Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2014 
 *  - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG),
 *  - Javier D. Fernandez, <>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.rdfhdt.hdt.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.CSVocabulary;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.RDF2CompressedStreaming;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.compact.integer.VByte;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.dictionary.LRUDictionary;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.dictionary.PrefixDictionary;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.exceptions.BlockException;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.exceptions.DictionaryException;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.options.CSSpecification;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.triples.TripleString;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.util.crc.CRC16;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.util.crc.CRC32;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.util.crc.CRC8;
import org.rdfhdt.hdt.util.crc.CRCOutputStream;

 * Implementation of an importer from RDF to Compressed Streaming based on a Buffer to build blocks of a fixed size
 * @author javi

public class BufferedCompressedStreamingNoDictionary implements RDF2CompressedStreaming {

    private long originalFileSize;
    private long ntTriplesSize;

    private LRUDictionary<String, Integer> subjects;

    private LRUDictionary<String, Integer> structures;

    private Map<String, Integer> predicates;

    ArrayList<String> literalTagsByPredicate; // store the literal tags of the objects related with predicates.
    ArrayList<Integer> sizeofTags; // saves size of tags to speed up processing
    BitSet predicateLiterals; // mark which predicate stores literals

    private long numTriples = 0;
    private long numBlocks = 0;

    BlockNoDictionary currentBlock;

    private Map<String, ArrayList<TripleString>> subjectsToProcess;

    ScheduledExecutorService scheduledThreadPool = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(5);

    private OutputStream out;
    private PrefixDictionary prefixes;
    private Map<String, Boolean> predicateDiscrete;

    // TODO Complete to add predicates without dictionary
    // private Map<String, Boolean> predicateUniq = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
    // private HashMap<String, Integer> CountRepetitions = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    int max_size_dictionary;
    int block_size;
    boolean store_subj_dictionary;
    boolean store_obj_dictionary;
    boolean disable_consistent_predicates;
    int offset_tag;

    boolean usePrefixes = false;

    public BufferedCompressedStreamingNoDictionary(OutputStream out, CSSpecification spec,
            PrefixDictionary prefixes, Map<String, Boolean> predicateDiscrete) {

        /* TEST */
        // predicateNoDictObjects.put("",true);

        // Import prefixes
        this.prefixes = prefixes;

        if (this.prefixes.size() > 0)
            usePrefixes = true;

        // Import predicateDiscrete
        this.predicateDiscrete = predicateDiscrete;

        // Import predicateUniq
        // this.predicateUniq = predicateUniq;

        // load max size dictionary
        String specMaxSizeDictionary = spec.get(CSVocabulary.SPEC_MAX_SIZE_DICTIONARY);
        max_size_dictionary = CSVocabulary.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE_DICTIONARY;
        if (specMaxSizeDictionary != null && !"".equals(specMaxSizeDictionary)) {
            try {
                max_size_dictionary = Integer.parseInt(specMaxSizeDictionary);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                max_size_dictionary = CSVocabulary.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE_DICTIONARY;
        // load block size if present
        String specBlockSize = spec.get(CSVocabulary.SPEC_BLOCK_SIZE);
        block_size = CSVocabulary.DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
        if (specBlockSize != null && !"".equals(specBlockSize)) {
            try {
                block_size = Integer.parseInt(specBlockSize);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                block_size = CSVocabulary.DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;

        // load if the dictionary of subjects must be stored
        String specStoreDictionary = spec.get(CSVocabulary.STORE_SUBJ_DICTIONARY);

        store_subj_dictionary = CSVocabulary.DEFAULT_STORE_SUBJ_DICTIONARY;
        if (specStoreDictionary != null && !"".equals(specStoreDictionary)) {

            store_subj_dictionary = Boolean.parseBoolean(specStoreDictionary);


        // load if the dictionary of objects must be stored
        specStoreDictionary = spec.get(CSVocabulary.STORE_OBJ_DICTIONARY);

        store_obj_dictionary = false;

