Source code

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 * PSHDL is a library and (trans-)compiler for PSHDL input. It generates
 *     output suitable for implementation or simulation of it.
 *     Copyright (C) 2013 Karsten Becker (feedback (at) pshdl (dot) org)
 *     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *     (at your option) any later version.
 *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 *     This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks,
 *     service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for
 *     reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work.
 * Contributors:
 *     Karsten Becker - initial API and implementation
package org.pshdl.model.types.builtIn;

import static org.pshdl.model.HDLFunctionParameter.param;
import static org.pshdl.model.HDLFunctionParameter.returnType;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.pshdl.model.HDLAssignment;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLEnum;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLEnumRef;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLExpression;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLFunction;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLFunctionCall;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLFunctionParameter.Type;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLLiteral;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLNativeFunction;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLPrimitive;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLPrimitive.HDLPrimitiveType;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLStatement;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLSwitchCaseStatement;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLSwitchStatement;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLType;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLVariable;
import org.pshdl.model.HDLVariableDeclaration;
import org.pshdl.model.IHDLObject;
import org.pshdl.model.evaluation.ConstantEvaluate;
import org.pshdl.model.evaluation.HDLEvaluationContext;
import org.pshdl.model.extensions.FullNameExtension;
import org.pshdl.model.extensions.RangeExtension;
import org.pshdl.model.extensions.TypeExtension;
import org.pshdl.model.simulation.RangeTool;
import org.pshdl.model.types.builtIn.HDLFunctionImplementation.HDLDefaultFunctionImpl;
import org.pshdl.model.utils.HDLQualifiedName;
import org.pshdl.model.utils.Insulin;
import org.pshdl.model.utils.ModificationSet;
import org.pshdl.model.validation.Problem;
import org.pshdl.model.validation.builtin.ErrorCode;


public class HDLBuiltInFunctions implements INativeFunctionProvider {

    public static class HighZFunction extends HDLDefaultFunctionImpl {

        public HighZFunction() {
            super(true, false);

        public String getDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            return "Returns a high Z. This is useful for tri-state busses, high z however is not supported in PSHDL as computational value.";

        public String getReturnDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            return "Returns a 'z' that is of the required width";

        public HDLFunction[] signatures() {
            return new HDLFunction[] { HIGHZ };

        public Optional<? extends HDLType> specifyReturnType(HDLFunction function, HDLFunctionCall call,
                HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            final IHDLObject container = call.getContainer();
            if (container instanceof HDLAssignment) {
                final HDLAssignment ass = (HDLAssignment) container;
                return TypeExtension.typeOf(ass.getLeft());
            return Optional.absent();


    public static class AssertThat extends HDLDefaultFunctionImpl {

        public AssertThat() {
            super(true, true);

        public String getDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            return "Logs something when the assertion is false.\n"
                    + "An assert of level INFO will simply print something on the console. This is equivalent to NOTE in VHDL.\n"
                    + "An assert of level WARNING will print something on the console and probably highlight it. This is equivalent to WARNING in VHDL.\n"
                    + "An assert of level ERROR will print something on the console and probably highlight it. It might also stop the simulation. This is equivalent to ERROR in VHDL.\n"
                    + "An assert of level FATAL will stop the simulation and print something on the console. This is equivalent to FAILURE in VHDL.\n";

        public Map<String, String> getArgumentDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            final Map<String, String> res = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
            res.put("assumption", "The assumption that should be true");
            res.put("assert", "The level as pshdl.Assert enum (example: Assert.ERROR)");
            res.put("message", "The message that will be printed when the assumption fails");
            return res;

        public HDLFunction[] signatures() {
            return new HDLFunction[] { ASSERT };


    public static class AbsFunction extends HDLDefaultFunctionImpl {

        public AbsFunction() {
            super(true, true);

        public String getDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            return "Returns the absolute value of a number (makes it positive).";

        public String getReturnDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            return "the absolute (positive) value of a number";

        public Map<String, String> getArgumentDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            final LinkedHashMap<String, String> res = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
            res.put("a", "the possibly negative number");
            return res;

        public HDLFunction[] signatures() {
            return new HDLFunction[] { ABS_INT, ABS_UINT };

        public Optional<BigInteger> getConstantValue(HDLFunctionCall call, HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            if (call.getParams().isEmpty())
                return Optional.absent();
            final HDLExpression arg = call.getParams().get(0);
            final Optional<BigInteger> constVal = ConstantEvaluate.valueOf(arg, context);
            if (!constVal.isPresent())
                return Optional.absent();
            return Optional.of(constVal.get().abs());

