Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  Product: Posterita Web-Based POS and Adempiere Plugin
 *  Copyright (C) 2007  Posterita Ltd
 *  This file is part of POSterita
 *  POSterita is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Created on May 9, 2006 by alok

package org.posterita.businesslogic.performanceanalysis;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.ecs.XhtmlDocument;
import org.apache.ecs.xhtml.head;
import org.compiere.db.Database;
import org.compiere.model.I_AD_ReportView;
import org.compiere.model.Lookup;
import org.compiere.model.MBPartner;
import org.compiere.model.MBPartnerLocation;
import org.compiere.model.MDocType;
import org.compiere.model.MInOut;
import org.compiere.model.MInvoice;
import org.compiere.model.MLocation;
import org.compiere.model.MOrder;
import org.compiere.model.MOrg;
import org.compiere.model.MPInstance;
import org.compiere.model.MPInstancePara;
import org.compiere.model.MProcess;
import org.compiere.model.MProcessPara;
import org.compiere.model.MProduct;
import org.compiere.model.MQuery;
import org.compiere.model.MRole;
import org.compiere.model.MTable;
import org.compiere.model.MTransaction;
import org.compiere.model.MUOM;
import org.compiere.model.MUser;
import org.compiere.model.MWarehouse;
import org.compiere.model.PrintInfo;
import org.compiere.print.DataEngine;
import org.compiere.print.MPrintFormat;
import org.compiere.print.MPrintFormatItem;
import org.compiere.print.PrintData;
import org.compiere.print.PrintDataElement;
import org.compiere.print.ReportEngine;
import org.compiere.process.ProcessInfo;
import org.compiere.process.ProcessInfoParameter;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.DisplayType;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Language;
import org.compiere.util.Util;
import org.posterita.Constants;
import org.posterita.beans.BPartnerBean;
import org.posterita.beans.CloseTillBean;
import org.posterita.beans.POSHistoryBean;
import org.posterita.beans.POSReportBean;
import org.posterita.beans.ProductBean;
import org.posterita.beans.WebMinOutLineBean;
import org.posterita.beans.WebOrderLineBean;
import org.posterita.businesslogic.MinOutManager;
import org.posterita.businesslogic.OrganisationManager;
import org.posterita.businesslogic.POSManager;
import org.posterita.businesslogic.POSStockManager;
import org.posterita.businesslogic.POSTerminalManager;
import org.posterita.businesslogic.administration.BPartnerManager;
import org.posterita.businesslogic.administration.ProductManager;
import org.posterita.core.RandomStringGenerator;
import org.posterita.core.TimestampConvertor;
import org.posterita.exceptions.LogoException;
import org.posterita.exceptions.MandatoryException;
import org.posterita.exceptions.OperationException;
import org.posterita.exceptions.UnsupportedDatabaseException;
import org.posterita.lib.UdiConstants;
import org.posterita.order.UDIOrderTypes;
import org.posterita.util.PathInfo;
import org.posterita.util.TmkPrinterConstants;

import com.lowagie.text.Chunk;
import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.Element;
import com.lowagie.text.Font;
import com.lowagie.text.Image;
import com.lowagie.text.PageSize;
import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;
import com.lowagie.text.Phrase;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;

public class POSReportManager {

    private static final String ASCENDING_SORT = "asc";

    private static String getMaxMinSoldProductsSQL(Properties ctx, String reportType, Timestamp fromDate,
            Timestamp toDate) {
        String sql = "";
        if (DB.getDatabase().getName().equals(Database.DB_POSTGRESQL)
                || DB.getDatabase().getName().equals(Database.DB_ORACLE)) {
            sql = "select qty,name,COALESCE(upc, ' ') as barcode,M_PRODUCT_ID from "
                    + "(select sum(ol.QTYENTERED) as qty,pr.NAME, pr.UPC,ol.M_PRODUCT_ID,"
                    //+ "DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY sum(ol.QTYENTERED) "
                    //+ reportType
                    //+ " NULLS LAST) AS Drank"
                    + " max(ol.QTYENTERED) AS Drank" + " from C_ORDERLINE ol,C_ORDER ord,M_product pr"
                    + " where ol.C_ORDER_ID=ord.c_order_id" + " and ol.M_PRODUCT_ID=pr.M_PRODUCT_ID"
                    + " and ol.AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx) + " and ol.AD_CLIENT_ID="
                    + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx) + " and ord.ISACTIVE='Y'" + " and ol.CREATED between "
                    + DB.TO_DATE(fromDate, false) + " and " + DB.TO_DATE(toDate, false) + " and ord.ORDERTYPE='"
                    + UDIOrderTypes.POS_ORDER.getOrderType() + "'"
                    + " and ord.DOCSTATUS='CO' group by pr.NAME,pr.UPC,ol.M_PRODUCT_ID) fastStockMovement"
                    + " where drank <26 order by qty " + reportType;

            throw new UnsupportedDatabaseException(
                    "Operation GetMaxMinSoldProducts not supported on Database: " + DB.getDatabase().getName());

        return sql;

    public static ArrayList<ProductBean> getMaxMinSoldProducts(Properties ctx, String reportType,
            Timestamp fromDate, Timestamp todate) throws OperationException {
        String sql = getMaxMinSoldProductsSQL(ctx, reportType, fromDate, todate);

        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);

        ProductBean bean = null;
        ArrayList<ProductBean> list = new ArrayList<ProductBean>();

        // TreeMap<Integer,ProductBean> tree = new
        // TreeMap<Integer,ProductBean>();
        try {
            ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
            while ( {
                bean = new ProductBean();
                BigDecimal qty = getQtyReturnedFromCustomer(ctx, rs.getInt(4), fromDate, todate);
                bean.setProductName(rs.getString(2).replaceAll("~", " "));
                BigDecimal qty1 = rs.getBigDecimal(1);
                int productId = rs.getInt(4);
                MProduct product = new MProduct(ctx, productId, null);
                String uom = product.getUOMSymbol();
                if (qty1 == null) {
                    qty1 = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                if (qty == null) {
                    qty = BigDecimal.ZERO;

                BigDecimal quantity = qty1.subtract(qty);


            Collections.sort(list, getSortingComparator(reportType));
            return list;

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            pstmt = null;


    private static Comparator<ProductBean> getSortingComparator(final String order) {
        Comparator<ProductBean> comp = new Comparator<ProductBean>() {

            public int compare(ProductBean o1, ProductBean o2) {
                if (o1.getQuantity().intValue() < o2.getQuantity().intValue())
                    return (order.equals(ASCENDING_SORT) ? -1 : 1);
                else if (o1.getQuantity().intValue() > o2.getQuantity().intValue())
                    return (order.equals(ASCENDING_SORT) ? 1 : -1);
                    return 0;

        return comp;

    private static BigDecimal getQtyReturnedFromCustomer(Properties ctx, int productId, Timestamp fromDate,
            Timestamp toDate) throws OperationException {
        BigDecimal qty = Env.ZERO;

        String sql = "select" + " sum(ol.qtyordered)" + " from C_ORDER ord,C_ORDERLINE ol"
                + "  where ord.C_ORDER_ID=ol.c_order_id " + " and ord.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx)
                + " and ol.M_PRODUCT_ID=" + productId + " and ord.orderType='"
                + UDIOrderTypes.CUSTOMER_RETURN_ORDER.getOrderType() + "'" + " and ol.CREATED between "
                + DB.TO_DATE(fromDate, false) + " and " + DB.TO_DATE(toDate, false);

        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);

        try {
            ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
            while ( {
                qty = rs.getBigDecimal(1);

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            pstmt = null;

        return qty;

    public static ArrayList<POSReportBean> getStockMovementReport(Properties ctx, Timestamp fromDate,
            Timestamp toDate) throws OperationException {

        String sql = "select distinct v.m_product_id," + "" + " from M_TRANSACTION_V v,m_product pr"
                + " where v.m_product_id=pr.m_product_id" + " and v.CREATED between " + DB.TO_DATE(fromDate, false)
                + " and " + DB.TO_DATE(toDate, false) + " and v.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx)
                + " and v.AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx) + " order by";

        MWarehouse warehouse = POSTerminalManager.getWarehouse(ctx);
         * String sql = "select" + " distinct M_PRODUCT_ID " + //3 " from
         * M_STORAGE st" + " where st.AD_CLIENT_ID="+Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx)+ "
         * and st.AD_ORG_ID=" +Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx)+ " and st.M_LOCATOR_ID="
         * +warehouse.getDefaultLocator().getID();

        // String whereClause = "AD_CLIENT_ID="+Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx)+" and
        // AD_ORG_ID="+Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx);

        POSReportBean bean;
        ArrayList<POSReportBean> list = new ArrayList<POSReportBean>();

        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);

        ResultSet rs;
        try {
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
            while ( {
                BigDecimal qtyOfSales;
                BigDecimal qtyOfReceipts;
                BigDecimal qtyOfReturn;
                BigDecimal qtyOfCustReturn;
                BigDecimal openingBal;
                BigDecimal closingBal;
                BigDecimal qtyofSalesByCredit;
                BigDecimal qtyInventoryIn;
                // int qtyInventoryOut;

                 * if(!isProductPresentInOrder(ctx,rs.getInt(1),fromDate,todate))
                 * continue;
                MProduct product = MProduct.get(ctx, rs.getInt(1));
                int uomPrecision = MUOM.getPrecision(ctx, product.getC_UOM_ID());
                String uom = product.getUOMSymbol();
                openingBal = getQtyOfOrders(ctx, null, rs.getInt(1), fromDate, toDate, "opening", warehouse)
                        .setScale(uomPrecision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
                // closingBal=getQtyOfOrders(ctx,null,rs.getInt(1),fromDate,todate,"closing",warehouse);
                qtyOfSales = getQtyOfOrders(ctx, UDIOrderTypes.POS_ORDER.getOrderType(), rs.getInt(1), fromDate,
                        toDate, "none", warehouse).setScale(uomPrecision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
                qtyofSalesByCredit = getQtyOfOrders(ctx, UDIOrderTypes.CREDIT_ORDER.getOrderType(), rs.getInt(1),
                        fromDate, toDate, "none", warehouse).setScale(uomPrecision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
                qtyOfReceipts = getQtyOfOrders(ctx, UDIOrderTypes.POS_GOODS_RECEIVE_NOTE.getOrderType(),
                        rs.getInt(1), fromDate, toDate, "none", warehouse).setScale(uomPrecision,
                qtyOfReturn = getQtyOfOrders(ctx, UDIOrderTypes.POS_GOODS_RETURN_NOTE.getOrderType(), rs.getInt(1),
                        fromDate, toDate, "none", warehouse).setScale(uomPrecision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
                qtyOfCustReturn = getQtyOfOrders(ctx, UDIOrderTypes.CUSTOMER_RETURN_ORDER.getOrderType(),
                        rs.getInt(1), fromDate, toDate, "none", warehouse).setScale(uomPrecision,
                qtyInventoryIn = getQtyOfOrders(ctx, null, rs.getInt(1), fromDate, toDate, "inventortIn", warehouse)
                        .setScale(uomPrecision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
                // qtyInventoryOut
                // =getQtyOfOrders(ctx,null,rs.getInt(1),fromDate,todate,"inventoryOut",warehouse);
                closingBal = openingBal.subtract((qtyOfSales.add(qtyOfReturn).add(qtyofSalesByCredit)
                bean = new POSReportBean();
                try {
                    bean.setProductName(ProductManager.getProductName(ctx, rs.getInt(1)));

                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new OperationException(e);

                // bean.setQtyInventoryOut(Integer.valueOf(qtyInventoryOut));



        catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            pstmt = null;

        return list;


    public static ArrayList<Object[]> getStockMovementReportData(Properties ctx, Timestamp fromDate,
            Timestamp todate) throws OperationException {

        ArrayList<POSReportBean> list = getStockMovementReport(ctx, fromDate, todate);
        ArrayList<Object[]> reportData = new ArrayList<Object[]>();

        Object[] headers = new Object[] { "Product Name", "Uom", "Opening Balance", "Inventory In / Out",
                "Qty Received", "Qty Sold", "Qty Returned to Supplier", "Qty Returned by Customer",
                "Closing Balance" };

        Object[] data = null;


        for (POSReportBean bean : list) {
            data = new Object[9];

            data[0] = bean.getProductName();
            data[1] = bean.getUom();
            data[2] = bean.getOpeningBalanceQty();
            data[3] = bean.getQtyInventoryIn();
            data[4] = bean.getQtyOfGoodsReceived();
            data[5] = bean.getQtyOfGoodsSold();
            data[6] = bean.getQtyOfGoodsReturned();
            data[7] = bean.getQtyReturnedByCustomer();
            data[8] = bean.getCloseingBalanceQty();


        return reportData;

    private static BigDecimal getQtyOfOrders(Properties ctx, String orderType, int productId, Timestamp fromDate,
            Timestamp toDate, String queryType, MWarehouse warehouse) throws OperationException {