        // load if the predicates are not related with the same types and/or tags
        String specDisableLiteralTags = spec.get(CSVocabulary.DISABLE_CONSISTENT_PREDICATES);

        disable_consistent_predicates = CSVocabulary.DEFAULT_CONSISTENT_PREDICATES;
        if (specDisableLiteralTags != null && !"".equals(specDisableLiteralTags)) {

            disable_consistent_predicates = Boolean.parseBoolean(specDisableLiteralTags);


        offset_tag = 1; // auxiliary offset by default for the last quote "
        if (disable_consistent_predicates)
            offset_tag = 0;

        if (store_subj_dictionary)
            subjects = new LRUDictionary<String, Integer>(max_size_dictionary);

        predicates = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        // Consider ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(); for parallel creation
        literalTagsByPredicate = new ArrayList<String>();
        sizeofTags = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        predicateLiterals = new BitSet();

        structures = new LRUDictionary<String, Integer>(max_size_dictionary);

        currentBlock = new BlockNoDictionary(store_subj_dictionary);

        subjectsToProcess = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<TripleString>>();

        this.out = out;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.oegupm.compactstreaming.impl.RDF2CompressedStreaming#insert(org.oegupm .compactstreaming.rdf.TripleString)
    public void insert(TripleString triple) throws DictionaryException, BlockException, UTFDataFormatException {

        if ((numTriples % this.block_size) == 0) {
            if (numTriples != 0)
                try {
                    Iterator<String> subjs = subjectsToProcess.keySet().iterator();
                    while (subjs.hasNext()) {
                        String currSubj =;


                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.err.println("IO exception saving Block");

            currentBlock = new BlockNoDictionary(store_subj_dictionary);

        if (triple.getObject().length() < 64 * 1024) { // max:64KB
            if (subjectsToProcess.containsKey(triple.getSubject().toString())) {
                TripleString newTriple = new TripleString(triple);

                subjectsToProcess.get(triple.getSubject().toString()).add(newTriple); // New Subject added to pool

            } else {
                ArrayList<TripleString> newTriples = new ArrayList<TripleString>();
                TripleString newTriple = new TripleString(triple);
                subjectsToProcess.put(newTriple.getSubject().toString(), newTriples); // New Subject added to pool


        } else {
            throw new UTFDataFormatException("encoded string too long: " + triple.getObject().length() + " bytes");


     * Process a molecule, i.e., set of triples around a common element (typically a subject)
     * @param elements
    public void processMolecule(ArrayList<TripleString> elements) {
        int tempIDSubject = 0;
        int tempIDPredicate = 0;
        int tempIDObject = 0;
        int tempIDStructure = 0;

        String subject = (String) elements.get(0).getSubject(); // could also be passed by argument
        MoleculeNoDictionary mol = new MoleculeNoDictionary();

        if (!store_subj_dictionary) {
            // check prefix and replace it if present
            Entry<String, Integer> entry = prefixes.getEntryShared(subject);
            if (entry != null) { // put only suffix
                mol.newSubject_prefix = entry.getValue();
                mol.newSubject = subject.substring(entry.getKey().length());
            } else {
                mol.newSubject_prefix = 0;
                mol.newSubject = subject;
        } else { // store subject dictionary
            // Convert Subject-String to Subject-ID
            if (subjects.containsKey(subject)) {
                tempIDSubject = subjects.get(subject);
            } else {
                try {
                    tempIDSubject = subjects.insert(subject);
                } catch (DictionaryException e) {
                    System.err.println("LRU Dictionary exception");
                if (usePrefixes) {
                    // check prefix and replace it if present
                    Entry<String, Integer> entry = prefixes.getEntryShared(subject);

                    if (entry != null) { // put only suffix
                        mol.newSubject_prefix = entry.getValue();
                        mol.newSubject = subject.substring(entry.getKey().length());
                    } else {
                        mol.newSubject_prefix = 0;
                        mol.newSubject = subject;

                } else {
                    mol.newSubject_prefix = -1;
            // set molecule subject
            mol.subject = tempIDSubject;

        String predicateStructure = "";
        String objectsDiscrete = "";
        Integer currPredicate = -1;

        Boolean isDiscretePredicate = false;
        String obj = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {

            obj = elements.get(i).getObject().toString();
            isDiscretePredicate = predicateDiscrete.get(elements.get(i).getPredicate().toString());
            if (predicates.containsKey(elements.get(i).getPredicate().toString())) {
                tempIDPredicate = predicates.get(elements.get(i).getPredicate().toString());
                // check dictionary of objects for this predicate

                // check discrete predicate
                if (isDiscretePredicate == null) {

                    try {

                        // erase object suffix
                        obj = elements.get(i).getObject().toString();

                        if (predicateLiterals.get(tempIDPredicate - 1)) {
                            // offset_tag=1 by default or it is =0 if disabled_consistent_predicates=true
                            obj = obj.substring(offset_tag,
                                    obj.length() - sizeofTags.get(tempIDPredicate - 1) - offset_tag);

