Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
 * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at
 * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * Copyright (c) 2001 - 2017 Object Refinery Ltd, Hitachi Vantara and Contributors..  All rights reserved.


import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.awt.print.Paper;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.ElementAlignment;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.LocalImageContainer;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.URLImageContainer;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.ModelPrinter;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.BlockRenderBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.CanvasRenderBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.InlineRenderBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.LayoutNodeTypes;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.LogicalPageBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.ParagraphRenderBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.RenderBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.RenderNode;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.RenderableComplexText;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.RenderableReplacedContentBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.RenderableText;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.table.TableCellRenderBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.table.TableColumnGroupNode;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.table.TableRenderBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.table.TableRowRenderBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.model.table.TableSectionRenderBox;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.output.CollectSelectedNodesStep;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.output.OutputProcessorFeature;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.output.OutputProcessorMetaData;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.output.RenderUtility;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.process.IterateStructuralProcessStep;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.process.RevalidateTextEllipseProcessStep;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.text.ExtendedBaselineInfo;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.text.Glyph;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.text.GlyphList;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.util.geom.StrictBounds;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.util.geom.StrictGeomUtility;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.util.FastStack;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.util.WaitingImageObserver;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.encoding.CodePointBuffer;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.Resource;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceException;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceKey;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceManager;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.factory.drawable.DrawableWrapper;

 * The page drawable is the content provider for the Graphics2DOutputTarget. This component is responsible for rendering
 * the current page to a Graphics2D object.
 * @author Thomas Morgner
public class LogicalPageDrawable extends IterateStructuralProcessStep implements PageDrawable {
    protected static class TextSpec {
        private boolean bold;
        private boolean italics;
        private String fontName;
        private float fontSize;
        private Graphics2D graphics;

        protected TextSpec(final StyleSheet layoutContext, final OutputProcessorMetaData metaData,
                final Graphics2D graphics) {
            if (graphics == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException();
            if (metaData == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException();
            if (layoutContext == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException();

   = graphics;
            fontName = metaData
                    .getNormalizedFontFamilyName((String) layoutContext.getStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.FONT));
            fontSize = (float) layoutContext.getDoubleStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.FONTSIZE, 10);
            bold = layoutContext.getBooleanStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.BOLD);
            italics = layoutContext.getBooleanStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.ITALIC);

        public boolean isBold() {
            return bold;

        public boolean isItalics() {
            return italics;

        public String getFontName() {
            return fontName;

        public float getFontSize() {
            return fontSize;

        public Graphics2D getGraphics() {
            return graphics;

        public void close() {
            graphics = null;

    private static class FontDecorationSpec {
        private double end;
        private double start;
        private double verticalPosition;
        private double lineWidth;
        private Color textColor;

        protected FontDecorationSpec() {
            start = -1;
            end = -1;

        public Color getTextColor() {
            return textColor;

        public void setTextColor(final Color textColor) {
            this.textColor = textColor;

        public void updateStart(final double start) {
            if (this.start < 0) {
                this.start = start;
            } else if (start < this.start) {
                this.start = start;

        public double getEnd() {
            return end;

        public void updateEnd(final double end) {
            if (this.end < 0) {
                this.end = end;
            } else if (end > this.end) {
                this.end = end;

        public double getStart() {
            return start;

        public double getLineWidth() {
            return lineWidth;

        public void updateLineWidth(final double lineWidth) {
            if (lineWidth > this.lineWidth) {
                this.lineWidth = lineWidth;

        public void updateVerticalPosition(final double verticalPosition) {
            if (verticalPosition > this.verticalPosition) {
                this.verticalPosition = verticalPosition;

        public double getVerticalPosition() {
            return verticalPosition;

    private static class TableContext {
        private TableContext parent;
        private StrictBounds bounds;
        private StrictBounds drawArea;

        private TableContext(final TableContext parent) {
            this.parent = parent;
            this.bounds = new StrictBounds();
            this.drawArea = new StrictBounds();

        public StrictBounds getDrawArea() {
            return drawArea;

        public StrictBounds getBounds() {
            return bounds;

        public TableContext pop() {
            return parent;

    public static final BasicStroke DEFAULT_STROKE = new BasicStroke(1);
    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(LogicalPageDrawable.class);