        String sql = null;
        String whereClause = "ol.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx) + " and ol.AD_ORG_ID="
                + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx);

        // SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
        // String date = sdf.format(toDate);

        if (queryType.equalsIgnoreCase("none"))

            sql = "select sum(ol.qtyInvoiced)" + " from c_orderLine ol,C_ORDER ord"
                    + " where ol.C_ORDER_ID=ord.C_ORDER_ID and " + whereClause + " and M_PRODUCT_ID=" + productId
                    + " and ol.CREATED BETWEEN " + DB.TO_DATE(fromDate, false) + " and " + DB.TO_DATE(toDate, false)
                    + " and ord.ORDERTYPE='" + orderType + "'" + " and ord.DOCSTATUS in ('CO','CL')"
                    + " and ord.M_WAREHOUSE_ID=" + warehouse.get_ID() + " and ord.ISACTIVE='Y'";

        else if (queryType.equalsIgnoreCase("opening"))

            sql = "select sum(MOVEMENTQTY)" + " from M_TRANSACTION_V " + " where M_PRODUCT_ID=" + productId
                    + " and M_LOCATOR_ID=" + warehouse.getDefaultLocator().get_ID() + " and AD_CLIENT_ID="
                    + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx) + " and AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx) + " and created< "
                    + DB.TO_DATE(fromDate, false);

        else if (queryType.equalsIgnoreCase("inventortIn"))
            sql = "select sum(MOVEMENTQTY)" + " from M_TRANSACTION_V " + " where M_PRODUCT_ID=" + productId
                    + " and M_LOCATOR_ID=" + warehouse.getDefaultLocator().get_ID() + " and AD_CLIENT_ID="
                    + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx) + " and AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx) + " and created> "
                    + DB.TO_DATE(fromDate, false) + " and MOVEMENTTYPE='" + MTransaction.MOVEMENTTYPE_InventoryIn
                    + "'";

        else if (queryType.equalsIgnoreCase("inventoryOut"))

            sql = "select sum(MOVEMENTQTY)" + " from M_TRANSACTION_V " + " where M_PRODUCT_ID=" + productId
                    + " and M_LOCATOR_ID=" + warehouse.getDefaultLocator().get_ID() + " and AD_CLIENT_ID="
                    + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx) + " and AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx) + " and created> "
                    + DB.TO_DATE(fromDate, false) + " and MOVEMENTTYPE='" + MTransaction.MOVEMENTTYPE_InventoryOut
                    + "'";

        else if (queryType.equalsIgnoreCase("closing"))

            sql = "select sum(MOVEMENTQTY)" + " from M_TRANSACTION_V " + " where M_PRODUCT_ID=" + productId
                    + " and M_LOCATOR_ID=" + warehouse.getDefaultLocator().get_ID() + " and AD_CLIENT_ID="
                    + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx) + " and AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx) + " and created< "
                    + DB.TO_DATE(toDate, true);
         * sql = "select" + " sum(st.QTYONHAND)" + //3 " from M_STORAGE st" + "
         * where st.M_PRODUCT_ID=" +productId+ " and
         * st.AD_CLIENT_ID="+Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx)+ " and st.AD_ORG_ID="
         * +Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx)+ " and st.M_LOCATOR_ID="
         * +warehouse.getDefaultLocator().getID()+ " and created<to_date('"+
         * toDate+"','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')";

        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);

        BigDecimal qty = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        try {
            ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                qty = rs.getBigDecimal(1);


        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            pstmt = null;

        if (qty != null) {
            return qty;
        } else
            return BigDecimal.ZERO;

    public static ArrayList<POSHistoryBean> getOrderHistory(Properties ctx, String orderType, String docStatus,
            Integer month, Integer year, String paymentRule, String trxName) throws OperationException {
        StringBuffer payAmtSql = new StringBuffer();
        payAmtSql.append(" (SELECT SUM(p.Amount) FROM");
        payAmtSql.append(" ((SELECT payAmt as Amount FROM C_Payment p")
                .append(" WHERE p.C_Invoice_ID=i.C_Invoice_ID AND p.DocStatus IN ('CO', 'CL'))");
        payAmtSql.append(" UNION");
        payAmtSql.append(" (SELECT Amount FROM C_CashLine cl")
                .append(" WHERE (cl.c_Invoice_ID=i.C_Invoice_ID))) as p)");

        StringBuffer sqlStmt = new StringBuffer();
                " SELECT o.C_Order_ID, o.DateOrdered, o.DateAcct, o.DocumentNo, o.GrandTotal, o.OrderType, o.PaymentRule, o.DocStatus,");
        sqlStmt.append(" bp.C_BPartner_ID, bp.Name, bp.IsCustomer,");
        sqlStmt.append(" i.C_Invoice_ID, i.DocumentNo, (CASE WHEN i.C_Invoice_ID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ");
        sqlStmt.append(payAmtSql.toString()).append(" END) as PayAmt");
        sqlStmt.append(" FROM C_Order o");
        sqlStmt.append(" INNER JOIN C_BPartner bp ON bp.C_BPartner_ID=o.C_BPartner_ID");
        sqlStmt.append(" LEFT JOIN C_Invoice i ON (i.C_Order_ID=o.C_Order_ID AND i.DocStatus IN ('CO', 'CL'))");

        sqlStmt.append(" WHERE o.AD_Client_ID=?");
        sqlStmt.append(" AND o.IsActive='Y'");

        if (orderType != null) {
            sqlStmt = sqlStmt.append(" AND o.OrderType='").append(orderType).append("'");

        if (paymentRule != null) {
            sqlStmt = sqlStmt.append(" AND o.PaymentRule='").append(paymentRule).append("'");

        if (docStatus != null) {
            sqlStmt = sqlStmt.append(" AND o.DocStatus='").append(docStatus).append("'");

        if (month != null) {
            String mm = String.valueOf(month);
            if (mm.length() == 1) {
                mm = "0" + mm;

            sqlStmt = sqlStmt.append(" AND TO_CHAR(o.DateOrdered, 'mm')= '").append(mm).append("'");

        if (year != null) {
            sqlStmt = sqlStmt.append(" AND TO_CHAR(o.DateOrdered, 'yyyy') ='").append(year).append("'");
        sqlStmt = sqlStmt.append(" ORDER BY o.DateOrdered DESC");

        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        ArrayList<POSHistoryBean> list = new ArrayList<POSHistoryBean>();

        try {
            pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sqlStmt.toString(), trxName);
            pstmt.setInt(1, Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx));
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                POSHistoryBean bean = new POSHistoryBean();
                bean.setIsCustomer("Y".equals(rs.getString(11)) ? true : false);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException("Could not retrieve order history with sql: " + sqlStmt.toString(), e);
        } finally {
            DB.close(rs, pstmt);
            pstmt = null;
            pstmt = null;

        return list;


    public static ArrayList<POSHistoryBean> getDraftedOrderHistory(Properties ctx, String orderType, Integer month,
            Integer year) throws OperationException {
        String sql = "select ord.C_ORDER_ID," +
        // "inv.c_invoice_id," +
                "ord.created," + "ord.grandtotal," + "ord.DOCUMENTNO," + ""
                + " from c_order ord,C_BPARTNER bp" + " where ord.C_BPARTNER_ID=bp.C_BPARTNER_ID"
                + " and ord.DOCSTATUS = 'DR'" + " and ord.AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx)
                + " and ord.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);

        if (orderType != null)
            sql = sql + " and ord.ORDERTYPE='" + orderType + "'";

        if (month != null)
            sql = sql + " and to_char(ord.created, 'mm') = " + month;

        if (year != null)
            sql = sql + " and to_char(ord.created, 'yyyy') = " + year;

        sql = sql + " order by ord.created desc";


        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);

        POSHistoryBean bean = null;
        ArrayList<POSHistoryBean> list = new ArrayList<POSHistoryBean>();

        try {
            ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                bean = new POSHistoryBean();




        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            pstmt = null;
        return list;


    public static ArrayList<POSHistoryBean> getPartialOrderHistory(Properties ctx, String orderType, Integer month,
            Integer year) throws OperationException {
        String sql = "select ord.C_ORDER_ID," +
        // "inv.c_invoice_id," +
                "ord.created," + "ord.grandtotal," + "ord.DOCUMENTNO," + ""
                + " from c_order ord,C_BPARTNER bp" + " where ord.C_BPARTNER_ID=bp.C_BPARTNER_ID"
                + " and ord.DOCSTATUS = 'IP'" + " and ord.AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx)
                + " and ord.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);

        if (orderType != null)
            sql = sql + " and ord.ORDERTYPE='" + orderType + "'";

        if (month != null) {
            String mm = String.valueOf(month);
            if (mm.length() == 1) {
                mm = "0" + mm;
            sql = sql + " and to_char(ord.created, 'mm') = '" + mm + "' ";

        if (year != null)
            sql = sql + " and to_char(ord.created, 'yyyy') = " + year;

        sql = sql + " order by ord.created desc";


        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);

        POSHistoryBean bean = null;
        ArrayList<POSHistoryBean> list = new ArrayList<POSHistoryBean>();

        try {
            ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                bean = new POSHistoryBean();




        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            pstmt = null;
        return list;


    public static ArrayList<POSHistoryBean> getAllOrderTypes(Properties ctx) throws OperationException {
        String sql = "select distinct orderType from c_order where AD_CLIENT_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx)
                + " and AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx) + " and isActive='Y' and ORDERTYPE is not null";

        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);

        POSHistoryBean bean = null;
        ArrayList<POSHistoryBean> list = new ArrayList<POSHistoryBean>();

        try {
            ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                bean = new POSHistoryBean();



        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            pstmt = null;

        return list;


    public static ArrayList<POSHistoryBean> getAllPaymentRule(Properties ctx) throws OperationException {
        String sql = "select distinct paymentRule from c_order where AD_CLIENT_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx)
                + " and AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx) + " and isActive='Y'";

        PreparedStatement pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);

        POSHistoryBean bean = null;
        ArrayList<POSHistoryBean> list = new ArrayList<POSHistoryBean>();

        try {
            ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                bean = new POSHistoryBean();



        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            pstmt = null;

        return list;


    public static ArrayList<Object[]> getMaxMinSoldProductReportData(Properties ctx, String reportType,
            Timestamp fromDate, Timestamp todate) throws OperationException {
        ArrayList<ProductBean> list = getMaxMinSoldProducts(ctx, reportType, fromDate, todate);
        ArrayList<Object[]> reportData = new ArrayList<Object[]>();

        reportData.add(new Object[] { "Name", "Uom", "Barcode", " Net Qty Sold" });

        String name = null;
        String barcode = null;
        BigDecimal qty = null;
        String uom = null;
        for (ProductBean bean : list) {
            name = bean.getProductName();
            name = name.replaceAll("~", " ");
            qty = bean.getQuantity();
            barcode = bean.getBarCode();
            uom = bean.getUom();
            reportData.add(new Object[] { name, uom, barcode, qty });

        return reportData;

    public static String getCompleteOrderPDFReport(Properties ctx, int orderId, String trxName)
            throws OperationException {
        String docStatus = null;
        String dateOrdered = null;
        String orderType = null;
        String orgName = null;
        String orgAddress = null;
        String salesRep = null;
        String paymentBy = null;
        String customerName = null;
        String customerAddress = null;
        String documentNo = null;
        String currency = "Rs ";
        NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.00");

        currency = POSTerminalManager.getDefaultSalesCurrency(ctx).getCurSymbol() + " ";
        MOrder order = new MOrder(ctx, orderId, trxName);

        // getting payment info
        int[] invoiceIds = MInvoice.getAllIDs(MInvoice.Table_Name,
                "AD_CLIENT_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx) + " and C_ORDER_ID=" + order.get_ID(), null);
        double paymentByCash = 0.0;
        double paymentByCard = 0.0;
        double paymentByCheque = 0.0;

        MInvoice invoice = null;
        String paymentRule = null;
        boolean isMixed = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < invoiceIds.length; i++) {
            invoice = new MInvoice(ctx, invoiceIds[i], trxName);

            if (i == 0) {
                paymentRule = invoice.getPaymentRule();
            } else {
                if (!paymentRule.equalsIgnoreCase(invoice.getPaymentRule())) {
                    isMixed = true;

            if (invoice.getPaymentRule().equals(MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_Cash)) {
                paymentByCash += invoice.getGrandTotal().doubleValue();
                paymentBy = Constants.PAYMENT_RULE_CASH;

            if (invoice.getPaymentRule().equals(MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_CreditCard)) {
                paymentByCard += invoice.getGrandTotal().doubleValue();
                paymentBy = Constants.PAYMENT_RULE_CARD;

            if (invoice.getPaymentRule().equals(MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_DirectDebit)) {
                paymentByCard += invoice.getGrandTotal().doubleValue();
                paymentBy = Constants.PAYMENT_RULE_CARD;

            if (invoice.getPaymentRule().equals(MOrder.PAYMENTRULE_Check)) {
                paymentByCheque += invoice.getGrandTotal().doubleValue();
                paymentBy = Constants.PAYMENT_RULE_CHEQUE;