        public Optional<Range<BigInteger>> getRange(HDLFunctionCall call, HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            if (call.getParams().isEmpty())
                return Optional.absent();
            final Optional<Range<BigInteger>> zeroArg = RangeExtension.rangeOf(call.getParams().get(0), context);
            if (!zeroArg.isPresent())
                return Optional.absent();
            final Range<BigInteger> zeroRange = zeroArg.get();
            final BigInteger from = zeroRange.lowerEndpoint().abs();
            final BigInteger to = zeroRange.upperEndpoint().abs();
            return asRange(from, to);

        public Optional<? extends HDLType> specifyReturnType(HDLFunction function, HDLFunctionCall call,
                HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            final HDLExpression arg = call.getParams().get(0);
            final Optional<? extends HDLType> argType = TypeExtension.typeOf(arg);
            if (argType.isPresent()) {
                final HDLPrimitive prim = (HDLPrimitive) argType.get();
                switch (prim.getType()) {
                case INT:
                    return Optional.of(prim.setType(HDLPrimitiveType.UINT));
                case INTEGER:
                    return Optional.of(HDLPrimitive.getNatural());
            return argType;

    public static class MinMaxFunction extends HDLDefaultFunctionImpl {

        public MinMaxFunction() {
            super(true, true);

        public String getDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            switch (function.getName()) {
            case "min":
                return "Returns the smaller of two int values.";
            case "max":
                return "Returns the greater of two int values.";
            return null;

        public Map<String, String> getArgumentDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            final LinkedHashMap<String, String> res = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
            res.put("a", "first value");
            res.put("b", "second value");
            return res;

        public String getReturnDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            switch (function.getName()) {
            case "min":
                return "the smaller of two int values.";
            case "max":
                return "the greater of two int values.";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("I know nothing about this function! " + function.getName());

        public HDLFunction[] signatures() {
            return new HDLFunction[] { MAX_INT, MAX_UINT, MIN_INT, MIN_UINT };

        public Optional<BigInteger> getConstantValue(HDLFunctionCall call, HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            if (call.getParams().size() < 2)
                return Optional.absent();
            final HDLExpression arg0 = call.getParams().get(0);
            final HDLExpression arg1 = call.getParams().get(1);
            final Optional<BigInteger> constVal0 = ConstantEvaluate.valueOf(arg0, context);
            if (!constVal0.isPresent())
                return Optional.absent();
            if (arg0.equals(arg1))
                return constVal0;
            final Optional<BigInteger> constVal1 = ConstantEvaluate.valueOf(arg1, context);
            if (!constVal1.isPresent())
                return Optional.absent();
            switch (call.getFunctionRefName().getLastSegment()) {
            case "min":
                return Optional.of(constVal0.get().min(constVal1.get()));
            case "max":
                return Optional.of(constVal0.get().max(constVal1.get()));
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("I know nothing about this function:" + call);

        public Optional<Range<BigInteger>> getRange(HDLFunctionCall call, HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            if (call.getParams().size() < 2)
                return Optional.absent();
            final HDLExpression arg0 = call.getParams().get(0);
            final HDLExpression arg1 = call.getParams().get(1);
            final Optional<Range<BigInteger>> zeroArg = RangeExtension.rangeOf(arg0, context);
            if (!zeroArg.isPresent())
                return Optional.absent();
            if (arg0.equals(arg1))
                return zeroArg;
            final Optional<Range<BigInteger>> oneArg = RangeExtension.rangeOf(arg1, context);
            if (!oneArg.isPresent())
                return Optional.absent();
            final Range<BigInteger> zeroRange = zeroArg.get();
            switch (call.getFunctionRefName().getLastSegment()) {
            case "min":
                return asRange(zeroRange.lowerEndpoint().min(oneArg.get().lowerEndpoint()),
            case "max":
                return asRange(zeroRange.lowerEndpoint().max(oneArg.get().lowerEndpoint()),
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("I know nothing about this function:" + call);