    private FontDecorationSpec strikeThrough;
    private FontDecorationSpec underline;
    private boolean outlineMode;
    private LogicalPageBox rootBox;
    private OutputProcessorMetaData metaData;
    private PageFormat pageFormat;
    private double width;
    private double height;
    private CodePointBuffer codePointBuffer;
    private Graphics2D graphics;
    private boolean textLineOverflow;
    private long contentAreaX1;
    private long contentAreaX2;
    private RevalidateTextEllipseProcessStep revalidateTextEllipseProcessStep;
    private StrictBounds drawArea;
    // A reusable rectangle for rendering; not used for decisions
    private Rectangle2D.Double boxArea;
    private TextSpec textSpec;
    private boolean ellipseDrawn;
    private CollectSelectedNodesStep collectSelectedNodesStep;
    private BorderRenderer borderRenderer;
    private boolean drawPageBackground;
    private ResourceManager resourceManager;
    private boolean clipOnWordBoundary;
    private boolean strictClipping;
    private boolean unalignedPageBands;
    private TableContext tableContext;
    private FastStack<Graphics2D> graphicsContexts;
    private StrictBounds pageArea;

    public LogicalPageDrawable() {
        this.graphicsContexts = new FastStack<Graphics2D>();
        this.borderRenderer = new BorderRenderer();
        this.codePointBuffer = new CodePointBuffer(400);
        this.boxArea = new Rectangle2D.Double();
        this.drawPageBackground = true;

    public LogicalPageDrawable(final LogicalPageBox rootBox, final OutputProcessorMetaData metaData,
            final ResourceManager resourceManager) {
        init(rootBox, metaData, resourceManager);

    public void init(final LogicalPageBox rootBox, final OutputProcessorMetaData metaData,
            final ResourceManager resourceManager) {
        if (rootBox == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (metaData == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (resourceManager == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();

        this.resourceManager = resourceManager;
        this.metaData = metaData;
        this.rootBox = rootBox;
        this.width = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(rootBox.getPageWidth());
        this.height = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(rootBox.getPageHeight());

        final Paper paper = new Paper();
        paper.setImageableArea(0, 0, width, height);

        this.pageFormat = new PageFormat();

        this.strictClipping = "true".equals(metaData.getConfiguration().getConfigProperty(
        this.outlineMode = "true".equals(metaData.getConfiguration().getConfigProperty(
        if ("true".equals(metaData.getConfiguration().getConfigProperty(
                ""))) {

        this.unalignedPageBands = metaData.isFeatureSupported(OutputProcessorFeature.UNALIGNED_PAGEBANDS);
        revalidateTextEllipseProcessStep = new RevalidateTextEllipseProcessStep(metaData);
        collectSelectedNodesStep = new CollectSelectedNodesStep();
        this.clipOnWordBoundary = "true".equals(metaData.getConfiguration()

    public LogicalPageBox getLogicalPageBox() {
        return rootBox;

    protected ResourceManager getResourceManager() {
        return resourceManager;

    public boolean isClipOnWordBoundary() {
        return clipOnWordBoundary;

    public boolean isOutlineMode() {
        return outlineMode;

    public void setOutlineMode(final boolean outlineMode) {
        this.outlineMode = outlineMode;

    protected StrictBounds getDrawArea() {
        return drawArea;

    public PageFormat getPageFormat() {
        return (PageFormat) pageFormat.clone();

     * Returns the preferred size of the drawable. If the drawable is aspect ratio aware, these bounds should be used to
     * compute the preferred aspect ratio for this drawable.
     * @return the preferred size.
    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
        return new Dimension((int) width, (int) height);

    public double getHeight() {
        return height;

    public double getWidth() {
        return width;

     * Returns true, if this drawable will preserve an aspect ratio during the drawing.
     * @return true, if an aspect ratio is preserved, false otherwise.
    public boolean isPreserveAspectRatio() {
        return true;

    public boolean isDrawPageBackground() {
        return drawPageBackground;

    public void setDrawPageBackground(final boolean drawPageBackground) {
        this.drawPageBackground = drawPageBackground;

     * Draws the object.
     * @param graphics
     *          the graphics device.
     * @param area
     *          the area inside which the object should be drawn.
    public void draw(final Graphics2D graphics, final Rectangle2D area) {
        final Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) graphics.create();
        if (isDrawPageBackground()) {
        g2.translate(-area.getX(), -area.getY());

        try {
            final StrictBounds pageBounds = StrictGeomUtility.createBounds(area.getX(), area.getY(),
                    area.getWidth(), area.getHeight());
            this.pageArea = pageBounds;
            this.drawArea = pageBounds;
   = g2;

            if (startBlockBox(rootBox)) {
        } finally {
   = null;
            this.drawArea = null;

    protected void processRootBand(final StrictBounds pageBounds) {
        final Shape clip =;

        boolean watermarkOnTop = getMetaData().isFeatureSupported(OutputProcessorFeature.WATERMARK_PRINTED_ON_TOP);
        if (!watermarkOnTop) {