        } // for

        if (isMixed) {
            paymentBy = "Mixed (Cash:" + formatter.format(paymentByCash) + " Card:"
                    + formatter.format(paymentByCard) + " Cheque:" + formatter.format(paymentByCheque) + ")";

        // getting orgInfo
        MOrg org = new MOrg(ctx, order.getAD_Org_ID(), trxName);
        int location_id = org.getInfo().getC_Location_ID();
        MLocation location = new MLocation(ctx, location_id, trxName);

        orgName = org.getName();

        String address1 = (location.getAddress1() == null) ? " " : location.getAddress1();
        String address2 = (location.getAddress2() == null) ? " " : location.getAddress2();
        orgAddress = (address1 + " " + address2).trim();

        // getting order type
        orderType = order.getOrderType();

        // getting orderInfo
        docStatus = order.getDocStatusName();
        documentNo = order.getDocumentNo();

        Date d = new Date(order.getCreated().getTime());
        SimpleDateFormat s = new SimpleDateFormat(TimestampConvertor.DEFAULT_DATE_PATTERN1);
        dateOrdered = s.format(d);

        // getting salesrep
        int saleRep_id = order.getSalesRep_ID();
        MUser user = new MUser(ctx, saleRep_id, trxName);
        salesRep = user.getName();

        // getting customer info
        int bpartner_id = order.getBill_BPartner_ID();
        BPartnerBean bean = BPartnerManager.getBpartner(ctx, bpartner_id, trxName);

        String name1 = (bean.getPartnerName() == null) ? " " : bean.getPartnerName();
        String name2 = (bean.getName2() == null) ? " " : bean.getName2();
        customerName = (name1 + " " + name2).trim();

        address1 = (bean.getAddress1() == null) ? " " : bean.getAddress1();
        address2 = (bean.getAddress2() == null) ? " " : bean.getAddress2();
        customerAddress = (address1 + " " + address2).trim();

        ArrayList<WebOrderLineBean> orderLineList = POSManager.populateOrderLines(ctx, order);

        // ----------------------------------- generating pdf
        // --------------------------------------
        String reportName = RandomStringGenerator.randomstring() + ".pdf";
        String reportPath = ReportManager.getReportPath(reportName);

        Font titleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 18, Font.BOLD);
        Font subtitleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 14, Font.BOLD);

        Font headerFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 11, Font.BOLD);
        Font simpleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 10);

        float cellBorderWidth = 0.0f;

        // step 1: creation of a document-object
        Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 30, 30, 20, 40);// l,r,t,b
        // document.getPageSize().set;


        try {
            // step 2:
            // we create a writer that listens to the document
            // and directs a PDF-stream to a file
            PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(reportPath));

            // step 3: we open the document
            // step 4: we add a paragraph to the document

            Image logo = null;

            String imageURI = PathInfo.PROJECT_HOME + "images/logo.gif";
            // "images/pos/openBLUE_POS_Logo.gif";

            try {
                byte logoData[] = OrganisationManager.getLogo(ctx, null);
                logo = Image.getInstance(logoData);
            } catch (LogoException ex) {
                logo = Image.getInstance(imageURI);

            logo.setAbsolutePosition(document.left(), - logo.getHeight());

            PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
            PdfPCell cell = null;


            // header cell
            Paragraph title = new Paragraph();
            title.add(new Chunk(orgName, subtitleFont));
            title.add(new Chunk("\n"));
            title.add(new Chunk(orgAddress, subtitleFont));

            // cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new
            // Chunk("Title1",titleFont)));
            cell = new PdfPCell(title);


            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // doc type
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(orderType, titleFont)));


            // spacing
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // row 1
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(customerName, headerFont)));

            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Sales Rep: " + salesRep, headerFont)));

            // row 2
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(customerAddress, headerFont)));

            // spacing
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // row 3
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Ref No: " + documentNo, headerFont)));

            // row 4
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Doc Status: " + docStatus, headerFont)));

            // row 5
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Payment By: " + paymentBy, headerFont)));

            // row 6
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Date: " + dateOrdered, headerFont)));

            // spacing
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // spacing
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // ------------------------------------------------------
            cell = new PdfPCell();

            PdfPTable t = new PdfPTable(6);

            int[] widths = { 1, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2 };

            // setting headers
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("SerNo", headerFont)));
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Name", headerFont)));
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Qty", headerFont)));
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Price", headerFont)));
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("VAT", headerFont)));
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Total", headerFont)));

            // setting table data
            // --------------------------------writing table
            // data------------------------------
            int serNo = 0;
            int totalQty = 0;
            double totalAmt = 0.0;
            double totalTaxAmt = 0.0;
            double grandTotal = 0.0;

            BigDecimal qty = null;
            BigDecimal lineAmt = null;
            BigDecimal taxAmt = null;
            BigDecimal lineTotalAmt = null;

            for (WebOrderLineBean orderlineBean : orderLineList) {
                qty = orderlineBean.getQtyOrdered();
                lineAmt = orderlineBean.getLineNetAmt();
                taxAmt = orderlineBean.getTaxAmt();
                lineTotalAmt = orderlineBean.getLineTotalAmt();

                totalQty += qty.intValue();
                totalAmt += lineAmt.doubleValue();
                totalTaxAmt += taxAmt.doubleValue();
                grandTotal += lineTotalAmt.doubleValue();

                t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(serNo + "", simpleFont)));
                t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(orderlineBean.getProductName(), simpleFont)));
                t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(qty.intValue() + "", simpleFont)));
                t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(formatter.format(lineAmt.doubleValue()), simpleFont)));
                t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(formatter.format(taxAmt.doubleValue()), simpleFont)));
                t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(formatter.format(lineTotalAmt.doubleValue()), simpleFont)));
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // setting table footer
            t.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(new Color(240, 240, 240));

            PdfPCell c = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("ORDER TOTAL", headerFont)));
            c.setBackgroundColor(new Color(240, 240, 240));

            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(totalQty + "", simpleFont)));
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(currency + formatter.format(totalAmt), simpleFont)));
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(currency + formatter.format(totalTaxAmt), simpleFont)));
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(currency + formatter.format(grandTotal), simpleFont)));

            // ------------------------------------------------------

            // table.addCell(cell);


        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);

        // step 5: we close the document

        return reportName;

     * public static String getInvoiceFromOrderPDFReport(Properties ctx, int
     * orderId, String trxName) throws OperationException { int invoiceIds[] =
     * InvoiceManager.getInvoiceIdsForOrder(ctx, orderId, trxName);
     * if(invoiceIds.length == 0) throw new OperationException("No invoice found
     * for Order with id: " + orderId); else if(invoiceIds.length == 1) return
     * getInvoicePDFReport(ctx, invoiceIds[0], trxName); else return
     * getCompleteOrderPDFReport(ctx, orderId, trxName); }

     * public static String getInvoicePDFReport(Properties ctx, int invoiceId,
     * String trxName) throws OperationException { String docStatus = null;
     * String dateOrdered = null; String docType = null; String orgName = null;
     * String orgAddress = null; String salesRep = null; String phone = " ";
     * String fax = " ";
     * String customerName = null; String customerAddress = null; String
     * documentNo = null; String currency = "Rs "; NumberFormat formatter = new
     * DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.00");
     * currency =
     * POSTerminalManager.getPOSDefaultSellCurrency(ctx).getCurSymbol()+ " ";
     * MInvoice invoice = InvoiceManager.loadInvoice(ctx, invoiceId, trxName);
     * //getting orgInfo MOrg org = new
     * MOrg(ctx,invoice.getAD_Org_ID(),trxName); int location_id =
     * org.getInfo().getC_Location_ID(); MLocation location = new
     * MLocation(ctx,location_id,trxName); MBPartner orgPartner = new
     * MBPartner(ctx, org.getLinkedC_BPartner_ID(), trxName); MBPartnerLocation
     * meLocation[] = MBPartnerLocation.getForBPartner(ctx,orgPartner.getID());
     * if (meLocation.length != 1) throw new OperationException("Should have
     * only 1 location for organisation business partner!!");
     * MBPartnerLocation orgLocation = meLocation[0];
     * if (orgLocation.getPhone() != null); phone = orgLocation.getPhone();
     * if (orgLocation.getFax() != null) fax = orgLocation.getFax();
     * orgName = org.getName();
     * String address1 = (location.getAddress1() == null)? " " :
     * location.getAddress1(); String address2 = (location.getAddress2() ==
     * null)? " " : location.getAddress2(); orgAddress = (address1 + " " +
     * address2).trim();
     * //getting order type MDocType doctype = MDocType.get(ctx,
     * invoice.getC_DocType_ID()); docType = doctype.getName();
     * //getting orderInfo docStatus = invoice.getDocStatusName(); documentNo =
     * invoice.getDocumentNo();
     * Date d = new Date(invoice.getCreated().getTime()); SimpleDateFormat s =
     * new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); dateOrdered = s.format(d);
     * //getting salesrep int saleRep_id = invoice.getSalesRep_ID(); MUser user =
     * new MUser(ctx,saleRep_id,trxName); salesRep = user.getName();
     * //getting customer info int bpartner_id = invoice.getC_BPartner_ID();
     * BPartnerBean bean = BPartnerManager.getBpartner(ctx,bpartner_id,
     * trxName);
     * String name1 = (bean.getPartnerName() == null)? " " :
     * bean.getPartnerName(); String name2 = (bean.getName2() == null)? " " :
     * bean.getName2(); customerName = (name1 + " " + name2).trim();
     * address1 = (bean.getAddress1() == null)? " " : bean.getAddress1();
     * address2 = (bean.getAddress2() == null)? " " : bean.getAddress2();
     * customerAddress = (address1 + " " + address2).trim();
     * ArrayList<WebOrderLineBean> orderLineList =
     * InvoiceManager.populateInvoiceLines(ctx,invoice, false);
     * //----------------------------------- generating pdf
     * -------------------------------------- String reportName =
     * RandomStringGenerator.randomstring() + ".pdf"; String reportPath =
     * ReportManager.getReportPath(reportName);
     * Font titleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 18,Font.BOLD); Font
     * subtitleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 14,Font.BOLD);
     * Font headerFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 11,Font.BOLD); Font
     * simpleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 10);
     * float cellBorderWidth = 0.0f;
     *  // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new
     * Document(PageSize.A4,30,30,20,40);//l,r,t,b //document.getPageSize().set;
     * System.out.println(document.leftMargin());
     * try { // step 2: // we create a writer that listens to the document //
     * and directs a PDF-stream to a file PdfWriter.getInstance(document,new
     * FileOutputStream(reportPath));
     *  // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: we add a
     * paragraph to the document
     * Image logo = null;
     * //TODO: make this part dynamic <------------------------------ IMPORTANT
     * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! String imageURI = PathInfo.PROJECT_HOME +
     * "images/pos/openBLUE_POS_Logo.gif"; logo = Image.getInstance(imageURI);
     * //MAttachment attachment = new
     * MAttachment(ctx,MOrg.Table_ID,org.getID(),null); //logo =
     * Image.getInstance(attachment.getEntries()[0].getData());
     * try { byte logoData[] = OrganisationManager.getLogo(ctx, null); logo =
     * Image.getInstance(logoData); } catch(LogoException ex) { logo =
     * Image.getInstance(imageURI); }
     * logo.setAbsolutePosition(document.left(),;
     * document.add(logo);
     * PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2); PdfPCell cell = null;
     *  // table.getDefaultCell().setPadding(5.0f);
     * table.setWidthPercentage(100.0f);
     * //header cell Paragraph title = new Paragraph(); title.add(new
     * Chunk(orgName,subtitleFont)); title.add(new Chunk("\n")); title.add(new
     * Chunk(orgAddress,subtitleFont)); title.add(new Chunk("\n"));
     * title.add(new Chunk("Phone: " + phone,subtitleFont)); title.add(new
     * Chunk("\n")); title.add(new Chunk("Fax: " + fax,subtitleFont));
     * //cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Title1",titleFont))); cell =
     * new PdfPCell(title);
     * cell.setColspan(2); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT);
     * cell.setVerticalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE);
     * cell.setFixedHeight(logo.height()); cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth);
     * table.addCell(cell);
     * cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); cell.setFixedHeight(10);
     * cell.setColspan(2); table.addCell(cell);
     * //doc type cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(docType,titleFont)));
     * cell.setColspan(2); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER);
     * cell.setVerticalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //spacing cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); cell.setFixedHeight(10);
     * cell.setColspan(2); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 1 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(customerName,headerFont)));
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Sales Rep:
     * "+salesRep,headerFont)));
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 2 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(customerAddress,headerFont)));
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //spacing cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); cell.setFixedHeight(10);
     * cell.setColspan(2); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 3 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("No: " + documentNo,
     * headerFont))); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 4 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Doc Status:
     * "+docStatus,headerFont))); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 5 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Payment By:
     * "+paymentBy,headerFont))); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 6 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Date:
     * "+dateOrdered,headerFont))); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //spacing cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("")); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setFixedHeight(10); cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth);
     * table.addCell(cell);
     * //spacing cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("")); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setFixedHeight(10); cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth);
     * table.addCell(cell);
     * //------------------------------------------------------ cell = new
     * PdfPCell(); cell.setColspan(2); cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth);
     * PdfPTable t = new PdfPTable(6); t.getDefaultCell().setPadding(3.0f);
     * t.setWidthPercentage(100.0f);
     * int[] widths = {1,4,1,2,2,2}; t.setWidths(widths);
     * //setting headers t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("SerNo",headerFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("Name",headerFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("Qty",headerFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("Price",headerFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("VAT",headerFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("Total",headerFont)));
     * //setting table data //--------------------------------writing table
     * data------------------------------ int serNo = 0; int totalQty = 0;
     * double totalAmt = 0.0; double totalTaxAmt = 0.0; double grandTotal = 0.0;
     * BigDecimal qty = null; BigDecimal lineAmt = null; BigDecimal taxAmt =
     * null; BigDecimal lineTotalAmt = null;
     * for (WebOrderLineBean orderlineBean : orderLineList) { serNo++; qty =
     * orderlineBean.getQtyOrdered(); lineAmt = orderlineBean.getLineNetAmt();
     * taxAmt = orderlineBean.getTaxAmt(); lineTotalAmt =
     * orderlineBean.getLineTotalAmt();
     * totalQty += qty.intValue(); totalAmt += lineAmt.doubleValue();
     * totalTaxAmt += taxAmt.doubleValue(); grandTotal +=
     * lineTotalAmt.doubleValue();
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(serNo+"",simpleFont))); t.addCell(new
     * Paragraph(new Chunk(orderlineBean.getProductName(),simpleFont)));
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(qty.intValue()+"",simpleFont)));
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(formatter.format(lineAmt.doubleValue()),simpleFont)));
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(formatter.format(taxAmt.doubleValue()),simpleFont))); t.addCell(new
     * Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(formatter.format(lineTotalAmt.doubleValue()),simpleFont))); }
     * //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * //setting table footer t.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(new
     * Color(240,240,240));
     * PdfPCell c = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("ORDER
     * TOTAL",headerFont))); c.setColspan(2); c.setBackgroundColor(new
     * Color(240,240,240)); t.addCell(c);
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(totalQty + "",simpleFont)));
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(currency +
     * formatter.format(totalAmt),simpleFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(currency + formatter.format(totalTaxAmt),simpleFont)));
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(currency +
     * formatter.format(grandTotal),simpleFont)));
     * t.setSplitRows(true); cell.addElement(t);
     * //------------------------------------------------------
     * //table.addCell(cell); table.setSplitRows(true);
     * document.add(table); document.add(t);
     *  } catch (Exception e) { throw new OperationException(e); }
     *  // step 5: we close the document document.close();
     * return reportName; }

