Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Inversoft Inc., All Rights Reserved
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * either express or implied. See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.primeframework.mvc.test;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import org.primeframework.mock.servlet.MockHttpServletRequest;
import org.primeframework.mock.servlet.MockHttpServletResponse;
import org.primeframework.mvc.message.FieldMessage;
import org.primeframework.mvc.message.Message;
import org.primeframework.mvc.message.MessageStore;
import org.primeframework.mvc.message.MessageType;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;

 * Result of a request to the {@link org.primeframework.mvc.test.RequestSimulator}.
 * @author Brian Pontarelli
public class RequestResult {
    public final String body;

    public final Injector injector;

    public final String redirect;

    public final MockHttpServletRequest request;

    public final MockHttpServletResponse response;

    public final int statusCode;

    public RequestResult(MockHttpServletRequest request, MockHttpServletResponse response, Injector injector) {
        this.request = request;
        this.response = response;
        this.injector = injector;
        this.body = response.getStream().toString();
        this.redirect = response.getRedirect();
        this.statusCode = response.getCode();

     * Verifies that the body contains all of the given Strings.
     * @param strings The strings to check.
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult assertBodyContains(String... strings) {
        for (String string : strings) {
            if (!body.contains(string)) {
                throw new AssertionError(
                        "Body didn't contain [" + string + "]\nRedirect: [" + redirect + "]\nBody:\n" + body);

        return this;

     * Verifies that the body does not contain any of the given Strings.
     * @param strings The strings to check.
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult assertBodyDoesNotContain(String... strings) {
        for (String string : strings) {
            if (body.contains(string)) {
                throw new AssertionError(
                        "Body shouldn't contain [" + string + "]\nRedirect: [" + redirect + "]\nBody:\n" + body);

        return this;

     * Verifies that the body is empty.
     * @return This
    public RequestResult assertBodyIsEmpty() {
        if (!body.isEmpty()) {
            throw new AssertionError("Body is not empty.\nBody:\n" + body);

        return this;

     * Verifies that the system contains the given error message(s). The message(s) might be in the request, flash,
     * session or application scopes.
     * @param messages The fully rendered error message(s) (not the code).
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult assertContainsErrors(String... messages) {
        return assertContainsMessages(MessageType.ERROR, messages);

     * Verifies that the system has errors for the given fields. This doesn't assert the error itself, just that the field
     * contains an error.
     * @param fields The name of the fields.
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult assertContainsFieldErrors(String... fields) {
        MessageStore messageStore = get(MessageStore.class);
        Map<String, List<FieldMessage>> msgs = messageStore.getFieldMessages();
        for (String field : fields) {
            List<FieldMessage> fieldMessages = msgs.get(field);
            if (fieldMessages == null) {
                throw new AssertionError("The MessageStore does not contain a error for the field [" + field + "]");

            boolean found = false;
            for (FieldMessage fieldMessage : fieldMessages) {
                found |= fieldMessage.getType() == MessageType.ERROR;

            if (!found) {
                throw new AssertionError(
                        "The MessageStore contains messages but no errors for the field [" + field + "]");

        return this;

     * Verifies that the system contains the given info message(s). The message(s) might be in the request, flash, session
     * or application scopes.
     * @param messages The fully rendered info message(s) (not the code).
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult assertContainsInfos(String... messages) {
        return assertContainsMessages(MessageType.INFO, messages);

     * Verifies that the system contains the given message(s). The message(s) might be in the request, flash, session or
     * application scopes.
     * @param type     The message type (ERROR, INFO, WARNING).
     * @param messages The fully rendered message(s) (not the code).
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult assertContainsMessages(MessageType type, String... messages) {
        Set<String> inMessageStore = new HashSet<>();
        MessageStore messageStore = get(MessageStore.class);
        List<Message> msgs = messageStore.getGeneralMessages();
        for (Message msg : msgs) {
            if (msg.getType() == type) {

        if (!inMessageStore.containsAll(asList(messages))) {
            throw new AssertionError(
                    "The MessageStore does not contain the [" + type + "] message " + asList(messages) + "");

        return this;