        final BlockRenderBox headerArea = rootBox.getHeaderArea();
        final BlockRenderBox footerArea = rootBox.getFooterArea();
        final BlockRenderBox repeatFooterArea = rootBox.getRepeatFooterArea();
        final StrictBounds headerBounds = new StrictBounds(headerArea.getX(), headerArea.getY(),
                headerArea.getWidth(), headerArea.getHeight());
        final StrictBounds footerBounds = new StrictBounds(footerArea.getX(), footerArea.getY(),
                footerArea.getWidth(), footerArea.getHeight());
        final StrictBounds repeatFooterBounds = new StrictBounds(repeatFooterArea.getX(), repeatFooterArea.getY(),
                repeatFooterArea.getWidth(), repeatFooterArea.getHeight());
        final StrictBounds contentBounds = new StrictBounds(rootBox.getX(),
                headerArea.getY() + headerArea.getHeight(), rootBox.getWidth(),
                repeatFooterArea.getY() - headerArea.getHeight());

        final double headerHeight = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(drawArea.getHeight());


        if (unalignedPageBands) {
  , headerHeight);


        if (unalignedPageBands) {
  , -headerHeight);
  , height
                    - StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(footerBounds.getHeight() + repeatFooterBounds.getHeight()));


        if (unalignedPageBands) {
  , StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(repeatFooterBounds.getHeight()));


        if (watermarkOnTop) {


    protected Rectangle2D createClipRect(final StrictBounds bounds) {
        return StrictGeomUtility.createAWTRectangle(bounds.getX() - 1, bounds.getY() - 1, bounds.getWidth() + 2,
                bounds.getHeight() + 2);

    protected LogicalPageBox getRootBox() {
        return rootBox;

    protected void setDrawArea(final StrictBounds drawArea) {
        this.drawArea = pageArea.createIntersection(drawArea);

    protected void drawOutlineBox(final Graphics2D g2, final RenderBox box) {
        final int nodeType = box.getNodeType();
        if (nodeType == LayoutNodeTypes.TYPE_BOX_PARAGRAPH) {
        } else if (nodeType == LayoutNodeTypes.TYPE_BOX_LINEBOX) {
        } else if ((nodeType & LayoutNodeTypes.MASK_BOX_TABLE) == LayoutNodeTypes.MASK_BOX_TABLE) {
        } else {
        final double x = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(box.getX());
        final double y = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(box.getY());
        final double w = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(box.getWidth());
        final double h = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(box.getHeight());
        boxArea.setFrame(x, y, w, h);

    protected void processLinksAndAnchors(final RenderNode box) {
        final StyleSheet styleSheet = box.getStyleSheet();
        final String target = (String) styleSheet.getStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.HREF_TARGET);
        final String title = (String) styleSheet.getStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.HREF_TITLE);
        if (target != null || title != null) {
            final String window = (String) styleSheet.getStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.HREF_WINDOW);
            drawHyperlink(box, target, window, title);

        final String anchor = (String) styleSheet.getStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.ANCHOR_NAME);
        if (anchor != null) {

        final String bookmark = (String) styleSheet.getStyleProperty(BandStyleKeys.BOOKMARK);
        if (bookmark != null) {
            drawBookmark(box, bookmark);

    protected void drawBookmark(final RenderNode box, final String bookmark) {

    protected void drawHyperlink(final RenderNode box, final String target, final String window,
            final String title) {

    public boolean startCanvasBox(final CanvasRenderBox box) {
        return startBox(box);

    protected boolean startBlockBox(final BlockRenderBox box) {
        return startBox(box);

    protected boolean startRowBox(final RenderBox box) {
        return startBox(box);

    protected boolean startTableCellBox(final TableCellRenderBox box) {
        return startBox(box);

    protected boolean startBox(final RenderBox box) {
        if (box.getStaticBoxLayoutProperties().isVisible() == false) {
            return false;

        if (box instanceof LogicalPageBox == false) {
            if (box.isBoxVisible(drawArea) == false) {
                return false;


        return true;

    protected boolean startTableRowBox(final TableRowRenderBox box) {
        return startBox(box);

    protected boolean startTableSectionBox(final TableSectionRenderBox box) {
        if (box.getDisplayRole() != TableSectionRenderBox.Role.HEADER) {
            final StrictBounds bounds = tableContext.getBounds();
            if (bounds.getHeight() != 0) {
                // clip the printable area to an infinite large area below the header.
                // Pdf output has a limit of 32768 for its floating point numbers (16-bit),
                // any larger value yields an invalid clipping area.
                final StrictBounds clipBounds = new StrictBounds(bounds.getX(), bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight(),
        return startBox(box);

    protected void finishTableSectionBox(final TableSectionRenderBox box) {
        if (box.getDisplayRole() == TableSectionRenderBox.Role.HEADER) {
            tableContext.getBounds().setRect(box.getX(), box.getY(), box.getWidth(), box.getHeight());
        } else if (tableContext.getBounds().getHeight() != 0) {

    protected boolean startTableBox(final TableRenderBox box) {
        tableContext = new TableContext(tableContext);
        return startBox(box);

    protected void finishTableBox(final TableRenderBox box) {
        tableContext = tableContext.pop();

    protected boolean startTableColumnGroupBox(final TableColumnGroupNode box) {
        return false;

    protected boolean startAutoBox(final RenderBox box) {
        return startBox(box);

    protected boolean startInlineBox(final InlineRenderBox box) {
        if (box.getStaticBoxLayoutProperties().isVisible() == false) {
            return false;

        if (box.isBoxVisible(drawArea) == false) {
            return false;