        public Optional<? extends HDLType> specifyReturnType(HDLFunction function, HDLFunctionCall call,
                HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            final HDLExpression arg0 = call.getParams().get(0);
            final HDLExpression arg1 = call.getParams().get(1);
            final Optional<? extends HDLType> arg0TypeOpt = TypeExtension.typeOf(arg0);
            if (!arg0TypeOpt.isPresent())
                return Optional.absent();
            if (arg0.equals(arg1))
                return arg0TypeOpt;
            // This should always work as the signature apparently matched
            final HDLPrimitive arg0Type = (HDLPrimitive) arg0TypeOpt.get();
            final Optional<? extends HDLType> arg1TypeOpt = TypeExtension.typeOf(arg1);
            if (!arg1TypeOpt.isPresent())
                return Optional.absent();
            final HDLPrimitive arg1Type = (HDLPrimitive) arg1TypeOpt.get();
            final HDLExpression arg1Width = arg1Type.getWidth();
            final HDLExpression arg0Width = arg0Type.getWidth();
            switch (arg0Type.getType()) {
            case INT:
                return createWidthType(call, arg1Type, arg1Width, arg0Width, HDLPrimitive.getInt(),
                        HDLPrimitive.getInteger(), context);
            case UINT:
                return createWidthType(call, arg1Type, arg1Width, arg0Width, HDLPrimitive.getUint(),
                        HDLPrimitive.getNatural(), context);
            case INTEGER:
                return createWidthTypeNoWidth(call, arg1Type, arg1Width, HDLPrimitive.getInt(),
                        HDLPrimitive.getInteger(), context);
            case NATURAL:
                return createWidthTypeNoWidth(call, arg1Type, arg1Width, HDLPrimitive.getUint(),
                        HDLPrimitive.getNatural(), context);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not specify call:" + call);


        public Optional<? extends HDLType> createWidthTypeNoWidth(HDLFunctionCall call, final HDLPrimitive arg1Type,
                final HDLExpression arg1Width, HDLPrimitive posType, HDLPrimitive posTypeNoWidth,
                HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            switch (arg1Type.getType()) {
            case INT:
                posType = HDLPrimitive.getInt();
                posTypeNoWidth = HDLPrimitive.getInteger();
            case UINT: {
                final Optional<BigInteger> constVal = ConstantEvaluate.valueOf(arg1Width, context);
                if (constVal.isPresent()) {
                    if (constVal.get().compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(32)) <= 0)
                        return Optional.of(posTypeNoWidth);
                return Optional.of(posType.setWidth(arg1Width));
            case INTEGER:
                return Optional.of(HDLPrimitive.getInteger());
            case NATURAL:
                return Optional.of(posTypeNoWidth);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not specify call:" + call);

        public Optional<? extends HDLType> createWidthType(HDLFunctionCall call, final HDLPrimitive arg1Type,
                final HDLExpression arg1Width, final HDLExpression arg0Width, HDLPrimitive posType,
                HDLPrimitive posTypeNoWidth, HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            switch (arg1Type.getType()) {
            case INT:
                if (arg0Width.equals(arg1Width))
                    return Optional.of(HDLPrimitive.getInt().setWidth(arg0Width));
                return Optional.of(HDLPrimitive.getInt().setWidth(MAX_UINT.getCall(arg0Width, arg1Width)));
            case UINT:
                if (arg0Width.equals(arg1Width))
                    return Optional.of(HDLPrimitive.getInt().setWidth(arg0Width));
                return Optional.of(posType.setWidth(MAX_UINT.getCall(arg0Width, arg1Width)));
            case INTEGER:
                posType = HDLPrimitive.getInt();
                posTypeNoWidth = HDLPrimitive.getInteger();
            case NATURAL: {
                final Optional<BigInteger> constVal = ConstantEvaluate.valueOf(arg0Width, context);
                if (constVal.isPresent()) {
                    if (constVal.get().compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(32)) <= 0)
                        return Optional.of(posTypeNoWidth);
                return Optional.of(posType.setWidth(arg0Width));
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not specify call:" + call);

    public static class OrdinalFunction extends HDLDefaultFunctionImpl {

        public OrdinalFunction() {
            super(true, true);

