicFormat = humanReadableLogarithmicFormat;

    public boolean isLogarithmicAxis() {
        return logarithmicAxis;

    public void setLogarithmicAxis(final boolean logarithmicAxis) {
        this.logarithmicAxis = logarithmicAxis;

     * Return a completly separated copy of this function. The copy does no longer share any changeable objects with the
     * original function.
     * @return a copy of this function.
    public Expression getInstance() {
        final XYChartExpression chartExpression = (XYChartExpression) super.getInstance();
        if (chartExpression.domainTickFormat != null) {
            chartExpression.domainTickFormat = (NumberFormat) chartExpression.domainTickFormat.clone();
        if (chartExpression.rangeTickFormat != null) {
            chartExpression.rangeTickFormat = (NumberFormat) chartExpression.rangeTickFormat.clone();
        return chartExpression;

     * @return Returns the stacked.
    public boolean isStacked() {
        return stacked;

     * @param stacked The stacked to set.
    public void setStacked(final boolean stacked) {
        this.stacked = stacked;

     * @return Returns the verticalTickLabels.
    public boolean isDomainVerticalTickLabels() {
        return domainVerticalTickLabels;

     * @param domainVerticalTickLabels The domainVerticalLabels to set.
    public void setDomainVerticalTickLabels(final boolean domainVerticalTickLabels) {
        this.domainVerticalTickLabels = domainVerticalTickLabels;

     * @return Returns the domainIncludeZero.
    public boolean isDomainIncludesZero() {
        return domainIncludesZero;

     * @param domainIncludesZero The domainIncludesZero to set.
    public void setDomainIncludesZero(final boolean domainIncludesZero) {
        this.domainIncludesZero = domainIncludesZero;

     * @return Returns the domainStickyZero.
    public boolean isDomainStickyZero() {
        return domainStickyZero;

     * @param domainStickyZero The domainStickyZero to set.
    public void setDomainStickyZero(final boolean domainStickyZero) {
        this.domainStickyZero = domainStickyZero;

     * @return Returns the rangeIncludeZero.
    public boolean isRangeIncludesZero() {
        return rangeIncludesZero;

     * @param rangeIncludesZero The domainIncludesZero to set.
    public void setRangeIncludesZero(final boolean rangeIncludesZero) {
        this.rangeIncludesZero = rangeIncludesZero;

     * @return Returns the rangeStickyZero.
    public boolean isRangeStickyZero() {
        return rangeStickyZero;

     * @param rangeStickyZero The rangeStickyZero to set.
    public void setRangeStickyZero(final boolean rangeStickyZero) {
        this.rangeStickyZero = rangeStickyZero;

    public void setPlotBackgroundColor(final Color plotBackgroundPaint) {
        if (plotBackgroundPaint != null) {

    public Color getPlotBackgroundColor() {
        return super.getPlotBackgroundColor();

     * @param plotBackgroundPaint
     * @deprecated this property is declared but not used anywhere
    public void setPlotBackgroundPaint(final Paint plotBackgroundPaint) {
        this.setPlotBackgroundColor((Color) plotBackgroundPaint);

     * @deprecated this property is declared but not used anywhere
    public Paint getPlotBackgroundPaint() {
        return this.getPlotBackgroundColor();

    public boolean isHorizontal() {
        return horizontal;

    public void setHorizontal(final boolean value) {
        horizontal = value;

     * @return Returns the borderVisible.
     * @deprecated
    public boolean isBorderVisible() {
        return isShowBorder();

     * @param borderVisible The borderVisible to set.
     * @deprecated
    public void setBorderVisible(final boolean borderVisible) {

     * @return Returns the borderPaint.
     * @deprecated Is not used anywhere ...
    public Paint getBorderPaint() {
        return borderPaint;

     * @param borderPaint The borderPaint to set.
     * @deprecated is not used anywhere
    public void setBorderPaint(final Paint borderPaint) {
        this.borderPaint = borderPaint;

    public String getTitlePositionText() {
        return titlePositionText;

    public void setTitlePositionText(final String titlePositionText) {
        this.titlePositionText = titlePositionText;

     * @return Returns the titlePosition.
     * @deprecated Dont use that.
    public RectangleEdge getTitlePosition() {
        return translateEdge(titlePositionText);

     * @param titlePosition The titlePosition to set.
     * @deprecated Dont use that.
    public void setTitlePosition(final RectangleEdge titlePosition) {
        if (RectangleEdge.TOP.equals(titlePosition)) {
            this.titlePositionText = "top";
        } else if (RectangleEdge.LEFT.equals(titlePosition)) {
            this.titlePositionText = "left";
        } else if (RectangleEdge.BOTTOM.equals(titlePosition)) {
            this.titlePositionText = "bottom";
        } else if (RectangleEdge.RIGHT.equals(titlePosition)) {
            this.titlePositionText = "right";
        } else {
            this.titlePositionText = "left";