        TextSpec textSpec = getTextSpec();
        if (textSpec != null) {

        final FontDecorationSpec newUnderlineSpec = computeUnderline(box, underline);
        if (underline != null && newUnderlineSpec == null) {
            underline = null;
        } else {
            underline = newUnderlineSpec;

        final FontDecorationSpec newStrikeThroughSpec = computeStrikeThrough(box, strikeThrough);
        if (strikeThrough != null && newStrikeThroughSpec == null) {
            strikeThrough = null;
        } else {
            strikeThrough = newStrikeThroughSpec;

        return true;

    protected boolean isIgnoreBorderWhenDrawingOutline() {
        return false;

    protected void renderBoxBorderAndBackground(final RenderBox box) {
        final Graphics2D g2 = getGraphics();
        if (isOutlineMode()) {
            drawOutlineBox(g2, box);
            if (isIgnoreBorderWhenDrawingOutline()) {

        if (box.getBoxDefinition().getBorder().isEmpty() == false) {
            borderRenderer.paintBackgroundAndBorder(box, g2);
        } else {
            final Color backgroundColor = (Color) box.getStyleSheet()
            if (backgroundColor != null) {
                final double x = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(box.getX());
                final double y = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(box.getY());
                final double w = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(box.getWidth());
                final double h = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(box.getHeight());
                boxArea.setFrame(x, y, w, h);

    protected Rectangle2D.Double getBoxArea() {
        return boxArea;

    protected TextSpec getTextSpec() {
        return textSpec;

    protected void setTextSpec(final TextSpec textSpec) {
        this.textSpec = textSpec;

    private FontDecorationSpec computeUnderline(final RenderBox box, FontDecorationSpec oldSpec) {
        final StyleSheet styleSheet = box.getStyleSheet();
        if (styleSheet.getBooleanStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.UNDERLINED) == false) {
            return null;
        if (oldSpec == null) {
            oldSpec = new FontDecorationSpec();
        final double size = box.getStyleSheet().getDoubleStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.FONTSIZE, 0);
        final double lineWidth = Math.max(1, size / 20.0);
        oldSpec.setTextColor((Color) box.getStyleSheet().getStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.PAINT));
        return oldSpec;

    private FontDecorationSpec computeStrikeThrough(final RenderBox box, FontDecorationSpec oldSpec) {
        final StyleSheet styleSheet = box.getStyleSheet();
        if (styleSheet.getBooleanStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.STRIKETHROUGH) == false) {
            return null;
        if (oldSpec == null) {
            oldSpec = new FontDecorationSpec();

        final double size = box.getStyleSheet().getDoubleStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.FONTSIZE, 0);
        final double lineWidth = Math.max(1, size / 20.0);
        oldSpec.setTextColor((Color) box.getStyleSheet().getStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.PAINT));
        return oldSpec;

    private boolean isStyleActive(final StyleKey key, final RenderBox parent) {
        if ((parent.getLayoutNodeType() & LayoutNodeTypes.MASK_BOX_INLINE) != LayoutNodeTypes.MASK_BOX_INLINE) {
            return false;
        return parent.getStyleSheet().getBooleanStyleProperty(key);

    protected void finishInlineBox(final InlineRenderBox box) {
        TextSpec textSpec = getTextSpec();
        if (textSpec != null) {
        final RenderBox parent = box.getParent();
        if (underline != null) {
            if (isStyleActive(TextStyleKeys.UNDERLINED, parent) == false) {
                // The parent has no underline style, but this box has. So finish up the underline.
                underline = null;
        } else {
            // maybe this inlinebox has no underline, but the parent has ...
            underline = computeUnderline(box, null);

        if (strikeThrough != null) {
            if (isStyleActive(TextStyleKeys.STRIKETHROUGH, parent) == false) {
                // The parent has no underline style, but this box has. So finish up the underline.
                strikeThrough = null;
        } else {
            underline = computeUnderline(box, null);

    private void drawTextDecoration(final FontDecorationSpec decorationSpec) {
        final Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) getGraphics().create();
        graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke((float) decorationSpec.getLineWidth()));
        graphics.draw(new Line2D.Double(decorationSpec.getStart(), decorationSpec.getVerticalPosition(),
                decorationSpec.getEnd(), decorationSpec.getVerticalPosition()));

    protected void processParagraphChilds(final ParagraphRenderBox box) {
        this.contentAreaX1 = box.getContentAreaX1();
        this.contentAreaX2 = box.getContentAreaX2();
        this.textSpec = null;