        public void transform(HDLFunctionCall call, HDLEvaluationContext context, ModificationSet ms) {
            if (call.getParams().isEmpty())
            final HDLExpression enumRef = call.getParams().get(0);
            final Optional<? extends HDLType> typeOf = TypeExtension.typeOf(enumRef);
            final HDLEnum enumType = (HDLEnum) typeOf.get();
            final HDLQualifiedName hEnum = FullNameExtension.fullNameOf(enumType);
            HDLSwitchStatement switchStmnt = new HDLSwitchStatement().setCaseExp(enumRef);
            final HDLVariable tmpVar = new HDLVariable().setName(Insulin.getTempName("func", "ordinal"));
            final HDLVariableDeclaration hvd = new HDLVariableDeclaration().setType(HDLPrimitive.getNatural())
            int pos = 0;
            for (final HDLVariable e : enumType.getEnums()) {
                HDLSwitchCaseStatement caseStatement = new HDLSwitchCaseStatement()
                        .setLabel(new HDLEnumRef().setVar(e.asRef()).setHEnum(hEnum));
                caseStatement = caseStatement
                        .addDos(new HDLAssignment().setLeft(tmpVar.asHDLRef()).setRight(HDLLiteral.get(pos)));
                switchStmnt = switchStmnt.addCases(caseStatement);
            switchStmnt = switchStmnt.addCases(new HDLSwitchCaseStatement());
            ms.replace(call, tmpVar.asHDLRef());
            ms.insertBefore(call.getContainer(HDLStatement.class), hvd, switchStmnt);

        public Set<Problem> validateCall(HDLFunctionCall call, HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            if (call.getParams().isEmpty())
                return Sets.newHashSet(new Problem(ErrorCode.FUNCTION_NOT_ENOUGH_PARAMETER, call));
            final Optional<? extends HDLType> typeOf = TypeExtension.typeOf(call.getParams().get(0));
            if (!typeOf.isPresent())
                return Sets.newHashSet(new Problem(ErrorCode.UNRESOLVED_TYPE, call));
            if (!(typeOf.get() instanceof HDLEnum))
                return Sets.newHashSet(new Problem(ErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_FOR_OP, call));
            return super.validateCall(call, context);

        public String getDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            return "Returns the ordinal of the given enum. The enumeration starts at 0";

        public HDLFunction[] signatures() {
            return new HDLFunction[] { ORDINAL };


    public static class Log2class extends HDLDefaultFunctionImpl {

        public Log2class() {
            super(true, true);

        public String getDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            switch (function.getName()) {
            case "log2ceil":
                return "Returns the minimum number of bits to represent the given number, excluding a sign bit";
            case "log2floor":
                return "Returns the highest bit set, excluding a sign bit";
            return null;

        public Map<String, String> getArgumentDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            final LinkedHashMap<String, String> res = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
            res.put("a", "the number");
            return res;

        public String getReturnDocumentation(HDLFunction function) {
            switch (function.getName()) {
            case "log2ceil":
                return "ceil(log2(abs(number)))";
            case "log2floor":
                return "floor(log2(abs(number)))";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("I know nothing about this function! " + function.getName());

        public HDLFunction[] signatures() {
            return new HDLFunction[] { LOG2CEIL_INT, LOG2CEIL_UINT, LOG2FLOOR_INT, LOG2FLOOR_UINT };

        public Optional<BigInteger> getConstantValue(HDLFunctionCall call, HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            if (call.getParams().isEmpty())
                return Optional.absent();
            final HDLExpression arg = call.getParams().get(0);
            final Optional<BigInteger> constVal = ConstantEvaluate.valueOf(arg, context);
            if (!constVal.isPresent())
                return Optional.absent();
            switch (call.getFunctionRefName().getLastSegment()) {
            case "log2ceil":
                return Optional.of(log2ceil(constVal.get()));
            case "log2floor":
                return Optional.of(log2floor(constVal.get()));
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("I know nothing about this function:" + call);

        public Optional<Range<BigInteger>> getRange(HDLFunctionCall call, HDLEvaluationContext context) {
            if (call.getParams().isEmpty())
                return Optional.absent();
            final Optional<Range<BigInteger>> zeroArg = RangeExtension.rangeOf(call.getParams().get(0), context);
            if (!zeroArg.isPresent())
                return Optional.absent();
            final Range<BigInteger> zeroRange = zeroArg.get();
            switch (call.getFunctionRefName().getLastSegment()) {
            case "log2ceil": {
                final BigInteger from = log2ceil(zeroRange.lowerEndpoint());
                final BigInteger to = log2ceil(zeroRange.upperEndpoint());
                return asRange(from, to);
            case "log2floor": {
                final BigInteger from = log2floor(zeroRange.lowerEndpoint());
                final BigInteger to = log2floor(zeroRange.upperEndpoint());
                return asRange(from, to);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("I know nothing about this function:" + call);


    public static final HDLFunction ORDINAL = (HDLFunction) createOrdinal().freeze(null);