     * @return Returns the domainTitle.
    public String getDomainTitle() {
        return domainTitle;

     * @param domainTitle The domainTitle to set.
    public void setDomainTitle(final String domainTitle) {
        this.domainTitle = domainTitle;

     * @return Returns the rangeTitle.
    public String getRangeTitle() {
        return rangeTitle;

     * @param rangeTitle The rangeTitle to set.
    public void setRangeTitle(final String rangeTitle) {
        this.rangeTitle = rangeTitle;

     * @return Returns the domainTitleFont.
    public Font getDomainTitleFont() {
        return domainTitleFont;

     * @param domainTitleFont The domainTitleFont to set.
    public void setDomainTitleFont(final Font domainTitleFont) {
        this.domainTitleFont = domainTitleFont;

     * Return the java.awt.Font to be used to display the range axis tick labels
     * @return Font The Font for the range axis tick labels
    public Font getDomainTickFont() {
        return domainTickFont;

     * @param domainTickFont The domainTickFont to set.
    public void setDomainTickFont(final Font domainTickFont) {
        this.domainTickFont = domainTickFont;

     * @return Returns the rangeTickFormat.
    public NumberFormat getDomainTickFormat() {
        return domainTickFormat;

     * @param domainTickFormat The range tick number format to set.
    public void setDomainTickFormat(final NumberFormat domainTickFormat) {
        this.domainTickFormat = domainTickFormat;

     * @return Returns the rangeTitleFont.
    public Font getRangeTitleFont() {
        return rangeTitleFont;

     * @param rangeTitleFont The rangeTitleFont to set.
    public void setRangeTitleFont(final Font rangeTitleFont) {
        this.rangeTitleFont = rangeTitleFont;

     * @return Returns the rangeTickFormat.
    public NumberFormat getRangeTickFormat() {
        return rangeTickFormat;

     * @param rangeTickFormat The range tick number format to set.
    public void setRangeTickFormat(final NumberFormat rangeTickFormat) {
        this.rangeTickFormat = rangeTickFormat;

    public String getDomainTickFormatString() {
        return domainTickFormatString;

    public void setDomainTickFormatString(final String domainTickFormatString) {
        this.domainTickFormatString = domainTickFormatString;

    public String getRangeTickFormatString() {
        return rangeTickFormatString;

    public void setRangeTickFormatString(final String rangeTickFormatString) {
        this.rangeTickFormatString = rangeTickFormatString;

     * Return the java.awt.Font to be used to display the range axis tick labels
     * @return Font The Font for the range axis tick labels
    public Font getRangeTickFont() {
        return rangeTickFont;

     * @param rangeTickFont The rangeTitleFont to set.
    public void setRangeTickFont(final Font rangeTickFont) {
        this.rangeTickFont = rangeTickFont;

     * Return the range axis' minimum value
     * @return double Range axis' minimum value
    public double getRangeMinimum() {
        return rangeMinimum;

     * @param rangeMinimum Set the minimum value of the range axis.
    public void setRangeMinimum(final double rangeMinimum) {
        this.rangeMinimum = rangeMinimum;

     * Return the range axis' maximum value
     * @return double Range axis' maximum value
    public double getRangeMaximum() {
        return rangeMaximum;

     * @param rangeMaximum Set the maximum value of the range axis.
    public void setRangeMaximum(final double rangeMaximum) {
        this.rangeMaximum = rangeMaximum;

     * Return the domain axis' minimum value
     * @return double domain axis' minimum value
    public double getDomainMinimum() {
        return domainMinimum;

     * @param domainMinimum Set the minimum value of the domain axis.
    public void setDomainMinimum(final double domainMinimum) {
        this.domainMinimum = domainMinimum;

     * Return the domain axis' maximum value
     * @return double domain axis' maximum value
    public double getDomainMaximum() {
        return domainMaximum;

     * @param domainMaximum Set the maximum value of the domain axis.
    public void setDomainMaximum(final double domainMaximum) {
        this.domainMaximum = domainMaximum;

    protected JFreeChart computeChart(final Dataset dataset) {
        if (dataset instanceof XYDataset == false) {
            return computeXYChart(null);

        final XYDataset xyDataset = (XYDataset) dataset;
        return computeXYChart(xyDataset);

    protected void configureLogarithmicAxis(final XYPlot plot) {
        if (isLogarithmicAxis()) {
            final LogarithmicAxis logarithmicAxis;
            if (isHumanReadableLogarithmicFormat()) {
                plot.getRenderer().setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new LogXYItemLabelGenerator());
                logarithmicAxis = new ScalingLogarithmicAxis(getRangeTitle());
            } else {
                logarithmicAxis = new LogarithmicAxis(getRangeTitle());


    protected JFreeChart computeXYChart(final XYDataset xyDataset) {
        return getChart(xyDataset);

    protected void configureChart(final JFreeChart chart) {

        final XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();
        final XYItemRenderer renderer = plot.getRenderer();