        RenderBox lineBox = (RenderBox) box.getFirstChild();
        if (lineBox != null) {
            final boolean needClipping = lineBox.getHeight() > box.getHeight() && !box.isBoxOverflowX();
            if (needClipping) {
                // clip
                StrictBounds safeBounds = new StrictBounds(lineBox.getX(), lineBox.getY(),
                        lineBox.getWidth() * 3 / 2, lineBox.getHeight());
            while (lineBox != null) {
                processTextLine(lineBox, contentAreaX1, contentAreaX2);
                lineBox = (RenderBox) lineBox.getNext();
            if (needClipping) {

        if (textSpec != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();

    protected void processTextLine(final RenderBox lineBox, final long contentAreaX1, final long contentAreaX2) {
        if (lineBox.isNodeVisible(drawArea) == false) {

        final boolean overflowProperty = lineBox.getParent().getStaticBoxLayoutProperties().isOverflowX();
        this.textLineOverflow = ((lineBox.getX() + lineBox.getWidth()) > contentAreaX2)
                && overflowProperty == false;

        this.ellipseDrawn = false;
        if (textLineOverflow) {
            revalidateTextEllipseProcessStep.compute(lineBox, contentAreaX1, contentAreaX2);

        underline = null;
        strikeThrough = null;


    public long getContentAreaX2() {
        return contentAreaX2;

    public void setContentAreaX2(final long contentAreaX2) {
        this.contentAreaX2 = contentAreaX2;

    public long getContentAreaX1() {
        return contentAreaX1;

    public void setContentAreaX1(final long contentAreaX1) {
        this.contentAreaX1 = contentAreaX1;

    public boolean isTextLineOverflow() {
        return textLineOverflow;

    public void setTextLineOverflow(final boolean textLineOverflow) {
        this.textLineOverflow = textLineOverflow;

    protected void processOtherNode(final RenderNode node) {
        if (node.isNodeVisible(drawArea) == false) {

        final int type = node.getNodeType();
        if (isTextLineOverflow()) {
            if (node.isVirtualNode()) {
                if (ellipseDrawn == false) {
                    if (isClipOnWordBoundary() == false && type == LayoutNodeTypes.TYPE_NODE_TEXT) {
                        final RenderableText text = (RenderableText) node;
                        final long ellipseSize = extractEllipseSize(node);
                        final long x1 = text.getX();
                        final long effectiveAreaX2 = (contentAreaX2 - ellipseSize);

                        if (x1 < contentAreaX2) {
                            // The text node that is printed will overlap with the ellipse we need to print.
                            drawText(text, effectiveAreaX2);
                    } else if (isClipOnWordBoundary() == false && type == LayoutNodeTypes.TYPE_NODE_COMPLEX_TEXT) {
                        final RenderableComplexText text = (RenderableComplexText) node;
                        // final long ellipseSize = extractEllipseSize(node);
                        final long x1 = text.getX();
                        // final long effectiveAreaX2 = (contentAreaX2 - ellipseSize);

                        if (x1 < contentAreaX2) {
                            // The text node that is printed will overlap with the ellipse we need to print.
                            final Graphics2D g2;
                            if (getTextSpec() == null) {
                                g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics().create();
                                final StyleSheet layoutContext = text.getStyleSheet();
                                configureGraphics(layoutContext, g2);

                                if (RenderUtility.isFontSmooth(layoutContext, metaData)) {
                                } else {
                            } else {
                                g2 = getTextSpec().getGraphics();

                            drawComplexText(text, g2);

                    ellipseDrawn = true;

                    final RenderBox parent = node.getParent();
                    if (parent != null) {
                        final RenderBox textEllipseBox = parent.getTextEllipseBox();
                        if (textEllipseBox != null) {

        if (type == LayoutNodeTypes.TYPE_NODE_TEXT) {
            final RenderableText text = (RenderableText) node;
            if (underline != null) {
                final ExtendedBaselineInfo baselineInfo = text.getBaselineInfo();
                final long underlinePos = text.getY() + baselineInfo.getUnderlinePosition();
                underline.updateEnd(StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(text.getX() + text.getWidth()));

            if (strikeThrough != null) {
                final ExtendedBaselineInfo baselineInfo = text.getBaselineInfo();
                final long strikethroughPos = text.getY() + baselineInfo.getStrikethroughPosition();
                strikeThrough.updateEnd(StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(text.getX() + text.getWidth()));

            if (isTextLineOverflow()) {
                final long ellipseSize = extractEllipseSize(node);
                final long x1 = text.getX();
                final long x2 = x1 + text.getWidth();
                final long effectiveAreaX2 = (contentAreaX2 - ellipseSize);
                if (x2 <= effectiveAreaX2) {
                    // the text will be fully visible.
                } else {
                    if (x1 < contentAreaX2) {
                        // The text node that is printed will overlap with the ellipse we need to print.
                        drawText(text, effectiveAreaX2);