    public static HDLNativeFunction createOrdinal() {
        return new HDLNativeFunction().setSimOnly(false).setName("pshdl." +
                .setReturnType(returnType(Type.PARAM_UINT)).addArgs(param(Type.PARAM_ANY_ENUM, "e"));

    public static final HDLFunction HIGHZ = (HDLFunction) createHighZ().freeze(null);

    public static HDLNativeFunction createHighZ() {
        return new HDLNativeFunction().setSimOnly(false).setName("pshdl." +

    public static final HDLFunction ASSERT = (HDLFunction) createAssert().freeze(null);

    public static HDLNativeFunction createAssert() {
        return new HDLNativeFunction().setSimOnly(false).setName("pshdl." +
                .addArgs(param(Type.PARAM_BOOL, "assumption"))//
                .addArgs(param(Type.PARAM_ENUM, "assert").setEnumSpec(PSHDLLib.ASSERT.asRef()))//
                .addArgs(param(Type.PARAM_STRING, "message"))//

    public static final HDLFunction ABS_UINT = (HDLFunction) createABS(Type.PARAM_ANY_UINT).freeze(null);
    public static final HDLFunction ABS_INT = (HDLFunction) createABS(Type.PARAM_ANY_INT).freeze(null);

    private static HDLFunction createABS(Type type) {
        return new HDLNativeFunction().setSimOnly(false).setName("pshdl." +
                .setReturnType(returnType(Type.PARAM_ANY_UINT)).addArgs(param(type, "a"));

    public static final HDLFunction LOG2CEIL_UINT = (HDLFunction) createLog2(Type.PARAM_ANY_UINT, "ceil")
    public static final HDLFunction LOG2CEIL_INT = (HDLFunction) createLog2(Type.PARAM_ANY_INT, "ceil")
    public static final HDLFunction LOG2FLOOR_UINT = (HDLFunction) createLog2(Type.PARAM_ANY_UINT, "floor")
    public static final HDLFunction LOG2FLOOR_INT = (HDLFunction) createLog2(Type.PARAM_ANY_INT, "floor")

    private static HDLFunction createLog2(Type type, String rounding) {
        return new HDLNativeFunction().setSimOnly(false)
                .setName("pshdl." + BuiltInFunctions.valueOf("log2" + rounding).name())
                .setReturnType(returnType(Type.PARAM_UINT)).addArgs(param(type, "a"));

    public static final HDLFunction MIN_UINT = (HDLFunction) createMIN(Type.PARAM_ANY_UINT).freeze(null);
    public static final HDLFunction MIN_INT = (HDLFunction) createMIN(Type.PARAM_ANY_INT).freeze(null);

    private static HDLFunction createMIN(Type type) {
        return new HDLNativeFunction().setSimOnly(false).setName("pshdl." +
                .setReturnType(returnType(type)).addArgs(param(type, "a")).addArgs(param(type, "b"));

    public static final HDLFunction MAX_INT = (HDLFunction) createMAX(Type.PARAM_ANY_INT).freeze(null);
    public static final HDLFunction MAX_UINT = (HDLFunction) createMAX(Type.PARAM_ANY_UINT).freeze(null);

    private static HDLFunction createMAX(Type type) {
        return new HDLNativeFunction().setSimOnly(false).setName("pshdl." +
                .setReturnType(returnType(type)).addArgs(param(type, "a")).addArgs(param(type, "b"));

    public static enum BuiltInFunctions {
        highZ, min, max, abs, log2ceil, log2floor, assertThat, ordinal

    public static BuiltInFunctions getFuncEnum(HDLFunctionCall function) {
        final String name = function.getFunctionRefName().getLastSegment();
        final BuiltInFunctions func = BuiltInFunctions.valueOf(name);
        return func;

    public static BigInteger log2ceil(BigInteger le) {
        return BigInteger.valueOf(BigIntegerMath.log2(le, RoundingMode.CEILING));

    public static BigInteger log2floor(BigInteger le) {
        return BigInteger.valueOf(BigIntegerMath.log2(le, RoundingMode.FLOOR));

    public static Optional<Range<BigInteger>> asRange(BigInteger from, BigInteger to) {
        if (from.compareTo(to) > 0)
            return Optional.of(RangeTool.createRange(to, from));
        return Optional.of(RangeTool.createRange(from, to));

    public HDLFunctionImplementation[] getStaticFunctions() {
        return new HDLFunctionImplementation[] { new AbsFunction(), new AssertThat(), new HighZFunction(),
                new Log2class(), new MinMaxFunction(), new OrdinalFunction() };