                            mol.addnewObjectLiteral(tempIDPredicate, tempIDObject, obj);
                        } else {
                            if (usePrefixes) {
                                // replace predicate of URI
                                Integer newPreffixURI = 0;
                                // check prefix
                                Entry<String, Integer> entry = prefixes.getEntryShared(obj);

                                if (entry != null) { // put only suffix
                                    newPreffixURI = entry.getValue();
                                    obj = obj.substring(entry.getKey().length());
                                mol.addnewObjectURIBNode(tempIDPredicate, tempIDObject, obj, newPreffixURI);
                            } else {
                                mol.addnewObjectURIBNode(tempIDPredicate, tempIDObject, obj);

                    } catch (BlockException e) {
                        System.err.println("Block exception");


            } else {
                // insert new Predicate and create LRUDictionary for it
                tempIDPredicate = predicates.size() + 1;

                predicates.put(elements.get(i).getPredicate().toString(), predicates.size() + 1);

                // store the literal tag if present

                String tag = "";
                Boolean isliteral = false;
                Boolean detectedType = false;

                // check discrete predicate
                if (isDiscretePredicate == null) {

                    if (!disable_consistent_predicates) {

                        if (obj.charAt(0) == '"') {
                            isliteral = true;

                            int pos_end = obj.lastIndexOf('"'); // tag after last '"'
                            if (obj.length() > (pos_end + 1)) {
                                tag = obj.substring(pos_end + 1);
                                obj = obj.substring(1, pos_end); // replace obj erasing tag

                            } else {
                                obj = obj.substring(1, pos_end); // replace obj erasing '"'
                                // trying to infer embedded tag before last '"'
                                int pos_tag = obj.indexOf("^^");
                                if (pos_tag > 0) {
                                    tag = obj.substring(pos_tag) + '"'; // we maintain the last quote to distinguish the inference
                                    obj = obj.substring(0, pos_tag); // replace obj erasing quotes '"'

                                    detectedType = true;



                    } else {
                        isliteral = true; // consider all literals to avoid change much code

                    predicateLiterals.set(tempIDPredicate - 1, isliteral);
                    literalTagsByPredicate.add(tag); // set tag TODO it could be not needed, the sizeofTags is used instead.
                    if (detectedType == false) {

                    } else {
                        sizeofTags.add(tag.length() - 1); // speed up processing for replacing, -1 to erase last quote character

                    try {

                        mol.addNewPredicate(tempIDPredicate, elements.get(i).getPredicate().toString(), isliteral,

                        if (isliteral) {
                            mol.addnewObjectLiteral(tempIDPredicate, tempIDObject, obj);
                        } else {
                            // check prefix
                            Entry<String, Integer> entry = prefixes.getEntryShared(obj);
                            Integer newPreffixURI = 0;
                            if (entry != null) { // put only suffix
                                newPreffixURI = entry.getValue();
                                obj = obj.substring(entry.getKey().length());
                            mol.addnewObjectURIBNode(tempIDPredicate, tempIDObject, obj, newPreffixURI);

                    } catch (BlockException e) {
                        System.err.println("Block exception");
                } else {
                    // insert void properties: a void dictionary of objects and no tags

                    isliteral = (obj.charAt(0) == '"');
                    mol.addNewPredicate(tempIDPredicate, elements.get(i).getPredicate().toString(), isliteral, "");

            if (currPredicate != tempIDPredicate) {
                if (currPredicate == -1) // first
                    predicateStructure += tempIDPredicate;
                    predicateStructure += ";" + tempIDPredicate;
            } else {

                predicateStructure += ",";

            // check discrete predicate and append objects
            if (isDiscretePredicate != null) {
                objectsDiscrete = objectsDiscrete + "$" + obj;
            currPredicate = tempIDPredicate;

        predicateStructure = predicateStructure + objectsDiscrete;
        // Insert structure
        if (structures.containsKey(predicateStructure)) {
            tempIDStructure = structures.get(predicateStructure);

            mol.addStructure(tempIDStructure); // add structure of the molecule
        } else {
            try {
                tempIDStructure = structures.insert(predicateStructure);

            } catch (DictionaryException e) {
                System.err.println("LRU Dictionary exception");