                    final RenderBox parent = node.getParent();
                    if (parent != null) {
                        final RenderBox textEllipseBox = parent.getTextEllipseBox();
                        if (textEllipseBox != null) {

                    ellipseDrawn = true;
            } else {
        } else if (type == LayoutNodeTypes.TYPE_NODE_COMPLEX_TEXT) {
            final RenderableComplexText text = (RenderableComplexText) node;
            final long x1 = text.getX();

            if (x1 < contentAreaX2) {
                // The text node that is printed will overlap with the ellipse we need to print.
                final Graphics2D g2;
                if (getTextSpec() == null) {
                    g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics().create();
                    final StyleSheet layoutContext = text.getStyleSheet();
                    configureGraphics(layoutContext, g2);

                    if (RenderUtility.isFontSmooth(layoutContext, metaData)) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    g2 = getTextSpec().getGraphics();

                drawComplexText(text, g2);

    protected void processRenderableContent(final RenderableReplacedContentBox box) {
        if (box.getStaticBoxLayoutProperties().isVisible() == false) {

        if (box.isBoxVisible(drawArea) == false) {


    private long extractEllipseSize(final RenderNode node) {
        if (node == null) {
            return 0;
        final RenderBox parent = node.getParent();
        if (parent == null) {
            return 0;
        final RenderBox textEllipseBox = parent.getTextEllipseBox();
        if (textEllipseBox == null) {
            return 0;
        return textEllipseBox.getWidth();

    protected void drawReplacedContent(final RenderableReplacedContentBox content) {
        final Graphics2D g2 = getGraphics();
        final Object o = content.getContent().getRawObject();
        if (o instanceof Image) {
            drawImage(content, (Image) o);
        } else if (o instanceof DrawableWrapper) {
            final DrawableWrapper d = (DrawableWrapper) o;
            drawDrawable(content, g2, d);
        } else if (o instanceof LocalImageContainer) {
            final LocalImageContainer imageContainer = (LocalImageContainer) o;
            final Image image = imageContainer.getImage();
            drawImage(content, image);
        } else if (o instanceof URLImageContainer) {
            final URLImageContainer imageContainer = (URLImageContainer) o;
            if (imageContainer.isLoadable() == false) {
                        .info("URL-image cannot be rendered, as it was declared to be not loadable.");

            final ResourceKey sourceURL = imageContainer.getResourceKey();
            if (sourceURL == null) {
      "URL-image cannot be rendered, as it did not return a valid URL.");

            try {
                final Resource resource = resourceManager.create(sourceURL, null, Image.class);
                final Image image = (Image) resource.getResource();
                drawImage(content, image);
            } catch (ResourceException e) {
      "URL-image cannot be rendered, as the image was not loadable.", e);
        } else {
            LogicalPageDrawable.logger.debug("Unable to handle " + o);

     * To be overriden in the PDF drawable.
     * @param content
     *          the render-node that defines the anchor.
    protected void drawAnchor(final RenderNode content) {


     * @param content
     * @param image
    protected boolean drawImage(final RenderableReplacedContentBox content, Image image) {
        final StyleSheet layoutContext = content.getStyleSheet();
        final boolean shouldScale = layoutContext.getBooleanStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.SCALE);

        final int x = (int) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(content.getX());
        final int y = (int) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(content.getY());
        final int width = (int) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(content.getWidth());
        final int height = (int) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(content.getHeight());

        if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
            LogicalPageDrawable.logger.debug("Error: Image area is empty: " + content);
            return false;

        WaitingImageObserver obs = new WaitingImageObserver(image);
        final int imageWidth = image.getWidth(obs);
        final int imageHeight = image.getHeight(obs);
        if (imageWidth < 1 || imageHeight < 1) {
            return false;

        final Rectangle2D.Double drawAreaBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, width, height);
        final AffineTransform scaleTransform;

        final Graphics2D g2;
        if (shouldScale == false) {
            double deviceScaleFactor = 1;
            final double devResolution = metaData.getNumericFeatureValue(OutputProcessorFeature.DEVICE_RESOLUTION);
            if (metaData.isFeatureSupported(OutputProcessorFeature.IMAGE_RESOLUTION_MAPPING)) {
                if (devResolution != 72.0 && devResolution > 0) {
                    // Need to scale the device to its native resolution before attempting to draw the image..
                    deviceScaleFactor = (72.0 / devResolution);