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(getTooltipFormula()) == false) {
            renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new FormulaXYZTooltipGenerator(getRuntime(), getTooltipFormula()));
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(getUrlFormula()) == false) {
            renderer.setURLGenerator(new FormulaXYZURLGenerator(getRuntime(), getUrlFormula()));

        renderer.setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new StandardXYItemLabelGenerator());
        if (getItemLabelFont() != null) {


        // May be an axis that supports dates
        final ValueAxis domainAxis = plot.getDomainAxis();
        if (domainAxis instanceof NumberAxis) {
            final NumberAxis numberAxis = (NumberAxis) domainAxis;
            if (getDomainPeriodCount() > 0) {
                if (getDomainTickFormat() != null) {
                    numberAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(getDomainPeriodCount(), getDomainTickFormat()));
                } else if (getDomainTickFormatString() != null) {
                    final FastDecimalFormat formatter = new FastDecimalFormat(getDomainTickFormatString(),
                    numberAxis.setTickUnit(new FastNumberTickUnit(getDomainPeriodCount(), formatter));
                } else {
                    numberAxis.setTickUnit(new FastNumberTickUnit(getDomainPeriodCount()));
            } else {
                if (getDomainTickFormat() != null) {
                } else if (getDomainTickFormatString() != null) {
                    final DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(getDomainTickFormatString(),
                            new DecimalFormatSymbols(getResourceBundleFactory().getLocale()));
        } else if (domainAxis instanceof DateAxis) {
            final DateAxis numberAxis = (DateAxis) domainAxis;

            if (getDomainPeriodCount() > 0 && getDomainTimePeriod() != null) {
                if (getDomainTickFormatString() != null) {
                    final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(getDomainTickFormatString(),
                            new DateFormatSymbols(getResourceBundleFactory().getLocale()));
                    numberAxis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(getDateUnitAsInt(getDomainTimePeriod()),
                            (int) getDomainPeriodCount(), formatter));
                } else {
                    numberAxis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(getDateUnitAsInt(getDomainTimePeriod()),
                            (int) getDomainPeriodCount()));

        if (domainAxis != null) {
            if (getDomainTitleFont() != null) {
            if (getDomainTickFont() != null) {
            final int level = getRuntime().getProcessingContext().getCompatibilityLevel();
            if (ClassicEngineBoot.isEnforceCompatibilityFor(level, 3, 8)) {
                if (getDomainMinimum() != 0) {
                if (getDomainMaximum() != 1) {
                if (getDomainMinimum() == 0 && getDomainMaximum() == 0) {
            } else {

        final ValueAxis rangeAxis = plot.getRangeAxis();
        if (rangeAxis instanceof NumberAxis) {
            final NumberAxis numberAxis = (NumberAxis) rangeAxis;

            if (getRangePeriodCount() > 0) {
                if (getRangeTickFormat() != null) {
                    numberAxis.setTickUnit(new NumberTickUnit(getRangePeriodCount(), getRangeTickFormat()));
                } else if (getRangeTickFormatString() != null) {
                    final FastDecimalFormat formatter = new FastDecimalFormat(getRangeTickFormatString(),
                    numberAxis.setTickUnit(new FastNumberTickUnit(getRangePeriodCount(), formatter));
                } else {
                    numberAxis.setTickUnit(new FastNumberTickUnit(getRangePeriodCount()));
            } else {
                if (getRangeTickFormat() != null) {
                } else if (getRangeTickFormatString() != null) {
                    final DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(getRangeTickFormatString(),
                            new DecimalFormatSymbols(getResourceBundleFactory().getLocale()));
                    standardTickUnitsApplyFormat(numberAxis, formatter);
        } else if (rangeAxis instanceof DateAxis) {
            final DateAxis numberAxis = (DateAxis) rangeAxis;

            if (getRangePeriodCount() > 0 && getRangeTimePeriod() != null) {
                if (getRangeTickFormatString() != null) {
                    final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(getRangeTickFormatString(),
                            new DateFormatSymbols(getResourceBundleFactory().getLocale()));
                    numberAxis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(getDateUnitAsInt(getRangeTimePeriod()),
                            (int) getRangePeriodCount(), formatter));
                } else {
                            new DateTickUnit(getDateUnitAsInt(getRangeTimePeriod()), (int) getRangePeriodCount()));
            } else {
                if (getRangeTickFormatString() != null) {
                    final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(getRangeTickFormatString(),
                            new DateFormatSymbols(getResourceBundleFactory().getLocale()));

