Source code

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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
* Foundation.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
* program; if not, you can obtain a copy at
* or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2017 Hitachi Vantara and Contributors.  All rights reserved.

package org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.itext;

import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.FontMapper;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.config.ExtendedConfiguration;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.util.StringUtils;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.FontMappingUtility;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.LibFontBoot;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.merge.CompoundFontRecord;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.registry.FontFamily;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.registry.FontRecord;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.registry.FontSource;
import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.fonts.truetype.TrueTypeFontRecord;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * iText font support.
 * @author Thomas Morgner
public class BaseFontSupport implements FontMapper {
    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(BaseFontSupport.class);
     * Storage for BaseFont objects created.
    private final Map baseFonts;

    private String defaultEncoding;

    private boolean useGlobalCache;
    private boolean embedFonts;
    private ITextFontRegistry registry;

     * Creates a new support instance.
    public BaseFontSupport(final ITextFontRegistry registry) {
        this(registry, "UTF-8");

    public BaseFontSupport(final ITextFontRegistry registry, final String defaultEncoding) {
        this.baseFonts = new HashMap();
        this.registry = registry;
        this.defaultEncoding = defaultEncoding;
        final ExtendedConfiguration extendedConfig = LibFontBoot.getInstance().getExtendedConfig();
        this.useGlobalCache = extendedConfig

    public String getDefaultEncoding() {
        return defaultEncoding;

    public void setDefaultEncoding(final String defaultEncoding) {
        if (defaultEncoding == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("DefaultEncoding is null.");
        this.defaultEncoding = defaultEncoding;

    public boolean isEmbedFonts() {
        return embedFonts;

    public void setEmbedFonts(final boolean embedFonts) {
        this.embedFonts = embedFonts;

     * Close the font support.
    public void close() {

     * Creates a iText-BaseFont for an font.  If no basefont could be created, an BaseFontCreateException is thrown.
     * @param logicalName the name of the font (null not permitted).
     * @param bold        a flag indicating whether the font is rendered as bold font.
     * @param italic      a flag indicating whether the font is rendered as italic or cursive font.
     * @param encoding    the encoding.
     * @param embedded    a flag indicating whether to embed the font glyphs in the generated documents.
     * @return the base font record.
     * @throws BaseFontCreateException if there was a problem setting the font for the target.
    public BaseFont createBaseFont(final String logicalName, final boolean bold, final boolean italic,
            final String encoding, final boolean embedded) throws BaseFontCreateException {
        return createBaseFontRecord(logicalName, bold, italic, encoding, embedded).getBaseFont();

     * Creates a BaseFontRecord for an font.  If no basefont could be created, an BaseFontCreateException is thrown.
     * @param logicalName the name of the font (null not permitted).
     * @param bold        a flag indicating whether the font is rendered as bold font.
     * @param italic      a flag indicating whether the font is rendered as italic or cursive font.
     * @param encoding    the encoding.
     * @param embedded    a flag indicating whether to embed the font glyphs in the generated documents.
     * @return the base font record.
     * @throws BaseFontCreateException if there was a problem setting the font for the target.
    public BaseFontRecord createBaseFontRecord(final String logicalName, final boolean bold, final boolean italic,
            String encoding, final boolean embedded) throws BaseFontCreateException {
        if (logicalName == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Font definition is null.");
        if (encoding == null) {
            encoding = getDefaultEncoding();

        // use the Java logical font name to map to a predefined iText font.

        final String fontKey;
        if (FontMappingUtility.isCourier(logicalName)) {
            fontKey = "Courier";
        } else if (FontMappingUtility.isSymbol(logicalName)) {
            fontKey = "Symbol";
        } else if (FontMappingUtility.isSerif(logicalName)) {
            fontKey = "Times";
        } else if (FontMappingUtility.isSansSerif(logicalName)) {
            // default, this catches Dialog and SansSerif
            fontKey = "Helvetica";
        } else {
            fontKey = logicalName;

        // iText uses some weird mapping between IDENTY-H/V and java supported encoding, IDENTITY-H/V is
        // used to recognize TrueType fonts, but the real JavaEncoding is used to encode Type1 fonts
        final String stringEncoding;
        if ("utf-8".equalsIgnoreCase(encoding)) {
            stringEncoding = "utf-8";
            encoding = BaseFont.IDENTITY_H;
        } else if ("utf-16".equalsIgnoreCase(encoding)) {
            stringEncoding = "utf-16";
            encoding = BaseFont.IDENTITY_H;
        } else {
            // Correct the encoding for truetype fonts
            // iText will crash if IDENTITY_H is used to create a base font ...
            if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase(BaseFont.IDENTITY_H) || encoding.equalsIgnoreCase(BaseFont.IDENTITY_V)) {
                //changed to UTF to support all unicode characters ..
                stringEncoding = "utf-8";
            } else {
                stringEncoding = encoding;