     * public static String getPaymentPDFReport(Properties ctx, int paymentId,
     * String trxName) throws OperationException { String docStatus = null;
     * String dateOrdered = null; String docType = null; String orgName = null;
     * String orgAddress = null; String salesRep = null; String phone = " ";
     * String fax = " ";
     * String customerName = null; String customerAddress = null; String
     * documentNo = null; String currency = "Rs "; NumberFormat formatter = new
     * DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.00");
     * currency =
     * POSTerminalManager.getPOSDefaultSellCurrency(ctx).getCurSymbol()+ " ";
     * MPayment payment = PaymentManager.loadPayment(ctx, paymentId, trxName);
     * //getting orgInfo MOrg org = new
     * MOrg(ctx,payment.getAD_Org_ID(),trxName); int location_id =
     * org.getInfo().getC_Location_ID(); MLocation location = new
     * MLocation(ctx,location_id,trxName); MBPartner orgPartner = new
     * MBPartner(ctx, org.getLinkedC_BPartner_ID(), trxName); MBPartnerLocation
     * meLocation[] = MBPartnerLocation.getForBPartner(ctx,orgPartner.getID());
     * if (meLocation.length != 1) throw new OperationException("Should have
     * only 1 location for organisation business partner!!");
     * MBPartnerLocation orgLocation = meLocation[0];
     * if (orgLocation.getPhone() != null); phone = orgLocation.getPhone();
     * if (orgLocation.getFax() != null) fax = orgLocation.getFax();
     * orgName = org.getName();
     * String address1 = (location.getAddress1() == null)? " " :
     * location.getAddress1(); String address2 = (location.getAddress2() ==
     * null)? " " : location.getAddress2(); orgAddress = (address1 + " " +
     * address2).trim();
     * //getting order type MDocType doctype = MDocType.get(ctx,
     * payment.getC_DocType_ID()); docType = doctype.getName();
     * //getting orderInfo docStatus = payment.getDocStatusName(); documentNo =
     * payment.getDocumentNo();
     * Date d = new Date(payment.getCreated().getTime()); SimpleDateFormat s =
     * new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); dateOrdered = s.format(d);
     * //getting salesrep int saleRep_id = payment.getDoc_User_ID(); MUser user =
     * new MUser(ctx,saleRep_id,trxName); salesRep = user.getName();
     * //getting customer info int bpartner_id = payment.getC_BPartner_ID();
     * BPartnerBean bean = BPartnerManager.getBpartner(ctx,bpartner_id,
     * trxName);
     * String name1 = (bean.getPartnerName() == null)? " " :
     * bean.getPartnerName(); String name2 = (bean.getName2() == null)? " " :
     * bean.getName2(); customerName = (name1 + " " + name2).trim();
     * address1 = (bean.getAddress1() == null)? " " : bean.getAddress1();
     * address2 = (bean.getAddress2() == null)? " " : bean.getAddress2();
     * customerAddress = (address1 + " " + address2).trim();
     * ArrayList<WebDocumentBean> orderLineList =
     * PaymentManager.getWebPaymentBean(ctx,payment);
     * //----------------------------------- generating pdf
     * -------------------------------------- String reportName =
     * RandomStringGenerator.randomstring() + ".pdf"; String reportPath =
     * ReportManager.getReportPath(reportName);
     * Font titleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 18,Font.BOLD); Font
     * subtitleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 14,Font.BOLD);
     * Font headerFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 11,Font.BOLD); Font
     * simpleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 10);
     * float cellBorderWidth = 0.0f;
     *  // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new
     * Document(PageSize.A4,30,30,20,40);//l,r,t,b //document.getPageSize().set;
     * System.out.println(document.leftMargin());
     * try { // step 2: // we create a writer that listens to the document //
     * and directs a PDF-stream to a file PdfWriter.getInstance(document,new
     * FileOutputStream(reportPath));
     *  // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: we add a
     * paragraph to the document
     * Image logo = null;
     * //TODO: make this part dynamic <------------------------------ IMPORTANT
     * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! String imageURI = PathInfo.PROJECT_HOME +
     * "images/pos/openBLUE_POS_Logo.gif"; logo = Image.getInstance(imageURI);
     * //MAttachment attachment = new
     * MAttachment(ctx,MOrg.Table_ID,org.getID(),null); //logo =
     * Image.getInstance(attachment.getEntries()[0].getData());
     * try { byte logoData[] = OrganisationManager.getLogo(ctx, null); logo =
     * Image.getInstance(logoData); } catch(LogoException ex) { logo =
     * Image.getInstance(imageURI); }
     * logo.setAbsolutePosition(document.left(),;
     * document.add(logo);
     * PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2); PdfPCell cell = null;
     *  // table.getDefaultCell().setPadding(5.0f);
     * table.setWidthPercentage(100.0f);
     * //header cell Paragraph title = new Paragraph(); title.add(new
     * Chunk(orgName,subtitleFont)); title.add(new Chunk("\n")); title.add(new
     * Chunk(orgAddress,subtitleFont)); title.add(new Chunk("\n"));
     * title.add(new Chunk("Phone: " + phone,subtitleFont)); title.add(new
     * Chunk("\n")); title.add(new Chunk("Fax: " + fax,subtitleFont));
     * //cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Title1",titleFont))); cell =
     * new PdfPCell(title);
     * cell.setColspan(2); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT);
     * cell.setVerticalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE);
     * cell.setFixedHeight(logo.height()); cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth);
     * table.addCell(cell);
     * cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); cell.setFixedHeight(10);
     * cell.setColspan(2); table.addCell(cell);
     * //doc type cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(docType,titleFont)));
     * cell.setColspan(2); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER);
     * cell.setVerticalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //spacing cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); cell.setFixedHeight(10);
     * cell.setColspan(2); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 1 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(customerName,headerFont)));
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Sales Rep:
     * "+salesRep,headerFont)));
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 2 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(customerAddress,headerFont)));
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //spacing cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); cell.setFixedHeight(10);
     * cell.setColspan(2); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 3 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("No: " + documentNo,
     * headerFont))); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 4 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Doc Status:
     * "+docStatus,headerFont))); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 5 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Payment By:
     * "+paymentBy,headerFont))); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //row 6 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Date:
     * "+dateOrdered,headerFont))); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
     * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);
     * //spacing cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("")); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setFixedHeight(10); cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth);
     * table.addCell(cell);
     * //spacing cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("")); cell.setColspan(2);
     * cell.setFixedHeight(10); cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth);
     * table.addCell(cell);
     * //------------------------------------------------------ cell = new
     * PdfPCell(); cell.setColspan(2); cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth);
     * PdfPTable t = new PdfPTable(6); t.getDefaultCell().setPadding(3.0f);
     * t.setWidthPercentage(100.0f);
     * int[] widths = {1,4,1,2,2,2}; t.setWidths(widths);
     * //setting headers t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("SerNo",headerFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("Name",headerFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("Qty",headerFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("Price",headerFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("VAT",headerFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk("Total",headerFont)));
     * //setting table data //--------------------------------writing table
     * data------------------------------ int serNo = 0; int totalQty = 0;
     * double totalAmt = 0.0; double totalTaxAmt = 0.0; double grandTotal = 0.0;
     * BigDecimal qty = null; BigDecimal lineAmt = null; BigDecimal taxAmt =
     * null; BigDecimal lineTotalAmt = null;
     * for (WebOrderLineBean orderlineBean : orderLineList) { serNo++; qty =
     * orderlineBean.getQtyOrdered(); lineAmt = orderlineBean.getLineNetAmt();
     * taxAmt = orderlineBean.getTaxAmt(); lineTotalAmt =
     * orderlineBean.getLineTotalAmt();
     * totalQty += qty.intValue(); totalAmt += lineAmt.doubleValue();
     * totalTaxAmt += taxAmt.doubleValue(); grandTotal +=
     * lineTotalAmt.doubleValue();
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(serNo+"",simpleFont))); t.addCell(new
     * Paragraph(new Chunk(orderlineBean.getProductName(),simpleFont)));
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(qty.intValue()+"",simpleFont)));
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(formatter.format(lineAmt.doubleValue()),simpleFont)));
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(formatter.format(taxAmt.doubleValue()),simpleFont))); t.addCell(new
     * Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(formatter.format(lineTotalAmt.doubleValue()),simpleFont))); }
     * //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * //setting table footer t.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(new
     * Color(240,240,240));
     * PdfPCell c = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("ORDER
     * TOTAL",headerFont))); c.setColspan(2); c.setBackgroundColor(new
     * Color(240,240,240)); t.addCell(c);
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(totalQty + "",simpleFont)));
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(currency +
     * formatter.format(totalAmt),simpleFont))); t.addCell(new Paragraph(new
     * Chunk(currency + formatter.format(totalTaxAmt),simpleFont)));
     * t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(currency +
     * formatter.format(grandTotal),simpleFont)));
     * t.setSplitRows(true); cell.addElement(t);
     * //------------------------------------------------------
     * //table.addCell(cell); table.setSplitRows(true);
     * document.add(table); document.add(t);
     *  } catch (Exception e) { throw new OperationException(e); }
     *  // step 5: we close the document document.close();
     * return reportName; }

    public static String getShipmentPDFReport(Properties ctx, int minoutId, String trxName)
            throws OperationException {
        String docStatus = null;
        String dateOrdered = null;
        String docType = null;
        String orgName = null;
        String orgAddress = null;
        String salesRep = null;
        String phone = "      ";
        String fax = "       ";

        String customerName = null;
        String customerAddress = null;
        String documentNo = null;

        MInOut minout = MinOutManager.loadMInOut(ctx, minoutId, trxName);