            // store new structure in compact way (list of predicate-ID and its
            // repetitions and objects discrete
            ArrayList<Integer> listPredsinStructure = new ArrayList<Integer>(5);
            ArrayList<String> allObjectsDiscrete = null;
            if (objectsDiscrete != "") {
                allObjectsDiscrete = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(objectsDiscrete.split("\\$")));
                allObjectsDiscrete.remove(0); // erase first void element

                predicateStructure = predicateStructure.substring(0,
                        predicateStructure.length() - objectsDiscrete.length());
            String[] partsPredicates = predicateStructure.split(";");
            String currPred = "";
            Integer currPredID = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < partsPredicates.length; j++) {
                // count if predicate is repeated several times
                int numRepeatedPredicates = StringUtils.countMatches(partsPredicates[j], ",");
                currPred = partsPredicates[j];

                if (numRepeatedPredicates > 0) {
                    currPred = partsPredicates[j].substring(0, partsPredicates[j].indexOf(','));
                currPredID = Integer.decode(currPred);
                // store predicate ID and number of repetitions
                listPredsinStructure.add(numRepeatedPredicates + 1); // +1 to count the initial triple (without ',').

            mol.addNewStructure(tempIDStructure, listPredsinStructure, allObjectsDiscrete); // add new string structure


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.oegupm.compactstreaming.RDF2CompressedStreaming#startProcessing()
    public void startProcessing() {
        // initial tasks


        try {
            CRCOutputStream outCRC = new CRCOutputStream(this.out, new CRC16());
            IOUtil.writeString(outCRC, "$CNF");

            outCRC.setCRC(new CRC8());
            VByte.encode(outCRC, 3); // write length of properties to write(to date just 3)

            outCRC.setCRC(new CRC32());
            DataOutputStream outData = new DataOutputStream(outCRC);

            outData.writeUTF(CSVocabulary.STORE_SUBJ_DICTIONARY + "=" + store_subj_dictionary);

            outData.writeUTF(CSVocabulary.STORE_OBJ_DICTIONARY + "=" + store_obj_dictionary);

            outData.writeUTF(CSVocabulary.DISABLE_CONSISTENT_PREDICATES + "=" + disable_consistent_predicates);
        } catch (IOException e) {


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.oegupm.compactstreaming.impl.RDF2CompressedStreaming#endProcessing()
    public void endProcessing() {
        if (subjectsToProcess.size() > 0) {
            try {
                Iterator<String> subjs = subjectsToProcess.keySet().iterator();
                while (subjs.hasNext()) {


            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("IO exception saving Block");

        /* MARK END OF STREAM */
        CRCOutputStream outCRC = new CRCOutputStream(out, new CRC16()); // Cookie

        try {
            IOUtil.writeString(outCRC, "$END");
        } catch (IOException e) {

        // test print repetitions
         * System.out.println("Repeated objects:" + CountRepetitions.size()); Iterator<String> it = CountRepetitions.keySet().iterator();
         * while (it.hasNext()) { String pred =; System.out.println("Pred: " + pred + "; repeated objects: " +
         * CountRepetitions.get(pred)); }

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.oegupm.compactstreaming.impl.RDF2CompressedStreaming#getOriginalFileSize ()
    public long getOriginalFileSize() {
        return originalFileSize;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.oegupm.compactstreaming.impl.RDF2CompressedStreaming#setOriginalFileSize (long)
    public void setOriginalFileSize(long originalFileSize) {
        this.originalFileSize = originalFileSize;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.oegupm.compactstreaming.impl.RDF2CompressedStreaming#getNtTriplesSize ()
    public long getNtTriplesSize() {
        return ntTriplesSize;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.oegupm.compactstreaming.impl.RDF2CompressedStreaming#setNtTriplesSize (long)
    public void setNtTriplesSize(long ntTriplesSize) {
        this.ntTriplesSize = ntTriplesSize;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.oegupm.compactstreaming.impl.RDF2CompressedStreaming#getNumTriples()
    public long getNumTriples() {
        return numTriples;

    public long getNumBlocks() {
        return numBlocks;

    public String printConfiguration() {
        return CSVocabulary.SPEC_BLOCK_SIZE + ":" + this.block_size + ", " + CSVocabulary.SPEC_MAX_SIZE_DICTIONARY
                + ":" + this.max_size_dictionary + ", " + CSVocabulary.STORE_SUBJ_DICTIONARY + ":"
                + this.store_subj_dictionary + ", " + CSVocabulary.STORE_OBJ_DICTIONARY + ":"
                + this.store_obj_dictionary + ", " + CSVocabulary.DISABLE_CONSISTENT_PREDICATES + ":"
                + this.disable_consistent_predicates;