        if (rangeAxis != null) {
            if (getRangeTitleFont() != null) {
            if (getRangeTickFont() != null) {
            final int level = getRuntime().getProcessingContext().getCompatibilityLevel();
            if (ClassicEngineBoot.isEnforceCompatibilityFor(level, 3, 8)) {
                if (getRangeMinimum() != 0) {
                if (getRangeMaximum() != 1) {
                if (getRangeMinimum() == 0 && getRangeMaximum() == 0) {
            } else {

        final String[] colors = getSeriesColor();
        for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
            renderer.setSeriesPaint(i, parseColorFromString(colors[i]));

    protected PlotOrientation computePlotOrientation() {
        final PlotOrientation orientation;
        if (isHorizontal()) {
            orientation = PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL;
        } else {
            orientation = PlotOrientation.VERTICAL;
        return orientation;


     * @return Returns the subTitles.
     * @deprecated Subtitles are not used.
    public List getSubtitles() {
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * @return Returns the subTitles.
     * @deprecated Subtitles are not used.
    public void addSubTitle(final String subTitle) {

     * @param xyDataset
     * @return
     * @deprecated Not public, no getter
    public JFreeChart getChart(final XYDataset xyDataset) {
        return null;

     * @return
     * @deprecated Not used anywhere. You might want to use "itemLabelVisible"
    public boolean isDisplayLabels() {
        return false;

    public double getDomainPeriodCount() {
        return domainPeriodCount;

    public void setDomainPeriodCount(final double domainPeriodCount) {
        this.domainPeriodCount = domainPeriodCount;

    public double getRangePeriodCount() {
        return rangePeriodCount;

    public void setRangePeriodCount(final double rangePeriodCount) {
        this.rangePeriodCount = rangePeriodCount;

    private int getDateUnitAsInt(final Class domainTimePeriod) {
        if (Second.class.equals(domainTimePeriod)) {
            return DateTickUnit.SECOND;
        if (Minute.class.equals(domainTimePeriod)) {
            return DateTickUnit.MINUTE;
        if (Hour.class.equals(domainTimePeriod)) {
            return DateTickUnit.HOUR;
        if (Day.class.equals(domainTimePeriod)) {
            return DateTickUnit.DAY;
        if (Month.class.equals(domainTimePeriod)) {
            return DateTickUnit.MONTH;
        if (Year.class.equals(domainTimePeriod)) {
            return DateTickUnit.YEAR;
        if (Second.class.equals(domainTimePeriod)) {
            return DateTickUnit.MILLISECOND;
        return DateTickUnit.DAY;

    protected ExtTimeTableXYDataset convertToTable(final XYDataset xyDataset) {
        final TimeSeriesCollection timeSeriesCollection = (TimeSeriesCollection) xyDataset;
        final ExtTimeTableXYDataset tableXYDataset = new ExtTimeTableXYDataset();
        final int count = timeSeriesCollection.getSeriesCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final Comparable key = timeSeriesCollection.getSeriesKey(i);
            final TimeSeries timeSeries = timeSeriesCollection.getSeries(i);
            final int itemCount = timeSeries.getItemCount();
            for (int ic = 0; ic < itemCount; ic++) {
                final TimeSeriesDataItem seriesDataItem = timeSeries.getDataItem(ic);
                tableXYDataset.add(seriesDataItem.getPeriod(), seriesDataItem.getValue(), key, false);
        return tableXYDataset;

    protected TableXYDataset convertToTable(final XYSeriesCollection xyDataset) {
        final ExtCategoryTableXYDataset tableXYDataset = new ExtCategoryTableXYDataset();
        final int count = xyDataset.getSeriesCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final XYSeries timeSeries = xyDataset.getSeries(i);
            final Comparable key = timeSeries.getKey();
            final int itemCount = timeSeries.getItemCount();
            for (int ic = 0; ic < itemCount; ic++) {
                final XYDataItem seriesDataItem = timeSeries.getDataItem(ic);
                tableXYDataset.add(seriesDataItem.getX(), seriesDataItem.getY(), key, false);
        return tableXYDataset;

    public void reconfigureForCompatibility(final int versionTag) {
        if (ClassicEngineBoot.isEnforceCompatibilityFor(versionTag, 3, 8)) {
            setRangeAxisAutoRange(getRangeMinimum() == 0 && getRangeMaximum() == 1);
            setDomainAxisAutoRange(getDomainMinimum() == 0 && getDomainMaximum() == 1);