        // getting orgInfo
        MOrg org = new MOrg(ctx, minout.getAD_Org_ID(), trxName);
        int location_id = org.getInfo().getC_Location_ID();
        MLocation location = new MLocation(ctx, location_id, trxName);
        MBPartner orgPartner = new MBPartner(ctx, org.getLinkedC_BPartner_ID(trxName), trxName);
        MBPartnerLocation meLocation[] = MBPartnerLocation.getForBPartner(ctx, orgPartner.get_ID());

        if (meLocation.length != 1)
            throw new OperationException("Should have only 1 location for organisation business partner!!");

        MBPartnerLocation orgLocation = meLocation[0];

        if (orgLocation.getPhone() != null)
            phone = orgLocation.getPhone();

        if (orgLocation.getFax() != null)
            fax = orgLocation.getFax();

        orgName = org.getName();

        String address1 = (location.getAddress1() == null) ? " " : location.getAddress1();
        String address2 = (location.getAddress2() == null) ? " " : location.getAddress2();
        orgAddress = (address1 + " " + address2).trim();

        // getting order type
        MDocType doctype = MDocType.get(ctx, minout.getC_DocType_ID());
        docType = doctype.getName();

        // getting orderInfo
        docStatus = minout.getDocStatusName();
        documentNo = minout.getDocumentNo();

        Date d = new Date(minout.getCreated().getTime());
        SimpleDateFormat s = new SimpleDateFormat(TimestampConvertor.DEFAULT_DATE_PATTERN1);
        dateOrdered = s.format(d);

        // getting salesrep
        int saleRep_id = minout.getSalesRep_ID();
        MUser user = new MUser(ctx, saleRep_id, trxName);
        salesRep = user.getName();

        // getting customer info
        int bpartner_id = minout.getC_BPartner_ID();
        BPartnerBean bean = BPartnerManager.getBpartner(ctx, bpartner_id, trxName);

        String name1 = (bean.getPartnerName() == null) ? " " : bean.getPartnerName();
        String name2 = (bean.getName2() == null) ? " " : bean.getName2();
        customerName = (name1 + " " + name2).trim();

        address1 = (bean.getAddress1() == null) ? " " : bean.getAddress1();
        address2 = (bean.getAddress2() == null) ? " " : bean.getAddress2();
        customerAddress = (address1 + " " + address2).trim();

        ArrayList<WebMinOutLineBean> orderLineList = MinOutManager.getWebMinOutLines(ctx, minout);

        // ----------------------------------- generating pdf
        // --------------------------------------
        String reportName = RandomStringGenerator.randomstring() + ".pdf";
        String reportPath = ReportManager.getReportPath(reportName);

        Font titleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 18, Font.BOLD);
        Font subtitleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 14, Font.BOLD);

        Font headerFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 11, Font.BOLD);
        Font simpleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 10);

        float cellBorderWidth = 0.0f;

        // step 1: creation of a document-object
        Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 30, 30, 20, 40);// l,r,t,b
        // document.getPageSize().set;


        try {
            // step 2:
            // we create a writer that listens to the document
            // and directs a PDF-stream to a file
            PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(reportPath));

            // step 3: we open the document
            // step 4: we add a paragraph to the document

            Image logo = null;

            // TODO: make this part dynamic <------------------------------
            // IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            String imageURI = PathInfo.PROJECT_HOME + "images/pos/openBLUE_POS_Logo.gif";
            logo = Image.getInstance(imageURI);

            // MAttachment attachment = new
            // MAttachment(ctx,MOrg.Table_ID,org.getID(),null);
            // logo = Image.getInstance(attachment.getEntries()[0].getData());

            try {
                byte logoData[] = OrganisationManager.getLogo(ctx, null);
                logo = Image.getInstance(logoData);
            } catch (LogoException ex) {
                logo = Image.getInstance(imageURI);

            logo.setAbsolutePosition(document.left(), - logo.getHeight());

            PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
            PdfPCell cell = null;


            // header cell
            Paragraph title = new Paragraph();
            title.add(new Chunk(orgName, subtitleFont));
            title.add(new Chunk("\n"));
            title.add(new Chunk(orgAddress, subtitleFont));
            title.add(new Chunk("\n"));
            title.add(new Chunk("Phone: " + phone, subtitleFont));
            title.add(new Chunk("\n"));
            title.add(new Chunk("Fax: " + fax, subtitleFont));

            // cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new
            // Chunk("Title1",titleFont)));
            cell = new PdfPCell(title);


            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // doc type
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(docType, titleFont)));


            // spacing
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // row 1
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(customerName, headerFont)));

            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Sales Rep: " + salesRep, headerFont)));

            // row 2
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(customerAddress, headerFont)));

            // spacing
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // row 3
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("No: " + documentNo, headerFont)));

            // row 4
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Doc Status: " + docStatus, headerFont)));

             * //row 5 cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Payment By:
             * "+paymentBy,headerFont))); cell.setColspan(2);
             * cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT);
             * cell.setBorderWidth(cellBorderWidth); table.addCell(cell);

            // row 6
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Date: " + dateOrdered, headerFont)));

            // spacing
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // spacing
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // ------------------------------------------------------
            cell = new PdfPCell();

            PdfPTable t = new PdfPTable(3);

            int[] widths = { 1, 10, 1 };

            // setting headers
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("SerNo", headerFont)));
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Name", headerFont)));
            t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk("Qty", headerFont)));

            // setting table data
            // --------------------------------writing table
            // data------------------------------
            int serNo = 0;

            BigDecimal qty = null;

            for (WebMinOutLineBean orderlineBean : orderLineList) {
                qty = orderlineBean.getQtyOrdered();

                t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(serNo + "", simpleFont)));
                t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(orderlineBean.getProductName(), simpleFont)));
                t.addCell(new Paragraph(new Chunk(qty.intValue() + "", simpleFont)));
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // table.addCell(cell);


        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);

        // step 5: we close the document

        return reportName;

    public static String endOfTheDayPDF(Properties ctx, CloseTillBean bean) throws OperationException {
        String reportName = RandomStringGenerator.randomstring() + ".pdf";
        String reportPath = ReportManager.getReportPath(reportName);

        double beginningBalance = (bean.getBeginningBalance() == null ? 0
                : bean.getBeginningBalance().doubleValue());
        double statementDifference = (bean.getNetCashTrx() == null ? 0 : bean.getNetCashTrx().doubleValue());
        double transferAmount = (bean.getBalanceEntered() == null ? 0 : bean.getBalanceEntered().doubleValue());
        double differenceAmount = (bean.getDifference() == null ? 0 : bean.getDifference().doubleValue());
        double endingBalance = (bean.getEndingBalance() == null ? 0 : bean.getEndingBalance().doubleValue());
        double tillCashTotal = (bean.getCashTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getCashTotal().doubleValue());
        double cashBeanCardTotal = (bean.getCardTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getCardTotal().doubleValue());
        double tillCardTotal = (bean.getCardTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getCardTotal().doubleValue());
        double cardDifference = (bean.getCardDifference() == null ? 0 : bean.getCardDifference().doubleValue());
        double cashBeanChequeTotal = (bean.getChequeTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getChequeTotal().doubleValue());
        double tillChequeTotal = (bean.getChequeTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getChequeTotal().doubleValue());
        double chequeDifference = (bean.getChequeDifference() == null ? 0
                : bean.getChequeDifference().doubleValue());
        double grandTotal = (bean.getGrandTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getGrandTotal().doubleValue());

        Font titleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 8, Font.BOLD);
        Font subtitleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 8, Font.BOLD);

        // Font headerFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 8,Font.BOLD);
        Font simpleFont = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 8);

        final float NO_BORDER = 0.0f;
        // final float THIN_BORDER = 1.0f;

        String currency = "Rs ";
        NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.00");
        PdfPCell cell = null;

        // step 1: creation of a document-object
        Document document = new Document(PageSize.A7, 3, 3, 2, 4);// l,r,t,b
        // document.getPageSize().set;


        try {
            currency = POSTerminalManager.getDefaultSalesCurrency(ctx).getCurSymbol();
            PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(reportPath));


            PdfPTable layoutTbl = new PdfPTable(1);

            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(TimestampConvertor.DEFAULT_DATE_PATTERN1);
            Date today = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

            // 1.add title
            Paragraph title = new Paragraph(new Chunk("End of the Day Report", titleFont));
            cell = new PdfPCell(title);

            Paragraph subTitle = new Paragraph(new Chunk(sdf.format(today), subtitleFont));
            cell = new PdfPCell(subTitle);

            // spacing
            cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(""));

            // display report data
            PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
            Phrase phrase = null;

            // row 1
            phrase = new Phrase("Till No:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(bean.getTillName(), simpleFont);

            // row 2
            phrase = new Phrase("Begining Balance:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(beginningBalance), simpleFont);

            // row 3
            phrase = new Phrase("Net Cash Trx:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(statementDifference), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Till Balance Entered:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(transferAmount), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Difference:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(differenceAmount), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Ending Balance:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(endingBalance), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Cash Total:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(tillCashTotal), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Card Amt Entered:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(cashBeanCardTotal), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Card Total:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(tillCardTotal), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Card Difference:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(cardDifference), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Cheque Amt Entered:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(cashBeanChequeTotal), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Cheque Total:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(tillChequeTotal), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Cheque Difference:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(chequeDifference), simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase("Grand Total:", simpleFont);

            phrase = new Phrase(currency + formatter.format(grandTotal), simpleFont);



        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);


        return reportName;


    public static String endOfTheDayReport(Properties ctx, CloseTillBean bean) {
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(TimestampConvertor.DEFAULT_DATE_PATTERN1);
        // String currency =
        // POSTerminalManager.getPOSDefaultCurrency(ctx).getCurSymbol();
        Date today = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
        StringBuffer reportData = new StringBuffer();

        String title = "End of the Day Report";
        String subtitle = sdf.format(today);

        // adding logo

        // adding title

        // adding subtitle

        // adding space

        // adding report data
        int maxwidth = 60;
        int column1 = 30;
        int column2 = maxwidth - column1;

        String format1 = "%1$-" + column1 + "s%2$" + column2 + "s%n"; // string,string
        String format2 = "%1$-" + column1 + "s%2$" + column2 + ".2f%n"; // string,bigdecimal

        String tillNo = String.format(format1, "Till No", bean.getTillName());
        String beginningBalance = String.format(format2, "Beginning Balance",
        String netCashTrx = String.format(format2, "Net Cash Trx", bean.getNetCashTrx().doubleValue());
        String tillBalanceEntered = String.format(format2, "Till Balance Entered",
        String difference = String.format(format2, "Difference", bean.getDifference().doubleValue());
        String endingBalance = String.format(format2, "Ending Balance", bean.getEndingBalance().doubleValue());
        String cashTotal = String.format(format2, "Cash Total", bean.getCashTotal().doubleValue());
        String cardTotal = String.format(format2, "Card Total", bean.getCardTotal().doubleValue());
        String chequeTotal = String.format(format2, "Cheque Total", bean.getChequeTotal());
        String grandTotal = String.format(format2, "Grand Total", bean.getGrandTotal());

        // some new lines
        // String cashEntered = String.format(format1, "Cash Amt Entered",
        // cashBean.getca);
        String cardEntered = String.format(format2, "Card Amt Entered", bean.getCardTotal());
        String cardDifference = String.format(format2, "Card Difference", bean.getCardDifference());
        String chequeEntered = String.format(format2, "Cheque Amt Entered", bean.getChequeTotal());
        String chequeDifference = String.format(format2, "Cheque Difference", bean.getChequeDifference());

                // .append(cashEntered)

        return reportData.toString();

    public static String getDailySalesReport(Properties ctx, Timestamp time, int C_POS_ID, int maxLength,
            String trxName) throws SQLException, OperationException {
        if (maxLength < TmkPrinterConstants.PRINTER_DEFAULT_WIDTH) {
            maxLength = TmkPrinterConstants.PRINTER_DEFAULT_WIDTH;
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(TimestampConvertor.DEFAULT_DATE_PATTERN1);
        Date today = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
        String subtitle = sdf.format(today);

        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();

        sql.append(" select PROD.NAME,");
        sql.append(" SUM(0 - FACT.QTY) as Qty,");
        sql.append(" round(SUM(FACT.AMTACCTCR - FACT.AMTACCTDR) * ((tax.RATE+100)/100),3) as Value");
        sql.append(" from FACT_ACCT FACT");
        sql.append(" inner join M_PRODUCT PROD on FACT.M_PRODUCT_ID = PROD.M_PRODUCT_ID");
        sql.append(" inner join C_TAX tax on tax.C_TAX_ID = FACT.C_TAX_ID");
        sql.append(" inner join C_INVOICE inv on inv.C_INVOICE_ID = fact.RECORD_ID");
        sql.append(" inner join C_ORDER ord on ord.C_Order_ID = inv.C_Order_ID");
                " where FACT.ACCOUNT_ID =  (select C_ELEMENTVALUE_ID from C_ELEMENTVALUE where value = '41000' and AD_CLIENT_ID ="
                        + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx) + ")");
        sql.append(" and fact.DATEACCT = ").append(DB.TO_DATE(time));
        sql.append(" and fact.AD_ORG_ID= ? ");
        sql.append(" and fact.AD_CLIENT_ID = ? ");
        sql.append(" and ord.C_POS_ID = ?");
        sql.append(" GROUP BY to_char(fact.DATEACCT,'DD-MM-YYYY'),");
        sql.append(" tax.RATE,");
        sql.append(" PROD.NAME ");
        sql.append(" Order by to_char(fact.DATEACCT,'DD-MM-YYYY')");
        sql.append(" desc,PROD.NAME asc");