        try {
            final FontFamily registryFontFamily = registry.getFontFamily(fontKey);
            FontRecord registryFontRecord = null;
            if (registryFontFamily != null) {
                registryFontRecord = registryFontFamily.getFontRecord(bold, italic);

                if (registryFontRecord instanceof CompoundFontRecord) {
                    final CompoundFontRecord cfr = (CompoundFontRecord) registryFontRecord;
                    registryFontRecord = cfr.getBase();

            if (registryFontRecord != null) {
                // Check, whether this is an built-in font. If not, then the record points to a file.
                if ((registryFontRecord instanceof ITextBuiltInFontRecord) == false) {

                    boolean embeddedOverride = embedded;
                    if (embedded == true && registryFontRecord instanceof FontSource) {
                        final FontSource source = (FontSource) registryFontRecord;
                        if (source.isEmbeddable() == false) {
                            logger.warn("License of font forbids embedded usage for font: " + fontKey);
                            // strict mode here?
                            embeddedOverride = false;

                    final BaseFontRecord fontRecord = createFontFromTTF(registryFontRecord, bold, italic, encoding,
                            stringEncoding, embeddedOverride);
                    if (fontRecord != null) {
                        return fontRecord;
                } else {
                    final ITextBuiltInFontRecord buildInFontRecord = (ITextBuiltInFontRecord) registryFontRecord;
                    // So this is one of the built-in records.
                    final String fontName = buildInFontRecord.getFullName();

                    // Alternative: No Registered TrueType font was found. OK; don't panic,
                    // we try to create a font anyway..

                    BaseFontRecord fontRecord = getFromCache(fontName, encoding, embedded);
                    if (fontRecord != null) {
                        return fontRecord;
                    fontRecord = getFromCache(fontName, stringEncoding, embedded);
                    if (fontRecord != null) {
                        return fontRecord;

                    // filename is null, so no ttf file registered for the fontname, maybe this is
                    // one of the internal fonts ...
                    final BaseFont f = BaseFont.createFont(fontName, stringEncoding, embedded, useGlobalCache, null,
                    if (f != null) {
                        fontRecord = new BaseFontRecord(fontName, false, embedded, f, bold, italic);
                        return fontRecord;

            // If we got to this point, then the font was not recognized as any known font. We will fall back
            // to Helvetica instead ..
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("BaseFont.createFont failed. Key = " + fontKey + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
            } else if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                logger.warn("BaseFont.createFont failed. Key = " + fontKey + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
        // fallback .. use BaseFont.HELVETICA as default
        try {
            // check, whether HELVETICA is already created - yes, then return cached instance instead
            BaseFontRecord fontRecord = getFromCache(BaseFont.HELVETICA, stringEncoding, embedded);
            if (fontRecord != null) {
                // map all font references of the invalid font to the default font..
                // this might be not very nice, but at least the report can go on..
                putToCache(new BaseFontRecordKey(fontKey, encoding, embedded), fontRecord);
                return fontRecord;

            // no helvetica created, so do this now ...
            final BaseFont f = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, stringEncoding, embedded, useGlobalCache,
                    null, null);
            if (f != null) {
                fontRecord = new BaseFontRecord(BaseFont.HELVETICA, false, embedded, f, bold, italic);
                putToCache(new BaseFontRecordKey(fontKey, encoding, embedded), fontRecord);
                return fontRecord;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("BaseFont.createFont for FALLBACK failed.", e);
            throw new BaseFontCreateException("Null font = " + fontKey);
        throw new BaseFontCreateException("BaseFont creation failed, null font: " + fontKey);
    //  /**
    //   *
    //   * @param fileName
    //   * @param fontName iTexts idea of mixing font meta data with filenames
    //   * @param encoding
    //   * @param embedded
    //   * @return
    //   */
    //  private BaseFont loadFromLibLoader (final String fileName,
    //                                      final String fontName,
    //                                      final String encoding,
    //                                      final boolean embedded)
    //  {
    //    final HashMap map = new HashMap();
    //    map.put(BaseFontResourceFactory.FONTNAME, fontName);
    //    map.put(BaseFontResourceFactory.ENCODING, encoding);
    //    map.put(BaseFontResourceFactory.EMBEDDED, new Boolean(embedded));
    //    map.put(ResourceKey.CONTENT_KEY, new File (fileName));
    //    try
    //    {
    //      final Resource res =
    //              getResourceManager().createDirectly(map, BaseFont.class);
    //      return (BaseFont) res.getResource();
    //    }
    //    catch (ResourceException e)
    //    {
    //      return null;
    //    }
    //  }