     * Verifies that the system contains the given warning message(s). The message(s) might be in the request, flash,
     * session or application scopes.
     * @param messages The fully rendered warning message(s) (not the code).
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult assertContainsWarnings(String... messages) {
        return assertContainsMessages(MessageType.WARNING, messages);

     * Verifies that the HTTP response contains the specified header.
     * @param header the name of the HTTP response header
     * @param value  the value of the header
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult assertHeaderContains(String header, String value) {
        List<String> actual = response.getHeaders().get(header);
        if ((actual == null && value != null) || (actual != null && !actual.contains((value)))) {
            throw new AssertionError("Header [" + header + "] with value [" + actual
                    + "] was not equal to the expected value [" + value + "]");
        return this;

     * Verifies that the response body is equal to the JSON created from the given object. The object is marshalled using
     * Jackson.
     * @param object The object.
     * @return This.
     * @throws IOException If the JSON marshalling failed.
    public RequestResult assertJSON(Object object) throws IOException {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = injector.getInstance(ObjectMapper.class);
        String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(object);
        return assertJSON(json);

     * Verifies that the response body is equal to the given JSON text.
     * @param json The JSON text.
     * @return This.
     * @throws IOException If the JSON marshalling failed.
    public RequestResult assertJSON(String json) throws IOException {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = injector.getInstance(ObjectMapper.class);
        Object response = objectMapper.readValue(body, Object.class);
        Object file = objectMapper.readValue(json, Object.class);
        if (!response.equals(file)) {
            objectMapper.configure(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true);
            String bodyString = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(response);
            String fileString = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(file);
            throw new AssertionError("The body doesn't match the expected JSON output. expected [" + fileString
                    + "] but found [" + bodyString + "]");
        return this;

     * Verifies that the response body is equal to the given JSON text file.
     * @param jsonFile The JSON file to load and compare to the JSON response.
     * @param values   key value pairs of replacement values for use in the JSON file.
     * @return This.
     * @throws IOException If the JSON marshalling failed.
    public RequestResult assertJSONFile(Path jsonFile, Object... values) throws IOException {
        if (values.length == 0) {
            return assertJSON(new String(Files.readAllBytes(jsonFile), "UTF-8"));
        return assertJSON(BodyTools.processTemplate(jsonFile, values));

     * Verifies that the redirect URI is the given URI.
     * @param uri The redirect URI.
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult assertRedirect(String uri) {
        if (redirect == null || !redirect.equals(uri)) {
            throw new AssertionError("Redirect [" + redirect + "] was not equal to [" + uri + "]");

        return this;

     * Verifies that the response status code is equal to the given code.
     * @param statusCode The status code.
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult assertStatusCode(int statusCode) {
        if (this.statusCode != statusCode) {
            throw new AssertionError("Status code [" + this.statusCode + "] was not equal to [" + statusCode
                    + "]\nResponse body: [" + body + "]\nRedirect: [" + redirect + "]");

        return this;

     * Retrieves the instance of the given type from the Guice Injector.
     * @param type The type.
     * @param <T>  The type.
     * @return The instance.
    public <T> T get(Class<T> type) {
        return injector.getInstance(type);

     * If the test is false, apply the consumer.
     * <p>
     * <pre>
     *   .ifFalse(foo.isBar(), (requestResult) -> requestResult.assertBodyDoesNotContain("bar"))
     * </pre>
     * @param test
     * @param consumer
     * @return
    public RequestResult ifFalse(boolean test, Consumer<RequestResult> consumer) {
        if (!test) {
        return this;

     * If the test is true, apply the consumer. Example:
     * <pre>
     *   .ifTrue(foo.isBar(), (requestResult) -> requestResult.assertBodyContains("bar"))
     * </pre>
     * @param test
     * @param consumer
     * @return
    public RequestResult ifTrue(boolean test, Consumer<RequestResult> consumer) {
        if (test) {
        return this;

     * Can be called to setup objects for assertions.
     * @param consumer A consumer that accepts this RequestResult.
     * @return This.
    public RequestResult setup(Consumer<RequestResult> consumer) {
        return this;