        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;

        pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), trxName);
        pstmt.setInt(1, Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx));
        pstmt.setInt(2, Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx));
        pstmt.setInt(3, C_POS_ID);

        BigDecimal totalQty = Env.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalValue = Env.ZERO;

        ArrayList<Object[]> list = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object[] data = null;

        try {
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                data = new Object[3];

                data[0] = rs.getString(1);
                data[1] = rs.getBigDecimal(2);
                data[2] = rs.getBigDecimal(3);

                totalQty = totalQty.add(rs.getBigDecimal(2));
                totalValue = totalValue.add(rs.getBigDecimal(3));


        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {

        String doubleLine = "";
        String line = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
            doubleLine = doubleLine + "=";
            line = line + "-";

        // Create the report
        StringBuffer reportData = new StringBuffer();

        //Add Report HeaderOperationException
        reportData.append(TmkPrinterConstants.FONT_NORMAL_BOLD).append("Sales Report")

        //Add subtitle

        // Add Header
        String headerFormat = "%1$-" + (maxLength - (10 + 10)) + "s" + "%2$10s" + "%3$10s";

        String lineFormat = "%1$-" + (maxLength - (10 + 10)) + "s" + "%2$10.0f" + "%3$10.2f";

        String header = String.format(headerFormat, "Product", "Qty", "Total");

        //Add Data
        for (Object[] obj : list) {
            String s = String.format(lineFormat, obj);

        //Add the total
        String total = String.format(lineFormat, "Total", totalQty, totalValue);

        //Add Report Footer
        reportData.append(line).append(TmkPrinterConstants.FONT_NORMAL_BOLD).append("All Prices include VAT")


        return reportData.toString();

     * Get Best Selling Items Data
     * @param ctx
     * @param fromDate
     * @param toDate
     * @param trxName
     * @return
     * @throws OperationException
     * @throws SQLException

    public static ArrayList<Object[]> getBestSellingItemsData(Properties ctx, Timestamp fromDate, Timestamp toDate,
            String trxName) throws OperationException, SQLException {
        ArrayList<Object[]> reportData = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object[] data = null;

        BigDecimal totalQty = Env.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalValue = Env.ZERO;

        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();

                " select PROD.NAME, SUM(0 - FACT.QTY) as QTY, round(SUM(FACT.AMTACCTCR - FACT.AMTACCTDR),2) as VALUE,");

        if (DB.getDatabase().getName().equals(Database.DB_POSTGRESQL)) {
            sql.append(" case when prod.GROUP1 is null then 'OTHERS' else trim(prod.GROUP1) end as GROUP1");

        if (DB.getDatabase().getName().equals(Database.DB_ORACLE)) {
            sql.append(" case when prod.GROUP1 is null then 'OTHERS' else to_char(prod.GROUP1) end as GROUP1");

        sql.append(" from FACT_ACCT FACT inner join M_PRODUCT PROD on FACT.M_PRODUCT_ID = PROD.M_PRODUCT_ID")
                .append(" where FACT.ACCOUNT_ID =  (select C_ELEMENTVALUE_ID from C_ELEMENTVALUE where value = '41000' and AD_CLIENT_ID ="
                        + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx) + ")")
                .append(" and fact.DATEACCT between " + DB.TO_DATE(fromDate) + " and " + DB.TO_DATE(toDate))
                .append(" and fact.AD_ORG_ID=" + Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx))
                .append(" and fact.AD_CLIENT_ID=" + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx)).append(" and PROD.ISACTIVE='Y'");

        if (DB.getDatabase().getName().equals(Database.DB_ORACLE)) {
            sql.append(" and ROWNUM < 101");

        sql.append(" GROUP BY PROD.NAME, prod.GROUP1, prod.GROUP2")
                .append(" Order by  round(SUM(FACT.AMTACCTCR - FACT.AMTACCTDR),3) desc");

        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;

        try {
            pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), trxName);
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                data = new Object[4];

                data[0] = rs.getString(1);
                data[1] = rs.getBigDecimal(2);
                data[2] = rs.getBigDecimal(3);
                data[3] = rs.getString(4);

                totalQty = totalQty.add(rs.getBigDecimal(2));
                totalValue = totalValue.add(rs.getBigDecimal(3));


            Object[] totalValues = { "TOTAL ", totalQty, totalValue, "" };

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {


        return reportData;

     * Get Stock Enquiry Data
     * @param ctx
     * @param fromDate
     * @param toDate
     * @param trxName
     * @return Array of Object
     * @throws OperationException
     * @throws SQLException
    public static ArrayList<Object[]> getStockEnquiryData(Properties ctx, Timestamp fromDate, Timestamp toDate,
            String trxName) throws OperationException, SQLException {
        ArrayList<Object[]> reportData = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object[] data = null;

        BigDecimal totalOpStockQty = Env.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalOpStockValue = Env.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalClosingStockQty = Env.ZERO;
        BigDecimal totalClosingStockValue = Env.ZERO;

        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();

        sql.append(" select  p.UPC as Barcode, p.Name as Product,")
                .append(" case when openB.sumO is null then 0 else openB.sumO end as OpStock, ")
                .append(" (price.PRICESTD * (case when openB.sumO is null then 0 else openB.sumO end)) as TotalValue, ")
                .append(" case when openC.sum1 is null then 0 else openC.sum1 end as ClosingStock ,")
                .append(" (price.PRICESTD * (case when openC.sum1 is null then 0 else openC.sum1 end)) as TotValue ")
                .append(" from (M_Product p ").append(" INNER JOIN ").append(" ( ")
                .append(" Select M_Product_ID, sum(MovementQty) as sum1 from M_Transaction trx1 where trx1.MOVEMENTDATE < ")
                .append(" and trx1.MOVEMENTTYPE in ('V+','V-','C-','C+','I+') group by M_Product_ID) openC ON p.M_PRODUCT_ID=openC.M_Product_ID ")
                .append(" left outer JOIN (Select M_Product_ID, sum(MovementQty) as sumO from M_Transaction trxO where trxO.MOVEMENTDATE < ")
                .append(" and trxO.MOVEMENTTYPE in ('V+','V-','C-','C+','I+') group by M_Product_ID) openB ON p.M_PRODUCT_ID=openB.M_Product_ID ")
                .append(" ) ")
                .append(" left outer join M_PRODUCTPRICE price on p.M_Product_ID=price.M_Product_ID,AD_ORG org ")
                .append(" where p.AD_ORG_ID = org.AD_ORG_ID ").append(" and p.AD_ORG_ID = ")
                .append(Env.getAD_Org_ID(ctx)).append(" and p.ISACTIVE='Y' ")
                .append(" and price.M_PRICELIST_VERSION_ID = ")
                .append(Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, UdiConstants.POS_PURCHASE_PL_VERSION)).append(" order by p.Name ");

        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;

        try {
            pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), trxName);
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
                data = new Object[6];

                data[0] = rs.getString(1); // Bar code
                data[1] = rs.getString(2); // Product Name
                data[2] = rs.getBigDecimal(3); // Opening Stock
                data[3] = rs.getBigDecimal(4); // Opening Value
                data[4] = rs.getBigDecimal(5); // Closing Stock
                data[5] = rs.getBigDecimal(6); // Closing Value

                totalOpStockQty = totalOpStockQty.add(rs.getBigDecimal(3));
                totalOpStockValue = totalOpStockValue.add(rs.getBigDecimal(4));
                totalClosingStockQty = totalClosingStockQty.add(rs.getBigDecimal(5));
                totalClosingStockValue = totalClosingStockValue.add(rs.getBigDecimal(6));


            Object[] totalValues = { "TOTAL VALUE ", "", totalOpStockQty, totalOpStockValue, totalClosingStockQty,
                    totalClosingStockValue };

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OperationException(e);
        } finally {


        return reportData;

    public static ArrayList<Object[]> getStockSalesReport(Properties ctx,
            HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> productOrgList, ArrayList<Object[]> stockSalesList, boolean isSales,
            Integer productId, Integer orgId, Timestamp fromDate, Timestamp toDate)
            throws OperationException, SQLException {

        if (productId == null) {
            throw new OperationException("product Id is null, cannot search for stock and sales by org");
        if (orgId == null) {
            throw new OperationException("org id is null, cannot search for stock and sales");

        if (productOrgList == null) {
            productOrgList = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>();

        MProduct product = MProduct.get(ctx, productId);
        String productName = product.getName();
        int adClientId = Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);

        BigDecimal data = null;
        BigDecimal stock = null;
        boolean queryOrg = true;
        MOrg org = MOrg.get(ctx, orgId);

        if (stockSalesList == null) {
            stockSalesList = new ArrayList<Object[]>();

            data = getData(ctx, isSales, productId, orgId, fromDate, toDate);

            Object[] headerSales = new Object[] { "Product", org.getName(), "Total" };
            Object[] row = new Object[] { productName, data, data };
            ArrayList<String> orgList = new ArrayList<String>();
            productOrgList.put(productId, orgList);

        else {
            Object[] headerSales = stockSalesList.get(0);

            for (int i = 1; i < headerSales.length - 1; i++) // check if add new org
                String anyOrgInHeader = headerSales[i].toString();

                if (anyOrgInHeader.equals(org.getName())) {
                    queryOrg = false;

            if (queryOrg) // add data for that org in all existing rows in stockSalesList
                // update the header info
                Object[] updatedHeader = new Object[headerSales.length + 1];

                for (int i = 0; i < headerSales.length - 1; i++) {
                    updatedHeader[i] = headerSales[i];
                updatedHeader[headerSales.length - 1] = org.getName();
                updatedHeader[headerSales.length] = headerSales[headerSales.length - 1];
                headerSales = updatedHeader;
                updatedHeader = null;
                stockSalesList.add(0, headerSales);
                // update existing rows

                ArrayList<Object[]> clone = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
                Iterator<Object[]> iterClone = stockSalesList.iterator();

                while (iterClone.hasNext()) {

                Iterator<Object[]> iter = stockSalesList.subList(1, stockSalesList.size()).iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    Object[] row =;
                    String prodName = row[0].toString();
                    int[] ids = ProductManager.getProducts(ctx, prodName, "", "", null);
                    Integer prodId = 0;
                    if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) {
                        prodId = Integer.valueOf(ids[0]);
                    data = getData(ctx, isSales, prodId, orgId, fromDate, toDate);
                    updateRow(clone, row, data);
                    productOrgList.get(prodId).add(org.getName()); // update list
                stockSalesList = clone;
                clone = null;

            if (!productOrgList.containsKey(productId)) // need to add new product
                // add product for all existing orgs (plus the new one if just added)
                headerSales = stockSalesList.get(0);