            final int clipWidth = Math.min(width, (int) Math.ceil(deviceScaleFactor * imageWidth));
            final int clipHeight = Math.min(height, (int) Math.ceil(deviceScaleFactor * imageHeight));
            final ElementAlignment horizontalAlignment = (ElementAlignment) layoutContext
            final ElementAlignment verticalAlignment = (ElementAlignment) layoutContext
            final int alignmentX = (int) RenderUtility.computeHorizontalAlignment(horizontalAlignment, width,
            final int alignmentY = (int) RenderUtility.computeVerticalAlignment(verticalAlignment, height,

            g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics().create();
            g2.translate(x, y);
            g2.translate(alignmentX, alignmentY);
            g2.clip(new Rectangle2D.Float(0, 0, clipWidth, clipHeight));
            g2.scale(deviceScaleFactor, deviceScaleFactor);

            scaleTransform = null;
        } else {
            g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics().create();
            g2.translate(x, y);
            g2.clip(new Rectangle2D.Float(0, 0, width, height));

            final double scaleX;
            final double scaleY;

            final boolean keepAspectRatio = layoutContext
            if (keepAspectRatio) {
                final double scaleFactor = Math.min(width / (double) imageWidth, height / (double) imageHeight);
                scaleX = scaleFactor;
                scaleY = scaleFactor;
            } else {
                scaleX = width / (double) imageWidth;
                scaleY = height / (double) imageHeight;

            final int clipWidth = (int) (scaleX * imageWidth);
            final int clipHeight = (int) (scaleY * imageHeight);

            final ElementAlignment horizontalAlignment = (ElementAlignment) layoutContext
            final ElementAlignment verticalAlignment = (ElementAlignment) layoutContext
            final int alignmentX = (int) RenderUtility.computeHorizontalAlignment(horizontalAlignment, width,
            final int alignmentY = (int) RenderUtility.computeVerticalAlignment(verticalAlignment, height,

            g2.translate(alignmentX, alignmentY);

            final Object contentCached = content.getContent().getContentCached();
            if (contentCached instanceof Image) {
                image = (Image) contentCached;
                scaleTransform = null;
            } else if (metaData.isFeatureSupported(OutputProcessorFeature.PREFER_NATIVE_SCALING) == false) {
                image = RenderUtility.scaleImage(image, clipWidth, clipHeight,
                        RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC, true);
                obs = new WaitingImageObserver(image);
                scaleTransform = null;
            } else {
                scaleTransform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scaleX, scaleY);

        while (g2.drawImage(image, scaleTransform, obs) == false) {
            if (obs.isError()) {
                LogicalPageDrawable.logger.warn("Error while loading the image during the rendering.");

        return true;

    protected boolean drawDrawable(final RenderableReplacedContentBox content, final Graphics2D g2,
            final DrawableWrapper d) {
        final double x = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(content.getX());
        final double y = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(content.getY());
        final double width = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(content.getWidth());
        final double height = StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(content.getHeight());

        if ((width < 0 || height < 0) || (width == 0 && height == 0)) {
            return false;

        final Graphics2D clone = (Graphics2D) g2.create();

        final StyleSheet styleSheet = content.getStyleSheet();
        final Object attribute = styleSheet.getStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.ANTI_ALIASING);
        if (attribute != null) {
            if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(attribute)) {
                clone.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            } else if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(attribute)) {
                clone.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF);

        if (RenderUtility.isFontSmooth(styleSheet, metaData)) {
            clone.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        } else {
            clone.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF);

        if (strictClipping == false) {
            final double extraPadding;
            final Object o = styleSheet.getStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.STROKE);
            if (o instanceof BasicStroke) {
                final BasicStroke stroke = (BasicStroke) o;
                extraPadding = stroke.getLineWidth() / 2.0;
            } else {
                extraPadding = 0.5;

            final Rectangle2D.Double clipBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(x - extraPadding, y - extraPadding,
                    width + 2 * extraPadding, height + 2 * extraPadding);

            clone.translate(x, y);
        } else {
            final Rectangle2D.Double clipBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, width + 1, height + 1);

            clone.translate(x, y);
        configureGraphics(styleSheet, clone);
        configureStroke(styleSheet, clone);
        final Rectangle2D.Double bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height);
        d.draw(clone, bounds);
        return true;

    protected void drawText(final RenderableText renderableText) {
        drawText(renderableText, renderableText.getX() + renderableText.getWidth());

     * Renders the glyphs stored in the text node.
     * @param renderableText
     *          the text node that should be rendered.
     * @param contentX2
    protected void drawText(final RenderableText renderableText, final long contentX2) {
        if (renderableText.getLength() == 0) {
            // This text is empty.

        final long posX = renderableText.getX();
        final long posY = renderableText.getY();

        final Graphics2D g2;
        if (getTextSpec() == null) {
            g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics().create();
            final StyleSheet layoutContext = renderableText.getStyleSheet();
            configureGraphics(layoutContext, g2);

            if (RenderUtility.isFontSmooth(layoutContext, metaData)) {
                g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            } else {
                g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF);
        } else {
            g2 = getTextSpec().getGraphics();