     * Creates a PDF font record from a true type font.
     * @param encoding       the encoding.
     * @param stringEncoding the string encoding.
     * @param embedded       a flag indicating whether to embed the font glyphs in the generated documents.
     * @return the PDF font record.
     * @throws com.lowagie.text.DocumentException if the BaseFont could not be created.
    private BaseFontRecord createFontFromTTF(final FontRecord fontRecord, final boolean bold, final boolean italic,
            final String encoding, final String stringEncoding, final boolean embedded) throws DocumentException {
        // check if this font is in the cache ...
        //Log.warn ("TrueTypeFontKey : " + fontKey + " Font: " + font.isItalic() + " Encoding: "
        //          + encoding);
        final String rawFilename;
        if (fontRecord instanceof TrueTypeFontRecord) {
            final TrueTypeFontRecord ttfRecord = (TrueTypeFontRecord) fontRecord;
            if (ttfRecord.getCollectionIndex() >= 0) {
                rawFilename = ttfRecord.getFontSource() + ',' + ttfRecord.getCollectionIndex();
            } else {
                rawFilename = ttfRecord.getFontSource();
        } else if (fontRecord instanceof FontSource) {
            final FontSource source = (FontSource) fontRecord;
            rawFilename = source.getFontSource();
        } else {
            return null;

        final String filename;
        // check, whether the the physical font does not provide some of the
        // required styles. We have to synthesize them, if neccessary
        if ((fontRecord.isBold() == false && bold) && (fontRecord.isItalic() == false && italic)) {
            filename = rawFilename + ",BoldItalic";
        } else if (fontRecord.isBold() == false && bold) {
            filename = rawFilename + ",Bold";
        } else if (fontRecord.isItalic() == false && italic) {
            filename = rawFilename + ",Italic";
        } else {
            filename = rawFilename;

        final BaseFontRecord fontRec = getFromCache(filename, encoding, embedded);
        if (fontRec != null) {
            return fontRec;

        BaseFont f;
        try {
            try {
                f = BaseFont.createFont(filename, encoding, embedded, false, null, null);
            } catch (DocumentException e) {
                f = BaseFont.createFont(filename, stringEncoding, embedded, false, null, null);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new DocumentException("Failed to read the font: " + ioe);

        // no, we have to create a new instance
        final BaseFontRecord record = new BaseFontRecord(filename, true, embedded, f, fontRecord.isBold(),
        return record;

     * Stores a record in the cache.
     * @param record the record.
    private void putToCache(final BaseFontRecord record) {
        final BaseFontRecordKey key = record.createKey();
        putToCache(key, record);

    private void putToCache(final BaseFontRecordKey key, final BaseFontRecord record) {
        baseFonts.put(key, record);

     * Retrieves a record from the cache.
     * @param fileName the physical filename name of the font file.
     * @param encoding the encoding; never null.
     * @return the PDF font record or null, if not found.
    private BaseFontRecord getFromCache(final String fileName, final String encoding, final boolean embedded) {
        final Object key = new BaseFontRecordKey(fileName, encoding, embedded);
        final BaseFontRecord r = (BaseFontRecord) baseFonts.get(key);
        if (r != null) {
            return r;
        return null;

     * Returns a BaseFont which can be used to represent the given AWT Font
     * @param font the font to be converted
     * @return a BaseFont which has similar properties to the provided Font

    public BaseFont awtToPdf(final Font font) {
        // this has to be defined in the element, an has to set as a default...
        final boolean embed = isEmbedFonts();
        final String encoding = getDefaultEncoding();
        try {
            return createBaseFont(font.getName(), font.isBold(), font.isItalic(), encoding, embed);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // unable to handle font creation exceptions properly, all we can
            // do is throw a runtime exception and hope the best ..
            throw new BaseFontCreateException("Unable to create font: " + font, e);

     * Returns an AWT Font which can be used to represent the given BaseFont
     * @param font the font to be converted
     * @param size the desired point size of the resulting font
     * @return a Font which has similar properties to the provided BaseFont

    public Font pdfToAwt(final BaseFont font, final int size) {
        final String logicalName = getFontName(font);
        boolean bold = false;
        boolean italic = false;

        if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(logicalName, "bolditalic")) {
            bold = true;
            italic = true;
        } else if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(logicalName, "bold")) {
            bold = true;
        } else if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(logicalName, "italic")) {
            italic = true;

        int style = Font.PLAIN;
        if (bold) {
            style |= Font.BOLD;
        if (italic) {
            style |= Font.ITALIC;

        return new Font(logicalName, style, size);

    private String getFontName(final BaseFont font) {
        final String[][] names = font.getFullFontName();
        final int nameCount = names.length;
        if (nameCount == 1) {
            return names[0][3];

        String nameExtr = null;
        for (int k = 0; k < nameCount; ++k) {
            final String[] name = names[k];
            // Macintosh language english
            if ("1".equals(name[0]) && "0".equals(name[1])) {
                nameExtr = name[3];
            // Microsoft language code for US-English ...
            else if ("1033".equals(name[2])) {
                nameExtr = name[3];

        if (nameExtr != null) {
            return nameExtr;
        return names[0][3];