                Object[] newRowAdded = new Object[headerSales.length];
                newRowAdded[0] = productName;
                ArrayList<String> orgList = new ArrayList<String>();
                BigDecimal total = Env.ZERO;
                for (int i = 1; i < headerSales.length - 1; i++) {
                    String existingOrg = headerSales[i].toString();
                    Integer existingOrgId = OrganisationManager.getOrgByName(ctx, existingOrg, null).get_ID();
                    data = getData(ctx, isSales, productId, existingOrgId, fromDate, toDate);

                    newRowAdded[i] = data;
                    total = total.add(data);
                newRowAdded[headerSales.length - 1] = total;
                productOrgList.put(productId, orgList);

        return stockSalesList;


    public static ArrayList<Object[]> doBackup(ArrayList<Object[]> list) {
        ArrayList<Object[]> backup = null;
        if (list != null) {
            Iterator<Object[]> iter = list.iterator();

            backup = new ArrayList<Object[]>();

            while (iter.hasNext()) {
        return backup;

    private static void updateRow(ArrayList<Object[]> stockSalesList, Object[] row, BigDecimal data)
            throws OperationException {
        Object[] newRow = new Object[stockSalesList.get(0).length];

        if (!(newRow.length == row.length + 1)) {
            throw new OperationException("inconsistent header and row length");

        for (int i = 0; i < row.length - 1; i++) {
            newRow[i] = row[i]; // fill new row with data of old row (product name to data for last org) exclude total

        newRow[row.length - 1] = data; // append new data for new org added

        BigDecimal total = Env.ZERO; // calculate new total
        for (int j = 1; j < newRow.length - 1; j++) {
            BigDecimal value = (BigDecimal) newRow[j];
            total = total.add(value);
        newRow[row.length] = total; // append total to the end of the list

        int index = stockSalesList.indexOf(row);
        stockSalesList.add(index, newRow); // replace old row with new row

        row = null;


    private static BigDecimal getData(Properties ctx, boolean isSales, Integer productId, Integer orgId,
            Timestamp fromDate, Timestamp toDate) throws OperationException, SQLException {
        BigDecimal data = null;

        if (isSales) {
            HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal> orgSales = POSSalesReportManager.getSalesByOrg(ctx, productId, orgId,
                    fromDate, toDate, null);

            data = orgSales.get(orgId);


        else {
            HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal> orgStock = POSStockManager.getStockByOrg(ctx, productId, toDate, orgId,
            data = orgStock.get(orgId);

        if (data == null) {
            return Env.ZERO;

        return data;

    public static ArrayList<Object[]> getStockSalesReportComplete(Properties ctx,
            HashSet<Integer> productListCompleteSet, boolean isSales, ArrayList<Object[]> listComplete,
            Integer productId, Integer orgId, Timestamp fromDate, Timestamp toDate)
            throws OperationException, SQLException {
        HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal> list = null;

        if (productListCompleteSet == null) {
            productListCompleteSet = new HashSet<Integer>();

        if (!productListCompleteSet.isEmpty() && productListCompleteSet.contains(productId)) {
            return listComplete;
        } else {

        if (isSales) {
            list = POSSalesReportManager.getSalesByOrg(ctx, productId, orgId, fromDate, toDate, null);
        } else {
            list = POSStockManager.getStockByOrg(ctx, productId, toDate, orgId, null);

        if (listComplete == null) {
            listComplete = getHeaderComplete(ctx);

        MProduct product = MProduct.get(ctx, productId);
        Object[] header = listComplete.get(0);
        Object[] row = new Object[header.length];

        row[0] = product.getName();
        BigDecimal total = Env.ZERO;
        for (int i = 1; i < header.length - 1; i++) {
            String orgName = header[i].toString();
            Integer org_ID = 0;

            MOrg org = OrganisationManager.getOrgByName(ctx, orgName, null);
            org_ID = org.get_ID();

            BigDecimal data = list.get(org_ID);

            if (data == null) {
                data = Env.ZERO;
            row[i] = data;

            total = total.add(data);
        row[header.length - 1] = total;

        return listComplete;


    public static ArrayList<Object[]> getHeaderComplete(Properties ctx) {
        ArrayList<Object[]> listComplete = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        String orgList = Env.getContext(ctx, UdiConstants.ROLE_EDITABLE_ORGS_CTX_PARAM);
        String[] orgs = orgList.split(",");

        Object[] header = new Object[orgs.length + 1];
        header[0] = "Product";

        int i = 1;
        for (String org : orgs) {
            Integer org_Id = Integer.valueOf(org);
            if (org_Id != 0) {
                MOrg organisation = MOrg.get(ctx, org_Id);
                header[i] = organisation.getName();
        header[i] = "Total";
        return listComplete;

    public static String getListMonthYears(Timestamp fromDate, Timestamp toDate) throws OperationException {
        DateFormatSymbols dfs = new DateFormatSymbols(Locale.ENGLISH);

        String date1 = TimestampConvertor.convertTimeStamp(fromDate, TimestampConvertor.BIRTH_DATE);
        String date2 = TimestampConvertor.convertTimeStamp(toDate, TimestampConvertor.BIRTH_DATE);
        String[] monthName = dfs.getMonths();

        StringBuffer list_monthYears = new StringBuffer();
        String[] s_date1 = date1.split("/");
        String[] s_date2 = date2.split("/");
        int begin_month = 0;
        int begin_year = 0;
        int end_month = 0;
        int end_year = 0;

        if (s_date1 != null) {
            begin_month = Integer.parseInt(s_date1[1]);
            begin_year = Integer.parseInt(s_date1[2]);


        if (s_date2 != null) {
            end_month = Integer.parseInt(s_date2[1]);
            end_year = Integer.parseInt(s_date2[2]);

        int month = begin_month - 1;
        int year = begin_year;

        while (month <= Calendar.DECEMBER && year <= end_year) {
            list_monthYears.append(monthName[month] + " " + year + ",");

            if (month == Calendar.DECEMBER) {
                month = -1;
            month %= Calendar.DECEMBER;

            if (year == end_year) {
                if (month >= end_month) {


        return list_monthYears.toString();


    public static ArrayList<Object[]> formatStockSalesReportData(ArrayList<Object[]> reportData,
            HashMap<String, BigDecimal> monthYearQtyMap, Timestamp fromDate, Timestamp toDate, int precision)
            throws OperationException {
        String list_monthYears = POSReportManager.getListMonthYears(fromDate, toDate);
        String[] listOfMonthYrs = list_monthYears.split(",");

        if (reportData == null) {
            reportData = new ArrayList<Object[]>();

        if (monthYearQtyMap.isEmpty()) {
            List<Object[]> repDataOnly = reportData.subList(1, reportData.size());
            if (repDataOnly.isEmpty()) {
                for (String monthYear : listOfMonthYrs) {
                    Object[] data = { monthYear, Env.ZERO };
            } else {
                for (int index = 1; index < reportData.size(); index++) {
                    Object[] oldData = reportData.get(index);
                    Object[] newData = new Object[oldData.length + 1];
                    for (int i = 0; i < oldData.length; i++) {
                        newData[i] = oldData[i];
                    newData[oldData.length] = Env.ZERO;
                    reportData.add(index, newData);
            return reportData;
        for (String monthYear : listOfMonthYrs) {
            BigDecimal qty = Env.ZERO;

            if (monthYearQtyMap.containsKey(monthYear)) {
                qty = monthYearQtyMap.get(monthYear);
            Object[] data = { monthYear, qty };

            int index = -1;

            if (!reportData.isEmpty()) {
                Iterator<Object[]> iter = reportData.iterator();
                int j = 1;
      ; // escape headers

                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    Object[] dat =;
                    String monthYr = dat[0].toString();
                    if (monthYear.equals(monthYr)) {
                        index = j;
            if (index != -1) {
                Object[] oldData = reportData.get(index);
                data = new Object[oldData.length + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < oldData.length; i++) {
                    data[i] = oldData[i];
                data[oldData.length] = qty;
                reportData.add(index, data);
            } else {


        int size = reportData.size() - 1;
        BigDecimal total = Env.ZERO;
        for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
            Object[] data = reportData.get(i);
            BigDecimal qty = (BigDecimal) data[1];
            total = total.add(qty);

        double noOfMonths = size;
        double tot = total.doubleValue();
        BigDecimal average = null;
        if (noOfMonths != 0) {
            double avg = tot / noOfMonths;
            average = BigDecimal.valueOf(avg);
            average = average.setScale(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

        return reportData;


     * Loads reports accessible by context role. 
     * Reports are granted to a particular role as process accesses for that role. 
     * For the reports to be accessible, these process accesses should be active 
     * and this role should have read-write permissions.
     * @param ctx context
     * @return   an arraylist of process ids which are the ids of those processes accessible by that role
    public static ArrayList<Integer> loadReports(Properties ctx) {
        int roleId = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, UdiConstants.AD_ROLE_ID);

        return loadReports(ctx, roleId);

     * Loads reports accessible by this role. 
     * Reports are granted to a particular role as process accesses for that role. 
     * For the reports to be accessible, these process accesses should be active 
     * and this role should have read-write permissions.
     * @param ctx      context
     * @param roleId   id of role for which the accessible reports are to be loaded
     * @return         an arraylist of process ids which are the ids of those processes accessible by that role
    public static ArrayList<Integer> loadReports(Properties ctx, int roleId) {
        if (roleId == 0) {
            return new ArrayList<Integer>();
        MRole role = MRole.get(ctx, roleId);
        int adClientId = role.getAD_Client_ID();

        StringBuffer sqlBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        sqlBuffer.append("SELECT process.AD_Process_ID FROM AD_Process process").append(
                " INNER JOIN AD_Process_Access processAccess ON process.AD_Process_ID = processAccess.AD_Process_ID")
                .append(" WHERE process.isActive='Y' AND process.isReport = 'Y' and process.isDirectPrint = 'N'")
                .append(" AND processAccess.isActive = 'Y' AND processAccess.isReadWrite = 'Y' AND processAccess.AD_Role_ID = ?")
                .append(" AND processAccess.AD_Client_ID = " + adClientId);

        ArrayList<Integer> processList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sqlBuffer.toString(), null);
            pstmt.setInt(1, roleId);
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            while ( {
        } catch (SQLException e) {

        } finally {
            DB.close(rs, pstmt);
            rs = null;
            pstmt = null;
        return processList;


     * Creates a process instance for this process and populates its parameters. 
     * For every mapping found in the hashmap paramKeyValue, a parameter is created.
     * Each parameter is populated thus:
     * Each key is a column name identifying a parameter and the corresponding 
     * hashmap value is the parameter value.
     * @param ctx            context
     * @param processId         id of the process whose instance is to be created
     * @param paramKeyValue      hashmap of column names mapped to their respective values
     * @return               id of the process instance created
     * @throws OperationException 
    public static ProcessInfo createProcessInstance(Properties ctx, int processId, Map map, String trxName)
            throws OperationException {
        checkProcessAccess(ctx, processId, trxName);

        MProcess process = MProcess.get(ctx, processId);
        MProcessPara[] processParams = process.getParameters();
        ProcessInfoParameter[] pInfoParams = new ProcessInfoParameter[processParams.length];
        MPInstance processInstance = new MPInstance(ctx, processId, 0);;

        int sequence = 0;
        for (MProcessPara parameter : processParams) {
            String columnName = parameter.getColumnName();
            boolean isRange = parameter.isRange();
            int displayType = parameter.getAD_Reference_ID();

            Class classType = DisplayType.getClass(displayType, true);
            Object value = null;
            Object value_to = null;

            if (isRange) {
                value = map.get(columnName + "From");
                value_to = map.get(columnName + "To");
            } else {
                value = map.get(columnName);

            if (parameter.isMandatory()) {
                if (isRange) {
                    if (value_to == null) {
                        throw new MandatoryException(columnName + " value_to parameter is mandatory");
                if (value == null) {
                    throw new MandatoryException(columnName + " value parameter is mandatory");

            value = convertValue(value, classType);
            value_to = convertValue(value_to, classType);

            MPInstancePara param = new MPInstancePara(processInstance, sequence);
            setParameterValue(param, value, value_to);
            String info = null;
            String info_to = null;
            Lookup lookup = parameter.getLookup();
            if (lookup != null) {
                if (value != null) {
                    info = lookup.get(value).toString();
                if (value_to != null) {
                    info_to = parameter.getLookup().get(value_to).toString();

            ProcessInfoParameter infoParam = new ProcessInfoParameter(columnName, value, value_to, null, null);
            pInfoParams[sequence] = infoParam;


        ProcessInfo pi = new ProcessInfo(process.getName(), processId);

        return pi;

     * @param param
     * @param value
     * @param value_to
    private static void setParameterValue(MPInstancePara param, Object value, Object value_to) {
        if (value == null) {

        if (value.getClass() == Integer.class) {
            param.setP_Number((Integer) value);

            if (value_to != null) {
                param.setP_Number_To((Integer) value_to);
        } else if (value.getClass() == BigDecimal.class) {
            param.setP_Number((BigDecimal) value);

            if (value_to != null) {
                param.setP_Number_To((BigDecimal) value_to);
        } else if (value.getClass() == Timestamp.class) {
            param.setP_Date((Timestamp) value);
            if (value_to != null) {
                param.setP_Date_To((Timestamp) value_to);
        } else {
            if (value_to != null) {


     * @param value
     * @param classType
     * @return
    private static Object convertValue(Object value, Class classType) {
        if (value != null) {
            String[] values = (String[]) value;
            String val = values[0];

            if ("".equals(val)) {
                return null;

            if (classType == String.class || classType == Boolean.class) {
                value = val;
            } else if (classType == Integer.class || classType == BigDecimal.class) {
                value = BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(val));
            } else if (classType == Timestamp.class) {
                val = val + " 0:0:0.0"; // SENDYFIXME Need to fix this
                value = Timestamp.valueOf(val);
        return value;

     * Loads the print format associated with a process or if none is found, loads its default one.
     * @param ctx      context
     * @param process   the process whose print format is to be loaded
     * @return         print format to use with that process
     * @throws Exception 
    public static MPrintFormat loadPrintFormat(Properties ctx, MProcess process, String trxName) throws Exception {
        MPrintFormat retValue = null;
        if (process.getAD_PrintFormat_ID() == 0) {
            I_AD_ReportView reportView = process.getAD_ReportView();
            int reportViewId = 0;
            int tableId = 0;

            if (reportView != null) {
                reportViewId = reportView.getAD_ReportView_ID();
                tableId = reportView.getAD_Table_ID();

            PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
            ResultSet rs = null;
            String sql = "SELECT * FROM AD_PrintFormat WHERE ";
            if (reportViewId > 0) {
                sql += "AD_ReportView_ID=?";
            } else {
                sql += "AD_Table_ID=?";

            sql += " AND AD_Client_ID = " + Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);
            sql += " ORDER BY IsDefault DESC";
            try {
                pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
                pstmt.setInt(1, reportViewId > 0 ? reportViewId : tableId);
                rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
                if ( {
                    retValue = new MPrintFormat(ctx, rs, trxName);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {
                DB.close(rs, pstmt);
                pstmt = null;
                rs = null;
            retValue = retValue == null ? MPrintFormat.createFromTable(ctx, tableId) : retValue;
        } else {
            retValue = new MPrintFormat(ctx, process.getAD_PrintFormat_ID(), null);
        return retValue;

     * @param ctx
     * @param className
     * @param pi
     * @param trx
     * @throws InstantiationException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
        public static void startProcess(Properties ctx, String className, ProcessInfo pi,Trx trx) 
        throws InstantiationException,   IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException  
        if (className == null)
        Class cl = Class.forName(className);
        if (cl == ReportStarter.class)
         ReportStarter reportStarter = (ReportStarter)cl.newInstance();
         reportStarter.startProcess(ctx, pi, trx);
        SvrProcess server = (SvrProcess)cl.newInstance();
        server.startProcess(ctx, pi, trx);

    public static boolean isJasperReport(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        if (className != null) {
            Class cl = Class.forName(className);

            if (cl == ReportStarter.class) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @param ctx
     * @param processId
     * @param trxName
     * @throws OperationException
    private static void checkProcessAccess(Properties ctx, int processId, String trxName)
            throws OperationException {
        String sql = "SELECT isActive, isReadWrite FROM AD_Process_Access WHERE AD_Process_ID = ? "
                + "AND AD_Role_ID = ? AND AD_Client_ID = ?";

        MProcess process = MProcess.get(ctx, processId);
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;

        String isActive = "N";
        String isReadWrite = "N";

        int roleId = Env.getAD_Role_ID(ctx);
        MRole role = MRole.get(ctx, roleId);
        int adClientId = Env.getAD_Client_ID(ctx);
        try {
            pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
            pstmt.setInt(1, processId);
            pstmt.setInt(2, roleId);
            pstmt.setInt(3, adClientId);

            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            if ( {
                isActive = rs.getString(1);
                isReadWrite = rs.getString(2);
            } else {
                throw new OperationException(
                        "The report " + process.getName() + " does not exist for role " + role.getName());
        } catch (SQLException e) {

        } finally {
            DB.close(rs, pstmt);
            rs = null;
            pstmt = null;
        if (!"Y".equals(isActive)) {
            throw new OperationException("The access to the report " + process.getName() + " for role "
                    + role.getName() + " is not active");

        if (!"Y".equals(isReadWrite)) {
            throw new OperationException("Role " + role.getName()
                    + " does not have read/write permissions for report " + process.getName());

     * @param writer
     * @param title
     * @param paramMap
     * @param printData
     * @param printFormat
     * @param pdfURI
     * @param csvURI
    public static void createHTML(Writer writer, String title, HashMap<String, String> paramMap,
            PrintData printData, MPrintFormat printFormat) {
        Language language = printFormat.getLanguage();
        XhtmlDocument doc = new XhtmlDocument();

        String style = "<style>" + ".title" + "{" + "font-size:16pt;" + "font-weight:bold;" + "color:#a40000;"
                + "padding:20px 20px 20px 0px;" + "}" + ".display" + "{" + "border-collapse:collapse;"
                + "border:solid 1px #CCC;" + "white-space:nowrap;" + "}" + ".display td" + "{" + "font-size:10pt;"
                + "}" + ".display th" + "{" + "background-color:#3465a4;" + "color:#ffffff;" + "font-size:11pt;"
                + "font-weight:bold;" + "padding:5px;" + "}" + ".odd" + "{" + "background-color:#ccddff;" + "}"
                + ".even" + "{" + "background-color:#ffffff;" + "}" + ".smallbutton" + "{"
                + "background-repeat: no-repeat;" + "cursor: pointer;" + "border: 1px solid;" + "width: 87px;"
                + "height: 42px;" + "font-family: arial,sans-serif;" + "font-size: 12pt;" + "letter-spacing: 1px;"
                + "font-weight: bolder;" + "color: #666666;" + "padding: 10px 0px;" + "}" + "td a" + "{"
                + "text-decoration:none;" + "}" + ".subtitle1" + "{" + "font-family: arial,sans-serif;"
                + "font-size: 10pt;" + "font-weight: bold;" + "letter-spacing: 1px;" + "}" + ".subtitle2" + "{"
                + "font-family: arial,sans-serif;" + "font-size: 10pt;" + "font-weight: bold;"
                + "letter-spacing: 1px;" + "color: #555555;" + "font-style:italic" + "}" + "</style>";

        head head = new head(style);

        try {
            writer.append("<div id='logo'><img src='images/logo1.jpg' width=96 height=30></div>");
            writer.append("<div class='title' padding='10px'>" + title + "</div>");

            Set<String> parameters = paramMap.keySet();

            Iterator<String> columnIter = parameters.iterator();
            writer.append("<div class='subtitle1'>Parameters:</div>");
            while (columnIter.hasNext()) {
                String columnName =;
                String value = paramMap.get(columnName);
                writer.append("<div class='subtitle2'>" + columnName + ": " + value + "</div>");
            writer.append("<div padding='5px'>&nbsp;</div>");
            writer.append("<table class='display' border='1'>");
            //   for all rows (-1 = header row)
            for (int row = -1; row < printData.getRowCount(); row++) {
                if (row != -1)
                //   for all columns
                String rowClass = "odd";
                if (row % 2 == 0) {
                    rowClass = "even";
                for (int col = 0; col < printFormat.getItemCount(); col++) {
                    MPrintFormatItem item = printFormat.getItem(col);
                    if (item.isPrinted()) {
                        //   header row
                        if (row == -1) {
                            writer.append("<th>" + Util.maskHTML(item.getPrintName(language)) + "</th>");
                        } else {
                            writer.append("<td class='" + rowClass + "'>");
                            Object obj = printData.getNode(new Integer(item.getAD_Column_ID()));
                            if (obj == null) {
                            } else if (obj instanceof PrintDataElement) {
                                String value = ((PrintDataElement) obj).getValueDisplay(language); //   formatted
                                writer.append(Util.maskHTML(value) + "</td>");
                            } else if (obj instanceof PrintData) {
                                //   ignore contained Data
                            } else {

                    } //   printed
                } //   for all columns
            } //   for all rows
            PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(writer);
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * Load specific reportEngine for this print format and this process info
     * @param ctx         context
     * @param printFormat   print format
     * @param pi
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static ReportEngine getReportEngine(Properties ctx, MPrintFormat printFormat, ProcessInfo pi)
            throws Exception {
        MProcess process = MProcess.get(ctx, pi.getAD_Process_ID());
        int tableId = process.getAD_ReportView().getAD_Table_ID();
        String tableName = MTable.getTableName(ctx, tableId);
        // Create query from parameters 
        MQuery query = MQuery.get(ctx, pi.getAD_PInstance_ID(), tableName);
        PrintInfo printInfo = new PrintInfo(pi);
        ReportEngine reportEngine = new ReportEngine(ctx, printFormat, query, printInfo);

        return reportEngine;

     * @param ctx
     * @param printFormat
     * @param pi
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static PrintData getPrintData(Properties ctx, MPrintFormat printFormat, ProcessInfo pi)
            throws Exception {
        MProcess process = MProcess.get(ctx, pi.getAD_Process_ID());
        int tableId = process.getAD_ReportView().getAD_Table_ID();
        String tableName = MTable.getTableName(ctx, tableId);
        // Create query from parameters 
        MQuery query = MQuery.get(ctx, pi.getAD_PInstance_ID(), tableName);

        DataEngine dataEngine = new DataEngine(printFormat.getLanguage());
        return dataEngine.getPrintData(ctx, printFormat, query);

     * @param ctx
     * @param pinstanceId
     * @param trxName
     * @return
    public static HashMap<String, String> getReportParameters(Properties ctx, int pinstanceId, String trxName) {
        HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();

        MPInstance pinstance = new MPInstance(ctx, pinstanceId, trxName);

        MPInstancePara[] params = pinstance.getParameters();

        for (MPInstancePara para : params) {
            String columnName = para.getParameterName();
            String info = para.getInfo();
            String info_to = para.getInfo_To();

            String name = getElementName(columnName, trxName);

            StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer();

            if (info != null) {

                if (info_to != null) {
                map.put(name, value.toString());

        return map;

     * @param columnName
     * @param trxName
     * @return
    private static String getElementName(String columnName, String trxName) {
        String adElementName = null;
        String sql = "SELECT name from AD_Element where columnName = '" + columnName + "'";

        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;

        try {
            pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trxName);
            rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

            if ( {
                adElementName = rs.getString(1);
        } catch (SQLException e) {

        } finally {
            DB.close(rs, pstmt);
            pstmt = null;
            rs = null;

        return adElementName;

     * Return an HTML version of close till report
     * @param ctx
     * @param tillBean
     * @param cashBean
     * @return
    public static String endOfTheDayHTMLReport(Properties ctx, CloseTillBean bean) {

        double beginningBalance = (bean.getBeginningBalance() == null ? 0
                : bean.getBeginningBalance().doubleValue());
        double statementDifference = (bean.getNetCashTrx() == null ? 0 : bean.getNetCashTrx().doubleValue());
        double transferAmount = (bean.getBalanceEntered() == null ? 0 : bean.getBalanceEntered().doubleValue());
        double differenceAmount = (bean.getDifference() == null ? 0 : bean.getDifference().doubleValue());
        double endingBalance = (bean.getEndingBalance() == null ? 0 : bean.getEndingBalance().doubleValue());
        double tillCashTotal = (bean.getCashTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getCashTotal().doubleValue());
        double cashBeanCardTotal = (bean.getCardTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getCardTotal().doubleValue());
        double tillCardTotal = (bean.getCardTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getCardTotal().doubleValue());
        double cardDifference = (bean.getCardDifference() == null ? 0 : bean.getCardDifference().doubleValue());
        double cashBeanChequeTotal = (bean.getChequeTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getChequeTotal().doubleValue());
        double tillChequeTotal = (bean.getChequeTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getChequeTotal().doubleValue());
        double chequeDifference = (bean.getChequeDifference() == null ? 0
                : bean.getChequeDifference().doubleValue());
        double grandTotal = (bean.getGrandTotal() == null ? 0 : bean.getGrandTotal().doubleValue());

        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(TimestampConvertor.DEFAULT_DATE_PATTERN1);
        // String currency =
        // POSTerminalManager.getPOSDefaultCurrency(ctx).getCurSymbol();
        Date today = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
        StringBuffer reportData = new StringBuffer();

        String title = "<H2>End of the Day Report</H2>";
        String subtitle = "<H3>" + sdf.format(today) + "</H3>";

        // adding title

        // adding subtitle

        // adding space

        // adding report data
        int maxwidth = 40;
        int column1 = 20;
        int column2 = maxwidth - column1;

        String format1 = "%1$-" + column1 + "s%2$" + column2 + "s%n"; // string,string
        String format2 = "%1$-" + column1 + "s%2$" + column2 + ".2f%n"; // string,bigdecimal

        String tillNoTxt = String.format(format1, "Till No", bean.getTillName());
        String beginningBalanceTxt = String.format(format2, "Beginning Balance", beginningBalance);
        String netCashTrxTxt = String.format(format2, "Net Cash Trx", statementDifference);
        String tillBalanceEnteredTxt = String.format(format2, "Till Balance Entered", transferAmount);
        String differenceTxt = String.format(format2, "Difference", differenceAmount);
        String endingBalanceTxt = String.format(format2, "Ending Balance", endingBalance);
        String cashTotalTxt = String.format(format2, "Cash Total", tillCashTotal);
        String cardTotalTxt = String.format(format2, "Card Total", tillCardTotal);
        String chequeTotalTxt = String.format(format2, "Cheque Total", tillChequeTotal);
        String grandTotalTxt = String.format(format2, "Grand Total", grandTotal);

        // some new lines
        // String cashEntered = String.format(format1, "Cash Amt Entered",
        String cardEnteredTxt = String.format(format2, "Card Amt Entered", cashBeanCardTotal);
        String cardDifferenceTxt = String.format(format2, "Card Difference", cardDifference);
        String chequeEnteredTxt = String.format(format2, "Cheque Amt Entered", cashBeanChequeTotal);
        String chequeDifferenceTxt = String.format(format2, "Cheque Difference", chequeDifference);

                // .append(cashEntered)

        return reportData.toString();