        // This shifting is necessary to make sure that all text is rendered like in the previous versions.
        // In the earlier versions, we did not really obey to the baselines of the text, we just hoped and prayed.
        // Therefore, all text was printed at the bottom of the text elements. With the introduction of the full
        // font metrics setting, this situation got a little bit better, for the price that text-elements became
        // nearly unpredictable ..
        // The code below may be weird, but at least it is predictable weird.

        final FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();
        final Rectangle2D rect = fm.getMaxCharBounds(g2);
        final long awtBaseLine = StrictGeomUtility.toInternalValue(-rect.getY());

        final GlyphList gs = renderableText.getGlyphs();
        if (metaData.isFeatureSupported(OutputProcessorFeature.FAST_FONTRENDERING)
                && isNormalTextSpacing(renderableText)) {
            final int maxLength = renderableText.computeMaximumTextSize(contentX2);
            final String text = gs.getText(renderableText.getOffset(), maxLength, codePointBuffer);
            final float y = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(posY + awtBaseLine);
            g2.drawString(text, (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(posX), y);
        } else {
            final ExtendedBaselineInfo baselineInfo = renderableText.getBaselineInfo();
            final int maxPos = renderableText.getOffset() + renderableText.computeMaximumTextSize(contentX2);
            long runningPos = posX;
            final long baseline = baselineInfo.getBaseline(baselineInfo.getDominantBaseline());
            final long baselineDelta = awtBaseLine - baseline;
            final float y = (float) (StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(posY + awtBaseLine + baselineDelta));
            for (int i = renderableText.getOffset(); i < maxPos; i++) {
                final Glyph g = gs.getGlyph(i);
                g2.drawString(gs.getGlyphAsString(i, codePointBuffer),
                        (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(runningPos), y);
                runningPos += RenderableText.convert(g.getWidth()) + g.getSpacing().getMinimum();

    protected void drawComplexText(final RenderableComplexText renderableComplexText, final Graphics2D g2) {
        final long posX = renderableComplexText.getX();
        final long posY = renderableComplexText.getY();

        float baseline = renderableComplexText.getParagraphFontMetrics().getAscent();
        final float y = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(posY) + baseline;

        renderableComplexText.getTextLayout().draw(g2, (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(posX), y);


    protected final CodePointBuffer getCodePointBuffer() {
        return codePointBuffer;

    protected boolean isNormalTextSpacing(final RenderableText text) {
        return text.isNormalTextSpacing();

    protected void configureStroke(final StyleSheet layoutContext, final Graphics2D g2) {
        final Stroke styleProperty = (Stroke) layoutContext.getStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.STROKE);
        if (styleProperty != null) {
        } else {
            // Apply a default one ..

    protected void configureGraphics(final StyleSheet layoutContext, final Graphics2D g2) {
        final boolean bold = layoutContext.getBooleanStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.BOLD);
        final boolean italics = layoutContext.getBooleanStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.ITALIC);

        int style = Font.PLAIN;
        if (bold) {
            style |= Font.BOLD;
        if (italics) {
            style |= Font.ITALIC;

        final Color cssColor = (Color) layoutContext.getStyleProperty(ElementStyleKeys.PAINT);

        final int fontSize = layoutContext.getIntStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.FONTSIZE,
                (int) metaData.getNumericFeatureValue(OutputProcessorFeature.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE));

        final String fontName = metaData
                .getNormalizedFontFamilyName((String) layoutContext.getStyleProperty(TextStyleKeys.FONT));
        g2.setFont(new Font(fontName, style, fontSize));

    public OutputProcessorMetaData getMetaData() {
        return metaData;

    public void clip(final StrictBounds bounds) {
        final Graphics2D g = getGraphics();

        graphics = (Graphics2D) g.create();

    public void clearClipping() {
        graphics = graphicsContexts.pop();

    public Graphics2D getGraphics() {
        return graphics;

     * Retries the nodes under the given coordinate which have a given attribute set. If name and namespace are null, all
     * nodes are returned. The nodes returned are listed in their respective hierarchical order.
     * @param x
     *          the x coordinate
     * @param y
     *          the y coordinate
     * @param namespace
     *          the namespace on which to filter on
     * @param name
     *          the name on which to filter on
     * @return the ordered list of nodes.
    public RenderNode[] getNodesAt(final double x, final double y, final String namespace, final String name) {
        return collectSelectedNodesStep.getNodesAt(this.rootBox, StrictGeomUtility.createBounds(x, y, 1, 1),
                namespace, name);

    public RenderNode[] getNodesAt(final double x, final double y, final double width, final double height,
            final String namespace, final String name) {
        return collectSelectedNodesStep.getNodesAt(this.rootBox,
                StrictGeomUtility.createBounds(x, y, width, height), namespace, name);
